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# TODO: Translation updated at 2022-11-29 22:44
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:5
translate es chapter_11C_20f7e434:
# "Turning back to Fang, her hands are trying to cover her face."
"Volviendo la vista hacia Fang, sus manos intentan cubrir su cara."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:7
translate es chapter_11C_880287fe:
# "Except the frown that’s impossible to hide with her long beak."
"Excepto el ceño fruncido que es imposible de ocultar con su largo pico."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:10
translate es chapter_11C_817ba776:
# A "Fang? You okay?"
A "¿Fang? ¿Estás bien?"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:19
translate es chapter_11C_46629eaa:
# "An embarrassed smile forms as she begins to shake her head."
"Se forma una sonrisa avergonzada cuando comienza a negar con la cabeza."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:22
translate es chapter_11C_9b60d411:
# F "Yeah. I'm good. Just, was reminded of something embarrassing."
F "Sí. Estoy bien. Solo que me acordé de algo embarazoso."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:24
translate es chapter_11C_0b716a4f:
# A "What?"
A "¿Qué?"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:28
translate es chapter_11C_23f3a0d2:
# F "Trish."
F "Trish."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:30
translate es chapter_11C_dc3bdc05:
# A "Trish?"
A "¿Trish?"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:33
translate es chapter_11C_6ef0e4de:
# F "I can't help it, I see her every day. We tried signing up to as many classes together as we could and now I regret it."
F "No puedo evitarlo, la veo todos los días. Intentamos apuntarnos juntas a todas las clases que pudimos y ahora me arrepiento."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:35
translate es chapter_11C_0caed630:
# F "And every time I do I’m reminded of{cps=*.1}...{/cps} this whole thing."
F "Y cada vez que la veo me acuerdo de{cps=*.1}...{/cps} todo eso."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:38
translate es chapter_11C_65627b94:
# A "I’m not good at the pronoun game, Fang. What whole thing?"
A "No soy bueno en el juego de los pronombres, Fang. ¿Qué cosa?"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:40
translate es chapter_11C_bd1fec63:
# F "THAT, the pronoun thing!"
F "ESO, ¡lo del pronombre!"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:42
translate es chapter_11C_7b7768dd:
# F "Now things are{cps=*.1}...{/cps} different."
F "Ahora las cosas son{cps=*.1}...{/cps} diferentes."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:45
translate es chapter_11C_1d503824:
# F "And, I wish I hung out with Naser more than{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Y, me gustaría haberme juntado más con Naser más que con{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:48
translate es chapter_11C_2af3b4fd:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}her."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}ella."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:51
translate es chapter_11C_425c3dde:
# "There's some disdain in the way she said it."
"Hay algo de desprecio en la forma en que lo dijo."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:54
translate es chapter_11C_725a33b5:
# "Now that they mentioned it, Trish has been very weird lately."
"Ahora que lo menciona, Trish ha estado muy rara últimamente."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:56
translate es chapter_11C_06d65c06:
# "Should I mention to Fang the fact that every day in Math period I try to check if there's a bomb under my seat?"
"¿Debería mencionarle a Fang el hecho de que todos los días en matemáticas me fijo si hay una bomba debajo de mi asiento?"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:59
translate es chapter_11C_b4da441f:
# F "You're the one I see the least. It's such a shame."
F "Eres a quien menos veo. Lamentablemente."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:62
translate es chapter_11C_5eb4a135:
# "Fang starts stroking my hand on the table."
"Fang empieza a acariciar mi mano sobre la mesa."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:64
translate es chapter_11C_938e54d5:
# F "Now though{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Sin embargo, ahora{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:66
translate es chapter_11C_d981942a:
# F "I’ve been thinking and{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "He estado pensando y{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:68
translate es chapter_11C_7fc3d890:
# F "And{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I wouldn’t mind{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Y{cps=*.1}...{/cps} No me importaría{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:71
translate es chapter_11C_6215cc86:
# F "Wouldn’t mind if you called me Lucy."
F "No me importaría que me llamaras Lucy."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:74
translate es chapter_11C_020009c8:
# F "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I’d like it, in fact."
F "Me{cps=*.1}...{/cps} me gustaría, de hecho."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:77
translate es chapter_11C_ba0321c4:
# A "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} A-are you sure?"
A "Yo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ¿E-estás segura?"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:79
translate es chapter_11C_49c0701b:
# F "Mhm."
F "Mhm."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:82
translate es chapter_11C_914f7b2f:
# "There’s a fragility to her voice. A stiffness in her nod."
"Hay una fragilidad en su voz. Una rigidez en su asentimiento."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:84
translate es chapter_11C_66dcaae3:
# "But if Fa-"
"Pero si Fa-"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:86
translate es chapter_11C_a42d41ef:
# "If Lucy would like it then{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Si Lucy lo desea, entonces{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:89
translate es chapter_11C_85e9d6e7:
# A "Alright then{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Lucy."
A "Muy bien, entonces{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Lucy."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:95
translate es chapter_11C_3ab429f3:
# "She blushes again and looks away."
"Ella se sonroja de nuevo y mira hacia otro lado."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:98
translate es chapter_11C_855bf2b8:
# "I test her name a couple times. It’s a nice name. Really sweet. But{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"He probado su nombre un par de veces. Es un nombre bonito. Realmente dulce. Pero{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:100
translate es chapter_11C_338ba861:
# "Fang fits her more in my mind."
"En mi opinión, Fang encaja más con ella."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:103
translate es chapter_11C_535d648f:
# Lucy "Only you, though."
Lucy "Pero solo tú."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:105
translate es chapter_11C_cb413635:
# Lucy "I don’t know if I’m comfortable with anyone else saying it yet."
Lucy "No sé si me siento cómoda con que alguien más lo diga todavía."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:107
translate es chapter_11C_3bb56026:
# A "I-I see."
A "Y-ya veo."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:109
translate es chapter_11C_f2d05182:
# A "Thank you for sharing that with me."
A "Gracias por compartir eso conmigo."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:112
translate es chapter_11C_ced06e15:
# "Now both of us are blushing."
"Ahora los dos nos sonrojamos."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:114
translate es chapter_11C_c5355cf8:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Well, if we’re already in the moment, I may as well ask."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Bueno, si ya estamos en el momento, también puedo preguntar."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:117
translate es chapter_11C_add91381:
# A "A-anyways, Flucy."
A "D-de todos modos, Flucy."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:121
translate es chapter_11C_748b7933:
# Lucy "Don’t stress yourself over it."
Lucy "No te preocupes por eso."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:124
translate es chapter_11C_3f443522:
# A "Right, right."
A "Sí, por supuesto."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:126
translate es chapter_11C_9635eca9:
# A "Anyways, uhh."
A "De todos modos, uhh."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:129
translate es chapter_11C_ae661822:
# A "Prom, right?"
A "El baile de graduación, ¿Verdad?"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:137
translate es chapter_11C_be20e193:
# "Fang’s amber eyes zero in on mine."
"Los ojos ámbar de Fang se fijan en los míos."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:140
translate es chapter_11C_399d7c25:
# "Her pleading gaze bores through to my soul and I feel the unstoppable urge to comfort her in any way possible."
"Su mirada suplicante atraviesa mi alma y siento la imparable necesidad de consolarla de cualquier manera posible."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:143
translate es chapter_11C_d638debc:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You uhh, wanna go with me?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Tú uhh, ¿Quieres ir conmigo?"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:152
translate es chapter_11C_2264bf0b:
# "I watch as Lucy’s face slowly grows redder and redder."
"Observo cómo el rostro de Lucy se vuelve cada vez más y más rojo."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:154
translate es chapter_11C_95f644ea:
# "Her lips turn from a thin line to an impressively massive grin."
"Sus labios pasan de una línea delgada a una sonrisa impresionantemente masiva."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:160
translate es chapter_11C_a83454de:
# "She tries to cover up her face with her hands."
"Ella trata de cubrirse la cara con las manos."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:166
translate es chapter_11C_c2245bea:
# "When that fails to hide her growing excitement her wings engulf her upper body."
"Cuando eso no logra ocultar su creciente emoción, sus alas envuelven la parte superior de su cuerpo."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:168
translate es chapter_11C_23a99b10:
# "A squeal of elation penetrates the feathered cage, accompanied by the staccato beat of boots stomping rapidly on the ground."
"Un chillido de alegría penetra en la jaula de las plumas, acompañado por el ritmo entrecortado de unas botas que pisan rápidamente el suelo."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:171
translate es chapter_11C_fe33104d:
# "Once the sounds of jubilation die down Lucy lowers her wings."
"Una vez que los sonidos de alegría se apagan, Lucy baja sus alas."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:181
translate es chapter_11C_a1a4bd91:
# "She takes a calming breath and shrugs nonchalantly."
"Respira tranquilamente y se encoge de hombros con indiferencia."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:185
translate es chapter_11C_38d6c331:
# Lucy "Sure, could be cool."
Lucy "Claro, podría estar bien."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:188
translate es chapter_11C_ab92e956:
# "The whole class is snickering and I have to fight back my own."
"Toda la clase se ríe bajamente y yo tengo que contener las mías."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:190
translate es chapter_11C_9edcd1ad:
# "Sadly it was a foe far greater than I."
"Lamentablemente era una fuerza mucho más grande que yo."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:193
translate es chapter_11C_0af72acb:
# A "Pfffftttahahahaha."
A "Pfffftttajajajaja."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:201
translate es chapter_11C_6b0650af:
# Lucy "Up the shut fuck."
Lucy "Cierra la puta boca."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:203
translate es chapter_11C_8ea53355:
# Lucy "You’re my date. I’m allowed to be happy."
Lucy "Eres mi cita. Se me permite ser feliz."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:205
translate es chapter_11C_6b27edd3:
# "While her voice was petulant there was an underlying tone of cheer in it."
"Aunque su voz era petulante, había un tono subyacente de alegría en ella."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:207
translate es chapter_11C_906ac76b:
# "I reassured Lucy with a smile, which she responded by lowering her wings until they folded neatly behind her."
"Tranquilicé a Lucy con una sonrisa, a lo que respondió bajando las alas hasta que se plegaron cuidadosamente detrás de ella."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:213
translate es chapter_11C_eacfa957:
# A "Yeah. Though I should warn you that I can’t dance for shit. Your feet have been warned."
A "Sí. Aunque debo advertirte que no sé bailar una mierda. Tus pies han sido advertidos."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:215
translate es chapter_11C_bb948095:
# Lucy "That’s fine."
Lucy "Esta bien."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:218
translate es chapter_11C_96722dc5:
# Lucy "I’ll just step on your feet first."
Lucy "Voy a pisar tus pies primero."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:221
translate es chapter_11C_5ca191bf:
# "Crap, I need a suit."
"Mierda, necesito un traje."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:223
translate es chapter_11C_30e64eca:
# Lucy "You’re mumbling again. And uhmm."
Lucy "Estás murmurando de nuevo. Y uhmm."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:225
translate es chapter_11C_4e36172c:
# Lucy "I could ask Naser for his old one."
Lucy "Podría pedirle a Naser el suyo antiguo."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:227
translate es chapter_11C_6d06a8b8:
# A "I was thinking something like that, but I’ll probably just ask my dad for his old tux."
A "Estaba pensando en algo así, pero probablemente le pediré a mi papá su viejo esmoquin."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:229
translate es chapter_11C_3acbf409:
# A "His is tailored for humans, after all."
A "Al fin y al cabo, el suyo está hecho a la medida para humanos."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:231
translate es chapter_11C_79d649f5:
# A "Be pretty silly to be walking around all night with the wingholes exposing my undershirt."
A "Sería bastante tonto caminar toda la noche con los agujeros de las alas dejando al descubierto mi camiseta."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:233
translate es chapter_11C_cb582c37:
# Lucy "That’d be pretty silly, yeah."
Lucy "Eso sería bastante tonto, sí."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:235
translate es chapter_11C_b5696ddc:
# Lucy "And then there’s the tail."
Lucy "Y luego está la cola."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:238
translate es chapter_11C_9c437ce8:
# A "Oh god no."
A "Oh, Dios no."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:240
translate es chapter_11C_417fa20f:
# A "But yeah, my dad’s suit would work nice, even if it’s a bit old."
A "Pero sí, el traje de mi papá funcionaría bien, aunque sea un poco viejo."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:242
translate es chapter_11C_9aae9dcb:
# A "He used to tell me about the parties he went to when he was about my age."
A "Él solía hablarme de las fiestas a las que iba cuando tenía mi edad."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:244
translate es chapter_11C_1f9300ff:
# Lucy "Sounds like he was a lot of fun."
Lucy "Parece que él era muy divertido."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:246
translate es chapter_11C_428d356b:
# A "Anyways, you got anything to wear?"
A "De todos modos, ¿tienes algo que ponerte?"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:249
translate es chapter_11C_8f2619d9:
# Lucy "My mom’s already probably bought the 'perfect outfit' for me."
Lucy "Mi mamá ya habrá comprado el 'traje perfecto' para mí."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:251
translate es chapter_11C_3d64bee1:
# A "But the announcement for prom was just earlier this period."
A "Pero el anuncio para el baile de graduación fue dado hoy a hace unas horas."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:254
translate es chapter_11C_f1e71f13:
# Lucy "And?"
Lucy "¿Y?"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:256
translate es chapter_11C_4bdc8fcc:
# A "Sounds like it’s a date, then."
A "Parece que es una cita, entonces."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:261
translate es chapter_11C_51bb79eb:
# "Fang’s smile is cherubic."
"La sonrisa de Fang es angelical."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:263
translate es chapter_11C_40d8eec4:
# "And before I can fully memorize it,"
"Y antes de poder memorizarla completamente,"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:267
translate es chapter_11C_4698e32e:
# "{cps=*20}{i}DING-{w=0.7}DONG {w=0.65}BING-{w=0.7}BONG{/i}{/cps}"
"{cps=*20}{i}DING-{w=0.7}DONG {w=0.65}BING-{w=0.7}BONG{/i}{/cps}"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:272
translate es chapter_11C_4b4bcd2a:
# A "Crap, the assignment."
A "Mierda, la tarea."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:274
translate es chapter_11C_00332571:
# Lucy "We were mostly done with it anyways."
Lucy "De todos modos, ya casi la terminabamos."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:277
translate es chapter_11C_543fb648:
# "I look at our mostly done sheet."
"Miro nuestra hoja mayormente terminada."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:279
translate es chapter_11C_3556fe2d:
# "Flipping it over, the backside has twice the questions and four times the blank spots."
"Al darle la vuelta, la parte de atrás tiene el doble de preguntas y el cuádruple de espacios en blanco."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:284
translate es chapter_11C_15cd3490:
# Lucy "M-mostly half way?"
Lucy "¿M-mayormente a mitad de camino?"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:287
translate es chapter_11C_f6e434e7:
# "I simply sigh and drop the sheet."
"Simplemente suspiro y dejo caer la hoja."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:290
translate es chapter_11C_1b76d604:
# A "Finish it at my place?"
A "¿Lo terminamos en mi casa?"
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:293
translate es chapter_11C_20d0e4d1:
# Lucy "Sounds like a second date."
Lucy "Suena como una segunda cita."
# game/script/11C.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-but-she-tells-him-she's-okay-with-being-called-a-girl.rpy:302
translate es chapter_11C_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"