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synced 2025-03-21 21:09:32 +01:00
letsencrypt: Numerous bug fixes
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 96 additions and 74 deletions
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ func Wait() {
// the Caddyfile. If loader does not return a Caddyfile, the
// default one will be returned. Thus, if there are no other
// errors, this function always returns at least the default
// Caddyfile.
// Caddyfile (not the previously-used Caddyfile).
func LoadCaddyfile(loader func() (Input, error)) (cdyfile Input, err error) {
// If we are a fork, finishing the restart is highest priority;
// piped input is required in this case.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ baz"
{ // 8
caddyfile: `http://host, https://host {
json: `[{"hosts":["host:http","host:https"],"body":{}}]`, // hosts in JSON are always host:port format (if port is specified)
json: `[{"hosts":["host:http","host:https"],"body":{}}]`, // hosts in JSON are always host:port format (if port is specified), for consistency
@ -89,10 +89,6 @@ func load(filename string, input io.Reader) ([]server.Config, error) {
if config.Port == "" {
config.Port = Port
configs = append(configs, config)
@ -145,6 +141,11 @@ func arrangeBindings(allConfigs []server.Config) (Group, error) {
// Group configs by bind address
for _, conf := range allConfigs {
// use default port if none is specified
if conf.Port == "" {
conf.Port = Port
bindAddr, warnErr, fatalErr := resolveAddr(conf)
if fatalErr != nil {
return groupings, fatalErr
@ -39,32 +39,35 @@ import (
// some may have been appended, for example, to redirect
// plaintext HTTP requests to their HTTPS counterpart.
func Activate(configs []server.Config) ([]server.Config, error) {
// just in case previous caller forgot...
// TODO: Is multiple activation (before a deactivation) an error?
// reset cached ocsp statuses from any previous activations
ocspStatus = make(map[*[]byte]int)
// Identify and configure any eligible hosts for which
// we already have certs and keys in storage from last time.
configLen := len(configs) // avoid infinite loop since this loop appends plaintext to the slice
for i := 0; i < configLen; i++ {
if existingCertAndKey(configs[i].Host) && configs[i].TLS.LetsEncryptEmail != "off" {
if existingCertAndKey(configs[i].Host) && configQualifies(configs[i], configs) {
configs = autoConfigure(&configs[i], configs)
// Filter the configs by what we can maintain automatically
filteredConfigs := filterConfigs(configs)
// Renew any existing certificates that need renewal
// Group configs by LE email address; this will help us
// reduce round-trips when getting the certs.
groupedConfigs, err := groupConfigsByEmail(filteredConfigs)
// Group configs by email address; only configs that are eligible
// for TLS management are included. We group by email so that we
// can request certificates in batches with the same client.
// Note: The return value is a map, and iteration over a map is
// not ordered. I don't think it will be a problem, but if an
// ordering problem arises, look at this carefully.
groupedConfigs, err := groupConfigsByEmail(configs)
if err != nil {
return configs, err
// Loop through each email address and obtain certs; this way, we can obtain more
// than one certificate per email address, and still save them individually.
// obtain certificates for configs that need one, and reconfigure each
// config to use the certificates
for leEmail, serverConfigs := range groupedConfigs {
// make client to service this email address with CA server
client, err := newClient(leEmail)
@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ func Activate(configs []server.Config) ([]server.Config, error) {
// client is ready, so let's get free, trusted SSL certificates! yeah!
certificates, err := obtainCertificates(client, serverConfigs)
if err != nil {
return configs, errors.New("error obtaining cert: " + err.Error())
return configs, errors.New("error getting certs: " + err.Error())
// ... that's it. save the certs, keys, and metadata files to disk
@ -84,15 +87,17 @@ func Activate(configs []server.Config) ([]server.Config, error) {
return configs, errors.New("error saving assets: " + err.Error())
// it all comes down to this: turning TLS on for all the configs
for _, cfg := range serverConfigs {
configs = autoConfigure(cfg, configs)
// it all comes down to this: turning on TLS with all the new certs
for i := 0; i < len(serverConfigs); i++ {
configs = autoConfigure(serverConfigs[i], configs)
Deactivate() // in case previous caller wasn't clean about it
stopChan = make(chan struct{})
go maintainAssets(filteredConfigs, stopChan)
// renew all certificates that need renewal
// keep certificates renewed and OCSP stapling updated
go maintainAssets(configs, stopChan)
return configs, nil
@ -108,55 +113,51 @@ func Deactivate() (err error) {
stopChan = make(chan struct{})
// filterConfigs filters and returns configs that are eligible for automatic
// TLS by skipping configs that do not qualify for automatic maintenance
// of assets. Configurations with a manual TLS configuration or that already
// have an HTTPS counterpart host defined will be skipped.
func filterConfigs(configs []server.Config) []server.Config {
var filtered []server.Config
// configQualifies returns true if cfg qualifes for automatic LE activation,
// but it does require the list of all configs to be passed in as well.
// It does NOT check to see if a cert and key already exist for cfg.
func configQualifies(cfg server.Config, allConfigs []server.Config) bool {
return cfg.TLS.Certificate == "" && // user could provide their own cert and key
cfg.TLS.Key == "" &&
// configQualifies returns true if cfg qualifes for automatic LE activation
configQualifies := func(cfg server.Config) bool {
return cfg.TLS.Certificate == "" && // user could provide their own cert and key
cfg.TLS.Key == "" &&
// user can force-disable automatic HTTPS for this host
cfg.Port != "http" &&
cfg.TLS.LetsEncryptEmail != "off" &&
// user can force-disable automatic HTTPS for this host
cfg.Port != "http" &&
cfg.TLS.LetsEncryptEmail != "off" &&
// obviously we get can't certs for loopback or internal hosts
cfg.Host != "localhost" &&
cfg.Host != "" &&
cfg.Host != "" &&
cfg.Host != "::1" &&
!strings.HasPrefix(cfg.Host, "127.") &&
// TODO: Also exclude 10.* and 192.168.* addresses?
// obviously we get can't certs for loopback or internal hosts
cfg.Host != "localhost" &&
cfg.Host != "" &&
cfg.Host != "" &&
cfg.Host != "::1" &&
!strings.HasPrefix(cfg.Host, "127.") &&
!strings.HasPrefix(cfg.Host, "10.") &&
// make sure an HTTPS version of this config doesn't exist in the list already
!hostHasOtherScheme(cfg.Host, "https", configs)
for _, cfg := range configs {
if configQualifies(cfg) {
filtered = append(filtered, cfg)
return filtered
// make sure an HTTPS version of this config doesn't exist in the list already
!hostHasOtherScheme(cfg.Host, "https", allConfigs)
// groupConfigsByEmail groups configs by user email address. The returned map is
// a map of email address to the configs that are serviced under that account.
// If an email address is not available, the user will be prompted to provide one.
// This function assumes that all configs passed in qualify for automatic management.
// If an email address is not available for an eligible config, the user will be
// prompted to provide one. The returned map contains pointers to the original
// server config values.
func groupConfigsByEmail(configs []server.Config) (map[string][]*server.Config, error) {
initMap := make(map[string][]*server.Config)
for i := 0; i < len(configs); i++ {
// filter out configs that we already have certs for and
// that we won't be obtaining certs for - this way we won't
// bother the user for an email address unnecessarily and
// we don't obtain new certs for a host we already have certs for.
if existingCertAndKey(configs[i].Host) || !configQualifies(configs[i], configs) {
leEmail := getEmail(configs[i])
if leEmail == "" {
// TODO: This may not be an error; just a poor choice by the user
return nil, errors.New("must have email address to serve HTTPS without existing certificate and key")
initMap[leEmail] = append(initMap[leEmail], &configs[i])
@ -280,7 +281,8 @@ func saveCertsAndKeys(certificates []acme.CertificateResource) error {
// autoConfigure enables TLS on cfg and appends, if necessary, a new config
// to allConfigs that redirects plaintext HTTP to its new HTTPS counterpart.
// It expects the certificate and key to already be in storage. It returns
// the new list of allConfigs.
// the new list of allConfigs, since it may append a new config. This function
// assumes that cfg was already set up for HTTPS.
func autoConfigure(cfg *server.Config, allConfigs []server.Config) []server.Config {
bundleBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(storage.SiteCertFile(cfg.Host))
// TODO: Handle these errors better
@ -294,7 +296,9 @@ func autoConfigure(cfg *server.Config, allConfigs []server.Config) []server.Conf
cfg.TLS.Certificate = storage.SiteCertFile(cfg.Host)
cfg.TLS.Key = storage.SiteKeyFile(cfg.Host)
cfg.TLS.Enabled = true
cfg.Port = "https"
if cfg.Port == "" {
cfg.Port = "https"
// Set up http->https redirect as long as there isn't already
// a http counterpart in the configs
@ -308,11 +312,21 @@ func autoConfigure(cfg *server.Config, allConfigs []server.Config) []server.Conf
// hostHasOtherScheme tells you whether there is another config in the list
// for the same host but with the port equal to scheme. For example, to see
// if example.com has a https variant already, pass in example.com and
// "https" along with the list of configs.
// "https" along with the list of configs. This function considers "443"
// and "https" to be the same scheme, as well as "http" and "80".
func hostHasOtherScheme(host, scheme string, allConfigs []server.Config) bool {
if scheme == "80" {
scheme = "http"
} else if scheme == "443" {
scheme = "https"
for _, otherCfg := range allConfigs {
if otherCfg.Host == host && otherCfg.Port == scheme {
return true
if otherCfg.Host == host {
if (otherCfg.Port == scheme) ||
(scheme == "https" && otherCfg.Port == "443") ||
(scheme == "http" && otherCfg.Port == "80") {
return true
return false
@ -323,12 +337,17 @@ func hostHasOtherScheme(host, scheme string, allConfigs []server.Config) bool {
// be the HTTPS configuration. The returned configuration is set
// to listen on the "http" port (port 80).
func redirPlaintextHost(cfg server.Config) server.Config {
toUrl := "https://" + cfg.Host
if cfg.Port != "https" && cfg.Port != "http" {
toUrl += ":" + cfg.Port
redirMidware := func(next middleware.Handler) middleware.Handler {
return redirect.Redirect{Next: next, Rules: []redirect.Rule{
FromScheme: "http",
FromPath: "/",
To: "https://" + cfg.Host + "{uri}",
To: toUrl + "{uri}",
Code: http.StatusMovedPermanently,
@ -391,13 +410,15 @@ var (
// Some essential values related to the Let's Encrypt process
const (
// The port to expose to the CA server for Simple HTTP Challenge
exposePort = "5001"
// The port to expose to the CA server for Simple HTTP Challenge.
// NOTE: Let's Encrypt requires port 443. If exposePort is not 443,
// then port 443 must be forwarded to exposePort.
exposePort = "443"
// How often to check certificates for renewal
// How often to check certificates for renewal.
renewInterval = 24 * time.Hour
// How often to update OCSP stapling
// How often to update OCSP stapling.
ocspInterval = 1 * time.Hour
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ var OnChange func() error
// You must pass in the server configs to maintain and the channel
// which you'll close when maintenance should stop, to allow this
// goroutine to clean up after itself.
// goroutine to clean up after itself and unblock.
func maintainAssets(configs []server.Config, stopChan chan struct{}) {
renewalTicker := time.NewTicker(renewInterval)
ocspTicker := time.NewTicker(ocspInterval)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ func maintainAssets(configs []server.Config, stopChan chan struct{}) {
// renewCertificates loops through all configured site and
// looks for certificates to renew. Nothing is mutated
// through this function. The changes happen directly on disk.
// through this function; all changes happen directly on disk.
// It returns the number of certificates renewed and any errors
// that occurred. It only performs a renewal if necessary.
func renewCertificates(configs []server.Config) (int, []error) {
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ func renewCertificates(configs []server.Config) (int, []error) {
var n int
for _, cfg := range configs {
// Host must be TLS-enabled and have assets managed by LE
// Host must be TLS-enabled and have existing assets managed by LE
if !cfg.TLS.Enabled || !existingCertAndKey(cfg.Host) {
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ func renewCertificates(configs []server.Config) (int, []error) {
// Renew with a week or less remaining.
if daysLeft <= 7 {
log.Printf("[INFO] There are %d days left on the certificate of %s. Trying to renew now.", daysLeft, cfg.Host)
client, err := newClient(getEmail(cfg))
client, err := newClient("") // email not used for renewal
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ func init() {
// TODO: Production endpoint is: https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org
flag.StringVar(&letsencrypt.CAUrl, "ca", "https://acme-staging.api.letsencrypt.org", "Certificate authority ACME server")
flag.BoolVar(&letsencrypt.Agreed, "agree", false, "Agree to Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement")
flag.StringVar(&letsencrypt.DefaultEmail, "email", "", "Default email address to use for Let's Encrypt transactions")
flag.StringVar(&letsencrypt.DefaultEmail, "email", "", "Default Let's Encrypt account email address")
flag.StringVar(&revoke, "revoke", "", "Hostname for which to revoke the certificate")
Reference in a new issue