
153 lines
4.1 KiB

import NodeCache from "node-cache";
import { randomBytes } from "crypto";
import { nanoid } from 'nanoid';
import { decryptStream, encryptStream, generateHmac } from "../sub/crypto.js";
import { streamLifespan } from "../config.js";
import { strict as assert } from "assert";
const M3U_SERVICES = ['dailymotion', 'vimeo', 'rutube'];
const streamNoAccess = {
error: "i couldn't verify if you have access to this stream. go back and try again!",
status: 401
const streamNoExist = {
error: "this download link has expired or doesn't exist. go back and try again!",
status: 400
const streamCache = new NodeCache({
stdTTL: streamLifespan/1000,
checkperiod: 10,
deleteOnExpire: true
streamCache.on("expired", (key) => {
const internalStreamCache = {};
const hmacSalt = randomBytes(64).toString('hex');
export function createStream(obj) {
const streamID = nanoid(),
iv = randomBytes(16).toString('base64url'),
secret = randomBytes(32).toString('base64url'),
exp = new Date().getTime() + streamLifespan,
hmac = generateHmac(`${streamID},${exp},${iv},${secret}`, hmacSalt),
streamData = {
exp: exp,
type: obj.type,
urls: obj.u,
service: obj.service,
filename: obj.filename,
audioFormat: obj.audioFormat,
isAudioOnly: !!obj.isAudioOnly,
copy: !!obj.copy,
mute: !!obj.mute,
metadata: obj.fileMetadata || false
encryptStream(streamData, iv, secret)
let streamLink = new URL('/api/stream', process.env.API_URL);
const params = {
't': streamID,
'e': exp,
'h': hmac,
's': secret,
'i': iv
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(params)) {
streamLink.searchParams.append(key, value);
return streamLink.toString();
export function getInternalStream(id) {
return internalStreamCache[id];
export function createInternalStream(url, obj = {}) {
assert(typeof url === 'string');
const streamID = nanoid();
internalStreamCache[streamID] = {
service: obj.service,
controller: new AbortController()
let streamLink = new URL('/api/istream', `${process.env.API_PORT || 9000}`);
streamLink.searchParams.set('t', streamID);
return streamLink.toString();
export function destroyInternalStream(url) {
url = new URL(url);
if (url.hostname !== '') {
const id = url.searchParams.get('t');
if (internalStreamCache[id]) {
delete internalStreamCache[id];
function wrapStream(streamInfo) {
/* m3u8 links are currently not supported
* for internal streams, skip them */
if (M3U_SERVICES.includes(streamInfo.service)) {
return streamInfo;
const url = streamInfo.urls;
if (typeof url === 'string') {
streamInfo.urls = createInternalStream(url, streamInfo);
} else if (Array.isArray(url)) {
for (const idx in streamInfo.urls) {
streamInfo.urls[idx] = createInternalStream(
streamInfo.urls[idx], streamInfo
} else throw 'invalid urls';
return streamInfo;
export function verifyStream(id, hmac, exp, secret, iv) {
try {
const ghmac = generateHmac(`${id},${exp},${iv},${secret}`, hmacSalt);
const cache = streamCache.get(id.toString());
if (ghmac !== String(hmac)) return streamNoAccess;
if (!cache) return streamNoExist;
const streamInfo = JSON.parse(decryptStream(cache, iv, secret));
if (!streamInfo) return streamNoExist;
if (Number(exp) <= new Date().getTime())
return streamNoExist;
return wrapStream(streamInfo);
catch {
return {
error: "something went wrong and i couldn't verify this stream. go back and try again!",
status: 500