3. copy and paste the [sample config from here](examples/docker-compose.example.yml) for either web or api instance (or both, if you wish) and edit it to your needs.
if you want your instance to support services that require authentication to view public content, create `cookies.json` file in the same directory as `docker-compose.yml`. example cookies file [can be found here](examples/cookies.example.json).
## using regular node.js (useful for local development)
setup script installs all needed `npm` dependencies, but you have to install `node.js`*(version 18 or above)* and `git` yourself.
1. clone the repo: `git clone https://github.com/wukko/cobalt`.
2. run setup script and follow instructions: `npm run setup`. you need to host api and web instances separately, so pick whichever applies.
3. run cobalt via `npm start`.
4. done.
### ubuntu 22.04 workaround
`nscd` needs to be installed and running so that the `ffmpeg-static` binary can resolve DNS ([#101](https://github.com/wukko/cobalt/issues/101#issuecomment-1494822258)):
| `CORS_URL` | not used | `https://cobalt.tools/` | cross-origin resource sharing url. api will be available only from this url if `CORS_WILDCARD` is set to `0`. |
| `COOKIE_PATH` | not used | `/cookies.json` | path for cookie file relative to main folder. |
you need to get your own device info for tiktok functionality to work. this can be done by proxying the app through any request-intercepting proxy (such as [mitmproxy](https://mitmproxy.org)). you need to disable ssl pinning to see requests. there will be no assistance provided by cobalt for this.
example config (replace **ALL** values with ones you got from mitm):
\* don't use plausible.io as receiver backend unless you paid for their cloud service. use your own domain when hosting community edition of plausible. refer to their [docs](https://plausible.io/docs) when needed.