Usernamestring`validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,unique:userdomain"`// Username of the account, should just be a string of [a-zA-Z0-9_]. Can be added to domain to create the full username in the form ``[username]@[domain]`` eg., ````. Username and domain should be unique *with* each other
Domainstring`validate:"omitempty,fqdn" bun:",nullzero,unique:userdomain"`// Domain of the account, will be null if this is a local account, otherwise something like ````. Should be unique with username.
AlsoKnownAsstring`validate:"omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"`// This account is associated with x account id (TODO: migrate to be AlsoKnownAsID)
PrivacyVisibility`validate:"required_without=Domain,omitempty,oneof=public unlocked followers_only mutuals_only direct" bun:",nullzero"`// Default post privacy for this account
StatusFormatstring`validate:"required_without=Domain,omitempty,oneof=plain markdown" bun:",nullzero"`// What is the default format for statuses posted by this account (only for local accounts).
LastWebfingeredAttime.Time`validate:"required_with=Domain" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero"`// Last time this account was refreshed/located with webfinger.
InboxURIstring`validate:"required_without=Domain,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero,unique"`// Address of this account's ActivityPub inbox, for sending activity to
SharedInboxURI*string`validate:"-" bun:""`// Address of this account's ActivityPub sharedInbox. Gotcha warning: this is a string pointer because it has three possible states: 1. We don't know yet if the account has a shared inbox -- null. 2. We know it doesn't have a shared inbox -- empty string. 3. We know it does have a shared inbox -- url string.
OutboxURIstring`validate:"required_without=Domain,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero,unique"`// Address of this account's activitypub outbox
FollowingURIstring`validate:"required_without=Domain,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero,unique"`// URI for getting the following list of this account
FollowersURIstring`validate:"required_without=Domain,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero,unique"`// URI for getting the followers list of this account
FeaturedCollectionURIstring`validate:"required_without=Domain,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero,unique"`// URL for getting the featured collection list of this account
ActorTypestring`validate:"oneof=Application Group Organization Person Service" bun:",nullzero,notnull"`// What type of activitypub actor is this account?
PrivateKey*rsa.PrivateKey`validate:"required_without=Domain"`// Privatekey for validating activitypub requests, will only be defined for local accounts
PublicKey*rsa.PublicKey`validate:"required"`// Publickey for encoding activitypub requests, will be defined for both local and remote accounts
PublicKeyURIstring`validate:"required,url" bun:",nullzero,notnull,unique"`// Web-reachable location of this account's public key
SensitizedAttime.Time`validate:"-" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero"`// When was this account set to have all its media shown as sensitive?
SilencedAttime.Time`validate:"-" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero"`// When was this account silenced (eg., statuses only visible to followers, not public)?
SuspendedAttime.Time`validate:"-" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero"`// When was this account suspended (eg., don't allow it to log in/post, don't accept media/posts from this account)
SuspensionOriginstring`validate:"omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"`// id of the database entry that caused this account to become suspended -- can be an account ID or a domain block ID