"description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list"
"rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Veuillez choisir au moins un dossier ou appuyez sur ignorer pour tout inclure",
"@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": {
"description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders"
"setupWidgetTitle": "Commencer",
"@setupWidgetTitle": {
"description": "Title of the introductory widget"
"setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Vous pouvez modifier cela plus tard dans les paramètres",
"@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": {
"description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process"
"setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Cette application crée un dossier sur le serveur Nextcloud pour stocker les fichiers de préférences. Veuillez ne pas le modifier ou le supprimer à moins que vous ne prévoyiez de supprimer cette application",
"@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": {
"description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app"
"settingsWidgetTitle": "Paramètres",
"@settingsWidgetTitle": {
"description": "Title of the Settings widget"
"settingsLanguageTitle": "Langue",
"@settingsLanguageTitle": {
"description": "Set display language"
"settingsExifSupportTitle": "Prise en charge EXIF",
"@settingsExifSupportTitle": {
"description": "Title of the EXIF support setting"
"settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Exiger une utilisation supplémentaire du réseau",
"@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": {
"description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting"
"description": "Change the included folders of an account"
"settingsShareFolderTitle": "Dossier de partage",
"@settingsShareFolderTitle": {
"description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php"
"settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Localisez le dossier de partage",
"@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": {
"description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php"
"settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Ce paramètre correspond au paramètre share_folder dans config.php. Les deux valeurs DOIVENT être identiques.\n\nVeuillez localiser le même dossier que celui défini dans config.php.",
"@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": {
"description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php"
"settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Veuillez localiser le même dossier que celui défini dans config.php. Appuyez sur default si vous n'avez pas défini le paramètre.",
"@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": {
"description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php"
"settingsServerAppSectionTitle": "Prise en charge de l'application serveur",
"@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": {
"description": "Enable/disable various server apps"
"settingsViewerTitle": "Viewer",
"settingsViewerDescription": "Customize the image/video viewer",
"writePreferenceFailureNotification": "Échec du réglage des préférences",
"@writePreferenceFailureNotification": {
"description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified"
"enableButtonLabel": "ACTIVER",
"@enableButtonLabel": {
"description": "Label of the enable button"
"exifSupportDetails": "L'activation de la prise en charge EXIF rendra diverses métadonnées disponibles, telles que la date de prise de vue, le modèle de l'appareil photo, etc. Afin de lire ces métadonnées, une utilisation supplémentaire du réseau est requise pour télécharger l'image originale en taille réelle. L'application ne commencera à télécharger qu'une fois connectée à un réseau Wi-Fi",
"@exifSupportDetails": {
"description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature"
"exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": "Activer la prise en charge EXIF ?",
"@exifSupportConfirmationDialogTitle": {
"description": "Title of the dialog to confirm enabling exif support"
"captureLogDetails": "Pour prendre des logs pour un rapport de bug :\n\n1. Activez ce paramètre\n2. Reproduisez le problème\n3. Désactivez ce paramètre\n4. Recherchez nc-photos.log dans le dossier de téléchargement\n\n*Si le problème provoque le blocage de l'application, aucun log ne peut être capturé. Dans ce cas, veuillez contacter le développeur pour plus d'instructions",
"@captureLogDetails": {
"description": "Detailed description on capturing logs"
"captureLogSuccessNotification": "Logs enregistrés avec succès",
"@captureLogSuccessNotification": {
"description": "Captured logs are successfully saved to the download directory"
"rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": "Tous vos fichiers seront inclus. Cela peut augmenter l'utilisation de la mémoire et dégrader les performances",
"@rootPickerSkipConfirmationDialogContent2": {
"description": "Warn user not to include all files in their server"
"updateDateTimeFailureNotification": "Échec de la modification de la date et de l'heure",
"@updateDateTimeFailureNotification": {
"description": "Failed to set the date & time of a file"
"albumDirPickerHeaderText": "Choisissez les dossiers à associer",
"@albumDirPickerHeaderText": {
"description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album"
"albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": "Seules les photos des dossiers associés seront incluses dans cet album",
"@albumDirPickerSubHeaderText": {
"description": "Pick the folders for a folder based album"
"albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": "Veuillez choisir au moins un dossier",
"@albumDirPickerListEmptyNotification": {
"description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders"
"importFoldersTooltip": "Importer des dossiers",
"@importFoldersTooltip": {
"description": "Menu entry in the album page to import folders as albums"
"albumImporterHeaderText": "Importer des dossiers sous forme d'albums",
"@albumImporterHeaderText": {
"description": "Import folders as albums"
"albumImporterSubHeaderText": "Les dossiers suggérés sont répertoriés ci-dessous. Selon le nombre de fichiers sur votre serveur, cela peut prendre un certain temps",
"@albumImporterSubHeaderText": {
"description": "Import folders as albums"
"importButtonLabel": "IMPORTER",
"albumImporterProgressText": "Importation de dossiers",
"@albumImporterProgressText": {
"description": "Message shown while importing"
"doneButtonTooltip": "Terminé",
"editTooltip": "Modifier",
"editAccountConflictFailureNotification": "Un compte existe déjà avec les mêmes paramètres",
"@editAccountConflictFailureNotification": {
"description": "Error when user modified an account such that it's identical to another one"
"description": "Restore selected items from trashbin"
"restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Restauration d'1 élément} other{Restauration de {count} éléments}}",
"@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": {
"description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"example": "1"
"restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tous les éléments ont été restaurés avec succès",
"@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": {
"description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully"
"restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Échec de la restauration de 1 élément} other{Échec de la restauration de {count} éléments}}",
"@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": {
"description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"example": "1"
"restoreProcessingNotification": "Restauration de l'élément",
"@restoreProcessingNotification": {
"description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin"
"restoreSuccessNotification": "Élément restauré avec succès",
"@restoreSuccessNotification": {
"description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully"
"restoreFailureNotification": "Échec de la restauration de l'élément",
"@restoreFailureNotification": {
"description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin"
"serverCertErrorDialogTitle": "Le certificat du serveur ne peut pas être approuvé",
"@serverCertErrorDialogTitle": {
"description": "Title of the dialog to warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate"
"serverCertErrorDialogContent": "Le serveur peut être piraté ou quelqu'un essaie de voler vos informations",
"@serverCertErrorDialogContent": {
"description": "Warn user about an untrusted SSL certificate"
"advancedButtonLabel": "AVANCÉ",
"@advancedButtonLabel": {
"description": "Label of the advanced button"
"whitelistCertDialogTitle": "Certificat inconnu de la liste blanche ?",
"@whitelistCertDialogTitle": {
"description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate"
"whitelistCertDialogContent": "Vous pouvez ajouter le certificat à la liste blanche pour que l'application l'accepte. AVERTISSEMENT : Cela pose un grand risque pour la sécurité. Assurez-vous que le certificat est auto-signé par vous ou une partie de confiance\n\nHôte : {hôte}\nEmpreinte digitale : {fingerprint}",
"@whitelistCertDialogContent": {
"description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate",
"description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos"
"slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Mélanger",
"@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": {
"description": "Whether to shuffle the collection"
"slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Répéter",
"@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": {
"description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide"
"linkCopiedNotification": "Lien copié",
"@linkCopiedNotification": {
"description": "Copied the share link to clipboard"
"shareMethodDialogTitle": "Partager comme",
"@shareMethodDialogTitle": {
"description": "Let the user pick how they want to share"
"shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Lien public",
"@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": {
"description": "Create a share link on server and share it"
"shareMethodPublicLinkDescription": "Créez un nouveau lien public sur le serveur. Toute personne disposant du lien peut accéder au fichier",
"shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": "Lien protégé par mot de passe",
"@shareMethodPasswordLinkTitle": {
"description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it"
"shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Créer un nouveau lien protégé par mot de passe sur le serveur",
"collectionSharingLabel": "Partage",
"@collectionSharingLabel": {
"description": "List items being shared by the current account"
"fileLastSharedDescription": "Dernier partage le {date}",
"@fileLastSharedDescription": {
"description": "The date when this file was last shared by you",
"placeholders": {
"date": {
"example": "Jan 1, 2021",
"description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale"
"fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} a partagé avec vous le {date}",
"@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": {
"description": "The date when this file was shared with you",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"example": "Alice"
"date": {
"example": "Jan 1, 2021",
"description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale"
"albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} a partagé un album avec vous le {date}",
"@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": {
"description": "The date when this album was shared with you",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"example": "Alice"
"date": {
"example": "Jan 1, 2021",
"description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale"
"sharedWithLabel": "Partagé avec",
"@sharedWithLabel": {
"description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with"
"unshareTooltip": "Annuler le partage",
"@unshareTooltip": {
"description": "Remove a share"
"unshareSuccessNotification": "Partage supprimé",
"@unshareSuccessNotification": {
"description": "Removed a share"
"locationLabel": "Emplacement",
"@locationLabel": {
"description": "Show where the file is located"
"multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud ne prend pas en charge le lien de partage pour plusieurs fichiers. L'application copiera à la place les fichiers dans un nouveau dossier et partagera le dossier à la place.",
"@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": {
"description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link"
"folderNameInputHint": "Nom de dossier",
"@folderNameInputHint": {
"description": "Input field for folder name"
"folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": "Veuillez entrer le nom du dossier",
"@folderNameInputInvalidEmpty": {
"description": "Folder name cannot be left empty"
"folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": "Contient des caractères non valides",
"@folderNameInputInvalidCharacters": {
"description": "Folder name contains characters that are not allowed"
"createShareProgressText": "Créé un partage",
"@createShareProgressText": {
"description": "Message shown when sharing files"
"copyItemsFailureNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Échec de la copie de 1 élément} other{Échec de la copie de {count} éléments}}",
"@copyItemsFailureNotification": {
"description": "Error message shown when some files cannot be copied",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"example": "1"
"unshareLinkShareDirDialogTitle": "Supprimer le dossier ?",
"description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files"
"unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Ce dossier a été créé par l'application pour partager plusieurs fichiers sous forme de lien. Il n'est désormais plus partagé avec aucun tiers, voulez-vous supprimer ce dossier ?",
"description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does"
"shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Partager avec un utilisateur",
"description": "Dialog to share an album with another user"
"shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Album partagé avec {user}, mais échec du partage de certains fichiers",
"@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": {
"description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"example": "Alice"
"unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Suppression de partage de l'album avec {user}, mais échec du partage de certains fichiers",
"@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": {
"description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"example": "Alice"
"fixSharesTooltip": "Fixer les partages",
"@fixSharesTooltip": {
"description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them"
"missingShareDescription": "Non partagé avec {user}",
"@missingShareDescription": {
"description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"example": "Alice"
"extraShareDescription": "Partagé avec {user}",
"@extraShareDescription": {
"description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"example": "Alice"
"defaultButtonLabel": "DÉFAUT",
"addUserInputHint": "Ajouter un utilisateur",
"@addUserInputHint": {
"description": "Input a user name to share this album with"
"sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": "Présentation de l'album partagé",
"@sharedAlbumInfoDialogTitle": {
"description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album"
"sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": "L'album partagé permet à plusieurs utilisateurs sur le même serveur d'accéder au même album. Veuillez lire attentivement les limitations avant de continuer",
"@sharedAlbumInfoDialogContent": {
"description": "This dialog is shown when user first open a shared album"
"learnMoreButtonLabel": "EN APPRENDRE PLUS",
"migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": "Mise à jour de la base de données",
"@migrateDatabaseProcessingNotification": {
"description": "Migrate database to work with the updated app"
"migrateDatabaseFailureNotification": "Échec de la migration de la base de données",
"memoryAlbumName": "{count, plural, =1{Il y a 1 an} other{Il y a {count} ans}}",
"@memoryAlbumName": {
"description": "Memory albums are generated by the app and include photos in the past years",
"errorAlbumDowngrade": "Impossible de modifier cet album car il a été créé par une version ultérieure de cette application. Veuillez mettre à jour l'application et réessayer",
"@errorAlbumDowngrade": {
"description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss"