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2021-11-13 11:29:08 +00:00
package logger
import (
// Check our types impl LogFormat
var _ LogFormat = &TextFormat{}
// LogFormat defines a method of formatting log entries
type LogFormat interface {
AppendLevel(buf *bytes.Buffer, lvl LEVEL)
AppendTimestamp(buf *bytes.Buffer, fmtNow string)
AppendField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value interface{})
AppendFields(buf *bytes.Buffer, fields map[string]interface{})
AppendByteField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value byte)
AppendBytesField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []byte)
AppendStringField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value string)
AppendStringsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []string)
AppendBoolField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value bool)
AppendBoolsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []bool)
AppendIntField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value int)
AppendIntsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []int)
AppendUintField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value uint)
AppendUintsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []uint)
AppendFloatField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value float64)
AppendFloatsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []float64)
AppendTimeField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value time.Time)
AppendTimesField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []time.Time)
AppendDurationField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value time.Duration)
AppendDurationsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []time.Duration)
AppendMsg(buf *bytes.Buffer, a ...interface{})
AppendMsgf(buf *bytes.Buffer, s string, a ...interface{})
// TextFormat is the default LogFormat implementation, with very similar formatting to logfmt
type TextFormat struct {
// Strict defines whether to use strict key-value pair formatting,
// i.e. should the level, timestamp and msg be formatted as key-value pairs
// or simply be printed as-is
Strict bool
// Levels defines the map of log LEVELs to level strings this LogFormat will use
Levels Levels
// NewLogFmt returns a newly set LogFmt object, with DefaultLevels() set
func NewLogFmt(strict bool) *TextFormat {
return &TextFormat{
Strict: strict,
Levels: DefaultLevels(),
// appendReflectValue will safely append a reflected value
func appendReflectValue(buf *bytes.Buffer, v reflect.Value, isKey bool) {
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
appendSliceType(buf, v)
case reflect.Map:
appendMapType(buf, v)
case reflect.Struct:
appendStructType(buf, v)
case reflect.Ptr:
if v.IsNil() {
} else {
appendIface(buf, v.Elem().Interface(), isKey)
// Just print reflect string
appendString(buf, v.String())
// appendKey should only be used in the case of directly setting key-value pairs,
// not in the case of appendMapType, appendStructType
func appendKey(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string) {
if len(key) > 0 {
// Only write key if here
appendStringUnquoted(buf, key)
// appendSlice performs provided fn and writes square brackets [] around it
func appendSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, fn func()) {
// appendMap performs provided fn and writes curly braces {} around it
func appendMap(buf *bytes.Buffer, fn func()) {
// appendStruct performs provided fn and writes curly braces {} around it
func appendStruct(buf *bytes.Buffer, fn func()) {
// appendNil writes a nil value placeholder to buf
func appendNil(buf *bytes.Buffer) {
// appendByte writes a single byte to buf
func appendByte(buf *bytes.Buffer, b byte) {
// appendBytes writes a quoted byte slice to buf
func appendBytes(buf *bytes.Buffer, b []byte) {
// appendBytesUnquoted writes a byte slice to buf as-is
func appendBytesUnquoted(buf *bytes.Buffer, b []byte) {
// appendString writes a quoted string to buf
func appendString(buf *bytes.Buffer, s string) {
// appendStringUnquoted writes a string as-is to buf
func appendStringUnquoted(buf *bytes.Buffer, s string) {
// appendStringSlice writes a slice of strings to buf
func appendStringSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, s []string) {
appendSlice(buf, func() {
for _, s := range s {
appendString(buf, s)
if len(s) > 0 {
// appendBool writes a formatted bool to buf
func appendBool(buf *bytes.Buffer, b bool) {
buf.B = strconv.AppendBool(buf.B, b)
// appendBool writes a slice of formatted bools to buf
func appendBoolSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, b []bool) {
appendSlice(buf, func() {
// Write elements
for _, b := range b {
appendBool(buf, b)
// Drop last comma
if len(b) > 0 {
// appendInt writes a formatted int to buf
func appendInt(buf *bytes.Buffer, i int64) {
buf.B = strconv.AppendInt(buf.B, i, 10)
// appendIntSlice writes a slice of formatted int to buf
func appendIntSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, i []int) {
appendSlice(buf, func() {
// Write elements
for _, i := range i {
appendInt(buf, int64(i))
// Drop last comma
if len(i) > 0 {
// appendUint writes a formatted uint to buf
func appendUint(buf *bytes.Buffer, u uint64) {
buf.B = strconv.AppendUint(buf.B, u, 10)
// appendUintSlice writes a slice of formatted uint to buf
func appendUintSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, u []uint) {
appendSlice(buf, func() {
// Write elements
for _, u := range u {
appendUint(buf, uint64(u))
// Drop last comma
if len(u) > 0 {
// appendFloat writes a formatted float to buf
func appendFloat(buf *bytes.Buffer, f float64) {
buf.B = strconv.AppendFloat(buf.B, f, 'G', -1, 64)
// appendFloatSlice writes a slice formatted floats to buf
func appendFloatSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, f []float64) {
appendSlice(buf, func() {
// Write elements
for _, f := range f {
appendFloat(buf, f)
// Drop last comma
if len(f) > 0 {
// appendTime writes a formatted, quoted time string to buf
func appendTime(buf *bytes.Buffer, t time.Time) {
buf.B = t.AppendFormat(buf.B, time.RFC1123)
// appendTimeUnquoted writes a formatted time string to buf as-is
func appendTimeUnquoted(buf *bytes.Buffer, t time.Time) {
buf.B = t.AppendFormat(buf.B, time.RFC1123)
// appendTimeSlice writes a slice of formatted time strings to buf
func appendTimeSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, t []time.Time) {
appendSlice(buf, func() {
// Write elements
for _, t := range t {
appendTime(buf, t)
// Drop last comma
if len(t) > 0 {
// appendDuration writes a formatted, quoted duration string to buf
func appendDuration(buf *bytes.Buffer, d time.Duration) {
appendString(buf, d.String())
// appendDurationUnquoted writes a formatted duration string to buf as-is
func appendDurationUnquoted(buf *bytes.Buffer, d time.Duration) {
appendStringUnquoted(buf, d.String())
// appendDurationSlice writes a slice of formatted, quoted duration strings to buf
func appendDurationSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, d []time.Duration) {
appendSlice(buf, func() {
// Write elements
for _, d := range d {
appendString(buf, d.String())
// Drop last comma
if len(d) > 0 {
// appendIface parses and writes a formatted interface value to buf
func appendIface(buf *bytes.Buffer, i interface{}, isKey bool) {
switch i := i.(type) {
case nil:
case byte:
appendByte(buf, i)
case []byte:
if isKey {
// Keys don't get quoted
appendBytesUnquoted(buf, i)
} else {
appendBytes(buf, i)
case string:
if isKey {
// Keys don't get quoted
appendStringUnquoted(buf, i)
} else {
appendString(buf, i)
case []string:
appendStringSlice(buf, i)
case int:
appendInt(buf, int64(i))
case int8:
appendInt(buf, int64(i))
case int16:
appendInt(buf, int64(i))
case int32:
appendInt(buf, int64(i))
case int64:
appendInt(buf, i)
case []int:
appendIntSlice(buf, i)
case uint:
appendUint(buf, uint64(i))
case uint16:
appendUint(buf, uint64(i))
case uint32:
appendUint(buf, uint64(i))
case uint64:
appendUint(buf, i)
case []uint:
appendUintSlice(buf, i)
case float32:
appendFloat(buf, float64(i))
case float64:
appendFloat(buf, i)
case []float64:
appendFloatSlice(buf, i)
case bool:
appendBool(buf, i)
case []bool:
appendBoolSlice(buf, i)
case time.Time:
if isKey {
// Keys don't get quoted
appendTimeUnquoted(buf, i)
} else {
appendTime(buf, i)
case *time.Time:
if isKey {
// Keys don't get quoted
appendTimeUnquoted(buf, *i)
} else {
appendTime(buf, *i)
case []time.Time:
appendTimeSlice(buf, i)
case time.Duration:
if isKey {
// Keys dont get quoted
appendDurationUnquoted(buf, i)
} else {
appendDuration(buf, i)
case []time.Duration:
appendDurationSlice(buf, i)
case map[string]interface{}:
appendIfaceMap(buf, i)
case error:
if isKey {
// Keys don't get quoted
appendStringUnquoted(buf, i.Error())
} else {
appendString(buf, i.Error())
case fmt.Stringer:
if isKey {
// Keys don't get quoted
appendStringUnquoted(buf, i.String())
} else {
appendString(buf, i.String())
// If we reached here, we need reflection.
appendReflectValue(buf, reflect.ValueOf(i), isKey)
// appendIfaceMap writes a map of key-value pairs (as a set of fields) to buf
func appendIfaceMap(buf *bytes.Buffer, v map[string]interface{}) {
appendMap(buf, func() {
// Write map pairs!
for key, value := range v {
appendStringUnquoted(buf, key)
appendIface(buf, value, false)
buf.WriteByte(' ')
// Drop last space
if len(v) > 0 {
// appendSliceType writes a slice of unknown type (parsed by reflection) to buf
func appendSliceType(buf *bytes.Buffer, v reflect.Value) {
n := v.Len()
appendSlice(buf, func() {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
appendIface(buf, v.Index(i).Interface(), false)
// Drop last comma
if n > 0 {
// appendMapType writes a map of unknown types (parsed by reflection) to buf
func appendMapType(buf *bytes.Buffer, v reflect.Value) {
// Get a map iterator
r := v.MapRange()
n := v.Len()
// Now begin creating the map!
appendMap(buf, func() {
// Iterate pairs
for r.Next() {
appendIface(buf, r.Key().Interface(), true)
appendIface(buf, r.Value().Interface(), false)
buf.WriteByte(' ')
// Drop last space
if n > 0 {
// appendStructType writes a struct (as a set of key-value fields) to buf
func appendStructType(buf *bytes.Buffer, v reflect.Value) {
// Get value type & no. fields
t := v.Type()
n := v.NumField()
w := 0
// Iter and write struct fields
appendStruct(buf, func() {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
vfield := v.Field(i)
// Check for unexported fields
if !vfield.CanInterface() {
// Append the struct member as field key-value
appendStringUnquoted(buf, t.Field(i).Name)
appendIface(buf, vfield.Interface(), false)
buf.WriteByte(' ')
// Iter written count
// Drop last space
if w > 0 {
func (f *TextFormat) AppendLevel(buf *bytes.Buffer, lvl LEVEL) {
if f.Strict {
// Strict format, append level key
// Write level string
func (f *TextFormat) AppendTimestamp(buf *bytes.Buffer, now string) {
if f.Strict {
// Strict format, use key and quote
appendStringUnquoted(buf, `time`)
appendString(buf, now)
// Write time as-is
appendStringUnquoted(buf, now)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value interface{}) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendIface(buf, value, false)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendFields(buf *bytes.Buffer, fields map[string]interface{}) {
// Append individual fields
for key, value := range fields {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendIface(buf, value, false)
buf.WriteByte(' ')
// Drop last space
if len(fields) > 0 {
func (f *TextFormat) AppendByteField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value byte) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendByte(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendBytesField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []byte) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendBytes(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendStringField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value string) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendString(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendStringsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []string) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendStringSlice(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendBoolField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value bool) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendBool(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendBoolsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []bool) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendBoolSlice(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendIntField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value int) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendInt(buf, int64(value))
func (f *TextFormat) AppendIntsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []int) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendIntSlice(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendUintField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value uint) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendUint(buf, uint64(value))
func (f *TextFormat) AppendUintsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []uint) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendUintSlice(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendFloatField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value float64) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendFloat(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendFloatsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []float64) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendFloatSlice(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendTimeField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value time.Time) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendTime(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendTimesField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []time.Time) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendTimeSlice(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendDurationField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value time.Duration) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendDuration(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendDurationsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []time.Duration) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendDurationSlice(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendMsg(buf *bytes.Buffer, a ...interface{}) {
if f.Strict {
// Strict format, use key and quote
fmt.Fprint(buf, a...)
// Write message as-is
fmt.Fprint(buf, a...)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendMsgf(buf *bytes.Buffer, s string, a ...interface{}) {
if f.Strict {
// Strict format, use key and quote
fmt.Fprintf(buf, s, a...)
// Write message as-is
fmt.Fprintf(buf, s, a...)