"description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser"
"nameInputHint": "Nimi",
"@nameInputHint": {
"description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data"
"nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Nimi vaaditaan",
"@nameInputInvalidEmpty": {
"description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents"
"description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget"
"rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(takaisin)",
"@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": {
"description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree"
"rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "Kohteen valinta epäonnistui",
"@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": {
"description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list"
"rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Valitse vähintään yksi kansio tai paina ohita sisällyttääksesi kaikki",
"@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": {
"description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders"
"setupWidgetTitle": "Aloitetaan",
"@setupWidgetTitle": {
"description": "Title of the introductory widget"
"setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Voit muuttaa tämän myöhemmin asetuksista",
"@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": {
"description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process"
"setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Tämä sovellus luo Nextcloud-palvelimeen kansion asetustiedostoja. Älä muokkaa tai poista kansiota ellet ole aikeissa poistaa sovellusta",
"@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": {
"description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app"
"description": "Follow the Android system language"
"settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Vaatii ylimääräistä verkon käyttöä",
"@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": {
"description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting"
"settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Prosessoi tiedostoja vain kun WIFI-yhteys on käytettävissä",
"@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": {
"description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network"
"settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Toimenpiteestä voi aiheutua data-maksuja",
"@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": {
"description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network"
"settingsMemoriesTitle": "Muistot",
"@settingsMemoriesTitle": {
"description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past"
"settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Näytä aiemmin otettuja kuvia",
"@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": {
"description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past"
"settingsAccountTitle": "Tili",
"settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Otsikko",
"@settingsAccountLabelTitle": {
"description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason"
"settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Aseta tunniste, joka näytetään palvelimen URL:n sijasta",
"description": "Change the included folders of an account"
"settingsShareFolderTitle": "Jaa kansio",
"@settingsShareFolderTitle": {
"description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php"
"settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Paikanna jaettu kansio",
"@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": {
"description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php"
"settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Tämä asetus vaikuttaa share_folder parametreihini config.php -tiedostossa. Asetusten arvojen TÄYTYY olla identtisiä. \n\nPaikanna sama kansio, joka on määritetty config-php -tiedostossa.",
"@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": {
"description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php"
"settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": "Paikanna sama kansio, joka on määritetty config.php -tiedostossa. Paina oletusta, jos et ole määrittänyt parametrejä käsin.",
"@settingsShareFolderPickerDescription": {
"description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php"
"description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab"
"settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Muistojen väli",
"@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": {
"description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year"
"settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Määritettyä resoluutiota suuremmat kuvat skaalataan määritettyyn resoluutioon.\n\nKorkean resoluution kuvien käsittely vie huomattavasti enemmän muistia ja aikaa. Mikäli sovellus kaatuu käsittelyn aikana, vähennä tämän asetuksen arvoa.",
"description": "Inform user that the preference file cannot be modified"
"enableButtonLabel": "OTA KÄYTTÖÖN",
"@enableButtonLabel": {
"description": "Label of the enable button"
"exifSupportDetails": "EXIF-tuen käyttöönotto tuo metadatasta lisätietoa kuten, kuvauspäivämäärä, kameramalli jne. Jotta sovellus voi lukea metadataa, käyttää se enemmän verkkoa täysikokoisten kuvien lataamista varten. Sovellus lataa ainoastaan Wi-Fi verkossa.",
"@exifSupportDetails": {
"description": "Detailed description of the exif support feature"
"captureLogDetails": "Lokitietojen tallenusta varten:\n\n1. Ota tämä asetus käyttöön\n2. Toista ongelma\n3. Poista tämä asetus käytöstä\n4. Etsi nc-photos.log -tiedosto latauskansiosta\n\n*Mikäli ongelma kaataa sovelluksen, lokitiedostoja ei pystytä tallentamaan. Tässä tapauksessa ota yhteyttä kehittäjään lisätietoja varten.",
"@captureLogDetails": {
"description": "Detailed description on capturing logs"
"description": "Title of the dialog to let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate"
"whitelistCertDialogContent": "Voit sallia sertifikaatin ja saada sovelluksen hyväksymään sen. VAROITUS: Tämä on tietoturvariski! Varmista, että sertifikaatin on luonut sinä itse tai luotettava taho\n\nHost: {host}\nSormenjälki: {fingerprint}",
"@whitelistCertDialogContent": {
"description": "Let user decide whether to whitelist an untrusted SSL certificate",
"description": "Create a password protected share link on server and share it"
"shareMethodPasswordLinkDescription": "Luo uusi salasanasuojattu linkki palvelimelle",
"collectionSharingLabel": "Jaettu",
"@collectionSharingLabel": {
"description": "List items being shared by the current account"
"fileLastSharedDescription": "Jaettu viimeksi {date}",
"@fileLastSharedDescription": {
"description": "The date when this file was last shared by you",
"placeholders": {
"date": {
"example": "Jan 1, 2021",
"description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale"
"fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} jakoi kanssasi {date}",
"@fileLastSharedByOthersDescription": {
"description": "The date when this file was shared with you",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"example": "Alice"
"date": {
"example": "Jan 1, 2021",
"description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale"
"albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": "{user} jakoi albumin kanssasi {date}",
"@albumLastSharedByOthersDescription": {
"description": "The date when this album was shared with you",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"example": "Alice"
"date": {
"example": "Jan 1, 2021",
"description": "The date string is formatted according to the current locale"
"sharedWithLabel": "Jaettu",
"@sharedWithLabel": {
"description": "A list of users or links where this file is sharing with"
"unshareTooltip": "Poista jako",
"@unshareTooltip": {
"description": "Remove a share"
"unshareSuccessNotification": "Poistetut jaot",
"@unshareSuccessNotification": {
"description": "Removed a share"
"locationLabel": "Sijainti",
"@locationLabel": {
"description": "Show where the file is located"
"multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": "Nextcloud ei tue linkin jakoa usealle tiedostolle. Sovellus KOPIO sen sijaan tiedostot kansioon ja jakaa luodun kansion.",
"@multipleFilesLinkShareDialogContent": {
"description": "Dialog shown when sharing multiple files as link"
"description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files"
"unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": "Sovellus loi tämän kansion jakaakseen useamman tiedoston samalla linkillä. Sitä ei enää jaeta kenenkään kanssa. Haluatko poistaa tämän kansion?",
"@unshareLinkShareDirDialogContent": {
"description": "Dialog shown after user unshared a dir originally created by the app to share multiple files"
"description": "Albums shared with you are not automatically added to the Collections view, unless you choose to do so, which is what this button does"
"shareAlbumDialogTitle": "Jaa toisen käyttäjän kanssa",
"@shareAlbumDialogTitle": {
"description": "Dialog to share an album with another user"
"shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Albumi jaettu käyttäjän {user} kanssa. Joidenkin tiedostojen jako kuitenkin epäonnistui",
"@shareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": {
"description": "Shared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be shared",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"example": "Alice"
"unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": "Albumin jakaminen käyttäjän {user} kanssa lopetettu. Joidenkin tiedostojen jakaminen kuitenkin epäonnistui",
"@unshareAlbumSuccessWithErrorNotification": {
"description": "Unshared an album with another user successfully, but some files inside the album cannot be unshared",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"example": "Alice"
"fixSharesTooltip": "Korjaa jaot",
"@fixSharesTooltip": {
"description": "Fix file shares in an album. Due to limitation of the server API, album and its files are shared separately, but they are both needed for shared album to work correctly. This button will attempt to synchronize them"
"fixTooltip": "Korjaa",
"@fixTooltip": {
"description": "Fix an issue"
"fixAllTooltip": "Korjaa kaikki",
"@fixAllTooltip": {
"description": "Fix all listed issues"
"missingShareDescription": "Ei jaettu käyttäjäm {user} kanssa",
"@missingShareDescription": {
"description": "The album is shared with user but a file is NOT",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"example": "Alice"
"extraShareDescription": "Jaettu käyttäjän {user} kanssa",
"@extraShareDescription": {
"description": "The album is NOT shared with user but a file is",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"example": "Alice"
"defaultButtonLabel": "OLETUS",
"addUserInputHint": "Lisää käyttäjä",
"@addUserInputHint": {
"description": "Input a user name to share this album with"
"description": "The background service is stopping itself"
"metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Akku on vähissä",
"@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": {
"description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery"
"enhanceTooltip": "Paranna",
"@enhanceTooltip": {
"description": "Enhance a photo"
"enhanceButtonLabel": "PARANNA",
"enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Paranna kuviasi",
"enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Kuviasi käsitellään paikallisesti laitteellasi. Oletuksena kuvat skaalataan resoluutioon 2048x1536. Voit muuttaa tämän resoluution asetuksista.",
"description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)"
"enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Skaalaa kuviesi resoluutiota jopa 4x normaalista resoluutiosta. (Lue kohta Apua saadaksesi lisätietoa, kuinka toiminto toimii.)",
"enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Tyylin siirto",
"@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": {
"description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo"
"description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)"
"imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Muutoksia ei tallennettu",
"discardButtonLabel": "HYLKÄÄ",
"@discardButtonLabel": {
"description": "Discard the current unsaved content"
"saveTooltip": "Save",
"@saveTooltip": {
"description": "Save the current content"
"imageEditColorBrightness": "Kirkkaus",
"@imageEditColorBrightness": {
"description": "Adjust the brightness of an image"
"imageEditColorContrast": "Kontrasti",
"@imageEditColorContrast": {
"description": "Adjust the contrast of an image"
"imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Valkoinen piste",
"@imageEditColorWhitePoint": {
"description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment: https://www.photoreview.com.au/tips/editing/advanced-levels-adjustments"
"imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Musta piste",
"@imageEditColorBlackPoint": {
"description": "Adjust the black point of an image"
"imageEditColorSaturation": "Saturaatio",
"@imageEditColorSaturation": {
"description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image"
"imageEditColorWarmth": "Lämpö",
"@imageEditColorWarmth": {
"description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'"
"imageEditColorTint": "Värisävy",
"@imageEditColorTint": {
"description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint"
"imageEditTitle": "Esikatsele muutoksia",
"@imageEditTitle": {
"description": "Title of the image editor"
"imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Väri",
"@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": {
"description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image"
"imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Muuta",
"@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": {
"description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it"
"imageEditTransformOrientation": "Kierto",
"@imageEditTransformOrientation": {
"description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step"
"description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)"
"showAllButtonLabel": "NÄYTÄ KAIKKI",
"@showAllButtonLabel": {
"description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)"
"gpsPlaceText": "Seuraava {place}",
"@gpsPlaceText": {
"description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.",
"placeholders": {
"place": {}
"gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "Paikasta",
"@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": {
"description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)"
"gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Näytetty paikka on vain karkea arvio. Se ei välttämättä ole tarkka. Paikka ei kuvaa sovelluksen kehittäjien näkökantaa alueesta.",
"@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": {
"description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)"
"description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server"
"imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Valitse mihin prosessoidut kuvat tallennetaan. Mikäli kuvansiirto palvelimelle epäonnistuu, tallennetaan kuva laitteelle.",
"@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": {
"description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server"
"description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server"
"initialSyncMessage": "Synkronoidaan palvelimen kanssa ensimmäistä kertaa",
"@initialSyncMessage": {
"description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced."
"loopTooltip": "Uudelleentoista",
"@loopTooltip": {
"description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player"
"errorUnauthenticated": "Ei sallittu pääsyä. Kirjaudu sovellukseen uudelleen mikäli virhe toistuu",
"@errorUnauthenticated": {
"description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401"
"errorDisconnected": "Yhdistäminen epäonnistui. Palvelin saattaa olla offline-tilassa tai mobiililaitettasi ei ole kytketty verkkoon",
"@errorDisconnected": {
"description": "Error message when the app can't connect to the server"
"errorLocked": "Tiedosto lukittu palvelimella. Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen",
"@errorLocked": {
"description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP423"
"errorInvalidBaseUrl": "Yhteyttä ei voitu muodostaa. Varmista, että Nextcloud-palvelimesi URL-osoite on oikein",
"@errorInvalidBaseUrl": {
"description": "Error message when the base URL is invalid"
"errorWrongPassword": "Kirjautuminen epäonnistui. Varmista, että käyttäjätunnuksesi ja salasanasi on oikein",
"@errorWrongPassword": {
"description": "Error message when the username or password is wrong"
"errorServerError": "Palvelin-virhe. Varmista, että palvelin on konfiguroitu oikein",
"@errorServerError": {
"description": "HTTP 500"
"errorAlbumDowngrade": "Albumia ei voitu muokata, koska albumi on luotu sovelluksen uudemmalla versiolla. Päivitä sovellus viimeisimpään versioon ja yritä uudelleen",
"@errorAlbumDowngrade": {
"description": "Album files are versioned. Overwriting a newer version is disallowed as it will lead to unexpected data loss"