mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 21:54:51 +01:00
Publishing a DNS record for a name that doesn't have any could make wildcards ineffective, which would be surprising for site owners and could lead to downtime.
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package caddytls
import (
weakrand "math/rand/v2"
func init() {
// ECH enables Encrypted ClientHello (ECH) and configures its management.
// ECH helps protect site names (also called "server names" or "domain names"
// or "SNI"), which are normally sent over plaintext when establishing a TLS
// connection. With ECH, the true ClientHello is encrypted and wrapped by an
// "outer" ClientHello that uses a more generic, shared server name that is
// publicly known.
// Clients need to know which public name (and other parameters) to use when
// connecting to a site with ECH, and the methods for this vary; however,
// major browsers support reading ECH configurations from DNS records (which
// is typically only secure when DNS-over-HTTPS or DNS-over-TLS is enabled in
// the client). Caddy has the ability to automatically publish ECH configs to
// DNS records if a DNS provider is configured either in the TLS app or with
// each individual publication config object. (Requires a custom build with a
// DNS provider module.)
// ECH requires at least TLS 1.3, so any TLS connection policies with ECH
// applied will automatically upgrade the minimum TLS version to 1.3, even if
// configured to a lower version.
// Note that, as of Caddy 2.10.0 (~March 2025), ECH keys are not automatically
// rotated due to a limitation in the Go standard library (see
// https://github.com/golang/go/issues/71920). This should be resolved when
// Go 1.25 is released (~Aug. 2025), and Caddy will be updated to automatically
// rotate ECH keys/configs at that point.
// EXPERIMENTAL: Subject to change.
type ECH struct {
// The list of ECH configurations for which to automatically generate
// and rotate keys. At least one is required to enable ECH.
// It is strongly recommended to use as few ECH configs as possible
// to maximize the size of your anonymity set (see the ECH specification
// for a definition). Typically, each server should have only one public
// name, i.e. one config in this list.
Configs []ECHConfiguration `json:"configs,omitempty"`
// Publication describes ways to publish ECH configs for clients to
// discover and use. Without publication, most clients will not use
// ECH at all, and those that do will suffer degraded performance.
// Most major browsers support ECH by way of publication to HTTPS
// DNS RRs. (This also typically requires that they use DoH or DoT.)
Publication []*ECHPublication `json:"publication,omitempty"`
// map of public_name to list of configs
configs map[string][]echConfig
// Provision loads or creates ECH configs and returns outer names (for certificate
// management), but does not publish any ECH configs. The DNS module is used as
// a default for later publishing if needed.
func (ech *ECH) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) ([]string, error) {
logger := ctx.Logger().Named("ech")
// set up publication modules before we need to obtain a lock in storage,
// since this is strictly internal and doesn't require synchronization
for i, pub := range ech.Publication {
mods, err := ctx.LoadModule(pub, "PublishersRaw")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("loading ECH publication modules: %v", err)
for _, modIface := range mods.(map[string]any) {
ech.Publication[i].publishers = append(ech.Publication[i].publishers, modIface.(ECHPublisher))
// the rest of provisioning needs an exclusive lock so that instances aren't
// stepping on each other when setting up ECH configs
storage := ctx.Storage()
const echLockName = "ech_provision"
if err := storage.Lock(ctx, echLockName); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err := storage.Unlock(ctx, echLockName); err != nil {
logger.Error("unable to unlock ECH provisioning in storage", zap.Error(err))
var outerNames []string //nolint:prealloc // (FALSE POSITIVE - see https://github.com/alexkohler/prealloc/issues/30)
// start by loading all the existing configs (even the older ones on the way out,
// since some clients may still be using them if they haven't yet picked up on the
// new configs)
cfgKeys, err := storage.List(ctx, echConfigsKey, false)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) { // OK if dir doesn't exist; it will be created
return nil, err
for _, cfgKey := range cfgKeys {
cfg, err := loadECHConfig(ctx, path.Base(cfgKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if any part of the config's folder was corrupted, the load function will
// clean it up and not return an error, since configs are immutable and
// fairly ephemeral... so just check that we actually got a populated config
if cfg.configBin == nil || cfg.privKeyBin == nil {
logger.Debug("loaded ECH config",
zap.String("public_name", cfg.RawPublicName),
zap.Uint8("id", cfg.ConfigID))
ech.configs[cfg.RawPublicName] = append(ech.configs[cfg.RawPublicName], cfg)
outerNames = append(outerNames, cfg.RawPublicName)
// all existing configs are now loaded; see if we need to make any new ones
// based on the input configuration, and also mark the most recent one(s) as
// current/active, so they can be used for ECH retries
for _, cfg := range ech.Configs {
publicName := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(cfg.PublicName))
if list, ok := ech.configs[publicName]; ok && len(list) > 0 {
// at least one config with this public name was loaded, so find the
// most recent one and mark it as active to be used with retries
var mostRecentDate time.Time
var mostRecentIdx int
for i, c := range list {
if mostRecentDate.IsZero() || c.meta.Created.After(mostRecentDate) {
mostRecentDate = c.meta.Created
mostRecentIdx = i
list[mostRecentIdx].sendAsRetry = true
} else {
// no config with this public name was loaded, so create one
echCfg, err := generateAndStoreECHConfig(ctx, publicName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
logger.Debug("generated new ECH config",
zap.String("public_name", echCfg.RawPublicName),
zap.Uint8("id", echCfg.ConfigID))
ech.configs[publicName] = append(ech.configs[publicName], echCfg)
outerNames = append(outerNames, publicName)
return outerNames, nil
func (t *TLS) publishECHConfigs() error {
logger := t.logger.Named("ech")
// make publication exclusive, since we don't need to repeat this unnecessarily
storage := t.ctx.Storage()
const echLockName = "ech_publish"
if err := storage.Lock(t.ctx, echLockName); err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := storage.Unlock(t.ctx, echLockName); err != nil {
logger.Error("unable to unlock ECH provisioning in storage", zap.Error(err))
// get the publication config, or use a default if not specified
// (the default publication config should be to publish all ECH
// configs to the app-global DNS provider; if no DNS provider is
// configured, then this whole function is basically a no-op)
publicationList := t.EncryptedClientHello.Publication
if publicationList == nil {
if dnsProv, ok := t.dns.(ECHDNSProvider); ok {
publicationList = []*ECHPublication{
publishers: []ECHPublisher{
provider: dnsProv,
logger: t.logger,
// for each publication config, build the list of ECH configs to
// publish with it, and figure out which inner names to publish
// to/for, then publish
for _, publication := range publicationList {
// this publication is either configured for specific ECH configs,
// or we just use an implied default of all ECH configs
var echCfgList echConfigList
var configIDs []uint8 // TODO: use IDs or the outer names?
if publication.Configs == nil {
// by default, publish all configs
for _, configs := range t.EncryptedClientHello.configs {
echCfgList = append(echCfgList, configs...)
for _, c := range configs {
configIDs = append(configIDs, c.ConfigID)
} else {
for _, cfgOuterName := range publication.Configs {
if cfgList, ok := t.EncryptedClientHello.configs[cfgOuterName]; ok {
echCfgList = append(echCfgList, cfgList...)
for _, c := range cfgList {
configIDs = append(configIDs, c.ConfigID)
// marshal the ECH config list as binary for publication
echCfgListBin, err := echCfgList.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("marshaling ECH config list: %v", err)
// now we have our list of ECH configs to publish and the inner names
// to publish for (i.e. the names being protected); iterate each publisher
// and do the publish for any config+name that needs a publish
for _, publisher := range publication.publishers {
publisherKey := publisher.PublisherKey()
// by default, publish for all (non-outer) server names, unless
// a specific list of names is configured
var serverNamesSet map[string]struct{}
if publication.Domains == nil {
serverNamesSet = make(map[string]struct{}, len(t.serverNames))
for name := range t.serverNames {
serverNamesSet[name] = struct{}{}
} else {
serverNamesSet = make(map[string]struct{}, len(publication.Domains))
for _, name := range publication.Domains {
serverNamesSet[name] = struct{}{}
// remove any domains from the set which have already had all configs in the
// list published by this publisher, to avoid always re-publishing unnecessarily
for configuredInnerName := range serverNamesSet {
allConfigsPublished := true
for _, cfg := range echCfgList {
// TODO: Potentially utilize the timestamp (map value) for recent-enough publication, instead of just checking for existence
if _, ok := cfg.meta.Publications[publisherKey][configuredInnerName]; !ok {
allConfigsPublished = false
if allConfigsPublished {
delete(serverNamesSet, configuredInnerName)
// if all the (inner) domains have had this ECH config list published
// by this publisher, then try the next publication config
if len(serverNamesSet) == 0 {
logger.Debug("ECH config list already published by publisher for associated domains",
zap.Uint8s("config_ids", configIDs),
zap.String("publisher", publisherKey))
// convert the set of names to a slice
dnsNamesToPublish := make([]string, 0, len(serverNamesSet))
for name := range serverNamesSet {
dnsNamesToPublish = append(dnsNamesToPublish, name)
logger.Debug("publishing ECH config list",
zap.Strings("domains", dnsNamesToPublish),
zap.Uint8s("config_ids", configIDs))
// publish this ECH config list with this publisher
pubTime := time.Now()
err := publisher.PublishECHConfigList(t.ctx, dnsNamesToPublish, echCfgListBin)
if err == nil {
t.logger.Info("published ECH configuration list",
zap.Strings("domains", publication.Domains),
zap.Uint8s("config_ids", configIDs),
// update publication history, so that we don't unnecessarily republish every time
for _, cfg := range echCfgList {
if cfg.meta.Publications == nil {
cfg.meta.Publications = make(publicationHistory)
if _, ok := cfg.meta.Publications[publisherKey]; !ok {
cfg.meta.Publications[publisherKey] = make(map[string]time.Time)
for _, name := range dnsNamesToPublish {
cfg.meta.Publications[publisherKey][name] = pubTime
metaBytes, err := json.Marshal(cfg.meta)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("marshaling ECH config metadata: %v", err)
metaKey := path.Join(echConfigsKey, strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.ConfigID)), "meta.json")
if err := t.ctx.Storage().Store(t.ctx, metaKey, metaBytes); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("storing updated ECH config metadata: %v", err)
} else {
t.logger.Error("publishing ECH configuration list",
zap.Strings("domains", publication.Domains),
zap.Uint8s("config_ids", configIDs),
return nil
// loadECHConfig loads the config from storage with the given configID.
// An error is not actually returned in some cases the config fails to
// load because in some cases it just means the config ID folder has
// been cleaned up in storage, maybe due to an incomplete set of keys
// or corrupted contents; in any case, the only rectification is to
// delete it and make new keys (an error IS returned if deleting the
// corrupted keys fails, for example). Check the returned echConfig for
// non-nil privKeyBin and configBin values before using.
func loadECHConfig(ctx caddy.Context, configID string) (echConfig, error) {
storage := ctx.Storage()
logger := ctx.Logger()
cfgIDKey := path.Join(echConfigsKey, configID)
keyKey := path.Join(cfgIDKey, "key.bin")
configKey := path.Join(cfgIDKey, "config.bin")
metaKey := path.Join(cfgIDKey, "meta.json")
// if loading anything fails, might as well delete this folder and free up
// the config ID; spec is designed to rotate configs frequently anyway
// (I consider it a more serious error if we can't clean up the folder,
// since leaving stray storage keys is confusing)
privKeyBytes, err := storage.Load(ctx, keyKey)
if err != nil {
delErr := storage.Delete(ctx, cfgIDKey)
if delErr != nil {
return echConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("error loading private key (%v) and cleaning up parent storage key %s: %v", err, cfgIDKey, delErr)
logger.Warn("could not load ECH private key; deleting its config folder",
zap.String("config_id", configID),
return echConfig{}, nil
echConfigBytes, err := storage.Load(ctx, configKey)
if err != nil {
delErr := storage.Delete(ctx, cfgIDKey)
if delErr != nil {
return echConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("error loading ECH config (%v) and cleaning up parent storage key %s: %v", err, cfgIDKey, delErr)
logger.Warn("could not load ECH config; deleting its config folder",
zap.String("config_id", configID),
return echConfig{}, nil
var cfg echConfig
if err := cfg.UnmarshalBinary(echConfigBytes); err != nil {
delErr := storage.Delete(ctx, cfgIDKey)
if delErr != nil {
return echConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("error loading ECH config (%v) and cleaning up parent storage key %s: %v", err, cfgIDKey, delErr)
logger.Warn("could not load ECH config; deleted its config folder",
zap.String("config_id", configID),
return echConfig{}, nil
metaBytes, err := storage.Load(ctx, metaKey)
if err != nil {
delErr := storage.Delete(ctx, cfgIDKey)
if delErr != nil {
return echConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("error loading ECH metadata (%v) and cleaning up parent storage key %s: %v", err, cfgIDKey, delErr)
logger.Warn("could not load ECH metadata; deleted its config folder",
zap.String("config_id", configID),
return echConfig{}, nil
var meta echConfigMeta
if err := json.Unmarshal(metaBytes, &meta); err != nil {
// even though it's just metadata, reset the whole config since we can't reliably maintain it
delErr := storage.Delete(ctx, cfgIDKey)
if delErr != nil {
return echConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("error decoding ECH metadata (%v) and cleaning up parent storage key %s: %v", err, cfgIDKey, delErr)
logger.Warn("could not JSON-decode ECH metadata; deleted its config folder",
zap.String("config_id", configID),
return echConfig{}, nil
cfg.privKeyBin = privKeyBytes
cfg.configBin = echConfigBytes
cfg.meta = meta
return cfg, nil
func generateAndStoreECHConfig(ctx caddy.Context, publicName string) (echConfig, error) {
// Go currently has very strict requirements for server-side ECH configs,
// to quote the Go 1.24 godoc (with typos of AEAD IDs corrected):
// "Config should be a marshalled ECHConfig associated with PrivateKey. This
// must match the config provided to clients byte-for-byte. The config
// should only specify the DHKEM(X25519, HKDF-SHA256) KEM ID (0x0020), the
// HKDF-SHA256 KDF ID (0x0001), and a subset of the following AEAD IDs:
// AES-128-GCM (0x0001), AES-256-GCM (0x0002), ChaCha20Poly1305 (0x0003)."
// So we need to be sure we generate a config within these parameters
// so the Go TLS server can use it.
// generate a key pair
const kemChoice = hpke.KEM_X25519_HKDF_SHA256
publicKey, privateKey, err := kemChoice.Scheme().GenerateKeyPair()
if err != nil {
return echConfig{}, err
// find an available config ID
configID, err := newECHConfigID(ctx)
if err != nil {
return echConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("generating unique config ID: %v", err)
echCfg := echConfig{
PublicKey: publicKey,
Version: draftTLSESNI22,
ConfigID: configID,
RawPublicName: publicName,
KEMID: kemChoice,
CipherSuites: []hpkeSymmetricCipherSuite{
AEADID: hpke.AEAD_ChaCha20Poly1305,
sendAsRetry: true,
meta := echConfigMeta{
Created: time.Now(),
privKeyBytes, err := privateKey.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return echConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("marshaling ECH private key: %v", err)
echConfigBytes, err := echCfg.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return echConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("marshaling ECH config: %v", err)
metaBytes, err := json.Marshal(meta)
if err != nil {
return echConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("marshaling ECH config metadata: %v", err)
parentKey := path.Join(echConfigsKey, strconv.Itoa(int(configID)))
keyKey := path.Join(parentKey, "key.bin")
configKey := path.Join(parentKey, "config.bin")
metaKey := path.Join(parentKey, "meta.json")
if err := ctx.Storage().Store(ctx, keyKey, privKeyBytes); err != nil {
return echConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("storing ECH private key: %v", err)
if err := ctx.Storage().Store(ctx, configKey, echConfigBytes); err != nil {
return echConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("storing ECH config: %v", err)
if err := ctx.Storage().Store(ctx, metaKey, metaBytes); err != nil {
return echConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("storing ECH config metadata: %v", err)
echCfg.privKeyBin = privKeyBytes
echCfg.configBin = echConfigBytes // this contains the public key
echCfg.meta = meta
return echCfg, nil
// ECH represents an Encrypted ClientHello configuration.
// EXPERIMENTAL: Subject to change.
type ECHConfiguration struct {
// The public server name (SNI) that will be used in the outer ClientHello.
// This should be a domain name for which this server is authoritative,
// because Caddy will try to provision a certificate for this name. As an
// outer SNI, it is never used for application data (HTTPS, etc.), but it
// is necessary for enabling clients to connect securely in some cases.
// If this field is empty or missing, or if Caddy cannot get a certificate
// for this domain (e.g. the domain's DNS records do not point to this server),
// client reliability becomes brittle, and you risk coercing clients to expose
// true server names in plaintext, which compromises both the privacy of the
// server and makes clients more vulnerable.
PublicName string `json:"public_name"`
// ECHPublication configures publication of ECH config(s). It pairs a list
// of ECH configs with the list of domains they are assigned to protect, and
// describes how to publish those configs for those domains.
// Most servers will have only a single publication config, unless their
// domains are spread across multiple DNS providers or require different
// methods of publication.
// EXPERIMENTAL: Subject to change.
type ECHPublication struct {
// The list of ECH configurations to publish, identified by public name.
// If not set, all configs will be included for publication by default.
// It is generally advised to maximize the size of your anonymity set,
// which implies using as few public names as possible for your sites.
// Usually, only a single public name is used to protect all the sites
// for a server
// EXPERIMENTAL: This field may be renamed or have its structure changed.
Configs []string `json:"configs,omitempty"`
// The list of ("inner") domain names which are protected with the associated
// ECH configurations.
// If not set, all server names registered with the TLS module will be
// added to this list implicitly. (This registration is done automatically
// by other Caddy apps that use the TLS module. They should register their
// configured server names for this purpose. For example, the HTTP server
// registers the hostnames for which it applies automatic HTTPS. This is
// not something you, the user, have to do.) Most servers
// Names in this list should not appear in any other publication config
// object with the same publishers, since the publications will likely
// overwrite each other.
// NOTE: In order to publish ECH configs for domains configured for
// On-Demand TLS that are not explicitly enumerated elsewhere in the
// config, those domain names will have to be listed here. The only
// time Caddy knows which domains it is serving with On-Demand TLS is
// handshake-time, which is too late for publishing ECH configs; it
// means the first connections would not protect the server names,
// revealing that information to observers, and thus defeating the
// purpose of ECH. Hence the need to list them here so Caddy can
// proactively publish ECH configs before clients connect with those
// server names in plaintext.
Domains []string `json:"domains,omitempty"`
// How to publish the ECH configurations so clients can know to use
// ECH to connect more securely to the server.
PublishersRaw caddy.ModuleMap `json:"publishers,omitempty" caddy:"namespace=tls.ech.publishers"`
publishers []ECHPublisher
// ECHDNSProvider can service DNS entries for ECH purposes.
type ECHDNSProvider interface {
// ECHDNSPublisher configures how to publish an ECH configuration to
// DNS records for the specified domains.
// EXPERIMENTAL: Subject to change.
type ECHDNSPublisher struct {
// The DNS provider module which will establish the HTTPS record(s).
ProviderRaw json.RawMessage `json:"provider,omitempty" caddy:"namespace=dns.providers inline_key=name"`
provider ECHDNSProvider
logger *zap.Logger
// CaddyModule returns the Caddy module information.
func (ECHDNSPublisher) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo {
return caddy.ModuleInfo{
ID: "tls.ech.publishers.dns",
New: func() caddy.Module { return new(ECHDNSPublisher) },
func (dnsPub *ECHDNSPublisher) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
dnsProvMod, err := ctx.LoadModule(dnsPub, "ProviderRaw")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loading ECH DNS provider module: %v", err)
prov, ok := dnsProvMod.(ECHDNSProvider)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("ECH DNS provider module is not an ECH DNS Provider: %v", err)
dnsPub.provider = prov
dnsPub.logger = ctx.Logger()
return nil
// PublisherKey returns the name of the DNS provider module.
// We intentionally omit specific provider configuration (or a hash thereof,
// since the config is likely sensitive, potentially containing an API key)
// because it is unlikely that specific configuration, such as an API key,
// is relevant to unique key use as an ECH config publisher.
func (dnsPub ECHDNSPublisher) PublisherKey() string {
return string(dnsPub.provider.(caddy.Module).CaddyModule().ID)
// PublishECHConfigList publishes the given ECH config list to the given DNS names.
func (dnsPub *ECHDNSPublisher) PublishECHConfigList(ctx context.Context, innerNames []string, configListBin []byte) error {
nameservers := certmagic.RecursiveNameservers(nil) // TODO: we could make resolvers configurable
for _, domain := range innerNames {
zone, err := certmagic.FindZoneByFQDN(ctx, dnsPub.logger, domain, nameservers)
if err != nil {
dnsPub.logger.Error("could not determine zone for domain",
zap.String("domain", domain),
relName := libdns.RelativeName(domain+".", zone)
// TODO: libdns.RelativeName should probably return "@" instead of "". (The latest commits of libdns do this, so remove this logic once upgraded.)
if relName == "" {
relName = "@"
// get existing records for this domain; we need to make sure another
// record exists for it so we don't accidentally trample a wildcard; we
// also want to get any HTTPS record that may already exist for it so
// we can augment the ech SvcParamKey with any other existing SvcParams
recs, err := dnsPub.provider.GetRecords(ctx, zone)
if err != nil {
dnsPub.logger.Error("unable to get existing DNS records to publish ECH data to HTTPS DNS record",
zap.String("domain", domain),
var httpsRec libdns.Record
var nameHasExistingRecord bool
for _, rec := range recs {
if rec.Name == relName {
nameHasExistingRecord = true
if rec.Type == "HTTPS" && (rec.Target == "" || rec.Target == ".") {
httpsRec = rec
if !nameHasExistingRecord {
// Turns out if you publish a DNS record for a name that doesn't have any DNS record yet,
// any wildcard records won't apply for the name anymore, meaning if a wildcard A/AAAA record
// is used to resolve the domain to a server, publishing an HTTPS record could break resolution!
// In theory, this should be a non-issue, at least for A/AAAA records, if the HTTPS record
// includes ipv[4|6]hint SvcParamKeys,
dnsPub.logger.Warn("domain does not have any existing records, so skipping publication of HTTPS record",
zap.String("domain", domain),
zap.String("relative_name", relName),
zap.String("zone", zone))
params := make(svcParams)
if httpsRec.Value != "" {
params, err = parseSvcParams(httpsRec.Value)
if err != nil {
dnsPub.logger.Error("unable to parse existing DNS record to publish ECH data to HTTPS DNS record",
zap.String("domain", domain),
zap.String("https_rec_value", httpsRec.Value),
// overwrite only the ech SvcParamKey
params["ech"] = []string{base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(configListBin)}
// publish record
_, err = dnsPub.provider.SetRecords(ctx, zone, []libdns.Record{
// HTTPS and SVCB RRs: RFC 9460 (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9460)
Type: "HTTPS",
Name: relName,
Priority: 2, // allows a manual override with priority 1
Target: ".",
Value: params.String(),
TTL: 1 * time.Minute, // TODO: for testing only
if err != nil {
// TODO: Maybe this should just stop and return the error...
dnsPub.logger.Error("unable to publish ECH data to HTTPS DNS record",
zap.String("domain", domain),
zap.String("zone", zone),
zap.String("dns_record_name", relName),
return nil
// echConfig represents an ECHConfig from the specification,
// [draft-ietf-tls-esni-22](https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-tls-esni-22.html).
type echConfig struct {
// "The version of ECH for which this configuration is used.
// The version is the same as the code point for the
// encrypted_client_hello extension. Clients MUST ignore any
// ECHConfig structure with a version they do not support."
Version uint16
// The "length" and "contents" fields defined next in the
// structure are implicitly taken care of by cryptobyte
// when encoding the following fields:
// HpkeKeyConfig fields:
ConfigID uint8
PublicKey kem.PublicKey
CipherSuites []hpkeSymmetricCipherSuite
// ECHConfigContents fields:
MaxNameLength uint8
RawPublicName string
RawExtensions []byte
// these fields are not part of the spec, but are here for
// our use when setting up TLS servers or maintenance
configBin []byte
privKeyBin []byte
meta echConfigMeta
sendAsRetry bool
func (echCfg echConfig) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
var b cryptobyte.Builder
if err := echCfg.marshalBinary(&b); err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.Bytes()
// UnmarshalBinary decodes the data back into an ECH config.
// Borrowed from github.com/OmarTariq612/goech with modifications.
// Original code: Copyright (c) 2023 Omar Tariq AbdEl-Raziq
func (echCfg *echConfig) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
var content cryptobyte.String
b := cryptobyte.String(data)
if !b.ReadUint16(&echCfg.Version) {
return errInvalidLen
if echCfg.Version != draftTLSESNI22 {
return fmt.Errorf("supported version must be %d: got %d", draftTLSESNI22, echCfg.Version)
if !b.ReadUint16LengthPrefixed(&content) || !b.Empty() {
return errInvalidLen
var t cryptobyte.String
var pk []byte
if !content.ReadUint8(&echCfg.ConfigID) ||
!content.ReadUint16((*uint16)(&echCfg.KEMID)) ||
!content.ReadUint16LengthPrefixed(&t) ||
!t.ReadBytes(&pk, len(t)) ||
!content.ReadUint16LengthPrefixed(&t) ||
len(t)%4 != 0 /* the length of (KDFs and AEADs) must be divisible by 4 */ {
return errInvalidLen
if !echCfg.KEMID.IsValid() {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid KEM ID: %d", echCfg.KEMID)
var err error
if echCfg.PublicKey, err = echCfg.KEMID.Scheme().UnmarshalBinaryPublicKey(pk); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parsing public_key: %w", err)
echCfg.CipherSuites = echCfg.CipherSuites[:0]
for !t.Empty() {
var hpkeKDF, hpkeAEAD uint16
if !t.ReadUint16(&hpkeKDF) || !t.ReadUint16(&hpkeAEAD) {
// we have already checked that the length is divisible by 4
panic("this must not happen")
if !hpke.KDF(hpkeKDF).IsValid() {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid KDF ID: %d", hpkeKDF)
if !hpke.AEAD(hpkeAEAD).IsValid() {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid AEAD ID: %d", hpkeAEAD)
echCfg.CipherSuites = append(echCfg.CipherSuites, hpkeSymmetricCipherSuite{
KDFID: hpke.KDF(hpkeKDF),
AEADID: hpke.AEAD(hpkeAEAD),
var rawPublicName []byte
if !content.ReadUint8(&echCfg.MaxNameLength) ||
!content.ReadUint8LengthPrefixed(&t) ||
!t.ReadBytes(&rawPublicName, len(t)) ||
!content.ReadUint16LengthPrefixed(&t) ||
!t.ReadBytes(&echCfg.RawExtensions, len(t)) ||
!content.Empty() {
return errInvalidLen
echCfg.RawPublicName = string(rawPublicName)
return nil
var errInvalidLen = errors.New("invalid length")
// marshalBinary writes this config to the cryptobyte builder. If there is an error,
// it will occur before any writes have happened.
func (echCfg echConfig) marshalBinary(b *cryptobyte.Builder) error {
pk, err := echCfg.PublicKey.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return err
if l := len(echCfg.RawPublicName); l == 0 || l > 255 {
return fmt.Errorf("public name length (%d) must be in the range 1-255", l)
b.AddUint16LengthPrefixed(func(b *cryptobyte.Builder) { // "length" field
b.AddUint16LengthPrefixed(func(b *cryptobyte.Builder) {
b.AddUint16LengthPrefixed(func(b *cryptobyte.Builder) {
for _, cs := range echCfg.CipherSuites {
b.AddUint8(uint8(min(len(echCfg.RawPublicName)+16, 255)))
b.AddUint8LengthPrefixed(func(b *cryptobyte.Builder) {
b.AddUint16LengthPrefixed(func(child *cryptobyte.Builder) {
return nil
type hpkeSymmetricCipherSuite struct {
type echConfigList []echConfig
func (cl echConfigList) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
var b cryptobyte.Builder
var err error
// the list's length prefixes the list, as with most opaque values
b.AddUint16LengthPrefixed(func(b *cryptobyte.Builder) {
for _, cfg := range cl {
if err = cfg.marshalBinary(b); err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.Bytes()
func newECHConfigID(ctx caddy.Context) (uint8, error) {
// uint8 can be 0-255 inclusive
const uint8Range = 256
// avoid repeating storage checks
tried := make([]bool, uint8Range)
// Try to find an available number with random rejection sampling;
// i.e. choose a random number and see if it's already taken.
// The hard limit on how many times we try to find an available
// number is flexible... in theory, assuming uniform distribution,
// 256 attempts should make each possible value show up exactly
// once, but obviously that won't be the case. We can try more
// times to try to ensure that every number gets a chance, which
// is especially useful if few are available, or we can lower it
// if we assume we should have found an available value by then
// and want to limit runtime; for now I choose the middle ground
// and just try as many times as there are possible values.
for i := 0; i < uint8Range && ctx.Err() == nil; i++ {
num := uint8(weakrand.N(uint8Range)) //nolint:gosec
// don't try the same number a second time
if tried[num] {
tried[num] = true
// check to see if any of the subkeys use this config ID
numStr := strconv.Itoa(int(num))
trialPath := path.Join(echConfigsKey, numStr)
if ctx.Storage().Exists(ctx, trialPath) {
return num, nil
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return 0, err
return 0, fmt.Errorf("depleted attempts to find an available config_id")
// svcParams represents SvcParamKey and SvcParamValue pairs as
// described in https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9460 (section 2.1).
type svcParams map[string][]string
// parseSvcParams parses service parameters into a structured type
// for safer manipulation.
func parseSvcParams(input string) (svcParams, error) {
if len(input) > 4096 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("input too long: %d", len(input))
params := make(svcParams)
input = strings.TrimSpace(input) + " "
for cursor := 0; cursor < len(input); cursor++ {
var key, rawVal string
for i := cursor; i < len(input); i++ {
switch input[i] {
case '=':
key = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(input[cursor:i]))
cursor = i
var quoted bool
if input[cursor] == '"' {
quoted = true
cursor = i
var escaped bool
for j := cursor; j < len(input); j++ {
switch input[j] {
case '"':
if !quoted {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal DQUOTE at position %d", j)
if !escaped {
// end of quoted value
rawVal = input[cursor:j]
cursor = j
break keyValPair
case '\\':
escaped = true
case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r':
if !quoted {
// end of unquoted value
rawVal = input[cursor:j]
cursor = j
break keyValPair
escaped = false
case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r':
// key with no value (flag)
key = input[cursor:i]
params[key] = []string{}
cursor = i
break keyValPair
if rawVal == "" {
var sb strings.Builder
var escape int // start of escape sequence (after \, so 0 is never a valid start)
for i := 0; i < len(rawVal); i++ {
ch := rawVal[i]
if escape > 0 {
// validate escape sequence
// (RFC 9460 Appendix A)
// escaped: "\" ( non-digit / dec-octet )
// non-digit: "%x21-2F / %x3A-7E"
// dec-octet: "0-255 as a 3-digit decimal number"
if ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' {
// advance to end of decimal octet, which must be 3 digits
i += 2
if i > len(rawVal) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("value ends with incomplete escape sequence: %s", rawVal[escape:])
decOctet, err := strconv.Atoi(rawVal[escape : i+1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if decOctet < 0 || decOctet > 255 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid decimal octet in escape sequence: %s (%d)", rawVal[escape:i], decOctet)
escape = 0
} else if (ch < 0x21 || ch > 0x2F) && (ch < 0x3A && ch > 0x7E) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal escape sequence %s", rawVal[escape:i])
switch ch {
case ';', '(', ')':
// RFC 9460 Appendix A:
// > contiguous = 1*( non-special / escaped )
// > non-special is VCHAR minus DQUOTE, ";", "(", ")", and "\".
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal character in value %q at position %d: %s", rawVal, i, string(ch))
case '\\':
escape = i + 1
escape = 0
params[key] = strings.Split(sb.String(), ",")
return params, nil
// String serializes svcParams into zone presentation format.
func (params svcParams) String() string {
var sb strings.Builder
for key, vals := range params {
if sb.Len() > 0 {
sb.WriteRune(' ')
var hasVal, needsQuotes bool
for _, val := range vals {
if len(val) > 0 {
hasVal = true
if strings.ContainsAny(val, `" `) {
needsQuotes = true
if hasVal && needsQuotes {
if hasVal {
if needsQuotes {
for i, val := range vals {
if i > 0 {
val = strings.ReplaceAll(val, `"`, `\"`)
val = strings.ReplaceAll(val, `,`, `\,`)
if needsQuotes {
return sb.String()
// ECHPublisher is an interface for publishing ECHConfigList values
// so that they can be used by clients.
type ECHPublisher interface {
// Returns a key that is unique to this publisher and its configuration.
// A publisher's ID combined with its config is a valid key.
// It is used to prevent duplicating publications.
PublisherKey() string
// Publishes the ECH config list for the given innerNames. Some publishers
// may not need a list of inner/protected names, and can ignore the argument;
// most, however, will want to use it to know which inner names are to be
// associated with the given ECH config list.
PublishECHConfigList(ctx context.Context, innerNames []string, echConfigList []byte) error
type echConfigMeta struct {
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
Publications publicationHistory `json:"publications"`
// publicationHistory is a map of publisher key to
// map of inner name to timestamp
type publicationHistory map[string]map[string]time.Time
// The key prefix when putting ECH configs in storage. After this
// comes the config ID.
const echConfigsKey = "ech/configs"
// https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-tls-esni-22.html
const draftTLSESNI22 = 0xfe0d
// Interface guard
var _ ECHPublisher = (*ECHDNSPublisher)(nil)