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# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-02-15 16:48
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:11
translate it chapter_4_c17f265e:
# "{cps=*.3}-- The Following Monday Morning --{/cps}"
"{cps=*.3}-- Il Lunedì Mattina Seguente --{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:14
translate it chapter_4_d788b172:
# "I havent been able to focus much lately."
"Di recente non riesco a concentrarmi."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:17
translate it chapter_4_040f901c:
# "My original plan is in absolute tatters."
"Il mio piano originale è andato a rotoli."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:19
translate it chapter_4_7c4b32ec:
# "As opposed to staying silent and not facing any conflict, Im now all buddy-buddy with the school reject club."
"Invece di starmene zitto e non affrontare alcun conflitto, ora sono pappa e ciccia con il club degli sfigati."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:21
translate it chapter_4_6109e18b:
# "And then theres Naser and Naomi as well, and all their issues{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"E poi ci sono anche Naser e Naomi, con tutti i loro problemi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:24
translate it chapter_4_1ee9269d:
# "At any moment I feel I'm going to get found out."
"Scopriranno quello che ho fatto da un momento all'altro."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:26
translate it chapter_4_6f70e1bb:
# "Trish would certainly beat me senseless."
"Trish mi picchierebbe a sangue senza pensarci."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:28
translate it chapter_4_69fa5ada:
# "Fang might as well{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Pure Fang a questo punto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:30
translate it chapter_4_e59ea822:
# "Definitely Naser."
"Naser di sicuro."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:33
translate it chapter_4_bcbc1948:
# "All this shit happening, I cant even get into my favorite hobby."
"Con tutti i casini che stanno succedendo, non riesco neanche a dare spazio al mio hobby preferito."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:35
translate it chapter_4_ecec96be:
# "I dont think Ive made a single forum post in three days."
"Non credo di aver fatto un singolo post negli ultimi tre giorni."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:38
translate it chapter_4_d26eb97f:
# "I stare down at my phone screen and see a sea of threads to post in."
"Fisso lo schermo del mio telefono e vedo una marea di thread dove postare."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:40
translate it chapter_4_7073f640:
# "And yet, I have nothing to say."
"Ma, non ho niente da dire."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:43
translate it chapter_4_5242254c:
# "Wait, its already seven?!"
"Aspè, sono già le sette?!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:45
translate it chapter_4_1eec586b:
# "Fuck me, I dragged my feet too much!"
"Merda, l'ho tirata troppo per le lunghe!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:47
translate it chapter_4_01364f6b:
# "I sprint the rest of the way to school."
"Scatto per il resto del tragitto verso scuola."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:51
translate it chapter_4_e088ccbf:
# "Luckily, Im able to slink into homeroom without the teacher molesting me for a tardy pass."
"Per fortuna, sono riuscito ad entrare alla prima ora senza che il professore mi molestasse con un ritardo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:53
translate it chapter_4_a3af9e55:
# "Classes tick by in the daily slog, and like all things, lunch eventually comes to pass."
"Le lezioni passano lentamente con fatica, e come sempre, dopo un po' è ora di pranzo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:64
translate it chapter_4_851a9621:
# "I grab a packaged lunch from the omnivore line and begin looking for a place to sit."
"Prendo un pranzo al sacco dalla linea onnivori e comincio a cercare un posto dove sedermi."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:66
translate it chapter_4_7d2433b8:
# "By now its a foregone conclusion, I already know what happens next."
"Ad'ora la conclusione è ovvia, già so cosa sta per succedere."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:72
translate it chapter_4_aa32386f:
# N "Anon!"
N "Anon!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:75
translate it chapter_4_d7ee0457:
# "Right on cue."
"Tempismo perfetto."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:93
translate it chapter_4_4cc7776e:
# "Naomi rushes over, followed by Naser."
"Naomi corre verso di me, seguita da Naser."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:95
translate it chapter_4_0d26e29a:
# "Id really rather not deal with her any more today."
"Avrei veramente preferito non avere più niente a che fare con lei oggi."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:98
translate it chapter_4_89b661f4:
# N "Come on, Anon, let's continue our conversation from earlier!"
N "Dai, Anon, continuiamo la conversazione di prima!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:100
translate it chapter_4_49f7bc07:
# N "You know, about extracurriculars like the gardening club!"
N "Sai, attività extracurricolari come il club di giardinaggio!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:103
translate it chapter_4_e6210dd9:
# "{cps=*.3}Urrrrrgh{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:105
translate it chapter_4_cf770ec2:
# A "I dont think I have the time. Im way behind in some of my classes already."
A "Non credo di avere il tempo. Sono molto indietro con alcune materie."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:107
translate it chapter_4_66f17f21:
# N "You're talking about Music, aren't you?"
N "Parli di Musica, non è vero?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:110
translate it chapter_4_f94e06b3:
# Nas "Naomi, please stop memorizing the schedules of the new students."
Nas "Naomi, per favore smettila di memorizzare gli orari dei nuovi studenti."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:113
translate it chapter_4_0e402409:
# N "Sorry, but I did help Anon pick his electives."
N "Scusa, però sono stata io ad aiutare Anon con le materie opzionali."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:115
translate it chapter_4_a790d3ec:
# "Why did I agree to padding out my credits with a new subject, I never thought I'd live to regret zoning her out."
"Ma perché ho scelto di alzare i crediti con un'altra materia. Non avrei mai pensato che mi sarei pentito di avere la testa d'altra parte mentre lei parlava."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:118
translate it chapter_4_99007e6f:
# "Naomi places a finger on her chin{w=.15}(?){w=.15} for a moment and stares into space."
"Naomi pone un dito sul suo mento{w=.15}(?){w=.15} per un attimo e fissa il vuoto."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:120
translate it chapter_4_3a2023da:
# "Suddenly, her face lights up."
"All'improvviso, il suo viso si illumina."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:125
translate it chapter_4_42eb751f:
# N "Wait, don't you share that class with Fang?{w=.4} Why not ask her, I'm sure she'd lend a hand!"
N "Aspetta, tu condividi quella materia con Fang, giusto?{w=.4} Perché non le chiedi aiuto, sono sicura che ti darebbe una mano!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:128
translate it chapter_4_c752cca9:
# A "I dunno{cps=*.1}...{/cps} she's usually very busy with her own work, and I don't want to bother her more than I already do every day."
A "Non so{cps=*.1}...{/cps} di solito è molto impegnata con le sue cose, e non voglio darle più fastidio di quanto già non gliene dia ogni giorno."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:131
translate it chapter_4_0b533076:
# N "It can't hurt to ask, though, right? Just a thought."
N "Tentar non nuoce però, vero? Giusto per dire."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:134
translate it chapter_4_11541df1:
# N "Anyway, will you be joining us for lunch again?"
N "Comunque, pranzerai di nuovo con noi?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:136
translate it chapter_4_f8885a82:
# "I need to think of something, and fast."
"Devo pensare a una scusa, e in fretta."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:139
translate it chapter_4_bf568d74:
# A "Err, sorry. I already promised Fang Id be eating with her."
A "Err, scusa. Ho già promesso a Fang che avrei mangiato con lei."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:142
translate it chapter_4_9fbd39b5:
# "Smooth."
"Ottima idea."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:146
translate it chapter_4_a6d1fd3c:
# N "Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:149
translate it chapter_4_caf62298:
# N "Oh!"
N "Oh!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:152
translate it chapter_4_a0436888:
# N "Im glad to hear youre trying to be better friends with Fang!"
N "Sono così felice che stai facendo amicizia con Fang!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:156
translate it chapter_4_e4b91fbe:
# Nas "Well hey, this is a welcome surprise!"
Nas "Ehi, che bella sorpresa!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:158
translate it chapter_4_f7af0913:
# A "Right.{w=.4} Actually, she doesnt eat in the cafeteria, does she?"
A "Esatto.{w=.4} Comunque, lei non mangia al bar, giusto?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:161
translate it chapter_4_56907405:
# Nas "Didnt she tell you? She hangs out with her band in the auditorium."
Nas "Non te l'ha detto? Di solito lei e la band passano il tempo nell'auditorium."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:163
translate it chapter_4_8d72d627:
# A "Shes allowed to do that?"
A "Può farlo?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:165
translate it chapter_4_f72593b7:
# N "Ive asked Principal Spears before, he sees no issue with it."
N "L'ho già chiesto al Preside Spears, per lui non ci sono problemi."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:167
translate it chapter_4_298ae726:
# A "Huh.{w=.4} Anyways, I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} dont want to keep them waiting!"
A "Huh.{w=.4} Comunque, io uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} non voglio farli aspettare!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:170
translate it chapter_4_3b7e2d70:
# Nas "See you."
Nas "Ci si vede."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:176
translate it chapter_4_33b5628f:
# N "Have fun!"
N "Divertiti!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:179
translate it chapter_4_850a8987:
# A "Right.{w=.3} Bye!"
A "Già.{w=.3} Ciao!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:189
translate it chapter_4_67a90c79:
# "I turn away from the two and leave them behind."
"Volto le spalle ai due e me ne vado."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:199
translate it chapter_4_ca2e14c2:
# "Now that im in front of the auditorium when it isnt crowded for once, I can get a decent look around the foyer."
"Ora che sono davanti all'auditorium quando non è pieno di gente, riesco a dare una bell'occhiata all'entrata."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:201
translate it chapter_4_c27ce8c2:
# "The walls are as vine-covered as anywhere else in the building, but the ones here have small magenta flowers blooming on them here and there."
"I muri sono pieni di rampicanti come il resto dell'edificio, ma queste qui hanno dei piccoli fiori magenta che sbocciano qua e là."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:203
translate it chapter_4_e89bfe16:
# "I suppose theres different kinds of vines, wouldnt make much sense otherwise. Never really thought about it until now."
"Suppongo esistano tipi diversi di rampicanti, altrimenti non avrebbe senso. Non ci avevo mai pensato prima d'ora."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:206
translate it chapter_4_760b6f8d:
# "I open the door enough to see Fangs gang lazing about within."
"Apro la porta e vedo la gang di Fang che ozia."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:208
translate it chapter_4_7f18a700:
# "Reed is messing with some box on a table, and Fang and Trish are sitting on the first row of seats chattering to each other."
"Reed sta smanettando con una scatola sul tavolo, e Fang e Trish sono sedute in prima fila a chiacchierare."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:212
translate it chapter_4_da51cab2:
# "I put my hand on the doorhandle and hesitate a bit. Then I pull it open."
"Metto la mia mano sulla maniglia ed esito per un po'. Poi tiro."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:217
translate it chapter_4_fcc508b3:
# "The squeak of the door echoes through the near empty auditorium, and immediately all three turn their heads and stare."
"Il cigolio della porta echeggia nell'auditorium quasi vuoto, e immediatamente i tre si girano e mi fissano."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:220
translate it chapter_4_2ba6a51c:
# "Theres an awkward pause that goes on for just a bit too long."
"C'è un silenzio imbarazzante che dura un po' troppo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:222
translate it chapter_4_390be4b9:
# "Eventually Fang calls out from her seat."
"Alla fine Fang dice qualcosa dal suo posto."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:236
translate it chapter_4_e59c2c62:
# F "What the hell are {i}you{/i} doing here, dweeb?"
F "Che diavolo ci fai {i}tu{/i} qui, sfigato?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:250
translate it chapter_4_3dc85c55:
# A "Hiding from Naomi."
A "Mi nascondo da Naomi."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:256
translate it chapter_4_758dbdbc:
# "Fang throws her head back and goes limp on the shitty wooden chair."
"Fang getta la testa indietro e si affloscia sulla sua merdosa sedia di legno."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:259
translate it chapter_4_e96ef03b:
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:263
translate it chapter_4_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:265
translate it chapter_4_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:267
translate it chapter_4_a0e5a09b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:269
translate it chapter_4_936c6697_1:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:273
translate it chapter_4_01383286:
# "Fang lifts her head back up."
"Fang rialza la testa."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:276
translate it chapter_4_0e2957c0:
# F "{cps=*.3}Ffffffffine{/cps}, you can stay."
F "{cps=*.3}Ooooooooooook{/cps}, puoi restare."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:282
translate it chapter_4_5cc89630:
# "I go sit a few yards away from Fang and Trish on the theater seat. Reed turns back to that device he was messing with before."
"Mi siedo a qualche metro da Fang e Trish. Reed ritorna a smanettare con il congegno di prima."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:284
translate it chapter_4_ac0f9924:
# "Looks like a projector?"
"Credo sia un proiettore?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:287
translate it chapter_4_3df13389:
# A "You dont like Naomi?"
A "Non ti piace Naomi?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:290
translate it chapter_4_230c28b0:
# F "What was your first fuckin clue? That stupid bitch, acting all high and mighty all the time."
F "Da dove cazzo l'hai capito? Quella brutta zoccola, si comporta sempre in modo così altezzoso e arrogante."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:293
translate it chapter_4_2eafea74:
# T "Hey, Fang."
T "Hey, Fang."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:296
translate it chapter_4_a0fcfb19:
# F "Oh look at me Im super smart and nice to everyone and everyone likes me so if you disagree with me I get the moral high ground no matter what!"
F "Oh guardatemi sono super intelligente e gentile con tutti e piaccio a tutti quindi se non sei d'accordo con me ho sempre la superiorità morale!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:298
translate it chapter_4_cfa5233e:
# "Fang lets out some combination of a snort and a sigh."
"Fang emette una specie di combinazione tra uno sbuffo e un sospiro."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:300
translate it chapter_4_e710c67b:
# F "No different than Naser. What a couple."
F "Non è diversa da Naser. Che coppia."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:303
translate it chapter_4_c846ab2c:
# F "Ugh, whatever. What was she doing to bother you?"
F "Ugh, vabbè. Come ti stava dando fastidio?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:305
translate it chapter_4_6c173c31:
# A "Shes been pestering me about every little thing since school started."
A "Mi sta seccando per ogni piccola cosa da quando è iniziata la scuola."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:307
translate it chapter_4_c80592af:
# A "Granted, shes been a big help in some cases, but jeez shes overbearing sometimes."
A "C'è da dire, qualche volta è stata di grande aiuto, ma mamma mia se ogni tanto è dispotica."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:309
translate it chapter_4_38b886ba:
# T "Fang?"
T "Fang?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:325
translate it chapter_4_c9306acd:
# F "Ill say. Sometime in the first semester she ended up helping me with a major science project. We only had a day to do the whole thing."
F "Ti dirò. Durante il primo semestre si è ritrovata ad aiutarmi con un importante progetto di scienze. Abbiamo avuto un giorno per finirlo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:328
translate it chapter_4_060c6ded:
# A "You waite until the last day for a major grade?"
A "Hai aspettato fino all'ultimo giorno per un voto di una materia principale?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:331
translate it chapter_4_ac1eede0:
# F "It{cps=*.1}...{/cps} That doesnt matter. Shut up."
F "È{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Non importa. Stai zitto."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:335
translate it chapter_4_dbecf326:
# F "Anyways, Naomi insisted on helping me, and I just went along with it."
F "Comunque, Naomi ha insistito perché mi aiutasse, ed io dissi di sì."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:338
translate it chapter_4_606282b1:
# F "She ended up just bossing me around for eight hours."
F "È finita con lei che mi comandava a bacchetta per otto ore."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:343
translate it chapter_4_35f7e743:
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:352
translate it chapter_4_5f943238:
# F "Oh, right. What were you talking about Trish?"
F "Oh, giusto. Di cosa mi stavi parlando Trish?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:355
translate it chapter_4_d1fd5d75:
# "Trish pulls a cardboard tube out of her backpack."
"Trish tira fuori un tubo di cartone dallo zaino."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:357
translate it chapter_4_5713af42:
# "She pops the top of the tube open and pulls a rolled up poster out and unfurls it."
"Lei toglie il tappo dal tubo e tira fuori un poster arrotolato e lo srotola."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:360
translate it chapter_4_093347dc:
# T "This! Tada!{w=.4} Our first poster!"
T "Di questo! Tada!{w=.4} Il nostro primo poster!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:391
translate it chapter_4_5c6f139b:
# A "VVURM DRAMA?{w=.4} Thats an{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} interesting name{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} and whats with the date on it?"
A "VVURM DRAMA?{w=.4} È un{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} nome interessante{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} cosa vuol dire quella data?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:395
translate it chapter_4_70c02a9c:
# F "{cps=*.5}Trish wants-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
F "{cps=*.5}Trish vuole-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:398
translate it chapter_4_f9999ee0:
# T "We need to have an actual show! Not some dumb school show. We need actual people who matter to show our genius to!"
T "Dobbiamo fare un vero spettacolo! Non uno stupido spettacolo studentesco. Dobbiamo mostrare il nostro genio ad altre persone!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:401
translate it chapter_4_8c843382:
# "Genius?{w=.4} More like retardation."
"Genio?{w=.4} Vorrai dire ritardo mentale."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:404
translate it chapter_4_e178e1e9:
# F "I dont know Trish."
F "Non lo so, Trish."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:407
translate it chapter_4_93940aef:
# A "{cps=*.4}Yeeeaaaaahhhh{/cps}{w=.2} {nw}"
A "{cps=*.4}Giààààààààààà{/cps}{w=.2} {nw}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:409
translate it chapter_4_e18ba652:
# extend "Im with Fang on this one."
extend "Sono d'accordo con Fang."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:414
translate it chapter_4_8a12e29f:
# "The glare Trish levels at me was akin to a very dull knife."
"Lo sguardo di Trish mi taglia come uno spalmino smussato."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:418
translate it chapter_4_c76e66df:
# T "You dont even know how good we are!"
T "Non sai neanche quanto siamo bravi!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:421
translate it chapter_4_29d86623:
# T "That was simply a practice session!"
T "Quelle erano solo delle prove!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:425
translate it chapter_4_7c544c7b:
# T "Since youre Nasers friend too, just know HE ruined our first concert. Right Fang?"
T "Dato che sei anche amico di Naser, voglio che tu sappia che è stato LUI a rovinare il nostro primo concerto. Vero Fang?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:428
translate it chapter_4_2066e111:
# F "Ugh, yeah. If he hadnt invited all those cocksuckers{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Ugh, esatto. Se solamente non avesse invitato tutti quei succhiacazzi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:432
translate it chapter_4_ce93ec22:
# A "Still {cps=*.4}I think-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
A "In ogni caso{cps=*.4}Penso che-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:434
translate it chapter_4_77b81ad4:
# T "It doesnt matter what {w=.1}{nw}"
T "Non importa cosa {w=.1}{nw}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:439
translate it chapter_4_b58f5c14:
# extend "YOU{w=.2} think!" with vpunch
extend "ne pensi{w=.2} TU!" with vpunch
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:443
translate it chapter_4_b6d0a86e:
# "Whoa, where did that come from."
"Whoa, questo da dove esce."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:447
translate it chapter_4_7513e403:
# F "Lets drop it for now. My tuna sandwich is getting cold."
F "Lasciamo perdere per ora. Il mio panino al tonno si sta raffreddando."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:450
translate it chapter_4_f5b1f95d:
# "Trish grins in victory."
"Trish fa un sorriso vittorioso."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:453
translate it chapter_4_bd2b92e8:
# Re "{size=-10}Dude{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ya got told{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/size}"
Re "{size=-10}Bro{cps=*.1}...{/cps} te l'ha detto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/size}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:460
translate it chapter_4_b30f0cab:
# "What the fuck am I doing? Im dead if I out myself whilst outnumbered here."
"Che cazzo sto facendo? Sono morto se mi scoprono mentre sono in svantaggio numerico."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:463
translate it chapter_4_9456b4f7:
# "Trish tore at me like she knew I was there."
"Trish mi ha attaccato come se sapesse fossi stato lì."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:466
translate it chapter_4_2284b68a:
# "Had to happen EVENTUALLY."
"Doveva succedere PRIMA O POI."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:468
translate it chapter_4_d9f0a735:
# "I pray thats not the case."
"Prego che non sia così."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:477
translate it chapter_4_91db4401:
# "I finally get to opening my omnivore lunch. A BLT, some chicken nuggets, and an orange."
"Finalmente posso aprire il mio pranzo da onnivoro. Un BLT, qualche crocchetta di pollo, e un'arancia."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:479
translate it chapter_4_6dc59643:
# "I take my first bite of the sandwich and-"
"Do il primo morso al panino e-"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:483
translate it chapter_4_4698e32e:
# "{cps=*20}{i}DING-{w=0.7}DONG {w=0.65}BING-{w=0.7}BONG{/i}{/cps}"
"{cps=*20}{i}DING-{w=0.7}DONG {w=0.65}BING-{w=0.7}BONG{/i}{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:487
translate it chapter_4_e661e6b9:
# "Are you kidding me."
"Mi stai prendendo in giro."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:489
translate it chapter_4_3f520cd6:
# "I cram as much of the sandwich into my mouth as I can and close the box."
"Riempo la bocca con quello che posso e chiudo il sacco del pranzo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:491
translate it chapter_4_ad7801b4:
# "Reed puts the projector in the corner of the room, and Trish makes for the exit with Fang."
"Reed mette il proiettore in un'angolino, e Trish comincia a uscire con Fang."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:493
translate it chapter_4_1d31f947:
# "I follow after, cheeks still filled with food."
"Le seguo, con le guance ancora piene di cibo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:503
translate it chapter_4_645dcabc:
# "Next class is{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Music, thats right. Ill be walking with Fang then."
"La prossima lezione è{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Musica, giusto. Allora andrò con Fang."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:505
translate it chapter_4_78ff1b3c:
# "The three all wave each other goodbye and Fang turns towards our shared class."
"I tre si salutano e Fang si dirige verso la classe della materia che condividiamo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:510
translate it chapter_4_dd2c55cb:
# "May as well make some small talk."
"Tanto vale chiacchierare."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:521
translate it chapter_4_c6639b12:
# A "So, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} whats your favorite band, Fang?"
A "Quindi, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} quale è la tua band preferita, Fang?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:524
translate it chapter_4_1db2aae6:
# F "My favorite band, huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "La mia band preferita, huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:527
translate it chapter_4_e440b869:
# F "Guess itd be something like The Skinks{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Maybe the Fossillies?"
F "Penso qualcosa come gli Skinks{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Forse i Fossillies?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:529
translate it chapter_4_aeb32aba:
# A "Oi, tha eres sum preey briish tayste, yeah?"
A "Oi, dirhei che queshto è un taste alquanto british, yes?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:534
translate it chapter_4_7aab94c5:
# F "{cps=*.35}Pffft.{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.35}Pffft.{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:536
translate it chapter_4_5365602c:
# "She turns away to hide her snickers."
"Si gira per nascondere le sue risatine."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:541
translate it chapter_4_9e2a14ba:
# F "Shut it."
F "Smettila."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:543
translate it chapter_4_ceba72d1:
# F "Im sure your favorite is much better."
F "Come se il tuo fosse tanto meglio."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:546
translate it chapter_4_0abe6f19:
# A "Im into{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "A me piace{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:563
translate it chapter_4_401efbf9:
# "Fang holds a hand up to her beak."
"Fang mette la mano sul suo becco."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:565
translate it chapter_4_eae24de8:
# F "{cps=*.4}AHAHAHAHAHAHHA.{/cps} {w=.4}{nw}"
F "{cps=*.4}AHAHAHAHAHAHHA.{/cps} {w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:568
translate it chapter_4_fd81e4af:
# extend "God you are such a dweeb."
extend "Oddio sei proprio uno sfigato."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:571
translate it chapter_4_2f73a457:
# "I flash her my biggest shit-eating grin."
"Le faccio un sorrisetto mangia-merda più grande che posso."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:573
translate it chapter_4_1ac723d7:
# A "Least I dont need a loisence to listen to it."
A "Almeno non mi serva una loisence per ascoltare."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:576
translate it chapter_4_43f672f7:
# F "Oi luv, didn share me taystes to get rallied on, bit rewd, innit?"
F "Oi luv, non ho condivisho i miei gushti per esshere derisha, un po' rude, innit?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:582
translate it chapter_4_46b544b0:
# "The two of us banter with each other with increasingly strong british accents all the way to class."
"Continuiamo a sfotterci a vicenda con accenti inglesi sempre più forti mentre andiamo in classe."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:592
translate it chapter_4_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:598
translate it chapter_4_0e3ee07e:
# "ARGH!!{w=.4} This stupid-" with vpunch
"ARGH!!{w=.4} Odio questi stupidi-" with vpunch
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:601
translate it chapter_4_8eaf7ff1:
# "\"Define a treble clef\"? I dont know what a treble clef is! I dont care about this shit, it wont ever be useful."
"\"Descrivi una chiave di violino\"? Non so cosa sia una chiave di violino! Non me ne frega un cazzo, non mi servirà mai."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:603
translate it chapter_4_278d0d0c:
# "Fuck this, who can I cheat off of?"
"Che se ne fotte, da chi posso copiare?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:606
translate it chapter_4_07dd7aba:
# "I lean back in my uncomfortable chair hoping to pop my spine back in place."
"Mi stiracchio sulla mia scomoda sedia sperando di far scrocchiare la schiena."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:608
translate it chapter_4_167334d1:
# N "{i}\"Wait, don't you share that class with Fang?{w=.4} Why not ask her, I'm sure she'd lend a hand!\"{/i}"
N "{i}\"Aspetta, tu condividi quella materia con Fang, giusto?{w=.4} Perché non le chiedi aiuto, sono sicura che ti darebbe una mano!\"{/i}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:611
translate it chapter_4_2063e5d3:
# "I crane my head, looking for Fang."
"Allungo la testa, cercando Fang."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:613
translate it chapter_4_3b30b89f:
# "She's at her own desk shes filling out her assignment page easily, drumming her fingers on her desk. Almost looks like shes strumming honestly."
"Lei è al suo banco mentre completa i compiti con facilità, e tamburella sulla scrivania con le dita. Onestamente sembrava come se stesse strimpellando."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:616
translate it chapter_4_57789149:
# "Agh, and thats another thing. Who the fuck made guitars?! Fuck trying to memorize frets or whatever the fuck."
"Agh, a proposito. Chi cazzo le ha inventate le chitarre?! Fottesega imparare tutti i tasti o come cazzo si chiamano."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:619
translate it chapter_4_b3a3b59b:
# "Oh shit, shes looking at me now."
"Oh merda, mi sta guardando."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:621
translate it chapter_4_d4785d3c:
# "She tilts her head and taps her sheet."
"Lei inclina la testa di lato e indica il foglio."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:624
translate it chapter_4_42f3e19f:
# "OH!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:626
translate it chapter_4_c0e25a18:
# "I respond with an eyeroll and finger gun at my temple. My thumb hammer drops and I fake die in my seat."
"Rispondo alzando gli occhi al cielo e puntando una pistola con le dita alla mia tempia. Sparo con il pollice e muoio per finta nella mia sedia."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:628
translate it chapter_4_571fc0e1:
# "Fang shakes her head, returning to her assignment with a tiny smile gracing her beak."
"Fang scuote la testa, e ritorna ai suoi compiti con un sorrisetto che le grazia il becco."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:631
translate it chapter_4_2a80adbb:
# "I look at the papers we need to finish. Fuck me, how the hell are we suppose to finish these by the end of class?!"
"Do un'occhiata ai compiti da finire. Porca troia, come facciamo a finirli prima della fine della lezione?!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:634
translate it chapter_4_2f7c8dcc:
# N "{i}\"It cant hurt to ask, though, right?\"{/i}"
N "{i}\"Tentar non nuoce però, giusto?\"{/i}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:637
translate it chapter_4_f70c619d:
# "Maybe the Neon Nero had a good point."
"Forse il Nerone Neon ha ragione."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:639
translate it chapter_4_3c1b4bed:
# "Still, interrupting Fang now might piss her off."
"Tuttavia, dare fastidio a Fang potrebbe farla arrabbiare."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:641
translate it chapter_4_be4e4bd7:
# "{cps=*.25}FFFFFf{/cps}uck.{w=.4} Ill flip a coin."
"{cps=*.25}MMMMMMMmmm{/cps}erda.{w=.4} Tiro una moneta."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:659
translate it lHeads_4eb9383d:
# "Guess thats that."
"Ed ecco qua."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:661
translate it lHeads_4594f01f:
# "May as well get it over with."
"Meglio togliersi il pensiero."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:666
translate it lHeads_484fa92a:
# "I slink out of my chair and go around to Fangs desk."
"Sgattaiolo dalla mia sedia e mi avvicino di soppiatto al banco di Fang."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:677
translate it lHeads_68a83353:
# A "Uh{cps=*.1}....{/cps}"
A "Uh{cps=*.1}....{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:683
translate it lHeads_d5ebb167:
# "She jumps in her chair."
"Lei sobbalza dalla sedia."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:686
translate it lHeads_03a6b6ed:
# F "Howd you get-{w=.4} {nw}"
F "Come hai fatto-{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:688
translate it lHeads_da14a260:
# extend "dont scare me like that!"
extend "non mi spaventare così!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:690
translate it lHeads_7ded9f3a:
# A "Sorry{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Scusa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:693
translate it lHeads_f8f36e71:
# "I look at her work and see shes only a quarter done. Fuck, I hope we have enough time."
"Guardo i suoi compiti e vedo che ne ha finito solo un quarto. Cazzo, spero ci rimanga abbastanza tempo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:695
translate it lHeads_80b10774:
# A "{cps=*.2}Sooo...{/cps} you seem to be capable of deciphering dead languages."
A "{cps=*.2}Quiiiiindiii...{/cps} tu sembri in grado di decifrare lingue morte."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:699
translate it lHeads_5ecfb9a2:
# F "Wha-"
F "Cos-"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:701
translate it lHeads_d973597e:
# A "canyouhelpmewiththis?!"
A "mipuoiaiutare?!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:705
translate it lHeads_337ab6a4:
# F "Help you with the assignment?"
F "Aiutarti con i compiti?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:707
translate it lHeads_804cb1fe:
# A "{cps=*.1}....{/cps}Yes. I dont get any of this. Its all moon runes to me."
A "{cps=*.1}....{/cps}Sì, non ci capisco niente. Per me sono tutte rune lunari."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:710
translate it lHeads_39fdbc42:
# F "Howd you even join this class?"
F "Come hai fatto a scegliere questa materia?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:712
translate it lHeads_fc624bf5:
# A "Only elective that had an open spot, apparently. Even though its mid semester and Im expected to be at the level of everyone thats been here all year."
A "L'unica materia opzionale con un posto libero, a quanto pare. Anche se siamo a metà semestre e si aspettano che io stia allo stesso livello di chi è stato qui per tutto l'anno."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:715
translate it lHeads_10f03b95:
# "Fang leans her head down and holds her hand on top of her muzzle."
"Fang inclina la testa in basso e tiene la mano sopra il muso."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:717
translate it lHeads_a548d341:
# "Im guessing thats supposed to be like pinching the bridge of your nose."
"Suppongo sia come il nostro pizzicarsi il ponte del naso."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:721
translate it lHeads_635c378c:
# F "Whatever, its fine if the teacher gives the green light."
F "Vabbè, non c'è problema se il professore dà il via libera."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:738
translate it lHeads_1aec7f5c:
# Re "Itll be fine."
Re "Andrà tutto bene."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:749
translate it lHeads_4229b971:
# "Fang and I jump several inches."
"Io e Fang sobbalziamo di qualche centimetro."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:757
translate it lHeads_edc7487c:
# F "What are you doing here?!"
F "Che ci fai qui?!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:760
translate it lHeads_c35f979f:
# A "And whats with the costume?"
A "E come mai hai un costume?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:762
translate it lHeads_8fce4bec:
# "Reed is in an overly large inflatable T-rex costume."
"Reed sta indossando un costume da T-rex gonfiabile troppo grande."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:765
translate it lHeads_a42630c4:
# Re "Gotta get a signature for this absent note, man{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Devo farmi firmare l'assenza, fra{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:767
translate it lHeads_6debb489:
# Re "Anyways{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Mr. Jingo doesnt care about if you use, like, partners and stuff{cps=*.1}...{/cps} He just wants the work done{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Comunque{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Al Sig. Jingo non importa se, tipo, si lavora con gli altri e simili{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Basta che si fanno i compiti{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:770
translate it lHeads_d762c0e4:
# A "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I see. I didnt know you were also the school mascot, Reed."
A "C-{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Capisco. Non sapevo fossi la mascotte della scuola, Reed."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:773
translate it lHeads_91b6c6d1:
# Re "Theres, like, pockets in here man{cps=*.1}...{/cps} You get to bring a lot of cool stuff{cps=*.1}...{/cps} As long as you clean it after{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Ci sono, tipo, delle tasche qui dentro{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Ti puoi portare un sacco di bella roba{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Basta che dopo pulisci{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:775
translate it lHeads_fe8db84d:
# "Im not even going to bother at this point."
"Neanche ci provo a chiedere."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:777
translate it lHeads_cc39e689:
# F "Thanks, Reed."
F "Grazie, Reed."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:779
translate it lHeads_682759da:
# Re "Sall good, man{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Tutt'apposto, bro{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:782
translate it lHeads_2fbf585a:
# "Reed gets up and goes to the teachers desk in the corner of the room."
"Reed si alza e va alla cattedra del professore nell'angolo della stanza."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:795
translate it lHeads_847efaa6:
# "I turn back to Fang expectantly."
"Mi giro verso Fang pazientemente."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:798
translate it lHeads_3666a8e8:
# F "Im not getting up. Get your crap and sit down already."
F "Non mi alzo. Prendi la tua roba e sbrigati."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:801
translate it lHeads_ba26487b:
# A "Thanks."
A "Grazie."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:803
translate it lHeads_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:823
translate it lTails_de7fa07a:
# "Guess that settles it."
"La questione è risolta."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:825
translate it lTails_993a413d:
# "Fang wouldnt want to be bothered right now anyways."
"Non penso che Fang voglia essere infastidita in questo momento."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:828
translate it lTails_35afca45:
# "Looking back to my paper, I try once again to make sense of the questions and music notes."
"Ritorno al mio foglio, e provo un'altra volta a capire le domande e le note musicali."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:830
translate it lTails_3a667c8c:
# "\"Write the following notes in both Treble and Bass clef\"."
"\"Scrivi le seguenti note in entrambe chiavi di Violino e di Basso\"."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:832
translate it lTails_60f94cde:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}What?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:844
translate it lTails_7da0bbf0:
# Re "Yo, you should have like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} asked Fang for help, man{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Yo, avresti dovuto tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} chiedere aiuto a Fang, zì{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:851
translate it lTails_afc29647:
# "I have to grab the desk to keep myself from falling out of my chair."
"Mi sono dovuto aggrappare al banco per non cadere dalla sedia."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:853
translate it lTails_e5520301:
# A "Reed, what the fuck are you doing here?!"
A "Reed, che cazzo di fai qui?!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:855
translate it lTails_6df31284:
# Re "Just getting an absent note signed by teach, man{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Mi devo solo far firmare l'assenza dal prof, fra{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:858
translate it lTails_beac4209:
# A "And whats with the outfit?!"
A "E perché sei vestito così?!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:860
translate it lTails_8fce4bec:
# "Reed is in an overly large inflatable T-rex costume."
"Reed sta indossando un costume da T-rex gonfiabile troppo grande."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:862
translate it lTails_0c32f6cb:
# Re "School mascots are pretty cool{cps=*.1}...{/cps} You wouldnt believe the things they let you do with these{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Fare la mascotte della scuola è troppo figo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Non hai idea delle cose che ti lasciano fare in uno di questi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:865
translate it lTails_9b1976cc:
# "Im not going to ask for clarification."
"Non chiederò chiarimenti."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:868
translate it lTails_0e732e71:
# Re "But, uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} You should get some help or something{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Ma, uuh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Dovresti chiedere aiuto o una cosa del genere{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:870
translate it lTails_4796e8e8:
# Re "Ill ask the teacher for you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Chiederò al professore da parte tua{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:873
translate it lTails_004c73b5:
# A "No, Reed, {cps=*.4}you dont have to-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
A "No, Reed, {cps=*.4}non ti preoccupare-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:878
translate it lTails_c6552582:
# Re "YO, TEACH!{w=.4} THIS GUY NEEDS SOME EXTRA HELP!" with vpunch
Re "YO, PROF!{w=.4}A 'STO TIZIO SERVE AIUTO!" with vpunch
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:881
translate it lTails_831242aa:
# "All eyes turn to us."
"Tutti gli occhi si girano verso di noi."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:883
translate it lTails_7dfba23e:
# "The desk makes a nice conk sound when my head hits it."
"Il banco fa un bel conk quando la mia testa ci cade sopra."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:890
translate it lTails_8a551b5d:
# jingo "Does he really?"
jingo "Davvero?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:893
translate it lTails_e2cadcfd:
# jingo "Err{cps=*.1}...{/cps} someone{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {i}Fang!{/i}{w=.4} You help him with the packet."
jingo "Err{cps=*.1}...{/cps} qualcuno{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {i}Fang!{/i}{w=.4} Aiutalo con i compiti."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:895
translate it lTails_cadd9e19:
# "Fang glares daggers at the two of us."
"Fang lancia un'occhiataccia tagliente a entrambi."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:898
translate it lTails_f0e12c3b:
# A "{cps=*.3}Thanks,{/cps} Reed."
A "{cps=*.3}Grazie,{/cps} Reed."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:900
translate it lTails_d27e8c52:
# Re "Hey, no problem man! I gotta go{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Hey, nessun problema bro! Devo andare{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:909
translate it lTails_dc05a211:
# "Reed shuffles over to the teachers desk in the corner to get his signature."
"Reed si trascina verso la cattedra del professore nell'angolo della stanza per avere la sua firma."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:913
translate it lTails_f57b69db:
# "Fang calls out from her chair."
"Fang mi chiama dalla sua sedia."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:915
translate it lTails_16b524fe:
# F "Im not getting up. If you need help grab your stuff and get over here."
F "Io non mi alzo. Se ti serve aiuto prendi la tua roba e vieni."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:918
translate it lTails_7e6ab527:
# "The damage is done. May as well at this point."
"Il danno è fatto. Tanto vale a questo punto."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:921
translate it lTails_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:939
translate it lPostFlip_9c14f4ef:
# F "Jesus{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you suck at this."
F "Gesù{cps=*.1}...{/cps} fai proprio schifo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:941
translate it lPostFlip_66881cfd:
# A "No shit, I dont know what half this shit is!"
A "Grazie al cazzo, non ho la minima idea di cosa sia metà di 'sta merda!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:943
translate it lPostFlip_dd051027:
# F "God, they tell you about treble notes in Elementary, its E, G, B, D, F for treble and G, B, D, F, A for bass!"
F "Dio mio, le note delle chiavi di violino te le insegnano alle Elementari, sono Mi, Sol, Si, Re, Fa per la chiave di violino, e Sol, Si, Re, Fa, La per la chiave di basso!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:946
translate it lPostFlip_c4f9c4fb:
# A "How the hell do you know any of this."
A "Come diavolo fai a sapere 'ste cose."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:948
translate it lPostFlip_f901aa53:
# "Anon then realized, he is horrendously fucking stupid."
"Poi Anon si è accorto di essere un completo idiota."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:951
translate it lPostFlip_6b08c87b:
# F "Ive been into playing music since pre-k."
F "Suono musica da prima dell'asilo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:954
translate it lPostFlip_facadb33:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Roll with it."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Stai al gioco."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:956
translate it lPostFlip_dab175ac:
# A "So does it take that long to learn that horrid thing?"
A "Ci vuole molto tempo per imparare quello strumento infernale?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:958
translate it lPostFlip_855609d3:
# "I point at the class electric guitar."
"Indico la chitarra elettrica della classe."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:961
translate it lPostFlip_6ea752e0:
# F "Nah, I started with piano. I didnt get my first guitar til freshman year."
F "Nah, ho iniziato con il pianoforte. Ho avuto la mia prima chitarra al primo anno di superiori."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:964
translate it lPostFlip_3bad9514:
# A "The piano? Isnt that the hardest one?"
A "Il pianoforte? Non è quello più difficile?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:966
translate it lPostFlip_9c964caf:
# "I have no clue what i'm talking about."
"Non ho idea di cosa stia dicendo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:969
translate it lPostFlip_749d1c6b:
# F "Maybe for some, but I started early and got ahead. My grandma had an old piano she would let me mess around with."
F "Forse per alcuni, ma io ho iniziato presto. Mia nonna aveva un vecchio pianoforte e me lo lasciava usare."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:971
translate it lPostFlip_79fe6f50:
# F "She would try to get me to play all kinds of songs, mostly church stuff because she wanted me to be a little goodie two shoes like she was."
F "Mi spingeva a suonare un sacco di canzoni, più che altro canzoni di chiesa perché diventassi una santarellina come lei."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:973
translate it lPostFlip_22f56eae:
# F "It{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
F "Era{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:975
translate it lPostFlip_e8f6382c:
# extend "was fun."
extend "divertente."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:978
translate it lPostFlip_da3ea0ad:
# F "Then I started taking piano lessons privately because my mom saw that I was interested in it,{w=.4} {nw}"
F "Poi ho iniziato a prendere lezioni private di pianoforte perché mia Madre ha visto che mostravo interesse,{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:980
translate it lPostFlip_979ce7fc:
# extend "and in middle school I joined the band for awhile!"
extend "e alle medie ho fatto parte della banda per un po'!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:982
translate it lPostFlip_d182b635:
# F "Only quit because of marching season, I was {i}not{/i} wearing a dumb uniform."
F "Ho lasciato solamente per via delle sfilate, {i}non{/i} volevo indossare una stupida uniforme."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:986
translate it lPostFlip_7e61d6dc:
# "Fang gets a strange expression, a mix between a blush and a scowl as she returns back to her snappy attitude."
"Fang fa una strana espressione, un mix tra l'arrossire e la rabbia, per poi ritornare al suo atteggiamento brusco."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:989
translate it lPostFlip_eaca2ef4:
# F "You done with that yet? It's taking you way too long, rather have you out of my way."
F "Hai finito con quello? Ci stai mettendo troppo, preferirei che non mi rallentassi."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:991
translate it lPostFlip_e76a69bd:
# "Cute."
"Che carina."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:994
translate it lPostFlip_751747c2:
# "I show her the half-finished worksheet."
"Le mostro i miei compiti mezzi finiti."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:996
translate it lPostFlip_dec9f21d:
# A "I still dont get this fucking part."
A "Ancora non capisco 'sta parte del cazzo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:999
translate it lPostFlip_659b7b44:
# F "Its literally three classifications, its really easy."
F "Sono letteralmente tre classificazioni, è facile."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1002
translate it lPostFlip_30961160:
# A "It doesnt list them!"
A "Non le elenca!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1005
translate it lPostFlip_f9a1e87a:
# F "Did you even read the page?"
F "Ma almeno l'hai letto il foglio?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1007
translate it lPostFlip_d6282b50:
# "Fang then grabs the paper and points at the top right. In a small box is a list of three types, woodwind, brass, and percussion."
"Fang prende il foglio e indica l'angolo in alto a destra. In una piccola casella c'è una lista di tre tipi, legni, ottoni, e percussioni."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1010
translate it lPostFlip_ced14907:
# A "Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1013
translate it lPostFlip_32f26cc3:
# F "You still need me to help you with this or do you have it from here?"
F "Ti serve ancora il mio aiuto oppure te la puoi cavare da solo?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1015
translate it lPostFlip_b891f7fa:
# "Of course I have it, I know this shit, it's just 3 categories."
"Certo che riesco a cavarmela, 'sta merda la so, sono solo 3 categorie."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1017
translate it lPostFlip_8581b068:
# "Percussion is simple enough. Getting the differences between woodwind and brass is a bit harder."
"Le percussioni sono facili. Trovare la differenze tra legni ed ottoni è un po' più difficile."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1021
translate it lPostFlip_af58c124:
# A "Right. You know your stuff. Band stuff."
A "Già. Tu ne sai di roba. Roba di musica."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1025
translate it lPostFlip_f7350ee6:
# "I heard a sigh from Fang."
"Sento un sospiro da Fang."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1028
translate it lPostFlip_10ef04e1:
# F "I cant believe this."
F "Non ci posso credere."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1031
translate it lPostFlip_8f3a750f:
# A "What is it?"
A "Che succede?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1037
translate it lPostFlip_73f42770:
# F "Why did you leave your old school?"
F "Perché hai lasciato la tua vecchia scuola?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1041
translate it lPostFlip_44a17d88:
# A "Wh-"
A "Cos-"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1043
translate it lPostFlip_65f57288:
# A "Where did that come from?"
A "Questo da dove spunta?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1046
translate it lPostFlip_33ee8fd2:
# F "Just wondering, though I think I know the answer."
F "Solo per chiedere, anche se credo di sapere la risposta."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1049
translate it lPostFlip_3e6b1cee:
# A "Why do you care?"
A "Perché ti importa?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1052
translate it lPostFlip_2906f39a:
# F "Youre here for just two weeks and already youve wedged yourself in with my friends."
F "Sei qui da due settimane e già ti sei immischiato tra i miei amici."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1055
translate it lPostFlip_81647de9:
# A "I didnt really have a choice there, Fang."
A "Non avevo molta scelta, Fang."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1057
translate it lPostFlip_3e3a0b9c:
# A "I just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} wanted to cruise through this year. Im not good with friends."
A "Volevo solo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} far passare quest'anno con facilità. Non sono bravo con gli amici."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1060
translate it lPostFlip_f4582b3c:
# F "Sorry, just had a feeling. I myself havent gotten many new friends in a few years{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Scusa, era solo un presentimento. Neanche io ho fatto tanti nuovi amici in questi anni{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1062
translate it lPostFlip_0031a51e:
# F "Its like I make people avoid me{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I dont like new people{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "È come se allontanassi gli altri{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Non mi piacciono le persone nuove{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1064
translate it lPostFlip_7a89ca48:
# A "That's weird."
A "Strano."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1067
translate it lPostFlip_3aac511e:
# F "Fuck em', you know?"
F "Vadano a farsi fottere, capisci?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1069
translate it lPostFlip_529b1d4f:
# A "Sure."
A "Certo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1073
translate it lPostFlip_b317cda2:
# F "You act like you have a hard time socializing, Im not seeing it."
F "Ti comporti come se te la cavassi male nel socializzare, io non la vedo così."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1076
translate it lPostFlip_0a25fc50:
# F "Makes me think you didnt leave your school out of necessity, but because you really must have fucked up royally."
F "Mi fa pensare che non hai lasciato la scuola per necessità, ma perché hai mandato tutto a puttane."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1078
translate it lPostFlip_c79ecb68:
# F "I know your kind."
F "Conosco quelli come te."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1082
translate it lPostFlip_784d359e:
# "I-I, what did Fang mean by that?"
"I-io, cosa vuole dirmi Fang con tutto questo?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1084
translate it lPostFlip_2d06d7c5:
# "It all just came out of nowhere - I mean jeez."
"Tutto così dal nulla - cioè mannaggia."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1086
translate it lPostFlip_da31450a:
# "Were talking about how she cant get friends and now she wants to know about THAT{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Stavamo parlando di come lei non riesce a fare amici ed ora vuole sentire parlare di QUELLO{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1089
translate it lPostFlip_4851cece:
# "Oh God. Im getting hot."
"Oddio. Si sta facendo caldo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1092
translate it lPostFlip_0b637d53:
# "Its Trish."
"È stata Trish."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1094
translate it lPostFlip_b7c54d9d:
# "Trish told Fang and now she knows everything."
"Trish lo ha detto a Fang e ora sa tutto."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1097
translate it lPostFlip_7390dc80:
# "Play dumb? Hopefully that will work."
"Dovrei fare il finto tonto? Speriamo funzioni."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1101
translate it lPostFlip_43c14c64:
# A "I have no clue what youre talking about."
A "Non ho idea di cosa stai parlando."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1105
translate it lPostFlip_46f574e3:
# F "Honestly? Me neither."
F "Onestamente? Non lo so neanch'io."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1108
translate it lPostFlip_835f1a6d:
# F "Youre just some loser that knows NOTHING about music."
F "Sei solamente un perdente che non ne sa NIENTE di musica."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1111
translate it lPostFlip_7ded8f8c:
# F "You come in from your cave where even your parents mustve wanted you gone."
F "Vieni dalla tua caverna da dove pure i tuoi genitori volevano te ne andassi."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1114
translate it lPostFlip_3bf0a49b:
# F "And yet, youre now BOTH my science and music partner, on top of worming your way in with MY band and with MY friends-"
F "Però, ora sei SIA il mio partner di scienze che di musica, inoltre ti stai infiltrando nella MIA band e tra i MIEI amici-"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1117
translate it lPostFlip_e7f4eed2:
# F "Anon, what is there TO understand?"
F "Anon, cosa C'È da capire?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1119
translate it lPostFlip_edeedb21:
# "Shes laughing."
"Lei sta ridendo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1122
translate it lPostFlip_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1125
translate it lPostFlip_576e4f13:
# F "Hey, you ok?"
F "Hey, tutto bene?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1128
translate it lPostFlip_936c6697_1:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1131
translate it lPostFlip_1268fd2c:
# F "Thats funny, come on."
F "Eddai fa ridere, dai."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1134
translate it lPostFlip_936c6697_2:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1136
translate it lPostFlip_982f2590:
# A "{cps=*.25}Haha.{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.25}Ahah.{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1140
translate it lPostFlip_659a13ce:
# F "I'll almost miss you when you leave and start finding your own friends."
F "Mi mancherai, quasi, quando te ne andrai e comincerai a trovare i tuoi propri amici."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1143
translate it lPostFlip_60291671:
# A "Whatever you say, Fang."
A "Come dici te, Fang."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1146
translate it lPostFlip_f697b83e:
# "With a roll of her eyes she returns to scrolling through her phone again. I seriously wonder now what she meant."
"Con un'alzata di occhi al cielo ritorna a scorrere sul suo telefono. Ora mi chiedo seriamente cosa volesse dire."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1151
translate it lPostFlip_9af002ed:
# F "I gotta go."
F "Devo andare."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1154
translate it lPostFlip_8b898be1:
# A "Y-youre leaving so soon?"
A "T-Te ne vai così presto?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1157
translate it lPostFlip_c8b1d685:
# F "Im going to the bathroom, stupid."
F "Devo andare al bagno, idiota."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1167
translate it lPostFlip_c3739b85:
# "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1173
translate it lPostFlip_1dfb53f9:
# "She knows."
"Lei lo sa."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1176
translate it lPostFlip_030af63a:
# "But how?!"
"Ma come?!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1183
translate it lPostFlip_0385dc79:
# "She left her phone on the desk."
"Ha lasciato il telefono sul banco."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1185
translate it lPostFlip_ab8b2d11:
# "I can see the imprint of the password being illuminated by the rooms lamps."
"Riesco a vedere il segno della password illuminato dalle luci della stanza."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1189
translate it lPostFlip_f176b69c:
# "It{cps=*.1}...{/cps} It wouldnt be right."
"Non{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Non sarebbe giusto."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1193
translate it lPostFlip_06b5a3b2:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I have to know."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Devo sapere."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1195
translate it lPostFlip_e566049d:
# "I reach over to pick up the phone."
"Allungo la mano per prendere il telefono."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1198
translate it lPostFlip_a3f90ae8:
# "Some movement in the corner of my eye solidifies me."
"Un movimento nella coda dell'occhio mi blocca."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1207
translate it lPostFlip_4c2c96e5:
# "{i}Whys Reed still here{/i}?!"
"{i}Perché Reed è ancora qui{/i}?!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1210
translate it lPostFlip_4792aa49:
# Re "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"
Re "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1212
translate it lPostFlip_33c97f10:
# A "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1215
translate it lPostFlip_fbf624db:
# Re "{cps=*.05}...{/cps} {cps=*.2}{i}*snrrrk*{/i}{/cps}"
Re "{cps=*.05}...{/cps} {cps=*.2}{i}*snrrrk*{/i}{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1218
translate it lPostFlip_f3886ffd:
# "Oh thank Raptor Jesus. Hes asleep."
"Oh grazie Gesù Raptor. Sta dormendo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1229
translate it lPostFlip_39484e9f:
# "Fangs password is{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"La password di Fang è{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1231
translate it lPostFlip_aa0de6aa:
# "Wait, only the one key is smudged?"
"Aspetta, solamente il numero uno è segnato?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1233
translate it lPostFlip_ceb04889:
# "I guess its worke until now{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Suppongo abbia funzionato fino ad'ora{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1236
translate it lPostFlip_5019aa64:
# "Ah, the messenger app."
"Ah, l'app dei messaggi."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1241
translate it lPostFlip_f9fca4e8:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Theres surprisingly not a lot."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Sorprendentemente non c'è molto."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1243
translate it lPostFlip_1274e5d7:
# "Seems they interact mostly in person."
"Sembra interagiscano principalmente di persona."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1246
translate it lPostFlip_88fa6155:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}What did I even just accomplish?"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Ma cosa volevo fare?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1248
translate it lPostFlip_52d57c16:
# "I shouldnt have looked."
"Non avrei dovuto controllare."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1250
translate it lPostFlip_114cdb8a:
# "All because of my paranoia{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I just violated someones privacy."
"Tutto per colpa della mia paranoia{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Ho appena violato la privacy di qualcuno."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1253
translate it lPostFlip_137637b1:
# "I can feel a pit open in my stomach."
"Mi sento un nodo allo stomaco."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1255
translate it lPostFlip_4c1a14ad:
# "I shouldn't have done it."
"Non l'avrei dovuto fare."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1257
translate it lPostFlip_62e1d821:
# "Trish is Fangs friend. Not me."
"Trish è amica di Fang. Io non lo sono."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1260
translate it lPostFlip_7a45bbbc:
# "God damn it, Anon. The fuck is wrong with you."
"Mannaggia, Anon. Cosa cazzo hai che non va."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1263
translate it lPostFlip_95dc826d:
# "I set the phone back where it was."
"Rimetto il telefono al suo posto."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1265
translate it lPostFlip_6b809852:
# "A glance back at Reed and I confirm that hes still unconscious."
"Ridò un'occhiata a Reed ed mi dà la conferma che sta ancora dormendo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1271
translate it lPostFlip_c1cad784:
# "Whats another secret to keep?"
"Cosa sarà mai un altro segreto da mantenere?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1273
translate it lPostFlip_4ac461c5:
# "Each one just building on the last, the growing maw in my gut threatens to make me violently ill."
"Segreti che si impilano su altri segreti, la voragine che ho nello stomaco minaccia di farmi stare violentemente male."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1285
translate it lPostFlip_f5186e24:
# F "Oi!"
F "Oi!"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1296
translate it lPostFlip_59e4485a:
# "Im startled as Fang retakes her seat."
"Vengo colto di sorpresa quando Fang ritorna al suo posto."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1299
translate it lPostFlip_4bb7a9aa:
# F "Did you manage to do {i}anything{/i} on the sheet?"
F "Sei riuscito a fare una {i}qualsiasi cosa{/i} del compito?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1302
translate it lPostFlip_aa1c6437:
# "I simply shake my head as I show her the incomplete worksheet."
"Scuoto la testa e le mostro i compiti incompleti."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1305
translate it lPostFlip_6d8c69f1:
# "Fang sighs frustratedly."
"Fang sospira frustrata."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1308
translate it lPostFlip_81a7f081:
# A "Look if Im being a bother-"
A "Senti, se ti sto dando fastidio-"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1311
translate it lPostFlip_1d1f6bbe:
# F "Its simple you dweeb."
F "È facile, sfigato."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1313
translate it lPostFlip_c88d9bef:
# "Fang began breaking down the questions, her tone less condescending than when we initially started."
"Fang mi aiuta a capire le domande, con un tono meno altezzoso di quando abbiamo iniziato."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1315
translate it lPostFlip_2457e75c:
# "The way she explained it was infinitely better than how Mr. Jingo did at the start of class."
"Il modo in cui lei spiegava era infinitamente meglio di come l'aveva spiegato il Sig. Jingo all'inizio della lezione."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1318
translate it lPostFlip_59e460d2:
# "Over time the sheet was slowly filled in, things finally starting to click now."
"Col passare del tempo il compito veniva lentamente completato, cominciavo a ingranare."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1321
translate it lPostFlip_70d9844a:
# F "Looks like you got the hang of this bit. Good job, dork."
F "Sembra che con questo te la cavi. Ottimo lavoro, cretino."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1323
translate it lPostFlip_11d6d32e:
# "Fang smirks a bit."
"Fang ghigna un po'."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1326
translate it lPostFlip_d56c8f75:
# "I see a chance to strike."
"Vedo un occasione per colpire."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1329
translate it lPostFlip_14a42ebb:
# A "Helps to have an actual decent teacher."
A "Aiuta molto avere un vero professore."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1334
translate it lPostFlip_cb59de0a:
# "The slight red tint tells me I was right on the mark."
"Il suo leggero arrossire mi dice che ho colpito nel segno."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1336
translate it lPostFlip_30026a0d:
# "Theres also the steady *thump thump thump* of her tail on the back of her seat to clue me in. I cant help thinking of tugging on the appendage."
"C'è anche il continuo *thump thump thump* della sua coda sullo schienale della sedia che me lo fa capire. Non riesco a non pensare di tirare quell'appendice."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1339
translate it lPostFlip_8c9e069e:
# "Wait, the thumping."
"Aspetta, quel battito."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1341
translate it lPostFlip_4036c623:
# "*Thump thump{cps=*.1}...{/cps} thump thump thump{cps=*.1}...{/cps} thump thump{cps=*.1}...{/cps} thump thump thump*"
"*Thump thump{cps=*.1}...{/cps} thump thump thump{cps=*.1}...{/cps} thump thump{cps=*.1}...{/cps} thump thump thump*"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1344
translate it lPostFlip_385d8d54:
# A "Hey uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Is{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Is your tail drumming right now?"
A "Hey uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} La{cps=*.1}...{/cps} La tua coda sta tamburellando?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1347
translate it lPostFlip_b83b00fb:
# F "Hm? Oh, that. Kinda."
F "Hm? Oh, quello. Diciamo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1349
translate it lPostFlip_d921b5e9:
# A "Kinda?"
A "Diciamo?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1351
translate it lPostFlip_193e9e6f:
# F "Im feeling out a rhythm. Thinking of a new song."
F "Sento un ritmo. Sto pensando a una nuova canzone."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1353
translate it lPostFlip_fae9bb1f:
# A "Is that normally part of the creative process?"
A "Di solito quello è parte del processo creativo?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1355
translate it lPostFlip_ada69caa:
# F "Maybe, maybe not. Are you done with the packet yet?"
F "Forse sì, forse no. Hai finito i compiti?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1358
translate it lPostFlip_129c2868:
# "I groan."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1361
translate it lPostFlip_f40527d1:
# A "Still got half a page left."
A "Ancora mi manca mezza pagina."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1364
translate it lPostFlip_7c0c824c:
# F "Thats just a crossword puzzle. Im not helping if you cant do even that."
F "Sono solo parole crociate. Non ti aiuto se non riesci neanche a fare quello."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1366
translate it lPostFlip_b1b27397:
# A "I know, I know."
A "Lo so, lo so."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1369
translate it lPostFlip_43a03ad1:
# "I have to resort to good ol logic to solve the crossword. The longest and shortest words are easy enough to figure out."
"Devo usare la buon vecchia logica per finire le parole crociate. Le parole più lunghe e corte sono le più facili da risolvere."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1372
translate it lPostFlip_5b50d978:
# A "But, uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Comunque, uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1375
translate it lPostFlip_8d93edc8:
# F "Hm?"
F "Hm?"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1378
translate it lPostFlip_0261a151:
# A "Thanks for helping me. With the assignment I mean."
A "Grazie per avermi aiutato. Con i compiti dico."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1381
translate it lPostFlip_62ed13b2:
# F "Uhh yeah. Sure."
F "Uhh sì. Nessun problema."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1383
translate it lPostFlip_8ee65bc8:
# "Theres that red tint again."
"Quell'arrossire è tornato."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1385
translate it lPostFlip_e46f9db5:
# F "Ill help again{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
F "Ti posso aiutare di nuovo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1387
translate it lPostFlip_f1c831e2:
# extend "I mean, if you need it."
extend "Cioè, se ti serve."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1390
translate it lPostFlip_657a8217:
# A "Really? Thanks."
A "Davvero? Grazie."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1393
translate it lPostFlip_62368e8c:
# F "Yeah, just-"
F "Già, però-"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1397
translate it lPostFlip_4698e32e:
# "{cps=*20}{i}DING-{w=0.7}DONG {w=0.65}BING-{w=0.7}BONG{/i}{/cps}"
"{cps=*20}{i}DING-{w=0.7}DONG {w=0.65}BING-{w=0.7}BONG{/i}{/cps}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1402
translate it lPostFlip_e22dcba8:
# "Thats the bell telling us to piss off to the last period. Crap, I still got a few words left."
"Quella è la campanella che ci dice di levarci dalle palle e fare l'ultima ora. Merda, mi mancano ancora un paio di parole."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1406
translate it lPostFlip_ed58ce83:
# "I guess the last few words and rush over to the teachers desk to turn it in."
"Butto a caso le ultime parole e corro verso la cattedra del professore per consegnare."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1408
translate it lPostFlip_a196b5f8:
# "When I turn back I catch sight of Fang leaving the room in a hurry, tail between her legs."
"Quando mi giro vedo di svista Fang che se ne va di fretta, con la coda tra le gambe."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1411
translate it lPostFlip_c0926adc:
# Nas "{i}{cps=*.6}Shes not that bad once you get to know her.{/cps}{/i}"
Nas "{i}{cps=*.6}Lei non è tanto male una volta che la cominci a conoscere bene.{/cps}{/i}"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1415
translate it lPostFlip_684a4ca0:
# "Guess he was right after all."
"Presumo abbia ragione dopo tutto."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1418
translate it lPostFlip_fe196bdf:
# "God, I feel like a jerk now."
"Dio, ora mi sento uno stronzo."
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:1420
translate it lPostFlip_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
translate it strings:
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:551
old "Boomer rock"
new "Rock da Boomer"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:551
old "Obscure hipster shit"
new "Roba oscura da hipster"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:551
old "Anime openings and video game OSTs"
new "Sigle di anime e OST di videogiochi"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:649
old "Heads, ask Fang for help"
new "Testa, chiedi aiuto a Fang"
# game/script/4.anon-needs-help-during-music-period.rpy:649
old "Tails, leave Fang alone"
new "Croce, lascia Fang in pace"