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synced 2025-02-25 17:29:16 +01:00
899 lines
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899 lines
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package mint
import (
// Server State Machine
// START <-----+
// Recv ClientHello | | Send HelloRetryRequest
// v |
// RECVD_CH ----+
// | Select parameters
// | Send ServerHello
// v
// | Send EncryptedExtensions
// | [Send CertificateRequest]
// Can send | [Send Certificate + CertificateVerify]
// app data --> | Send Finished
// after +--------+--------+
// here No 0-RTT | | 0-RTT
// | v
// | WAIT_EOED <---+
// | Recv | | | Recv
// | EndOfEarlyData | | | early data
// | | +-----+
// +> WAIT_FLIGHT2 <-+
// |
// +--------+--------+
// No auth | | Client auth
// | |
// | v
// | Recv | | Recv Certificate
// | empty | v
// | Certificate | WAIT_CV
// | | | Recv
// | v | CertificateVerify
// +-> WAIT_FINISHED <---+
// | Recv Finished
// v
// NB: Not using state RECVD_CH
// State Instructions
// START {}
// NEGOTIATED Send(SH); [RekeyIn;] RekeyOut; Send(EE); [Send(CertReq);] [Send(Cert); Send(CV)]
// WAIT_EOED RekeyIn;
// WAIT_CV {}
// WAIT_FINISHED RekeyIn; RekeyOut;
// CONNECTED StoreTicket || (RekeyIn; [RekeyOut])
type ServerStateStart struct {
Caps Capabilities
conn *Conn
cookieSent bool
firstClientHello *HandshakeMessage
helloRetryRequest *HandshakeMessage
func (state ServerStateStart) Next(hm *HandshakeMessage) (HandshakeState, []HandshakeAction, Alert) {
if hm == nil || hm.msgType != HandshakeTypeClientHello {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] unexpected message")
return nil, nil, AlertUnexpectedMessage
ch := &ClientHelloBody{}
_, err := ch.Unmarshal(hm.body)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] Error decoding message: %v", err)
return nil, nil, AlertDecodeError
clientHello := hm
connParams := ConnectionParameters{}
supportedVersions := new(SupportedVersionsExtension)
serverName := new(ServerNameExtension)
supportedGroups := new(SupportedGroupsExtension)
signatureAlgorithms := new(SignatureAlgorithmsExtension)
clientKeyShares := &KeyShareExtension{HandshakeType: HandshakeTypeClientHello}
clientPSK := &PreSharedKeyExtension{HandshakeType: HandshakeTypeClientHello}
clientEarlyData := &EarlyDataExtension{}
clientALPN := new(ALPNExtension)
clientPSKModes := new(PSKKeyExchangeModesExtension)
clientCookie := new(CookieExtension)
// Handle external extensions.
if state.Caps.ExtensionHandler != nil {
err := state.Caps.ExtensionHandler.Receive(HandshakeTypeClientHello, &ch.Extensions)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] Error running external extension handler [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
gotSupportedVersions := ch.Extensions.Find(supportedVersions)
gotServerName := ch.Extensions.Find(serverName)
gotSupportedGroups := ch.Extensions.Find(supportedGroups)
gotSignatureAlgorithms := ch.Extensions.Find(signatureAlgorithms)
gotEarlyData := ch.Extensions.Find(clientEarlyData)
if gotServerName {
connParams.ServerName = string(*serverName)
// If the client didn't send supportedVersions or doesn't support 1.3,
// then we're done here.
if !gotSupportedVersions {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] Client did not send supported_versions")
return nil, nil, AlertProtocolVersion
versionOK, _ := VersionNegotiation(supportedVersions.Versions, []uint16{supportedVersion})
if !versionOK {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] Client does not support the same version")
return nil, nil, AlertProtocolVersion
if state.Caps.RequireCookie && state.cookieSent && !state.Caps.CookieHandler.Validate(state.conn, clientCookie.Cookie) {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] Cookie mismatch")
return nil, nil, AlertAccessDenied
// Figure out if we can do DH
canDoDH, dhGroup, dhPublic, dhSecret := DHNegotiation(clientKeyShares.Shares, state.Caps.Groups)
// Figure out if we can do PSK
canDoPSK := false
var selectedPSK int
var psk *PreSharedKey
var params CipherSuiteParams
if len(clientPSK.Identities) > 0 {
contextBase := []byte{}
if state.helloRetryRequest != nil {
chBytes := state.firstClientHello.Marshal()
hrrBytes := state.helloRetryRequest.Marshal()
contextBase = append(chBytes, hrrBytes...)
chTrunc, err := ch.Truncated()
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] Error computing truncated ClientHello [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertDecodeError
context := append(contextBase, chTrunc...)
canDoPSK, selectedPSK, psk, params, err = PSKNegotiation(clientPSK.Identities, clientPSK.Binders, context, state.Caps.PSKs)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] Error in PSK negotiation [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
// Figure out if we actually should do DH / PSK
connParams.UsingDH, connParams.UsingPSK = PSKModeNegotiation(canDoDH, canDoPSK, clientPSKModes.KEModes)
// Select a ciphersuite
connParams.CipherSuite, err = CipherSuiteNegotiation(psk, ch.CipherSuites, state.Caps.CipherSuites)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] No common ciphersuite found [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertHandshakeFailure
// Send a cookie if required
// NB: Need to do this here because it's after ciphersuite selection, which
// has to be after PSK selection.
// XXX: Doing this statefully for now, could be stateless
var cookieData []byte
if state.Caps.RequireCookie && !state.cookieSent {
var err error
cookieData, err = state.Caps.CookieHandler.Generate(state.conn)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] Error generating cookie [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
if cookieData != nil {
// Ignoring errors because everything here is newly constructed, so there
// shouldn't be marshal errors
hrr := &HelloRetryRequestBody{
Version: supportedVersion,
CipherSuite: connParams.CipherSuite,
hrr.Extensions.Add(&CookieExtension{Cookie: cookieData})
// Run the external extension handler.
if state.Caps.ExtensionHandler != nil {
err := state.Caps.ExtensionHandler.Send(HandshakeTypeHelloRetryRequest, &hrr.Extensions)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] Error running external extension sender [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
helloRetryRequest, err := HandshakeMessageFromBody(hrr)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] Error marshaling HRR [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
params := cipherSuiteMap[connParams.CipherSuite]
h := params.Hash.New()
firstClientHello := &HandshakeMessage{
msgType: HandshakeTypeMessageHash,
body: h.Sum(nil),
nextState := ServerStateStart{
Caps: state.Caps,
conn: state.conn,
cookieSent: true,
firstClientHello: firstClientHello,
helloRetryRequest: helloRetryRequest,
toSend := []HandshakeAction{SendHandshakeMessage{helloRetryRequest}}
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] -> [ServerStateStart]")
return nextState, toSend, AlertNoAlert
// If we've got no entropy to make keys from, fail
if !connParams.UsingDH && !connParams.UsingPSK {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] Neither DH nor PSK negotiated")
return nil, nil, AlertHandshakeFailure
var pskSecret []byte
var cert *Certificate
var certScheme SignatureScheme
if connParams.UsingPSK {
pskSecret = psk.Key
} else {
psk = nil
// If we're not using a PSK mode, then we need to have certain extensions
if !gotServerName || !gotSupportedGroups || !gotSignatureAlgorithms {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] Insufficient extensions (%v %v %v)",
gotServerName, gotSupportedGroups, gotSignatureAlgorithms)
return nil, nil, AlertMissingExtension
// Select a certificate
name := string(*serverName)
var err error
cert, certScheme, err = CertificateSelection(&name, signatureAlgorithms.Algorithms, state.Caps.Certificates)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] No appropriate certificate found [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertAccessDenied
if !connParams.UsingDH {
dhSecret = nil
// Figure out if we're going to do early data
var clientEarlyTrafficSecret []byte
connParams.ClientSendingEarlyData = gotEarlyData
connParams.UsingEarlyData = EarlyDataNegotiation(connParams.UsingPSK, gotEarlyData, state.Caps.AllowEarlyData)
if connParams.UsingEarlyData {
h := params.Hash.New()
chHash := h.Sum(nil)
zero := bytes.Repeat([]byte{0}, params.Hash.Size())
earlySecret := HkdfExtract(params.Hash, zero, pskSecret)
clientEarlyTrafficSecret = deriveSecret(params, earlySecret, labelEarlyTrafficSecret, chHash)
// Select a next protocol
connParams.NextProto, err = ALPNNegotiation(psk, clientALPN.Protocols, state.Caps.NextProtos)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] No common application-layer protocol found [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertNoApplicationProtocol
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateStart] -> [ServerStateNegotiated]")
return ServerStateNegotiated{
Caps: state.Caps,
Params: connParams,
dhGroup: dhGroup,
dhPublic: dhPublic,
dhSecret: dhSecret,
pskSecret: pskSecret,
selectedPSK: selectedPSK,
cert: cert,
certScheme: certScheme,
clientEarlyTrafficSecret: clientEarlyTrafficSecret,
firstClientHello: state.firstClientHello,
helloRetryRequest: state.helloRetryRequest,
clientHello: clientHello,
type ServerStateNegotiated struct {
Caps Capabilities
Params ConnectionParameters
dhGroup NamedGroup
dhPublic []byte
dhSecret []byte
pskSecret []byte
clientEarlyTrafficSecret []byte
selectedPSK int
cert *Certificate
certScheme SignatureScheme
firstClientHello *HandshakeMessage
helloRetryRequest *HandshakeMessage
clientHello *HandshakeMessage
func (state ServerStateNegotiated) Next(hm *HandshakeMessage) (HandshakeState, []HandshakeAction, Alert) {
if hm != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] Unexpected message")
return nil, nil, AlertUnexpectedMessage
// Create the ServerHello
sh := &ServerHelloBody{
Version: supportedVersion,
CipherSuite: state.Params.CipherSuite,
_, err := prng.Read(sh.Random[:])
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] Error creating server random [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
if state.Params.UsingDH {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] sending DH extension")
err = sh.Extensions.Add(&KeyShareExtension{
HandshakeType: HandshakeTypeServerHello,
Shares: []KeyShareEntry{{Group: state.dhGroup, KeyExchange: state.dhPublic}},
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] Error adding key_shares extension [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
if state.Params.UsingPSK {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] sending PSK extension")
err = sh.Extensions.Add(&PreSharedKeyExtension{
HandshakeType: HandshakeTypeServerHello,
SelectedIdentity: uint16(state.selectedPSK),
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] Error adding PSK extension [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
// Run the external extension handler.
if state.Caps.ExtensionHandler != nil {
err := state.Caps.ExtensionHandler.Send(HandshakeTypeServerHello, &sh.Extensions)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] Error running external extension sender [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
serverHello, err := HandshakeMessageFromBody(sh)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] Error marshaling ServerHello [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
// Look up crypto params
params, ok := cipherSuiteMap[sh.CipherSuite]
if !ok {
logf(logTypeCrypto, "Unsupported ciphersuite [%04x]", sh.CipherSuite)
return nil, nil, AlertHandshakeFailure
// Start up the handshake hash
handshakeHash := params.Hash.New()
// Compute handshake secrets
zero := bytes.Repeat([]byte{0}, params.Hash.Size())
var earlySecret []byte
if state.Params.UsingPSK {
earlySecret = HkdfExtract(params.Hash, zero, state.pskSecret)
} else {
earlySecret = HkdfExtract(params.Hash, zero, zero)
if state.dhSecret == nil {
state.dhSecret = zero
h0 := params.Hash.New().Sum(nil)
h2 := handshakeHash.Sum(nil)
preHandshakeSecret := deriveSecret(params, earlySecret, labelDerived, h0)
handshakeSecret := HkdfExtract(params.Hash, preHandshakeSecret, state.dhSecret)
clientHandshakeTrafficSecret := deriveSecret(params, handshakeSecret, labelClientHandshakeTrafficSecret, h2)
serverHandshakeTrafficSecret := deriveSecret(params, handshakeSecret, labelServerHandshakeTrafficSecret, h2)
preMasterSecret := deriveSecret(params, handshakeSecret, labelDerived, h0)
masterSecret := HkdfExtract(params.Hash, preMasterSecret, zero)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "early secret (init!): [%d] %x", len(earlySecret), earlySecret)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "handshake secret: [%d] %x", len(handshakeSecret), handshakeSecret)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "client handshake traffic secret: [%d] %x", len(clientHandshakeTrafficSecret), clientHandshakeTrafficSecret)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "server handshake traffic secret: [%d] %x", len(serverHandshakeTrafficSecret), serverHandshakeTrafficSecret)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "master secret: [%d] %x", len(masterSecret), masterSecret)
clientHandshakeKeys := makeTrafficKeys(params, clientHandshakeTrafficSecret)
serverHandshakeKeys := makeTrafficKeys(params, serverHandshakeTrafficSecret)
// Send an EncryptedExtensions message (even if it's empty)
eeList := ExtensionList{}
if state.Params.NextProto != "" {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[server] sending ALPN extension")
err = eeList.Add(&ALPNExtension{Protocols: []string{state.Params.NextProto}})
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] Error adding ALPN to EncryptedExtensions [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
if state.Params.UsingEarlyData {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[server] sending EDI extension")
err = eeList.Add(&EarlyDataExtension{})
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] Error adding EDI to EncryptedExtensions [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
ee := &EncryptedExtensionsBody{eeList}
// Run the external extension handler.
if state.Caps.ExtensionHandler != nil {
err := state.Caps.ExtensionHandler.Send(HandshakeTypeEncryptedExtensions, &ee.Extensions)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] Error running external extension sender [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
eem, err := HandshakeMessageFromBody(ee)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] Error marshaling EncryptedExtensions [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
toSend := []HandshakeAction{
RekeyOut{Label: "handshake", KeySet: serverHandshakeKeys},
// Authenticate with a certificate if required
if !state.Params.UsingPSK {
// Send a CertificateRequest message if we want client auth
if state.Caps.RequireClientAuth {
state.Params.UsingClientAuth = true
// XXX: We don't support sending any constraints besides a list of
// supported signature algorithms
cr := &CertificateRequestBody{}
schemes := &SignatureAlgorithmsExtension{Algorithms: state.Caps.SignatureSchemes}
err := cr.Extensions.Add(schemes)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] Error adding supported schemes to CertificateRequest [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
crm, err := HandshakeMessageFromBody(cr)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] Error marshaling CertificateRequest [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
//TODO state.state.serverCertificateRequest = cr
toSend = append(toSend, SendHandshakeMessage{crm})
// Create and send Certificate, CertificateVerify
certificate := &CertificateBody{
CertificateList: make([]CertificateEntry, len(state.cert.Chain)),
for i, entry := range state.cert.Chain {
certificate.CertificateList[i] = CertificateEntry{CertData: entry}
certm, err := HandshakeMessageFromBody(certificate)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] Error marshaling Certificate [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
toSend = append(toSend, SendHandshakeMessage{certm})
certificateVerify := &CertificateVerifyBody{Algorithm: state.certScheme}
logf(logTypeHandshake, "Creating CertVerify: %04x %v", state.certScheme, params.Hash)
hcv := handshakeHash.Sum(nil)
logf(logTypeHandshake, "Handshake Hash to be verified: [%d] %x", len(hcv), hcv)
err = certificateVerify.Sign(state.cert.PrivateKey, hcv)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] Error signing CertificateVerify [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
certvm, err := HandshakeMessageFromBody(certificateVerify)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] Error marshaling CertificateVerify [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertInternalError
toSend = append(toSend, SendHandshakeMessage{certvm})
// Compute secrets resulting from the server's first flight
h3 := handshakeHash.Sum(nil)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "handshake hash 3 [%d] %x", len(h3), h3)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "handshake hash for server Finished: [%d] %x", len(h3), h3)
serverFinishedData := computeFinishedData(params, serverHandshakeTrafficSecret, h3)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "server finished data: [%d] %x", len(serverFinishedData), serverFinishedData)
// Assemble the Finished message
fin := &FinishedBody{
VerifyDataLen: len(serverFinishedData),
VerifyData: serverFinishedData,
finm, _ := HandshakeMessageFromBody(fin)
toSend = append(toSend, SendHandshakeMessage{finm})
// Compute traffic secrets
h4 := handshakeHash.Sum(nil)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "handshake hash 4 [%d] %x", len(h4), h4)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "handshake hash for server Finished: [%d] %x", len(h4), h4)
clientTrafficSecret := deriveSecret(params, masterSecret, labelClientApplicationTrafficSecret, h4)
serverTrafficSecret := deriveSecret(params, masterSecret, labelServerApplicationTrafficSecret, h4)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "client traffic secret: [%d] %x", len(clientTrafficSecret), clientTrafficSecret)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "server traffic secret: [%d] %x", len(serverTrafficSecret), serverTrafficSecret)
serverTrafficKeys := makeTrafficKeys(params, serverTrafficSecret)
toSend = append(toSend, RekeyOut{Label: "application", KeySet: serverTrafficKeys})
exporterSecret := deriveSecret(params, masterSecret, labelExporterSecret, h4)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "server exporter secret: [%d] %x", len(exporterSecret), exporterSecret)
if state.Params.UsingEarlyData {
clientEarlyTrafficKeys := makeTrafficKeys(params, state.clientEarlyTrafficSecret)
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] -> [ServerStateWaitEOED]")
nextState := ServerStateWaitEOED{
AuthCertificate: state.Caps.AuthCertificate,
Params: state.Params,
cryptoParams: params,
handshakeHash: handshakeHash,
masterSecret: masterSecret,
clientHandshakeTrafficSecret: clientHandshakeTrafficSecret,
clientTrafficSecret: clientTrafficSecret,
serverTrafficSecret: serverTrafficSecret,
exporterSecret: exporterSecret,
toSend = append(toSend, []HandshakeAction{
RekeyIn{Label: "early", KeySet: clientEarlyTrafficKeys},
return nextState, toSend, AlertNoAlert
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateNegotiated] -> [ServerStateWaitFlight2]")
toSend = append(toSend, []HandshakeAction{
RekeyIn{Label: "handshake", KeySet: clientHandshakeKeys},
waitFlight2 := ServerStateWaitFlight2{
AuthCertificate: state.Caps.AuthCertificate,
Params: state.Params,
cryptoParams: params,
handshakeHash: handshakeHash,
masterSecret: masterSecret,
clientHandshakeTrafficSecret: clientHandshakeTrafficSecret,
clientTrafficSecret: clientTrafficSecret,
serverTrafficSecret: serverTrafficSecret,
exporterSecret: exporterSecret,
nextState, moreToSend, alert := waitFlight2.Next(nil)
toSend = append(toSend, moreToSend...)
return nextState, toSend, alert
type ServerStateWaitEOED struct {
AuthCertificate func(chain []CertificateEntry) error
Params ConnectionParameters
cryptoParams CipherSuiteParams
masterSecret []byte
clientHandshakeTrafficSecret []byte
handshakeHash hash.Hash
clientTrafficSecret []byte
serverTrafficSecret []byte
exporterSecret []byte
func (state ServerStateWaitEOED) Next(hm *HandshakeMessage) (HandshakeState, []HandshakeAction, Alert) {
if hm == nil || hm.msgType != HandshakeTypeEndOfEarlyData {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitEOED] Unexpected message")
return nil, nil, AlertUnexpectedMessage
if len(hm.body) > 0 {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitEOED] Error decoding message [len > 0]")
return nil, nil, AlertDecodeError
clientHandshakeKeys := makeTrafficKeys(state.cryptoParams, state.clientHandshakeTrafficSecret)
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitEOED] -> [ServerStateWaitFlight2]")
toSend := []HandshakeAction{
RekeyIn{Label: "handshake", KeySet: clientHandshakeKeys},
waitFlight2 := ServerStateWaitFlight2{
AuthCertificate: state.AuthCertificate,
Params: state.Params,
cryptoParams: state.cryptoParams,
handshakeHash: state.handshakeHash,
masterSecret: state.masterSecret,
clientHandshakeTrafficSecret: state.clientHandshakeTrafficSecret,
clientTrafficSecret: state.clientTrafficSecret,
serverTrafficSecret: state.serverTrafficSecret,
exporterSecret: state.exporterSecret,
nextState, moreToSend, alert := waitFlight2.Next(nil)
toSend = append(toSend, moreToSend...)
return nextState, toSend, alert
type ServerStateWaitFlight2 struct {
AuthCertificate func(chain []CertificateEntry) error
Params ConnectionParameters
cryptoParams CipherSuiteParams
masterSecret []byte
clientHandshakeTrafficSecret []byte
handshakeHash hash.Hash
clientTrafficSecret []byte
serverTrafficSecret []byte
exporterSecret []byte
func (state ServerStateWaitFlight2) Next(hm *HandshakeMessage) (HandshakeState, []HandshakeAction, Alert) {
if hm != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitFlight2] Unexpected message")
return nil, nil, AlertUnexpectedMessage
if state.Params.UsingClientAuth {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitFlight2] -> [ServerStateWaitCert]")
nextState := ServerStateWaitCert{
AuthCertificate: state.AuthCertificate,
Params: state.Params,
cryptoParams: state.cryptoParams,
handshakeHash: state.handshakeHash,
masterSecret: state.masterSecret,
clientHandshakeTrafficSecret: state.clientHandshakeTrafficSecret,
clientTrafficSecret: state.clientTrafficSecret,
serverTrafficSecret: state.serverTrafficSecret,
exporterSecret: state.exporterSecret,
return nextState, nil, AlertNoAlert
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitFlight2] -> [ServerStateWaitFinished]")
nextState := ServerStateWaitFinished{
Params: state.Params,
cryptoParams: state.cryptoParams,
masterSecret: state.masterSecret,
clientHandshakeTrafficSecret: state.clientHandshakeTrafficSecret,
handshakeHash: state.handshakeHash,
clientTrafficSecret: state.clientTrafficSecret,
serverTrafficSecret: state.serverTrafficSecret,
exporterSecret: state.exporterSecret,
return nextState, nil, AlertNoAlert
type ServerStateWaitCert struct {
AuthCertificate func(chain []CertificateEntry) error
Params ConnectionParameters
cryptoParams CipherSuiteParams
masterSecret []byte
clientHandshakeTrafficSecret []byte
handshakeHash hash.Hash
clientTrafficSecret []byte
serverTrafficSecret []byte
exporterSecret []byte
func (state ServerStateWaitCert) Next(hm *HandshakeMessage) (HandshakeState, []HandshakeAction, Alert) {
if hm == nil || hm.msgType != HandshakeTypeCertificate {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitCert] Unexpected message")
return nil, nil, AlertUnexpectedMessage
cert := &CertificateBody{}
_, err := cert.Unmarshal(hm.body)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitCert] Unexpected message")
return nil, nil, AlertDecodeError
if len(cert.CertificateList) == 0 {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitCert] WARNING client did not provide a certificate")
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitCert] -> [ServerStateWaitFinished]")
nextState := ServerStateWaitFinished{
Params: state.Params,
cryptoParams: state.cryptoParams,
masterSecret: state.masterSecret,
clientHandshakeTrafficSecret: state.clientHandshakeTrafficSecret,
handshakeHash: state.handshakeHash,
clientTrafficSecret: state.clientTrafficSecret,
serverTrafficSecret: state.serverTrafficSecret,
exporterSecret: state.exporterSecret,
return nextState, nil, AlertNoAlert
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitCert] -> [ServerStateWaitCV]")
nextState := ServerStateWaitCV{
AuthCertificate: state.AuthCertificate,
Params: state.Params,
cryptoParams: state.cryptoParams,
masterSecret: state.masterSecret,
clientHandshakeTrafficSecret: state.clientHandshakeTrafficSecret,
handshakeHash: state.handshakeHash,
clientTrafficSecret: state.clientTrafficSecret,
serverTrafficSecret: state.serverTrafficSecret,
clientCertificate: cert,
exporterSecret: state.exporterSecret,
return nextState, nil, AlertNoAlert
type ServerStateWaitCV struct {
AuthCertificate func(chain []CertificateEntry) error
Params ConnectionParameters
cryptoParams CipherSuiteParams
masterSecret []byte
clientHandshakeTrafficSecret []byte
handshakeHash hash.Hash
clientTrafficSecret []byte
serverTrafficSecret []byte
exporterSecret []byte
clientCertificate *CertificateBody
func (state ServerStateWaitCV) Next(hm *HandshakeMessage) (HandshakeState, []HandshakeAction, Alert) {
if hm == nil || hm.msgType != HandshakeTypeCertificateVerify {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitCV] Unexpected message [%+v] [%s]", hm, reflect.TypeOf(hm))
return nil, nil, AlertUnexpectedMessage
certVerify := &CertificateVerifyBody{}
_, err := certVerify.Unmarshal(hm.body)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitCert] Error decoding message %v", err)
return nil, nil, AlertDecodeError
// Verify client signature over handshake hash
hcv := state.handshakeHash.Sum(nil)
logf(logTypeHandshake, "Handshake Hash to be verified: [%d] %x", len(hcv), hcv)
clientPublicKey := state.clientCertificate.CertificateList[0].CertData.PublicKey
if err := certVerify.Verify(clientPublicKey, hcv); err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitCV] Failure in client auth verification [%v]", err)
return nil, nil, AlertHandshakeFailure
if state.AuthCertificate != nil {
err := state.AuthCertificate(state.clientCertificate.CertificateList)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitCV] Application rejected client certificate")
return nil, nil, AlertBadCertificate
} else {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitCV] WARNING: No verification of client certificate")
// If it passes, record the certificateVerify in the transcript hash
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitCV] -> [ServerStateWaitFinished]")
nextState := ServerStateWaitFinished{
Params: state.Params,
cryptoParams: state.cryptoParams,
masterSecret: state.masterSecret,
clientHandshakeTrafficSecret: state.clientHandshakeTrafficSecret,
handshakeHash: state.handshakeHash,
clientTrafficSecret: state.clientTrafficSecret,
serverTrafficSecret: state.serverTrafficSecret,
exporterSecret: state.exporterSecret,
return nextState, nil, AlertNoAlert
type ServerStateWaitFinished struct {
Params ConnectionParameters
cryptoParams CipherSuiteParams
masterSecret []byte
clientHandshakeTrafficSecret []byte
handshakeHash hash.Hash
clientTrafficSecret []byte
serverTrafficSecret []byte
exporterSecret []byte
func (state ServerStateWaitFinished) Next(hm *HandshakeMessage) (HandshakeState, []HandshakeAction, Alert) {
if hm == nil || hm.msgType != HandshakeTypeFinished {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitFinished] Unexpected message")
return nil, nil, AlertUnexpectedMessage
fin := &FinishedBody{VerifyDataLen: state.cryptoParams.Hash.Size()}
_, err := fin.Unmarshal(hm.body)
if err != nil {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitFinished] Error decoding message %v", err)
return nil, nil, AlertDecodeError
// Verify client Finished data
h5 := state.handshakeHash.Sum(nil)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "handshake hash for client Finished: [%d] %x", len(h5), h5)
clientFinishedData := computeFinishedData(state.cryptoParams, state.clientHandshakeTrafficSecret, h5)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "client Finished data: [%d] %x", len(clientFinishedData), clientFinishedData)
if !bytes.Equal(fin.VerifyData, clientFinishedData) {
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitFinished] Client's Finished failed to verify")
return nil, nil, AlertHandshakeFailure
// Compute the resumption secret
h6 := state.handshakeHash.Sum(nil)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "handshake hash 6 [%d]: %x", len(h6), h6)
resumptionSecret := deriveSecret(state.cryptoParams, state.masterSecret, labelResumptionSecret, h6)
logf(logTypeCrypto, "resumption secret: [%d] %x", len(resumptionSecret), resumptionSecret)
// Compute client traffic keys
clientTrafficKeys := makeTrafficKeys(state.cryptoParams, state.clientTrafficSecret)
logf(logTypeHandshake, "[ServerStateWaitFinished] -> [StateConnected]")
nextState := StateConnected{
Params: state.Params,
isClient: false,
cryptoParams: state.cryptoParams,
resumptionSecret: resumptionSecret,
clientTrafficSecret: state.clientTrafficSecret,
serverTrafficSecret: state.serverTrafficSecret,
exporterSecret: state.exporterSecret,
toSend := []HandshakeAction{
RekeyIn{Label: "application", KeySet: clientTrafficKeys},
return nextState, toSend, AlertNoAlert