"description": "Inform user that the app is connecting to a server",
"placeholders": {
"server": {
"example": "http://www.example.com"
"nameInputHint": "Nombre",
"@nameInputHint": {
"description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data"
"albumNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Introduce un nombre para el álbum",
"@albumNameInputInvalidEmpty": {
"description": "Inform user that the album name input field cannot be empty"
"skipButtonLabel": "SALTAR",
"@skipButtonLabel": {
"description": "Label of the skip button"
"confirmButtonLabel": "CONFIRMAR",
"@confirmButtonLabel": {
"description": "Label of the confirm button"
"signInHeaderText": "Iniciar sesión en Nextcloud",
"@signInHeaderText": {
"description": "Inform user what to do in sign in widget"
"serverAddressInputHint": "Dirección del servidor",
"@serverAddressInputHint": {
"description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data"
"serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": "Introduce la dirección del servidor",
"@serverAddressInputInvalidEmpty": {
"description": "Inform user that the server address input field cannot be empty"
"usernameInputHint": "Usuario",
"@usernameInputHint": {
"description": "Hint of the text field expecting username data"
"usernameInputInvalidEmpty": "Introduce tu nombre de usuario",
"@usernameInputInvalidEmpty": {
"description": "Inform user that the username input field cannot be empty"
"passwordInputHint": "Contraseña",
"@passwordInputHint": {
"description": "Hint of the text field expecting password data"
"passwordInputInvalidEmpty": "Introduce tu contraseña",
"@passwordInputInvalidEmpty": {
"description": "Inform user that the password input field cannot be empty"
"rootPickerHeaderText": "Marca las carpetas que serán añadidas",
"@rootPickerHeaderText": {
"description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget"
"rootPickerSubHeaderText": "Solo se mostrará el contenido de las carpetas marcadas. Toca SALTAR para incluir todas",
"@rootPickerSubHeaderText": {
"description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget"
"rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(atrás)",
"@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": {
"description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree"
"rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Error al desmarcar item",
"@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": {
"description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list"
"rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Por favor, selecciona al menos una carpeta o toca SALTAR para seleccionar todas",
"@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": {
"description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders"
"setupWidgetTitle": "Comenzando",
"@setupWidgetTitle": {
"description": "Title of the introductory widget"
"setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Puedes cambiar esto luego en Ajustes",
"@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": {
"description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process"
"setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Está aplicación crea una carpeta en Nextcloud para guardar las preferencias. Por favor no la modifiques o elimines a no ser que quieras eliminar ésta aplicación.",
"@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": {
"description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app"
"settingsWidgetTitle": "Ajustes",
"@settingsWidgetTitle": {
"description": "Title of the Settings widget"
"settingsExifSupportTitle": "soporte EXIF",
"@settingsExifSupportTitle": {
"description": "Title of the EXIF support setting"
"settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Requiere un uso mayor de datos",
"@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": {
"description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting"
"settingsAboutSectionTitle": "Acerca de",
"@settingsAboutSectionTitle": {
"description": "Title of the about section in settings widget"
"settingsVersionTitle": "Versión",
"@settingsVersionTitle": {
"description": "Title of the version data item"
"settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Código fuente",
"@settingsSourceCodeTitle": {
"description": "Title of the source code item"
"settingsBugReportTitle": "Reportar problema",
"@settingsBugReportTitle": {
"description": "Report issue"
"settingsTranslatorTitle": "Traductor",
"@settingsTranslatorTitle": {
"description": "Title of the translator item"
"writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Error al establecer preferencias",
"@writePreferenceFailureNotification": {
"description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified"
"exifSupportDetails": "Habilitando el soporte EXIF podrás ver metadatos como fecha de captura, modelo de cámara, etc. Para leer estos metadatos, se necesita un uso extra de la red para obtener la imagen en tamaño original. La aplicación sólo empezará a descargar cuando esté conectado a una red wifi.",
"serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "No se puede confiar en el certificado del servidor",
"@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": {
"description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate"
"serverCertErrorDialogContent": "El servidor podría ser hackeado o alguien podría rondar su información",
"@serverCertErrorDialogContent": {
"description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate"
"advancedButtonLabel": "AVANZADO",
"@advancedButtonLabel": {
"description": "Label of the advanced button"
"whitelistCertDialogTitle": "¿Poner en lista blanca certificado desconocido?",
"@whitelistCertDialogTitle": {
"description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate"
"whitelistCertDialogContent": "Puedes poner en lista blanca el certificado para hacer que la aplicación lo acepte. ADVERTENCIA: Esto supone un gran riesgo de seguridad. Asegúrate de que el certificado está firmado por ti mismo o una entidad de confianza\n\nHost: {host}\nFingerprint: {fingerprint}",
"@whitelistCertDialogContent": {
"description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate",