more work on struct validation

This commit is contained in:
tsmethurst 2021-08-30 20:20:27 +02:00
parent 6adec1ae4d
commit bceb15ddd0
12 changed files with 640 additions and 202 deletions

View file

@ -25,127 +25,91 @@ import (
// MediaAttachment represents a user-uploaded media attachment: an image/video/audio/gif that is // MediaAttachment represents a user-uploaded media attachment: an image/video/audio/gif that is
// somewhere in storage and that can be retrieved and served by the router. // somewhere in storage and that can be retrieved and served by the router.
type MediaAttachment struct { type MediaAttachment struct {
// ID of the attachment in the database ID string `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),pk,nullzero,notnull,unique"` // id of this item in the database
ID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),pk,notnull,unique"` CreatedAt time.Time `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // when was item created
// ID of the status to which this is attached UpdatedAt time.Time `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // when was item last updated
StatusID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` StatusID string `validate:"omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // ID of the status to which this is attached
// Where can the attachment be retrieved on *this* server URL string `validate:"required_without=RemoteURL,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"` // Where can the attachment be retrieved on *this* server
URL string `bun:",nullzero"` RemoteURL string `validate:"required_without=URL,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"` // Where can the attachment be retrieved on a remote server (empty for local media)
// Where can the attachment be retrieved on a remote server (empty for local media) Type FileType `validate:"oneof=Image Gif Audio Video Unknown" bun:",notnull"` // Type of file (image/gif/audio/video)
RemoteURL string `bun:",nullzero"` FileMeta FileMeta `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // Metadata about the file
// When was the attachment created AccountID string `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero,notnull"` // To which account does this attachment belong
CreatedAt time.Time `bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` Account *Account `validate:"-" bun:"rel:has-one"` // Account corresponding to accountID
// When was the attachment last updated Description string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // Description of the attachment (for screenreaders)
UpdatedAt time.Time `bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` ScheduledStatusID string `validate:"omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // To which scheduled status does this attachment belong
// Type of file (image/gif/audio/video) Blurhash string `validate:"required_if=Type Image,required_if=Type Gif,required_if=Type Video" bun:",nullzero"` // What is the generated blurhash of this attachment
Type FileType `bun:",notnull"` Processing ProcessingStatus `validate:"oneof=0 1 2 666" bun:",notnull,default:2"` // What is the processing status of this attachment
// Metadata about the file File File `validate:"required" bun:",notnull,nullzero"` // metadata for the whole file
FileMeta FileMeta Thumbnail Thumbnail `validate:"required" bun:",notnull,nullzero"` // small image thumbnail derived from a larger image, video, or audio file.
// To which account does this attachment belong Avatar bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:false"` // Is this attachment being used as an avatar?
AccountID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),notnull"` Header bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:false"` // Is this attachment being used as a header?
Account *Account `bun:"rel:has-one"`
// Description of the attachment (for screenreaders)
Description string `bun:",nullzero"`
// To which scheduled status does this attachment belong
ScheduledStatusID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"`
// What is the generated blurhash of this attachment
Blurhash string `bun:",nullzero"`
// What is the processing status of this attachment
Processing ProcessingStatus
// metadata for the whole file
File File
// small image thumbnail derived from a larger image, video, or audio file.
Thumbnail Thumbnail
// Is this attachment being used as an avatar?
Avatar bool
// Is this attachment being used as a header?
Header bool
} }
// File refers to the metadata for the whole file // File refers to the metadata for the whole file
type File struct { type File struct {
// What is the path of the file in storage. Path string `validate:"required,file" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // Path of the file in storage.
Path string `bun:",nullzero"` ContentType string `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // MIME content type of the file.
// What is the MIME content type of the file. FileSize int `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // File size in bytes
ContentType string `bun:",nullzero"` UpdatedAt time.Time `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // When was the file last updated.
// What is the size of the file in bytes.
FileSize int
// When was the file last updated.
UpdatedAt time.Time `bun:",notnull,default:current_timestamp"`
} }
// Thumbnail refers to a small image thumbnail derived from a larger image, video, or audio file. // Thumbnail refers to a small image thumbnail derived from a larger image, video, or audio file.
type Thumbnail struct { type Thumbnail struct {
// What is the path of the file in storage Path string `validate:"required,file" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // Path of the file in storage.
Path string `bun:",nullzero"` ContentType string `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // MIME content type of the file.
// What is the MIME content type of the file. FileSize int `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // File size in bytes
ContentType string `bun:",nullzero"` UpdatedAt time.Time `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // When was the file last updated.
// What is the size of the file in bytes URL string `validate:"required_without=RemoteURL,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"` // What is the URL of the thumbnail on the local server
FileSize int RemoteURL string `validate:"required_without=URL,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"` // What is the remote URL of the thumbnail (empty for local media)
// When was the file last updated
UpdatedAt time.Time `bun:",notnull,default:current_timestamp"`
// What is the URL of the thumbnail on the local server
URL string `bun:",nullzero"`
// What is the remote URL of the thumbnail (empty for local media)
RemoteURL string `bun:",nullzero"`
} }
// ProcessingStatus refers to how far along in the processing stage the attachment is. // ProcessingStatus refers to how far along in the processing stage the attachment is.
type ProcessingStatus int type ProcessingStatus int
const ( const (
// ProcessingStatusReceived indicates the attachment has been received and is awaiting processing. No thumbnail available yet. ProcessingStatusReceived ProcessingStatus = 0 // ProcessingStatusReceived indicates the attachment has been received and is awaiting processing. No thumbnail available yet.
ProcessingStatusReceived ProcessingStatus = 0 ProcessingStatusProcessing ProcessingStatus = 1 // ProcessingStatusProcessing indicates the attachment is currently being processed. Thumbnail is available but full media is not.
// ProcessingStatusProcessing indicates the attachment is currently being processed. Thumbnail is available but full media is not. ProcessingStatusProcessed ProcessingStatus = 2 // ProcessingStatusProcessed indicates the attachment has been fully processed and is ready to be served.
ProcessingStatusProcessing ProcessingStatus = 1 ProcessingStatusError ProcessingStatus = 666 // ProcessingStatusError indicates something went wrong processing the attachment and it won't be tried again--these can be deleted.
// ProcessingStatusProcessed indicates the attachment has been fully processed and is ready to be served.
ProcessingStatusProcessed ProcessingStatus = 2
// ProcessingStatusError indicates something went wrong processing the attachment and it won't be tried again--these can be deleted.
ProcessingStatusError ProcessingStatus = 666
) )
// FileType refers to the file type of the media attaachment. // FileType refers to the file type of the media attaachment.
type FileType string type FileType string
const ( const (
// FileTypeImage is for jpegs and pngs FileTypeImage FileType = "Image" // FileTypeImage is for jpegs and pngs
FileTypeImage FileType = "Image" FileTypeGif FileType = "Gif" // FileTypeGif is for native gifs and soundless videos that have been converted to gifs
// FileTypeGif is for native gifs and soundless videos that have been converted to gifs FileTypeAudio FileType = "Audio" // FileTypeAudio is for audio-only files (no video)
FileTypeGif FileType = "Gif" FileTypeVideo FileType = "Video" // FileTypeVideo is for files with audio + visual
// FileTypeAudio is for audio-only files (no video) FileTypeUnknown FileType = "Unknown" // FileTypeUnknown is for unknown file types (surprise surprise!)
FileTypeAudio FileType = "Audio"
// FileTypeVideo is for files with audio + visual
FileTypeVideo FileType = "Video"
// FileTypeUnknown is for unknown file types (surprise surprise!)
FileTypeUnknown FileType = "Unknown"
) )
// FileMeta describes metadata about the actual contents of the file. // FileMeta describes metadata about the actual contents of the file.
type FileMeta struct { type FileMeta struct {
Original Original Original Original `validate:"required"`
Small Small Small Small
Focus Focus Focus Focus
} }
// Small can be used for a thumbnail of any media type // Small can be used for a thumbnail of any media type
type Small struct { type Small struct {
Width int Width int `validate:"required_with=Height Size Aspect"` // width in pixels
Height int Height int `validate:"required_with=Width Size Aspect"` // height in pixels
Size int Size int `validate:"required_with=Width Height Aspect"` // size in pixels (width * height)
Aspect float64 Aspect float64 `validate:"required_with=Widhth Height Size"` // aspect ratio (width / height)
} }
// Original can be used for original metadata for any media type // Original can be used for original metadata for any media type
type Original struct { type Original struct {
Width int Width int `validate:"required_with=Height Size Aspect"` // width in pixels
Height int Height int `validate:"required_with=Width Size Aspect"` // height in pixels
Size int Size int `validate:"required_with=Width Height Aspect"` // size in pixels (width * height)
Aspect float64 Aspect float64 `validate:"required_with=Widhth Height Size"` // aspect ratio (width / height)
} }
// Focus describes the 'center' of the image for display purposes. // Focus describes the 'center' of the image for display purposes.
// X and Y should each be between -1 and 1 // X and Y should each be between -1 and 1
type Focus struct { type Focus struct {
X float32 X float32 `validate:"omitempty,max=1,min=-1"`
Y float32 Y float32 `validate:"omitempty,max=1,min=-1"`
} }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gtsmodel_test
import (
func happyMediaAttachment() *gtsmodel.MediaAttachment {
// the file validator actually runs os.Stat on given paths, so we need to just create small
// temp files for both the main attachment file and the thumbnail
mainFile, err := os.CreateTemp("", "gts_test_mainfile")
if err != nil {
if _, err := mainFile.WriteString("main"); err != nil {
mainPath := mainFile.Name()
if err := mainFile.Close(); err != nil {
thumbnailFile, err := os.CreateTemp("", "gts_test_thumbnail")
if err != nil {
if _, err := thumbnailFile.WriteString("thumbnail"); err != nil {
thumbnailPath := thumbnailFile.Name()
if err := thumbnailFile.Close(); err != nil {
return &gtsmodel.MediaAttachment{
CreatedAt: time.Now().Add(-71 * time.Hour),
UpdatedAt: time.Now().Add(-71 * time.Hour),
StatusID: "01F8MH75CBF9JFX4ZAD54N0W0R",
URL: "http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH17FWEB39HZJ76B6VXSKF/attachment/original/01F8MH6NEM8D7527KZAECTCR76.jpeg",
RemoteURL: "",
Type: gtsmodel.FileTypeImage,
FileMeta: gtsmodel.FileMeta{
Original: gtsmodel.Original{
Width: 1200,
Height: 630,
Size: 756000,
Aspect: 1.9047619047619047,
Small: gtsmodel.Small{
Width: 256,
Height: 134,
Size: 34304,
Aspect: 1.9104477611940298,
AccountID: "01F8MH17FWEB39HZJ76B6VXSKF",
Description: "Black and white image of some 50's style text saying: Welcome On Board",
ScheduledStatusID: "",
Blurhash: "LNJRdVM{00Rj%Mayt7j[4nWBofRj",
Processing: 2,
File: gtsmodel.File{
Path: mainPath,
ContentType: "image/jpeg",
FileSize: 62529,
UpdatedAt: time.Now().Add(-71 * time.Hour),
Thumbnail: gtsmodel.Thumbnail{
Path: thumbnailPath,
ContentType: "image/jpeg",
FileSize: 6872,
UpdatedAt: time.Now().Add(-71 * time.Hour),
URL: "http://localhost:8080/fileserver/01F8MH17FWEB39HZJ76B6VXSKF/attachment/small/01F8MH6NEM8D7527KZAECTCR76.jpeg",
RemoteURL: "",
Avatar: false,
Header: false,
type MediaAttachmentValidateTestSuite struct {
func (suite *MediaAttachmentValidateTestSuite) TestValidateMediaAttachmentHappyPath() {
// no problem here
m := happyMediaAttachment()
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
func (suite *MediaAttachmentValidateTestSuite) TestValidateMediaAttachmentBadFilePaths() {
m := happyMediaAttachment()
m.File.Path = "/tmp/nonexistent/file/for/gotosocial/test"
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.File.Path' Error:Field validation for 'Path' failed on the 'file' tag")
m.File.Path = ""
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.File.Path' Error:Field validation for 'Path' failed on the 'required' tag")
m.File.Path = "???????????thisnot a valid path####"
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.File.Path' Error:Field validation for 'Path' failed on the 'file' tag")
m.Thumbnail.Path = "/tmp/nonexistent/file/for/gotosocial/test"
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.File.Path' Error:Field validation for 'Path' failed on the 'file' tag\nKey: 'MediaAttachment.Thumbnail.Path' Error:Field validation for 'Path' failed on the 'file' tag")
m.Thumbnail.Path = ""
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.File.Path' Error:Field validation for 'Path' failed on the 'file' tag\nKey: 'MediaAttachment.Thumbnail.Path' Error:Field validation for 'Path' failed on the 'required' tag")
m.Thumbnail.Path = "???????????thisnot a valid path####"
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.File.Path' Error:Field validation for 'Path' failed on the 'file' tag\nKey: 'MediaAttachment.Thumbnail.Path' Error:Field validation for 'Path' failed on the 'file' tag")
func (suite *MediaAttachmentValidateTestSuite) TestValidateMediaAttachmentBadType() {
m := happyMediaAttachment()
m.Type = ""
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.Type' Error:Field validation for 'Type' failed on the 'oneof' tag")
m.Type = "Not Supported"
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.Type' Error:Field validation for 'Type' failed on the 'oneof' tag")
func (suite *MediaAttachmentValidateTestSuite) TestValidateMediaAttachmentBadFileMeta() {
m := happyMediaAttachment()
m.FileMeta.Original.Aspect = 0
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.FileMeta.Original.Aspect' Error:Field validation for 'Aspect' failed on the 'required_with' tag")
m.FileMeta.Original.Height = 0
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.FileMeta.Original.Height' Error:Field validation for 'Height' failed on the 'required_with' tag\nKey: 'MediaAttachment.FileMeta.Original.Aspect' Error:Field validation for 'Aspect' failed on the 'required_with' tag")
m.FileMeta.Original = gtsmodel.Original{}
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
m.FileMeta.Focus.X = 3.6
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.FileMeta.Focus.X' Error:Field validation for 'X' failed on the 'max' tag")
m.FileMeta.Focus.Y = -50
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.FileMeta.Focus.X' Error:Field validation for 'X' failed on the 'max' tag\nKey: 'MediaAttachment.FileMeta.Focus.Y' Error:Field validation for 'Y' failed on the 'min' tag")
func (suite *MediaAttachmentValidateTestSuite) TestValidateMediaAttachmentBadURLCombos() {
m := happyMediaAttachment()
m.URL = "aaaaaaaaaa"
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.URL' Error:Field validation for 'URL' failed on the 'url' tag")
m.URL = ""
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.URL' Error:Field validation for 'URL' failed on the 'required_without' tag\nKey: 'MediaAttachment.RemoteURL' Error:Field validation for 'RemoteURL' failed on the 'required_without' tag")
m.RemoteURL = "oooooooooo"
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.RemoteURL' Error:Field validation for 'RemoteURL' failed on the 'url' tag")
m.RemoteURL = ""
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
func (suite *MediaAttachmentValidateTestSuite) TestValidateMediaAttachmentBlurhash() {
m := happyMediaAttachment()
m.Blurhash = ""
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'MediaAttachment.Blurhash' Error:Field validation for 'Blurhash' failed on the 'required_if' tag")
m.Type = gtsmodel.FileTypeAudio
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
m.Blurhash = "some_blurhash"
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
func TestMediaAttachmentValidateTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(MediaAttachmentValidateTestSuite))

View file

@ -22,25 +22,17 @@ import "time"
// Mention refers to the 'tagging' or 'mention' of a user within a status. // Mention refers to the 'tagging' or 'mention' of a user within a status.
type Mention struct { type Mention struct {
// ID of this mention in the database ID string `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),pk,nullzero,notnull,unique"` // id of this item in the database
ID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),pk,notnull,unique"` CreatedAt time.Time `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // when was item created
// ID of the status this mention originates from UpdatedAt time.Time `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // when was item last updated
StatusID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),notnull,nullzero"` StatusID string `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero,notnull"` // ID of the status this mention originates from
Status *Status `bun:"rel:belongs-to"` Status *Status `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // status referred to by statusID
// When was this mention created? OriginAccountID string `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero,notnull"` // ID of the mention creator account
CreatedAt time.Time `bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` OriginAccountURI string `validate:"url" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // ActivityPub URI of the originator/creator of the mention
// When was this mention last updated? OriginAccount *Account `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // account referred to by originAccountID
UpdatedAt time.Time `bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` TargetAccountID string `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero,notnull"` // Mention target/receiver account ID
// What's the internal account ID of the originator of the mention? TargetAccount *Account `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // account referred to by targetAccountID
OriginAccountID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),notnull,nullzero"` Silent bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:false"` // Prevent this mention from generating a notification?
OriginAccount *Account `bun:"rel:belongs-to"`
// What's the AP URI of the originator of the mention?
OriginAccountURI string `bun:",notnull"`
// What's the internal account ID of the mention target?
TargetAccountID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),notnull,nullzero"`
TargetAccount *Account `bun:"rel:belongs-to"`
// Prevent this mention from generating a notification?
Silent bool
/* /*
@ -54,15 +46,14 @@ type Mention struct {
// //
// //
// This will not be put in the database, it's just for convenience. // This will not be put in the database, it's just for convenience.
NameString string `bun:"-"` NameString string `validate:"-" bun:"-"`
// TargetAccountURI is the AP ID (uri) of the user mentioned. // TargetAccountURI is the AP ID (uri) of the user mentioned.
// //
// This will not be put in the database, it's just for convenience. // This will not be put in the database, it's just for convenience.
TargetAccountURI string `bun:"-"` TargetAccountURI string `validate:"-" bun:"-"`
// TargetAccountURL is the web url of the user mentioned. // TargetAccountURL is the web url of the user mentioned.
// //
// This will not be put in the database, it's just for convenience. // This will not be put in the database, it's just for convenience.
TargetAccountURL string `bun:"-"` TargetAccountURL string `validate:"-" bun:"-"`
// A pointer to the gtsmodel account of the mentioned account. // A pointer to the gtsmodel account of the mentioned account.
} }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gtsmodel_test
import (
func happyMention() *gtsmodel.Mention {
return &gtsmodel.Mention{
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
UpdatedAt: time.Now(),
OriginAccountID: "01FE96MAE58MXCE5C4SSMEMCEK",
OriginAccountURI: "https://some-instance/accounts/bleepbloop",
OriginAccount: nil,
TargetAccountID: "01FE96MXRHWZHKC0WH5FT82H1A",
TargetAccount: nil,
StatusID: "01FE96NBPNJNY26730FT6GZTFE",
Status: nil,
type MentionValidateTestSuite struct {
func (suite *MentionValidateTestSuite) TestValidateMentionHappyPath() {
// no problem here
m := happyMention()
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
func (suite *MentionValidateTestSuite) TestValidateMentionBadID() {
m := happyMention()
m.ID = ""
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Mention.ID' Error:Field validation for 'ID' failed on the 'required' tag")
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Mention.ID' Error:Field validation for 'ID' failed on the 'ulid' tag")
func (suite *MentionValidateTestSuite) TestValidateMentionAccountURI() {
m := happyMention()
m.OriginAccountURI = ""
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Mention.OriginAccountURI' Error:Field validation for 'OriginAccountURI' failed on the 'url' tag")
m.OriginAccountURI = "---------------------------"
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Mention.OriginAccountURI' Error:Field validation for 'OriginAccountURI' failed on the 'url' tag")
func (suite *MentionValidateTestSuite) TestValidateMentionDodgyStatusID() {
m := happyMention()
m.StatusID = "9HZJ76B6VXSKF"
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Mention.StatusID' Error:Field validation for 'StatusID' failed on the 'ulid' tag")
m.StatusID = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!"
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Mention.StatusID' Error:Field validation for 'StatusID' failed on the 'ulid' tag")
func (suite *MentionValidateTestSuite) TestValidateMentionNoCreatedAt() {
m := happyMention()
m.CreatedAt = time.Time{}
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Mention.CreatedAt' Error:Field validation for 'CreatedAt' failed on the 'required' tag")
func TestMentionValidateTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(MentionValidateTestSuite))

View file

@ -22,41 +22,27 @@ import "time"
// Notification models an alert/notification sent to an account about something like a reblog, like, new follow request, etc. // Notification models an alert/notification sent to an account about something like a reblog, like, new follow request, etc.
type Notification struct { type Notification struct {
// ID of this notification in the database ID string `validate:"ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),pk,nullzero,notnull,unique"` // id of this item in the database
ID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),pk,notnull"` CreatedAt time.Time `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // when was item created
// Type of this notification NotificationType NotificationType `validate:"oneof=follow follow_request mention reblog favourite poll status" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // Type of this notification
NotificationType NotificationType `bun:",notnull"` TargetAccountID string `validate:"ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero,notnull"` // Which account does this notification target (ie., who will receive the notification?)
// Creation time of this notification TargetAccount *Account `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // Which account performed the action that created this notification?
CreatedAt time.Time `bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` OriginAccountID string `validate:"ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero,notnull"` // ID of the account that performed the action that created the notification.
// Which account does this notification target (ie., who will receive the notification?) OriginAccount *Account `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // Account corresponding to originAccountID
TargetAccountID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),notnull"` StatusID string `validate:"required_if=NotificationType mention,required_if=NotificationType reblog,required_if=NotificationType favourite,required_if=NotificationType status,omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // If the notification pertains to a status, what is the database ID of that status?
TargetAccount *Account `bun:"rel:belongs-to"` Status *Status `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // Status corresponding to statusID
// Which account performed the action that created this notification? Read bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:false"` // Notification has been seen/read
OriginAccountID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),notnull"`
OriginAccount *Account `bun:"rel:belongs-to"`
// If the notification pertains to a status, what is the database ID of that status?
StatusID string `bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"`
Status *Status `bun:"rel:belongs-to"`
// Has this notification been read already?
Read bool
} }
// NotificationType describes the reason/type of this notification. // NotificationType describes the reason/type of this notification.
type NotificationType string type NotificationType string
const ( const (
// NotificationFollow -- someone followed you NotificationFollow NotificationType = "follow" // NotificationFollow -- someone followed you
NotificationFollow NotificationType = "follow" NotificationFollowRequest NotificationType = "follow_request" // NotificationFollowRequest -- someone requested to follow you
// NotificationFollowRequest -- someone requested to follow you NotificationMention NotificationType = "mention" // NotificationMention -- someone mentioned you in their status
NotificationFollowRequest NotificationType = "follow_request" NotificationReblog NotificationType = "reblog" // NotificationReblog -- someone boosted one of your statuses
// NotificationMention -- someone mentioned you in their status NotificationFave NotificationType = "favourite" // NotificationFave -- someone faved/liked one of your statuses
NotificationMention NotificationType = "mention" NotificationPoll NotificationType = "poll" // NotificationPoll -- a poll you voted in or created has ended
// NotificationReblog -- someone boosted one of your statuses NotificationStatus NotificationType = "status" // NotificationStatus -- someone you enabled notifications for has posted a status.
NotificationReblog NotificationType = "reblog"
// NotificationFave -- someone faved/liked one of your statuses
NotificationFave NotificationType = "favourite"
// NotificationPoll -- a poll you voted in or created has ended
NotificationPoll NotificationType = "poll"
// NotificationStatus -- someone you enabled notifications for has posted a status.
NotificationStatus NotificationType = "status"
) )

View file

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gtsmodel_test
import (
func happyNotification() *gtsmodel.Notification {
return &gtsmodel.Notification{
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
NotificationType: gtsmodel.NotificationFave,
OriginAccountID: "01FE96MAE58MXCE5C4SSMEMCEK",
OriginAccount: nil,
TargetAccountID: "01FE96MXRHWZHKC0WH5FT82H1A",
TargetAccount: nil,
StatusID: "01FE96NBPNJNY26730FT6GZTFE",
Status: nil,
type NotificationValidateTestSuite struct {
func (suite *NotificationValidateTestSuite) TestValidateNotificationHappyPath() {
// no problem here
m := happyNotification()
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
func (suite *NotificationValidateTestSuite) TestValidateNotificationBadID() {
m := happyNotification()
m.ID = ""
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Notification.ID' Error:Field validation for 'ID' failed on the 'ulid' tag")
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Notification.ID' Error:Field validation for 'ID' failed on the 'ulid' tag")
func (suite *NotificationValidateTestSuite) TestValidateNotificationStatusID() {
m := happyNotification()
m.StatusID = ""
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Notification.StatusID' Error:Field validation for 'StatusID' failed on the 'required_if' tag")
m.StatusID = "9HZJ76B6VXSKF"
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Notification.StatusID' Error:Field validation for 'StatusID' failed on the 'ulid' tag")
m.StatusID = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!"
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Notification.StatusID' Error:Field validation for 'StatusID' failed on the 'ulid' tag")
m.StatusID = ""
m.NotificationType = gtsmodel.NotificationFollowRequest
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
func (suite *NotificationValidateTestSuite) TestValidateNotificationNoCreatedAt() {
m := happyNotification()
m.CreatedAt = time.Time{}
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*m)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Notification.CreatedAt' Error:Field validation for 'CreatedAt' failed on the 'required' tag")
func TestNotificationValidateTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(NotificationValidateTestSuite))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package gtsmodel_test
import (
func happyRouterSession() *gtsmodel.RouterSession {
return &gtsmodel.RouterSession{
Auth: []byte("12345678901234567890123456789012"),
Crypt: []byte("12345678901234567890123456789012"),
type RouterSessionValidateTestSuite struct {
func (suite *RouterSessionValidateTestSuite) TestValidateRouterSessionHappyPath() {
// no problem here
r := happyRouterSession()
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*r)
func (suite *RouterSessionValidateTestSuite) TestValidateRouterSessionAuth() {
r := happyRouterSession()
// remove auth struct
r.Auth = nil
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*r)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'RouterSession.Auth' Error:Field validation for 'Auth' failed on the 'required' tag")
// auth bytes too long
r.Auth = []byte("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890")
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*r)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'RouterSession.Auth' Error:Field validation for 'Auth' failed on the 'len' tag")
// auth bytes too short
r.Auth = []byte("12345678901")
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*r)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'RouterSession.Auth' Error:Field validation for 'Auth' failed on the 'len' tag")
func (suite *RouterSessionValidateTestSuite) TestValidateRouterSessionCrypt() {
r := happyRouterSession()
// remove crypt struct
r.Crypt = nil
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*r)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'RouterSession.Crypt' Error:Field validation for 'Crypt' failed on the 'required' tag")
// crypt bytes too long
r.Crypt = []byte("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890")
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*r)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'RouterSession.Crypt' Error:Field validation for 'Crypt' failed on the 'len' tag")
// crypt bytes too short
r.Crypt = []byte("12345678901")
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*r)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'RouterSession.Crypt' Error:Field validation for 'Crypt' failed on the 'len' tag")
func TestRouterSessionValidateTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(RouterSessionValidateTestSuite))

View file

@ -24,43 +24,43 @@ import (
// Status represents a user-created 'post' or 'status' in the database, either remote or local // Status represents a user-created 'post' or 'status' in the database, either remote or local
type Status struct { type Status struct {
ID string `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),pk,nullzero,notnull,unique"` // id of this item in the database ID string `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),pk,nullzero,notnull,unique"` // id of this item in the database
CreatedAt time.Time `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // when was item created CreatedAt time.Time `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // when was item created
UpdatedAt time.Time `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // when was item last updated UpdatedAt time.Time `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // when was item last updated
URI string `validate:"required,url" bun:",unique,nullzero,notnull"` // activitypub URI of this status URI string `validate:"required,url" bun:",unique,nullzero,notnull"` // activitypub URI of this status
URL string `validate:"url" bun:",nullzero"` // web url for viewing this status URL string `validate:"url" bun:",nullzero"` // web url for viewing this status
Content string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // content of this status; likely html-formatted but not guaranteed Content string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // content of this status; likely html-formatted but not guaranteed
AttachmentIDs []string `validate:"dive,required,ulid" bun:"attachments,array,nullzero"` // Database IDs of any media attachments associated with this status AttachmentIDs []string `validate:"dive,ulid" bun:"attachments,array,nullzero"` // Database IDs of any media attachments associated with this status
Attachments []*MediaAttachment `validate:"-" bun:"attached_media,rel:has-many"` // Attachments corresponding to attachmentIDs Attachments []*MediaAttachment `validate:"-" bun:"attached_media,rel:has-many"` // Attachments corresponding to attachmentIDs
TagIDs []string `validate:"dive,required,ulid" bun:"tags,array,nullzero"` // Database IDs of any tags used in this status TagIDs []string `validate:"dive,ulid" bun:"tags,array,nullzero"` // Database IDs of any tags used in this status
Tags []*Tag `validate:"-" bun:"attached_tags,m2m:status_to_tags"` // Tags corresponding to tagIDs. Tags []*Tag `validate:"-" bun:"attached_tags,m2m:status_to_tags"` // Tags corresponding to tagIDs.
MentionIDs []string `validate:"dive,required,ulid" bun:"mentions,array,nullzero"` // Database IDs of any mentions in this status MentionIDs []string `validate:"dive,ulid" bun:"mentions,array,nullzero"` // Database IDs of any mentions in this status
Mentions []*Mention `validate:"-" bun:"attached_mentions,rel:has-many"` // Mentions corresponding to mentionIDs Mentions []*Mention `validate:"-" bun:"attached_mentions,rel:has-many"` // Mentions corresponding to mentionIDs
EmojiIDs []string `validate:"dive,required,ulid" bun:"emojis,array,nullzero"` // Database IDs of any emojis used in this status EmojiIDs []string `validate:"dive,ulid" bun:"emojis,array,nullzero"` // Database IDs of any emojis used in this status
Emojis []*Emoji `validate:"-" bun:"attached_emojis,m2m:status_to_emojis"` // Emojis corresponding to emojiIDs. Emojis []*Emoji `validate:"-" bun:"attached_emojis,m2m:status_to_emojis"` // Emojis corresponding to emojiIDs.
Local bool `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:false"` // is this status from a local account? Local bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:false"` // is this status from a local account?
AccountID string `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero,notnull"` // which account posted this status? AccountID string `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero,notnull"` // which account posted this status?
Account *Account `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // account corresponding to accountID Account *Account `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // account corresponding to accountID
AccountURI string `validate:"required,url" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // activitypub uri of the owner of this status AccountURI string `validate:"required,url" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // activitypub uri of the owner of this status
InReplyToID string `validate:"ulid,required_with=InReplyToURI InReplyToAccountID" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // id of the status this status replies to InReplyToID string `validate:"required_with=InReplyToURI InReplyToAccountID,omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // id of the status this status replies to
InReplyToURI string `validate:"required_with=InReplyToID InReplyToAccountID" bun:",nullzero"` // activitypub uri of the status this status is a reply to InReplyToURI string `validate:"required_with=InReplyToID InReplyToAccountID,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"` // activitypub uri of the status this status is a reply to
InReplyToAccountID string `validate:"ulid,required_with=InReplyToID InReplyToURI" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // id of the account that this status replies to InReplyToAccountID string `validate:"required_with=InReplyToID InReplyToURI,omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // id of the account that this status replies to
InReplyTo *Status `validate:"-" bun:"-"` // status corresponding to inReplyToID InReplyTo *Status `validate:"-" bun:"-"` // status corresponding to inReplyToID
InReplyToAccount *Account `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // account corresponding to inReplyToAccountID InReplyToAccount *Account `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // account corresponding to inReplyToAccountID
BoostOfID string `validate:"ulid,required_with=BoostOfAccountID" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // id of the status this status is a boost of BoostOfID string `validate:"required_with=BoostOfAccountID,omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // id of the status this status is a boost of
BoostOfAccountID string `validate:"ulid,required_with=BoostOfID" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // id of the account that owns the boosted status BoostOfAccountID string `validate:"required_with=BoostOfID,omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // id of the account that owns the boosted status
BoostOf *Status `validate:"-" bun:"-"` // status that corresponds to boostOfID BoostOf *Status `validate:"-" bun:"-"` // status that corresponds to boostOfID
BoostOfAccount *Account `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // account that corresponds to boostOfAccountID BoostOfAccount *Account `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // account that corresponds to boostOfAccountID
ContentWarning string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // cw string for this status ContentWarning string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // cw string for this status
Visibility Visibility `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // visibility entry for this status Visibility Visibility `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // visibility entry for this status
Sensitive bool `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:false"` // mark the status as sensitive? Sensitive bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:false"` // mark the status as sensitive?
Language string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // what language is this status written in? Language string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // what language is this status written in?
CreatedWithApplicationID string `validate:"ulid,required_if=Local true" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // Which application was used to create this status? CreatedWithApplicationID string `validate:"required_if=Local true,omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // Which application was used to create this status?
CreatedWithApplication *Application `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // application corresponding to createdWithApplicationID CreatedWithApplication *Application `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // application corresponding to createdWithApplicationID
VisibilityAdvanced VisibilityAdvanced `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull" ` // advanced visibility for this status VisibilityAdvanced VisibilityAdvanced `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull" ` // advanced visibility for this status
ActivityStreamsType string `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // What is the activitystreams type of this status? See: Will probably almost always be Note but who knows!. ActivityStreamsType string `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // What is the activitystreams type of this status? See: Will probably almost always be Note but who knows!.
Text string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // Original text of the status without formatting Text string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // Original text of the status without formatting
Pinned bool `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:false" ` // Has this status been pinned by its owner? Pinned bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:false" ` // Has this status been pinned by its owner?
} }
// StatusToTag is an intermediate struct to facilitate the many2many relationship between a status and one or more tags. // StatusToTag is an intermediate struct to facilitate the many2many relationship between a status and one or more tags.
@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ const (
// //
// If DIRECT is selected, boostable will be FALSE, and all other flags will be TRUE. // If DIRECT is selected, boostable will be FALSE, and all other flags will be TRUE.
type VisibilityAdvanced struct { type VisibilityAdvanced struct {
Federated bool `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:true"` // This status will be federated beyond the local timeline(s) Federated bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:true"` // This status will be federated beyond the local timeline(s)
Boostable bool `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:true"` // This status can be boosted/reblogged Boostable bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:true"` // This status can be boosted/reblogged
Replyable bool `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:true"` // This status can be replied to Replyable bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:true"` // This status can be replied to
Likeable bool `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:true"` // This status can be liked/faved Likeable bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:true"` // This status can be liked/faved
} }

View file

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ func (suite *StatusValidateTestSuite) TestValidateStatusAttachmentIDs() {
s.AttachmentIDs[0] = "" s.AttachmentIDs[0] = ""
err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*s) err := gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*s)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Status.AttachmentIDs[0]' Error:Field validation for 'AttachmentIDs[0]' failed on the 'required' tag") suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Status.AttachmentIDs[0]' Error:Field validation for 'AttachmentIDs[0]' failed on the 'ulid' tag")
s.AttachmentIDs[0] = "01FE96W293ZPRG9FQQP48HK8N001FE96W32AT24VYBGM12WN3GKB" s.AttachmentIDs[0] = "01FE96W293ZPRG9FQQP48HK8N001FE96W32AT24VYBGM12WN3GKB"
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*s) err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*s)
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ func (suite *StatusValidateTestSuite) TestValidateStatusAttachmentIDs() {
s.AttachmentIDs[1] = "" s.AttachmentIDs[1] = ""
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*s) err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*s)
suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Status.AttachmentIDs[0]' Error:Field validation for 'AttachmentIDs[0]' failed on the 'ulid' tag\nKey: 'Status.AttachmentIDs[1]' Error:Field validation for 'AttachmentIDs[1]' failed on the 'required' tag") suite.EqualError(err, "Key: 'Status.AttachmentIDs[0]' Error:Field validation for 'AttachmentIDs[0]' failed on the 'ulid' tag\nKey: 'Status.AttachmentIDs[1]' Error:Field validation for 'AttachmentIDs[1]' failed on the 'ulid' tag")
s.AttachmentIDs = []string{} s.AttachmentIDs = []string{}
err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*s) err = gtsmodel.ValidateStruct(*s)

View file

@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ type Tag struct {
UpdatedAt time.Time `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // when was item last updated UpdatedAt time.Time `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // when was item last updated
URL string `validate:"required,url" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // Href of this tag, eg URL string `validate:"required,url" bun:",nullzero,notnull"` // Href of this tag, eg
Name string `validate:"required" bun:",unique,nullzero,notnull"` // name of this tag -- the tag without the hash part Name string `validate:"required" bun:",unique,nullzero,notnull"` // name of this tag -- the tag without the hash part
FirstSeenFromAccountID string `validate:"ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // Which account ID is the first one we saw using this tag? FirstSeenFromAccountID string `validate:"omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // Which account ID is the first one we saw using this tag?
Useable bool `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:true"` // can our instance users use this tag? Useable bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:true"` // can our instance users use this tag?
Listable bool `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:true"` // can our instance users look up this tag? Listable bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:true"` // can our instance users look up this tag?
LastStatusAt time.Time `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // when was this tag last used? LastStatusAt time.Time `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // when was this tag last used?
} }

View file

@ -39,28 +39,28 @@ type User struct {
LastSignInAt time.Time `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // When did this user last sign in? LastSignInAt time.Time `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // When did this user last sign in?
LastSignInIP net.IP `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // What's the previous IP of this user? LastSignInIP net.IP `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // What's the previous IP of this user?
SignInCount int `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:0"` // How many times has this user signed in? SignInCount int `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:0"` // How many times has this user signed in?
InviteID string `validate:"ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // id of the user who invited this user (who let this joker in?) InviteID string `validate:"omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"` // id of the user who invited this user (who let this joker in?)
ChosenLanguages []string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // What languages does this user want to see? ChosenLanguages []string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // What languages does this user want to see?
FilteredLanguages []string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // What languages does this user not want to see? FilteredLanguages []string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // What languages does this user not want to see?
Locale string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // In what timezone/locale is this user located? Locale string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // In what timezone/locale is this user located?
CreatedByApplicationID string `validate:"ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero,notnull"` // Which application id created this user? See gtsmodel.Application CreatedByApplicationID string `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero,notnull"` // Which application id created this user? See gtsmodel.Application
CreatedByApplication *Application `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // Pointer to the application corresponding to createdbyapplicationID. CreatedByApplication *Application `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"` // Pointer to the application corresponding to createdbyapplicationID.
LastEmailedAt time.Time `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // When was this user last contacted by email. LastEmailedAt time.Time `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // When was this user last contacted by email.
ConfirmationToken string `validate:"required_with=ConfirmationSentAt" bun:",nullzero"` // What confirmation token did we send this user/what are we expecting back? ConfirmationToken string `validate:"required_with=ConfirmationSentAt" bun:",nullzero"` // What confirmation token did we send this user/what are we expecting back?
ConfirmationSentAt time.Time `validate:"required_with=ConfirmationToken" bun:",nullzero"` // When did we send email confirmation to this user? ConfirmationSentAt time.Time `validate:"required_with=ConfirmationToken" bun:",nullzero"` // When did we send email confirmation to this user?
ConfirmedAt time.Time `validate:"required_with=Email" bun:",nullzero"` // When did the user confirm their email address ConfirmedAt time.Time `validate:"required_with=Email" bun:",nullzero"` // When did the user confirm their email address
UnconfirmedEmail string `validate:"required_without=Email" bun:",nullzero"` // Email address that hasn't yet been confirmed UnconfirmedEmail string `validate:"required_without=Email" bun:",nullzero"` // Email address that hasn't yet been confirmed
Moderator bool `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:false"` // Is this user a moderator? Moderator bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:false"` // Is this user a moderator?
Admin bool `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:false"` // Is this user an admin? Admin bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:false"` // Is this user an admin?
Disabled bool `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:false"` // Is this user disabled from posting? Disabled bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:false"` // Is this user disabled from posting?
Approved bool `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:false"` // Has this user been approved by a moderator? Approved bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:false"` // Has this user been approved by a moderator?
ResetPasswordToken string `validate:"required_with=ResetPasswordSentAt" bun:",nullzero"` // The generated token that the user can use to reset their password ResetPasswordToken string `validate:"required_with=ResetPasswordSentAt" bun:",nullzero"` // The generated token that the user can use to reset their password
ResetPasswordSentAt time.Time `validate:"required_with=ResetPasswordToken" bun:",nullzero"` // When did we email the user their reset-password email? ResetPasswordSentAt time.Time `validate:"required_with=ResetPasswordToken" bun:",nullzero"` // When did we email the user their reset-password email?
EncryptedOTPSecret string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` EncryptedOTPSecret string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"`
EncryptedOTPSecretIv string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` EncryptedOTPSecretIv string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"`
EncryptedOTPSecretSalt string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` EncryptedOTPSecretSalt string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"`
OTPRequiredForLogin bool `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` OTPRequiredForLogin bool `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:false"`
OTPBackupCodes []string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` OTPBackupCodes []string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"`
ConsumedTimestamp int `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` ConsumedTimestamp int `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"`
RememberToken string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` RememberToken string `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"`

View file

@ -32,20 +32,15 @@ const (
InvalidValidationPanic = "validate function was passed invalid item" InvalidValidationPanic = "validate function was passed invalid item"
) )
var ulidValidator = func(fl validator.FieldLevel) bool { func ulidValidator(fl validator.FieldLevel) bool {
value, kind, _ := fl.ExtractType(fl.Field()) field := fl.Field()
if kind != reflect.String { switch field.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
return util.ValidateULID(field.String())
return false return false
} }
// we want either an empty string, or a proper ULID, nothing else
// if the string is empty, the `required` tag will take care of it so we don't need to worry about it here
s := value.String()
if len(s) == 0 {
return true
return util.ValidateULID(s)
} }
func init() { func init() {