mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 07:58:57 +01:00
1245 lines
52 KiB
1245 lines
52 KiB
#<strike>add chadshark</strike>
#The game needs something like a CG gallery, if only to track your progress.
#remove sex
#troll /adgd/
#idk debug lol
#just like make game
#/usr/bin/touch gf - cannot touch 'gf': Permission denied
#To whoever looked at the old script file of this, woe be upon ye, because it was an absolute clusterfuck. story scripts are now in the script directory. everything here is just boilerplate code for characters, scenes, transitions, and whatnot.
#Why yes all my code was formerly in one massive file called "script" thats 28k lines long, how could you tell?
#Licensed under the GNU AGPL v3, for more information check snootgame.xyz or the LICENSE file that should have came with this work.
init -1 python:
# Modding Support variables
# All mod rpy files must run a small init python script
mod_dir = "mods/"
mod_menu_access = []
init python:
import random
import webbrowser
#function for insult layers
def showCG():
files = ["text1", "text2", "text3", "text4", "text5", "text6", "text7", "text8", "text9"]
length = len(files)
picked = random.randint(0,length - 1)
fileName = files[picked]
renpy.show(fileName, at_list=[randPosition])
# extra music channel so we can do crossfade instead of fadeout followed by fadein
# TODO: function for stopping both channels with optional fadeout so we don't have to keep track of which channel is playing
# allows playing looped ambience alongside music
if persistent.scroll == True:
elif persistent.scroll == None:
persistent.scroll = False
if persistent.lewd == None:
persistent.lewd = False
if persistent.autoup == None:
persistent.autoup = False
transform randPosition:
alpha 0.0
xalign random.uniform(0.2,0.8)
yalign random.uniform(0.2,0.8)
linear 0.6 alpha 1.0
linear 1.0 alpha 0.0
# def Walking( name ):
# show name:
# xalign 0.2 yalign 0.25
# ease 1.0 yalign 0.0
# ease 1.0 yalign 0.25
# repeat
#layeredimage aquariumexhibit:
#group animals:
# attribute babyTurtle:
# attribute octo:
# attribute
# attribute
# attribute
# attribute
#layeredimage aquarium
#group kids:
# attribute wkids:
# "smolpatrol.webp"
#layeredimage anon:
# group face:
# attribute neutralFace default:
# "anonb1f1.webp"
# attribute happyFace:
# "anonhappyface.webp"
# attribute flipNeutralFace:
# "flipanonb1f1.webp"
# attribute flipHappyFace:
# "flipanonhappyface.webp"
# group body:
# attribute neutralBody default:
# "anonspriteneutral.webp"
# attribute thumbsUp:
# "anonspritethumbsup.webp"
# attribute flipThumbsUp:
# "flipanonspritethumbsup.webp"
# attribute:
# "flipanonspriteneutral.webp"
# attribute monkey:
# "monkeyanon.webp"
# group holding:
# attribute guitar:
# "guitar.webp"
# Click-to-continue icons / animations
# TODO: settle on a position/animation that people like
image ctc_end_marker:
# xalign 0.925 yalign 0.98
alpha 0
linear 0.25 alpha 1
# linear 0.5 alpha 0
# repeat
image ctc_mid_marker:
# xalign 0.925 yalign 0.98
alpha 0
linear 0.25 alpha 1
# linear 0.5 alpha 0
# repeat
#Raw Image & kwargs for long textboxes
define long_textbox_img = Image("gui/textbox_long.png", xalign=0.5, yalign=1.0)
define long_textbox = { "window_background": long_textbox_img, 'namebox_style': "namebox_large" }
define base = Character (ctc="ctc_end_marker", ctc_pause="ctc_mid_marker", ctc_timedpause=Null(), ctc_position="nestled") # try to remember some of the basics of CTC
define narrator = Character(kind=base)
define A = Character ('Anon', base, color="#36E12D", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#0C300A')]) # Light Green
define F = Character ('Fang', base, color="#B4D4CE", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#0F3930')]) # Light Cyan
define Lucy = Character ('Lucy', base, color="#B4D4CE", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#0F3930')]) # Light Cyan
define Ro = Character ('Rosa', base, color="#FE712B", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#54230F')]) # Red-Orange
define St = Character ('Stella', base, color="#D5FFAE", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#294211')]) # Light Green
define N = Character ('Naomi', base, color="#FDD2C1", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#462628')]) # Peach
define Nas = Character ('Naser', base, color="#FFB561", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#512322')]) # Orange
define T = Character ('Trish', base, color="#B675E6", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#3A0C5D')]) # Purple
define Attendant = Character (_('Attendant'), base, color="#5BF0F8", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#121C68')]) # Aqua
define Sp = Character ('Spears', base, color="#C7C7C7", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#272727')]) # Light Grey
define Re = Character ('Reed', base, color="#ED4C5B", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#421014')]) # Bright Red
define D = Character (_('Driver'), base, color="#FFECBC", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#563010')]) # Yellow-Orange
define FM = Character (_("Fang's Mom"), base, color="#FFD8F6", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#521947')]) # Bright Pink
define FD = Character (_("Fang's Dad"), base, color="#D8A09A", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#461B1F')]) # Desaturated Orange
define LM = Character (_("Lucy's Mom"), base, color="#FFD8F6", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#521947')]) # Bright Pink
define LD = Character (_("Lucy's Dad"), base, color="#D8A09A", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#461B1F')]) # Desaturated Orange
define Tsuki = Character ('Mr. Tsuki', base, color="#A7F2A2", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#471054')]) # Pear Green
define unknown = Character ('(???)', base, color="#FFF", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#000')]) # White
define jingo = Character ('Mr. Jingo', base, color="#CD8283", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#0F0D49')]) # Desaturated Red
define MaitD = Character ('Maitre D', base, color="#AF9EFF", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#241630')]) # Cobalt Blue
define Moe = Character('Moe', base, color="#A5BEED", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#1F253B')]) # Desaturated Blue
define Vince = Character ('Vince', base, color="#FFECBC", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#563010')]) # Yellow-Orange
define Waitress = Character (_('Waitress'), base, color="#F691C8", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#512040')]) # Pink
define Riley = Character ('Riley', base, color="#B675E6", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#1F0632')]) # TODO
define Tana = Character ('Tana', base, color="#B675E6", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#1F0632')]) # TODO
define Trevor = Character ('Trevor', base, color="#B675E6", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#1F0632')]) # TODO
#long TB chars
define AnonAndFang = Character(_('Anon and Fang'), base, color="72DFA8", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#113623')]) # Cyan
define SV = Character (_('Street Vendor'), base, color="#F8E120", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#58260C')]) # Yellow
define carl = Character ('Mr. Carldewskii', base, color="#EECB99", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#082337')]) #Puke Orange
define Drf = Character ('Dr. Fernsworth', base, color="#DCEEF5", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#253354')]) #Yellow-Orange
define FRT = Character (_('Fang Reed & Trish'), base, color="#DCBBF7", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#191C78')]) #Light Purple
define FangAndTrish = Character(_('Fang and Trish'), base, color="#42DFA8", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#183623')])
define NaserAndNaomi = Character(_('Naser and Naomi'), base, color="#22DFA8", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#2036B3')])
define TeamMember = Character(_('Team member'), base, color="#D32552", who_outlines=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#445F42')])
define Everyone = Character(_('Everyone'), base, color="#A45489", who_outline=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#4F5F81')])
define Chet = Character('Chet', base, color="#B45411", who_outline=[(gui.name_text_thickness, '#BF5F81')])
#Extra image translations
image stellaSilo = im.Flip(im.MatrixColor("stella/stella neutral.png",im.matrix.brightness(-1)), horizontal=True)
image rosaSilo = im.MatrixColor("rosa/rosa neutral.png",im.matrix.brightness(-1))
image naomiSilo = im.MatrixColor("naomi/naomi neutral.png",im.matrix.brightness(-1))
image naserSilo = im.Flip(im.MatrixColor("naser/naser neutral.png",im.matrix.brightness(-1)), horizontal=True)
image naserSiloShocked = im.Flip(im.MatrixColor("naser/naser shocked.png",im.matrix.brightness(-1)), horizontal=True)
image fangSilo = im.MatrixColor("fang/basic set/fang neutral.png",im.matrix.brightness(-1))
image fangAngrySilo = im.MatrixColor("fang/basic set/fang angry.png",im.matrix.brightness(-1))
#violence flips
image fang kicking flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang kicking.png", horizontal=True)
#neutral flips
image anon neutral flip = im.Flip("anon/base set/anon neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image anond neutral flip = im.Flip("anon/ending sets/anond neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image anon prom neutral flip = im.Flip("anon/prom set/anon prom neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image anon prom blacklight neutral flip = im.Flip("anon/Other/anon prom blacklight neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image fang neutral flip = im.Flip("fang/basic set/fang neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image fang blacklight neutral flip = im.Flip("fang/blacklight/fang blacklight neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image fang a prom neutral flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang a prom neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image fang d prom neutral flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang d prom neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image fang d neutral flip = im.Flip("fang/future sets/fang d neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image fang c prom neutral flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang c prom neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image naser neutral flip = im.Flip("naser/naser neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image naser prom neutral flip = im.Flip("naser/naser prom neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image trish neutral flip = im.Flip("trish/trish neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image trish future neutral flip = im.Flip("trish/trish future neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image trish prom neutral flip = im.Flip("trish/trish prom neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi neutral flip = im.Flip("naomi/naomi neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi prom neutral flip = im.Flip("naomi/naomi prom neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image fangmom neutral flip = im.Flip("fangparents/fangmom neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image fangdad neutral flip = im.Flip("fangparents/fangdad neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image spears neutral flip = im.Flip("spears/spears neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image stella neutral flip = im.Flip("stella/stella neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image stella neutral alt flip = im.Flip("stella/stella neutral alt.png", horizontal=True)
image stella prom neutral flip = im.Flip("stella/stella prom neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image moe neutral flip = im.Flip("moe/moe neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image moe alt flip = im.Flip("moe/moealt.png", horizontal=True)
image rosa neutral flip = im.Flip("rosa/rosa neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image rosa prom neutral flip = im.Flip("rosa/rosa prom neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image reed neutral flip = im.Flip("reed/reed neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image reed king rex flip = im.Flip("reed/reed king rex.png", horizontal=True)
image reed future neutral flip = im.Flip("reed/reed future neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image farnsworth flip = im.Flip("other/farnsworth.png", horizontal=True)
image jingo flip = im.Flip("other/jingo.png", horizontal=True)
#angry flips
image spears angry flip = im.Flip("spears/spears angry.png", horizontal=True)
image fang angry flip = im.Flip("fang/basic set/fang angry.png", horizontal=True)
image fang very angry flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang very angry.png", horizontal=True)
image fang ultra angry flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang ultra angry.png", horizontal=True)
image fang a prom angry flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang a prom angry.png", horizontal=True)
image fang c prom angry flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang c prom angry.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi angry flip = im.Flip("naomi/naomi angry.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi prom angry flip = im.Flip("naomi/naomi prom angry.png", horizontal=True)
image rosa angry flip = im.Flip("rosa/rosa angry.png", horizontal=True)
image naser angry flip = im.Flip("naser/naser angry.png", horizontal=True)
image naser prom angry flip = im.Flip("naser/naser prom angry.png", horizontal=True)
image trish angry flip = im.Flip("trish/trish angry.png", horizontal=True)
image trish prom angry flip = im.Flip("trish/trish prom angry.png", horizontal=True)
image trish fury flip = im.Flip("trish/trish fury.png", horizontal=True)
image trish fury point flip = im.Flip("trish/trish fury point.png", horizontal=True)
image reed angry flip = im.Flip("reed/reed angry.png", horizontal=True)
image stella mad flip = im.Flip("stella/stella mad.png", horizontal=True)
image anon pissed flip = im.Flip("anon/base set/anon pissed.png", horizontal=True)
#very angry flips
image anon angry flip = im.Flip("anon/emotive set/anon angry.png", horizontal=True)
#sad flips
image anon sad flip = im.Flip("anon/emotive set/anon sad.png", horizontal=True)
image anon prom sad flip = im.Flip("anon/prom set/anon prom sad.png", horizontal=True)
image fang very sad flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang very sad.png", horizontal=True)
image fang sad flip = im.Flip("fang/basic set/fang sad.png", horizontal=True)
image fang pendant sad flip = im.Flip("fang/christmas/fang pendant sad.png", horizontal=True)
image fang a prom sad flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang a prom sad.png", horizontal=True)
image fang c prom sad flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang c prom sad.png", horizontal=True)
image fang c sad flip = im.Flip("fang/future sets/fang c sad.png", horizontal=True)
image fang c sad2 flip = im.Flip("fang/future sets/fang c sad2.png", horizontal=True)
image fang c sad3 flip = im.Flip("fang/future sets/fang c sad3.png", horizontal=True)
image fang c sad4 flip = im.Flip("fang/future sets/fang c sad4.png", horizontal=True)
image anon sad flip = im.Flip("anon/emotive set/anon sad.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi sad flip = im.Flip("naomi/naomi sad.png", horizontal=True)
image naser sad flip = im.Flip("naser/naser sad.png", horizontal=True)
image trish sad flip = im.Flip("trish/trish sad.png", horizontal=True)
image trish prom sad flip = im.Flip("trish/trish prom sad.png", horizontal=True)
image stella sad flip = im.Flip("stella/stella sad.png", horizontal=True)
image stella prom sad flip = im.Flip("stella/stella prom sad.png", horizontal=True)
image reed sad flip = im.Flip("reed/reed sad.png", horizontal=True)
#shocked flip
# TODO: these should all go into another .rpy file to keep this one clean, sorted by character rather than pose
image anon shocked flip = im.Flip("anon/emotive set/anon shocked.png", horizontal=True)
image anon ohshit flip = im.Flip("anon/base set/anon ohshit.png", horizontal=True)
image anon prom shock flip = im.Flip("anon/prom set/anon prom shock.png", horizontal=True)
image fang shocked flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang shocked.png", horizontal=True)
image fang c shocked flip = im.Flip("fang/future sets/fang c shocked.png", horizontal=True)
image reed shocked flip = im.Flip("reed/reed shocked.png", horizontal=True)
image naser shocked flip = im.Flip("naser/naser shocked.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi shocked flip = im.Flip("naomi/naomi shocked.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi prom shocked flip = im.Flip("naomi/naomi prom shock.png", horizontal=True)
image stella shock alt flip = im.Flip("stella/stella shock alt.png", horizontal=True)
image rosa shocked flip = im.Flip("rosa/rosa shocked.png", horizontal=True)
image trish shock flip = im.Flip("trish/trish shock.png", horizontal=True)
image fang prom d shocked flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang d prom shock.png", horizontal=True)
image fang c prom shocked flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang c prom shock.png", horizontal=True)
#considering flips
image anon considering flip = im.Flip("anon/base set/anon considering.png", horizontal=True)
image fang considering flip = im.Flip("fang/basic set/fang considering.png", horizontal=True)
image fang a prom considering flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang a prom considering.png", horizontal=True)
image fang c prom considering flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang c prom considering.png", horizontal=True)
image reed considering flip = im.Flip("reed/reed considering.png", horizontal=True)
image naser considering flip = im.Flip("naser/naser considering.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi considering flip = im.Flip("naomi/naomi considering.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi prom considering flip = im.Flip("naomi/naomi prom considering.png", horizontal=True)
image rosa considering flip = im.Flip("rosa/rosa considering.png", horizontal=True)
image rosa future considering flip = im.Flip("rosa/rosa future considering.png", horizontal=True)
image trish considering flip = im.Flip("trish/trish considering.png", horizontal=True)
image stella considering flip = im.Flip("stella/stella considering.png", horizontal=True)
image stella prom considering flip = im.Flip("stella/stella prom considering.png", horizontal=True)
#happy flips
image fang blacklight happy flip = im.Flip("fang/blacklight/fang blacklight happy.png", horizontal=True)
image fang happy flip = im.Flip("fang/basic set/fang happy.png", horizontal=True)
image fang d prom happy flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang d prom happy.png", horizontal=True)
image fang c prom happy flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang c prom happy.png", horizontal=True)
image fang c happy flip = im.Flip("fang/future sets/fang c happy.png", horizontal=True)
image naser happy flip = im.Flip("naser/naser happy.png", horizontal=True)
image naser prom happy flip = im.Flip("naser/naser prom happy.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi happy flip = im.Flip("naomi/naomi happy.png", horizontal=True)
image trish happy flip = im.Flip("trish/trish happy.png", horizontal=True)
image trish very happy flip = im.Flip("trish/trish very happy.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi prom happy flip = im.Flip("naomi/naomi prom happy.png", horizontal=True)
image reed happy flip = im.Flip("reed/reed happy.png", horizontal=True)
image reed happy sunglasses flip = im.Flip("reed/reed happy sunglasses.png", horizontal=True)
image anon face happy flip = im.Flip("anon/base set/anon face happy.png", horizontal=True)
image anon happy flip = im.Flip("anon/emotive set/anon happy.png", horizontal=True)
image anon grin flip = im.Flip("anon/base set/anon grin.png", horizontal=True)
image anon prom grin flip = im.Flip("anon/prom set/anon prom grin.png", horizontal=True)
image trish future smug flip = im.Flip("trish/trish future smug.png", horizontal=True)
image trish prom happy flip = im.Flip("trish/trish prom happy.png", horizontal=True)
image trish smile flip = im.Flip("trish/trish smile.png", horizontal=True)
image stella happy flip = im.Flip("stella/stella happy.png", horizontal=True)
image stella happy alt flip = im.Flip("stella/stella happy alt.png", horizontal=True)
image fangdad happy flip = im.Flip("fangparents/fangdad happy.png", horizontal=True)
image fang very happy flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang very happy.png", horizontal=True)
image anon prom happy flip = im.Flip("anon/prom set/anon prom happy.png", horizontal=True)
#fear flips
image anon fear flip = im.Flip("anon/emotive set/anon fear.png", horizontal=True)
#bossy flips
image rosa bossy flip = im.Flip("rosa/rosa bossy.png", horizontal=True)
#explanatory flip
image reed explanatory flip = im.Flip("reed/reed explanatory.png", horizontal=True)
image trish explanatory flip = im.Flip("trish/trish explanatory.png", horizontal=True)
image reed future explanatory flip = im.Flip("reed/reed future explanatory.png", horizontal=True)
image stella explanatory flip = im.Flip("stella/stella explanatory.png", horizontal=True)
image stella prom explanatory flip = im.Flip("stella/stella prom explanatory.png", horizontal=True)
image naser explanatory flip = im.Flip("naser/naser explanatory.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi explanatory flip = im.Flip("naomi/naomi explanatory.png", horizontal=True)
#unimpressed flip
image fang unimpressed flip = im.Flip("fang/basic set/fang unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image fang a prom unimpressed flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang a prom unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image fang d prom unimpressed flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang d prom unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image fang c prom unimpressed flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang c prom unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image reed unimpressed flip = im.Flip("reed/reed unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image anon unimpressed flip = im.Flip("anon/base set/anon unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image anon prom unimpressed flip = im.Flip("anon/prom set/anon prom unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image naser unimpressed flip = im.Flip("naser/naser unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image naser prom unimpressed flip = im.Flip("naser/naser prom unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image trish unimpressed flip = im.Flip("trish/trish unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi unimpressed flip = im.Flip("naomi/naomi unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi prom unimpressed flip = im.Flip("naomi/naomi prom unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image stella unimpressed flip = im.Flip("stella/stella unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image trish future unimpressed flip = im.Flip("trish/trish future unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image fangdad unimpressed flip = im.Flip("fangparents/fangdad unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image fangmom unimpressed flip = im.Flip("fangparents/fangmom unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image rosa unimpressed flip = im.Flip("rosa/rosa unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image rosa future unimpressed flip = im.Flip("rosa/rosa future unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
#annoyed flip
image naser annoyed flip = im.Flip("naser/naser annoyed.png", horizontal=True)
image trish annoyed flip = im.Flip("trish/trish annoyed.png", horizontal=True)
#embarrass flip
image fang embarrass flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang embarass.png", horizontal=True)
#hiding flip
image fang hiding flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang hiding.png", horizontal=True)
#indignant flip
image trish prom indignant flip = im.Flip("trish/trish prom indignant.png", horizontal=True)
image trish indignant flip = im.Flip("trish/trish indignant.png", horizontal=True)
#surprised flip
image fang surprised flip = im.Flip("fang/basic set/fang surprised.png", horizontal=True)
image trish surprised flip = im.Flip("trish/trish surprised.png", horizontal=True)
image trish prom surprised flip = im.Flip("trish/trish prom surprised.png", horizontal=True)
image naser surprised flip = im.Flip("naser/naser surprised.png", horizontal=True)
#other flips
image spears happy flip = im.Flip("spears/spears happy.png", horizontal=True)
image fang flip off happy flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang flip off happy.png", horizontal=True)
image fang ear cover flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang ear cover.png", horizontal=True)
image anon monkey flip = im.Flip("anon/Other/anon monkey.png", horizontal=True)
image rosa prom closed flip = im.Flip("rosa/rosa prom closed.png", horizontal=True)
image reed sunglasses flip = im.Flip("reed/reed sunglasses.png", horizontal=True)
image trish prom bass flip = im.Flip("trish/trish prom bass.png", horizontal=True)
image trish smug flip = im.Flip("trish/trish smug.png", horizontal=True)
image naser smug flip = im.Flip("naser/naser smug.png", horizontal=True)
image rosa future neutral flip = im.Flip("rosa/rosa future neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image jinflip = im.Flip("other/jin.png", horizontal=True)
image farnsworth flip = im.Flip("other/farnsworth.png", horizontal=True)
image carldelewski flip = im.Flip("other/carldelewski.png", horizontal=True)
image fangdad unimpressed flip = im.Flip("fangparents/fangdad unimpressed.png", horizontal=True)
image naser handout flip = im.Flip("naser/naser handout.png", horizontal=True)
image stella prom uh flip = im.Flip("stella/stella prom uh.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi keikaku flip = im.Flip("naomi/naomi keikaku.png", horizontal=True)
image anon shrug flip = im.Flip("anon/emotive set/anon shrug.png", horizontal=True)
image fang hug flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang hug.png", horizontal=True)
image naser brooding flip = im.Flip("naser/naser brooding.png", horizontal=True)
image anon concerned flip = im.Flip("anon/base set/anon concerned.png", horizontal=True)
image rosa excited flip = im.Flip("rosa/rosa excited.png", horizontal=True)
image fang anguish flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang anguish.png", horizontal=True)
image fang embarass flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang embarass.png", horizontal=True)
image fang adorable flip = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang adorable.png", horizontal=True)
image fang c prom surprised flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang c prom surprised.png", horizontal=True)
image fang c prom hiding flip = im.Flip("fang/prom sets/fang c prom hiding.png", horizontal=True)
image reed_future_neutral_flip_hack = im.Flip("reed/reed future neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image fang_adorable_flip_hack = im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang adorable.png", horizontal=True)
# trish fam flips
image chondra neutral flip = im.Flip("trishfam/chondra neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image chondra happy flip = im.Flip("trishfam/chondra happy.png", horizontal=True)
image riley neutral flip = im.Flip("trishfam/riley neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image riley conspiratorial flip = im.Flip("trishfam/riley conspiratorial.png", horizontal=True)
image riley smirk flip = im.Flip("trishfam/riley smirk.png", horizontal=True)
image tali neutral flip = im.Flip("trishfam/tali neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image tali happy flip = im.Flip("trishfam/tali happy.png", horizontal=True)
image tana neutral flip = im.Flip("trishfam/tana neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image tana cheer flip = im.Flip("trishfam/tana cheer.png", horizontal=True)
image trevor neutral flip = im.Flip("trishfam/trevor neutral.png", horizontal=True)
image trevor awe flip = im.Flip("trishfam/trevor awe.png", horizontal=True)
# scene flips
image moes pizza mirrored = im.Flip("images/backgrounds/moes pizza.jpg", horizontal=True)
image hallway mirrored = im.Flip("images/backgrounds/hallway.jpg", horizontal=True)
image prom mirrored = im.Flip("images/backgrounds/prom.jpg", horizontal=True)
# vfx
image black = "#000"
image white = "#FFF"
image blue = "#BECBFF"
image dimmer_lighter = "#00000033"
image dimmer_light = "#00000066"
image dimmer_darker = "#00000088"
image dimmer_darker2 = "#00000088"
image lighter_freeze = '#1E90FF05'
image light_freeze = '#1E90FF08' #11
image dark_freeze = '#1E90FF08'
image darker_freeze = '#1E90FF08'
#Images for effects
image door blurred flip = im.Flip(im.Blur("/images/other/door.png", 1.5), horizontal=True)
image guitarpick = "/images/other/pickthrown.png"
image projector9 blurred = im.Blur("images/cgs/projector9.jpg", 1.5)
image projector9 normal = "images/cgs/projector9.jpg"
image schooloutside normal = "images/backgrounds/outside school.jpg"
image schooloutside blurred = im.Blur("images/backgrounds/outside school.jpg", 1.8)
image sodacan blurred = im.Blur("images/other/sodacan.png", 1.8)
image lighter = "images/other/lighter.png"
image amberpendant = "images/other/amberpendant1.png"
image fangphone = "images/other/fangphone.png"
image fangphonelayer1 = "images/other/fangphonelayer1.png"
image fangphonelayer2 = im.Alpha("images/other/fangphonelayer2.png", 0.4)
image nonalcoholic = "images/other/soda.png"
image amberpendant = "images/other/amberpendant1.png"
image amberpendant6veryhappy = 'images/other/amberpendant6veryhappy.png'
image amberpendant7earcover = 'images/other/amberpendant7earcover.png'
image amberpendant4shock = 'images/other/amberpendant4shock.png'
image chillicheesefries = 'images/other/chilli cheese fries.png'
image chillicheesefries_hack = 'images/other/chilli cheese fries.png'
image ccf_rstain = 'images/other/rstain base set for composites.png'
image ccf_lstain = 'images/other/lstain base set for composites.png'
image vvurm_drama_poster = im.FactorScale('images/other/vvurm_drama_poster.jpg', 0.9)
image mask_thing = "images/other/mask_thing.png"
#additional character images
#naser gets a stain
image naser rstained unimpressed = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "naser unimpressed",
(0, 0), "ccf_rstain"
image naser rstained sad = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "naser sad",
(0, 0), "ccf_rstain"
image naser rstained neutral = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "naser neutral",
(0, 0), "ccf_rstain"
image naser rstained surprised = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "naser surprised",
(15, 1), "ccf_rstain"
image naser rstained shocked = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "naser shocked",
(-50, -25), "ccf_rstain"
image naser rstained explanatory = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "naser explanatory",
(20, 0), "ccf_rstain"
#naser got two stains
image naser fullystained happy = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "naser happy",
(0, 0), "ccf_rstain",
(-175, 0), "ccf_lstain"
image naser fullystained unimpressed = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "naser unimpressed",
(0, 0), "ccf_rstain",
(-175, 0), "ccf_lstain"
image naser fullystained neutral = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "naser neutral",
(0, 0), "ccf_rstain",
(-175, 0), "ccf_lstain"
image naser fullystained surprised = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "naser surprised",
(15, 1), "ccf_rstain",
(-165, -8), "ccf_lstain"
image naser fullystained explanatory = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "naser explanatory",
(20, 0), "ccf_rstain",
(-175, 0), "ccf_lstain"
image naser fullystained sad = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "naser sad",
(0, 0), "ccf_rstain",
(-175, 0), "ccf_lstain"
image naser fullystained considering = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "naser considering",
(0, 0), "ccf_rstain",
(-175, 0), "ccf_lstain"
image naser fullystained angry = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "naser angry",
(0, 0), "ccf_rstain",
(-175, 0), "ccf_lstain"
image naser fullystained shocked = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "naser shocked",
(-280, -20), "ccf_lstain",
(-50, -25), "ccf_rstain"
# TODO: these should be defined in a much more concise way e.g `fangp happy`, the extra tags are very cumbersome and unnecessary
#fang w pendant ending D
image fang nonxmas pendant happy = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "fang happy",
(0, 0), "amberpendant"
image fang phappy flip = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), im.Flip("fang/basic set/fang happy.png", horizontal=True),
(0, 0), im.Flip("images/other/amberpendant1.png", horizontal=True)
image fang nonxmas pendant sad = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "fang sad",
(0, 0), "amberpendant"
image fang psad flip = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), im.Flip("fang/basic set/fang sad.png", horizontal=True),
(0, 0), im.Flip("images/other/amberpendant1.png", horizontal=True)
image fang nonxmas pendant unimpressed = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "fang unimpressed",
(0, 0), "amberpendant"
image fang nonxmas pendant surprised = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "fang surprised",
(0, 0), "amberpendant"
image fang psurprised flip = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), im.Flip("fang/basic set/fang surprised.png", horizontal=True),
(0, 0), im.Flip("images/other/amberpendant1.png", horizontal=True)
image fang nonxmas pendant angry = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "fang angry",
(0, 0), "amberpendant"
image fang pangry flip = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), im.Flip("fang/basic set/fang angry.png", horizontal=True),
(0, 0), im.Flip("images/other/amberpendant1.png", horizontal=True)
image fang punimpressed flip = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), im.Flip("fang/basic set/fang unimpressed.png", horizontal=True),
(0, 0), im.Flip("images/other/amberpendant1.png", horizontal=True)
image fang pconsidering flip = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), im.Flip("fang/basic set/fang considering.png", horizontal=True),
(0, 0), im.Flip("images/other/amberpendant1.png", horizontal=True)
image fang nonxmas pendant neutral = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "fang neutral",
(0, 0), "amberpendant"
image fang pneutral flip = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), im.Flip("fang/basic set/fang neutral.png", horizontal=True),
(0, 0), im.Flip("images/other/amberpendant1.png", horizontal=True)
image fang nonxmas pendant considering = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "fang considering",
(0, 0), "amberpendant"
image fang nonxmas pendant very happy = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "fang very happy",
(0, 0), "amberpendant6veryhappy"
image fang nonxmas pendant very happy = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "fang very happy",
(0, 0), "amberpendant6veryhappy"
image fang pvhappy flip = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang very happy.png", horizontal=True),
(0, 0), im.Flip("images/other/amberpendant6veryhappy.png", horizontal=True)
image fang nonxmas pendant shocked = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "fang shocked",
(0, 0), "amberpendant4shock"
image fang pshocked flip = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang shocked.png", horizontal=True),
(0, 0), im.Flip("images/other/amberpendant4shock.png", horizontal=True)
image fang pear cover = Composite(
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "fang ear cover",
(0, 0), "amberpendant7earcover"
image fang nonxmas pendant flip off happy = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), "fang flip off happy",
(0, 0), "amberpendant"
image fang pbird happy flip = Composite(
# (1412, 1500),
(1412, 1500),
(0, 0), im.Flip("fang/emotive set/fang flip off happy.png", horizontal=True),
(0, 0), im.Flip("images/other/amberpendant1.png", horizontal=True)
image stella_hack = Composite(
# (847, 1500),
(847, 1500),
(0, 0), "stella shock"
#phone gallery effect
image anoninsideship = "images/other/phonegallery/anoninsideship.png"
image anonmushroom = "images/other/phonegallery/anonmushroom.png"
image fanghugsanonbylake = "images/other/phonegallery/fanghugsanonbylake.png"
image fangrebel = "images/other/phonegallery/fangrebel.png"
image museumbones = "images/other/phonegallery/museumbones.png"
image peachesfangshy = "images/other/phonegallery/peachesfangshy.png"
image reeddoesscienceclass = "images/other/phonegallery/reeddoesscience class.png"
image rosastellacampsite = "images/other/phonegallery/rosastellacampsite.png"
image trishgarden = "images/other/phonegallery/trishflower garden.png"
image warship = "images/other/phonegallery/warship.png"
image fangreedbandroom = "images/other/phonegallery/tfangreedbandroom.png"
image fangtrishoutsideschool = "images/other/phonegallery/fangtrishoutside school.png"
image reedkingrexauditorium = "images/other/phonegallery/reedkingrexauditorium.png"
image reedtrishfanghallway = "images/other/phonegallery/reedtrishfanghallway.png"
image fangphonegallery1:
"peachesfangshy" with dissolve
pause 2.0
"anonmushroom" with dissolve
pause 2.0
"warship" with dissolve
pause 2.0
"anoninsideship" with dissolve
pause 2.0
"fangrebel" with dissolve
pause 2.0
"museumbones" with dissolve
pause 2.0
"fanghugsanonbylake" with dissolve
pause 2.0
image fangphonegallery2:
"rosastellacampsite" with dissolve
pause 0.7
"reeddoesscienceclass" with dissolve
pause 0.7
"trishgarden" with dissolve
pause 0.7
"rosastellacampsite" with dissolve
pause 0.7
"reedkingrexauditorium" with dissolve
pause 0.7
"fangtrishoutsideschool" with dissolve
pause 0.7
"fangreedbandroom" with dissolve
pause 0.7
"reedtrishfanghallway" with dissolve
pause 0.7
#end of phone gallery effect
image chadshark flip = im.Flip("stella/chadshark.png", horizontal=True)
image chadshark = "stella/chadshark.png"
image naser tablehit = "naser/naser table hit.png"
image naser tablehit flip = im.Flip("naser/naser table hit.png", horizontal=True)
image naomi future flip = im.Flip('images/naomi/naomi future.png', horizontal=True)
image fang d happy flip = im.Flip('images/fang/future sets/fang d happy.png', horizontal=True)
image anon grin = 'images/anon/base set/anon grin.png'
image anon grin flip = im.Flip('images/anon/base set/anon grin.png', horizontal=True)
image tracy neutral flip = im.Flip('images/tracy/tracy neutral.png', horizontal=True)
image tracy tease flip = im.Flip('images/tracy/tracy tease.png', horizontal=True)
image tracy unimpressed flip = im.Flip('images/tracy/tracy unimpressed.png', horizontal=True)
image tracy uh flip = im.Flip('images/tracy/tracy uh.png', horizontal=True)
# image anon ohshit flip = im.Flip('images/anon/base set/anon ohshit.png', horizontal=True)
#extra chapters other images
image home fang night blurred = im.Blur('images/backgrounds/home fang night.jpg', 2.0)
image home fang night lessblurred = im.Blur('images/backgrounds/home fang night.jpg', 1.0)
image home fang night barelyblurred = im.Blur('images/backgrounds/home fang night.jpg', 0.5)
image d01_blur = im.Blur('images/cgs/d01.jpg', 1.5)
image anon prom blurred = im.Flip(im.Blur('images/anon/prom set/anon prom neutral.png', 2.0), horizontal=True)
image anon prom lessblurred = im.Flip(im.Blur('images/anon/prom set/anon prom neutral.png', 1.0), horizontal=True)
image anon prom blurred flip = im.Blur('images/anon/prom set/anon prom neutral.png', 2.0)
image anon prom lessblurred flip = im.Blur('images/anon/prom set/anon prom neutral.png', 1.0)
image fang prom blurred = im.Blur('images/fang/prom sets/fang c prom neutral.png', 2.0)
image fang prom lessblurred = im.Blur('images/fang/prom sets/fang c prom neutral.png', 1.0)
image fang prom d blurred = im.Blur('images/fang/prom sets/fang d prom neutral.png', 2.0)
image fang prom d lessblurred = im.Blur('images/fang/prom sets/fang d prom neutral.png', 1.0)
image naser prom blurred = im.Flip(im.Blur('images/naser/naser prom neutral.png', 2.0), horizontal=True)
image naser prom lessblurred = im.Flip(im.Blur('images/naser/naser prom neutral.png', 1.0), horizontal=True)
image naomi prom blurred = im.Flip(im.Blur('images/naomi/naomi prom neutral.png', 2.0), horizontal=True)
image naomi prom lessblurred = im.Flip(im.Blur('images/naomi/naomi prom neutral.png', 1.0), horizontal=True)
#image fangroomfuture = "images/backgrounds/fangroomfuture.png"
#image livingroomdayalt = "images/backgrounds/livingroomdayalt.png"
#image emptyroomnight = "images/backgrounds/emptyroomnight.png"
#image naomifangcg = "images/cgs/naomifangcg.png"
image naomifangcg blur = im.Blur("images/cgs/naomifangcg.jpg", 1.5)
image naomiletter = 'images/cgs/naomiletter.jpg'
image ending_d_cg = 'images/cgs/golden ending.jpg'
image photoviewfinder = 'images/other/photoviewfinder.png'
image projector9_blur:
"projector9 normal" with dissolve
pause 1
"projector9 blurred" with dissolve
pause 1
image schooloutside_blur:
"schooloutside normal" with dissolve
pause 1
"schooloutside blurred" with dissolve
pause 1
#Shooter ending blurs
image fang flash blurred = im.Blur('images/fang/fullbody/fang silo3.png', 8.0)
image shooterroof blurred = im.Blur('images/backgrounds/shooterroof.jpg', 3)
image shooterroof normal = "images/backgrounds/shooterroof.jpg"
image fang shooter blurred = im.Blur('images/fang/fullbody/fang shooter.png', 3)
image fang shooter normal = "images/fang/fullbody/fang shooter.png"
image blurring_shooterroof:
"shooterroof blurred" with Dissolve(2.5)
pause 2.5
"shooterroof normal" with Dissolve(2.5)
pause 2.5
image blurring_shooter:
"fang shooter blurred" with Dissolve(2.5)
pause 2.5
"fang shooter normal" with Dissolve(2.5)
pause 2.5
#phone bgs for video calls
#caller bgs
image anonday_videocall_bg = im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/backgrounds/foodcourt.jpg", 0.9),(0,40,576,920))
image anonnight_videocall_bg = im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/backgrounds/room anon dark.jpg", 0.9),(100,40,576,920))
image fangphonebg = im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/backgrounds/anonroomday2.jpg", 0.9),(400,40,576,920))
image fpvcblack = im.Scale("images/other/black.png", 565, 1100)
image call_ended = im.Scale("images/other/black.png", 656, 700)
image caller_black = im.Scale("images/other/blackwtransp.png", 656, 700)
image anon_vc_neutral = im.Flip(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/base set/anon neutral.png", 2.0),(900,250,653,800)), horizontal=True)
image anon_vc_angry = im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/emotive set/anon angry.png", 2.0),(900,250,653,800))
image anon_vc_sad = im.Flip(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/emotive set/anon sad.png", 2.0),(900,250,653,800)), horizontal=True)
image anon_vc_neutral_alt1 = im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/base set/anon neutral.png", 2.0),(600,250,653,800))
image anon_vc_concerned = im.Flip(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/base set/anon concerned.png", 2.0),(900,250,653,800)), horizontal=True)
image anon_vc_happy = im.Flip(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/emotive set/anon happy.png", 2.0),(900,250,653,800)), horizontal=True)
image anon_vc_grin = im.Flip(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/base set/anon grin.png", 2.0),(900,250,653,800)), horizontal=True)
image anon_vc_unimpressed = im.Flip(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/base set/anon unimpressed.png", 2.0),(900,250,653,800)), horizontal=True)
image no_caller = im.Alpha('images/other/black.png', 0)
image anonfangfor_phonebg = im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/other/anon_fang_xmas.png", 1.0),(650,140,653,800))
#stuff for Anon's phone
image elliot_raptor_buttonpress = im.FactorScale(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/other/phoneshitpost/elliot_raptor_shitpost.png", 1.0),(737,200,440,655)), 0.692)
image elliot_raptor_success = im.FactorScale(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/other/phoneshitpost/elliot_raptor_shitpost_suc.png", 1.0),(737,200,440,655)), 0.692)
image elliot_raptor_wait = im.FactorScale(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/other/phoneshitpost/elliot_raptor_shitpost_wait.png", 1.0),(737,200,440,655)), 0.692)
image elliot_raptor = im.FactorScale(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/other/phoneshitpost/elliot_raptor_shitpost1.png", 1.0),(737,200,440,655)), 0.692)
image anonphonetoplayer = "images/other/phoneshitpost/anonphonetoplayer.png"
image baseanonphone = "images/anon/Other/anonphone.png"
image anonblack_mid = im.Crop("images/other/black.png",740,200,300,450)
image fang_typing_1:
"msg_fang_typing_first_1" with Dissolve(0.25)
pause 0.4
"msg_fang_typing_first_2" with Dissolve(0.25)
pause 0.4
"msg_fang_typing_first_3" with Dissolve(0.25)
pause 0.4
"msg_fang_typing_first_4" with Dissolve(0.25)
pause 0.4
image fang_typing_2:
"msg_fang_typing_second_1" with Dissolve(0.25)
pause 0.4
"msg_fang_typing_second_2" with Dissolve(0.25)
pause 0.4
"msg_fang_typing_second_3" with Dissolve(0.25)
pause 0.4
"msg_fang_typing_second_4" with Dissolve(0.25)
pause 0.4
#fangphone effect - video call with Anon mainly
layeredimage fangphonevideocall:
group midlayer:
# pos (370, -20)
pos (370, -20)
rotate 1
attribute blackmid default:
group talkerbg:
# pos (446, -35)
pos (440, -25)
rotate 1
# xzoom 1.3 #anon's cam is shitty?
attribute bgday default:
attribute bgnight:
attribute call_ended_bg:
attribute call_ended_bg_black:
group talker:
pos (417, 65)
rotate 3
attribute anonneutral:
attribute anonneutralalt1:
attribute anonconcerned:
attribute anonhappy:
attribute anongrin:
attribute anonsad:
attribute anonangry:
attribute anonunimpressed:
attribute call_ended:
attribute call_ended_poff:
attribute galleryapp1:
attribute galleryapp2:
group toplayer:
attribute basic default:
#Anon's phone
layeredimage layeredanonphone:
group botlayer:
# pos (314, 159)
# pos (197, 112)
pos (194, 115)
rotate -1.0
attribute blackmid default:
group screenlayer:
# pos (314, 159)
# pos (197, 112)
pos (194, 115)
rotate -1.0
attribute noscreen default:
attribute shitpost_elliot:
attribute shitpost_elliotbp:
attribute shitpost_elliotsuccess:
attribute shitpost_elliotwait:
attribute fang_hey:
attribute fang_about_earlier:
attribute fang_thanks:
attribute fang_for_like_hanging_out:
attribute fang_and_sorry_about_dad:
attribute fang_typing_first:
attribute fang_about_that_song:
attribute fang_typing_second:
attribute fang_so_like_how_about_we:
attribute anon_sure:
attribute fang_and_sorry_about_mom:
attribute fang_just_ignore_anything_she_says:
attribute fang_also_dont_tell_anyone:
attribute fang_anyone:
attribute anon_ten_bucks:
attribute fang_i_have_my_dad:
attribute anon_five_bucks:
attribute anon_lol_jk:
attribute fang_gobble_a_knob:
attribute anon_see_you_monday:
attribute fang_see_ya:
group coverlayer:
attribute coverbasic default:
#Dual actor images
image fangcarriesanon = "images/anon/Other/fanganoncarry.png"
image fanganon_promdance = "images/anon/Other/dpromdance.png"
image fanganonhug = "images/fang/fullbody/fanganonhug.png"
image anon smiley = "images/anon/base set/anon face happy.png"
#additional CGs
image gold_fang_home_prom_stars = "images/cgs/stair3.jpg"
image good_fang_home_prom_stars = "images/cgs/stair2.jpg"
image other_fang_home_prom_stars = "images/cgs/stair1.jpg"
image anonfang_xmasmorningbed = "images/anon/Other/anonchristmasmorning.png"
#sepia effect for flashbacks
image grainf0 = "images/other/grain/frame_00.png"
image grainf1 = "images/other/grain/frame_01.png"
image grainf2 = "images/other/grain/frame_08.png"
image grainf3 = "images/other/grain/frame_09.png"
image grainf4 = "images/other/grain/frame_10.png"
image grainf5 = "images/other/grain/frame_13.png"
image grain_effect:
"grainf0" with dissolve
pause 0.2
"grainf1" with dissolve
pause 0.2
"grainf2" with dissolve
pause 0.2
"grainf3" with dissolve
pause 0.2
"grainf4" with dissolve
pause 0.2
"grainf5" with dissolve
pause 0.2
image sepiagarden = im.Sepia("images/backgrounds/garden.jpg")
image sepiaanon neutral = im.Sepia("images/anon/base set/anon neutral.png")
image sepiaanon concerned flip= im.Sepia(im.Flip("images/anon/base set/anon concerned.png", horizontal=True))
image sepiaanon neutral flip= im.Sepia(im.Flip("images/anon/base set/anon neutral.png", horizontal=True))
image sepiarosa neutral flip = im.Sepia(im.Flip("images/rosa/rosa neutral.png", horizontal=True))
image sepiastella explanatory flip = im.Sepia(im.Flip("images/stella/stella explanatory.png", horizontal=True))
image sepiastella unimpressed flip = im.Sepia(im.Flip("images/stella/stella unimpressed.png", horizontal=True))
image sepiastella neutral flip = im.Sepia(im.Flip("images/stella/stella neutral.png", horizontal=True))
image sepiafang happy = im.Sepia("images/fang/basic set/fang happy.png")
image sepiafang sad = im.Sepia("images/fang/basic set/fang sad.png")
image flashbacktitlecard = "images/other/grain/flashbacktitlecard.png"
image flashbackfincard = "images/other/grain/flashbackfincard.png"
image fanganonhug_moving = im.Crop("images/fang/fullbody/fanganonhug.png", 300, 0, 1320, 1080)
#additional BGs
image park_night = "images/backgrounds/park night.jpg"
image home_fang_dim = "images/backgrounds/home fang dim.jpg"
image bus_stop = "images/backgrounds/Bus_Stop.jpg"
image hotel = "images/backgrounds/hotellobby.jpg"
image airport = "images/backgrounds/airport.jpg"
image fromairplane = "images/backgrounds/fromairplane.jpg"
label splashscreen:
$ persistent.splashtype = random.randint(0,2000 - 1)
$ renpy.movie_cutscene("images/intros/CaveManonProductions.webm")
if persistent.autoup:
if persistent.updateresult != "No new version is available":
updater.update(persistent.updateWebServer, force=True)
stop sound
#Custom Vars for positions
transform scenter:
xalign 0.5 yalign 0.0
transform sleft:
xalign 0.0 yalign 0.0
transform sright:
xalign 1.0 yalign 0.0
transform stcenter:
xalign 0.5 yalign 0.1
transform stleft:
xalign 0.0 yalign 0.1
transform stright:
xalign 1.0 yalign 0.1
transform acenter:
xalign 0.5 yalign 0.1
transform aleft:
xalign 0.0 yalign 0.1
transform aright:
xalign 1.0 yalign 0.1
transform ncenter:
xalign 0.6 yalign 0.1
transform nleft:
xalign -0.2 yalign 0.1
transform nright:
xalign 1.9 yalign 0.1
#Fangs mom
transform fmcenter:
xalign 0.5 yalign 0.1
transform fmleft:
xalign 0.0 yalign 0.1
transform fmright:
xalign 1.0 yalign 0.1
transform tcenter:
xalign 0.5 yalign 0.1
transform tleft:
xalign 0.0 yalign 0.1
transform tright:
xalign 1.0 yalign 0.1
#Reed and other long tailed dinos
transform rcenter:
xalign 1.2 yalign 0.1
transform rleft:
xalign -0.2 yalign 0.1
transform rright:
xalign 1.7 yalign 0.1
#misc transforms
transform shudder:
subpixel True
around (.5, .5) alignaround (.5, .5) xalign .5 yalign .5
rotate 0
linear 0.0 rotate -0.75
linear 0.04 rotate 0.75
linear 0.05 rotate -0.75
linear 0.07 rotate 0
transform turnaround:
linear 0.1 xzoom -1.0
transform wiggle:
subpixel True
xpos 0.5 ypos 1.0 xanchor 0.5 yanchor 1.0 zoom 1.02
alignaround (.5, .5)
linear 10.0 yalign 1.0 clockwise circles 1
label start:
$ fangscore = 0
$ anonscore = 0
$ tradwife = False
$ wingStory = False
pause 1.0
call storyline