2023-09-06 19:50:36 +06:00

142 lines
14 KiB

"name": "english",
"substrings": {
"ContactLink": "<a class=\"text-backdrop link\" href=\"{repo}\" target=\"_blank\">create an issue on github</a>"
"strings": {
"AppTitleCobalt": "cobalt",
"LinkInput": "paste the link here",
"AboutSummary": "cobalt is your go-to place for downloads from social and media platforms. zero ads, trackers, or other creepy bullshit. simply paste a share link and you're ready to rock!",
"EmbedBriefDescription": "save what you love. no ads, trackers, or other creepy bullshit.",
"MadeWithLove": "made with <3 by wukko",
"AccessibilityInputArea": "link input area",
"AccessibilityOpenAbout": "open about popup",
"AccessibilityDownloadButton": "download button",
"AccessibilityOpenSettings": "open settings popup",
"AccessibilityOpenDonate": "open donation popup",
"TitlePopupAbout": "what's cobalt?",
"TitlePopupSettings": "settings",
"TitlePopupError": "uh-oh...",
"TitlePopupChangelog": "what's new?",
"TitlePopupDonate": "support cobalt",
"TitlePopupDownload": "how to save?",
"ErrorSomethingWentWrong": "something went wrong and i couldn't get anything for you. try again, but if issue persists, {ContactLink}.",
"ErrorUnsupported": "it seems like this service is not supported yet or your link is invalid. have you pasted the right link?",
"ErrorBrokenLink": "{s} is supported, but something is wrong with your link. maybe you didn't copy it fully?",
"ErrorNoLink": "i can't guess what you want to download! please give me a link :(",
"ErrorPageRenderFail": "if you're reading this, then there's something wrong with the page renderer. please {ContactLink}. make sure to provide the domain this error is present on and current commit hash ({s}). thank you in advance :D",
"ErrorRateLimit": "you're making too many requests. try again in a minute!",
"ErrorCouldntFetch": "i couldn't find anything about this link. check if it works and try again! some content may be region restricted, so keep that in mind.",
"ErrorLengthLimit": "i can't process videos longer than {s} minutes, so pick something shorter instead!",
"ErrorBadFetch": "something went wrong when i tried getting info about your link. are you sure it works? check if it does, and try again.",
"ErrorNoInternet": "there's no internet or cobalt api is temporarily unavailable. check your connection and try again.",
"ErrorCantConnectToServiceAPI": "i couldn't connect to the service api. maybe it's down, or cobalt got blocked. try again, but if error persists, {ContactLink}.",
"ErrorEmptyDownload": "i don't see anything i could download by your link. try a different one!",
"ErrorLiveVideo": "this is a live video, i am yet to learn how to look into future. wait for the stream to finish and try again!",
"SettingsAppearanceSubtitle": "appearance",
"SettingsThemeSubtitle": "theme",
"SettingsFormatSubtitle": "format",
"SettingsQualitySubtitle": "quality",
"SettingsThemeAuto": "auto",
"SettingsThemeLight": "light",
"SettingsThemeDark": "dark",
"SettingsKeepDownloadButton": "keep &gt;&gt; visible",
"AccessibilityKeepDownloadButton": "keep the download button always visible",
"SettingsEnableDownloadPopup": "ask how to save",
"AccessibilityEnableDownloadPopup": "ask what to do with downloads",
"SettingsQualityDescription": "if selected quality isn't available, closest one is used instead.",
"LinkGitHubChanges": "&gt;&gt; see previous commits and contribute on github",
"NoScriptMessage": "cobalt uses javascript for api requests and interactive interface. you have to allow javascript to use this site. there are no pesty scripts, pinky promise.",
"DownloadPopupDescriptionIOS": "easiest way to save videos on ios:\n1. add <a class=\"text-backdrop link\" href=\"{saveToGalleryShortcut}\" target=\"_blank\">this siri shortcut</a>.\n2. press \"share\" above and select \"save to photos\" in appeared share sheet.\nif asked, review the permission request, and press \"always allow\".\n\nalternative method:\npress and hold the download button, hide the video preview, and select \"download linked file\" to download.\nthen, open safari downloads, select the file you downloaded, open share menu, and finally press \"save video\".",
"DownloadPopupDescription": "download button opens a new tab with requested file. you can disable this popup in settings.",
"ClickToCopy": "press to copy",
"Download": "download",
"CopyURL": "copy",
"AboutTab": "about",
"ChangelogTab": "changelog",
"DonationsTab": "donations",
"SettingsVideoTab": "video",
"SettingsAudioTab": "audio",
"SettingsOtherTab": "other",
"ChangelogLastMajor": "current version & commit",
"AccessibilityModeToggle": "toggle download mode",
"DonateLinksDescription": "this is the best way to donate if you want me to receive your donation directly.",
"SettingsAudioFormatBest": "best",
"SettingsAudioFormatDescription": "when \"best\" format is selected, you get audio the way it is on service's side. it's not re-encoded. everything else will be re-encoded.",
"Keyphrase": "save what you love",
"SettingsRemoveWatermark": "disable watermark",
"ErrorPopupCloseButton": "got it",
"ErrorLengthAudioConvert": "i can't convert audio longer than {s} minutes. pick \"best\" format if you want to avoid limitations!",
"SettingsAudioFullTikTok": "full audio",
"SettingsAudioFullTikTokDescription": "downloads original sound used in the video without any additional changes by the post's author.",
"ErrorCantGetID": "i couldn't get the full info from the shortened link. make sure it works or try a full one! if issue persists, {ContactLink}.",
"ErrorNoVideosInTweet": "i couldn't find any media content in this tweet. try another one!",
"ImagePickerTitle": "pick images to download",
"ImagePickerDownloadAudio": "download audio",
"ImagePickerExplanationPC": "right click an image to save it.",
"ImagePickerExplanationPhone": "press and hold an image to save it.",
"ErrorNoUrlReturned": "i didn't get a download link from the server. this should never happen. try again, but if it still doesn't work, {ContactLink}.",
"ErrorUnknownStatus": "i received a response i can't process. this should never happen. try again, but if it still doesn't work, {ContactLink}.",
"PasteFromClipboard": "paste and download",
"ChangelogOlder": "previous versions",
"ChangelogPressToExpand": "expand",
"Miscellaneous": "miscellaneous",
"ModeToggleAuto": "auto mode",
"ModeToggleAudio": "audio mode",
"SettingsDisableNotifications": "hide notifications",
"MediaPickerTitle": "pick what to save",
"MediaPickerExplanationPC": "click or right click to download what you want.",
"MediaPickerExplanationPhone": "press or press and hold to download what you want.",
"TwitterSpaceWasntRecorded": "this twitter space wasn't recorded, so there's nothing to download. try another one!",
"ErrorCantProcess": "i couldn't process your request :(\nyou can try again, but if issue persists, please {ContactLink}.",
"ChangelogPressToHide": "collapse",
"Donate": "donate",
"DonateSub": "help it stay online",
"DonateExplanation": "cobalt doesn't shove ads in your face and doesn't sell your personal data, and thus is <span class=\"text-backdrop\">completely free to use for everyone</span>. but development and maintenance of a media-heavy service used by over 350k people is quite costly. both in terms of time and money. as a student, it's rather difficult for me to handle such expenses on my own.\n\nif cobalt has helped you in the past and you want to keep it growing and evolving, you can do so by making a donation!\n\nby donating you're helping everyone who uses cobalt: teachers, students, musicians, content creators, artists, lecturers, and many, many more!\n\nin past few months donations have let me:\n*; increase stability and uptime to nearly 100%.\n*; speed up ALL downloads, especially heavier ones.\n*; open cobalt api for free public use.\n*; withstand several huge user influxes with 0 downtime.\n*; move to a reliable and trustworthy cloud infrastructure provider.\n*; separate frontend and api for resilience and future decentralization.\n\n<span class=\"text-backdrop\">every cent matters and is extremely appreciated</span>, you can truly make a difference!",
"DonateVia": "donate via",
"DonateHireMe": "...or you can <a class=\"text-backdrop link\" href=\"{s}\" target=\"_blank\">hire me</a> :)",
"SettingsVideoMute": "mute audio",
"SettingsVideoMuteExplanation": "removes audio from video downloads when possible.",
"ErrorSoundCloudNoClientId": "i couldn't get the temporary token that's required to download songs from soundcloud. try again, but if issue persists, {ContactLink}.",
"CollapseServices": "supported services",
"CollapseSupport": "support & source code",
"CollapsePrivacy": "privacy policy",
"ServicesNote": "this list is not final and keeps expanding over time, make sure to check it once in a while!",
"FollowSupport": "keep in touch with cobalt for support, polls, news, and more:",
"SupportNote": "please note that response may take a while, there's only one person managing everything.",
"SourceCode": "report issues, explore source code, star or fork the repo:",
"PrivacyPolicy": "cobalt's privacy policy is simple: no data about you is ever collected or stored. zero, zilch, nada, nothing.\nwhat you download is solely your business, not mine or anyone else's.\n\nif your download requires live render, some non-backtraceable data is temporarily stored in server's RAM. it's necessary for this feature to function.\n\nin this case info about requested content is stored for <span class=\"text-backdrop\">20 seconds</span> and then permanently removed.\nno one (even me) has access to this data. official cobalt codebase doesn't provide a way to read it outside of processing functions.\n\nyou can check cobalt's <a class=\"text-backdrop link\" href=\"{repo}\" target=\"_blank\">source code</a> yourself and see that everything is as stated.",
"ErrorYTUnavailable": "this youtube video is unavailable, it could be region or age restricted. try another one!",
"ErrorYTTryOtherCodec": "i couldn't find anything to download with your settings. try another codec or quality!\n\nnote: youtube api sometimes acts unexpectedly. blame google for this, not me.",
"SettingsCodecSubtitle": "youtube codec",
"SettingsCodecDescription": "h264: generally better player support, but quality tops out at 1080p.\nav1: low player support, but supports 8k & HDR.\nvp9: usually highest bitrate, preserves most detail. supports 4k & HDR.\n\npick h264 if you want best editor/player/social media compatibility.",
"SettingsAudioDub": "youtube audio track",
"SettingsAudioDubDescription": "defines which audio track will be used. if dubbed track isn't available, original video language is used instead.\n\noriginal: original video language is used.\nauto: default browser (and cobalt) language is used.",
"SettingsDubDefault": "original",
"SettingsDubAuto": "auto",
"SettingsVimeoPrefer": "vimeo downloads type",
"SettingsVimeoPreferDescription": "progressive: direct file link to vimeo's cdn. max quality is 1080p.\ndash: video and audio are merged by cobalt into one file. max quality is 4k.\n\npick \"progressive\" if you want best editor/player/social media compatibility. if progressive download isn't available, dash is used instead.",
"ShareURL": "share",
"ErrorTweetUnavailable": "couldn't find anything about this tweet. this could be because its visibility is limited. try another one!",
"ErrorTwitterRIP": "twitter has restricted access to any content to unauthenticated users. while there's a way to get regular tweets, spaces are, unfortunately, impossible to get at this time. i am looking into possible solutions.",
"UrgentDonate": "cobalt needs your help!",
"PopupCloseDone": "done",
"Accessibility": "accessibility",
"SettingsReduceTransparency": "reduce transparency",
"SettingsDisableAnimations": "disable animations",
"FeatureErrorGeneric": "your browser doesn't allow or support this feature. check if there are any updates available and try again!",
"ClipboardErrorFirefox": "you're using firefox where all clipboard reading functionality is disabled.\n\nyou can fix this by following steps listed <a class=\"text-backdrop link\" href=\"{repo}/wiki/Troubleshooting#how-to-fix-clipboard-pasting-in-firefox\" target=\"_blank\">here!</a>\n\n...or you can paste the link manually instead.",
"ClipboardErrorNoPermission": "cobalt can't access the most recent item in your clipboard without your permission.\n\nif you don't want to give access, just paste the link manually instead.\n\nif you do, go to site settings and enable the clipboard permission.",
"SupportSelfTroubleshooting": "experiencing issues? try <a class=\"text-backdrop link\" href=\"{repo}/wiki/Troubleshooting\" target=\"_blank\">self-troubleshooting guide</a> first!",
"AccessibilityGoBack": "go back and close the popup",
"CollapseKeyboard": "keyboard shortcuts",
"KeyboardShortcutsIntro": "use cobalt even faster with keyboard shortcuts:",
"KeyboardShortcutQuickPaste": "paste the link",
"KeyboardShortcutClear": "clear link input area",
"KeyboardShortcutClosePopup": "close all popups",
"CollapseLegal": "legal stuff",
"FairUse": "cobalt is a tool for easing content downloads from internet and takes <span class=\"text-backdrop\">zero liability</span>. you are responsible for what you download, how you use and distribute that content.\n\ncobalt does not log any info about you, it's impossible for me to snitch on you, but please be mindful when using content of others and always credit original creators!\n\nwhen used in education purposes (lecture, homework, etc) please attach the source link.\n\nfair use and credits benefit everyone.",
"UrgentFeatureUpdate71": "more supported services!",
"SettingsDisableMetadata": "don't add metadata"