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2024-08-26 18:05:54 +02:00
// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Code generated from semantic convention specification. DO NOT EDIT.
package semconv // import ""
const (
// ContainerCPUTime is the metric conforming to the "container.cpu.time"
// semantic conventions. It represents the total CPU time consumed.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
ContainerCPUTimeName = "container.cpu.time"
ContainerCPUTimeUnit = "s"
ContainerCPUTimeDescription = "Total CPU time consumed"
// ContainerMemoryUsage is the metric conforming to the
// "container.memory.usage" semantic conventions. It represents the memory
// usage of the container.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
ContainerMemoryUsageName = "container.memory.usage"
ContainerMemoryUsageUnit = "By"
ContainerMemoryUsageDescription = "Memory usage of the container."
// ContainerDiskIo is the metric conforming to the "" semantic
// conventions. It represents the disk bytes for the container.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
ContainerDiskIoName = ""
ContainerDiskIoUnit = "By"
ContainerDiskIoDescription = "Disk bytes for the container."
// ContainerNetworkIo is the metric conforming to the ""
// semantic conventions. It represents the network bytes for the container.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
ContainerNetworkIoName = ""
ContainerNetworkIoUnit = "By"
ContainerNetworkIoDescription = "Network bytes for the container."
// DBClientOperationDuration is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.operation.duration" semantic conventions. It represents the
// duration of database client operations.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientOperationDurationName = "db.client.operation.duration"
DBClientOperationDurationUnit = "s"
DBClientOperationDurationDescription = "Duration of database client operations."
// DBClientConnectionCount is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connection.count" semantic conventions. It represents the number
// of connections that are currently in state described by the `state`
// attribute.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {connection}
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionCountName = "db.client.connection.count"
DBClientConnectionCountUnit = "{connection}"
DBClientConnectionCountDescription = "The number of connections that are currently in state described by the `state` attribute"
// DBClientConnectionIdleMax is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connection.idle.max" semantic conventions. It represents the
// maximum number of idle open connections allowed.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {connection}
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionIdleMaxName = "db.client.connection.idle.max"
DBClientConnectionIdleMaxUnit = "{connection}"
DBClientConnectionIdleMaxDescription = "The maximum number of idle open connections allowed"
// DBClientConnectionIdleMin is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connection.idle.min" semantic conventions. It represents the
// minimum number of idle open connections allowed.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {connection}
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionIdleMinName = "db.client.connection.idle.min"
DBClientConnectionIdleMinUnit = "{connection}"
DBClientConnectionIdleMinDescription = "The minimum number of idle open connections allowed"
// DBClientConnectionMax is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connection.max" semantic conventions. It represents the maximum
// number of open connections allowed.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {connection}
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionMaxName = "db.client.connection.max"
DBClientConnectionMaxUnit = "{connection}"
DBClientConnectionMaxDescription = "The maximum number of open connections allowed"
// DBClientConnectionPendingRequests is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connection.pending_requests" semantic conventions. It represents
// the number of pending requests for an open connection, cumulative for the
// entire pool.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {request}
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionPendingRequestsName = "db.client.connection.pending_requests"
DBClientConnectionPendingRequestsUnit = "{request}"
DBClientConnectionPendingRequestsDescription = "The number of pending requests for an open connection, cumulative for the entire pool"
// DBClientConnectionTimeouts is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connection.timeouts" semantic conventions. It represents the
// number of connection timeouts that have occurred trying to obtain a
// connection from the pool.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {timeout}
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionTimeoutsName = "db.client.connection.timeouts"
DBClientConnectionTimeoutsUnit = "{timeout}"
DBClientConnectionTimeoutsDescription = "The number of connection timeouts that have occurred trying to obtain a connection from the pool"
// DBClientConnectionCreateTime is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connection.create_time" semantic conventions. It represents the
// time it took to create a new connection.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionCreateTimeName = "db.client.connection.create_time"
DBClientConnectionCreateTimeUnit = "s"
DBClientConnectionCreateTimeDescription = "The time it took to create a new connection"
// DBClientConnectionWaitTime is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connection.wait_time" semantic conventions. It represents the
// time it took to obtain an open connection from the pool.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionWaitTimeName = "db.client.connection.wait_time"
DBClientConnectionWaitTimeUnit = "s"
DBClientConnectionWaitTimeDescription = "The time it took to obtain an open connection from the pool"
// DBClientConnectionUseTime is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connection.use_time" semantic conventions. It represents the time
// between borrowing a connection and returning it to the pool.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionUseTimeName = "db.client.connection.use_time"
DBClientConnectionUseTimeUnit = "s"
DBClientConnectionUseTimeDescription = "The time between borrowing a connection and returning it to the pool"
// DBClientConnectionsUsage is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connections.usage" semantic conventions. It represents the
// deprecated, use `db.client.connection.count` instead.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {connection}
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionsUsageName = "db.client.connections.usage"
DBClientConnectionsUsageUnit = "{connection}"
DBClientConnectionsUsageDescription = "Deprecated, use `db.client.connection.count` instead."
// DBClientConnectionsIdleMax is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connections.idle.max" semantic conventions. It represents the
// deprecated, use `db.client.connection.idle.max` instead.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {connection}
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionsIdleMaxName = "db.client.connections.idle.max"
DBClientConnectionsIdleMaxUnit = "{connection}"
DBClientConnectionsIdleMaxDescription = "Deprecated, use `db.client.connection.idle.max` instead."
// DBClientConnectionsIdleMin is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connections.idle.min" semantic conventions. It represents the
// deprecated, use `db.client.connection.idle.min` instead.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {connection}
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionsIdleMinName = "db.client.connections.idle.min"
DBClientConnectionsIdleMinUnit = "{connection}"
DBClientConnectionsIdleMinDescription = "Deprecated, use `db.client.connection.idle.min` instead."
// DBClientConnectionsMax is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connections.max" semantic conventions. It represents the
// deprecated, use `db.client.connection.max` instead.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {connection}
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionsMaxName = "db.client.connections.max"
DBClientConnectionsMaxUnit = "{connection}"
DBClientConnectionsMaxDescription = "Deprecated, use `db.client.connection.max` instead."
// DBClientConnectionsPendingRequests is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connections.pending_requests" semantic conventions. It represents
// the deprecated, use `db.client.connection.pending_requests` instead.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {request}
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionsPendingRequestsName = "db.client.connections.pending_requests"
DBClientConnectionsPendingRequestsUnit = "{request}"
DBClientConnectionsPendingRequestsDescription = "Deprecated, use `db.client.connection.pending_requests` instead."
// DBClientConnectionsTimeouts is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connections.timeouts" semantic conventions. It represents the
// deprecated, use `db.client.connection.timeouts` instead.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {timeout}
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionsTimeoutsName = "db.client.connections.timeouts"
DBClientConnectionsTimeoutsUnit = "{timeout}"
DBClientConnectionsTimeoutsDescription = "Deprecated, use `db.client.connection.timeouts` instead."
// DBClientConnectionsCreateTime is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connections.create_time" semantic conventions. It represents the
// deprecated, use `db.client.connection.create_time` instead. Note: the unit
// also changed from `ms` to `s`.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: ms
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionsCreateTimeName = "db.client.connections.create_time"
DBClientConnectionsCreateTimeUnit = "ms"
DBClientConnectionsCreateTimeDescription = "Deprecated, use `db.client.connection.create_time` instead. Note: the unit also changed from `ms` to `s`."
// DBClientConnectionsWaitTime is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connections.wait_time" semantic conventions. It represents the
// deprecated, use `db.client.connection.wait_time` instead. Note: the unit
// also changed from `ms` to `s`.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: ms
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionsWaitTimeName = "db.client.connections.wait_time"
DBClientConnectionsWaitTimeUnit = "ms"
DBClientConnectionsWaitTimeDescription = "Deprecated, use `db.client.connection.wait_time` instead. Note: the unit also changed from `ms` to `s`."
// DBClientConnectionsUseTime is the metric conforming to the
// "db.client.connections.use_time" semantic conventions. It represents the
// deprecated, use `db.client.connection.use_time` instead. Note: the unit also
// changed from `ms` to `s`.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: ms
// Stability: Experimental
DBClientConnectionsUseTimeName = "db.client.connections.use_time"
DBClientConnectionsUseTimeUnit = "ms"
DBClientConnectionsUseTimeDescription = "Deprecated, use `db.client.connection.use_time` instead. Note: the unit also changed from `ms` to `s`."
// DNSLookupDuration is the metric conforming to the "dns.lookup.duration"
// semantic conventions. It represents the measures the time taken to perform a
// DNS lookup.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
DNSLookupDurationName = "dns.lookup.duration"
DNSLookupDurationUnit = "s"
DNSLookupDurationDescription = "Measures the time taken to perform a DNS lookup."
// AspnetcoreRoutingMatchAttempts is the metric conforming to the
// "aspnetcore.routing.match_attempts" semantic conventions. It represents the
// number of requests that were attempted to be matched to an endpoint.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {match_attempt}
// Stability: Stable
AspnetcoreRoutingMatchAttemptsName = "aspnetcore.routing.match_attempts"
AspnetcoreRoutingMatchAttemptsUnit = "{match_attempt}"
AspnetcoreRoutingMatchAttemptsDescription = "Number of requests that were attempted to be matched to an endpoint."
// AspnetcoreDiagnosticsExceptions is the metric conforming to the
// "aspnetcore.diagnostics.exceptions" semantic conventions. It represents the
// number of exceptions caught by exception handling middleware.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {exception}
// Stability: Stable
AspnetcoreDiagnosticsExceptionsName = "aspnetcore.diagnostics.exceptions"
AspnetcoreDiagnosticsExceptionsUnit = "{exception}"
AspnetcoreDiagnosticsExceptionsDescription = "Number of exceptions caught by exception handling middleware."
// AspnetcoreRateLimitingActiveRequestLeases is the metric conforming to the
// "aspnetcore.rate_limiting.active_request_leases" semantic conventions. It
// represents the number of requests that are currently active on the server
// that hold a rate limiting lease.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {request}
// Stability: Stable
AspnetcoreRateLimitingActiveRequestLeasesName = "aspnetcore.rate_limiting.active_request_leases"
AspnetcoreRateLimitingActiveRequestLeasesUnit = "{request}"
AspnetcoreRateLimitingActiveRequestLeasesDescription = "Number of requests that are currently active on the server that hold a rate limiting lease."
// AspnetcoreRateLimitingRequestLeaseDuration is the metric conforming to the
// "aspnetcore.rate_limiting.request_lease.duration" semantic conventions. It
// represents the duration of rate limiting lease held by requests on the
// server.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Stable
AspnetcoreRateLimitingRequestLeaseDurationName = "aspnetcore.rate_limiting.request_lease.duration"
AspnetcoreRateLimitingRequestLeaseDurationUnit = "s"
AspnetcoreRateLimitingRequestLeaseDurationDescription = "The duration of rate limiting lease held by requests on the server."
// AspnetcoreRateLimitingRequestTimeInQueue is the metric conforming to the
// "aspnetcore.rate_limiting.request.time_in_queue" semantic conventions. It
// represents the time the request spent in a queue waiting to acquire a rate
// limiting lease.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Stable
AspnetcoreRateLimitingRequestTimeInQueueName = "aspnetcore.rate_limiting.request.time_in_queue"
AspnetcoreRateLimitingRequestTimeInQueueUnit = "s"
AspnetcoreRateLimitingRequestTimeInQueueDescription = "The time the request spent in a queue waiting to acquire a rate limiting lease."
// AspnetcoreRateLimitingQueuedRequests is the metric conforming to the
// "aspnetcore.rate_limiting.queued_requests" semantic conventions. It
// represents the number of requests that are currently queued, waiting to
// acquire a rate limiting lease.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {request}
// Stability: Stable
AspnetcoreRateLimitingQueuedRequestsName = "aspnetcore.rate_limiting.queued_requests"
AspnetcoreRateLimitingQueuedRequestsUnit = "{request}"
AspnetcoreRateLimitingQueuedRequestsDescription = "Number of requests that are currently queued, waiting to acquire a rate limiting lease."
// AspnetcoreRateLimitingRequests is the metric conforming to the
// "aspnetcore.rate_limiting.requests" semantic conventions. It represents the
// number of requests that tried to acquire a rate limiting lease.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {request}
// Stability: Stable
AspnetcoreRateLimitingRequestsName = "aspnetcore.rate_limiting.requests"
AspnetcoreRateLimitingRequestsUnit = "{request}"
AspnetcoreRateLimitingRequestsDescription = "Number of requests that tried to acquire a rate limiting lease."
// KestrelActiveConnections is the metric conforming to the
// "kestrel.active_connections" semantic conventions. It represents the number
// of connections that are currently active on the server.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {connection}
// Stability: Stable
KestrelActiveConnectionsName = "kestrel.active_connections"
KestrelActiveConnectionsUnit = "{connection}"
KestrelActiveConnectionsDescription = "Number of connections that are currently active on the server."
// KestrelConnectionDuration is the metric conforming to the
// "kestrel.connection.duration" semantic conventions. It represents the
// duration of connections on the server.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Stable
KestrelConnectionDurationName = "kestrel.connection.duration"
KestrelConnectionDurationUnit = "s"
KestrelConnectionDurationDescription = "The duration of connections on the server."
// KestrelRejectedConnections is the metric conforming to the
// "kestrel.rejected_connections" semantic conventions. It represents the
// number of connections rejected by the server.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {connection}
// Stability: Stable
KestrelRejectedConnectionsName = "kestrel.rejected_connections"
KestrelRejectedConnectionsUnit = "{connection}"
KestrelRejectedConnectionsDescription = "Number of connections rejected by the server."
// KestrelQueuedConnections is the metric conforming to the
// "kestrel.queued_connections" semantic conventions. It represents the number
// of connections that are currently queued and are waiting to start.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {connection}
// Stability: Stable
KestrelQueuedConnectionsName = "kestrel.queued_connections"
KestrelQueuedConnectionsUnit = "{connection}"
KestrelQueuedConnectionsDescription = "Number of connections that are currently queued and are waiting to start."
// KestrelQueuedRequests is the metric conforming to the
// "kestrel.queued_requests" semantic conventions. It represents the number of
// HTTP requests on multiplexed connections (HTTP/2 and HTTP/3) that are
// currently queued and are waiting to start.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {request}
// Stability: Stable
KestrelQueuedRequestsName = "kestrel.queued_requests"
KestrelQueuedRequestsUnit = "{request}"
KestrelQueuedRequestsDescription = "Number of HTTP requests on multiplexed connections (HTTP/2 and HTTP/3) that are currently queued and are waiting to start."
// KestrelUpgradedConnections is the metric conforming to the
// "kestrel.upgraded_connections" semantic conventions. It represents the
// number of connections that are currently upgraded (WebSockets). .
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {connection}
// Stability: Stable
KestrelUpgradedConnectionsName = "kestrel.upgraded_connections"
KestrelUpgradedConnectionsUnit = "{connection}"
KestrelUpgradedConnectionsDescription = "Number of connections that are currently upgraded (WebSockets). ."
// KestrelTLSHandshakeDuration is the metric conforming to the
// "kestrel.tls_handshake.duration" semantic conventions. It represents the
// duration of TLS handshakes on the server.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Stable
KestrelTLSHandshakeDurationName = "kestrel.tls_handshake.duration"
KestrelTLSHandshakeDurationUnit = "s"
KestrelTLSHandshakeDurationDescription = "The duration of TLS handshakes on the server."
// KestrelActiveTLSHandshakes is the metric conforming to the
// "kestrel.active_tls_handshakes" semantic conventions. It represents the
// number of TLS handshakes that are currently in progress on the server.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {handshake}
// Stability: Stable
KestrelActiveTLSHandshakesName = "kestrel.active_tls_handshakes"
KestrelActiveTLSHandshakesUnit = "{handshake}"
KestrelActiveTLSHandshakesDescription = "Number of TLS handshakes that are currently in progress on the server."
// SignalrServerConnectionDuration is the metric conforming to the
// "signalr.server.connection.duration" semantic conventions. It represents the
// duration of connections on the server.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Stable
SignalrServerConnectionDurationName = "signalr.server.connection.duration"
SignalrServerConnectionDurationUnit = "s"
SignalrServerConnectionDurationDescription = "The duration of connections on the server."
// SignalrServerActiveConnections is the metric conforming to the
// "signalr.server.active_connections" semantic conventions. It represents the
// number of connections that are currently active on the server.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {connection}
// Stability: Stable
SignalrServerActiveConnectionsName = "signalr.server.active_connections"
SignalrServerActiveConnectionsUnit = "{connection}"
SignalrServerActiveConnectionsDescription = "Number of connections that are currently active on the server."
// FaaSInvokeDuration is the metric conforming to the "faas.invoke_duration"
// semantic conventions. It represents the measures the duration of the
// function's logic execution.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
FaaSInvokeDurationName = "faas.invoke_duration"
FaaSInvokeDurationUnit = "s"
FaaSInvokeDurationDescription = "Measures the duration of the function's logic execution"
// FaaSInitDuration is the metric conforming to the "faas.init_duration"
// semantic conventions. It represents the measures the duration of the
// function's initialization, such as a cold start.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
FaaSInitDurationName = "faas.init_duration"
FaaSInitDurationUnit = "s"
FaaSInitDurationDescription = "Measures the duration of the function's initialization, such as a cold start"
// FaaSColdstarts is the metric conforming to the "faas.coldstarts" semantic
// conventions. It represents the number of invocation cold starts.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {coldstart}
// Stability: Experimental
FaaSColdstartsName = "faas.coldstarts"
FaaSColdstartsUnit = "{coldstart}"
FaaSColdstartsDescription = "Number of invocation cold starts"
// FaaSErrors is the metric conforming to the "faas.errors" semantic
// conventions. It represents the number of invocation errors.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {error}
// Stability: Experimental
FaaSErrorsName = "faas.errors"
FaaSErrorsUnit = "{error}"
FaaSErrorsDescription = "Number of invocation errors"
// FaaSInvocations is the metric conforming to the "faas.invocations" semantic
// conventions. It represents the number of successful invocations.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {invocation}
// Stability: Experimental
FaaSInvocationsName = "faas.invocations"
FaaSInvocationsUnit = "{invocation}"
FaaSInvocationsDescription = "Number of successful invocations"
// FaaSTimeouts is the metric conforming to the "faas.timeouts" semantic
// conventions. It represents the number of invocation timeouts.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {timeout}
// Stability: Experimental
FaaSTimeoutsName = "faas.timeouts"
FaaSTimeoutsUnit = "{timeout}"
FaaSTimeoutsDescription = "Number of invocation timeouts"
// FaaSMemUsage is the metric conforming to the "faas.mem_usage" semantic
// conventions. It represents the distribution of max memory usage per
// invocation.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
FaaSMemUsageName = "faas.mem_usage"
FaaSMemUsageUnit = "By"
FaaSMemUsageDescription = "Distribution of max memory usage per invocation"
// FaaSCPUUsage is the metric conforming to the "faas.cpu_usage" semantic
// conventions. It represents the distribution of CPU usage per invocation.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
FaaSCPUUsageName = "faas.cpu_usage"
FaaSCPUUsageUnit = "s"
FaaSCPUUsageDescription = "Distribution of CPU usage per invocation"
// FaaSNetIo is the metric conforming to the "faas.net_io" semantic
// conventions. It represents the distribution of net I/O usage per invocation.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
FaaSNetIoName = "faas.net_io"
FaaSNetIoUnit = "By"
FaaSNetIoDescription = "Distribution of net I/O usage per invocation"
// HTTPServerRequestDuration is the metric conforming to the
// "http.server.request.duration" semantic conventions. It represents the
// duration of HTTP server requests.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Stable
HTTPServerRequestDurationName = "http.server.request.duration"
HTTPServerRequestDurationUnit = "s"
HTTPServerRequestDurationDescription = "Duration of HTTP server requests."
// HTTPServerActiveRequests is the metric conforming to the
// "http.server.active_requests" semantic conventions. It represents the number
// of active HTTP server requests.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {request}
// Stability: Experimental
HTTPServerActiveRequestsName = "http.server.active_requests"
HTTPServerActiveRequestsUnit = "{request}"
HTTPServerActiveRequestsDescription = "Number of active HTTP server requests."
// HTTPServerRequestBodySize is the metric conforming to the
// "http.server.request.body.size" semantic conventions. It represents the size
// of HTTP server request bodies.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
HTTPServerRequestBodySizeName = "http.server.request.body.size"
HTTPServerRequestBodySizeUnit = "By"
HTTPServerRequestBodySizeDescription = "Size of HTTP server request bodies."
// HTTPServerResponseBodySize is the metric conforming to the
// "http.server.response.body.size" semantic conventions. It represents the
// size of HTTP server response bodies.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
HTTPServerResponseBodySizeName = "http.server.response.body.size"
HTTPServerResponseBodySizeUnit = "By"
HTTPServerResponseBodySizeDescription = "Size of HTTP server response bodies."
// HTTPClientRequestDuration is the metric conforming to the
// "http.client.request.duration" semantic conventions. It represents the
// duration of HTTP client requests.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Stable
HTTPClientRequestDurationName = "http.client.request.duration"
HTTPClientRequestDurationUnit = "s"
HTTPClientRequestDurationDescription = "Duration of HTTP client requests."
// HTTPClientRequestBodySize is the metric conforming to the
// "http.client.request.body.size" semantic conventions. It represents the size
// of HTTP client request bodies.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
HTTPClientRequestBodySizeName = "http.client.request.body.size"
HTTPClientRequestBodySizeUnit = "By"
HTTPClientRequestBodySizeDescription = "Size of HTTP client request bodies."
// HTTPClientResponseBodySize is the metric conforming to the
// "http.client.response.body.size" semantic conventions. It represents the
// size of HTTP client response bodies.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
HTTPClientResponseBodySizeName = "http.client.response.body.size"
HTTPClientResponseBodySizeUnit = "By"
HTTPClientResponseBodySizeDescription = "Size of HTTP client response bodies."
// HTTPClientOpenConnections is the metric conforming to the
// "http.client.open_connections" semantic conventions. It represents the
// number of outbound HTTP connections that are currently active or idle on the
// client.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {connection}
// Stability: Experimental
HTTPClientOpenConnectionsName = "http.client.open_connections"
HTTPClientOpenConnectionsUnit = "{connection}"
HTTPClientOpenConnectionsDescription = "Number of outbound HTTP connections that are currently active or idle on the client."
// HTTPClientConnectionDuration is the metric conforming to the
// "http.client.connection.duration" semantic conventions. It represents the
// duration of the successfully established outbound HTTP connections.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
HTTPClientConnectionDurationName = "http.client.connection.duration"
HTTPClientConnectionDurationUnit = "s"
HTTPClientConnectionDurationDescription = "The duration of the successfully established outbound HTTP connections."
// HTTPClientActiveRequests is the metric conforming to the
// "http.client.active_requests" semantic conventions. It represents the number
// of active HTTP requests.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {request}
// Stability: Experimental
HTTPClientActiveRequestsName = "http.client.active_requests"
HTTPClientActiveRequestsUnit = "{request}"
HTTPClientActiveRequestsDescription = "Number of active HTTP requests."
// JvmMemoryInit is the metric conforming to the "jvm.memory.init" semantic
// conventions. It represents the measure of initial memory requested.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
JvmMemoryInitName = "jvm.memory.init"
JvmMemoryInitUnit = "By"
JvmMemoryInitDescription = "Measure of initial memory requested."
// JvmSystemCPUUtilization is the metric conforming to the
// "jvm.system.cpu.utilization" semantic conventions. It represents the recent
// CPU utilization for the whole system as reported by the JVM.
// Instrument: gauge
// Unit: 1
// Stability: Experimental
JvmSystemCPUUtilizationName = "jvm.system.cpu.utilization"
JvmSystemCPUUtilizationUnit = "1"
JvmSystemCPUUtilizationDescription = "Recent CPU utilization for the whole system as reported by the JVM."
// JvmSystemCPULoad1m is the metric conforming to the "jvm.system.cpu.load_1m"
// semantic conventions. It represents the average CPU load of the whole system
// for the last minute as reported by the JVM.
// Instrument: gauge
// Unit: {run_queue_item}
// Stability: Experimental
JvmSystemCPULoad1mName = "jvm.system.cpu.load_1m"
JvmSystemCPULoad1mUnit = "{run_queue_item}"
JvmSystemCPULoad1mDescription = "Average CPU load of the whole system for the last minute as reported by the JVM."
// JvmBufferMemoryUsage is the metric conforming to the
// "jvm.buffer.memory.usage" semantic conventions. It represents the measure of
// memory used by buffers.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
JvmBufferMemoryUsageName = "jvm.buffer.memory.usage"
JvmBufferMemoryUsageUnit = "By"
JvmBufferMemoryUsageDescription = "Measure of memory used by buffers."
// JvmBufferMemoryLimit is the metric conforming to the
// "jvm.buffer.memory.limit" semantic conventions. It represents the measure of
// total memory capacity of buffers.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
JvmBufferMemoryLimitName = "jvm.buffer.memory.limit"
JvmBufferMemoryLimitUnit = "By"
JvmBufferMemoryLimitDescription = "Measure of total memory capacity of buffers."
// JvmBufferCount is the metric conforming to the "jvm.buffer.count" semantic
// conventions. It represents the number of buffers in the pool.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {buffer}
// Stability: Experimental
JvmBufferCountName = "jvm.buffer.count"
JvmBufferCountUnit = "{buffer}"
JvmBufferCountDescription = "Number of buffers in the pool."
// JvmMemoryUsed is the metric conforming to the "jvm.memory.used" semantic
// conventions. It represents the measure of memory used.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Stable
JvmMemoryUsedName = "jvm.memory.used"
JvmMemoryUsedUnit = "By"
JvmMemoryUsedDescription = "Measure of memory used."
// JvmMemoryCommitted is the metric conforming to the "jvm.memory.committed"
// semantic conventions. It represents the measure of memory committed.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Stable
JvmMemoryCommittedName = "jvm.memory.committed"
JvmMemoryCommittedUnit = "By"
JvmMemoryCommittedDescription = "Measure of memory committed."
// JvmMemoryLimit is the metric conforming to the "jvm.memory.limit" semantic
// conventions. It represents the measure of max obtainable memory.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Stable
JvmMemoryLimitName = "jvm.memory.limit"
JvmMemoryLimitUnit = "By"
JvmMemoryLimitDescription = "Measure of max obtainable memory."
// JvmMemoryUsedAfterLastGc is the metric conforming to the
// "jvm.memory.used_after_last_gc" semantic conventions. It represents the
// measure of memory used, as measured after the most recent garbage collection
// event on this pool.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Stable
JvmMemoryUsedAfterLastGcName = "jvm.memory.used_after_last_gc"
JvmMemoryUsedAfterLastGcUnit = "By"
JvmMemoryUsedAfterLastGcDescription = "Measure of memory used, as measured after the most recent garbage collection event on this pool."
// JvmGcDuration is the metric conforming to the "jvm.gc.duration" semantic
// conventions. It represents the duration of JVM garbage collection actions.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Stable
JvmGcDurationName = "jvm.gc.duration"
JvmGcDurationUnit = "s"
JvmGcDurationDescription = "Duration of JVM garbage collection actions."
// JvmThreadCount is the metric conforming to the "jvm.thread.count" semantic
// conventions. It represents the number of executing platform threads.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {thread}
// Stability: Stable
JvmThreadCountName = "jvm.thread.count"
JvmThreadCountUnit = "{thread}"
JvmThreadCountDescription = "Number of executing platform threads."
// JvmClassLoaded is the metric conforming to the "jvm.class.loaded" semantic
// conventions. It represents the number of classes loaded since JVM start.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {class}
// Stability: Stable
JvmClassLoadedName = "jvm.class.loaded"
JvmClassLoadedUnit = "{class}"
JvmClassLoadedDescription = "Number of classes loaded since JVM start."
// JvmClassUnloaded is the metric conforming to the "jvm.class.unloaded"
// semantic conventions. It represents the number of classes unloaded since JVM
// start.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {class}
// Stability: Stable
JvmClassUnloadedName = "jvm.class.unloaded"
JvmClassUnloadedUnit = "{class}"
JvmClassUnloadedDescription = "Number of classes unloaded since JVM start."
// JvmClassCount is the metric conforming to the "jvm.class.count" semantic
// conventions. It represents the number of classes currently loaded.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {class}
// Stability: Stable
JvmClassCountName = "jvm.class.count"
JvmClassCountUnit = "{class}"
JvmClassCountDescription = "Number of classes currently loaded."
// JvmCPUCount is the metric conforming to the "jvm.cpu.count" semantic
// conventions. It represents the number of processors available to the Java
// virtual machine.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {cpu}
// Stability: Stable
JvmCPUCountName = "jvm.cpu.count"
JvmCPUCountUnit = "{cpu}"
JvmCPUCountDescription = "Number of processors available to the Java virtual machine."
// JvmCPUTime is the metric conforming to the "jvm.cpu.time" semantic
// conventions. It represents the cPU time used by the process as reported by
// the JVM.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: s
// Stability: Stable
JvmCPUTimeName = "jvm.cpu.time"
JvmCPUTimeUnit = "s"
JvmCPUTimeDescription = "CPU time used by the process as reported by the JVM."
// JvmCPURecentUtilization is the metric conforming to the
// "jvm.cpu.recent_utilization" semantic conventions. It represents the recent
// CPU utilization for the process as reported by the JVM.
// Instrument: gauge
// Unit: 1
// Stability: Stable
JvmCPURecentUtilizationName = "jvm.cpu.recent_utilization"
JvmCPURecentUtilizationUnit = "1"
JvmCPURecentUtilizationDescription = "Recent CPU utilization for the process as reported by the JVM."
// MessagingPublishDuration is the metric conforming to the
// "messaging.publish.duration" semantic conventions. It represents the
// measures the duration of publish operation.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
MessagingPublishDurationName = "messaging.publish.duration"
MessagingPublishDurationUnit = "s"
MessagingPublishDurationDescription = "Measures the duration of publish operation."
// MessagingReceiveDuration is the metric conforming to the
// "messaging.receive.duration" semantic conventions. It represents the
// measures the duration of receive operation.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
MessagingReceiveDurationName = "messaging.receive.duration"
MessagingReceiveDurationUnit = "s"
MessagingReceiveDurationDescription = "Measures the duration of receive operation."
// MessagingProcessDuration is the metric conforming to the
// "messaging.process.duration" semantic conventions. It represents the
// measures the duration of process operation.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
MessagingProcessDurationName = "messaging.process.duration"
MessagingProcessDurationUnit = "s"
MessagingProcessDurationDescription = "Measures the duration of process operation."
// MessagingPublishMessages is the metric conforming to the
// "messaging.publish.messages" semantic conventions. It represents the
// measures the number of published messages.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {message}
// Stability: Experimental
MessagingPublishMessagesName = "messaging.publish.messages"
MessagingPublishMessagesUnit = "{message}"
MessagingPublishMessagesDescription = "Measures the number of published messages."
// MessagingReceiveMessages is the metric conforming to the
// "messaging.receive.messages" semantic conventions. It represents the
// measures the number of received messages.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {message}
// Stability: Experimental
MessagingReceiveMessagesName = "messaging.receive.messages"
MessagingReceiveMessagesUnit = "{message}"
MessagingReceiveMessagesDescription = "Measures the number of received messages."
// MessagingProcessMessages is the metric conforming to the
// "messaging.process.messages" semantic conventions. It represents the
// measures the number of processed messages.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {message}
// Stability: Experimental
MessagingProcessMessagesName = "messaging.process.messages"
MessagingProcessMessagesUnit = "{message}"
MessagingProcessMessagesDescription = "Measures the number of processed messages."
// ProcessCPUTime is the metric conforming to the "process.cpu.time" semantic
// conventions. It represents the total CPU seconds broken down by different
// states.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
ProcessCPUTimeName = "process.cpu.time"
ProcessCPUTimeUnit = "s"
ProcessCPUTimeDescription = "Total CPU seconds broken down by different states."
// ProcessCPUUtilization is the metric conforming to the
// "process.cpu.utilization" semantic conventions. It represents the difference
// in process.cpu.time since the last measurement, divided by the elapsed time
// and number of CPUs available to the process.
// Instrument: gauge
// Unit: 1
// Stability: Experimental
ProcessCPUUtilizationName = "process.cpu.utilization"
ProcessCPUUtilizationUnit = "1"
ProcessCPUUtilizationDescription = "Difference in process.cpu.time since the last measurement, divided by the elapsed time and number of CPUs available to the process."
// ProcessMemoryUsage is the metric conforming to the "process.memory.usage"
// semantic conventions. It represents the amount of physical memory in use.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
ProcessMemoryUsageName = "process.memory.usage"
ProcessMemoryUsageUnit = "By"
ProcessMemoryUsageDescription = "The amount of physical memory in use."
// ProcessMemoryVirtual is the metric conforming to the
// "process.memory.virtual" semantic conventions. It represents the amount of
// committed virtual memory.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
ProcessMemoryVirtualName = "process.memory.virtual"
ProcessMemoryVirtualUnit = "By"
ProcessMemoryVirtualDescription = "The amount of committed virtual memory."
// ProcessDiskIo is the metric conforming to the "" semantic
// conventions. It represents the disk bytes transferred.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
ProcessDiskIoName = ""
ProcessDiskIoUnit = "By"
ProcessDiskIoDescription = "Disk bytes transferred."
// ProcessNetworkIo is the metric conforming to the ""
// semantic conventions. It represents the network bytes transferred.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
ProcessNetworkIoName = ""
ProcessNetworkIoUnit = "By"
ProcessNetworkIoDescription = "Network bytes transferred."
// ProcessThreadCount is the metric conforming to the "process.thread.count"
// semantic conventions. It represents the process threads count.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {thread}
// Stability: Experimental
ProcessThreadCountName = "process.thread.count"
ProcessThreadCountUnit = "{thread}"
ProcessThreadCountDescription = "Process threads count."
// ProcessOpenFileDescriptorCount is the metric conforming to the
// "process.open_file_descriptor.count" semantic conventions. It represents the
// number of file descriptors in use by the process.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {count}
// Stability: Experimental
ProcessOpenFileDescriptorCountName = "process.open_file_descriptor.count"
ProcessOpenFileDescriptorCountUnit = "{count}"
ProcessOpenFileDescriptorCountDescription = "Number of file descriptors in use by the process."
// ProcessContextSwitches is the metric conforming to the
// "process.context_switches" semantic conventions. It represents the number of
// times the process has been context switched.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {count}
// Stability: Experimental
ProcessContextSwitchesName = "process.context_switches"
ProcessContextSwitchesUnit = "{count}"
ProcessContextSwitchesDescription = "Number of times the process has been context switched."
// ProcessPagingFaults is the metric conforming to the "process.paging.faults"
// semantic conventions. It represents the number of page faults the process
// has made.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {fault}
// Stability: Experimental
ProcessPagingFaultsName = "process.paging.faults"
ProcessPagingFaultsUnit = "{fault}"
ProcessPagingFaultsDescription = "Number of page faults the process has made."
// RPCServerDuration is the metric conforming to the "rpc.server.duration"
// semantic conventions. It represents the measures the duration of inbound
// RPC.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: ms
// Stability: Experimental
RPCServerDurationName = "rpc.server.duration"
RPCServerDurationUnit = "ms"
RPCServerDurationDescription = "Measures the duration of inbound RPC."
// RPCServerRequestSize is the metric conforming to the
// "rpc.server.request.size" semantic conventions. It represents the measures
// the size of RPC request messages (uncompressed).
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
RPCServerRequestSizeName = "rpc.server.request.size"
RPCServerRequestSizeUnit = "By"
RPCServerRequestSizeDescription = "Measures the size of RPC request messages (uncompressed)."
// RPCServerResponseSize is the metric conforming to the
// "rpc.server.response.size" semantic conventions. It represents the measures
// the size of RPC response messages (uncompressed).
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
RPCServerResponseSizeName = "rpc.server.response.size"
RPCServerResponseSizeUnit = "By"
RPCServerResponseSizeDescription = "Measures the size of RPC response messages (uncompressed)."
// RPCServerRequestsPerRPC is the metric conforming to the
// "rpc.server.requests_per_rpc" semantic conventions. It represents the
// measures the number of messages received per RPC.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: {count}
// Stability: Experimental
RPCServerRequestsPerRPCName = "rpc.server.requests_per_rpc"
RPCServerRequestsPerRPCUnit = "{count}"
RPCServerRequestsPerRPCDescription = "Measures the number of messages received per RPC."
// RPCServerResponsesPerRPC is the metric conforming to the
// "rpc.server.responses_per_rpc" semantic conventions. It represents the
// measures the number of messages sent per RPC.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: {count}
// Stability: Experimental
RPCServerResponsesPerRPCName = "rpc.server.responses_per_rpc"
RPCServerResponsesPerRPCUnit = "{count}"
RPCServerResponsesPerRPCDescription = "Measures the number of messages sent per RPC."
// RPCClientDuration is the metric conforming to the "rpc.client.duration"
// semantic conventions. It represents the measures the duration of outbound
// RPC.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: ms
// Stability: Experimental
RPCClientDurationName = "rpc.client.duration"
RPCClientDurationUnit = "ms"
RPCClientDurationDescription = "Measures the duration of outbound RPC."
// RPCClientRequestSize is the metric conforming to the
// "rpc.client.request.size" semantic conventions. It represents the measures
// the size of RPC request messages (uncompressed).
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
RPCClientRequestSizeName = "rpc.client.request.size"
RPCClientRequestSizeUnit = "By"
RPCClientRequestSizeDescription = "Measures the size of RPC request messages (uncompressed)."
// RPCClientResponseSize is the metric conforming to the
// "rpc.client.response.size" semantic conventions. It represents the measures
// the size of RPC response messages (uncompressed).
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
RPCClientResponseSizeName = "rpc.client.response.size"
RPCClientResponseSizeUnit = "By"
RPCClientResponseSizeDescription = "Measures the size of RPC response messages (uncompressed)."
// RPCClientRequestsPerRPC is the metric conforming to the
// "rpc.client.requests_per_rpc" semantic conventions. It represents the
// measures the number of messages received per RPC.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: {count}
// Stability: Experimental
RPCClientRequestsPerRPCName = "rpc.client.requests_per_rpc"
RPCClientRequestsPerRPCUnit = "{count}"
RPCClientRequestsPerRPCDescription = "Measures the number of messages received per RPC."
// RPCClientResponsesPerRPC is the metric conforming to the
// "rpc.client.responses_per_rpc" semantic conventions. It represents the
// measures the number of messages sent per RPC.
// Instrument: histogram
// Unit: {count}
// Stability: Experimental
RPCClientResponsesPerRPCName = "rpc.client.responses_per_rpc"
RPCClientResponsesPerRPCUnit = "{count}"
RPCClientResponsesPerRPCDescription = "Measures the number of messages sent per RPC."
// SystemCPUTime is the metric conforming to the "system.cpu.time" semantic
// conventions. It represents the seconds each logical CPU spent on each mode.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
SystemCPUTimeName = "system.cpu.time"
SystemCPUTimeUnit = "s"
SystemCPUTimeDescription = "Seconds each logical CPU spent on each mode"
// SystemCPUUtilization is the metric conforming to the
// "system.cpu.utilization" semantic conventions. It represents the difference
// in system.cpu.time since the last measurement, divided by the elapsed time
// and number of logical CPUs.
// Instrument: gauge
// Unit: 1
// Stability: Experimental
SystemCPUUtilizationName = "system.cpu.utilization"
SystemCPUUtilizationUnit = "1"
SystemCPUUtilizationDescription = "Difference in system.cpu.time since the last measurement, divided by the elapsed time and number of logical CPUs"
// SystemCPUFrequency is the metric conforming to the "system.cpu.frequency"
// semantic conventions. It represents the reports the current frequency of the
// CPU in Hz.
// Instrument: gauge
// Unit: {Hz}
// Stability: Experimental
SystemCPUFrequencyName = "system.cpu.frequency"
SystemCPUFrequencyUnit = "{Hz}"
SystemCPUFrequencyDescription = "Reports the current frequency of the CPU in Hz"
// SystemCPUPhysicalCount is the metric conforming to the
// "system.cpu.physical.count" semantic conventions. It represents the reports
// the number of actual physical processor cores on the hardware.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {cpu}
// Stability: Experimental
SystemCPUPhysicalCountName = "system.cpu.physical.count"
SystemCPUPhysicalCountUnit = "{cpu}"
SystemCPUPhysicalCountDescription = "Reports the number of actual physical processor cores on the hardware"
// SystemCPULogicalCount is the metric conforming to the
// "system.cpu.logical.count" semantic conventions. It represents the reports
// the number of logical (virtual) processor cores created by the operating
// system to manage multitasking.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {cpu}
// Stability: Experimental
SystemCPULogicalCountName = "system.cpu.logical.count"
SystemCPULogicalCountUnit = "{cpu}"
SystemCPULogicalCountDescription = "Reports the number of logical (virtual) processor cores created by the operating system to manage multitasking"
// SystemMemoryUsage is the metric conforming to the "system.memory.usage"
// semantic conventions. It represents the reports memory in use by state.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
SystemMemoryUsageName = "system.memory.usage"
SystemMemoryUsageUnit = "By"
SystemMemoryUsageDescription = "Reports memory in use by state."
// SystemMemoryLimit is the metric conforming to the "system.memory.limit"
// semantic conventions. It represents the total memory available in the
// system.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
SystemMemoryLimitName = "system.memory.limit"
SystemMemoryLimitUnit = "By"
SystemMemoryLimitDescription = "Total memory available in the system."
// SystemMemoryShared is the metric conforming to the "system.memory.shared"
// semantic conventions. It represents the shared memory used (mostly by
// tmpfs).
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
SystemMemorySharedName = "system.memory.shared"
SystemMemorySharedUnit = "By"
SystemMemorySharedDescription = "Shared memory used (mostly by tmpfs)."
// SystemMemoryUtilization is the metric conforming to the
// "system.memory.utilization" semantic conventions.
// Instrument: gauge
// Unit: 1
// Stability: Experimental
// NOTE: The description (brief) for this metric is not defined in the semantic-conventions repository.
SystemMemoryUtilizationName = "system.memory.utilization"
SystemMemoryUtilizationUnit = "1"
// SystemPagingUsage is the metric conforming to the "system.paging.usage"
// semantic conventions. It represents the unix swap or windows pagefile usage.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
SystemPagingUsageName = "system.paging.usage"
SystemPagingUsageUnit = "By"
SystemPagingUsageDescription = "Unix swap or windows pagefile usage"
// SystemPagingUtilization is the metric conforming to the
// "system.paging.utilization" semantic conventions.
// Instrument: gauge
// Unit: 1
// Stability: Experimental
// NOTE: The description (brief) for this metric is not defined in the semantic-conventions repository.
SystemPagingUtilizationName = "system.paging.utilization"
SystemPagingUtilizationUnit = "1"
// SystemPagingFaults is the metric conforming to the "system.paging.faults"
// semantic conventions.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {fault}
// Stability: Experimental
// NOTE: The description (brief) for this metric is not defined in the semantic-conventions repository.
SystemPagingFaultsName = "system.paging.faults"
SystemPagingFaultsUnit = "{fault}"
// SystemPagingOperations is the metric conforming to the
// "system.paging.operations" semantic conventions.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {operation}
// Stability: Experimental
// NOTE: The description (brief) for this metric is not defined in the semantic-conventions repository.
SystemPagingOperationsName = "system.paging.operations"
SystemPagingOperationsUnit = "{operation}"
// SystemDiskIo is the metric conforming to the "" semantic
// conventions.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
// NOTE: The description (brief) for this metric is not defined in the semantic-conventions repository.
SystemDiskIoName = ""
SystemDiskIoUnit = "By"
// SystemDiskOperations is the metric conforming to the
// "system.disk.operations" semantic conventions.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {operation}
// Stability: Experimental
// NOTE: The description (brief) for this metric is not defined in the semantic-conventions repository.
SystemDiskOperationsName = "system.disk.operations"
SystemDiskOperationsUnit = "{operation}"
// SystemDiskIoTime is the metric conforming to the "system.disk.io_time"
// semantic conventions. It represents the time disk spent activated.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
SystemDiskIoTimeName = "system.disk.io_time"
SystemDiskIoTimeUnit = "s"
SystemDiskIoTimeDescription = "Time disk spent activated"
// SystemDiskOperationTime is the metric conforming to the
// "system.disk.operation_time" semantic conventions. It represents the sum of
// the time each operation took to complete.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: s
// Stability: Experimental
SystemDiskOperationTimeName = "system.disk.operation_time"
SystemDiskOperationTimeUnit = "s"
SystemDiskOperationTimeDescription = "Sum of the time each operation took to complete"
// SystemDiskMerged is the metric conforming to the "system.disk.merged"
// semantic conventions.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {operation}
// Stability: Experimental
// NOTE: The description (brief) for this metric is not defined in the semantic-conventions repository.
SystemDiskMergedName = "system.disk.merged"
SystemDiskMergedUnit = "{operation}"
// SystemFilesystemUsage is the metric conforming to the
// "system.filesystem.usage" semantic conventions.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
// NOTE: The description (brief) for this metric is not defined in the semantic-conventions repository.
SystemFilesystemUsageName = "system.filesystem.usage"
SystemFilesystemUsageUnit = "By"
// SystemFilesystemUtilization is the metric conforming to the
// "system.filesystem.utilization" semantic conventions.
// Instrument: gauge
// Unit: 1
// Stability: Experimental
// NOTE: The description (brief) for this metric is not defined in the semantic-conventions repository.
SystemFilesystemUtilizationName = "system.filesystem.utilization"
SystemFilesystemUtilizationUnit = "1"
// SystemNetworkDropped is the metric conforming to the
// "" semantic conventions. It represents the count of
// packets that are dropped or discarded even though there was no error.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {packet}
// Stability: Experimental
SystemNetworkDroppedName = ""
SystemNetworkDroppedUnit = "{packet}"
SystemNetworkDroppedDescription = "Count of packets that are dropped or discarded even though there was no error"
// SystemNetworkPackets is the metric conforming to the
// "" semantic conventions.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {packet}
// Stability: Experimental
// NOTE: The description (brief) for this metric is not defined in the semantic-conventions repository.
SystemNetworkPacketsName = ""
SystemNetworkPacketsUnit = "{packet}"
// SystemNetworkErrors is the metric conforming to the ""
// semantic conventions. It represents the count of network errors detected.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {error}
// Stability: Experimental
SystemNetworkErrorsName = ""
SystemNetworkErrorsUnit = "{error}"
SystemNetworkErrorsDescription = "Count of network errors detected"
// SystemNetworkIo is the metric conforming to the "" semantic
// conventions.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
// NOTE: The description (brief) for this metric is not defined in the semantic-conventions repository.
SystemNetworkIoName = ""
SystemNetworkIoUnit = "By"
// SystemNetworkConnections is the metric conforming to the
// "" semantic conventions.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {connection}
// Stability: Experimental
// NOTE: The description (brief) for this metric is not defined in the semantic-conventions repository.
SystemNetworkConnectionsName = ""
SystemNetworkConnectionsUnit = "{connection}"
// SystemProcessCount is the metric conforming to the "system.process.count"
// semantic conventions. It represents the total number of processes in each
// state.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: {process}
// Stability: Experimental
SystemProcessCountName = "system.process.count"
SystemProcessCountUnit = "{process}"
SystemProcessCountDescription = "Total number of processes in each state"
// SystemProcessCreated is the metric conforming to the
// "system.process.created" semantic conventions. It represents the total
// number of processes created over uptime of the host.
// Instrument: counter
// Unit: {process}
// Stability: Experimental
SystemProcessCreatedName = "system.process.created"
SystemProcessCreatedUnit = "{process}"
SystemProcessCreatedDescription = "Total number of processes created over uptime of the host"
// SystemLinuxMemoryAvailable is the metric conforming to the
// "system.linux.memory.available" semantic conventions. It represents an
// estimate of how much memory is available for starting new applications,
// without causing swapping.
// Instrument: updowncounter
// Unit: By
// Stability: Experimental
SystemLinuxMemoryAvailableName = "system.linux.memory.available"
SystemLinuxMemoryAvailableUnit = "By"
SystemLinuxMemoryAvailableDescription = "An estimate of how much memory is available for starting new applications, without causing swapping"