wukko c9eefc4d55
api/youtube: add an option to use HLS streams
- added `youtubeHLS` variable to api
- added youtube HLS parsing & handling
2024-10-28 15:17:54 +06:00

122 lines
3.4 KiB

import { request } from "undici";
import { Readable } from "node:stream";
import { closeRequest, getHeaders, pipe } from "./shared.js";
import { handleHlsPlaylist, isHlsRequest } from "./internal-hls.js";
const CHUNK_SIZE = BigInt(8e6); // 8 MB
const min = (a, b) => a < b ? a : b;
async function* readChunks(streamInfo, size) {
let read = 0n;
while (read < size) {
if (streamInfo.controller.signal.aborted) {
throw new Error("controller aborted");
const chunk = await request(streamInfo.url, {
headers: {
Range: `bytes=${read}-${read + CHUNK_SIZE}`
dispatcher: streamInfo.dispatcher,
signal: streamInfo.controller.signal
const expected = min(CHUNK_SIZE, size - read);
const received = BigInt(chunk.headers['content-length']);
if (received < expected / 2n) {
for await (const data of chunk.body) {
yield data;
read += received;
async function handleYoutubeStream(streamInfo, res) {
const { signal } = streamInfo.controller;
const cleanup = () => (res.end(), closeRequest(streamInfo.controller));
try {
const req = await fetch(streamInfo.url, {
headers: getHeaders('youtube'),
method: 'HEAD',
dispatcher: streamInfo.dispatcher,
streamInfo.url = req.url;
const size = BigInt(req.headers.get('content-length'));
if (req.status !== 200 || !size) {
return cleanup();
const generator = readChunks(streamInfo, size);
const abortGenerator = () => {
signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortGenerator);
signal.addEventListener('abort', abortGenerator);
const stream = Readable.from(generator);
for (const headerName of ['content-type', 'content-length']) {
const headerValue = req.headers.get(headerName);
if (headerValue) res.setHeader(headerName, headerValue);
pipe(stream, res, cleanup);
} catch {
async function handleGenericStream(streamInfo, res) {
const { signal } = streamInfo.controller;
const cleanup = () => res.end();
try {
const req = await request(streamInfo.url, {
headers: {
host: undefined
dispatcher: streamInfo.dispatcher,
maxRedirections: 16
req.body.on('error', () => {});
for (const [ name, value ] of Object.entries(req.headers))
res.setHeader(name, value)
if (req.statusCode < 200 || req.statusCode > 299)
return cleanup();
if (isHlsRequest(req)) {
await handleHlsPlaylist(streamInfo, req, res);
} else {
pipe(req.body, res, cleanup);
} catch {
export function internalStream(streamInfo, res) {
if (streamInfo.service === 'youtube' && !streamInfo.isHLS) {
return handleYoutubeStream(streamInfo, res);
return handleGenericStream(streamInfo, res);