wukko b093bf33bd 7.6.1: fixed numbers in metadata and file names
also replaced the 7.6 banner with webp version
2023-10-15 14:39:17 +06:00

55 lines
1.9 KiB

import { genericUserAgent, maxVideoDuration } from "../../config.js";
import { cleanString } from "../../sub/utils.js";
const resolutions = ["2160", "1440", "1080", "720", "480", "360", "240"];
export default async function(o) {
let html, url, quality = o.quality === "max" ? 2160 : o.quality;
html = await fetch(`${o.userId}_${o.videoId}`, {
headers: { "user-agent": genericUserAgent }
}).then((r) => { return r.arrayBuffer() }).catch(() => { return false });
if (!html) return { error: 'ErrorCouldntFetch' };
// decode cyrillic from windows-1251 because vk still uses apis from prehistoring times
let decoder = new TextDecoder('windows-1251');
html = decoder.decode(html);
if (!html.includes(`{"lang":`)) return { error: 'ErrorEmptyDownload' };
let js = JSON.parse('{"lang":' + html.split(`{"lang":`)[1].split(']);')[0]);
if (Number(js.mvData.is_active_live) !== 0) return { error: 'ErrorLiveVideo' };
if (js.mvData.duration > maxVideoDuration / 1000) return { error: ['ErrorLengthLimit', maxVideoDuration / 60000] };
for (let i in resolutions) {
if (js.player.params[0][`url${resolutions[i]}`]) {
quality = resolutions[i];
if (Number(quality) > Number(o.quality)) quality = o.quality;
url = js.player.params[0][`url${quality}`];
let fileMetadata = {
title: cleanString(js.player.params[0].md_title.trim()),
artist: cleanString(js.player.params[0].md_author.trim()),
if (url) return {
urls: url,
filenameAttributes: {
service: "vk",
id: `${o.userId}_${o.videoId}`,
title: fileMetadata.title,
author: fileMetadata.artist,
resolution: `${quality}p`,
qualityLabel: `${quality}p`,
extension: "mp4"
return { error: 'ErrorEmptyDownload' }