Shortcodestring`validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,unique:shortcodedomain"`// String shortcode for this emoji -- the part that's between colons. This should be lowercase a-z_ eg., 'blob_hug' 'purple_heart' Must be unique with domain.
Domainstring`validate:"omitempty,fqdn" bun:",nullzero,unique:shortcodedomain"`// Origin domain of this emoji, eg '', ''. empty string for local emojis.
ImageRemoteURLstring`validate:"required_without=ImageURL,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"`// Where can this emoji be retrieved remotely? Null for local emojis.
ImageStaticRemoteURLstring`validate:"required_without=ImageStaticURL,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"`// Where can a static / non-animated version of this emoji be retrieved remotely? Null for local emojis.
ImageURLstring`validate:"required_without=ImageRemoteURL,required_without=Domain,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"`// Where can this emoji be retrieved from the local server? Null for remote emojis.
ImageStaticURLstring`validate:"required_without=ImageStaticRemoteURL,required_without=Domain,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"`// Where can a static version of this emoji be retrieved from the local server? Null for remote emojis.
ImagePathstring`validate:"required,file" bun:",nullzero,notnull"`// Path of the emoji image in the server storage system.
ImageStaticPathstring`validate:"required,file" bun:",nullzero,notnull"`// Path of a static version of the emoji image in the server storage system
ImageContentTypestring`validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull"`// MIME content type of the emoji image
ImageStaticContentTypestring`validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull"`// MIME content type of the static version of the emoji image.
ImageFileSizeint`validate:"required,min=1" bun:",nullzero,notnull"`// Size of the emoji image file in bytes, for serving purposes.
ImageStaticFileSizeint`validate:"required,min=1" bun:",nullzero,notnull"`// Size of the static version of the emoji image file in bytes, for serving purposes.