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synced 2025-03-10 18:39:44 +01:00
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label chapter_6:
#Not A Date
scene room anon dark with fade
"-One Month Later-"
play music 'audio/OST/Bayside Bumming it.ogg' fadein 1.0
"I’m laying in bed on a saturday morning."
"It’s been raining the last few days, so I’m stuck inside."
"Not like I had any other plans anyways."
"The forecast says it should clear up later today."
"There’s no new games out, and my backlog is just the perfect size of fuck that noise."
"I don’t even feel like baiting on a certain basket weaving polynesian forum."
"The light of my phone is the only thing illuminating my hovel of a home."
"I scroll through the camera roll out of boredom."
"At least that’s what I tell myself."
"Interspersed through various memes and screenshots of homework assignments are pictures Fang has been sending."
"Over the last month I’ve been included more in Fang’s circle of friends."
#[CG of Fang having beaten Anon on a Primal Rage arcade cabinet]
"Ugh… My cred… I can feel it slipping away."
#[CG of Reed in his mascot outfit at one of Naser’s track meet]
"Hehehehe, Reed stole all the hotdogs that day."
#[CG of a selfie of Trish and Fang on the pier]
"I scroll past that one swiftly… god damn it Trish…"
"My perusal through old pictures is interrupted with a text."
"Fang: Looking for new band venue"
"Fang: Don’t feel like going alone"
"Fang: Do you want to come with?"
"...Alone…? No, shut the fuck up alarms."
"Anon: Why alone?"
"Fang: Trish has a horn appt and Reed is"
"A pause."
"Fang: Preoccupied."
#cut to Reed in bathroom cg
Re "...dude like… back to the story..."
#cut back to Anon
"Anon: Alright, where we dropping?"
"Fang: Just show up at my place in like an hour"
"Fang: Need to go now"
"Anon: k"
stop music fadeout 1.0
"This is fine."
play music 'audio/OST/Fuck You I Like To Shitpost.ogg' fadein 1.0
"It’s just helping a friend of mine find someplace for her band to play."
"A friend I have feelings for."
"And we’re alone."
scene room anon day
"I boot up my computer and start a gacha thread on a taiwanese rum brewing blogsite."
"The soothing replies bring my heartbeat down to an acceptable level."
"To top it off I insult the mods and then report my own post so I know they have to see it."
"I am become Anon, Collector of (You)s and Poster of Shit."
"By now the rain has subsided."
"Still feeling refreshed, I grab my jacket and start making my way across town to Fang’s house."
scene black with fade
play music "audio/OST/Skinrow Soul.ogg" fadein 1.0
show anon neutral at aleft
"Passing through the snobby part of town to catch a bus, my thoughts begin intruding on me."
"Images of what’s to come pass before my eyes unwarranted."
"Looking for restaurants… because they’d be good venues of course!"
"Walking through the mall maybe? That’d be a good spot."
"The day turns to night and the temperature drops."
"I offer Fang my coat and-"
"God damn it no this isn’t a daaa-"
"Oh shit my stop!"
"I scurry off the bus right as the doors are closing."
scene sidewalk
show anon neutral at aleft
with fade
"And I don’t forget to thank the driver."
"The bus stop is luckily only a block away from Fang’s neighborhood."
"There’s a few stores open, and a street vendor is gleefully setting up shop for the first time in a few days.."
"she calls out to me as I pass."
show tracy unimpressed at scenter
play music "audio/OST/Tracy was fired from her real job.ogg" fadein 1.0
SV "Some storm, eh?"
show anon neutral at aleft
A "Oh, uh… Yeah. It was."
SV "People don’t usually take the bus here these days, where ya headed?"
A "Just… Over to the suburbs over there."
SV "Highschooler, taking the bus to the suburbs on a saturday…"
show tracy tease
SV "You’re going to see a girl, ain’tcha?"
A "How did…"
A "I mean, I am, but… I-it isn’t like that, you know?"
SV "Come onnnn, you can’t fool me."
SV "WAH-HA!! I’m certain it ain’t."
SV "At any rate, why not pick up a few ‘dogs to impress her?"
SV "We got ice cream too, if she’s an herbie."
A "Maybe later. I’ll keep it in mind."
"I turn to leave, behind me I hear the vendor mutter to herself."
show tracy neutral
SV "Ah, to be young and love again…"
scene skinrow
show anon neutral at aleft
stop music fadeout 1.0
scene black with fade
"... I pick up the pace."
"The difference between Fang’s neighborhood and my apartment complex is night and day."
"The smell of burnt tires doesn’t hang in the air. Instead it’s a mix of Cedar and wet pavement."
"The knife in my pocket feels excessive as an officer’s car passes by."
"I suppose to someone who's lived here it would seem normal, but to someone from bumfuck nowhere? The suburb felt decadent."
"Fang’s home is easy enough to find thanks to Gruugle maps’ images."
scene home fang outside
"It’s nice. Very nice actually. Two stories tall and with an expensive, if kinda scraped up, sports car in the drive-way."
"I approach the home, careful to hop up the spread stones that make up the walkway, in fear of trampling the well manicured yard."
"At last I’m at my destination. Fuck."
show anon neutral at aleft
"I stand frozen on the white porch now with the front door before me like the ramparts of a castle."
"Am I supposed to knock, or text her that I’m here?"
"Crap, I’ve never done anything like this before."
"Go with a friend to find a venue for a band, that is."
"Before my knuckles reach the door it swings open."
"Text Fang":
"Before I can hit ‘Send’ the door swings open."
"What is this killing intent?!"
show fangdad neutral flip at scenter with moveinright
play music "audio/OST/Prized Bowling Ball.ogg" fadein 1.0
FD "Hm… You Anon?"
"Shitshitshitalarms shut the fuck up right now please I need to think."
A "Y-yeah, I’m Anon. P-pleased to m-meet you uh…"
FD "Executioner."
"My pants feel heavy and sodden."
show fangmom neutral flip at fmright with moveinright
FM "Honey, who is it?"
FM "OH! You must be Anon!"
FM "Come in come in!"
scene home fang day
"The petite ptero-matriarch drags me into her abode. I could see the patriarch’s jaw clench as Fang’s mother pushed me into the comfiest couch to ever exist."
FM "Oh you must forgive my little Lucy, she’s still getting ready for your date!"
"Oh god I can feel iron-sights on my back."
"While she spoke a mile a minute I managed to catch some of the words. I ignored the latter, because this ISN’T a daaaa-"
"Isn’t THAT!"
A "Ah, it’s uh, no trouble ma’am."
A "But uh… I thought her name was Fang."
"She titters, holding a hand over her sly smile."
FM "Oh that? My little tooth fairy always loves to re-invent herself."
"Her eyes gloss over as she’s pulled into her own memories."
FM "One moment she was the prettiest princess pirate, and now she’s some sort of rock and roll maestro! The imagination she has…"
show naser neutral flip at nright with moveinright
Nas "Sup buddy."
"I look across the coffee table to see Naser reclined in an equally plushy couch."
Nas "You good?"
"I breathe deeply, collecting my scrambled thoughts into a semi-coherent state."
A "I’m good… So uh… nice place."
"I look at the walls of the room, what little white I could see that wasn’t covered by the myriad of family photos."
"Huh… She really was a princess pirate at some point…"
show naomi neutral at scenter with moveinleft
N "Home is where the heart is, as they say."
"Oh… is that a sin to think that with that cross hung behind Naser’s head?"
"I look back to see the Cream Queen of the Kremlin, a tray of the smallest cups I’ve ever seen in her arms."
show naomi happy with dissolve
N "Naser! Your mother made us some tea! Oh isn’t she the most wonderful woman!"
show naomi neutral with dissolve
Nas "Bleh… She knows I’m not a fan of that hot leaf juice…"
"Naomi navigates around the couch and coffee table, setting the tray of treats and tea before us."
N "Would you like some, Anon?"
A "I’ll pass, thanks."
"Something’s not right with what just happened."
"I look back to where Naomi was standing."
"The entire opposing wall is covered in various hunting trophies."
"Two bears, a whole school of fish, a falcon, two deers…"
"And a rhinoceros."
"... I may have made a huge mistake."
"The loveseat to the right of me scrapes forward into my field of view."
"Fang’s father leans back, carefully examining and polishing a golf club."
"Maybe I can turn his trophies into a conversation piece."
"Extend an olive branch, so to speak."
A "What gun did you use to hunt these?"
show fangdad happy at sleft with moveinleft
FD "Gun?"
"My hands fold into my lap and I stare a million yards into the wall clock ahead of me."
FD "So… Anon, was it?"
FD "You a big fan of Golf?"
show naser considering flip
"Naser dons a similar pose."
A "I’ve played minigolf before…"
show fangdad neutral
FD "That’s a good start, a good start…"
FD "Nothing beats the real thing, though."
FD "You ever play golf before, boy?"
"Don't say Wii Golf don't say Wii Golf don't say Wii golf"
A "N-no, not on a proper green before."
"Nailed it."
show fangdad happy
FD "Well, this is my favorite club right here. A 9 Iron."
"He finishes polishing the head of the club and rotates it ever so slightly so I see my reflection in the metal."
FD "Now, Irons are by far the most common, and most useful out of your standard club set. Anywhere you need an extra...push, the Iron will do."
"His gaze makes its way from the club to me as he lays it across his lap. I gulp and sink back into the couch in an attempt to hide among the cushions."
FD "Of course, this is all due to the solid steel construction, and your own efforts."
FD "With the right quality club and technique, you can almost feel the ball cleaving in twain when you strike it…"
FD "And I assure you, Anon, that my equipment is of the highest quality, and my technique is impeccable."
"Fang’s father stands up, stepping on top of the sturdy coffee table. His club is lined up, and I can see my reflection in the impromptu ball."
"With well-practiced motions he demonstrates a perfect swing in the middle of a living room. I can practically feel the air slice in half as an image of the impossibly large pteradon stands over me with the club flashes momentarily."
"Fang’s father laughs heartily, setting the murder tool aside as he reclaims his throne."
show naomi flip
N "What fine form sir!"
FM "Dear!"
show fangdad unimpressed
"Fang’s father flinches."
show fangdad neutral
show fangmom unimpressed at fmleft with moveinleft
FM "How many times have I told you about intimidating suitors! This is the first boy our little Tooth Fairy has brought home!!"
FD "What about Reed?"
"The father shrunk under the patented mother’s leer."
FM "You know that boy isn’t right, dear."
"I feel a smidgen of sympathy, but keep quiet to avoid similar treatment from her."
play music "audio/OST/punk_revamp.ogg" fadein 1.0
F "Oh my god Mom! Not in front of my friends!"
show fang angry at sleft behind naser with dissolve
"Fang is at the foot of the stairway, frustration clear on her face."
show fang angry:
xalign 1.4 yalign 0.0
with move
show fang angry flip:
"I look to Fang with hands clasp together, silently pleading."
N "Oh! Are you ready for your date now?"
"I lurch in my seat at that."
A "Ah, nah nah! We’re just-"
show fang shocked flip
F "N-no! We need to find a venue!"
FM "Just you two though?"
"Oh god no. Please, Raptor Jesus, I promise I’ll sacrifice a goat if you end this."
show naomi happy
show fang unimpressed flip
with dissolve
N "Why don’t we have a double date then!"
"...God, why have you abandoned me…?"
"Buddha be a bro please!"
show fangmom neutral
FM "I agree! Naser and Naomi can accompany you!"
"I am going to personally commit mass deicide."
FD "I agree."
show fangdad unimpressed
show naomi neutral
"He looks me dead in the eyes."
FD "More people means you’re less likely to do something reckless, after all."
N "I dunno, I don’t think Fang would appreciate-"
"Fang’s father puts his arm around Nasers’ shoulder and pulls him aside."
hide naser
hide fangdad
with moveoutleft
FM "You’d love going with your brother, right Fang?"
F "Absolutely not."
F "I’m perfectly able to find somewhere to play without anyone’s help."
F "Especially his."
FM "Come now, how many opportunities in your youth will you get to spend time all together like this?"
F "Hopefully none."
FM "Aww, but you used to always spend time with little Naser…"
"Her eyes gloss over again."
FM "Like all those times you used to bathe together."
F "Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!"
"Fang’s Father gives a loud pat on Naser’s back and he returns to the conversation."
show naser explanatory at nleft behind fangmom with moveinleft
show naomi neutral flip with dissolve
Nas "Yes, I think a group date is an excellent idea."
Nas "We should all go together."
"Naser’s shaking like a leaf in a monsoon in the middle of an earthquake with a meteor hanging overhead."
F "It’s not happening."
show fangdad unimpressed behind naser with moveinleft:
xalign -0.4
FD "It is."
"Fang and her dad lock eyes."
"The tension in the room mounts as the staredown draws on."
"The moment long eternity finally ends though."
"Eventually Fang flops her head back in defeat."
show fang considering flip
F "Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffine."
F "Let’s just get out of here, Anon."
show naomi happy with dissolve
"Naomi gives a little cheer and tugs the still catatonic Naser by the arm out the door."
scene black with fade
"I give a polite goodbye to Fang’s Mother."
"I extend a hand to Fang’s father and-"
"The eight bones of my palm are squeezed together, being ground into dust under the immense strength."
"The five bones joining my fingers to my palm threaten to splinter from the powerful grip."
"The rest of my bones in my hand try to separate from the vicious shake that Fang’s father ends it with."
"By the time I get outside everyone else is getting into the fancy and beat up car from before."
"Guess it was Nasers’."
play music "audio/OST/The Top of the Social Ladder.ogg" fadein 1.0
N "Come on, Naser! The day is still young!"
"Naser, still mentally fried, is being goaded by Naomi into driving to the city."
"Eventually, he robotically enters the drivers’ seat."
"Naomi ecstatically shoots into the shotgun seat."
"Fang and I take the back seats."
scene nascar day with fade
"Now that we’re getting this shitshow on the road, I should probably clarify with Fang about precisely what sort of venue she wants."
"The split second I move my hand towards Fang to ask Naser chucks his jacket between us with lightning speed."
Nas "Whups, look out back there! Haha!"
"The look of pants-shitting fear on his face betrays his jovial tone."
"Poor guy."
A "A-anyways, Fang."
"She looks over."
A "What sort of place are we supposed to be looking for?"
"Fang looks away for a minute with a finger under the end of her beak."
"Is that supposed to be a thinking pose?"
F "Some wide open space where people can stand or sit."
F "Preferably with a mosh pit."
N "Oh, I know lots of places like that!"
A "Where?"
N "They’re at the Gold Fern Galleria in the downtown shopping district!"
F "No."
N "Why ever not?"
F "I’m not going to play around the ritzy area."
F "There’s more stuck up assholes there than at school!"
"Naomi shrugs and turns back to Naser."
N "In that case, we should just park in the middle of the city and work our way around."
F "...Sure. That’s fine."
N "What do you think, Anon?"
"I look at Fang. She’s preoccupied with watching the buildings fly past us."
"I shrug."
N "Alright then, to the city we go!"
"Naomi turns the radio on, shattering my ears with the most nauseatingly upbeat love-song on max volume."
"I’m left to retch as the song violates my virgin ears with it’s too cheery tune."
scene sidewalk
show fang neutral at sleft
show anon neutral:
xalign 0.0 yalign 0.1
show naser neutral:
xalign 0.9 yalign 0.1
show naomi neutral:
xalign 1.0 yalign 0.0
with fade
"In the city proper now I find myself with a new dilemma."
"The group slowly makes its way down the sidewalk."
play music "audio/effects/chatter loop.ogg" fadein 1.0
"Naser walks ahead and continues to look back at me, his expression anxious and worried."
"Fang refuses to speak and gives everyone and everything a vicious sneer."
"And Naomi just."
"Shut the fuck up."
show naomi happy with dissolve
"God this marmalade monster needs to die."
"Naomi stops the group before a large glass window. Past it is a large open room sparsely filled with miniscule round tables with candelabras set atop them."
Nas "Isn’t this a bit too…"
show fang angry with dissolve
F "Gaudy."
N "No way! It’s wide open! The tables can be rearranged to provide ample room for your audience!"
show fang unimpressed with dissolve
"Fang looks unimpressed."
N "Come on, let’s go ask!"
"The saurolophus wraps her arms around Naser’s and bodily drags him to the entrance."
F "Fuck me…"
A "Ten dollars we get kicked out."
F "No deal. You’re stating an inevitability, not a possibility."
"We follow behind the pair to find Naomi pestering the Maitre D’ for possible arrangements, cringing as the poor man just stares off into the middle distance while Naomi prattles on obliviously."
show black with dissolve
N "-And if possible could you include maybe a dinner ticket option for-"
"The Maitre D’ looks towards us, or rather, Fang, and scowls."
MaitD "Our esteemed establishment caters exclusively to those with an appreciation for fine culture, culinary and otherwise."
show naomi angry
MaitD "Might I recommend that you vacate the premises at once, or will you be requiring an escort?"
hide black with dissolve
A "Where’s my ten bucks?"
show fang happy with dissolve
F "Up your ass, I told you no deal."
"Naser tugs a bit at Naomi’s arm, and she stomps back to the entrance in a huff with him following."
show naomi angry flip with dissolve
N "Hmph! Fang, I’ve decided this place isn’t good enough!"
show naser considering with dissolve
Nas "Don’t be mad Naomi, he isn’t worth getting upset about."
F "Nah, he’s worth it. If it were me and the band they’d have one less tire on all their cars."
show naser unimpressed flip with dissolve
"Naser raises an eyebrow back at Fang."
show fang flip off happy with dissolve
"She responds with a smirk and a middle finger."
scene black with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
scene skinrow
show fang angry at sleft
show anon neutral:
xalign 0.0 yalign 0.1
show naser neutral:
xalign 0.9 yalign 0.1
show naomi neutral:
xalign 0.7 yalign 0.0
with fade
play music "audio/OST/Summertime Synth.ogg" fadein 1.0
"We’ve been searching for a place for at least two hours now."
"Fang is barely holding herself together, judging from her angry muttering."
"A lot of muttering. Mostly including words like murder, knives, and particular genitals as pin cushions, with profanity taking up a good half of what escaped her beak."
"I could see a blood vessel throbbing on her temple. This didn’t look good."
"I position myself slightly behind Fang, putting her between me and Naomi."
A "Hey Naomi, I got an idea!"
"Naomi spins on her heel towards the sound of my voice, and the giant grin on her stupid snout stiffens as she sees Fang’s looming aneurysm."
show naomi happy:
xoffset 0
linear .5 xzoom -1.0
N "Maybe we should take a little break."
"Luckily there’s a small park nearby."
scene park
show fang angry flip:
xalign 0.9 yalign 0.0
show anon neutral flip at sright
show naser neutral:
xalign 0.1 yalign 0.0
show naomi neutral:
xalign -0.1 yalign -0.1
with fade
"The four of us grab some drinks from a vending machine."
"Fang and I grab a knockoff brand of soda, Naomi got a bottle of water, and Naser bought a sports drink."
"We’re lucky to find an unoccupied picnic table with some shade, because the afternoon sun has turned the cool day into a sweltering hot one."
"Thank you, coastal weather."
"We sit in near silence aside from Nasers’ audible chugging of his sports drink."
"He crushes the bottle in one hand and tosses it into a trash can five yards away, then looks to us with the smuggest grin to ever be seen on a beak."
A "Showoff."
Nas "Yes."
N "Great shot, Naser!"
Nas "Of course it was, babe."
"Fang mock retches into the grass."
Nas "At any rate, I need to drain the snake."
"Naser turns and gives a brief wave back to us, and makes his way to the public restroom on the other side of the park."
hide naser with dissolve
N "Aww, his double-entendres are always so clever!"
"Fang slaps a hand over her eyes."
F "I need to go too."
N "Why? Something the matter?"
F "Monthly problems."
N "Do you have everything you need?"
N "I have some extras stocked!"
N "I have regular, plastic, scented…"
N "Oh, what diameter do-"
F "Shut up now."
"Fang stomps away to the bathroom, leaving just the apricot asspain"
hide fang neutral flip with dissolve
stop music fadeout 1.0
"...And me."
N "Do you need to use the restroom as well, Anon?"
"How tempting."
A "Well, now that you mention it, I-"
N "Since it’s just the two of us, I’ve been wanting to ask for a while."
N "How have things been going with Fang? Has she been well? Is there anything wrong?"
play music "audio/OST/Dragging on and on....ogg" fadein 1.0
A "Shouldn’t Naser know?"
N "Yes, Naser knows, but I figure I’d ask you as well."
N "Since the two of you spend so much time together and all."
N "I hear Naser talking all the time about how worried he is for Fang."
show naomi sad
N "He’s such a good brother, isn’t he?"
"I’m just going to start filtering her."
N "I just get so worried for her sometimes, too."
N "Fang can just be so anti-social, you know?"
N "And she’s always avoiding me, too."
N "I never can get a read on how she feels."
N "Like when she was feeling upset a month or so ago."
N "Or just after that concert she gave after winter break."
"Rewind a bit."
show naomi neutral
A "How’d you know about how Fang felt sad a month ago?"
N "Oh, Naser told me!"
"The fuck is up with her?"
show naomi considering
A "Then why ask me?"
N "You keep on asking that question!"
A "You keep on dodging that question."
show naomi keikaku
N "Hm? What am I dodging?"
show naomi neutral
A "Fang clearly doesn’t like you, you say so yourself."
A "Yet you keep asking me about her."
A "When you can just go to Naser."
A "Fang is his sister after all."
show naomi considering
N "O-of course! It’s just I’d like to hear from you about her!"
A "Why me though? I don’t know anything about her, Naser knows Fang better than I do."
show naomi happy
N "Because you two have been getting so close! You’re even on a date right now Anon!"
show naomi considering
"Naomi’s pupils dilate and her eyes dance away from me."
N "In fact, you two make the cutest couple. Hahaha."
"It’s the first time Naomi’s looked anything other than happy."
A "Are you up to something?"
show naomi shocked
N "Why would I ever be up to something?"
A "Because you’re not making any sense."
A "Naser knows her better than anyone else."
A "But every time we talk you bring Fang up."
A "Why?"
show naomi happy
N "I have every reason to care!"
A "Why?"
N "Because-"
show anon angry flip
A "Why?!"
show naomi unimpressed
N "Because Naser wants to make Fang happy! A-and so do I, of course! ahahahaha!"
show naomi considering
play music "audio/OST/sadist.ogg" fadein 1.0
"Naomi’s laugh is hollow. Her eyes shifting side to side."
N "I was only doing what I thought was best for both her and you, Anon."
show anon neutral flip
N "The first time I saw you, sitting on your own on that dirty old bench."
N "You looked like you needed someone to lean on."
N "And with Fang..."
"I think back to all the times that the beige bitch had asked me about Fang."
N "{alpha=0.5}{i}What a great opportunity for real friendship Anon! I’m so happy for you!{/i}{/alpha}"
Nas "{alpha=0.5}{i}...?{/i}{/alpha}"
A "{alpha=0.5}{i}...?{/i}{/alpha}"
N "{alpha=0.5}{i}If there’s anything Fang needs in these trying times, it’s a new friend to talk to!{/i}{/alpha}"
"This entire time."
N "{alpha=0.5}{i}Oh, you’re spending time with Fang?{/i}{/alpha}"
A "{alpha=0.5}{i}She just needed me for some feedback.{/i}{/alpha}"
N "{alpha=0.5}{i}I see. I think it’s wonderful you’re making more friends here!{/i}{/alpha}"
A "{alpha=0.5}{i}Could you really say we’re friends? We’ve only met two or three times.{/i}{/alpha}"
N "{alpha=0.5}{i}I think you and Fang would make wonderful friends! She needs more friends like you!{/i}{/alpha}"
"Fuck, why didn’t I notice?"
"{alpha=0.5}{i}Naomi places a finger on her chin(?) for a moment and stares into space. Suddenly, her face lights up.{/i}{/alpha}"
N "{alpha=0.5}{i}Oh! What if you asked Fang for help? I’m sure she’d lend a hand!{/i}{/alpha}"
A "{alpha=0.5}{i}I dunno... She’s usually busy with her own work, and I don’t want to bother her more than I already do every day.{/i}{/alpha}"
N "{alpha=0.5}{i}It can’t hurt to ask, though, right? Just a thought.{/i}{/alpha}"
"That fucking bitch."
"This entire time she’s been pushing me closer to Fang."
"I must be the biggest fucking idiot."
show naomi neutral
N "‘Uh… Anon? You’ve been spacing out."
"She played me like a god damned fiddle!"
show naser neutral behind naomi with moveinleft:
xalign 0.1 yalign 0.0
Nas "Did I miss something?"
"I look to Naser, who’s completely clueless to what Naomi has been doing for the past month."
"Just like I was."
"What would he do in this situation?"
"He’s the boyscout here after all."
"Fitting that the moral compass has a literal compass for a head."
"I’m part of someone else’s plan."
"Nothing I’ve done in the last several months was a conclusion reached on my own."
"Are my feelings for Fang also just a tool for Naomi?"
stop music fadeout 1.0
"What do I even do here?"
"Excuse Myself":
jump AnonExcusesHimself
"Wait for Fang":
jump AnonWaitsForFang
label AnonExcusesHimself:
"I need to get away from here, fast."
A "Actually, I need to use the bathroom myself now."
N "Oh, sure! We’ll be here!"
"I soullessly start dragging my feet away from Naomi."
"I freeze in place."
Nas "Fair warning, watch the ceiling."
"I sense great tragedy in those words…"
"Whatever. I don’t want to be here."
scene black with fade
scene bathroom1 with fade
"The public restroom looks clean enough from the outside, but I can see through the open doors that it gets cleaned maybe once a week."
"I’m not here to use the restroom anyways."
scene bathroom2
"If I’m right, I just need to look behind the building, and…"
scene bathroom3
"Fang is resting on the wall with a half finished cigarette between her fingers."
play music "audio/OST/That Monochromatic Weirdo.ogg" fadein 1.0
scene bathroom4
A "Got a spare?"
"She shrugs half-heartedly, holding out the half-smoked sin-stick to me."
"I hesitate."
"Fang tilts her head. Before she can pull her hand back I accept the smoke."
"The cherry at the end burns dimly as I tap off the ash."
"‘It’s not an indirect kiss or anything like that’ I chant as a mantra."
"The drag is smooth, with the hint of mint to it."
"The smoke exhaled is wispy, and I can feel my skin prickle."
"I don’t know whether it’s because of the nicotine or whose lips I tasted."
A "Thanks."
"I hand her back the cigarette."
F "Mmm…"
"Fang’s tail drums a steady rhythm on the wall as she takes one last, long drag."
"She blows out a heavier cloud and drops the stump on the ground."
"I stamp on the stub before she can, giving it a solid twist before kicking the dead end into the grass."
F "How’d you find me?"
scene bathroom5
A "Where else would you be?"
"She gives a brief shrug."
A "Anyways, we could probably get away with ditching Naser and Naomi."
F "How’d you manage that?"
A "Secret family technique."
F "Pssh."
"Suddenly an image of Fang’s dad pops in my mind and I realize I probably shouldn’t be seen alone with her behind a public restroom, under penalty of ‘holy shit my spleen is outside my body’."
A "Let’s get out of here."
F "Alright. Let’s get a move on."
scene bathroom6
"The two of us peek from behind the building to make sure the coast is clear of any brothers or scheming persimmon piranhas."
"The coast is clear."
F "I think I know where to look."
A "Please tell me it’s not in this shitty Promenade place."
F "Nah, it’s in Lil Tru."
A "...Where?"
F "Little Troodon. It’s near enough that we can walk there."
A "Why didn’t you mention it before?"
F "Naomi."
A "Ah."
scene bathroom7
"The two of us sprint conspicuously across the park to the nearest cover in the concrete jungle."
jump troodon
label AnonWaitsForFang:
$ anonscore += 1
show naser neutral flip
play music "audio/OST/west_coast_kicking.ogg" fadein 1.0
"... No."
"It doesn’t matter if my feelings are being used."
"They’re still real to me."
"And I want to actually help her."
"Right now that means helping her find a venue."
"Even if it means being around the coral cunt."
show naser explanatory flip with dissolve
Nas "Hey, Naomi, did you know that thirteen percent of public restrooms…"
"Naser babbles with Naomi while we wait for Fang to return."
show naser neutral with dissolve
show fang neutral flip at sright with moveinright:
xalign 1.9
F "Alright, I’m done taking a dump or whatever."
F "Let’s go."
Nas "Wait… Why do you smell like smoke?"
F "Uh… I went to hong kong for a bit. Let’s go."
Nas "You know you aren’t supposed to be smoking, Fang."
F "Just drop it, dork."
F "You don’t see me bringing up that leopard mankini you have in your closet."
show naser annoyed
show naomi shocked
with dissolve
"Naser’s skin turns a noticeably lighter shade."
A "That the only thing in the closet?"
show fang happy flip
F "Oh, of fucking course not."
F "He’s also got this pink-"
show naser shocked with dissolve
N "Why don’t we continue on now!"
"Naomi is holding a handkerchief to her nose, with a prominent splotch of red that’s steadily growing."
F "Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffiiiiinally."
scene skinrow with fade
show fang neutral at sleft
show anon neutral at aleft
show naser neutral flip:
xalign 1.2
show naomi neutral:
xalign 0.6 yalign 0.0
with dissolve
"Not even ten minutes later and we’re back where we started."
show naomi happy with dissolve
N "-isn’t this one perfect! The stage is so well lit and-"
"Fang seems seconds away from successful recreation of Jing Ke’s assassination of King Zheng."
"I know it’s wrong to poke a hornet’s nest, but…"
show naomi neutral
A "Fang, you alright?"
show fang angry with dissolve
F "I hate everyone here."
A "Ah."
"Well then."
"Fang’s about to commit homicide."
"I should ask Naser to just split off for a while…"
"Naomi would back me up if I can convince her I’m taking Fang out on a d-EVENT."
"I really don’t want Naomi’s help, though."
"I could get Fang to ask Naser to break off, but uh…"
"She’s on the verge of fratricide too right now."
Nas "Hey, Anon, you alright?"
A "Hm?"
Nas "You’ve got this intense look on you."
A "Oh, sorry."
A "Just… Trying to think of good places."
play music "audio/OST/The Hunt for more (You)s.ogg" fadein 1.0
"Guess it’s now or never."
"Ask Naser":
jump AskNaser
"Ask Fang":
jump AskFang
label AskNaser:
A "Actually, Naser."
Nas "Hm?"
"Naser slows his gait so he’s walking next to me."
Nas "Something on your mind?"
"I lean in and start whispering."
A "Yeah…"
A "It may be a good idea to split into groups."
Nas "Ha, you’re funny."
show naser explanatory flip
"Naser’s brow grows slick with sweat."
"Christ what did his dad tell him?"
"This is gonna be difficult."
A "Take a look at her man."
A "You know she doesn’t get along with Naomi."
"His eyes shift back, catching sight of Fang’s poorly withheld anger."
show naser angry flip
Nas "...Ugh…"
A "It’s only a matter of time before things go nuclear."
A "And as much as I’d find a catfight amusing, neither of us want to see Fang and Naomi duke it out."
show naser considering flip
Nas "..."
Nas "... Be that as it may…"
show naser neutral flip
Nas "We still can’t split."
Nas "I’m supposed to be keeping an eye on you two right now."
show naomi happy with dissolve
N "what are we whispering about?"
"Naomi has circled around behind us and pokes her head between Naser and I."
Nas "Don’t worry about it, babe."
Nas "Anon just wanted to split the group for a bit."
N "..."
N "..."
N "That’s a wonderful idea!"
show naomi neutral
Nas "But babe, you know I’m supposed to-"
N "I think you should trust Anon a bit more!"
A "Do you really think I’m the frisky type?"
"Naser looks at me for a moment."
show naser unimpressed flip
Nas "Yes."
A "Wow."
Nas "It’s true."
N "I mean..."
A "A) Go fuck yourselves."
A "And B) I’m not some degenerate."
show naomi explanatory
N "Still, despite his looks, the Anon I know won’t end up doing anything weird!"
show naser neutral flip
Nas "...You really think so?"
N "Sure!"
show naomi neutral
Nas "... You promise to not make it weird or anything, right?"
A "I-I… What? Whatever, no, of course not."
N "Seems it’s settled then!"
N "Come on, Naser! We’ll go look on the east side of town!"
show naser considering flip
Nas "... Alright…"
Nas "I trust you, Anon."
show naser neutral
"Naomi grabs Naser by the arm and leads him around a corner and onto another street."
"Naser gives one last worried look back before he’s out of sight."
hide naser
hide naomi
with moveoutright
F "What were the three of you huddling about?"
"Fang was walking behind us this whole time? I didn’t notice."
A "Oh, I was just getting rid of them."
show fang happy with dissolve
F "Oh, man, you’re a lifesaver."
A "Seems like it was either this or someone ends up with a black eye."
F "You think I’d stop at a black eye?"
jump postAsking
label AskFang:
$ fangscore += 1
A "Don’t worry about it."
Nas "Alright…"
show naser flip with dissolve
"He looks ahead again, paying great attention to Naomi’s spergery."
"I turn to Fang again."
A "Hey, if you don’t want to stay in a group, why don’t you ask Naser to split off for a while?"
show fang neutral with dissolve
F "Why me?"
A "He’ll listen to you."
A "Hes only doing this because your dad put him up to it."
A "I think he trusts you enough to be willing to take Naomi elsewhere for a while."
show fang considering
F "Hm…"
A "Give him a chance."
"Fang looks in contemplation at Naser walking ahead of us."
F "Ehh, might as well try."
show fang happy with dissolve
F "Hey, Stephen Ha-Wing!"
A "Wait, that’s not how-"
show naser neutral flip with dissolve
Nas "Yeah?"
A "He responded to it?!"
F "Can you take your girlfriend and fuck off elsewhere?"
F "Me and her just aren’t going to get along."
F "And it’d cover more ground."
show naser explanatory flip with dissolve
"Naser slows down a bit."
Nas "I uh… Don’t think that’s a great idea."
Nas "We should stick together, right Naomi?"
show naomi sad with dissolve
N "Well…"
"Two can play this game you citrine psycho."
"I look at Naomi and give her a subtle nod."
show naomi keikaku with dissolve
N "I think it’s a wonderful idea, we can check in the Promenade! Oh I know this wonderful cafe and-"
F "Great. Now fuck off."
scene askfang1
Nas "H-hold on a second!"
Nas "Dad said he’ll do to me anything that you do to Fang!"
F "...What…"
A "...What…"
N "...What…"
Nas "Fang, you gotta promise to not let Anon do anything creepy."
scene askfang2
A "That’s fuckin’ rude."
scene askfang3
pause 1
scene askfang4
pause 1
scene askfang5
pause 1
scene askfang6
"Fang looks at me and grins wickedly."
scene askfang2
Nas "Please Fang."
#Le Sigh
scene askfang6
F "I promise."
F "Now go."
"Naser gulps and nods."
scene askfang7
Nas "You better not do anything creepy Anon!"
scene skinrow
show fang neutral at sleft
show anon neutral at aleft
show naser neutral flip at ncenter
show naomi neutral:
xalign 0.3 yalign 0.0
pause 0.4
show naser neutral
pause 0.4
hide naomi with moveoutright
hide naser with moveoutright
show fang neutral:
linear 0.4 xalign 0.55 yalign 0.0
show fang neutral flip
"With that Naser and Naomi leave, turning the corner onto another street."
jump postAsking
label postAsking:
play music "audio/OST/That Monochromatic Weirdo.ogg" fadein 1.0
"Now it’s just the two of us."
"Oh and there’s the alarms again. I think I’m finally starting to tune them out though."
scene troodonconvergence1 with fade
"Fang reaches into her pocket and withdraws a crumpled back of cigarettes."
A "Got a spare?"
"She shrugs half-heartedly, holding out the pack to me."
"There’s one left."
"I hesitate."
scene troodonconvergence2
"Fang tilts her head. Before she can pull her hand back I accept the last smoke."
scene troodonconvergence3
"I bring the butt to my lips, feeling the pod within the filter."
A "Figures you smoke menthols."
F "Oh shut up. And you better share, I don’t think I’ll be getting a fresh pack any time soon."
"She hands me her lighter, a little cheap pink Bic."
"It’s quick and easy, no wind to worry about as my thumb rolls over the top and the tiny ember of a flame sears the end of the cigarette."
"I pop the pod with my incisor and pull in slowly."
"The draw is smooth, with a hint of mint to it."
"The cherry at the end burns dimly as I tap off the ash."
"The smoke exhaled is wispy, and I can feel my nerves ease."
F "Ha, pussy."
A "It’s your last one, wanna savor it."
scene troodonconvergence4
"I hand her back the cigarette."
"‘It’s not an indirect kiss or anything like that’ I chant as a mantra."
"Her drag is harsher, burning up twice the amount."
scene troodonconvergence2
"She blows out hazy rings, one after another, as if signaling an indigenous Raptor tribe."
A "Trying to show off now?"
F "Bet you can’t do it."
"Fang grins as she hands the stick back to me."
A "You trigga-lipped it."
F "It’s still good, man."
scene troodonconvergence3
"The filter feels moist between my index and middle knuckles."
"I bring the smoke back to my lips, trying to ignore the wetness of it."
"I draw in even more, burning up another quarter of it."
"I can feel my skin prickle as I exhale a thicker fog."
"I don’t know whether it’s because of the nicotine or whose lips I imagine I taste."
F "Ha, called it."
A "Mmm. Yeah, I can’t."
scene troodonconvergence4
"Fang’s tail ticks a steady rhythm like a metronome as she takes one last, long drag."
scene troodonconvergence5
"She blows out a thick cloud and drops the stump on the ground."
"I stamp on the stub before she can, giving it a solid twist before kicking the dead end into the street."
scene troodonconvergence6
A "So now what?"
F "I think I know where we can look."
A "Please tell me it’s not in this shitty Promenade place."
F "Nah, it’s Lil Tru."
A "...Where?"
F "Little Troodon. It’s near enough that we can walk there."
A "Why didn’t you mention it before?"
F "Naomi."
A "Ah."
"Fang leads the way, navigating us away from this overly expensive part of town."
scene black with fade
label troodon:
scene little troodon with fade
show anon neutral at aleft
show fang neutral behind anon at scenter
"Little Troodon is completely unlike the rest of the city."
"Instead of skyscrapers and glass buildings, the whole place is a series of interconnected alleyways forming a plaza."
"Mostly booths for scamming vendors, but every now and then an actual building can be seen."
"Countless salesmen call out to Fang and I."
"Fang just strides past all of them."
F "Just don’t make eye contact."
"She must know the place."
"One child runs up and gives me a flower to mark me for pickpockets."
"I toss it in the nearest bin."
F "Good eye."
A "Living in the ass-end of this place, I’ve picked up a thing or two."
"The two of us check the sparsely located buildings one by one."
"I make sure to mark down the foreign swears in a notepad to look up later."
"Several hours pass as both the sun and the temperature drops."
F "Can’t believe we’re still looking."
F "These people are usually looking for any way possible to attract customers."
A "Maaaaybe you shouldn’t have insulted that one guy…"
F "Fuck him… callin’ me a meteor dodger… fucking prick."
A "Still, we must have checked dozens of places by now."
A "But why won’t anyone have a band?"
play music "audio/OST/she_fucks_human_men.ogg" fadein 1.0
"Passing Shopkeeper" "Her reputation precedes her."
"Fang’s pupils contract."
"Not this again."
F "HER?!?! You people are all the same! Thinking that you have to go off-"
A "Fang!"
unknown "See what I mean."
F "Choke on a platter of cocks."
unknown "Everyone here knows her family."
F "A full platter! Stacks high!"
A "Look, buddy, you’ve gotta know a place that’ll let us play."
unknown "Weeeell, maybe I can uh… point ya in the right direction…"
unknown "...For a price…"
"Oh god damn it."
F "No way!"
show fang neutral at sleft with moveoutleft
show anon neutral at acenter with moveoutright
A "Fine, I’ll pay."
"I can hear my wallet commit sudoku in my pocket."
unknown "Buy this here Phone Roomba and I’ll tell ya."
A "...A phone roomba."
unknown "Cleans yer phone. Sorta cute lookin’."
F "... I just use my shirt though…"
A "..."
"At least it’s a novelty.":
jump buyTheRoomba
"No way am I paying forty bucks on this shit.":
jump notBuyingTheFuckingRoomba
label buyTheRoomba:
A "Fuck it, fine."
jump RoombaConvergence
label notBuyingTheFuckingRoomba:
A "Fang, we can find the place on our own."
unknown "You know, this place is well known for trafficking."
A "Fine you fucking cunt."
label RoombaConvergence:
"I slap down the money on the thieving rhinorex’s booth."
unknown "Good on ya, lad, there’s good ole’ Dino-moe’s a bit west o’ here. Ole Moe loves hostin’ you kids."
A "The pizza chain?"
unknown "Close, kid. Trust me on this."
"The shopkeeper gives one last smug wave to us."
stop music fadeout 1.0
scene black with fade
"I motion for Fang to follow and start heading in the direction the shopkeeper showed me."
"After twisting through the endless maze of merchants and frivolities Fang finally stops in front of a building."
A "We’re here."
scene outside moes
show anon neutral at aleft
show fang neutral flip at sright
with fade
"The building is an ancient antiquated italian restaurant, with the words ‘DINO-MOE’S PIZZA & PASTA’ written on a grand sign out front."
play music "audio/effects/chatter loop.ogg" fadein 1.0
F "Pizza, huh?"
F "In the middle of Little Trudoon?"
A "Let’s see."
"I open the double doors for Fang to enter."
"There’s a plaque for the National Register of Historic Places on the window."
scene moes pizza
show anon neutral at aleft
show fang neutral behind anon at scenter
A "Historical, huh?"
"Inside is a homely italian styled pizzeria."
"The warm candle lighting against the lattice dividers of the booths casts shades of orange along the walls and floor."
"The two of us walk up to the reception desk."
"A very tired waitress puts on a plastic smile when she sees us."
Waitress "Welcome to historic Dino-Moes, table for two?"
A "Actually, we just need to ask the manager something."
"The waitress rolls her eyes and skulks off."
F "Service with a smile, huh?"
A "Working in the industry grates on you."
F "This is a historical place though, isn’t it?"
F "Wouldn’t they have higher standards for-"
show moe neutral flip at rright with moveinright
play music "audio/OST/Venetian Values.ogg" fadein 1.0
"Fang’s skin goes several shades lighter."
"An older t-rex hobbles his way to us with arms spread wide."
"Well, as wide as he could at least."
"Fang squawks in protest as she’s pressed into his apron covered belly."
F "U-uncle M-Moe? What are you doing here?"
Moe "I’m workin’, toots!"
Moe "Dis is my restaurant!"
A "Hold up. Your uncle is Moe. Moe as in the Moe that started Dino-Moe’s?"
F "No! I mean… I don’t know!"
"I feel my own skin warm up now. The old T-Rex laughs louder and slaps his rotund belly."
Moe "Relax kids, I’m messin’ wit ya. Come on I’ll gives ya da bes’ seats in da house."
"Moe wraps an arm around each of our shoulders and drags us through the restaurant to a cozy yet dark booth sequestered away from the rest."
scene black with fade
"We’re shoved into the seats and the owner/uncle bends over the table to light the sole candle there."
"I’m having a candle-lit dinner with Fang now."
scene moes pizza
show anon neutral flip at sright
show fang neutral at sleft
with fade
"The hell is happening?!"
Moe "Now yous twos wait right there while I make my lil princess’ favrite pie. On me, o’ course."
stop music fadeout 1.0
"Moe proceeds to saunter off, pushing through the double doors that probably led to the kitchen."
play music "audio/effects/chatter loop.ogg" fadein 1.0
"I look over the candle to Fang."
"She looks how I feel at the moment."
"Lost and confused."
A "...What just happened…"
F "...I don’t know…"
A "So…"
"Fuck. Come on Anon, you can do it. You were part of the team that kicked reddit’s ass in Claws of Duty: Jurassic Warfare."
A "Is that really your uncle?"
F "No, he’s just a good family friend."
F "My dad goes bowling every Thursday with him."
A "Sounds fun."
A "You ever go along?"
F "Not anymore."
F "All that sportsy stuff doesn’t appeal to me."
F "Besides, I have school and band stuff to worry about."
F "Not to mention my dad’s a bit of an asshole."
"The image of a golf club comes to mind."
A "You don’t say?"
F "Uh huh."
F "Whenever I’m listening to my music at night he always yells through the door about ‘audible bowel movements’."
A "Honestly, do you blame him?"
"Fang smirks."
F "Maybe not."
A "My dad isn’t even really there most of the time."
A "When I do interact with him, it’s just these huge orders about what to do with myself."
A "You’re going to camp, you’re going to Brazil, you’re going to some coastal town for half a year."
A "Then again, that last one was more my fault."
F "Sounds rough."
F "What about your Mom?"
A "What about her?"
A "Pretty standard mother, a bit naggy."
A "She’d always try to dress me for school, so i’d look like the biggest dork ever."
A "One time she got me into a denim jacket and jeans combo."
F "The Double-Denim Disaster! PFfffffft."
A "How’d you know- waaaaaaiiit a second."
F "Another word and you get hot wax in your face."
"I’m holding back my laughter behind my fist."
A "And she’d always try to embarrass me in front of everyone."
F "Don’t all moms do that?"
A "Why don’t you tell me, Pirate Princess?"
"You know, hot wax really only hurts for the first few seconds."
"That cute look of surprise though? Lasting for eternity."
F "Breathe a word of that to anyone and this candle is going up where the sun don’t shine while it’s still lit."
"I scrape the hardened wax on my forehead off with one hand."
A "Alright alright. Sheesh. But what about your mom?"
A "Is she like, on heroin or something?"
F "Ha, no. She’s just… Always in her own little world."
F "Nothing is ever wrong, there’s no flaws with anything…"
F "No concern is worth worrying about."
A "Ah. Yeah, that can’t be healthy."
F "Eh, I’ve made do so far."
A "Well, for what it’s worth, you’ve still got Trish, Reed, and Naser."
F "Pffft. Yeah, the one whose horn is more important than finding a place, my shitty baby brother, and Reed."
"Fang groans as she leans back in her seat."
F "The new guy is the only one I can rely on. My life sucks."
A "Hmmmm, I dunno…"
F "We haven’t found a venue and our show is in a week. Gah! Fuckin’ Naomi! Fuckin’ Dad!"
A "On the flip-side, we’re getting some of your favorite pizza at one of the pricier italian places around. For free too."
F "But the venue…"
A "We still have time. So, pizza first and then we find a place for your show."
show moe neutral flip behind fang with moveinright:
xalign 0.7
Moe "Someone say pizza?"
Moe "Someone order a fuckin’ pizza?!"
"Moe slides a large pizza onto the table in front of us."
Moe "A pizza with extra sausage, anchovies, pepperoni, and ham, also known as the Moe’s Original Meateor Pizza, Lucy’s favorite!"
F "I go by Fang now, actually."
Moe "Whoa-hoa! The youth are getting uppity with me!"
Moe "Ya try’na make ol’ Moe confused, ya punk?"
"He gives Fang a light noogie."
Moe "So what’ve you punks been up to?"
A "Actually, mister Moe, we were going to ask-"
Moe "Mister? Young punk ya don’ need ta be so formal."
"AAAAArgh fuck my head."
Moe "You younguns, I ‘eard ya talkin’ bout yer parents."
"Ah man, here comes the lecture."
Moe "You know, the best part bein’ young is-"
Waitress "Mooee!!"
Waitress "We got a code K on line 1!"
"Moe hangs his head in despair."
Moe "‘Old dat thought, kids. I’ze gots a pissed of motha ta deal wit."
"Moe stomps away to the reception desk, leaving Fang, the Pizza, and me."
hide moe neutral flip with moveoutleft
show fang happy with dissolve
F "Hey, free food."
"Fang piles three slices on a plate, catching a few of the anchovies before they slide off."
"I think I'll only take one, I’d rather not get heartburn at eighteen."
"Man, this place sure isn’t historical for no reason."
"Even something as ridiculous as this tastes phenomenal."
"Good thing it’s free, I’d be willing to pay a premium for this stuff."
"Kicks Comet Pizza’s ass any day of the week."
F "It really hooks you in, don’t it?"
"Oh, I didn’t realize I was in my own world for a bit."
A "Uh, yeah."
A "It’s real good."
"Huh, she’s already down two slices?"
F "Shame I have to limit myself around the good stuff."
"Fang picks up her last slice, tosses it in the air…"
"...and snaps it out of the air with one bite."
A "Whoa."
A "Cool trick. Do you do parties?"
"While she raises her middle finger at the remark, the grin on Fang’s face says it’s more out of humor than malice."
F "You gonna finish that?"
"I look at my half eaten slice. I guard my hoard with an arm bulwark."
A "Mine."
F "Heh. Didn’t want it anyway."
A "Mine."
"I’m quick to finish off my slice to keep it to myself while Fang goes for her second helping."
"The pizza doesn’t last, sadly, as we continue to take slices. Its’ life is ended in a matter of minutes, when otherwise I would have committed pastacide in an hour."
"By the end I’m satisfied, enjoying the feeling of the itis."
F "Aaaah… Uncle Moe knows just how to make it."
A "Yeah, your uncle is pretty cool."
"Fang gets out of her seat, legs unsteady as she fights off the need for a well needed nap."
F "I’ll see ya at the front. I’ve got a serious need. For real this time."
hide fang neutral flip with moveoutright
stop music fadeout 1.0
"I snicker and nod."
A "Sure, leave me to deal with your Uncle."
"I force myself out of the booth and casually meander to the reception area."
hide anon neutral with moveoutleft
scene moes pizza
show moe neutral at sleft
show anon neutral flip at sright with moveinright
"Moe is there placing the receiver of the desk’s phone back."
Moe "‘Ey son, youse enjoy da meal?"
A "Definitely. Feel like I’mma black out any second."
Moe "Hahaha. Dat’s what I like ta hear!"
Moe "Glad to make yas date, then."
stop music fadeout 1.0
A "A-ah, uh… we aren’t-"
play music "audio/OST/Fuck You I Like This Chick.ogg" fadein 1.0
Moe "No? Coulda fooled me wit’ dat disaster youse called flirtin’."
A "No, really!"
A "Fang’s looking for a venue."
A "Her band is planning a show for next week."
Moe "Reeeaaally now. Why not have it here den?"
"I look around at the restaurant, trying to find any real place for the band to actually play."
Moe "Ay, dun sweat the details, kid."
"Moe grins."
Moe "Me and da boys are used to makin’ room for shows."
Moe "Youse jus tell ma l’il Lucy ya got a place, then yas sure ta sweep ‘er of ‘er feet."
A "ah er wha I th huh?"
"Anon.exe has failed."
Moe "Ah ta be young and in love."
Moe "listen here, Anon."
Moe "I segreti dell’amore, the secret ta love…"
Moe "It’s not shared mis’ry. Youse can complain bout all da lil details in life."
Moe "But dat don’t fix yas problems."
Moe "Howeva!"
Moe "Yas can’t be tryna do everythang for her neitha."
Moe "Othawize she’d jus expec ya ta fix all her problems for her."
Moe "The secret is support!"
A "...Support?"
Moe "Ay, youse gots ta be her support. She gots ta fix her own problems, but youse gots ta back her up on dem."
Moe "An’ from what I hear from ma boy Nasa, you’ve already been dun dat."
"I suppose I have. Like at her band practice, or on the roof."
Moe "Like now!"
Moe "Hahahahaha BADA BING!"
unknown "BADA BOOM."
Moe "Back ta work Jerry!"
Moe "Anyway."
Moe "Be good ta her, Anon. She’ll be good ta youse, I raised her right afta all."
A "Err, thanks, Moe."
Moe "Ay, anytime."
Moe "I’ve been hangin’ around youse fools for too long, I can’t jus’ ignore the kitchen anymore, youse know?"
Moe "Give little Lucy my regards, huh?"
A "Sure."
stop music fadeout 1.0
"Moe saunters back to the kitchen."
hide moe neutral flip with moveoutleft
"Now that I think about it, how does he cook with those little arms?"
"I look a bit closer, there’s several toy claws hanging on a rack just inside the kitchen door."
"Somehow I don’t think that was something I was supposed to see."
show fang neutral at scenter with dissolve
F "Alright, I’m back."
F "Let’s hit the road."
F "Maybe we’ll find somewhere to play before sundown."
A "Actually, we really don’t."
"Fang freezes in place."
hide fang neutral
show fang shocked at scenter
F "How?"
A "Your Uncle."
F "You… Asked Uncle Moe if my band could play?"
A "Yeah, he seemed pretty excited about it."
A "He’s got a stage ready and everything."
"Fang still isn’t moving…"
"Did I do something wrong?"
play music "audio/OST/Appreciating the Moment.ogg" fadein 1.0
"It’s a blur of motion."
hide fang shocked
hide anon
show fang hug at scenter
with dissolve
"One second Fang looks like she’s going to start hyperventilating."
"Next it’s like I’m wrapped in a blanket of down feathers."
"Being shaken from side to side."
"With a tinnitus inducing scream right in my ear."
"It’s so infectious."
"My arms reflexively support her, wrapping around below her wings."
"Fang’s arms are wrapped around my shoulders as she clings to me."
"I feel something warm, soft and somewhat moist press against my cheek."
"All movement stops and reality resumes."
show fang happy at scenter
show anon neutral flip at aright
with dissolve
"Fang’s wings withdraw from around us."
"Fang pulls away until only her hands are on my shoulders."
"My hands are now at her sides and I can feel her warm scales on my palms."
"I uh…"
stop music
"It’s the sound of clapping that causes us to jump apart, faces bright red and breath rapid."
"Back at the kitchen door is Moe, clapping loudly with his miniscule arms."
A "Er… I suppose we uh…"
F "Um…"
A "Call… Naser?"
F "Y-yeah, a-and tell him… right?"
A "Totally. VVURM DRAMA’s got a venue!"
play music "audio/OST/appreciating_the_scenery.ogg" fadein 1.0
"Fang smiles softly and nods."
"Good thing Naomi put Naser’s number in my phone."
"Even though I didn’t ask for it."
"The tone rings twice."
Nas "Yes?"
A "Hey, Naser."
Nas "Hold on, I’ll put you on speaker."
Nas "Go ahead."
A "Mission accomplished, we got a venue set up."
N "Oh, they did?"
N "That’s great!"
A "Yeah, we’re at Dino-Moe’s place in Little Troodon."
Nas "Cool."
Nas "I’ll bring the NasCar over in a jiffy!"
"I’m going to punch him."
N "You sure you want us to get you now?"
N "Now that you have business out of the way you and Fang could go do something fun!"
A "..."
"You know, it may not be such a bad idea."
"Even if it’s an idea from the Orchid Oppressor."
"Good lord, I’m never going to be able to play golf again."
A "I’ll pass. It’s getting pretty dark."
N "Aww…"
Nas "Alright, stay put and we’ll be there soon."
A "Alright."
A "See you."
"All’s left is to wait a few minutes for the ride to get here."
scene outside moes
show anon neutral at acenter
show fang happy flip at sright
"Fang is sitting on a bench in front of one of the restaurant windows."
"She’s humming to herself, and her tail is drumming eurobeat on the bench."
"I take a seat next to her."
"By now the plaza has cooled down, most shops have closed and the only people still out are returning home after the long day."
"The two of us sit in companionable silence save for Fang’s humming and tail drumming."
"Her mood is contagious and soon enough I’m humming with her."
"I already know the song."
"It’s from the roof."
"Except more… more…"
"The scene is great."
"Just Fang and I on a bench in the waning sunlight in the middle of a deserted plaza."
"Taking the moment in, I almost don’t notice Fang scooting closer to me."
scene black with fade
scene home fang day with fade
show fang neutral:
xalign 0.3 yalign 0.0
show anon neutral:
xalign 0.2 yalign 0.0
show naser neutral behind naomi:
xalign -0.3 yalign 0.0
show naomi neutral behind anon:
xalign -0.4 yalign 0.0
Nas "Mom! Dad! We’re home!"
"The ride back to Fang’s house went by uneventfully."
show fangdad neutral flip:
xalign 0.9 yalign 0.25
show fangmom neutral flip at fmright
"Fang and I didn’t talk about what happened so Naser didn’t have an aneurysm."
FM "Oh! Welcome home, Naser dear!"
FM "How did your date go?"
FM "I’m just dying to know!"
FD "I am also interested."
"I don’t know how but he’s looking into the exact center of my pupils with no margin of error."
FD "So, Ayy-non, how was your trip with my little girl?"
F "Dad!"
FM "Why don’t you go get ready for bed Lucy."
"Fang glowers."
FD "Lucy your mom-"
"I look to Fang…"
"Okay, yeah. It was a date."
A "It went well, sir."
FD "What did-"
A "We were able to find a venue, and I met Fang’s Uncle Moe."
show fangdad unimpressed flip with dissolve
"Fang’s dad sputters."
FD "I've half a mind of bringing you to the station boy!"
FD "And the other half of testing my new nightsick on ya!"
FM "Dear! Not in front-"
A "I wouldn’t mind doing this again."
show fang surprised with dissolve
"Oh wow. The look on Fang’s face is really cute."
FM "Oh I’m so happy for you two!"
"I wave as I turn to the door."
A "I’ll see you at school Fang."
F "Y-yeah. You too, Anon!"
scene home fang outside night
show anon neutral flip at aright
with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
"With that I exit the door. Once it’s closed I can feel all that bravado evaporate and my legs turn to jelly."
"I think that’s enough excitement for one day. My first step forward towards the bus stop is so wobbly I worry I’ll end up in Fang’s Mom’s rose bush."
"It would probably be a good idea to sit a bit and catch my breath before going home, and take a seat on the curb just outside Fang’s house."
"The door behind me slams open and I jerk around to see Naser being shoved down the steps."
FD "-and don’t come back until you’re finished thinking!"
play music "audio/OST/Skinrow Soul.ogg" fadein 1.0
"The door slams again and I hear a morose sigh."
show naser sad at sleft with dissolve
Nas "Aw man… Anon?"
A "...yeah…"
Nas "Why’re you sitting here?"
A "Just catching my breath. Your dad’s a bit..."
Nas "Harsh?"
A "Homicidal, but close enough."
"Naser huffs and shoves his hands back into his pockets."
Nas "You know you’re the reason dad kicked me out, right?"
A "What? I know he’s pissed I so much as looked at Fang but what did you do?"
Nas "Turns out letting you run off with Fang is just ‘encouraging your degeneracy’ or something."
"Sighing, Naser drops to sit on the curb next to me."
"He kicks a rock clean across the road and into the neighbors’ mailbox."
A "Impressive."
Nas "Hmph."
A "Getting kicked out really got you that down?"
Nas "...Sure."
A "Convincing. What’s the real answer?"
Nas "What’s it to you?"
A "Not much. Just figured I’d ask."
"He stretches his wings and lays back on the pavement."
Nas "Just figures it’d get to this."
A "Get to what?"
Nas "Me getting punished for Fang’s issues."
"Naser lays an arm over his eyes."
Nas "Why’d you need to go alone?"
A "You saw her today, she was this close to killing your girlfriend."
A "Honestly you should be thanking me for that."
"He waves me away at that."
Nas "Feh."
A "Go on."
Nas "You aren’t my therapist."
A "Humor me."
"Naser’s arm flops away from his face and onto the concrete."
Nas "Ugh. I mean, look at it from my perspective."
Nas "Fang is always up to something stupid... More often than not these days she’s arguing with either me or my parents…"
Nas "At this rate, Fang’ll end up a junkie or in a prison somewhere."
"I cringe at the mental image of junkie Fang."
Nas "Mom and dad have pretty much accepted that, so who do you think all their hopes and dreams go to?"
Nas "Me."
"With a growl Naser sits back up."
show naser angry with dissolve
Nas "It’s like I’m not allowed to have problems of my own, not allowed to mess up or do anything less than the best."
A "Judging by the trophy case at school, you aren’t doing half bad."
show naser sad with dissolve
Nas "I wish it was an option to fail, I mean."
Nas "Instead, I’m stuck with no room for error and still with a broken sister."
Nas "And she’s still my sister, you know?"
Nas "I can’t help but be worried for her."
Nas "But what can I do? She hates me, and I can’t bring up my worries with my parents."
Nas "Even Naomi notices I get stressed about it."
Nas "I just want my sister to be happy, to go back to normal."
Nas "But I don’t even remember what her normal {i}is{/i}!"
A "I don’t have siblings myself, but if I did I certainly would have trouble doing all you’re able to."
A "That selflessness by itself should help you, right?"
Nas "Selflessness? You kidding me?"
Nas "Her friends would be destroyed if Fang just… dropped all that."
Nas "Who am I to even wish she were different?"
A "So you’re getting all this worked up and you aren’t sure it’s even the right thing?"
Nas "... Yeah, I guess so."
"I try and parse everything Naser’s bitched about up to now."
"Guess it’s time for Dr. Mous’ psychological response."
A "Y’know Naser, have you ever considered just… not?"
show naser shocked with dissolve
Nas "What?!"
"Naser practically lunges at me. I hold my hands up in supplication."
show naser angry with dissolve
"I consider what to say."
"Moe’s advice drifts to the forefront of my thoughts."
A "Hear me out. Just consider this."
A "Maybe it’s not your job. I mean, you go out of your way to try and help her…"
A "Hell even Naomi has tried."
A "But… Maybe Fang’s problem is her problem to fix."
show naser sad with dissolve
Nas "But-but-but-"
A "We met your uncle today."
Nas "Uncle Moe?!"
A "Yeah, and he had some advice for me."
A "He said she needs someone to support her. Not fix her problems for her."
Nas "Isn’t that what I’ve been doing?"
A "Remember the show in the auditorium?"
"The perturbed pterosaur sags as he recalls that disaster."
Nas "Oh…"
A "Look man, you’ve got a lot of problems of your own."
A "Maybe you should handle those first before you try to fix your sister’s."
Nas "Haaaaah. Well, if Uncle Moe said so…"
Nas "But why did he tell you that?"
A "Err… y’know… just advice from an old guy."
A "You know how they love to give advice."
show naser neutral with dissolve
"His head shakes side to side, dismissing my dismissal."
Nas "No way. Not Uncle Moe. He’d never give you the time of day."
A "Look, he just wanted to give me some advice for Fang and now I’m giving it to you."
A "So drop it."
Nas "No way."
Nas "Advice for Fang… saying it was a date…"
show naser shocked with dissolve
Nas "Do you like my sister?!"
A "I wasn’t the one to call it a-"
show naser sad with dissolve
Nas "That…"
Nas "Explains a lot, shit..."
A "But I didn’t-"
show naser considering with dissolve
Nas "Oh god, what would Dad think of the kids?"
A "What the fuck?!"
Nas "Hell, if Dad finds out at all-"
show naser shocked with dissolve
"He pauses, the look of shocked disdain still stuck to his face."
show naser neutral with dissolve
A "At this point it seems like you just {i}want{/i} to be a stressed mess."
A "Maybe I do like your sister."
show naser angry
A "Sure, she’s rude, violent, and maybe a bit bipolar."
A "She’s impressionable, self-centered, stubborn, the list goes on."
Nas "Are you looking to taste some concrete?"
A "But beyond all that, there’s more to her."
A "Like… Like her passion, Naser. She adores music. Adores {i}playing{/i} music."
A "And she has these… moments where I can see the softer side of her."
"The pop of knuckles from Naser tells me I should rephrase that."
A "I mean, it feels like I’ve gotten to see a side of Fang that she hasn’t shown anyone else."
A "A side that’s willing to give a loser like me the time of day."
Nas "And that’s enough?"
A "I don’t know man, this is all uncharted water."
A "Like, how did you and Naomi get together?"
Nas "That is… a very long story."
A "How long?"
Nas "About two school semesters, thirty track-meets, and a school election."
A "So about a paperback book then?"
Nas "Sure, why not."
show naser neutral with dissolve
"Naser hums and reclines back onto the pavement."
Nas "Sheesh, how’d we wind up talking about our love lives?"
A "Speak for yourself, man, I know fuckall about this stuff."
Nas "And you think I do?"
Nas "Naomi’s the one that makes all the plans and stuff."
A "Seems like she does that a lot."
Nas "Just the way she is."
Nas "Anyway, I think dad’s had enough time and beer to cool down now."
A "How long has it been?"
Nas "‘Bout an hour I think."
A "Wait…"
"I swiftly withdraw my phone to check the time."
A "Ah fuck, I’m gonna miss the last bus!"
Nas "I could give you a lift."
"And let you find out I live in the shittiest part of town?"
A "Nah it’s fine. If I run I think I can make it."
Nas "Well don’t let me keep you. I’ll catch ya at school, Anon."
A "Yeah, sure thing."
Nas "And for what it’s worth, you’re not like the monkeys we hear about all the time on Dino News Network."
Nas "The kind that hang around this part of town called Skin Row, y’know?"
"Just gonna ignore that."
Nas "Thanks for sticking around a bit."
Nas "It’s… nice to finally be able to tell someone all that."
"I wave Naser goodbye as I get up and start jogging for the bus stop."
"I’m mentally fatigued after everything that’s happened today."
"I check my phone for the time."
"I open up the browser and go to a familiar Sudetan Sword Swallowing IRC."
"\[Hey faggots, guess who just got back from a perfect date?\]"
stop music fadeout 1.0
scene black with fade
"Twelve replies from a single post, I think that’s a new record for me."