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synced 2025-03-20 12:38:57 +01:00
These changes span work from the last ~4 months in an effort to make Caddy more extensible, reduce the coupling between its components, and lay a more robust foundation of code going forward into 1.0. A bunch of new features have been added, too, with even higher future potential. The most significant design change is an overall inversion of dependencies. Instead of the caddy package knowing about the server and the notion of middleware and config, the caddy package exposes an interface that other components plug into. This does introduce more indirection when reading the code, but every piece is very modular and pluggable. Even the HTTP server is pluggable. The caddy package has been moved to the top level, and main has been pushed into a subfolder called caddy. The actual logic of the main file has been pushed even further into caddy/caddymain/run.go so that custom builds of Caddy can be 'go get'able. The HTTPS logic was surgically separated into two parts to divide the TLS-specific code and the HTTPS-specific code. The caddytls package can now be used by any type of server that needs TLS, not just HTTP. I also added the ability to customize nearly every aspect of TLS at the site level rather than all sites sharing the same TLS configuration. Not all of this flexibility is exposed in the Caddyfile yet, but it may be in the future. Caddy can also generate self-signed certificates in memory for the convenience of a developer working on localhost who wants HTTPS. And Caddy now supports the DNS challenge, assuming at least one DNS provider is plugged in. Dozens, if not hundreds, of other minor changes swept through the code base as I literally started from an empty main function, copying over functions or files as needed, then adjusting them to fit in the new design. Most tests have been restored and adapted to the new API, but more work is needed there. A lot of what was "impossible" before is now possible, or can be made possible with minimal disruption of the code. For example, it's fairly easy to make plugins hook into another part of the code via callbacks. Plugins can do more than just be directives; we now have plugins that customize how the Caddyfile is loaded (useful when you need to get your configuration from a remote store). Site addresses no longer need be just a host and port. They can have a path, allowing you to scope a configuration to a specific path. There is no inheretance, however; each site configuration is distinct. Thanks to amazing work by Lucas Clemente, this commit adds experimental QUIC support. Turn it on using the -quic flag; your browser may have to be configured to enable it. Almost everything is here, but you will notice that most of the middle- ware are missing. After those are transferred over, we'll be ready for beta tests. I'm very excited to get this out. Thanks for everyone's help and patience these last few months. I hope you like it!!
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package caddytls
import (
func init() {
// maintain assets while this package is imported, which is
// always. we don't ever stop it, since we need it running.
go maintainAssets(make(chan struct{}))
const (
// RenewInterval is how often to check certificates for renewal.
RenewInterval = 12 * time.Hour
// OCSPInterval is how often to check if OCSP stapling needs updating.
OCSPInterval = 1 * time.Hour
// RenewDurationBefore is how long before expiration to renew certificates.
RenewDurationBefore = (24 * time.Hour) * 30
// maintainAssets is a permanently-blocking function
// that loops indefinitely and, on a regular schedule, checks
// certificates for expiration and initiates a renewal of certs
// that are expiring soon. It also updates OCSP stapling and
// performs other maintenance of assets. It should only be
// called once per process.
// You must pass in the channel which you'll close when
// maintenance should stop, to allow this goroutine to clean up
// after itself and unblock. (Not that you HAVE to stop it...)
func maintainAssets(stopChan chan struct{}) {
renewalTicker := time.NewTicker(RenewInterval)
ocspTicker := time.NewTicker(OCSPInterval)
for {
select {
case <-renewalTicker.C:
log.Println("[INFO] Scanning for expiring certificates")
log.Println("[INFO] Done checking certificates")
case <-ocspTicker.C:
log.Println("[INFO] Scanning for stale OCSP staples")
log.Println("[INFO] Done checking OCSP staples")
case <-stopChan:
log.Println("[INFO] Stopped background maintenance routine")
// RenewManagedCertificates renews managed certificates.
func RenewManagedCertificates(allowPrompts bool) (err error) {
var renewed, deleted []Certificate
visitedNames := make(map[string]struct{})
for name, cert := range certCache {
if !cert.Config.Managed || cert.Config.SelfSigned {
// the list of names on this cert should never be empty...
if cert.Names == nil || len(cert.Names) == 0 {
log.Printf("[WARNING] Certificate keyed by '%s' has no names: %v - removing from cache", name, cert.Names)
deleted = append(deleted, cert)
// skip names whose certificate we've already renewed
if _, ok := visitedNames[name]; ok {
for _, name := range cert.Names {
visitedNames[name] = struct{}{}
// if its time is up or ending soon, we need to try to renew it
timeLeft := cert.NotAfter.Sub(time.Now().UTC())
if timeLeft < RenewDurationBefore {
log.Printf("[INFO] Certificate for %v expires in %v; attempting renewal", cert.Names, timeLeft)
if cert.Config == nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] %s: No associated TLS config; unable to renew", name)
// this works well because managed certs are only associated with one name per config
err := cert.Config.RenewCert(allowPrompts)
if err != nil {
if allowPrompts && timeLeft < 0 {
// Certificate renewal failed, the operator is present, and the certificate
// is already expired; we should stop immediately and return the error. Note
// that we used to do this any time a renewal failed at startup. However,
// after discussion in https://github.com/mholt/caddy/issues/642 we decided to
// only stop startup if the certificate is expired. We still log the error
// otherwise.
return err
log.Printf("[ERROR] %v", err)
if cert.Config.OnDemand {
deleted = append(deleted, cert)
} else {
renewed = append(renewed, cert)
// Apply changes to the cache
for _, cert := range renewed {
if cert.Names[len(cert.Names)-1] == "" {
// Special case: This is the default certificate. We must
// flush it out of the cache so that we no longer point to
// the old, un-renewed certificate. Otherwise it will be
// renewed on every scan, which is too often. When we cache
// this certificate in a moment, it will be the default again.
delete(certCache, "")
_, err := CacheManagedCertificate(cert.Names[0], cert.Config)
if err != nil {
if allowPrompts {
return err // operator is present, so report error immediately
log.Printf("[ERROR] %v", err)
for _, cert := range deleted {
for _, name := range cert.Names {
delete(certCache, name)
return nil
// UpdateOCSPStaples updates the OCSP stapling in all
// eligible, cached certificates.
func UpdateOCSPStaples() {
// Create a temporary place to store updates
// until we release the potentially long-lived
// read lock and use a short-lived write lock.
type ocspUpdate struct {
rawBytes []byte
parsed *ocsp.Response
updated := make(map[string]ocspUpdate)
// A single SAN certificate maps to multiple names, so we use this
// set to make sure we don't waste cycles checking OCSP for the same
// certificate multiple times.
visited := make(map[string]struct{})
for name, cert := range certCache {
// skip this certificate if we've already visited it,
// and if not, mark all the names as visited
if _, ok := visited[name]; ok {
for _, n := range cert.Names {
visited[n] = struct{}{}
// no point in updating OCSP for expired certificates
if time.Now().After(cert.NotAfter) {
var lastNextUpdate time.Time
if cert.OCSP != nil {
// start checking OCSP staple about halfway through validity period for good measure
lastNextUpdate = cert.OCSP.NextUpdate
refreshTime := cert.OCSP.ThisUpdate.Add(lastNextUpdate.Sub(cert.OCSP.ThisUpdate) / 2)
// since OCSP is already stapled, we need only check if we're in that "refresh window"
if time.Now().Before(refreshTime) {
err := stapleOCSP(&cert, nil)
if err != nil {
if cert.OCSP != nil {
// if there was no staple before, that's fine; otherwise we should log the error
log.Printf("[ERROR] Checking OCSP for %v: %v", cert.Names, err)
// By this point, we've obtained the latest OCSP response.
// If there was no staple before, or if the response is updated, make
// sure we apply the update to all names on the certificate.
if lastNextUpdate.IsZero() || lastNextUpdate != cert.OCSP.NextUpdate {
log.Printf("[INFO] Advancing OCSP staple for %v from %s to %s",
cert.Names, lastNextUpdate, cert.OCSP.NextUpdate)
for _, n := range cert.Names {
updated[n] = ocspUpdate{rawBytes: cert.Certificate.OCSPStaple, parsed: cert.OCSP}
// This write lock should be brief since we have all the info we need now.
for name, update := range updated {
cert := certCache[name]
cert.OCSP = update.parsed
cert.Certificate.OCSPStaple = update.rawBytes
certCache[name] = cert