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// Copyright 2017 The Sqlite Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package sqlite is a sql/database driver using a CGo-free port of the C
// SQLite3 library.
// SQLite is an in-process implementation of a self-contained, serverless,
// zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.
// # Fragile dependency
// When you import this package you should use in your go.mod file the exact
// same version of as seen in the go.mod file of this
// repository.
// See the discussion at for more details.
// # Thanks
// This project is sponsored by Schleibinger Geräte Teubert u. Greim GmbH by
// allowing one of the maintainers to work on it also in office hours.
// # Supported platforms and architectures
// These combinations of GOOS and GOARCH are currently supported
// OS Arch SQLite version
// ------------------------------
// darwin amd64 3.49.0
// darwin arm64 3.49.0
// freebsd amd64 3.49.0
// freebsd arm64 3.49.0
// linux 386 3.49.0
// linux amd64 3.49.0
// linux arm 3.49.0
// linux arm64 3.49.0
// linux loong64 3.49.0
// linux ppc64le 3.49.0
// linux riscv64 3.49.0
// linux s390x 3.49.0
// windows 386 3.49.0
// windows amd64 3.49.0
// windows arm64 3.49.0
// # Builders
// Builder results available at:
2023-01-22 12:26:47 +01:00
// # Changelog
// - 2025-02-26 v1.36.0: Upgrade to SQLite 3.49.0.
// - 2024-11-16 v1.34.0: Implement ResetSession and IsValid methods in connection
// - 2024-07-22 v1.31.0: Support windows/386.
// - 2024-06-04 v1.30.0: Upgrade to SQLite 3.46.0, release notes at
// - 2024-02-13 v1.29.0: Upgrade to SQLite 3.45.1, release notes at
// - 2023-12-14: v1.28.0: Add (*Driver).RegisterConnectionHook,
// ConnectionHookFn, ExecQuerierContext, RegisterConnectionHook.
// - 2023-08-03 v1.25.0: enable SQLITE_ENABLE_DBSTAT_VTAB.
// - 2023-07-11 v1.24.0: Add
// (*conn).{Serialize,Deserialize,NewBackup,NewRestore} methods, add Backup
// type.
// - 2023-06-01 v1.23.0: Allow registering aggregate functions.
// - 2023-04-22 v1.22.0: Support linux/s390x.
2023-01-22 12:26:47 +01:00
// - 2023-02-23 v1.21.0: Upgrade to SQLite 3.41.0, release notes at
2023-01-22 12:26:47 +01:00
// - 2022-11-28 v1.20.0: Support linux/ppc64le.
// - 2022-09-16 v1.19.0: Support frebsd/arm64.
// - 2022-07-26 v1.18.0: Add support for Go fs.FS based SQLite virtual
// filesystems, see function New in and/or TestVFS in
// all_test.go
// - 2022-04-24 v1.17.0: Support windows/arm64.
// - 2022-04-04 v1.16.0: Support scalar application defined functions written
// in Go. See
// - 2022-03-13 v1.15.0: Support linux/riscv64.
// - 2021-11-13 v1.14.0: Support windows/amd64. This target had previously
// only experimental status because of a now resolved memory leak.
// - 2021-09-07 v1.13.0: Support freebsd/amd64.
// - 2021-06-23 v1.11.0: Upgrade to use sqlite 3.36.0, release notes at
// - 2021-05-06 v1.10.6: Fixes a memory corruption issue
// ( Versions since v1.8.6 were
// affected and should be updated to v1.10.6.
// - 2021-03-14 v1.10.0: Update to use sqlite 3.35.0, release notes at
// - 2021-03-11 v1.9.0: Support darwin/arm64.
// - 2021-01-08 v1.8.0: Support darwin/amd64.
// - 2020-09-13 v1.7.0: Support linux/arm and linux/arm64.
// - 2020-09-08 v1.6.0: Support linux/386.
// - 2020-09-03 v1.5.0: This project is now completely CGo-free, including
// the Tcl tests.
// - 2020-08-26 v1.4.0: First stable release for linux/amd64. The
// database/sql driver and its tests are CGo free. Tests of the translated
// sqlite3.c library still require CGo.
// - 2020-07-26 v1.4.0-beta1: The project has reached beta status while
// supporting linux/amd64 only at the moment. The 'extraquick' Tcl testsuite
// reports
// - 2019-12-28 v1.2.0-alpha.3: Third alpha fixes issue #19.
// - 2019-12-26 v1.1.0-alpha.2: Second alpha release adds support for
// accessing a database concurrently by multiple goroutines and/or processes.
// v1.1.0 is now considered feature-complete. Next planed release should be a
// beta with a proper test suite.
// - 2019-12-18 v1.1.0-alpha.1: First alpha release using the new cc/v3,
// gocc, qbe toolchain. Some primitive tests pass on linux_{amd64,386}. Not
// yet safe for concurrent access by multiple goroutines. Next alpha release
// is planed to arrive before the end of this year.
// - 2017-06-10: Windows/Intel no more uses the VM (thanks Steffen Butzer).
// - 2017-06-05 Linux/Intel no more uses the VM (cznic/virtual).
// # Connecting to a database
// To access a Sqlite database do something like
// import (
// "database/sql"
// _ ""
// )
// ...
// db, err := sql.Open("sqlite", dsnURI)
// ...
// # Debug and development versions
// A comma separated list of options can be passed to `go generate` via the
// environment variable GO_GENERATE. Some useful options include for example:
// -ccgo-verify-structs
// To create a debug/development version, issue for example:
// Note: To run `go generate` you need to have installed.
// # Hacking
// This is an example of how to use the debug logs in when hunting a bug.
// 0:jnml@e5-1650:~/src/$ git status
// On branch master
// Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
// nothing to commit, working tree clean
// 0:jnml@e5-1650:~/src/$ git log -1
// commit df33b8d15107f3cc777799c0fe105f74ef499e62 (HEAD -> master, tag: v1.21.1, origin/master, origin/HEAD, wips, ok)
// Author: Jan Mercl <>
// Date: Mon Mar 27 16:18:28 2023 +0200
// upgrade to SQLite 3.41.2
// 0:jnml@e5-1650:~/src/$ rm -f /tmp/libc.log ; go test -v -tags=libc.dmesg -run TestScalar ; ls -l /tmp/libc.log
// test binary compiled for linux/amd64
// === RUN TestScalar
// --- PASS: TestScalar (0.09s)
// ok 0.128s
// -rw-r--r-- 1 jnml jnml 76 Apr 6 11:22 /tmp/libc.log
// 0:jnml@e5-1650:~/src/$ cat /tmp/libc.log
// [10723 sqlite.test] 2023-04-06 11:22:48.288066057 +0200 CEST m=+0.000707150
// 0:jnml@e5-1650:~/src/$
// The /tmp/libc.log file is created as requested. No useful messages there because none are enabled in libc. Let's try to enable Xwrite as an example.
// 0:jnml@e5-1650:~/src/$ git status
// On branch master
// Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
// Changes not staged for commit:
// (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
// (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
// modified: libc_linux.go
// no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
// 0:jnml@e5-1650:~/src/$ git log -1
// commit 1e22c18cf2de8aa86d5b19b165f354f99c70479c (HEAD -> master, tag: v1.22.3, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
// Author: Jan Mercl <>
// Date: Wed Feb 22 20:27:45 2023 +0100
// support sqlite 3.41 on linux targets
// 0:jnml@e5-1650:~/src/$ git diff
// diff --git a/libc_linux.go b/libc_linux.go
// index 1c2f482..ac1f08d 100644
// --- a/libc_linux.go
// +++ b/libc_linux.go
// @@ -332,19 +332,19 @@ func Xwrite(t *TLS, fd int32, buf uintptr, count types.Size_t) types.Ssize_t {
// var n uintptr
// switch n, _, err = unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_WRITE, uintptr(fd), buf, uintptr(count)); err {
// case 0:
// - // if dmesgs {
// - // // dmesg("%v: %d %#x: %#x\n%s", origin(1), fd, count, n, hex.Dump(GoBytes(buf, int(n))))
// - // dmesg("%v: %d %#x: %#x", origin(1), fd, count, n)
// - // }
// + if dmesgs {
// + // dmesg("%v: %d %#x: %#x\n%s", origin(1), fd, count, n, hex.Dump(GoBytes(buf, int(n))))
// + dmesg("%v: %d %#x: %#x", origin(1), fd, count, n)
// + }
// return types.Ssize_t(n)
// case errno.EAGAIN:
// // nop
// }
// }
// - // if dmesgs {
// - // dmesg("%v: fd %v, count %#x: %v", origin(1), fd, count, err)
// - // }
// + if dmesgs {
// + dmesg("%v: fd %v, count %#x: %v", origin(1), fd, count, err)
// + }
// t.setErrno(err)
// return -1
// }
// 0:jnml@e5-1650:~/src/$
// We need to tell the Go build system to use our local, patched/debug libc:
// 0:jnml@e5-1650:~/src/$ go work use $(go env GOPATH)/src/
// 0:jnml@e5-1650:~/src/$ go work use .
// And run the test again:
// 0:jnml@e5-1650:~/src/$ rm -f /tmp/libc.log ; go test -v -tags=libc.dmesg -run TestScalar ; ls -l /tmp/libc.log
// test binary compiled for linux/amd64
// === RUN TestScalar
// --- PASS: TestScalar (0.26s)
// ok 0.285s
// -rw-r--r-- 1 jnml jnml 918 Apr 6 11:29 /tmp/libc.log
// 0:jnml@e5-1650:~/src/$ cat /tmp/libc.log
// [11910 sqlite.test] 2023-04-06 11:29:13.143589542 +0200 CEST m=+0.000689270
// [11910 sqlite.test] libc_linux.go:337:Xwrite: 8 0x200: 0x200
// [11910 sqlite.test] libc_linux.go:337:Xwrite: 8 0xc: 0xc
// [11910 sqlite.test] libc_linux.go:337:Xwrite: 7 0x1000: 0x1000
// [11910 sqlite.test] libc_linux.go:337:Xwrite: 7 0x1000: 0x1000
// [11910 sqlite.test] libc_linux.go:337:Xwrite: 8 0x200: 0x200
// [11910 sqlite.test] libc_linux.go:337:Xwrite: 8 0x4: 0x4
// [11910 sqlite.test] libc_linux.go:337:Xwrite: 8 0x1000: 0x1000
// [11910 sqlite.test] libc_linux.go:337:Xwrite: 8 0x4: 0x4
// [11910 sqlite.test] libc_linux.go:337:Xwrite: 8 0x4: 0x4
// [11910 sqlite.test] libc_linux.go:337:Xwrite: 8 0x1000: 0x1000
// [11910 sqlite.test] libc_linux.go:337:Xwrite: 8 0x4: 0x4
// [11910 sqlite.test] libc_linux.go:337:Xwrite: 8 0xc: 0xc
// [11910 sqlite.test] libc_linux.go:337:Xwrite: 7 0x1000: 0x1000
// [11910 sqlite.test] libc_linux.go:337:Xwrite: 7 0x1000: 0x1000
// 0:jnml@e5-1650:~/src/$
// # Sqlite documentation
// See
package sqlite // import ""