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synced 2025-03-26 11:54:49 +01:00
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# RoundedCorners() rounds the corners of a displayable you give it
python early:
def normalize_color(col):
a = col[3] / 255.0
r = a * col[0] / 255.0
g = a * col[1] / 255.0
b = a * col[2] / 255.0
return (r, g, b, a)
_rounded_corners_relative = {
None: 0.0,
"min": 1.0,
"max": 2.0,
"width": 3.0,
"height": 4.0,
def RoundedCorners(child, radius, relative=None, outline_width=0.0, outline_color="#fff", **kwargs):
if not isinstance(radius, tuple): radius = (radius,) * 4
relative = _rounded_corners_relative[relative]
outline_color = normalize_color(Color(outline_color))
return Transform(child, mesh=True, shader="shader.rounded_corners", u_radius=radius, u_relative=relative, u_outline_color=outline_color, u_outline_width=outline_width, **kwargs)
CurriedRoundedCorners = renpy.curry(RoundedCorners)
renpy.register_shader("shader.rounded_corners", variables="""
uniform vec4 u_radius;
uniform float u_outline_width;
uniform vec4 u_outline_color;
uniform float u_relative;
uniform sampler2D tex0;
attribute vec2 a_tex_coord;
varying vec2 v_tex_coord;
uniform vec2 u_model_size;
""", vertex_200="""
v_tex_coord = a_tex_coord;
""", fragment_functions="""
float rounded_rectangle(vec2 p, vec2 b, float r) {
return length(max(abs(p) - b + r, 0.0)) - r;
float get_radius(vec2 uv_minus_center, vec4 radius) {
vec2 xy = (uv_minus_center.x > 0.0) ? radius.xy : radius.zw;
float r = (uv_minus_center.y > 0.0) ? xy.x : xy.y;
return r;
""", fragment_200="""
vec2 center = u_model_size.xy / 2.0;
vec2 uv = (v_tex_coord.xy * u_model_size.xy);
vec2 uv_minus_center = uv - center;
float radius = get_radius(uv_minus_center, u_radius);
vec4 color = texture2D(tex0, v_tex_coord);
if (u_relative != 0.0) {
float side_size;
if (u_relative == 1.0) {
side_size = u_model_size.x;
} else if (u_relative == 2.0) {
side_size = u_model_size.y;
} else if (u_relative == 3.0) {
side_size = min(u_model_size.x, u_model_size.y);
} else {
side_size = max(u_model_size.x, u_model_size.y);
radius *= side_size;
if (u_outline_width > 0.0) {
vec2 center_outline = center - u_outline_width;
float crop1 = rounded_rectangle(uv - center, center, radius);
float crop2 = rounded_rectangle(uv - center, center_outline, radius - u_outline_width);
float coeff1 = smoothstep(1.0, -1.0, crop1);
float coeff2 = smoothstep(1.0, -1.0, crop2);
float outline_coeff = (coeff1 - coeff2);
gl_FragColor = mix(vec4(0.0), mix(color, u_outline_color, outline_coeff), coeff1);
else {
float crop = rounded_rectangle(uv_minus_center, center, radius);
gl_FragColor = mix(color, vec4(0.0), smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, crop));
""") |