kim fd6637df4a
[bugfix] boost and account recursion (#2982)
* fix possible infinite recursion if moved accounts are self-referential

* adds a defensive check for a boost being a boost of a boost wrapper

* add checks on input for a boost of a boost

* remove unnecessary check

* add protections on account move to prevent move recursion loops

* separate status conversion without boost logic into separate function to remove risk of recursion

* move boost check to boost function itself

* formatting

* use error 422 instead of 500

* use gtserror not standard errors package for error creation
2024-06-10 19:42:41 +01:00

393 lines
12 KiB

// GoToSocial
// Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package account
import (
apimodel ""
func (p *Processor) MoveSelf(
ctx context.Context,
authed *oauth.Auth,
form *apimodel.AccountMoveRequest,
) gtserror.WithCode {
// Ensure valid MovedToURI.
if form.MovedToURI == "" {
const text = "no moved_to_uri provided in Move request"
return gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(errors.New(text), text)
targetAcctURIStr := form.MovedToURI
targetAcctURI, err := url.Parse(form.MovedToURI)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("invalid moved_to_uri provided in account Move request: %w", err)
return gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(err, err.Error())
if targetAcctURI.Scheme != "https" && targetAcctURI.Scheme != "http" {
const text = "invalid move_to_uri in Move request: scheme must be http(s)"
return gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(errors.New(text), text)
// Self account Move requires
// password to ensure it's for real.
if form.Password == "" {
const text = "no password provided in Move request"
return gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(errors.New(text), text)
if err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(
); err != nil {
const text = "invalid password provided in Move request"
return gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(errors.New(text), text)
// We can't/won't validate Move activities
// to domains we have blocked, so check this.
targetDomainBlocked, err := p.state.DB.IsDomainBlocked(ctx, targetAcctURI.Host)
if err != nil {
err := gtserror.Newf(
"db error checking if target domain %s blocked: %w",
targetAcctURI.Host, err,
return gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err)
if targetDomainBlocked {
text := fmt.Sprintf(
"domain of %s is blocked from this instance; "+
"you will not be able to Move to that account",
return gtserror.NewErrorUnprocessableEntity(errors.New(text), text)
var (
// Current account from which
// the move is taking place.
originAcct = authed.Account
// Target account to which
// the move is taking place.
targetAcct *gtsmodel.Account
// AP representation of target.
targetAcctable ap.Accountable
// Next steps involve checking + setting
// state that might get messed up if a
// client triggers this function twice
// in quick succession, so get a lock on
// this account.
lockKey := originAcct.URI
unlock := p.state.ProcessingLocks.Lock(lockKey)
defer unlock()
// Ensure we have a valid, up-to-date representation of the target account.
targetAcct, targetAcctable, err = p.federator.GetAccountByURI(
if err != nil {
const text = "error dereferencing moved_to_uri"
err := gtserror.Newf("error dereferencing move_to_uri: %w", err)
return gtserror.NewErrorUnprocessableEntity(err, text)
if !targetAcct.SuspendedAt.IsZero() {
text := fmt.Sprintf(
"target account %s is suspended from this instance; "+
"you will not be able to Move to that account",
return gtserror.NewErrorUnprocessableEntity(errors.New(text), text)
if targetAcctable == nil {
// Target account was not dereferenced, now
// force refresh Move target account to ensure we
// have most up-to-date version (non remote = no-op).
targetAcct, _, err = p.federator.RefreshAccount(ctx,
if err != nil {
const text = "error dereferencing moved_to_uri"
err := gtserror.Newf("error dereferencing move_to_uri: %w", err)
return gtserror.NewErrorUnprocessableEntity(err, text)
// If originAcct has already moved, ensure
// this move reattempt is to the same account.
if originAcct.IsMoving() &&
originAcct.MovedToURI != targetAcct.URI {
text := fmt.Sprintf(
"your account is already Moving or has Moved to %s; you cannot also Move to %s",
originAcct.MovedToURI, targetAcct.URI,
return gtserror.NewErrorUnprocessableEntity(errors.New(text), text)
// Target account MUST be aliased to this
// account for this to be a valid Move.
if !slices.Contains(targetAcct.AlsoKnownAsURIs, originAcct.URI) {
text := fmt.Sprintf(
"target account %s is not aliased to this account via alsoKnownAs; "+
"if you just changed it, please wait a few minutes and try the Move again",
return gtserror.NewErrorUnprocessableEntity(errors.New(text), text)
// Target account cannot itself have
// already Moved somewhere else.
if targetAcct.MovedToURI != "" {
text := fmt.Sprintf(
"target account %s has already Moved somewhere else (%s); "+
"you will not be able to Move to that account",
targetAcct.URI, targetAcct.MovedToURI,
return gtserror.NewErrorUnprocessableEntity(errors.New(text), text)
// Check this isn't a recursive loop of moves.
if errWithCode := p.checkMoveRecursion(ctx,
); errWithCode != nil {
return errWithCode
// If a Move has been *attempted* within last 5m,
// that involved the origin and target in any way,
// then we shouldn't try to reprocess immediately.
latestMoveAttempt, err := p.state.DB.GetLatestMoveAttemptInvolvingURIs(
ctx, originAcct.URI, targetAcct.URI,
if err != nil {
err := gtserror.Newf(
"error checking latest Move attempt involving origin %s and target %s: %w",
originAcct.URI, targetAcct.URI, err,
return gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err)
if !latestMoveAttempt.IsZero() &&
time.Since(latestMoveAttempt) < 5*time.Minute {
text := fmt.Sprintf(
"your account or target account have been involved in a Move attempt within "+
"the last 5 minutes, will not process Move; please try again after %s",
return gtserror.NewErrorUnprocessableEntity(errors.New(text), text)
// If a Move has *succeeded* within the last week
// that involved the origin and target in any way,
// then we shouldn't process again for a while.
latestMoveSuccess, err := p.state.DB.GetLatestMoveSuccessInvolvingURIs(
ctx, originAcct.URI, targetAcct.URI,
if err != nil {
err := gtserror.Newf(
"error checking latest Move success involving origin %s and target %s: %w",
originAcct.URI, targetAcct.URI, err,
return gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err)
if !latestMoveSuccess.IsZero() &&
time.Since(latestMoveSuccess) < 168*time.Hour {
text := fmt.Sprintf(
"your account or target account have been involved in a successful Move within "+
"the last 7 days, will not process Move; please try again after %s",
return gtserror.NewErrorUnprocessableEntity(errors.New(text), text)
// See if we have a Move stored already
// or if we need to create a new one.
var move *gtsmodel.Move
if originAcct.MoveID != "" {
// Move already stored, ensure it's
// to the target and nothing weird is
// happening with race conditions etc.
move = originAcct.Move
if move == nil {
// This shouldn't happen...
err := gtserror.Newf("error fetching move %s (was nil)", originAcct.MovedToURI)
return gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err)
if move.OriginURI != originAcct.URI ||
move.TargetURI != targetAcct.URI {
// This is also weird...
const text = "existing stored Move contains invalid fields"
return gtserror.NewErrorUnprocessableEntity(errors.New(text), text)
if originAcct.MovedToURI != move.TargetURI {
// Huh... I'll be damned.
const text = "existing stored Move target URI != moved_to_uri"
return gtserror.NewErrorUnprocessableEntity(errors.New(text), text)
} else {
// Move not stored yet, create it.
moveID := id.NewULID()
moveURIStr := uris.GenerateURIForMove(originAcct.Username, moveID)
// We might have selected the target
// using the URL and not the URI.
// Ensure we continue with the URI!
if targetAcctURIStr != targetAcct.URI {
targetAcctURIStr = targetAcct.URI
targetAcctURI, err = url.Parse(targetAcctURIStr)
if err != nil {
return gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err)
// Parse origin URI.
originAcctURI, err := url.Parse(originAcct.URI)
if err != nil {
return gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err)
// Store the Move.
move = &gtsmodel.Move{
ID: moveID,
AttemptedAt: time.Now(),
OriginURI: originAcct.URI,
Origin: originAcctURI,
TargetURI: targetAcctURIStr,
Target: targetAcctURI,
URI: moveURIStr,
if err := p.state.DB.PutMove(ctx, move); err != nil {
err := gtserror.Newf("db error storing move %s: %w", moveURIStr, err)
return gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err)
// Update account with the new
// Move, and set moved_to_uri.
originAcct.MoveID = move.ID
originAcct.Move = move
originAcct.MovedToURI = targetAcct.URI
originAcct.MovedTo = targetAcct
if err := p.state.DB.UpdateAccount(
); err != nil {
err := gtserror.Newf("db error updating account: %w", err)
return gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err)
// Everything seems OK, process Move side effects async.
APObjectType: ap.ActorPerson,
APActivityType: ap.ActivityMove,
GTSModel: move,
Origin: originAcct,
Target: targetAcct,
return nil
// checkMoveRecursion checks that a move from origin to target would
// not cause a loop of account moved_from_uris pointing in a loop.
func (p *Processor) checkMoveRecursion(
ctx context.Context,
origin *gtsmodel.Account,
target *gtsmodel.Account,
) gtserror.WithCode {
// We only ever need barebones models.
ctx = gtscontext.SetBarebones(ctx)
// Stack based account move following loop.
stack := []*gtsmodel.Account{origin}
checked := make(map[string]struct{})
for len(stack) > 0 {
// Pop account from stack.
next := stack[len(stack)-1]
stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
// Add account URI to checked.
checked[next.URI] = struct{}{}
// Fetch any accounts that list 'next' as their 'moved_to_uri'.
movedFrom, err := p.state.DB.GetAccountsByMovedToURI(ctx, next.URI)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, db.ErrNoEntries) {
err := gtserror.Newf("error fetching accounts by moved_to_uri: %w", err)
return gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err)
for _, account := range movedFrom {
if _, ok := checked[account.URI]; ok {
// Account with URI has
// already been checked.
// Check movedFrom accounts to ensure
// none of them actually come from target,
// which would cause a recursion loop.
if account.URI == target.URI {
text := fmt.Sprintf("move %s -> %s would cause move recursion due to %s", origin.URI, target.URI, account.URI)
return gtserror.NewErrorUnprocessableEntity(errors.New(text), text)
// Append 'from' account to stack.
stack = append(stack, account)
return nil