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`iocaine` is a single binary, and apart from an optional configuration file, a wordlist, and some sources for its markov generator, there's nothing else it needs. It has no persistent state, no database, and writes nothing to disk. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to run it as its dedicated user, and never expose it to the open Internet - always run it behind a reverse proxy.
Because half the work - the routing of AI crawlers towards `iocaine` - is left up to the reverse proxy, deploying `iocaine` is going to be a two step process: the first step to deploy `iocaine` itself, and another to properly configure the reverse proxy.
Lets start with the first!
## Deploying `iocaine`
How to deploy `iocaine` highly depends on what kind of system you're using. Below, you will find examples for deploying with `systemd`, without it, with `docker`, and on NixOS, using the module this repository's flake provides. This section deals with deployment, configuration is documented in the main [README.md](../README.md#configuration).
<summary>Deploying with <code>systemd</code></summary>
See the [`data/iocaine.service`](../data/iocaine.service) for a systemd service template. To use it, install `iocaine` somewhere, and copy the service file to `/etc/systemd/system/`, and edit it so it references the binary you installed, and the configuration file you prepared.
When done editing, you can `systemctl daemon-reload` (as root, of course), followed by `systemctl start iocaine`. If everything went well, you're done.
The provided systemd service tries to restrict the tool as much as possible, and uses `DynamicUser=true`, meaning that no user will need to be created, systemd will take care of it.
<summary>Deploying without <code>systemd</code></summary>
To deploy without systemd, the easiest path is to create a dedicated user:
useradd -m iocaine
Then, place the `iocaine` binary and the configuration you prepared into this user's `$HOME`:
mkdir -p $HOME/iocaine
cp iocaine config.toml $HOME/iocaine/
Then, you can run it like this:
su -l -u iocaine /home/iocaine/iocaine/iocaine --config-file /home/iocaine/iocaine/config.toml
<summary>Deploying via Docker</summary>
There's an automatically built container image, for those who may wish to try - or deploy - `iocaine` via Docker. The best way to use it, is likely via `docker compose`. An example of that is provided in [`data/compose.yaml`](../data/compose.yaml).
To use it, place the word list and the training text in `data/container-volume`, and then you can simply start things up like this:
docker compose up -d
<summary>Deploying on NixOS</summary>
Deploying under NixOS is made simple by using the nixosModule provided by this repository's flake. It takes care of setting up the `systemd` service, sufficiently hardened, so all that is required of you is to enable the service, and configure the sources.
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
iocaine = {
url = "git+https://git.madhouse-project.org/algernon/iocaine.git";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = { ... }@inputs: {
nixosConfigurations = {
your-hostname = inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
inherit inputs;
modules = [
services.iocaine = {
enable = true;
config = {
sources = {
words = "${pkgs.scowl}/share/dict/wamerican.txt";
markov = [