web/i18n: update translations

Updated by "Cleanup translation files" add-on in Weblate.

web/i18n/ru: update translation

web/i18n/ru: update translation

web/i18n/ru: update translation

web/i18n/ru: update translation

web/i18n/ru: update translation

web/i18n: update translations

Updated by "Cleanup translation files" add-on in Weblate.

web/i18n: update translations

Updated by "Cleanup translation files" add-on in Weblate.

web/i18n/ru: update translation

web/i18n/ru: update translation

web/i18n/ru: update translation

web/i18n/ru: update translation

web/i18n: update translations

Updated by "Cleanup translation files" add-on in Weblate.

web/i18n/ru: update translation

web/i18n: update translations

Updated by "Squash Git commits" add-on in Weblate.

web/i18n: update translations

Updated by "Squash Git commits" add-on in Weblate.

Co-authored-by: Anonymous <anonymous@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Damir Modyarov <otomir23@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Ilya <wileyfoxyx@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Kurt <kkhaustov@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Philipp <FoxFil@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: aksephi <aksephi@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: imput project translators <i18n@imput.net>
Co-authored-by: jj <log@riseup.net>
Translate-URL: https://i18n.imput.net/projects/cobalt/a11ydialog/ru/
Translate-URL: https://i18n.imput.net/projects/cobalt/a11ysave/ru/
Translate-URL: https://i18n.imput.net/projects/cobalt/about/ru/
Translate-URL: https://i18n.imput.net/projects/cobalt/aboutgeneral/
Translate-URL: https://i18n.imput.net/projects/cobalt/aboutgeneral/ru/
Translate-URL: https://i18n.imput.net/projects/cobalt/aboutprivacy/
Translate-URL: https://i18n.imput.net/projects/cobalt/aboutterms/
Translate-URL: https://i18n.imput.net/projects/cobalt/dialog/ru/
Translate-URL: https://i18n.imput.net/projects/cobalt/donate/ru/
Translate-URL: https://i18n.imput.net/projects/cobalt/general/ru/
Translate-URL: https://i18n.imput.net/projects/cobalt/remux/
Translate-URL: https://i18n.imput.net/projects/cobalt/settings/ru/
Translate-URL: https://i18n.imput.net/projects/cobalt/updates/
Translation: cobalt/a11y/dialog
Translation: cobalt/a11y/save
Translation: cobalt/about
Translation: cobalt/about/general
Translation: cobalt/about/privacy
Translation: cobalt/about/terms
Translation: cobalt/dialog
Translation: cobalt/donate
Translation: cobalt/general
Translation: cobalt/remux
Translation: cobalt/settings
Translation: cobalt/updates
This commit is contained in:
imput project translators 2025-01-26 11:35:32 +00:00
parent b3fe81e4b3
commit 7a5958acc6
20 changed files with 490 additions and 5 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"picker.item.photo": "превью фото"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"share.qr.expand": "qr-код. нажми, чтобы развернуть.",
"share.qr.collapse": "развернутый qr-код. нажми, чтобы свернуть."

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"link_area": "зона вставки ссылки",
"clear_input": "clear input",
"clear_input": "",
"download": "скачать",
"download.think": "обрабатываю ссылку...",
"download.check": "проверяю загрузку...",
"download.done": "загрузка завершена!",
"download.done": "загрузка завершена",
"download.error": "ошибка загрузки"

web/i18n/ru/about.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
"page.general": "что за кобальт?",
"heading.general": "",
"heading.saving": "",
"heading.encryption": "",
"heading.abuse": "",
"heading.motivation": "",
"heading.licenses": "",
"heading.summary": "",
"heading.privacy": "",
"page.faq": "",
"page.community": "",
"page.privacy": "",
"page.terms": "",
"page.credits": "",
"community.discord": "",
"community.twitter": "",
"community.github": "",
"community.email": "",
"community.telegram": "",
"heading.testers": "",
"heading.community": "",
"heading.local": "",
"heading.plausible": "",
"heading.cloudflare": "",
"heading.responsibility": "",
"support.github": "",
"support.discord": "",
"support.description.issue": "",
"support.description.help": "",
"support.twitter": "",
"support.telegram": "",
"support.description.best-effort": ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { contacts, docs } from "$lib/env";
import { t } from "$lib/i18n/translations";
import SectionHeading from "$components/misc/SectionHeading.svelte";
import BetaTesters from "$components/misc/BetaTesters.svelte";
<section id="imput">
cobalt is made with love and care by the [imput](https://imput.net/) research
and development team.
you can support us on the [donate page](/donate)!
<section id="testers">
huge shoutout to our thing breakers for testing updates early and making sure
they're stable. they also helped us ship cobalt 10! <BetaTesters />
all links are external and lead to their personal websites or social media.
<section id="meowbalt">
meowbalt is cobalt's speedy mascot. he is an extremely expressive cat that loves
fast internet.
all amazing drawings of meowbalt that you see in cobalt were made by
[GlitchyPSI](https://glitchypsi.xyz/). he is also the original designer of the
you cannot use or modify GlitchyPSI's artworks of meowbalt without his explicit
you cannot use or modify the meowbalt character design commercially or in any
form that isn't fan art.
<section id="licenses">
cobalt processing server is open source and licensed under
cobalt frontend is [source first](https://sourcefirst.com/) and licensed under
[CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0]({docs.webLicense}). we decided to use this license to stop
grifters from profiting off our work & from creating malicious clones that
deceive people and hurt our public identity.
we rely on many open source libraries, create & distribute our own. you can see
the full list of dependencies on [github]({contacts.github}).

View file

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { t } from "$lib/i18n/translations";
import { partners, contacts, docs } from "$lib/env";
import SectionHeading from "$components/misc/SectionHeading.svelte";
<section id="summary">
кобальт помогает сохранять всё с любимых сайтов: видео, аудио, фото или гифки.
просто вставь ссылку — и можно начинать!
no ads, trackers, paywalls, or other nonsense. just a convenient web app that
works anywhere, whenever you need it.
<section id="motivation">
cobalt was created for public benefit, to protect people from ads and malware
pushed by its alternatives. we believe that the best software is safe, open, and
a part of our infrastructure is provided by our long-standing partner,
<section id="privacy">
all requests to the backend are anonymous and all information about tunnels is
encrypted. we have a strict zero log policy and don't track *anything* about
individual people.
when a request needs additional processing, cobalt processes files on-the-fly.
it's done by tunneling processed parts directly to the client, without ever
saving anything to disk. for example, this method is used when the source
service provides video and audio channels as separate files.
additionally, you can [enable forced tunneling](/settings/privacy#tunnel) to
protect your privacy. when enabled, cobalt will tunnel all downloaded files. no
one will know where you download something from, even your network provider. all
they'll see is that you're using a cobalt instance.
<section id="community">
cobalt is used by countless artists, educators, and content creators to do what
they love. we're always on the line with our community and work together to make
cobalt even more useful. feel free to [join the conversation](/about/community)!
we believe that the future of the internet is open, which is why cobalt is
[source first](https://sourcefirst.com/) and [easily
if your friend hosts a processing instance, just ask them for a domain and [add
it in instance settings](/settings/instances#community).
you can check the source code and contribute [on github]({contacts.github}) at
any time. we welcome all contributions and suggestions!
<section id="local">
newest features, such as [remuxing](/remux), work locally on your device.
on-device processing is efficient and never sends anything over the internet. it
perfectly aligns with our future goal of moving as much processing as possible
to the client.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
<script lang="ts">
import env from "$lib/env";
import { t } from "$lib/i18n/translations";
import SectionHeading from "$components/misc/SectionHeading.svelte";
<section id="general">
cobalt's privacy policy is simple: we don't collect or store anything about you.
what you do is solely your business, not ours or anyone else's.
these terms are applicable only when using the official cobalt instance. in
other cases, you may need to contact the hoster for accurate info.
<section id="local">
tools that use on-device processing work offline, locally, and never send any
data anywhere. they are explicitly marked as such whenever applicable.
<section id="saving">
when using saving functionality, in some cases cobalt will encrypt & temporarily
store information needed for tunneling. it's stored in processing server's RAM
for 90 seconds and irreversibly purged afterwards. no one has access to it, even
instance owners, as long as they don't modify the official cobalt image.
processed/tunneled files are never cached anywhere. everything is tunneled live.
cobalt's saving functionality is essentially a fancy proxy service.
<section id="encryption">
temporarily stored tunnel data is encrypted using the AES-256 standard.
decryption keys are only included in the access link and never
logged/cached/stored anywhere. only the end user has access to the link &
encryption keys. keys are generated uniquely for each requested tunnel.
<section id="plausible">
for sake of privacy, we use [plausible's anonymous traffic
analytics](https://plausible.io/) to get an approximate number of active cobalt
users. no identifiable information about you or your requests is ever stored.
all data is anonymized and aggregated. the plausible instance we use is hosted &
managed by us.
plausible doesn't use cookies and is fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA, and PECR.
[learn more about plausible's dedication to
if you wish to opt out of anonymous analytics, you can do it in [privacy
<section id="cloudflare">
we use cloudflare services for ddos & bot protection. we also use cloudflare
pages for deploying & hosting the static web app. all of these are required to
provide the best experience for everyone. it's the most private & reliable
provider that we know of.
cloudflare is fully compliant with GDPR and HIPAA.
[learn more about cloudflare's dedication to

View file

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { t } from "$lib/i18n/translations";
import SectionHeading from "$components/misc/SectionHeading.svelte";
<section id="general">
these terms are applicable only when using the official cobalt instance. in
other cases, you may need to contact the hoster for accurate info.
<section id="saving">
saving functionality simplifies downloading content from the internet and takes
zero liability for what the saved content is used for. processing servers work
like advanced proxies and don't ever write any content to disk. everything is
handled in RAM and permanently purged once the tunnel is done. we have no
downloading logs and can't identify anyone.
[you can read more about how tunnels work in our privacy
<section id="responsibility">
you (end user) are responsible for what you do with our tools, how you use and
distribute resulting content. please be mindful when using content of others and
always credit original creators. make sure you don't violate any terms or
when used in educational purposes, always cite sources and credit original
fair use and credits benefit everyone.
<section id="abuse">
we have no way of detecting abusive behavior automatically because cobalt is
100% anonymous. however, you can report such activities to us via email and
we'll do our best to comply manually: abuse[at]imput.net
**this email is not intended for user support, you will not get a response if
your concern is not related to abuse.**
if you're experiencing issues, contact us via any preferred method on [the
support page](/about/community).

web/i18n/ru/button.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"download.audio": "скачать аудио",
"import": "импортировать",
"copied": "скопировано",
"copy": "скопировать",
"share": "поделиться",
"download": "скачать",
"no": "нет",
"yes": "да",
"save": "сохранить",
"continue": "продолжить",
"done": "готово",
"reset": "сбросить",
"cancel": "отменить",
"export": "экспортировать",
"gotit": "понятно"

web/i18n/ru/dialog.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"reset.title": "cбросить все данные?",
"reset.body": "ты уверен что хочешь сбросить все настройки? это действие немедленно и необратимо.",
"picker.title": "укажи, что хочешь сохранить",
"saving.title": "выбери как хочешь сохранить",
"saving.timeout": "кобальт попытался сохранить файл автоматически, но твой браузер остановил это. выбери способ вручную."

web/i18n/ru/donate.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"card.once": "одноразовый донат",
"card.option.30": "обед для двоих",
"body.no_bullshit": "мы считаем, что интернет не должен быть пугающим, поэтому в кобальте никогда не будет рекламы или вредоносного контента. мы твёрдо выполняем это обещание. всё, что мы делаем, создаётся с учётом конфиденциальности, доступности и простоты использования, что делает кобальт доступным для всех.",
"card.custom": "своя сумма (начиная с $2)",
"card.processor": "через {{value}}",
"card.option.5": "чашка кофе",
"card.option.50": "10 кг кошачьего корма",
"card.option.1599": "обычный macbook pro",
"card.option.4900": "10,000 яблок",
"share.title": "поделись кобальтом с другом",
"alternative.title": "альтернативные способы доната",
"alt.copy": "{{ value }}. адрес криптокошелька. нажми, чтобы скопировать.",
"alt.open": "{{ value }}. нажми, чтобы открыть.",
"body.motivation": "кобальт помогает продюсерам, преподавателям, видеомейкерам и многим другим заниматься тем, что они любят. это особый сервис создающийся с любовью, а не ради прибыли.",
"body.keep_going": "если для тебя кобальт оказался полезным, пожалуйста, рассмотри возможность поддержать нашу работу! ты можешь помочь нам донатом, либо поделившись кобальтом с другом. каждый донат высоко ценится и помогает нам продолжать работу над кобальтом и другими проектами.",
"card.recurring": "постоянный донат",
"card.option.10": "большая пицца",
"card.option.15": "полный обед",
"card.custom.submit": "своя сумма",
"banner.title": "Поддержите безопасный\nи открытый Интернет"

web/i18n/ru/error.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"api.link.invalid": "ваша ссылка недействительная либо этот сервис ещё не поддерживается. вы вставили правильную ссылку?",
"api.rate_exceeded": "вы делаете слишком много запросов. попробуйте снова через {{ limit }} секунд!"

View file

@ -2,6 +2,5 @@
"cobalt": "кобальт",
"meowbalt": "мяубальт",
"beta": "бета",
"embed.description": "сохраняй то, что любишь: без рекламы, трекеров и прочей чепухи. кобальт создан с любовью, а не с целью заработать."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"update.title": "доступно обновление!",
"update.subtext": "нажми, чтобы обновить"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"accept": "поддерживаемые форматы: {{ formats }}.",
"title": "перетащи или выбери файл",
"title.drop": "скинь файл сюда!"

web/i18n/ru/remux.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"description": "ремукс помогает решить проблемы с совместимостью файлов в старых приложениях. файлы обрабатываются быстро, без потери качества и локально на устройстве."

View file

@ -10,5 +10,13 @@
"services.title": "поддерживаемые сервисы",
"services.title_show": "показать поддерживаемые сервисы",
"services.title_hide": "скрыть поддерживаемые сервисы",
"services.disclaimer": "кобальт не аффилирован ни с одним из перечисленных выше сервисов.\n\nдеятельность meta platforms (владельца facebook и instagram) запрещена на территории РФ и признана экстремистской."
"services.disclaimer": "кобальт не аффилирован ни с одним из перечисленных выше сервисов.\n\nдеятельность meta platforms (владельца facebook и instagram) запрещена на территории РФ и признана экстремистской.",
"tutorial.step.1": "добавь команды-компаньоны:",
"tutorial.step.2": "нажми кнопку \"поделиться\" в диалоге сохранения кобальта.",
"tutorial.step.3": "выбери нужную команду в окне обмена.",
"tutorial.shortcut.photos": "в фото",
"tutorial.shortcut.files": "в файлы",
"tutorial.title": "как сохранить на ios?",
"tutorial.intro": "чтобы удобно сохранять файлы на ios, придётся использовать команду siri из меню обмена.",
"tutorial.outro": "эти команды siri будут работать только из приложения кобальта, использовать их из других приложений не получится."

web/i18n/ru/settings.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
"theme.auto": "авто",
"theme.light": "белая",
"audio.bitrate.kbps": "кбит/с",
"theme.dark": "тёмная",
"audio.youtube.dub": "youtube",
"video.quality.max": "8k+",
"page.video": "видео",
"page.audio": "аудио",
"page.download": "скачивание",
"section.save": "сохранить",
"video.quality.1440": "1440p",
"video.quality.1080": "1080p",
"video.quality.720": "720p",
"video.quality.480": "480p",
"video.quality.360": "360p",
"video.quality.240": "240p",
"video.quality.144": "144p",
"metadata.file": "метаданные файла",
"saving.title": "метод сохранения",
"saving.ask": "спросить",
"saving.download": "скачать",
"saving.share": "поделиться",
"saving.copy": "скопировать",
"accessibility": "доступность",
"language": "язык",
"language.preferred.title": "предпочитаемый язык",
"privacy.analytics": "анонимная аналитика трафика",
"audio.tiktok.original.title": "скачать оригинальный звук",
"privacy.tunnel": "туннелирование",
"privacy.tunnel.title": "всегда туннелировать файлы",
"video.tiktok.h265": "tiktok",
"audio.format.mp3": "mp3",
"audio.format.ogg": "ogg",
"audio.format.wav": "wav",
"audio.format.opus": "opus",
"page.privacy": "конфиденциальность",
"theme": "тема",
"video.quality": "качество видео",
"video.twitter.gif": "twitter/x",
"video.quality.2160": "4k",
"audio.format": "формат аудио",
"audio.bitrate": "битрейт аудио",
"audio.tiktok.original": "tiktok",
"metadata.disable.title": "отключить метаданные файла",
"language.auto.title": "автоматический выбор",
"metadata.disable.description": "название, исполнитель и другая информация не будут добавлены в файл.",
"language.preferred.description": "этот язык будет использоваться когда автоматический выбор отключен. любой непереведённый текст будет отображаться на английском языке.\n\nмы используем переводы, предоставленные сообществом, для языков, отличных от английского, русского и чешского. они могут быть неточными или неполными.",
"audio.youtube.dub.description": "работает даже если кобальт не переведен на твой язык.",
"language.auto.description": "если доступен перевод, кобальт будет использовать язык твоего браузера, в ином случае будет использоваться английский.",
"theme.description": "",
"page.debug": "",
"section.general": "",
"page.appearance": "внешний вид"

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"save": "скачать",
"save": "сохранить",
"settings": "настройки",
"updates": "новости",
"donate": "донаты",

web/i18n/ru/updates.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"button.next": "перейти к более старому обновлению ({{ value }})",
"button.previous": "перейти к более новому обновлению ({{ value }})"