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408 lines
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package bun
import (
type CreateTableQuery struct {
temp bool
ifNotExists bool
fksFromRel bool // Create foreign keys captured in table's relations.
// varchar changes the default length for VARCHAR columns.
// Because some dialects require that length is always specified for VARCHAR type,
// we will use the exact user-defined type if length is set explicitly, as in `bun:",type:varchar(5)"`,
// but assume the new default length when it's omitted, e.g. `bun:",type:varchar"`.
varchar int
fks []schema.QueryWithArgs
partitionBy schema.QueryWithArgs
tablespace schema.QueryWithArgs
comment string
var _ Query = (*CreateTableQuery)(nil)
func NewCreateTableQuery(db *DB) *CreateTableQuery {
q := &CreateTableQuery{
baseQuery: baseQuery{
db: db,
conn: db.DB,
varchar: db.Dialect().DefaultVarcharLen(),
return q
func (q *CreateTableQuery) Conn(db IConn) *CreateTableQuery {
return q
func (q *CreateTableQuery) Model(model interface{}) *CreateTableQuery {
return q
func (q *CreateTableQuery) Err(err error) *CreateTableQuery {
return q
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (q *CreateTableQuery) Table(tables ...string) *CreateTableQuery {
for _, table := range tables {
return q
func (q *CreateTableQuery) TableExpr(query string, args ...interface{}) *CreateTableQuery {
q.addTable(schema.SafeQuery(query, args))
return q
func (q *CreateTableQuery) ModelTableExpr(query string, args ...interface{}) *CreateTableQuery {
q.modelTableName = schema.SafeQuery(query, args)
return q
func (q *CreateTableQuery) ColumnExpr(query string, args ...interface{}) *CreateTableQuery {
q.addColumn(schema.SafeQuery(query, args))
return q
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (q *CreateTableQuery) Temp() *CreateTableQuery {
q.temp = true
return q
func (q *CreateTableQuery) IfNotExists() *CreateTableQuery {
q.ifNotExists = true
return q
// Varchar sets default length for VARCHAR columns.
func (q *CreateTableQuery) Varchar(n int) *CreateTableQuery {
if n <= 0 {
q.setErr(fmt.Errorf("bun: illegal VARCHAR length: %d", n))
return q
q.varchar = n
return q
func (q *CreateTableQuery) ForeignKey(query string, args ...interface{}) *CreateTableQuery {
q.fks = append(q.fks, schema.SafeQuery(query, args))
return q
func (q *CreateTableQuery) PartitionBy(query string, args ...interface{}) *CreateTableQuery {
q.partitionBy = schema.SafeQuery(query, args)
return q
func (q *CreateTableQuery) TableSpace(tablespace string) *CreateTableQuery {
q.tablespace = schema.UnsafeIdent(tablespace)
return q
// WithForeignKeys adds a FOREIGN KEY clause for each of the model's existing relations.
func (q *CreateTableQuery) WithForeignKeys() *CreateTableQuery {
q.fksFromRel = true
return q
// Comment adds a comment to the query, wrapped by /* ... */.
func (q *CreateTableQuery) Comment(comment string) *CreateTableQuery {
q.comment = comment
return q
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (q *CreateTableQuery) Operation() string {
func (q *CreateTableQuery) AppendQuery(fmter schema.Formatter, b []byte) (_ []byte, err error) {
if q.err != nil {
return nil, q.err
b = appendComment(b, q.comment)
if q.table == nil {
return nil, errNilModel
b = append(b, "CREATE "...)
if q.temp {
b = append(b, "TEMP "...)
b = append(b, "TABLE "...)
if q.ifNotExists && fmter.HasFeature(feature.TableNotExists) {
b = append(b, "IF NOT EXISTS "...)
b, err = q.appendFirstTable(fmter, b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b = append(b, " ("...)
for i, field := range q.table.Fields {
if i > 0 {
b = append(b, ", "...)
b = append(b, field.SQLName...)
b = append(b, " "...)
b = q.appendSQLType(b, field)
if field.NotNull && q.db.dialect.Name() != dialect.Oracle {
b = append(b, " NOT NULL"...)
if (field.Identity && fmter.HasFeature(feature.GeneratedIdentity)) ||
(field.AutoIncrement && (fmter.HasFeature(feature.AutoIncrement) || fmter.HasFeature(feature.Identity))) {
b = q.db.dialect.AppendSequence(b, q.table, field)
if field.SQLDefault != "" {
b = append(b, " DEFAULT "...)
b = append(b, field.SQLDefault...)
for i, col := range q.columns {
// Only pre-pend the comma if we are on subsequent iterations, or if there were fields/columns appended before
// this. This way if we are only appending custom column expressions we will not produce a syntax error with a
// leading comma.
if i > 0 || len(q.table.Fields) > 0 {
b = append(b, ", "...)
b, err = col.AppendQuery(fmter, b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// In SQLite AUTOINCREMENT is only valid for INTEGER PRIMARY KEY columns, so it might be that
// a primary key constraint has already been created in dialect.AppendSequence() call above.
// See sqldialect.Dialect.AppendSequence() for more details.
if len(q.table.PKs) > 0 && !bytes.Contains(b, []byte("PRIMARY KEY")) {
b = q.appendPKConstraint(b, q.table.PKs)
b = q.appendUniqueConstraints(fmter, b)
if q.fksFromRel {
b, err = q.appendFKConstraintsRel(fmter, b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b, err = q.appendFKConstraints(fmter, b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b = append(b, ")"...)
if !q.partitionBy.IsZero() {
b = append(b, " PARTITION BY "...)
b, err = q.partitionBy.AppendQuery(fmter, b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !q.tablespace.IsZero() {
b = append(b, " TABLESPACE "...)
b, err = q.tablespace.AppendQuery(fmter, b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
func (q *CreateTableQuery) appendSQLType(b []byte, field *schema.Field) []byte {
// Most of the time these two will match, but for the cases where DiscoveredSQLType is dialect-specific,
// e.g. pgdialect would change sqltype.SmallInt to pgTypeSmallSerial for columns that have `bun:",autoincrement"`
if !strings.EqualFold(field.CreateTableSQLType, field.DiscoveredSQLType) {
return append(b, field.CreateTableSQLType...)
// For all common SQL types except VARCHAR, both UserDefinedSQLType and DiscoveredSQLType specify the correct type,
// and we needn't modify it. For VARCHAR columns, we will stop to check if a valid length has been set in .Varchar(int).
if !strings.EqualFold(field.CreateTableSQLType, sqltype.VarChar) || q.varchar <= 0 {
return append(b, field.CreateTableSQLType...)
if q.db.dialect.Name() == dialect.Oracle {
b = append(b, "VARCHAR2"...)
} else {
b = append(b, sqltype.VarChar...)
b = append(b, "("...)
b = strconv.AppendInt(b, int64(q.varchar), 10)
b = append(b, ")"...)
return b
func (q *CreateTableQuery) appendUniqueConstraints(fmter schema.Formatter, b []byte) []byte {
unique := q.table.Unique
keys := make([]string, 0, len(unique))
for key := range unique {
keys = append(keys, key)
for _, key := range keys {
if key == "" {
for _, field := range unique[key] {
b = q.appendUniqueConstraint(fmter, b, key, field)
b = q.appendUniqueConstraint(fmter, b, key, unique[key]...)
return b
func (q *CreateTableQuery) appendUniqueConstraint(
fmter schema.Formatter, b []byte, name string, fields ...*schema.Field,
) []byte {
if name != "" {
b = append(b, ", CONSTRAINT "...)
b = fmter.AppendIdent(b, name)
} else {
b = append(b, ","...)
b = append(b, " UNIQUE ("...)
b = appendColumns(b, "", fields)
b = append(b, ")"...)
return b
// appendFKConstraintsRel appends a FOREIGN KEY clause for each of the model's existing relations.
func (q *CreateTableQuery) appendFKConstraintsRel(fmter schema.Formatter, b []byte) (_ []byte, err error) {
for _, rel := range q.tableModel.Table().Relations {
if rel.References() {
b, err = q.appendFK(fmter, b, schema.QueryWithArgs{
Query: "(?) REFERENCES ? (?) ? ?",
Args: []interface{}{
Safe(appendColumns(nil, "", rel.BasePKs)),
Safe(appendColumns(nil, "", rel.JoinPKs)),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
func (q *CreateTableQuery) appendFK(fmter schema.Formatter, b []byte, fk schema.QueryWithArgs) (_ []byte, err error) {
b = append(b, ", FOREIGN KEY "...)
return fk.AppendQuery(fmter, b)
func (q *CreateTableQuery) appendFKConstraints(
fmter schema.Formatter, b []byte,
) (_ []byte, err error) {
for _, fk := range q.fks {
if b, err = q.appendFK(fmter, b, fk); err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
func (q *CreateTableQuery) appendPKConstraint(b []byte, pks []*schema.Field) []byte {
b = append(b, ", PRIMARY KEY ("...)
b = appendColumns(b, "", pks)
b = append(b, ")"...)
return b
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (q *CreateTableQuery) Exec(ctx context.Context, dest ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) {
if err := q.beforeCreateTableHook(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
queryBytes, err := q.AppendQuery(q.db.fmter, q.db.makeQueryBytes())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
query := internal.String(queryBytes)
res, err := q.exec(ctx, q, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if q.table != nil {
if err := q.afterCreateTableHook(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
func (q *CreateTableQuery) beforeCreateTableHook(ctx context.Context) error {
if hook, ok := q.table.ZeroIface.(BeforeCreateTableHook); ok {
if err := hook.BeforeCreateTable(ctx, q); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (q *CreateTableQuery) afterCreateTableHook(ctx context.Context) error {
if hook, ok := q.table.ZeroIface.(AfterCreateTableHook); ok {
if err := hook.AfterCreateTable(ctx, q); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (q *CreateTableQuery) String() string {
buf, err := q.AppendQuery(q.db.Formatter(), nil)
if err != nil {
return string(buf)