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synced 2025-03-27 20:36:08 +01:00
rework ch11 'Breaking Things' route, centralize ending checks
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 192 additions and 67 deletions
@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ define SV = Character ('Street Vendor', base, color="#F8E120", who_outlines=[(1,
define carl = Character ('Mr. Carldewskii', base, color="#E19E40", who_outlines=[(1, '#03223B')])
define Drf = Character ('Dr. Fernsworth', base, color="#253354", who_outlines=[(1, '#334573')])
define FRT = Character ('Fang Reed & Trish', base, color="#4963A5", who_outlines=[(1, '#FFFFFF')])
define unknown = Character ('(???)', base, color="#000000", who_outlines=[(1, '#FFFFFF')]) # Black
#Extra image translations
@ -252,23 +252,25 @@ label chapter_11:
easein_cubic 1 xalign 0.3
show anon fear flip behind naser:
easein_cubic 1 xalign 0.65
play ambient 'audio/effects/hungrybeast.ogg' fadein 1
show dimmer_darker behind naser, anon with Dissolve(1)
pause .25
pause .3
show naser:
easeout_back 1 xalign 2.7
easeout_back 1 xalign 3.5
show anon:
easeout_back 1 xalign 2.2
easeout_back 1 xalign 2.8
pause .5
hide anon
show dimmer_darker:
linear 0.25 alpha 0
show naser elbow:
easein_elastic 0.5 xalign 1.1
stop ambient fadeout 0.5
play sound 'audio/effects/slapsticksuperpunch.ogg'
play audio 'audio/effects/tableslam.ogg'
with hpunch
A "{b}FUCK!{/b}{fast}"
pause .5
"A few students start turning their heads."
@ -390,6 +392,13 @@ label chapter_11:
#Naser Drama
# Doomer ending skips this segment
call get_ending
if _return == 2:
stop music fadeout 3
pause 2
jump .PromAnnouncement
scene hallway
show anon neutral at acenter
with dissolve
@ -457,7 +466,7 @@ label chapter_11:
"He’s hunched over with his head resting in his hands, and glances at me from the side."
pause .5
play music "audio/OST/The Hunt for more (You)s.ogg" fadein 1.0 noloop
play music "audio/OST/The Hunt for more (You)s.ogg" fadein 1.0
show naser considering:
yalign 0.1 xalign 1.1
with Dissolve(1)
@ -475,7 +484,7 @@ label chapter_11:
show naser neutral with Dissolve(.25)
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# if C scene
# TODO: if C scene
"Naser’s face contorts in deep contemplation."
pause .5
@ -530,18 +539,17 @@ label chapter_11:
Nas "Don’t take it the wrong way, but my mind just screamed at me ‘worst case scenario’."
pause .5
# B: condensed this if-else block for readability
if anonscore >= 4 and fangscore >= 4:
jump .SortingThings
elif anonscore >= 3 and fangscore <= 3:
jump .MendingThings
elif anonscore <= 2 and fangscore <= 2:
jump .BreakingThings
call get_ending
if _return == 4:
jump .SortingThings # Golden
elif _return == 3:
jump .MendingThings # Tradwife
jump .PromAnnouncement
jump .BreakingThings # Shooter
label .SortingThings:
stop music fadeout 4
A "Why’s that?"
show naser angry flip with Dissolve(.25)
@ -552,7 +560,7 @@ label chapter_11:
A "So we’re dating now. I think."
play music "audio/OST/intercept.ogg" fadeout 1.0 fadein 1.0
play music "audio/OST/intercept.ogg" fadein 1.0
show naser annoyed flip with dissolve
"Naser clamps his hands up to his crest."
@ -2568,7 +2576,7 @@ label chapter_11:
F "Such a dweeb, Anon."
"I feel my cheeks warm up as Fang’s fingers interlock with mine."
label FangRosaDate:
scene moes pizza with fade
"We’re in Moe’s reception now. In hindsight I should’ve called Moe too."
show fang neutral with dissolve:
@ -3166,7 +3174,7 @@ label chapter_11:
Re "You’ll see, man. It’s all going well."
"I can only watch the scene before me unfold."
label TrishFangArgument:
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music 'audio/OST/ballad_of_the_boot.ogg' fadein 1.0
scene hallway
@ -3355,190 +3363,293 @@ label chapter_11:
label .BreakingThings:
A "I don’t follow."
pause .5
Nas "Like, uh… I told you a while back how I can’t do anything to help my sister."
Nas "Like, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I told you a while back how I can’t do anything to help my sister."
Nas "That frustration has just been getting worse."
Nas "I’m not even sure it’s anything wrong with Fang at this point, like, it might be me getting upset over what I don’t understand… Something like that."
show naser sad flip with dissolve
Nas "I’m not even sure it’s anything wrong with Fang at this point, like, it might be me getting upset over what I don’t understand{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Something like that."
pause .5
A "I wouldn’t worry too much about Fang, she tells me she’s fine."
A "She might come back to school tomorrow, even."
show naser neutral flip with Dissolve(.25)
Nas "She bounces back well."
pause .5
A "Still a bit on-edge about everything though."
A "But that’s her business, right?"
pause .5
Nas "Sure…"
Nas "Sure{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "I still just can’t shake the feeling…"
show naser considering flip with dissolve
Nas "I still just can’t shake the feeling{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "I just can’t find the right words."
Nas "..."
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Does Fang and I going out bother you that much?"
Nas "It’s not that exactly, but…"
show naser unimpressed flip with Dissolve(.25)
Nas "It’s not that exactly, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
pause .5
A "But?"
Nas "..."
show naser considering flip with Dissolve(.25)
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
pause .5
"I’m lost."
"Is he asking me to say something for him? That’s dumb."
"I’m not a mind reader."
pause .5
show naser brooding flip with dissolve
Nas "Er{cps=*.1}.....{/cps} I mean{cps=*.1}.....{/cps} Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Er…… I mean…… Ugh…"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "..."
Nas "......"
Nas "{cps=*.1}......{/cps}"
pause .5
A "Well, if that’s all, I’m gonna leave. I have homework and stuff to do."
pause .5
"Naser sighs."
Nas "Yeah, sure. Sorry…"
show naser neutral flip with dissolve
Nas "Yeah, sure. Sorry{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
pause .5
A "Text me if you figure it out, I guess."
Nas "Yeah…"
show naser considering flip with Dissolve(.25)
Nas "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "See you."
"Naser looks back ahead at the curtains and doesn’t get up to follow me out of the auditorium."
scene black with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
show naser neutral with dissolve
pause .5
"Naser looks back ahead at the curtains and doesn’t get up to follow me out of the auditorium."
pause .5
show anon:
easeout_back 1.5 xalign -0.5
pause .5
show anon neutral flip with dissolve
hide anon with dissolve
pause .5
stop music fadeout 4
scene black with Dissolve(1)
pause .5
pause .5
play ambient 'audio/effects/apartment loop.ogg' fadein 3
pause .5
scene room anon day with fade
"I fish the key from my backpack and unlock my door."
pause .5
scene room anon day
show fang neutral:
yalign 0.0 xalign -0.2
with dissolve
pause .5
"My place is as drab as ever, and Fang is laying in my bed paying close attention to whatever she’s doing on her phone."
"She looks like she hasn’t slept in days, how long has she been on her phone?"
pause .5
show anon neutral flip:
yalign 0.1 xalign 1.8
show anon:
easein_cubic 1 xalign 1.3
with dissolve
pause .5
A "Yo, I’m home. You feeling better?"
scene room anon day with fade
show anon neutral at aright
"The loud sound of chewing and a thumb up was a good enough reply."
show fang neutral at sleft with dissolve
show anon:
ease_cubic 1 xalign 0.9
pause .5
show anon shrug flip with dissolve
A "You didn’t really miss anything today."
A "Mr. Fernsworth basically gave everyone the day off."
show anon neutral flip with dissolve
"She finally finishes whatever she raided from my fridge with a massive gulp."
F "Aaaaah."
show fang happy with Dissolve(.25)
F "{cps=*.3}Aaaaah.{/cps}"
F "Nice, so no homework to catch up on."
pause .5
A "So, uh…"
A "So, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
pause .5
"C’mon Anon, relationships shouldn’t be this hard."
A "What’ve you been doing?"
pause .5
show fang neutral with Dissolve(.25)
F "Nothing."
pause .5
A "O-oh."
show fang unimpressed with Dissolve(.25)
F "Ate all your salami. Tried playing a game but I don’t know your password."
pause .5
"Thank fuck. She didn’t see any Saturnia."
A "My bad, I guess it slipped my mind to give it to you."
pause .5
"What else can I-"
A "Oh, and Naser wanted me to meet him."
"Fang looks up from her phone."
pause .5
F "He did? Why?"
A "Yeah, he ended up just mumbling a lot about the two of us, so I left."
show fang considering with Dissolve(.25)
F "Ugh, what a weirdo."
F "Can’t he stop getting into my business for, like, a week?"
show fang unimpressed with Dissolve(.25)
F "Sickos. Him and Naomi."
pause .5
show anon behind fang:
ease_cubic 1 xalign 0.4
pause .5
show anon neutral with dissolve
"I sit on the bed next to Fang."
A "Hey, forget about them."
A "How about we actually do something fun now?"
show fang happy with Dissolve(.25)
F "Sure. Like what?"
A "We could play some party games or something."
F "...Oh…"
show fang neutral with Dissolve(.25)
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
pause .5
A "Can be something else if you want."
F "I just thought you were going to say we should go out somewhere or something…"
F "I just thought you were going to say we should go out somewhere or something{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
pause .5
A "Er, I’m trying to save money for a new game that comes out in a few weeks, so…"
A "Er, I’m trying to save money for a new game that comes out in a few weeks, so{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "That’s alright."
pause .5
A "Got anything you want to play in mind?"
show fang considering with Dissolve(.25)
F "No, I’m fine watching. Still have a lot to think about, y’know?"
pause .5
"I get the feeling I just stuck my foot in my mouth."
stop ambient fadeout 3
play music 'audio/OST/intercept.ogg' fadein 1.0
"Or maybe she’s just not telling me something?"
pause .5
"Not really my place to pry."
A "... If you say so."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}If you say so."
pause .5
"I load up Towervania: Melody of Melancholy , and Fang’s phone buzzes."
"I load up Towervania: Melody of Melancholy, and Fang’s phone buzzes."
show fang:
easein_cubic 1 xalign -0.3
show fang neutral with Dissolve(.15)
F "Oh, snap."
F "Something happened, I gotta go."
show anon neutral flip with dissolve
pause .5
A "Someone get hurt?"
F "No, nothing that serious, but I should still be going."
F "Don’t want to overstay my welcome here, and all."
pause .5
A "Oh, alright."
"Fang gives a quick hug goodbye and waves as she goes out the door."
hide fang neutral with dissolve
A "..."
show fang:
easeout_cubic 1.25 xalign 1.6
pause .75
hide fang with dissolve
pause .5
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
pause .5
show anon:
ease_cubic 1 xalign 0.1
pause .5
show anon neutral with dissolve
"I return my attention to the game and end up playing until nightfall."
scene black with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
pause .5
stop music fadeout 3
scene black with Dissolve(1)
pause 1
label .PromAnnouncement:
"{cps=*.2}-- April first --{/cps}"
pause .5
play music 'audio/OST/to_swagger.ogg' fadein 1.0
"April first."
"Fang and I have been together for a month now."
if anonscore >= 3 and fangscore <= 4: #tradwife
# B: this flag should probably be set in the top level script instead
$ tradwife = True
call get_ending
if _result == 3: #tradwife
"Things are going pretty well. When we discount Trish’s weekly attempt to talk with Fang."
@ -11,28 +11,30 @@ label storyline:
call chapter_10
call chapter_11
#Ending Deciding
if anonscore >= 4 and fangscore >= 4:
call get_ending
if _return == 4:
call chapter_11D
call chapter_12D
call chapter_13D
call chapter_14D
elif anonscore >= 3 and fangscore <=4:
elif _return == 3:
$ tradwife = True
call chapter_11C
call chapter_12C
call chapter_13C
call chapter_14C
elif anonscore <= 3 and fangscore >=3:
elif _return == 2:
call chapter_11B
call chapter_12B
call chapter_13B
call chapter_14B
elif anonscore <= 2 and fangscore <= 2:
elif _return == 1:
call chapter_11A
call chapter_12A
call chapter_13A
call chapter_14A
$ renpy.quit()
else: # this block is redundant since we should never hit it
A "What?"
@ -45,10 +47,10 @@ label storyline:
St "Yes, but you have to have something wrong with you to speedrun a visual novel beta"
"/dev/non" "well shit. Please do report this bug and all the choices you made that lead to this point. Something fucked up real bad"
#just liek maek gaem
call ending
call .ending
label ending:
label .ending:
play music "audio/OST/Dino Destiny Reader.ogg"
scene credits at Pan((0, 0),(0, 7400), 61) with fade
pause 1200
@ -10,3 +10,16 @@ label initstats(anon=0, fang=0, trad=False):
$ fangscore = fang
$ tradwife = trad
label get_ending:
# To check what ending we're getting, call this label and then check the value of _return
# Sensible to have this logic defined in only one place for consistency
if anonscore >= 4 and fangscore >= 4:
return(4) # Golden
elif anonscore >= 3 and fangscore <=4:
return(3) # Tradwife
elif anonscore <= 3 and fangscore >=3:
return(2) # Doomer
return(1) # Shooter
Add table
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