mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 15:04:58 +01:00
[chore]: Bump github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2 from 2.12.7 to 2.12.8 (#2073)
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 689 additions and 576 deletions
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@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Minifiers or bindings to minifiers exist in almost all programming languages. So
This minifier proves to be that fast and extensive minifier that can handle HTML and any other filetype it may contain (CSS, JS, ...). It is usually orders of magnitude faster than existing minifiers.
This minifier proves to be that fast and extensive minifier that can handle HTML and any other filetype it may contain (CSS, JS, ...). It is usually orders of magnitude faster than existing minifiers.
## Installation
## Installation
Make sure you have [Git](https://git-scm.com/) and [Go](https://golang.org/dl/) (1.13 or higher) installed, run
Make sure you have [Git](https://git-scm.com/) and [Go](https://golang.org/dl/) (1.18 or higher) installed, run
mkdir Project
mkdir Project
cd Project
cd Project
@ -11,238 +11,254 @@ type Hash uint32
// Unique hash definitions to be used instead of strings
// Unique hash definitions to be used instead of strings
const (
const (
A Hash = 0x1 // a
A Hash = 0x1 // a
Abbr Hash = 0x37a04 // abbr
Abbr Hash = 0x3b804 // abbr
About Hash = 0x5 // about
About Hash = 0x5 // about
Accept Hash = 0x1106 // accept
Accept Hash = 0x1106 // accept
Accept_Charset Hash = 0x110e // accept-charset
Accept_Charset Hash = 0x110e // accept-charset
Action Hash = 0x23f06 // action
Acronym Hash = 0x4a07 // acronym
Address Hash = 0x5a07 // address
Action Hash = 0x21d06 // action
Align Hash = 0x32705 // align
Address Hash = 0x7807 // address
Alink Hash = 0x7005 // alink
Align Hash = 0x35b05 // align
Allowfullscreen Hash = 0x2ad0f // allowfullscreen
Alink Hash = 0x3a405 // alink
Amp_Boilerplate Hash = 0x610f // amp-boilerplate
Allowfullscreen Hash = 0x2e10f // allowfullscreen
Area Hash = 0x1e304 // area
Amp_Boilerplate Hash = 0x7f0f // amp-boilerplate
Applet Hash = 0xd706 // applet
Area Hash = 0x2fd04 // area
Article Hash = 0x2707 // article
Article Hash = 0x2707 // article
Aside Hash = 0xb405 // aside
Aside Hash = 0x5b05 // aside
Async Hash = 0xac05 // async
Async Hash = 0x8e05 // async
Audio Hash = 0xd105 // audio
Audio Hash = 0x9605 // audio
Autofocus Hash = 0xe409 // autofocus
Autofocus Hash = 0xcc09 // autofocus
Autoplay Hash = 0x10808 // autoplay
Autoplay Hash = 0x10c08 // autoplay
Axis Hash = 0x11004 // axis
Axis Hash = 0x11404 // axis
B Hash = 0x101 // b
B Hash = 0x101 // b
Background Hash = 0x300a // background
Background Hash = 0x300a // background
Base Hash = 0x19604 // base
Base Hash = 0x17804 // base
Bb Hash = 0x37b02 // bb
Basefont Hash = 0x17808 // basefont
Bdi Hash = 0x7503 // bdi
Bb Hash = 0x3b902 // bb
Bdo Hash = 0x31f03 // bdo
Bdi Hash = 0x18403 // bdi
Bgcolor Hash = 0x12607 // bgcolor
Bdo Hash = 0x35303 // bdo
Blockquote Hash = 0x13e0a // blockquote
Bgcolor Hash = 0x12a07 // bgcolor
Big Hash = 0x13103 // big
Blockquote Hash = 0x1340a // blockquote
Body Hash = 0xd04 // body
Body Hash = 0xd04 // body
Br Hash = 0x37c02 // br
Br Hash = 0x36102 // br
Button Hash = 0x14806 // button
Button Hash = 0x13e06 // button
Canvas Hash = 0xb006 // canvas
Canvas Hash = 0x5706 // canvas
Caption Hash = 0x21f07 // caption
Caption Hash = 0x1fe07 // caption
Center Hash = 0xb706 // center
Charset Hash = 0x1807 // charset
Charset Hash = 0x1807 // charset
Checked Hash = 0x1b307 // checked
Checked Hash = 0x19707 // checked
Cite Hash = 0xfb04 // cite
Cite Hash = 0x9204 // cite
Class Hash = 0x15905 // class
Class Hash = 0x15105 // class
Classid Hash = 0x15907 // classid
Classid Hash = 0x15107 // classid
Clear Hash = 0x2b05 // clear
Clear Hash = 0x2b05 // clear
Code Hash = 0x19204 // code
Code Hash = 0x17404 // code
Codebase Hash = 0x19208 // codebase
Codebase Hash = 0x17408 // codebase
Codetype Hash = 0x1a408 // codetype
Codetype Hash = 0x18808 // codetype
Col Hash = 0x12803 // col
Col Hash = 0x12c03 // col
Colgroup Hash = 0x1bb08 // colgroup
Colgroup Hash = 0x1af08 // colgroup
Color Hash = 0x12805 // color
Color Hash = 0x12c05 // color
Cols Hash = 0x1cf04 // cols
Cols Hash = 0x1c904 // cols
Colspan Hash = 0x1cf07 // colspan
Colspan Hash = 0x1c907 // colspan
Compact Hash = 0x1ec07 // compact
Compact Hash = 0x1d707 // compact
Content Hash = 0x28407 // content
Content Hash = 0x27b07 // content
Controls Hash = 0x20108 // controls
Controls Hash = 0x1e708 // controls
Data Hash = 0x1f04 // data
Data Hash = 0x1f04 // data
Datalist Hash = 0x1f08 // datalist
Datalist Hash = 0x1f08 // datalist
Datatype Hash = 0x4d08 // datatype
Datatype Hash = 0xac08 // datatype
Dd Hash = 0x5b02 // dd
Dd Hash = 0x7902 // dd
Declare Hash = 0xb707 // declare
Declare Hash = 0x5e07 // declare
Default Hash = 0x7f07 // default
Default Hash = 0xeb07 // default
DefaultChecked Hash = 0x1730e // defaultChecked
DefaultChecked Hash = 0x2270e // defaultChecked
DefaultMuted Hash = 0x7f0c // defaultMuted
DefaultMuted Hash = 0xeb0c // defaultMuted
DefaultSelected Hash = 0x8a0f // defaultSelected
DefaultSelected Hash = 0xf60f // defaultSelected
Defer Hash = 0x9805 // defer
Defer Hash = 0x10405 // defer
Del Hash = 0x10503 // del
Del Hash = 0x37903 // del
Details Hash = 0x15f07 // details
Details Hash = 0x15707 // details
Dfn Hash = 0x16c03 // dfn
Dfn Hash = 0x16403 // dfn
Dialog Hash = 0xa606 // dialog
Dialog Hash = 0xc606 // dialog
Dir Hash = 0x7603 // dir
Dir Hash = 0x18503 // dir
Disabled Hash = 0x18008 // disabled
Disabled Hash = 0x19d08 // disabled
Div Hash = 0x18703 // div
Div Hash = 0x1a403 // div
Dl Hash = 0x1b902 // dl
Dl Hash = 0x1e502 // dl
Dt Hash = 0x23102 // dt
Dt Hash = 0x21702 // dt
Em Hash = 0x4302 // em
Em Hash = 0x4302 // em
Embed Hash = 0x4905 // embed
Embed Hash = 0x37505 // embed
Enabled Hash = 0x26c07 // enabled
Enabled Hash = 0x26307 // enabled
Enctype Hash = 0x1fa07 // enctype
Enctype Hash = 0x2a207 // enctype
Face Hash = 0x5604 // face
Face Hash = 0xb504 // face
Fieldset Hash = 0x21408 // fieldset
Fieldset Hash = 0x1f308 // fieldset
Figcaption Hash = 0x21c0a // figcaption
Figcaption Hash = 0x1fb0a // figcaption
Figure Hash = 0x22606 // figure
Figure Hash = 0x20c06 // figure
Footer Hash = 0xdb06 // footer
Font Hash = 0x17c04 // font
For Hash = 0x23b03 // for
Footer Hash = 0xa006 // footer
Form Hash = 0x23b04 // form
For Hash = 0x21903 // for
Formaction Hash = 0x23b0a // formaction
Form Hash = 0x21904 // form
Formnovalidate Hash = 0x2450e // formnovalidate
Formaction Hash = 0x2190a // formaction
Frame Hash = 0x28c05 // frame
Formnovalidate Hash = 0x2350e // formnovalidate
Frameborder Hash = 0x28c0b // frameborder
Frame Hash = 0x14505 // frame
H1 Hash = 0x2e002 // h1
Frameborder Hash = 0x2830b // frameborder
H2 Hash = 0x25302 // h2
Frameset Hash = 0x14508 // frameset
H3 Hash = 0x25502 // h3
H1 Hash = 0x2d002 // h1
H4 Hash = 0x25702 // h4
H2 Hash = 0x24302 // h2
H5 Hash = 0x25902 // h5
H3 Hash = 0x24502 // h3
H6 Hash = 0x25b02 // h6
H4 Hash = 0x24702 // h4
Head Hash = 0x2d204 // head
H5 Hash = 0x24902 // h5
Header Hash = 0x2d206 // header
H6 Hash = 0x24b02 // h6
Hgroup Hash = 0x25d06 // hgroup
Head Hash = 0x2c204 // head
Hidden Hash = 0x26806 // hidden
Header Hash = 0x2c206 // header
Hr Hash = 0x32d02 // hr
Hgroup Hash = 0x24d06 // hgroup
Href Hash = 0x32d04 // href
Hidden Hash = 0x25f06 // hidden
Hreflang Hash = 0x32d08 // hreflang
Hr Hash = 0x16802 // hr
Html Hash = 0x27304 // html
Href Hash = 0x16804 // href
Http_Equiv Hash = 0x2770a // http-equiv
Hreflang Hash = 0x16808 // hreflang
Html Hash = 0x26a04 // html
Http_Equiv Hash = 0x26e0a // http-equiv
I Hash = 0x2401 // i
I Hash = 0x2401 // i
Icon Hash = 0x28304 // icon
Icon Hash = 0x27a04 // icon
Id Hash = 0xb602 // id
Id Hash = 0x5d02 // id
Iframe Hash = 0x28b06 // iframe
Iframe Hash = 0x28206 // iframe
Img Hash = 0x29703 // img
Image Hash = 0x28e05 // image
Inert Hash = 0xf605 // inert
Img Hash = 0x29303 // img
Inlist Hash = 0x29a06 // inlist
Inert Hash = 0x5205 // inert
Input Hash = 0x2a405 // input
Inlist Hash = 0x29606 // inlist
Ins Hash = 0x2a903 // ins
Input Hash = 0x2a905 // input
Ismap Hash = 0x11205 // ismap
Ins Hash = 0x2ae03 // ins
Itemscope Hash = 0xfc09 // itemscope
Ismap Hash = 0x11605 // ismap
Kbd Hash = 0x7403 // kbd
Itemscope Hash = 0xe209 // itemscope
Keygen Hash = 0x1f606 // keygen
Kbd Hash = 0x18303 // kbd
Label Hash = 0xbe05 // label
Keygen Hash = 0x29e06 // keygen
Lang Hash = 0x33104 // lang
Label Hash = 0x6505 // label
Language Hash = 0x33108 // language
Lang Hash = 0x16c04 // lang
Legend Hash = 0x2c506 // legend
Language Hash = 0x16c08 // language
Legend Hash = 0x31706 // legend
Li Hash = 0x2302 // li
Li Hash = 0x2302 // li
Link Hash = 0x7104 // link
Link Hash = 0x3a504 // link
Longdesc Hash = 0xc208 // longdesc
Longdesc Hash = 0x6908 // longdesc
Main Hash = 0xf404 // main
Main Hash = 0x5004 // main
Manifest Hash = 0x2bc08 // manifest
Manifest Hash = 0x11e08 // manifest
Map Hash = 0xee03 // map
Map Hash = 0xd603 // map
Mark Hash = 0x2cb04 // mark
Mark Hash = 0x2b404 // mark
Math Hash = 0x2cf04 // math
Marquee Hash = 0x2b807 // marquee
Max Hash = 0x2d803 // max
Math Hash = 0x2bf04 // math
Maxlength Hash = 0x2d809 // maxlength
Max Hash = 0x2c803 // max
Media Hash = 0xa405 // media
Maxlength Hash = 0x2c809 // maxlength
Menu Hash = 0x12204 // menu
Media Hash = 0xc405 // media
Meta Hash = 0x2e204 // meta
Menu Hash = 0xde04 // menu
Meter Hash = 0x2f705 // meter
Menuitem Hash = 0xde08 // menuitem
Method Hash = 0x2fc06 // method
Meta Hash = 0x2d204 // meta
Multiple Hash = 0x30208 // multiple
Meter Hash = 0x30605 // meter
Muted Hash = 0x30a05 // muted
Method Hash = 0x30b06 // method
Name Hash = 0xa204 // name
Multiple Hash = 0x31108 // multiple
Nav Hash = 0x32403 // nav
Muted Hash = 0x31d05 // muted
Nohref Hash = 0x32b06 // nohref
Name Hash = 0xc204 // name
Noresize Hash = 0x13608 // noresize
Nav Hash = 0x35803 // nav
Noscript Hash = 0x14d08 // noscript
Nobr Hash = 0x35f04 // nobr
Noshade Hash = 0x16e07 // noshade
Noembed Hash = 0x37307 // noembed
Novalidate Hash = 0x2490a // novalidate
Noframes Hash = 0x14308 // noframes
Nowrap Hash = 0x1d506 // nowrap
Nohref Hash = 0x16606 // nohref
Object Hash = 0xd506 // object
Noresize Hash = 0x1cf08 // noresize
Ol Hash = 0xcb02 // ol
Noscript Hash = 0x20408 // noscript
Open Hash = 0x32104 // open
Noshade Hash = 0x22207 // noshade
Optgroup Hash = 0x35608 // optgroup
Novalidate Hash = 0x2390a // novalidate
Option Hash = 0x30f06 // option
Nowrap Hash = 0x2ef06 // nowrap
Object Hash = 0x9a06 // object
Ol Hash = 0x7202 // ol
Open Hash = 0x35504 // open
Optgroup Hash = 0x39908 // optgroup
Option Hash = 0x32206 // option
Output Hash = 0x206 // output
Output Hash = 0x206 // output
P Hash = 0x501 // p
P Hash = 0x501 // p
Param Hash = 0xf005 // param
Param Hash = 0x11a05 // param
Pauseonexit Hash = 0x1160b // pauseonexit
Pauseonexit Hash = 0x1b60b // pauseonexit
Picture Hash = 0x1c207 // picture
Picture Hash = 0x25207 // picture
Plaintext Hash = 0x1da09 // plaintext
Plaintext Hash = 0x2f409 // plaintext
Poster Hash = 0x26206 // poster
Portal Hash = 0x3a006 // portal
Pre Hash = 0x35d03 // pre
Poster Hash = 0x38c06 // poster
Prefix Hash = 0x35d06 // prefix
Pre Hash = 0x38503 // pre
Profile Hash = 0x36407 // profile
Prefix Hash = 0x38506 // prefix
Progress Hash = 0x34208 // progress
Profile Hash = 0x32807 // profile
Property Hash = 0x31508 // property
Progress Hash = 0x32f08 // progress
Q Hash = 0x14301 // q
Property Hash = 0x33e08 // property
Q Hash = 0x13901 // q
Rb Hash = 0x2f02 // rb
Rb Hash = 0x2f02 // rb
Readonly Hash = 0x1e408 // readonly
Readonly Hash = 0x2fe08 // readonly
Rel Hash = 0xbc03 // rel
Rel Hash = 0x6303 // rel
Required Hash = 0x22a08 // required
Required Hash = 0x21008 // required
Resource Hash = 0x1c708 // resource
Resource Hash = 0x25708 // resource
Rev Hash = 0x7803 // rev
Rev Hash = 0xa503 // rev
Reversed Hash = 0x7808 // reversed
Reversed Hash = 0xa508 // reversed
Rows Hash = 0x9c04 // rows
Rows Hash = 0xbc04 // rows
Rowspan Hash = 0x9c07 // rowspan
Rowspan Hash = 0xbc07 // rowspan
Rp Hash = 0x6a02 // rp
Rp Hash = 0x8802 // rp
Rt Hash = 0x2802 // rt
Rt Hash = 0x2802 // rt
Rtc Hash = 0xf903 // rtc
Rtc Hash = 0x5503 // rtc
Ruby Hash = 0xe004 // ruby
Ruby Hash = 0x10804 // ruby
Rules Hash = 0x12c05 // rules
Rules Hash = 0x36205 // rules
S Hash = 0x1c01 // s
S Hash = 0x1c01 // s
Samp Hash = 0x6004 // samp
Samp Hash = 0x7e04 // samp
Scope Hash = 0x10005 // scope
Scope Hash = 0xe605 // scope
Scoped Hash = 0x10006 // scoped
Scoped Hash = 0xe606 // scoped
Script Hash = 0x14f06 // script
Script Hash = 0x20606 // script
Scrolling Hash = 0xc809 // scrolling
Scrolling Hash = 0x6f09 // scrolling
Seamless Hash = 0x19808 // seamless
Seamless Hash = 0x36608 // seamless
Section Hash = 0x13007 // section
Section Hash = 0x36d07 // section
Select Hash = 0x16506 // select
Select Hash = 0x15d06 // select
Selected Hash = 0x16508 // selected
Selected Hash = 0x15d08 // selected
Shape Hash = 0x19f05 // shape
Shape Hash = 0x1ee05 // shape
Size Hash = 0x13a04 // size
Size Hash = 0x1d304 // size
Slot Hash = 0x20804 // slot
Slot Hash = 0x2b004 // slot
Small Hash = 0x2ab05 // small
Small Hash = 0x2df05 // small
Sortable Hash = 0x2ef08 // sortable
Sortable Hash = 0x33608 // sortable
Source Hash = 0x1c906 // source
Source Hash = 0x25906 // source
Span Hash = 0x9f04 // span
Span Hash = 0xbf04 // span
Src Hash = 0x34903 // src
Src Hash = 0x34603 // src
Srcset Hash = 0x34906 // srcset
Srcset Hash = 0x34606 // srcset
Start Hash = 0x2505 // start
Start Hash = 0x2505 // start
Strong Hash = 0x29e06 // strong
Strike Hash = 0x29a06 // strike
Style Hash = 0x2c205 // style
Strong Hash = 0x12406 // strong
Sub Hash = 0x31d03 // sub
Style Hash = 0x34c05 // style
Summary Hash = 0x33907 // summary
Sub Hash = 0x35103 // sub
Sup Hash = 0x34003 // sup
Summary Hash = 0x37c07 // summary
Svg Hash = 0x34f03 // svg
Sup Hash = 0x38303 // sup
Tabindex Hash = 0x2e408 // tabindex
Svg Hash = 0x39203 // svg
Table Hash = 0x2f205 // table
Tabindex Hash = 0x2d408 // tabindex
Table Hash = 0x33905 // table
Target Hash = 0x706 // target
Target Hash = 0x706 // target
Tbody Hash = 0xc05 // tbody
Tbody Hash = 0xc05 // tbody
Td Hash = 0x1e02 // td
Td Hash = 0x1e02 // td
Template Hash = 0x4208 // template
Template Hash = 0x4208 // template
Text Hash = 0x1df04 // text
Text Hash = 0x2f904 // text
Textarea Hash = 0x1df08 // textarea
Textarea Hash = 0x2f908 // textarea
Tfoot Hash = 0xda05 // tfoot
Tfoot Hash = 0x9f05 // tfoot
Th Hash = 0x2d102 // th
Th Hash = 0x2c102 // th
Thead Hash = 0x2d105 // thead
Thead Hash = 0x2c105 // thead
Time Hash = 0x12004 // time
Time Hash = 0xdc04 // time
Title Hash = 0x15405 // title
Title Hash = 0x14c05 // title
Tr Hash = 0x1f202 // tr
Tr Hash = 0x12502 // tr
Track Hash = 0x1f205 // track
Track Hash = 0x17f05 // track
Translate Hash = 0x20b09 // translate
Translate Hash = 0x1c009 // translate
Truespeed Hash = 0x23209 // truespeed
Truespeed Hash = 0x1dd09 // truespeed
Type Hash = 0x5104 // type
Tt Hash = 0x14002 // tt
Typemustmatch Hash = 0x1a80d // typemustmatch
Type Hash = 0xb004 // type
Typeof Hash = 0x5106 // typeof
Typemustmatch Hash = 0x18c0d // typemustmatch
Typeof Hash = 0xb006 // typeof
U Hash = 0x301 // u
U Hash = 0x301 // u
Ul Hash = 0x8302 // ul
Ul Hash = 0xef02 // ul
Undeterminate Hash = 0x370d // undeterminate
Undeterminate Hash = 0x370d // undeterminate
Usemap Hash = 0xeb06 // usemap
Usemap Hash = 0xd306 // usemap
Valign Hash = 0x32606 // valign
Valign Hash = 0x35a06 // valign
Value Hash = 0x18905 // value
Value Hash = 0x1a605 // value
Valuetype Hash = 0x18909 // valuetype
Valuetype Hash = 0x1a609 // valuetype
Var Hash = 0x28003 // var
Var Hash = 0x27703 // var
Video Hash = 0x35205 // video
Video Hash = 0x39505 // video
Visible Hash = 0x36b07 // visible
Visible Hash = 0x3a907 // visible
Vlink Hash = 0x37205 // vlink
Vlink Hash = 0x3b005 // vlink
Vocab Hash = 0x37705 // vocab
Vocab Hash = 0x3b505 // vocab
Wbr Hash = 0x37e03 // wbr
Wbr Hash = 0x3bc03 // wbr
Xmlns Hash = 0x2eb05 // xmlns
Xmlns Hash = 0x2db05 // xmlns
Xmp Hash = 0x36203 // xmp
Xmp Hash = 0x38a03 // xmp
// String returns the hash' name.
// String returns the hash' name.
@ -288,256 +304,273 @@ NEXT:
return 0
return 0
const _Hash_hash0 = 0x9acb0442
const _Hash_hash0 = 0x67ac9bb5
const _Hash_maxLen = 15
const _Hash_maxLen = 15
const _Hash_text = "aboutputargetbodyaccept-charsetdatalistarticlearbackgroundet" +
const _Hash_text = "aboutputargetbodyaccept-charsetdatalistarticlearbackgroundet" +
"erminatemplatembedatatypeofaceaddressamp-boilerplatealinkbdi" +
"erminatemplateacronymainertcanvasideclarelabelongdescrolling" +
"reversedefaultMutedefaultSelectedeferowspanamedialogasyncanv" +
"addressamp-boilerplateasynciteaudiobjectfootereversedatatype" +
"asideclarelabelongdescrollingaudiobjectfooterubyautofocusema" +
"ofacenterowspanamedialogautofocusemappletimenuitemscopedefau" +
"paramainertcitemscopedelautoplayaxismapauseonexitimenubgcolo" +
"ltMutedefaultSelectedeferubyautoplayaxismaparamanifestrongbg" +
"rulesectionoresizeblockquotebuttonoscriptitleclassidetailsel" +
"colorbigblockquotebuttonoframesetitleclassidetailselectedfno" +
"ectedfnoshadefaultCheckedisabledivaluetypecodebaseamlesshape" +
"hreflanguagecodebasefontrackbdircodetypemustmatcheckedisable" +
"codetypemustmatcheckedlcolgroupicturesourcecolspanowraplaint" +
"divaluetypecolgroupauseonexitranslatecolspanoresizecompactru" +
"extareadonlycompactrackeygenctypecontrolslotranslatefieldset" +
"espeedlcontrolshapefieldsetfigcaptionoscriptfigurequiredtfor" +
"figcaptionfigurequiredtruespeedformactionformnovalidateh2h3h" +
"mactionoshadefaultCheckedformnovalidateh2h3h4h5h6hgroupictur" +
"4h5h6hgrouposterhiddenabledhtmlhttp-equivaricontentiframebor" +
"esourcehiddenabledhtmlhttp-equivaricontentiframeborderimagei" +
"derimginlistronginputinsmallowfullscreenmanifestylegendmarkm" +
"mginlistrikeygenctypeinputinslotmarkmarqueematheadermaxlengt" +
"atheadermaxlength1metabindexmlnsortablemetermethodmultiplemu" +
"h1metabindexmlnsmallowfullscreenowraplaintextareadonlymeterm" +
"tedoptionpropertysubdopenavalignohreflanguagesummarysuprogre" +
"ethodmultiplegendmutedoptionprofileprogressortablepropertysr" +
"csetstylesubdopenavalignobruleseamlessectionoembedelsummarys" +
var _Hash_table = [1 << 9]Hash{
var _Hash_table = [1 << 9]Hash{
0x0: 0x1df08, // textarea
0x1: 0x13e06, // button
0x4: 0x32d02, // hr
0x3: 0x2a207, // enctype
0x8: 0x1c207, // picture
0x4: 0x32206, // option
0xb: 0x18905, // value
0x5: 0x1fb0a, // figcaption
0xf: 0x2e408, // tabindex
0x7: 0x2ae03, // ins
0x12: 0x15905, // class
0x9: 0x9605, // audio
0x15: 0x37e03, // wbr
0xb: 0x2830b, // frameborder
0x18: 0x1a80d, // typemustmatch
0xd: 0x2190a, // formaction
0x1a: 0x1b902, // dl
0xe: 0x5, // about
0x1d: 0xf903, // rtc
0xf: 0x34606, // srcset
0x1e: 0x25702, // h4
0x10: 0x1dd09, // truespeed
0x22: 0x2ef08, // sortable
0x11: 0xeb0c, // defaultMuted
0x24: 0x4208, // template
0x13: 0xa006, // footer
0x25: 0x28c0b, // frameborder
0x15: 0x19d08, // disabled
0x28: 0x37a04, // abbr
0x16: 0x26e0a, // http-equiv
0x29: 0x28b06, // iframe
0x19: 0x3a504, // link
0x2a: 0x610f, // amp-boilerplate
0x1a: 0x29606, // inlist
0x2c: 0x1e408, // readonly
0x1d: 0x10804, // ruby
0x30: 0x23f06, // action
0x21: 0x2a905, // input
0x33: 0x28c05, // frame
0x22: 0x35803, // nav
0x35: 0x12c05, // rules
0x25: 0x7902, // dd
0x36: 0x30208, // multiple
0x26: 0x2350e, // formnovalidate
0x38: 0x31f03, // bdo
0x28: 0x16804, // href
0x39: 0x1d506, // nowrap
0x29: 0x24702, // h4
0x3e: 0x21408, // fieldset
0x2b: 0x10405, // defer
0x3f: 0x7503, // bdi
0x2d: 0x1f308, // fieldset
0x46: 0x7f0c, // defaultMuted
0x2e: 0xeb07, // default
0x49: 0x35205, // video
0x34: 0x2fd04, // area
0x4c: 0x19808, // seamless
0x36: 0xb006, // typeof
0x4d: 0x13608, // noresize
0x37: 0x37307, // noembed
0x4f: 0xb602, // id
0x38: 0x5e07, // declare
0x51: 0x25d06, // hgroup
0x3a: 0x4a07, // acronym
0x52: 0x23102, // dt
0x3b: 0xc05, // tbody
0x55: 0x12805, // color
0x3e: 0x15107, // classid
0x56: 0x34003, // sup
0x41: 0x9a06, // object
0x59: 0x370d, // undeterminate
0x43: 0x16403, // dfn
0x5a: 0x35608, // optgroup
0x44: 0xef02, // ul
0x5b: 0x2d206, // header
0x45: 0x16c04, // lang
0x5c: 0xb405, // aside
0x47: 0x16606, // nohref
0x5f: 0x10005, // scope
0x49: 0x2c803, // max
0x60: 0x101, // b
0x4a: 0x6505, // label
0x61: 0xcb02, // ol
0x4c: 0x1d304, // size
0x64: 0x32b06, // nohref
0x4d: 0xe606, // scoped
0x65: 0x1da09, // plaintext
0x4f: 0x15105, // class
0x66: 0x20804, // slot
0x50: 0x11404, // axis
0x67: 0x11004, // axis
0x54: 0xbf04, // span
0x68: 0x12803, // col
0x56: 0x19707, // checked
0x69: 0x32606, // valign
0x59: 0x38506, // prefix
0x6c: 0x2d105, // thead
0x5b: 0x4208, // template
0x70: 0x34906, // srcset
0x5c: 0x370d, // undeterminate
0x71: 0x26806, // hidden
0x5d: 0xc606, // dialog
0x76: 0x1bb08, // colgroup
0x5e: 0x6908, // longdesc
0x78: 0x34f03, // svg
0x60: 0x21903, // for
0x7b: 0x2cb04, // mark
0x61: 0x2c102, // th
0x7e: 0x33104, // lang
0x64: 0x15d08, // selected
0x81: 0x1cf04, // cols
0x65: 0x35103, // sub
0x86: 0x5a07, // address
0x6a: 0xd306, // usemap
0x8b: 0xf404, // main
0x6e: 0x24d06, // hgroup
0x8c: 0x4302, // em
0x6f: 0x38303, // sup
0x8f: 0x32d08, // hreflang
0x70: 0x2b404, // mark
0x93: 0x1b307, // checked
0x71: 0x28206, // iframe
0x94: 0x25902, // h5
0x72: 0x30605, // meter
0x95: 0x301, // u
0x74: 0x21008, // required
0x96: 0x32705, // align
0x75: 0x1f04, // data
0x97: 0x14301, // q
0x78: 0x14308, // noframes
0x99: 0xd506, // object
0x83: 0x7807, // address
0x9b: 0x28407, // content
0x88: 0x10c08, // autoplay
0x9d: 0xc809, // scrolling
0x8a: 0x28e05, // image
0x9f: 0x36407, // profile
0x8b: 0x16c08, // language
0xa0: 0x34903, // src
0x8e: 0x2f904, // text
0xa1: 0xda05, // tfoot
0x8f: 0x16802, // hr
0xa3: 0x2f705, // meter
0x90: 0x5d02, // id
0xa4: 0x37705, // vocab
0x92: 0x31108, // multiple
0xa6: 0xd04, // body
0x94: 0x16808, // hreflang
0xa8: 0x19204, // code
0x95: 0x2db05, // xmlns
0xac: 0x20108, // controls
0x96: 0x24902, // h5
0xb0: 0x2ab05, // small
0x98: 0x25207, // picture
0xb1: 0x18008, // disabled
0x99: 0x1106, // accept
0xb5: 0x5604, // face
0x9a: 0x1a609, // valuetype
0xb6: 0x501, // p
0x9b: 0x3a006, // portal
0xb9: 0x2302, // li
0x9d: 0xac08, // datatype
0xbb: 0xe409, // autofocus
0x9e: 0x18403, // bdi
0xbf: 0x27304, // html
0xa0: 0x27a04, // icon
0xc2: 0x4d08, // datatype
0xa2: 0xa503, // rev
0xc6: 0x35d06, // prefix
0xa5: 0x25708, // resource
0xcb: 0x35d03, // pre
0xa8: 0x35504, // open
0xcc: 0x1106, // accept
0xac: 0x4302, // em
0xd1: 0x23b03, // for
0xae: 0x1340a, // blockquote
0xd5: 0x29e06, // strong
0xb0: 0x2f409, // plaintext
0xd6: 0x9c07, // rowspan
0xb1: 0x2d204, // meta
0xd7: 0x25502, // h3
0xb2: 0x1c01, // s
0xd8: 0x2cf04, // math
0xb4: 0xdc04, // time
0xde: 0x16e07, // noshade
0xb5: 0x1fe07, // caption
0xdf: 0x19f05, // shape
0xb8: 0x33e08, // property
0xe1: 0x10006, // scoped
0xb9: 0x1, // a
0xe3: 0x706, // target
0xbb: 0x2b807, // marquee
0xe6: 0x21c0a, // figcaption
0xbc: 0x3b505, // vocab
0xe9: 0x1df04, // text
0xbd: 0x1e502, // dl
0xea: 0x1c708, // resource
0xbf: 0xbc07, // rowspan
0xec: 0xee03, // map
0xc4: 0x18503, // dir
0xf0: 0x29a06, // inlist
0xc5: 0x39908, // optgroup
0xf1: 0x16506, // select
0xcc: 0x38c06, // poster
0xf2: 0x1f606, // keygen
0xcd: 0x24502, // h3
0xf3: 0x5106, // typeof
0xce: 0x3b804, // abbr
0xf6: 0xb006, // canvas
0xd1: 0x17408, // codebase
0xf7: 0x30f06, // option
0xd2: 0x27b07, // content
0xf8: 0xbe05, // label
0xd4: 0x7e04, // samp
0xf9: 0xbc03, // rel
0xd6: 0xc204, // name
0xfb: 0x1f04, // data
0xd9: 0x14c05, // title
0xfd: 0x6004, // samp
0xda: 0x1a605, // value
0x100: 0x110e, // accept-charset
0xdd: 0xb004, // type
0x101: 0xeb06, // usemap
0xde: 0x35f04, // nobr
0x103: 0x2bc08, // manifest
0xe0: 0x17c04, // font
0x109: 0xa204, // name
0xe1: 0xd603, // map
0x10a: 0x14806, // button
0xe2: 0x2d002, // h1
0x10b: 0x2b05, // clear
0xe3: 0x22207, // noshade
0x10e: 0x33907, // summary
0xe4: 0x6303, // rel
0x10f: 0x2e204, // meta
0xe5: 0x14002, // tt
0x110: 0x33108, // language
0xe7: 0xde04, // menu
0x112: 0x300a, // background
0xeb: 0x2f908, // textarea
0x113: 0x2707, // article
0xee: 0x35b05, // align
0x116: 0x23b0a, // formaction
0xf1: 0x29303, // img
0x119: 0x1, // a
0xf2: 0x35a06, // valign
0x11b: 0x5, // about
0xf3: 0x2c204, // head
0x11c: 0xfc09, // itemscope
0xf4: 0x12a07, // bgcolor
0x11e: 0x14d08, // noscript
0xf5: 0x5004, // main
0x11f: 0x15907, // classid
0xf6: 0x2302, // li
0x120: 0x36203, // xmp
0xf7: 0x5205, // inert
0x121: 0x19604, // base
0xfa: 0x5706, // canvas
0x123: 0x1c01, // s
0xfb: 0xe605, // scope
0x124: 0x36b07, // visible
0xfc: 0x15d06, // select
0x126: 0x37b02, // bb
0x100: 0xa508, // reversed
0x127: 0x9c04, // rows
0x101: 0x20408, // noscript
0x12d: 0x2450e, // formnovalidate
0x102: 0x37c07, // summary
0x131: 0x1f205, // track
0x103: 0x24b02, // h6
0x135: 0x18703, // div
0x106: 0x17404, // code
0x136: 0xac05, // async
0x107: 0x14508, // frameset
0x137: 0x31508, // property
0x10a: 0x12406, // strong
0x13a: 0x16c03, // dfn
0x10d: 0x300a, // background
0x13e: 0xf605, // inert
0x10e: 0x18303, // kbd
0x142: 0x10503, // del
0x114: 0x31706, // legend
0x144: 0x25302, // h2
0x116: 0x32f08, // progress
0x147: 0x2c205, // style
0x118: 0x2d408, // tabindex
0x149: 0x29703, // img
0x119: 0x34603, // src
0x14a: 0xc05, // tbody
0x11c: 0x39505, // video
0x14b: 0x7603, // dir
0x11f: 0x29a06, // strike
0x14c: 0x2eb05, // xmlns
0x121: 0xd706, // applet
0x14e: 0x1f08, // datalist
0x123: 0x2802, // rt
0x14f: 0x32d04, // href
0x125: 0x20606, // script
0x150: 0x1f202, // tr
0x128: 0xbc04, // rows
0x151: 0x13e0a, // blockquote
0x129: 0x2707, // article
0x152: 0x18909, // valuetype
0x12e: 0x9204, // cite
0x155: 0xdb06, // footer
0x131: 0x18c0d, // typemustmatch
0x157: 0x14f06, // script
0x133: 0x17f05, // track
0x158: 0x1cf07, // colspan
0x135: 0x3b902, // bb
0x15d: 0x1730e, // defaultChecked
0x136: 0x1ee05, // shape
0x15f: 0x2490a, // novalidate
0x137: 0x5b05, // aside
0x164: 0x1a408, // codetype
0x138: 0x1b60b, // pauseonexit
0x165: 0x2c506, // legend
0x13c: 0x38503, // pre
0x16b: 0x1160b, // pauseonexit
0x140: 0x301, // u
0x16c: 0x21f07, // caption
0x149: 0x1a403, // div
0x16f: 0x26c07, // enabled
0x14c: 0x3a405, // alink
0x173: 0x26206, // poster
0x14e: 0x27703, // var
0x175: 0x30a05, // muted
0x14f: 0x21d06, // action
0x176: 0x11205, // ismap
0x152: 0x2b05, // clear
0x178: 0x2a903, // ins
0x154: 0x2401, // i
0x17a: 0xe004, // ruby
0x155: 0x21702, // dt
0x17b: 0x37c02, // br
0x156: 0x36608, // seamless
0x17c: 0x8a0f, // defaultSelected
0x157: 0x21904, // form
0x17d: 0x7403, // kbd
0x15b: 0x15707, // details
0x17f: 0x1c906, // source
0x15f: 0x8e05, // async
0x182: 0x9f04, // span
0x160: 0x26a04, // html
0x184: 0x2d803, // max
0x161: 0x33608, // sortable
0x18a: 0x5b02, // dd
0x165: 0x2f02, // rb
0x18b: 0x13a04, // size
0x167: 0x2e10f, // allowfullscreen
0x18c: 0xa405, // media
0x168: 0x17804, // base
0x18d: 0x19208, // codebase
0x169: 0x25f06, // hidden
0x18f: 0x4905, // embed
0x16e: 0x2ef06, // nowrap
0x192: 0x5104, // type
0x16f: 0x2505, // start
0x193: 0xf005, // param
0x170: 0x14505, // frame
0x194: 0x25b02, // h6
0x171: 0x1f08, // datalist
0x197: 0x28304, // icon
0x173: 0x12502, // tr
0x198: 0x12607, // bgcolor
0x174: 0x30b06, // method
0x199: 0x2ad0f, // allowfullscreen
0x175: 0x101, // b
0x19a: 0x12004, // time
0x176: 0x1c904, // cols
0x19b: 0x7803, // rev
0x178: 0x110e, // accept-charset
0x19d: 0x34208, // progress
0x17a: 0x36205, // rules
0x19e: 0x22606, // figure
0x17b: 0x7f0f, // amp-boilerplate
0x1a0: 0x6a02, // rp
0x17f: 0x2270e, // defaultChecked
0x1a2: 0xa606, // dialog
0x180: 0x32807, // profile
0x1a4: 0x2802, // rt
0x181: 0x2b004, // slot
0x1a7: 0x1e304, // area
0x182: 0x11a05, // param
0x1a8: 0x7808, // reversed
0x185: 0x1c907, // colspan
0x1aa: 0x32104, // open
0x186: 0x34c05, // style
0x1ac: 0x2d204, // head
0x187: 0x1e02, // td
0x1ad: 0x7005, // alink
0x188: 0x12c05, // color
0x1af: 0x28003, // var
0x18c: 0x13901, // q
0x1b0: 0x15f07, // details
0x18d: 0x3b005, // vlink
0x1b1: 0x2401, // i
0x18e: 0x39203, // svg
0x1b3: 0x1e02, // td
0x18f: 0x33905, // table
0x1b4: 0xb707, // declare
0x190: 0x29e06, // keygen
0x1b5: 0x8302, // ul
0x192: 0x20c06, // figure
0x1ba: 0x2fc06, // method
0x193: 0x3a907, // visible
0x1bd: 0x13007, // section
0x195: 0x17808, // basefont
0x1be: 0x22a08, // required
0x196: 0x8802, // rp
0x1c2: 0x9805, // defer
0x197: 0xf60f, // defaultSelected
0x1c3: 0x37205, // vlink
0x198: 0x1af08, // colgroup
0x1c4: 0x15405, // title
0x19a: 0x3bc03, // wbr
0x1c5: 0x2770a, // http-equiv
0x19c: 0x36d07, // section
0x1c6: 0x1fa07, // enctype
0x19d: 0x25906, // source
0x1c7: 0x1ec07, // compact
0x19f: 0x2bf04, // math
0x1c8: 0x2d809, // maxlength
0x1a1: 0x2fe08, // readonly
0x1c9: 0x16508, // selected
0x1a7: 0x1e708, // controls
0x1cc: 0xd105, // audio
0x1a9: 0xde08, // menuitem
0x1cd: 0xc208, // longdesc
0x1ad: 0x206, // output
0x1d1: 0xfb04, // cite
0x1b0: 0x2c809, // maxlength
0x1da: 0x2505, // start
0x1b2: 0xe209, // itemscope
0x1de: 0x2d102, // th
0x1b9: 0x501, // p
0x1df: 0x10808, // autoplay
0x1bc: 0x2df05, // small
0x1e2: 0x7104, // link
0x1bd: 0x36102, // br
0x1e3: 0x206, // output
0x1c0: 0x5503, // rtc
0x1e5: 0x12204, // menu
0x1c1: 0x1c009, // translate
0x1e6: 0x2a405, // input
0x1c4: 0x35303, // bdo
0x1eb: 0x32403, // nav
0x1c5: 0xd04, // body
0x1ec: 0x31d03, // sub
0x1c8: 0xb706, // center
0x1ee: 0x1807, // charset
0x1c9: 0x2c105, // thead
0x1ef: 0x7f07, // default
0x1ca: 0xcc09, // autofocus
0x1f3: 0x2f205, // table
0x1cc: 0xb504, // face
0x1f4: 0x23b04, // form
0x1cd: 0x24302, // h2
0x1f5: 0x23209, // truespeed
0x1ce: 0x11e08, // manifest
0x1f6: 0x2f02, // rb
0x1d0: 0x706, // target
0x1fb: 0x20b09, // translate
0x1d1: 0x11605, // ismap
0x1fd: 0x2e002, // h1
0x1d3: 0xc405, // media
0x1d7: 0x13103, // big
0x1da: 0x37903, // del
0x1dc: 0x6f09, // scrolling
0x1de: 0x37505, // embed
0x1e0: 0x31d05, // muted
0x1e4: 0x2390a, // novalidate
0x1e6: 0x7202, // ol
0x1eb: 0x9f05, // tfoot
0x1ec: 0x18808, // codetype
0x1ee: 0x26307, // enabled
0x1f0: 0x2c206, // header
0x1f1: 0x1cf08, // noresize
0x1f6: 0x1d707, // compact
0x1f9: 0x12c03, // col
0x1fa: 0x38a03, // xmp
0x1fb: 0x1807, // charset
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ func (o *Minifier) Minify(m *minify.M, w io.Writer, r io.Reader, _ map[string]st
var params map[string]string
var params map[string]string
if rawTagHash == Iframe {
if rawTagHash == Iframe {
mimetype = htmlMimeBytes
mimetype = htmlMimeBytes
} else if len(rawTagMediatype) > 0 {
} else if 0 < len(rawTagMediatype) {
mimetype, params = parse.Mediatype(rawTagMediatype)
mimetype, params = parse.Mediatype(rawTagMediatype)
} else if rawTagHash == Script {
} else if rawTagHash == Script {
mimetype = jsMimeBytes
mimetype = jsMimeBytes
@ -169,20 +169,15 @@ func (o *Minifier) Minify(m *minify.M, w io.Writer, r io.Reader, _ map[string]st
t.Data = t.Data[:len(t.Data)-1]
t.Data = t.Data[:len(t.Data)-1]
omitSpace = false
omitSpace = false
} else if next.TokenType == html.TextToken {
} else if next.TokenType == html.TextToken && !parse.IsAllWhitespace(next.Data) {
// this only happens when a comment, doctype or phrasing end tag (only for !o.KeepWhitespace) was in between
// stop looking when text encountered
// remove if the text token starts with a whitespace
if len(next.Data) > 0 && parse.IsWhitespace(next.Data[0]) {
t.Data = t.Data[:len(t.Data)-1]
omitSpace = false
} else if next.TokenType == html.StartTagToken || next.TokenType == html.EndTagToken {
} else if next.TokenType == html.StartTagToken || next.TokenType == html.EndTagToken {
if o.KeepWhitespace {
if o.KeepWhitespace {
// remove when followed up by a block tag
// remove when followed by a block tag
if next.Traits&nonPhrasingTag != 0 {
if next.Traits&blockTag != 0 {
t.Data = t.Data[:len(t.Data)-1]
t.Data = t.Data[:len(t.Data)-1]
omitSpace = false
omitSpace = false
@ -271,14 +266,14 @@ func (o *Minifier) Minify(m *minify.M, w io.Writer, r io.Reader, _ map[string]st
if t.Traits&nonPhrasingTag != 0 {
omitSpace = true // omit spaces after block elements
} else if o.KeepWhitespace || t.Traits&objectTag != 0 {
omitSpace = false
if !omitEndTag {
if !omitEndTag {
if len(t.Data) > 3+len(t.Text) {
if o.KeepWhitespace || t.Traits&objectTag != 0 {
omitSpace = false
} else if t.Traits&blockTag != 0 {
omitSpace = true // omit spaces after block elements
if 3+len(t.Text) < len(t.Data) {
t.Data[2+len(t.Text)] = '>'
t.Data[2+len(t.Text)] = '>'
t.Data = t.Data[:3+len(t.Text)]
t.Data = t.Data[:3+len(t.Text)]
@ -296,7 +291,7 @@ func (o *Minifier) Minify(m *minify.M, w io.Writer, r io.Reader, _ map[string]st
if o.KeepWhitespace || t.Traits&objectTag != 0 {
if o.KeepWhitespace || t.Traits&objectTag != 0 {
omitSpace = false
omitSpace = false
} else if t.Traits&nonPhrasingTag != 0 {
} else if t.Traits&blockTag != 0 {
omitSpace = true // omit spaces after block elements
omitSpace = true // omit spaces after block elements
@ -327,7 +322,7 @@ func (o *Minifier) Minify(m *minify.M, w io.Writer, r io.Reader, _ map[string]st
for i := 0; i < len(content.AttrVal); i++ {
for i := 0; i < len(content.AttrVal); i++ {
if content.AttrVal[i] == '=' && i+2 < len(content.AttrVal) {
if content.AttrVal[i] == '=' && i+2 < len(content.AttrVal) {
if n := parse.Number(content.AttrVal[i:]); n > 0 {
if n := parse.Number(content.AttrVal[i:]); 0 < n {
minNum := minify.Number(content.AttrVal[i:i+n], -1)
minNum := minify.Number(content.AttrVal[i:i+n], -1)
if len(minNum) < n {
if len(minNum) < n {
copy(content.AttrVal[i:i+len(minNum)], minNum)
copy(content.AttrVal[i:i+len(minNum)], minNum)
@ -434,10 +429,10 @@ func (o *Minifier) Minify(m *minify.M, w io.Writer, r io.Reader, _ map[string]st
if len(val) == 0 {
if len(val) == 0 {
} else if len(attr.Text) > 2 && attr.Text[0] == 'o' && attr.Text[1] == 'n' {
} else if 2 < len(attr.Text) && attr.Text[0] == 'o' && attr.Text[1] == 'n' {
// JS minifier for attribute inline code
// JS minifier for attribute inline code
val = parse.TrimWhitespace(val)
val = parse.TrimWhitespace(val)
if len(val) >= 11 && parse.EqualFold(val[:11], jsSchemeBytes) {
if 11 <= len(val) && parse.EqualFold(val[:11], jsSchemeBytes) {
val = val[11:]
val = val[11:]
@ -475,7 +470,7 @@ func (o *Minifier) Minify(m *minify.M, w io.Writer, r io.Reader, _ map[string]st
if len(val) > 0 && attr.Traits&booleanAttr == 0 {
if 0 < len(val) && attr.Traits&booleanAttr == 0 {
// use double quotes for RDFa attributes
// use double quotes for RDFa attributes
@ -504,7 +499,7 @@ func (o *Minifier) Minify(m *minify.M, w io.Writer, r io.Reader, _ map[string]st
// keep space after phrasing tags (<i>, <span>, ...) FontAwesome etc.
// keep space after phrasing tags (<i>, <span>, ...) FontAwesome etc.
if t.TokenType == html.StartTagToken && t.Traits&nonPhrasingTag == 0 {
if t.TokenType == html.StartTagToken && t.Traits == normalTag {
if next := tb.Peek(0); next.Hash == t.Hash && next.TokenType == html.EndTagToken {
if next := tb.Peek(0); next.Hash == t.Hash && next.TokenType == html.EndTagToken {
omitSpace = false
omitSpace = false
@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ package html
type traits uint16
type traits uint16
const (
const (
normalTag traits = 1 << iota
normalTag traits = 1 << iota
rawTag // raw tags need special processing for their content
rawTag // raw tags need special processing for their content
nonPhrasingTag // non-phrasing elements are unaffected by whitespace, remove spaces around these tags
blockTag // remove spaces around these tags
objectTag // content tags with a few exclusions, keep spaces after these open/close tags
objectTag // keep spaces after these open/close tags
omitPTag // omit p end tag if it is followed by this start tag
omitPTag // omit p end tag if it is followed by this start tag
keepPTag // keep p end tag if it is followed by this end tag
keepPTag // keep p end tag if it is followed by this end tag
const (
const (
@ -21,54 +21,54 @@ const (
var tagMap = map[Hash]traits{
var tagMap = map[Hash]traits{
A: keepPTag,
A: keepPTag,
Abbr: normalTag,
Abbr: normalTag,
Address: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Address: blockTag | omitPTag,
Area: normalTag,
Area: normalTag,
Article: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Article: blockTag | omitPTag,
Aside: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Aside: blockTag | omitPTag,
Audio: keepPTag,
Audio: keepPTag,
B: normalTag,
B: normalTag,
Base: normalTag,
Base: normalTag,
Bb: normalTag,
Bb: normalTag,
Bdi: normalTag,
Bdi: normalTag,
Bdo: normalTag,
Bdo: normalTag,
Blockquote: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Blockquote: blockTag | omitPTag,
Body: nonPhrasingTag,
Body: normalTag,
Br: nonPhrasingTag,
Br: blockTag,
Button: objectTag,
Button: objectTag,
Canvas: objectTag | keepPTag,
Canvas: objectTag | keepPTag,
Caption: nonPhrasingTag,
Caption: blockTag,
Cite: normalTag,
Cite: normalTag,
Code: normalTag,
Code: normalTag,
Col: nonPhrasingTag,
Col: blockTag,
Colgroup: nonPhrasingTag,
Colgroup: blockTag,
Data: normalTag,
Data: normalTag,
Datalist: normalTag,
Datalist: normalTag, // no text content
Dd: nonPhrasingTag,
Dd: blockTag,
Del: keepPTag,
Del: keepPTag,
Details: omitPTag,
Details: blockTag | omitPTag,
Dfn: normalTag,
Dfn: normalTag,
Dialog: normalTag,
Dialog: normalTag,
Div: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Div: blockTag | omitPTag,
Dl: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Dl: blockTag | omitPTag,
Dt: nonPhrasingTag,
Dt: blockTag,
Em: normalTag,
Em: normalTag,
Embed: nonPhrasingTag,
Embed: normalTag,
Fieldset: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Fieldset: blockTag | omitPTag,
Figcaption: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Figcaption: blockTag | omitPTag,
Figure: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Figure: blockTag | omitPTag,
Footer: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Footer: blockTag | omitPTag,
Form: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Form: blockTag | omitPTag,
H1: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
H1: blockTag | omitPTag,
H2: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
H2: blockTag | omitPTag,
H3: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
H3: blockTag | omitPTag,
H4: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
H4: blockTag | omitPTag,
H5: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
H5: blockTag | omitPTag,
H6: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
H6: blockTag | omitPTag,
Head: nonPhrasingTag,
Head: blockTag,
Header: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Header: blockTag | omitPTag,
Hgroup: nonPhrasingTag,
Hgroup: blockTag,
Hr: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Hr: blockTag | omitPTag,
Html: nonPhrasingTag,
Html: blockTag,
I: normalTag,
I: normalTag,
Iframe: rawTag | objectTag,
Iframe: rawTag | objectTag,
Img: objectTag,
Img: objectTag,
@ -76,64 +76,90 @@ var tagMap = map[Hash]traits{
Ins: keepPTag,
Ins: keepPTag,
Kbd: normalTag,
Kbd: normalTag,
Label: normalTag,
Label: normalTag,
Legend: normalTag,
Legend: blockTag,
Li: nonPhrasingTag,
Li: blockTag,
Link: normalTag,
Link: normalTag,
Main: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Main: blockTag | omitPTag,
Map: keepPTag,
Map: keepPTag,
Mark: normalTag,
Mark: normalTag,
Math: rawTag,
Math: rawTag,
Menu: omitPTag,
Menu: blockTag | omitPTag,
Meta: nonPhrasingTag,
Meta: normalTag,
Meter: objectTag,
Meter: objectTag,
Nav: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Nav: blockTag | omitPTag,
Noscript: nonPhrasingTag | keepPTag,
Noscript: blockTag | keepPTag,
Object: objectTag,
Object: objectTag,
Ol: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Ol: blockTag | omitPTag,
Optgroup: normalTag,
Optgroup: normalTag, // no text content
Option: normalTag,
Option: blockTag,
Output: nonPhrasingTag,
Output: normalTag,
P: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
P: blockTag | omitPTag,
Param: normalTag,
Param: normalTag,
Picture: normalTag,
Picture: normalTag,
Pre: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Pre: blockTag | omitPTag,
Progress: objectTag,
Progress: objectTag,
Q: objectTag,
Q: objectTag,
Rp: normalTag,
Rp: normalTag,
Rt: normalTag,
Rt: objectTag,
Ruby: normalTag,
Ruby: normalTag,
S: normalTag,
S: normalTag,
Samp: normalTag,
Samp: normalTag,
Script: rawTag,
Script: rawTag,
Section: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Section: blockTag | omitPTag,
Select: objectTag,
Select: objectTag,
Slot: normalTag,
Slot: normalTag,
Small: normalTag,
Small: normalTag,
Source: normalTag,
Source: normalTag,
Span: normalTag,
Span: normalTag,
Strong: normalTag,
Strong: normalTag,
Style: rawTag | nonPhrasingTag,
Style: rawTag | blockTag,
Sub: normalTag,
Sub: normalTag,
Summary: normalTag,
Summary: blockTag,
Sup: normalTag,
Sup: normalTag,
Svg: rawTag | objectTag,
Svg: rawTag | objectTag,
Table: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Table: blockTag | omitPTag,
Tbody: nonPhrasingTag,
Tbody: blockTag,
Td: nonPhrasingTag,
Td: blockTag,
Template: normalTag,
Template: normalTag,
Textarea: rawTag | objectTag,
Textarea: rawTag | objectTag,
Tfoot: nonPhrasingTag,
Tfoot: blockTag,
Th: nonPhrasingTag,
Th: blockTag,
Thead: nonPhrasingTag,
Thead: blockTag,
Time: normalTag,
Time: normalTag,
Title: nonPhrasingTag,
Title: normalTag,
Tr: nonPhrasingTag,
Tr: blockTag,
Track: normalTag,
Track: normalTag,
U: normalTag,
U: normalTag,
Ul: nonPhrasingTag | omitPTag,
Ul: blockTag | omitPTag,
Var: normalTag,
Var: normalTag,
Video: objectTag | keepPTag,
Video: objectTag | keepPTag,
Wbr: normalTag,
Wbr: objectTag,
// removed tags
Acronym: normalTag,
Applet: normalTag,
Basefont: normalTag,
Big: normalTag,
Center: blockTag,
Dir: blockTag,
Font: normalTag,
Frame: normalTag,
Frameset: normalTag,
Image: objectTag,
Marquee: blockTag,
Menuitem: normalTag,
Nobr: normalTag,
Noembed: blockTag,
Noframes: blockTag,
Plaintext: normalTag,
Rtc: objectTag,
Rb: normalTag,
Strike: normalTag,
Tt: normalTag,
Xmp: blockTag,
// experimental tags
Portal: normalTag,
var attrMap = map[Hash]traits{
var attrMap = map[Hash]traits{
@ -574,7 +600,7 @@ var EntitiesMap = map[string][]byte{
"SupersetEqual": []byte("⊇"),
"SupersetEqual": []byte("⊇"),
"Supset": []byte("⋑"),
"Supset": []byte("⋑"),
"THORN": []byte("Þ"),
"THORN": []byte("Þ"),
"Tab": []byte(" "),
"Tab": []byte("\t"),
"Tcaron": []byte("Ť"),
"Tcaron": []byte("Ť"),
"Tcedil": []byte("Ţ"),
"Tcedil": []byte("Ţ"),
"Therefore": []byte("∴"),
"Therefore": []byte("∴"),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
package strconv
import (
func ParseDecimal(b []byte) (float64, int) {
i := 0
start := i
dot := -1
trunk := -1
n := uint64(0)
for ; i < len(b); i++ {
c := b[i]
if '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
if trunk == -1 {
if math.MaxUint64/10 < n {
trunk = i
} else {
n *= 10
n += uint64(c - '0')
} else if dot == -1 && c == '.' {
dot = i
} else {
if i == start || i == start+1 && dot == start {
return 0.0, 0
f := float64(n)
mantExp := int64(0)
if dot != -1 {
if trunk == -1 {
trunk = i
mantExp = int64(trunk - dot - 1)
} else if trunk != -1 {
mantExp = int64(trunk - i)
exp := -mantExp
// copied from strconv/atof.go
if exp == 0 {
return f, i
} else if 0 < exp && exp <= 15+22 { // int * 10^k
// If exponent is big but number of digits is not,
// can move a few zeros into the integer part.
if 22 < exp {
f *= float64pow10[exp-22]
exp = 22
if -1e15 <= f && f <= 1e15 {
return f * float64pow10[exp], i
} else if exp < 0 && -22 <= exp { // int / 10^k
return f / float64pow10[-exp], i
return f * math.Pow10(int(-mantExp)), i
@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ func ParseFloat(b []byte) (float64, int) {
n := uint64(0)
n := uint64(0)
for ; i < len(b); i++ {
for ; i < len(b); i++ {
c := b[i]
c := b[i]
if c >= '0' && c <= '9' {
if '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
if trunk == -1 {
if trunk == -1 {
if n > math.MaxUint64/10 {
if math.MaxUint64/10 < n {
trunk = i
trunk = i
} else {
} else {
n *= 10
n *= 10
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func ParseFloat(b []byte) (float64, int) {
if i < len(b) && (b[i] == 'e' || b[i] == 'E') {
if i < len(b) && (b[i] == 'e' || b[i] == 'E') {
startExp := i
startExp := i
if e, expLen := ParseInt(b[i:]); expLen > 0 {
if e, expLen := ParseInt(b[i:]); 0 < expLen {
expExp = e
expExp = e
i += expLen
i += expLen
} else {
} else {
@ -74,17 +74,17 @@ func ParseFloat(b []byte) (float64, int) {
// copied from strconv/atof.go
// copied from strconv/atof.go
if exp == 0 {
if exp == 0 {
return f, i
return f, i
} else if exp > 0 && exp <= 15+22 { // int * 10^k
} else if 0 < exp && exp <= 15+22 { // int * 10^k
// If exponent is big but number of digits is not,
// If exponent is big but number of digits is not,
// can move a few zeros into the integer part.
// can move a few zeros into the integer part.
if exp > 22 {
if 22 < exp {
f *= float64pow10[exp-22]
f *= float64pow10[exp-22]
exp = 22
exp = 22
if f <= 1e15 && f >= -1e15 {
if -1e15 <= f && f <= 1e15 {
return f * float64pow10[exp], i
return f * float64pow10[exp], i
} else if exp < 0 && exp >= -22 { // int / 10^k
} else if -22 <= exp && exp < 0 { // int / 10^k
return f / float64pow10[-exp], i
return f / float64pow10[-exp], i
f *= math.Pow10(int(-mantExp))
f *= math.Pow10(int(-mantExp))
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ func AppendFloat(b []byte, f float64, prec int) ([]byte, bool) {
// expLen is zero for positive exponents, because positive exponents are determined later on in the big conversion loop
// expLen is zero for positive exponents, because positive exponents are determined later on in the big conversion loop
exp := 0
exp := 0
expLen := 0
expLen := 0
if mantExp > 0 {
if 0 < mantExp {
// positive exponent is determined in the loop below
// positive exponent is determined in the loop below
// but if we initially decreased the exponent to fit in an integer, we can't set the new exponent in the loop alone,
// but if we initially decreased the exponent to fit in an integer, we can't set the new exponent in the loop alone,
// since the number of zeros at the end determines the positive exponent in the loop, and we just artificially lost zeros
// since the number of zeros at the end determines the positive exponent in the loop, and we just artificially lost zeros
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ func AppendFloat(b []byte, f float64, prec int) ([]byte, bool) {
if neg {
if neg {
if i+maxLen > cap(b) {
if cap(b) < i+maxLen {
b = append(b, make([]byte, maxLen)...)
b = append(b, make([]byte, maxLen)...)
} else {
} else {
b = b[:i+maxLen]
b = b[:i+maxLen]
@ -175,17 +175,17 @@ func AppendFloat(b []byte, f float64, prec int) ([]byte, bool) {
last := i + mantLen // right-most position of digit that is non-zero + dot
last := i + mantLen // right-most position of digit that is non-zero + dot
dot := last - prec - exp // position of dot
dot := last - prec - exp // position of dot
j := last
j := last
for mant > 0 {
for 0 < mant {
if j == dot {
if j == dot {
b[j] = '.'
b[j] = '.'
newMant := mant / 10
newMant := mant / 10
digit := mant - 10*newMant
digit := mant - 10*newMant
if zero && digit > 0 {
if zero && 0 < digit {
// first non-zero digit, if we are still behind the dot we can trim the end to this position
// first non-zero digit, if we are still behind the dot we can trim the end to this position
// otherwise trim to the dot (including the dot)
// otherwise trim to the dot (including the dot)
if j > dot {
if dot < j {
i = j + 1
i = j + 1
// decrease negative exponent further to get rid of dot
// decrease negative exponent further to get rid of dot
if exp < 0 {
if exp < 0 {
@ -209,9 +209,9 @@ func AppendFloat(b []byte, f float64, prec int) ([]byte, bool) {
mant = newMant
mant = newMant
if j > dot {
if dot < j {
// extra zeros behind the dot
// extra zeros behind the dot
for j > dot {
for dot < j {
b[j] = '0'
b[j] = '0'
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ func AppendFloat(b []byte, f float64, prec int) ([]byte, bool) {
i += LenInt(int64(exp))
i += LenInt(int64(exp))
j := i
j := i
for exp > 0 {
for 0 < exp {
newExp := exp / 10
newExp := exp / 10
digit := exp - 10*newExp
digit := exp - 10*newExp
@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ func AppendPrice(b []byte, price int64, dec bool, milSeparator byte, decSeparato
// rounding
// rounding
if !dec {
if !dec {
firstDec := (price / 10) % 10
firstDec := (price / 10) % 10
if firstDec >= 5 {
if 5 <= firstDec {
price += 100
price += 100
// calculate size
// calculate size
n := LenInt(price) - 2
n := LenInt(price) - 2
if n > 0 {
if 0 < n {
n += (n - 1) / 3 // mil separator
n += (n - 1) / 3 // mil separator
} else {
} else {
n = 1
n = 1
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ func AppendPrice(b []byte, price int64, dec bool, milSeparator byte, decSeparato
// resize byte slice
// resize byte slice
i := len(b)
i := len(b)
if i+n > cap(b) {
if cap(b) < i+n {
b = append(b, make([]byte, n)...)
b = append(b, make([]byte, n)...)
} else {
} else {
b = b[:i+n]
b = b[:i+n]
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ func AppendPrice(b []byte, price int64, dec bool, milSeparator byte, decSeparato
// print integer-part
// print integer-part
j := 0
j := 0
for price > 0 {
for 0 < price {
if j == 3 {
if j == 3 {
b[i] = milSeparator
b[i] = milSeparator
@ -659,11 +659,11 @@ github.com/superseriousbusiness/oauth2/v4/generates
# github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2 v2.12.7
# github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2 v2.12.8
## explicit; go 1.13
## explicit; go 1.18
# github.com/tdewolff/parse/v2 v2.6.6
# github.com/tdewolff/parse/v2 v2.6.7
## explicit; go 1.13
## explicit; go 1.13
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