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This allows for building GoToSocial with [SQLite transpiled to WASM](https://github.com/ncruces/go-sqlite3) and accessed through [Wazero](https://wazero.io/).
457 lines
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457 lines
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package sys
import (
socketapi "github.com/tetratelabs/wazero/internal/sock"
const (
FdStdin int32 = iota
// FdPreopen is the file descriptor of the first pre-opened directory.
// # Why file descriptor 3?
// While not specified, the most common WASI implementation, wasi-libc,
// expects POSIX style file descriptor allocation, where the lowest
// available number is used to open the next file. Since 1 and 2 are taken
// by stdout and stderr, the next is 3.
// - https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/issues/122
// - https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/V2_chap02.html#tag_15_14
// - https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-libc/blob/wasi-sdk-16/libc-bottom-half/sources/preopens.c#L215
const modeDevice = fs.ModeDevice | 0o640
// FileEntry maps a path to an open file in a file system.
type FileEntry struct {
// Name is the name of the directory up to its pre-open, or the pre-open
// name itself when IsPreopen.
// # Notes
// - This can drift on rename.
// - This relates to the guest path, which is not the real file path
// except if the entire host filesystem was made available.
Name string
// IsPreopen is a directory that is lazily opened.
IsPreopen bool
// FS is the filesystem associated with the pre-open.
FS sys.FS
// File is always non-nil.
File fsapi.File
// direntCache is nil until DirentCache was called.
direntCache *DirentCache
// DirentCache gets or creates a DirentCache for this file or returns an error.
// # Errors
// A zero sys.Errno is success. The below are expected otherwise:
// - sys.ENOSYS: the implementation does not support this function.
// - sys.EBADF: the dir was closed or not readable.
// - sys.ENOTDIR: the file was not a directory.
// # Notes
// - See /RATIONALE.md for design notes.
func (f *FileEntry) DirentCache() (*DirentCache, sys.Errno) {
if dir := f.direntCache; dir != nil {
return dir, 0
// Require the file to be a directory vs a late error on the same.
if isDir, errno := f.File.IsDir(); errno != 0 {
return nil, errno
} else if !isDir {
return nil, sys.ENOTDIR
// Generate the dotEntries only once.
if dotEntries, errno := synthesizeDotEntries(f); errno != 0 {
return nil, errno
} else {
f.direntCache = &DirentCache{f: f.File, dotEntries: dotEntries}
return f.direntCache, 0
// DirentCache is a caching abstraction of sys.File Readdir.
// This is special-cased for "wasi_snapshot_preview1.fd_readdir", and may be
// unneeded, or require changes, to support preview1 or preview2.
// - The position of the dirents are serialized as `d_next`. For reasons
// described below, any may need to be re-read. This accepts any positions
// in the cache, rather than track the position of the last dirent.
// - dot entries ("." and "..") must be returned. See /RATIONALE.md for why.
// - An sys.Dirent Name is variable length, it could exceed memory size and
// need to be re-read.
// - Multiple dirents may be returned. It is more efficient to read from the
// underlying file in bulk vs one-at-a-time.
// The last results returned by Read are cached, but entries before that
// position are not. This support re-reading entries that couldn't fit into
// memory without accidentally caching all entries in a large directory. This
// approach is sometimes called a sliding window.
type DirentCache struct {
// f is the underlying file
f sys.File
// dotEntries are the "." and ".." entries added when the directory is
// initialized.
dotEntries []sys.Dirent
// dirents are the potentially unread directory entries.
// Internal detail: nil is different from zero length. Zero length is an
// exhausted directory (eof). nil means the re-read.
dirents []sys.Dirent
// countRead is the total count of dirents read since last rewind.
countRead uint64
// eof is true when the underlying file is at EOF. This avoids re-reading
// the directory when it is exhausted. Entires in an exhausted directory
// are not visible until it is rewound via calling Read with `pos==0`.
eof bool
// synthesizeDotEntries generates a slice of the two elements "." and "..".
func synthesizeDotEntries(f *FileEntry) ([]sys.Dirent, sys.Errno) {
dotIno, errno := f.File.Ino()
if errno != 0 {
return nil, errno
result := [2]sys.Dirent{}
result[0] = sys.Dirent{Name: ".", Ino: dotIno, Type: fs.ModeDir}
// See /RATIONALE.md for why we don't attempt to get an inode for ".." and
// why in wasi-libc this won't fan-out either.
result[1] = sys.Dirent{Name: "..", Ino: 0, Type: fs.ModeDir}
return result[:], 0
// exhaustedDirents avoids allocating empty slices.
var exhaustedDirents = [0]sys.Dirent{}
// Read is similar to and returns the same errors as `Readdir` on sys.File.
// The main difference is this caches entries returned, resulting in multiple
// valid positions to read from.
// When zero, `pos` means rewind to the beginning of this directory. This
// implies a rewind (Seek to zero on the underlying sys.File), unless the
// initial entries are still cached.
// When non-zero, `pos` is the zero based index of all dirents returned since
// last rewind. Only entries beginning at `pos` are cached for subsequent
// calls. A non-zero `pos` before the cache returns sys.ENOENT for reasons
// described on DirentCache documentation.
// Up to `n` entries are cached and returned. When `n` exceeds the cache, the
// difference are read from the underlying sys.File via `Readdir`. EOF is
// when `len(dirents)` returned are less than `n`.
func (d *DirentCache) Read(pos uint64, n uint32) (dirents []sys.Dirent, errno sys.Errno) {
switch {
case pos > d.countRead: // farther than read or negative coerced to uint64.
return nil, sys.ENOENT
case pos == 0 && d.dirents != nil:
// Rewind if we have already read entries. This allows us to see new
// entries added after the directory was opened.
if _, errno = d.f.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); errno != 0 {
d.dirents = nil // dump cache
d.countRead = 0
if n == 0 {
return // special case no entries.
if d.dirents == nil {
// Always populate dot entries, which makes min len(dirents) == 2.
d.dirents = d.dotEntries
d.countRead = 2
d.eof = false
if countToRead := int(n - 2); countToRead <= 0 {
} else if dirents, errno = d.f.Readdir(countToRead); errno != 0 {
} else if countRead := len(dirents); countRead > 0 {
d.eof = countRead < countToRead
d.dirents = append(d.dotEntries, dirents...)
d.countRead += uint64(countRead)
return d.cachedDirents(n), 0
// Reset our cache to the first entry being read.
cacheStart := d.countRead - uint64(len(d.dirents))
if pos < cacheStart {
// We don't currently allow reads before our cache because Seek(0) is
// the only portable way. Doing otherwise requires skipping, which we
// won't do unless wasi-testsuite starts requiring it. Implementing
// this would allow re-reading a large directory, so care would be
// needed to not buffer the entire directory in memory while skipping.
errno = sys.ENOENT
} else if posInCache := pos - cacheStart; posInCache != 0 {
if uint64(len(d.dirents)) == posInCache {
// Avoid allocation re-slicing to zero length.
d.dirents = exhaustedDirents[:]
} else {
d.dirents = d.dirents[posInCache:]
// See if we need more entries.
if countToRead := int(n) - len(d.dirents); countToRead > 0 && !d.eof {
// Try to read more, which could fail.
if dirents, errno = d.f.Readdir(countToRead); errno != 0 {
// Append the next read entries if we weren't at EOF.
if countRead := len(dirents); countRead > 0 {
d.eof = countRead < countToRead
d.dirents = append(d.dirents, dirents...)
d.countRead += uint64(countRead)
return d.cachedDirents(n), 0
// cachedDirents returns up to `n` dirents from the cache.
func (d *DirentCache) cachedDirents(n uint32) []sys.Dirent {
direntCount := uint32(len(d.dirents))
switch {
case direntCount == 0:
return nil
case direntCount > n:
return d.dirents[:n]
return d.dirents
type FSContext struct {
// openedFiles is a map of file descriptor numbers (>=FdPreopen) to open files
// (or directories) and defaults to empty.
// TODO: This is unguarded, so not goroutine-safe!
openedFiles FileTable
// FileTable is a specialization of the descriptor.Table type used to map file
// descriptors to file entries.
type FileTable = descriptor.Table[int32, *FileEntry]
// LookupFile returns a file if it is in the table.
func (c *FSContext) LookupFile(fd int32) (*FileEntry, bool) {
return c.openedFiles.Lookup(fd)
// OpenFile opens the file into the table and returns its file descriptor.
// The result must be closed by CloseFile or Close.
func (c *FSContext) OpenFile(fs sys.FS, path string, flag sys.Oflag, perm fs.FileMode) (int32, sys.Errno) {
if f, errno := fs.OpenFile(path, flag, perm); errno != 0 {
return 0, errno
} else {
fe := &FileEntry{FS: fs, File: fsapi.Adapt(f)}
if path == "/" || path == "." {
fe.Name = ""
} else {
fe.Name = path
if newFD, ok := c.openedFiles.Insert(fe); !ok {
return 0, sys.EBADF
} else {
return newFD, 0
// Renumber assigns the file pointed by the descriptor `from` to `to`.
func (c *FSContext) Renumber(from, to int32) sys.Errno {
fromFile, ok := c.openedFiles.Lookup(from)
if !ok || to < 0 {
return sys.EBADF
} else if fromFile.IsPreopen {
return sys.ENOTSUP
// If toFile is already open, we close it to prevent windows lock issues.
// The doc is unclear and other implementations do nothing for already-opened To FDs.
// https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/blob/snapshot-01/phases/snapshot/docs.md#-fd_renumberfd-fd-to-fd---errno
// https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/blob/main/crates/wasi-common/src/snapshots/preview_1.rs#L531-L546
if toFile, ok := c.openedFiles.Lookup(to); ok {
if toFile.IsPreopen {
return sys.ENOTSUP
_ = toFile.File.Close()
if !c.openedFiles.InsertAt(fromFile, to) {
return sys.EBADF
return 0
// SockAccept accepts a sock.TCPConn into the file table and returns its file
// descriptor.
func (c *FSContext) SockAccept(sockFD int32, nonblock bool) (int32, sys.Errno) {
var sock socketapi.TCPSock
if e, ok := c.LookupFile(sockFD); !ok || !e.IsPreopen {
return 0, sys.EBADF // Not a preopen
} else if sock, ok = e.File.(socketapi.TCPSock); !ok {
return 0, sys.EBADF // Not a sock
conn, errno := sock.Accept()
if errno != 0 {
return 0, errno
fe := &FileEntry{File: fsapi.Adapt(conn)}
if nonblock {
if errno = fe.File.SetNonblock(true); errno != 0 {
_ = conn.Close()
return 0, errno
if newFD, ok := c.openedFiles.Insert(fe); !ok {
return 0, sys.EBADF
} else {
return newFD, 0
// CloseFile returns any error closing the existing file.
func (c *FSContext) CloseFile(fd int32) (errno sys.Errno) {
f, ok := c.openedFiles.Lookup(fd)
if !ok {
return sys.EBADF
if errno = f.File.Close(); errno != 0 {
return errno
return errno
// Close implements io.Closer
func (c *FSContext) Close() (err error) {
// Close any files opened in this context
c.openedFiles.Range(func(fd int32, entry *FileEntry) bool {
if errno := entry.File.Close(); errno != 0 {
err = errno // This means err returned == the last non-nil error.
return true
// A closed FSContext cannot be reused so clear the state.
c.openedFiles = FileTable{}
// InitFSContext initializes a FSContext with stdio streams and optional
// pre-opened filesystems and TCP listeners.
func (c *Context) InitFSContext(
stdin io.Reader,
stdout, stderr io.Writer,
fs []sys.FS, guestPaths []string,
tcpListeners []*net.TCPListener,
) (err error) {
inFile, err := stdinFileEntry(stdin)
if err != nil {
return err
outWriter, err := stdioWriterFileEntry("stdout", stdout)
if err != nil {
return err
errWriter, err := stdioWriterFileEntry("stderr", stderr)
if err != nil {
return err
for i, f := range fs {
guestPath := guestPaths[i]
if StripPrefixesAndTrailingSlash(guestPath) == "" {
// Default to bind to '/' when guestPath is effectively empty.
guestPath = "/"
FS: f,
Name: guestPath,
IsPreopen: true,
File: &lazyDir{fs: f},
for _, tl := range tcpListeners {
c.fsc.openedFiles.Insert(&FileEntry{IsPreopen: true, File: fsapi.Adapt(sysfs.NewTCPListenerFile(tl))})
return nil
// StripPrefixesAndTrailingSlash skips any leading "./" or "/" such that the
// result index begins with another string. A result of "." coerces to the
// empty string "" because the current directory is handled by the guest.
// Results are the offset/len pair which is an optimization to avoid re-slicing
// overhead, as this function is called for every path operation.
// Note: Relative paths should be handled by the guest, as that's what knows
// what the current directory is. However, paths that escape the current
// directory e.g. "../.." have been found in `tinygo test` and this
// implementation takes care to avoid it.
func StripPrefixesAndTrailingSlash(path string) string {
// strip trailing slashes
pathLen := len(path)
for ; pathLen > 0 && path[pathLen-1] == '/'; pathLen-- {
pathI := 0
for pathI < pathLen {
switch path[pathI] {
case '/':
case '.':
nextI := pathI + 1
if nextI < pathLen && path[nextI] == '/' {
pathI = nextI + 1
} else if nextI == pathLen {
pathI = nextI
} else {
break loop
break loop
return path[pathI:pathLen]