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synced 2025-03-26 11:14:44 +01:00
115 lines
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115 lines
4.8 KiB
import got from "got";
import loc from "../../localization/manager.js";
import { genericUserAgent } from "../config.js";
import { unicodeDecode } from "../sub/utils.js";
let userAgent = genericUserAgent.split(' Chrome/1')[0]
let config = {
tiktok: {
short: "https://vt.tiktok.com/",
api: "https://api.tiktokv.com/aweme/v1/multi/aweme/detail/?aweme_ids=%5B{postId}%5D&version_code=26.2.0&app_name=musical_ly&channel=App&device_id=null&os_version=14.4.2&device_platform=iphone&device_type=iPhone9", // thanks to https://github.com/wukko/cobalt/pull/41#issue-1380090574
douyin: {
short: "https://v.douyin.com/",
api: "https://www.iesdouyin.com/web/api/v2/aweme/iteminfo/?item_ids={postId}",
function selector(j, h) {
switch (h) {
case "tiktok":
return j["aweme_details"][0]
case "douyin":
return j['item_list'][0]
export default async function(obj) {
try {
if (!obj.postId) {
let html = await got.get(`${config[obj.host]["short"]}${obj.id}`, { followRedirect: false, headers: { "user-agent": userAgent } });
html.on('error', (err) => {
return { error: loc(obj.lang, 'ErrorCantConnectToServiceAPI', obj.host) };
html = html.body;
if (html.slice(0, 17) === '<a href="https://' && html.includes('/video/')) obj.postId = html.split('video/')[1].split('?')[0].replace("/", '')
if (!obj.postId) return { error: loc(obj.lang, 'ErrorCantGetID') };
let detail = await got.get(config[obj.host]["api"].replace("{postId}", obj.postId), { headers: {"User-Agent":"TikTok 26.2.0 rv:262018 (iPhone; iOS 14.4.2; en_US) Cronet"} });
detail.on('error', (err) => {
return { error: loc(obj.lang, 'ErrorCantConnectToServiceAPI', obj.host) };
detail = selector(JSON.parse(detail.body), obj.host);
let video, videoFilename, audioFilename, isMp3, audio,
images = detail["image_post_info"] ? detail["image_post_info"]["images"] : false,
filenameBase = `${obj.host}_${obj.postId}`;
if (!obj.isAudioOnly && !images) {
if (obj.host == "tiktok") {
video = detail["video"]["play_addr"]["url_list"][0]
} else {
video = detail["video"]["play_addr"]["url_list"][0].replace("playwm", "play")
videoFilename = `${filenameBase}_video_nw.mp4` // nw - no watermark
if (!obj.noWatermark) {
if (obj.host == "tiktok") {
let html = await got.get(`https://tiktok.com/@video/video/${obj.postId}`, { headers: { "user-agent": userAgent } });
html.on('error', (err) => {
return { error: loc(obj.lang, 'ErrorCantConnectToServiceAPI', obj.host) };
html = html.body;
if (html.includes(',"preloadList":[{"url":"')) {
video = unicodeDecode(html.split(',"preloadList":[{"url":"')[1].split('","id":"')[0].trim())
} else {
video = detail['video']['play_addr']['url_list'][0]
videoFilename = `${filenameBase}_video.mp4`
} else {
let fallback = obj.host == "douyin" ? detail["video"]["play_addr"]["url_list"][0].replace("playwm", "play") : detail["video"]["play_addr"]["url_list"][0];
if (obj.fullAudio || fallback.includes("music")) {
audio = detail["music"]["play_url"]["url_list"][0]
audioFilename = `${filenameBase}_audio`
} else {
audio = fallback
audioFilename = `${filenameBase}_audio_fv` // fv - from video
if (audio.slice(-4) == ".mp3") isMp3 = true;
if (video) return {
urls: video,
filename: videoFilename
if (images && obj.isAudioOnly) {
return {
urls: audio,
audioFilename: audioFilename,
isAudioOnly: true,
isMp3: isMp3,
if (images) {
let imageLinks = [];
for (let i in images) {
return {
images: imageLinks,
urls: audio,
audioFilename: audioFilename,
isAudioOnly: true,
isMp3: isMp3,
if (audio) return {
urls: audio,
audioFilename: audioFilename,
isAudioOnly: true,
isMp3: isMp3,
} catch (e) {
return { error: loc(obj.lang, 'ErrorBadFetch') };