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4 changed files with 2946 additions and 4 deletions
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#TODO: transfer DaScript appropriately to this section
label chapter_10.0C:
#Volcano Highschool Musical
"-Three years later-"
scene park fair with fade
play music "audio/OST/west_coast_kicking.ogg" fadein 1.0
"Volcadera Bluffs. New duty station. Recruiting teens to suffer just like I did."
"Good times, good times."
show anonc neutral at aleft
"With my rucksack on my back and a cheap rolling case at my side I make my way down to my old stomping ground for some cheap living."
"Three years. I wonder if Lucy still lives here."
"There’s new buildings in the Galleria. Not to mention it’s gotten even more labyrinthine."
"The sun reflecting off the mirror polished windows are baking me alive in my JDUs."
"Thinking back, I think there’s a park nearby that has a decent vending machine."
scene park fair
show anonc neutral at aleft
with fade
"Mentally retracing my steps from my senior year I manage to find the park."
"Looks like they’re holding some kind of festival, with all the booths set up and tyranno tykes running around."
"There’s an unoccupied picnic bench, miraculously, so I set my heavy bags carrying my entire life down and pop open my water bottle."
"Sitting here, I can’t help but reminisce about the last time I was here."
"There’s an awful lot I left behind here."
"Like my highschool sweetheart."
"The dicks in my old platoon never did believe me."
"Then again I didn’t want to show that photo album her mom gifted me."
"Raptor Jesus, I miss her."
"I wonder if she remembers that promise."
stop music fadeout 1.0
Lucy "Anon?"
"I look up to see a pterodactyl in a floral print dress running full tilt towards me."
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music "audio/OST/intercept.ogg" fadein 1.0
scene c02
"I stand up and prepare to take her down."
"I am poorly prepared however."
"She lunges at me and before I think to grab my cheap ass kabar her beak mashes roughly against my lips."
"I curse my instincts as my hands reflexively hold my amorous attacker by her hips."
"I pull back, both for air and to figure out if this is who I think it is and not some well dressed sexual harassing lady-hobo."
A "Lucy..?"
scene park fair
show fang c happy flip at scenter
show anonc neutral at aleft
with fade
Lucy "You remembered our promise!"
"Right. Right."
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music "audio/OST/to_swagger.ogg" fadein 1.0
A "That I’d come back and be with you. How could I forget?"
"I finally have a chance to take Lucy in."
"Gone is the halter top, torn jeans, and spiky hornband."
"In their place, a simple golden sun dress and a large red ribbon tied around her head crest, looking for the world like a pair of red bunny ears."
"Her hands remain on my shoulders, and I can see that she’s checking me out now."
"I’m proud to say I’m no longer a lanklet, especially with how my uniform blouse’s rolled up sleeves feel like they’re cutting off the blood flow to my hands."
Lucy "You’ve really changed since I last saw you, Anon!"
Lucy "I’m so glad you’re safe after all these years!"
Lucy "I got so worried for you, what if something happened overseas…"
Lucy "What if you got lost or hurt..."
Lucy "What if you never returned at all…"
A "Hey, have more faith in me."
A "I still got all my limbs, right?"
A "I didn’t get bruised too bad."
A "Like uhh, remember that time I fell down the stairs?"
A "I’m pretty indestructible, yeah?"
"...Maybe I’ll wait before showing her my scars."
Lucy "Wow, you’re pretty amazing…"
A "What’ve you been up to?"
Lucy "Oh, I got my Associates and then-"
"Fang shrugs."
Lucy "And then this."
"A little T-rex runs up to the table."
unknown "MISS LUCY!! MISS LUCY!!"
Lucy "Now Vince, there’s no need to yell this close."
Lucy "What’s wrong?"
Vince "I was playing with Jared and he said, he said that earthquakes happen when my mommy gets out of bed!!"
Vince "Tell him it’s not true!!"
A "Tell him that his mom has a secret daddy she doesn’t tell anyone about."
Lucy "Anon!"
Vince "Okaaay!"
Lucy "Oh no you don’t."
hide fang c happy flip with dissolve
"After clearing up the squabble, Lucy slumps over the picnic table again."
show fang c happy flip at scenter with dissolve
A "Want me to get you a water bottle or something?"
Lucy "No thanks, I had lemonade earlier."
Lucy "The fair’s some annual town hunting celebration, this year the people in charge had extra funding."
Lucy "So today they’re letting the local schools have a field trip here free of charge."
A "... Need another chaperone?"
Lucy "I’d love to, but parents get really upset about this sort of thing."
Lucy "You have to be qualified and certified to look after these guys."
A "Oi naehd a choild moindin’ loicence, yeh? Pray-ay bonkahs, yeh."
"I chuckle aloud at my own silly accent. Lucy’s giggles echo my mirth."
stop music fadeout 1.0
"Lucy’s giggles slowly melt away and a trickling tear leaves from her eye."
show fang c sad4 flip
Lucy "You’re really back…"
"Her arms wrap around me tightly, as if afraid I’ll disappear at any moment."
"My hand rubs comforting circles across her back, soothing her."
A "Yeah. I’m back, Lucy."
A "I’m surprised you waited for me here."
Lucy "Of course. That promise means the world to me, Anon."
"We stay embraced in the hot sun for just a moment longer before I let go again."
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music "audio/OST/Beach Chill Out.ogg" fadein 1.0
"Lucy’s gaze lingers on the children, her eyebrows knit together in contemplation."
show fang c happy flip with dissolve
F "Look at them, Anon."
"Fang points toward the kids screaming and falling over each other."
F "We were all like this at some point."
A "Stupid?"
F "Yeah- no, I mean careless. Innocent."
A "Suppose we were."
"She lets out a sigh."
F "One day they’re gonna start thinking and doing all the wrong things we thought and did when we were teenagers..."
F "I wish I could stop it from happening. They're perfect just like this."
A "Kids can be, Jack mean to each other."
F "But not cruel. The world makes them cruel."
F "Until then...they're free. We gotta protect their freedom. Save them from our mistakes."
"That’s quite a statement to hear from her."
A "You've changed."
"I think now would be a good time for a segue."
A "I'm glad to see you're doing good. How’s everyone else?"
F "Everyone else?"
A "Y’know, Naser, Trish, Naomi, Reed, all those guys?"
F "Oh! Naser went to medical school..."
"She closes her eyes as though trying to recall a lost memory."
F "I haven’t seen Naomi, though."
A "And the others?"
F "Haven't seen them since either."
F "But you’re here now!"
F "And now that you’re back, I’m never letting you go again."
A "I’m not going anywhere… Sweet Tooth."
"Lucy rolls her eyes."
F "You know, if you had said that back then I’d have hit you."
A "Yeah, and then I’d have just done it again because you’re cute when you’re annoyed."
A "I guess we’ve both changed since then."
F "Oh yeah? How so?"
A "I mean, when I first enrolled I had every intention of just laying low and not sticking out."
A "I didn’t care about making friends as long as it suited that goal."
A "As long as I didn’t get bullied any more, I was glad to just blend in."
F "Guess that plan fell apart."
A "It did, yeah."
A "I kinda blame you for that development."
F "Ha, I made you care about people."
A "You did."
"A few kids chase each other around the table."
A "You get any break time today?"
A "I'd love to check out the town, see what else is different."
F "I’d love to! I’ll go ask, I might get a few minutes to step away."
A "Yeah, and we could go and check Volcano High again, for old time's sake."
show fang sad3 flip with dissolve
"She freezes for a second."
F "I-I’d rather not Volcano High. Too many bad memories."
scene black with fade
"Lucy ended up getting the rest of the day off from her supervisors, I was surprised by how understanding they were once they saw me."
scene park fair with fade
show fang c happy flip at scenter with dissolve
show anonc neutral at aleft with dissolve
F "They said I deserve it after a hard day's work."
A "You do look exhausted dealing with the ankle biters."
F "Not at all! Truth be told, Anon. I love doing what I do."
scene black with fade
scene c04 with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music "audio/effects/beach loop 2.ogg" fadein 1.0
"Catching up with Lucy was the happiest I felt in years, the memories came rushing back as we walked under the hot sun."
A "So you don’t know at all how Reed and Trish are doing?"
F "OH! ...When was the last time I spoke with them…?"
A "Hope Trish is alright, the two of you were friends for the longest time."
F "I guess I… Didn’t feel the need to see them again?"
F "Looking back, they were terrible influences."
A "I guess so..."
A "And Stella and Rosa?"
F "Haven't seen them either."
A "Seems weird, considering Rosa was of such help to us."
F "Don't get me wrong, Anon. I love what Rosa did for me, Naser and you, but I guess I...just didn't need to see her anymore."
F "I didn't want to see anyone else, for that matter."
F "You must've had friends in the army, back at rock bottom, or even before that, right?"
F "They're gone from your life too, there's nothing wrong with that."
A "Haven't you looked for them?"
F "I don't want to."
"The scenery here seems familiar..."
"Oh, this is my old path to school. Maybe I will get to see it after all."
F "l-let's turn away. To Moe's, or somewhere."
A "Aww, I wanted to see the school again though."
F "NO, Anon."
A "..."
F "Seems like we just repeat each other, I get upset over nothing, and I apologize."
F "Sorry, I just… don't want to remember Volcano High, I just…"
F "I did too much dumb stuff there, you know?"
F "I just want to forget all that happened."
A "Moe’s is fine, too. I do want to see how that fossil is doing."
F "Er, actually, Moe retired! He sold his franchise."
A "Oh. Well, we can still go check it out."
stop music fadeout 1.0
scene outside moes
"It took a while to get there, getting to be nearly five when we arrived at Moe's, we ordered our usual and picked a table."
scene moes pizza
show anonc neutral at aleft
show fang c happy flip at sright
with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music "audio/effects/chatter loop.ogg" fadein 1.0
"I can see the old piano in my peripheral vision."
A "I’ve been asking so much about what you’re doing now, but what happened while I was away?"
F "I remembered your promise."
show fang c sad flip with dissolve
F "I tried improving myself, like, really tried."
F "But things kept getting difficult. For a while I gave up."
F "There were times I’d cry. I would think back to when you were here and miss you so much."
F "I...don't wanna worry you with the details of what I did during that time, but…"
F "I guess I realized something."
F "All this time I was a huge dick to my family, I idealized things too much and lashed out at them for not being on the same page as me."
F "I wanted to be a rockstar, so I wanted them to behave a certain way I think it would fit for that lifestyle."
F "I was being unfair and unrealistic towards them, I wanted them to hate me and somehow that was gonna further my career."
F "Looked like it worked for a lot of famous people."
F "I didn't want to make my family sad anymore, so I just did what I've always should have done and learned to love them, to thank them for all they did for me."
A "So you kept playing? I'd love to see what else you've composed over the years. I'm sure it's great."
show fang c sad2 flip with dissolve
F "No...I just gave that up."
A "What? Really? It was such a huge part of you!"
show fang c sad3 flip with dissolve
F "I didn't need it anymore, plus it reminded me too much of Trish, I've put away the instruments somewhere and never played anything ever again."
A "Then what have you been doing all these years?"
show fang c sad4 flip with dissolve
F "Dad needed help with a charity event, he bought food and he needed me to help him carry it around since Naser was away in college."
F "I thought it was just going to be a boring evening with a bunch of brats, but I saw something..."
F "I saw the children, they ran around me, they offered me toys to play with, I joined them."
F "I lifted them from the ground, some clung to my legs as I moved about-"
F "No one ever played with me like that, no one ever approached me like that, it was so pure, so innocent."
A "Should have shown them a picture of you in your high school clothes"
show fang c happy flip with dissolve
F "THAT would be hilarious."
F "But yeah, I enjoyed my time with the children so much...I asked around in my church and eventually I got a gig dealing with preschoolers."
"She looks so happy right now. I feel like I would ruin the mood to bring up Trish, Reed and the others again."
A "Y’know, part of me expected you to forget about the whole promise."
A "That I’d come back and some lucky dino guy had already swept you off your feet."
"She just smiles and gives a small laugh."
F "The amount of guys I had to tell that my boyfriend was just deployed and coming home soon…"
"She begins stroking my hand on the table."
F "Anon, I’d never forget about you or our promise."
"Part of me is glad she's saying this to me, but I still have too many questions."
"It's weird because I know she’s happy, she looks happy in her work, and she's glad I'm here..."
"But something deflates the moment, I don't know what it is."
"I look towards the decorative piano Moe always had in the corner."
A "Look Fang, the piano."
show fang c neutral with dissolve
F "What about it?"
A "You think they’d let us play it?"
F "I don't know, it's probably out of tune..."
A "Might be worth a shot, come on."
F "But you can't play..."
A "Then {i}you{/i} play."
stop music fadeout 30.0
scene c05 with fade
"As we sit by the piano, I think she understands why I'm teasing her like that."
"I open the lid, the keys look rather pristine."
F "Anon, I-"
"Her fingers lightly roll across the keys"
"She retracts herself."
F "I haven't played in a long time...I don't know if I can still do it."
A "I bet you still remember how to do it."
"She positions her hands just above the keys."
F "I haven't done this in years. I don't even know which song to play."
A "I wanna see you play, that's all. I wanna hear you after all this time away."
F "Alright."
"She gave out a sigh, but then..."
F "What to play?"
"Her eyes seem to glimmer for a moment."
F "I know."
play music 'audio/OST/Amberlight Brilliance - Piano.ogg' fadein 3.0
F "Remember this?"
F "It was our song, remember?"
F "We made it together."
F "Ha! I still got it!"
F "I always thought of this melody when I thought about you..."
F "Guess I never forgot how to do it. Thought I'd be rusty with the piano."
stop music fadeout 1.0
A "You play beautifully."
F "...Thank you..."
"I sit closer to Lucy, she rests her head on my shoulder. Her hands are still resting on the keys, eager to play again."
A "You shouldn't have abandoned music."
F "..."
"We talked about what we would do now, especially since it was getting dark outside and the street lights were coming on."
"We walked our way back to where we started, near the park."
scene park night
show anonc neutral at aleft
show fang c sad flip at sright
with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
F "I don't know, Anon! It's just so WEIRD! A music teacher?"
A "I don't know, Fang, it could be cool if you tried."
"Fang is shivering, the colder air setting in."
A "Here, this'll get you warmer."
hide anonc
hide fang
show c06 at center
with dissolve
"I draw Lucy close to my chest."
"She snuggles up to me."
F "Thank you."
"She's precious. Being taller now, I guess the animal part of my brain is telling me to protect my smaller and more fragile mate."
A "Little by little, I'll get you back to music, your friends, I'm sure it'll work out fine towards the end."
"Lucy stirs. She doesn’t like the idea."
F "Anon...please don't ask me to do that. I'm not ready."
A "How are you not ready?"
F "I lied, Anon. Ok?"
F "I lied, I disappointed you, I promised I would get better, but you're clearly not happy with how I turned out."
A "Nonsense, you have no idea how proud I am of you."
F "I'm still broken, Anon."
F "I’ve even started preening again because I had no one, but remembering I promised you and Naser I wouldn't do it anymore hurt even more so."
F "But that was years ago. I swear, I tried getting better."
F "Forgive me."
"I'm the one sighing this time."
A "..."
F "You wanted me to live my own life, be this great person you wanted me to be, yet I'm here doing menial church tasks and dealing with children."
F "I got no friends, no new songs, nothing going on for me."
F "I know I needed to be a famous musician to make you happy, I know I needed to have forgiven Trish and the others, but it just didn't work out. I couldn't do it."
F "I'm lonely, Anon. You're all that's left for me."
A "You didn't need to be all that to be happy, I still think you're the best."
A "Forget it, Lucy. What's done is done. We're here."
A "That's all it matters."
hide c06
show c07
with dissolve
"I embrace her, I could tell she was getting tense, but slowly she relaxes in my arms."
"When I said that we're being together was all that mattered, she hugged me back."
A "I'm here."
F "And I still can't believe it."
"Lucy is shaking with excitement in my arms now."
F "I already am thinking up all kinds of things we could do!"
F "Fuck, just knowing I won't see you until tomorrow already hurts me."
F "I can take you to see Mom and Dad! Right now! They would get a kick out of seeing you like this."
A "Ah! Not right now. That would be too much for them to take in."
A "And I have to unpack too, I got a little room in a motel for now."
F "Would you like some help?"
"I thought to deny her, but Lucy’s eyes are pleading with me to say yes."
A "I’ve got quite a bit, you sure Lucy?"
F "All the more reason for me to help!"
A "...Alright then. My motel isn’t too far from here."
play music "audio/effects/apartment loop.ogg" fadein 5.0
scene apartment morning with dissolve
"I wasn’t kidding when I said I had a lot to unpack."
"Between all the luggage I had brought back with me."
"And the heavier memories of my time spent in the arid deserts."
"I saw and felt a different side of Lucy I’d partially forgotten."
"Her tender hands rubbing soothingly across the scars now littered across my chest."
"We stayed up til the warm morning glow of dawn lit up the messy motel room."
"Clothes, paperwork and useless knick knacks I’d collected were scattered everywhere in an organized chaos."
"And yet I’ve never felt more rest and at peace with the world than with Lucy cuddled up next to me."
"A peace shattered by my stomach demanding sustenance loudly."
A "Mmm… How about we get some breakfast? My treat."
F "A breakfast date sounds nice."
F "Say, how about we invite my family. I’m sure mom would love to see you again."
"Probably would, too. However…"
A "I’d rather spend it with just you, Lucy."
"I grin as I watch Lucy’s face turn beet red."
F "You were never this smooth a talker, Anon…"
F "Fine. But I definitely want them to see you."
A "Tomorrow then?"
F "Tomorrow."
F "I'll tell them first! Get them hyped to see you!"
A "That would be great. So...tomorrow then?"
F "Tomorrow, yes."
stop music fadeout 1.0
scene city morning with fade
play sound "audio/OST/Amberlight Brilliance.wav" fadein 5.0
"We made our way towards her car door, but before getting in, she once again embraces me, This time a little stronger."
show c09 with dissolve
A "Urgh-- it's ok, Lucy."
F "I was so lonely, Anon."
A "You don't need to be alone, you know."
F "I'm so glad you're here. I missed you."
A "I missed you too, Lucy."
"Though I miss the old Fang, I'm elated. I love you, Lucy."
$ quick_menu = False
window hide
scene 3of4 with fade
stop music fadeout 15.0
pause 16
scene black with fade
pause 1
jump ending
@ -1 +1,269 @@
#TODO: transfer DaScript appropriately to this section
label chapter_8.50C:
#Announcing a Date | Tradwife
show anon neutral at aleft
show fang neutral at scenter
play music "audio/OST/Appreciating her Company.ogg" fadein 1.0
"About fifteen minutes into the assignment, the two of us are just about done."
"We’re making surprisingly good time."
F "Uhm… and you said that the electrons hold the negative charge, right?"
A "Yeah, yeah."
F "Can’t imagine when I’d be using this crap in real life."
A "You never know, you might shrink one day."
show fang happy behind anon with dissolve
F "Yeah, and you might stop pretending you’re livestreaming on Yousnoot."
A "As far as you know I might be giving you incorrect answers, you know."
F "Mhm, sure."
"The teacher is making his rounds checking on the students and gets to our desks."
show farnsworth flip at sleft with moveinleft
Drf "Hello, Anon. Fang."
Drf "Are you two getting along well?"
AnonAndFang "Yes, Mister Fernsworth."
Drf "Great to hear."
Drf "You know, I’m real proud of you two."
Drf "I remember at the start of the year you were at each other's' throats."
Drf "And now look at you!"
"The two of us cringe."
A "Uhh… Yeah, thanks."
Drf "At any rate, you two understand the material, right?"
A "Oh yeah, Fang and I are fine."
A "I was just helping them with a few problems."
show fang sad flip with dissolve
"Phew, remembered it this time."
Drf "Good, good."
Drf "I won’t keep you any longer then."
hide farnsworth with moveoutleft
show fang hiding with dissolve
"Fernsworth meanders to pester the next few students."
A "Anyways, where were we?"
"Turning back to Fang, her hands are trying to cover her face."
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music "audio/OST/appreciating_the_scenery.ogg" fadein 1.0
"Except the frown that’s impossible to hide with her long beak."
A "Fang? You okay?"
show fang happy flip with dissolve
"An embarrassed smile forms as she begins to shake her head."
show fang neutral flip
F "Yeah. I'm good. Just, was reminded of something embarrassing."
A "What?"
F "Trish."
A "Trish?"
show fang sad flip
F "I can't help it, I see her everyday. We tried signing up to as many classes together as we could and now I regret it."
F "And every time I do I’m reminded of… this whole thing."
A "I’m not good at the pronoun game, Fang. What whole thing?"
F "THAT, the pronoun thing!"
F "Now things are… different."
F "And, I wish I hung out with Naser more than..."
F "...her."
"There's some disdain in the way she said it."
"Now that they mentioned it, Trish has been very weird lately."
"Should I mention to Fang the fact that every day in Math period I try to check if there's a bomb under my seat?"
F "you're the one I see the least. It's such a shame."
"Fang started stroking my hand on the table."
F "Now though…"
F "I’ve been thinking and…"
F "And… I wouldn’t mind..."
F "Wouldn’t mind if you called me Lucy."
F "I… I’d like it, in fact."
A "I… A-are you sure?"
F "Mhm."
"There’s a fragility to her voice. A stiffness in her nod."
"But if Fa-"
"If Lucy would like it then…"
A "Alright then... Lucy."
show fang happy flip with dissolve
"She blushes again and looks away."
"I test her name a couple times. It’s a nice name. Really sweet. But..."
"Fang fits her more in my mind."
Lucy "Only you, though."
Lucy "I don’t know if I’m comfortable with anyone else saying it yet."
A "I-I see."
A "Thank you for sharing that with me."
"Now both of us are blushing."
"...Well, if we’re already in the moment, I may as well ask."
A "A-anyways, Flucy."
Lucy "Don’t stress yourself over it."
show fang happy flip with dissolve
A "Right, right."
A "Anyways, uhh."
A "Prom, right?"
"Fang’s amber eyes zero in on mine."
"Her pleading gaze bores through to my soul and I feel the unstoppable urge to comfort her in any way possible."
A "... You uhh, wanna go with me?"
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music "audio/OST/Fuck You I Like To Shitpost.ogg" fadein 1.0
"I watch as Lucy’s face slowly grows redder and redder."
"Her lips turn from a thin line to an impressively massive grin."
show fang hiding flip with dissolve
"She tries to cover up her face with her hands."
"When that fails to hide her growing excitement her wings engulf her upper body."
"A squeal of elation penetrates the feathered cage, accompanied by the staccato beat of boots stomping rapidly on the ground."
show fang happy flip with dissolve
"Once the sounds of jubilation die down Lucy lowers her wings."
"She takes a calming breath and shrugs nonchalantly."
F "Sure, could be cool."
"The whole class is snickering and I have to fight back my own."
"Sadly it was a foe far greater than I."
A "Pfffftttahahahaha."
F "Up the shut fuck."
Lucy "You’re my date. I’m allowed to be happy."
"While her voice was petulant there was an underlying tone of cheer in it."
"I reassured Lucy with a smile, which she responded by lowering her wings until they folded neatly behind her."
A "Yeah. Though I should warn you that I can’t dance for shit. Your feet have been warned."
Lucy "That’s fine."
Lucy "I’ll just step on your feet instead."
"Crap, I need a suit."
Lucy "You’re mumbling again. And uhmm."
Lucy "I could ask Naser for his old one."
A "I was thinking something like that, but I’ll probably just ask my dad for his old tux."
A "His is tailored for humans, after all."
A "Be pretty silly to be walking around all night with the wingholes exposing my undershirt."
Lucy "That’d be pretty silly, yeah."
Lucy "And then there’s the tail."
A "Oh god no."
A "But yeah, my dad’s suit would work nice, even if it’s a bit old."
A "He used to tell me about the parties he went to when he was about my age."
Lucy "Sounds like he was a lot of fun."
A "Anyways, you got anything to wear?"
Lucy "My mom’s already probably bought the 'perfect outfit' for me."
A "But the announcement for prom was just earlier this period."
Lucy "And?"
A "Sounds like it’s a date, then."
"Fang’s smile is cherubic."
"And before I can fully memorize it,"
A "Crap, the assignment."
Lucy "We were mostly done with it anyways."
"I look at our mostly done sheet."
"Flipping it over, the backside has twice the questions and four times the blank spots."
Lucy "M-mostly half way?"
"I simply sigh and drop the sheet."
A "Finish it at my place?"
Lucy "Sounds like a second date."
scene black with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
jump chapter_8.75C
@ -1 +1,579 @@
#TODO: transfer DaScript appropriately to this section
#TODO: script differs a bit here - renaming of files would prob be good
label chapter_8.75C:
scene room anon night with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music "audio/OST/its_footloose_now.ogg" fadein 1.0
"Later at my hovel of a home…"
show anon neutral at aleft
A "Almost finished."
show fang neutral flip at sright with dissolve
F "I wish I could get some help for the other periods, this took way too long."
F "Fuck, man. Trish keeps staring at me during class expecting me to talk to her, I gotta avoid Reed and Stella now because they're always around her too, it's agonizing!"
F "I keep having these dreams where she mans up and I'm forced to talk to her again! They feel more like nightmares now!"
F "Rosa is too busy to help - with the exercises, I mean - but I hope the camping trip will be fun."
A "Well it's done. All of it."
F "Thanks, Anon. You're a pretty cool guy."
A "No problem, I just like helping you, I guess."
F "...and without asking for anything in return."
F "..."
hide fang
hide anon
show kissu1
with fade
F "You're so good to me."
A "Thanks. F- Lucy."
F "Is there nothing you really want from me?"
A "You mean repay? I don't know, things are too good now, though."
F "More naps?"
F "or perhaps hugs?"
F "Hand holding?"
"I'm sweating profusely."
F "Or maybe...a kiss?"
A "Kiss? With that huge snoot?"
F "Why? Are you afraid? Have you never kissed a dinosaur before?"
A "No?"
F "Not even a human girl?"
A "Uhhh..."
F "So I'm your first? That's exciting."
A "This is so weird, I don't know how I'm feeling right now. Don't you feel weird too?"
F "I've kissed shorter snouts, yours can't be that different."
F "Uh...look Anon, if it doesn't work out..."
F "...It won't change anything. Right?"
A "Promise?"
F "Of course I promise! Get over here you fucking pussy!"
A "O-okay."
F "I won't bite, though I've never had human before..."
A "Okay, here it goes..."
scene black with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
A "Well?"
F "T-that’s just the lips!"
F "T-the tongue, come on."
F "What are you doing?!"
A "Your mouth hinges way back, I have to hang my jaw."
F "Don’t do that, it’s stupid!"
A "Wait, {i}you{/i} open wide now."
F "That’s even sillier."
F "*glug* *hack* *urk*"
A "Oh god how long is your tongue?! I think I reached your tonsils!"
F "*cough* Oh god *cough* I think I almost threw up."
A "Shit sorry sorry sorr-"
F "No no. It’s fine. Let me think."
F "Let’s try the other one again."
A "O-okay…"
F "Don’t open as *mnph*... wide."
F "Wait…"
F "Tilt to the side… like this."
A "I don’t know… I’ll probably never get the hang of this."
F "Really? I uh… think it was… nice."
A "Wait seriously?"
F "Y-yeah. You’re not a *bad* kisser."
A "Bullshit."
F "Seriously, here."
F "Don’t be shy now…"
A "Lucy."
scene room anon day
show kissu2
with fade
F "See? Getting better."
A "Mmm…"
F "I can feel your heart beating. It’s so loud."
stop music fadeout 1.0
scene black with fade
A "Y-yeah, same."
#Let's all go Campin
#stop music fadeout 1.0
play music "audio/OST/Dino Destiny Reader.ogg" fadein 1.0
"It’s been a few weeks since I asked Lucy out to prom."
"Gotta say, things are looking up for me right now."
"Lucy has really taken to helping Rosa with the school gardens."
"Rosa doesn’t force me to help anymore, but I still frequently lend a hand."
"Just earlier today Lucy and I were planting some hydrangeas that were set to bloom in just a few weeks."
scene campsite
show anon neutral at acenter
with fade
"And now I’m setting up a pair of tents."
"Despite being in a group of four."
scene garden with fade
"{i}Stella’s chattering with me about the esoteric while the school delinquents get the Orwellian treatment from Rosa, who swaps between helping Fang plant some kind of exotic flower I don’t know and barking orders."
"{i}I understand maybe a third of what Stella’s saying and mostly just nod along."
St "{i}-nights really important because the moon will be in perfect alignment for my divinations."
A "{i}Right, right. Lunar eclipse. Is that the one where you can’t see the Moon or the one where you can’t see the sun?"
St "{i}*sigh*{/i}"
St "{i}It’s also called a Blood Moon for its color?{/i}"
St "{i}It’s a very important night for me, Anon.{/i}"
St "{i}I feel as though my divinations will be at their best under it’s crimson glow."
A "{i}But camping?{/i}"
Ro "{i}Oh, yes!{/i}"
Ro "{i}My backyard is very big. Long bus ride to school.{/i}"
Ro "{i}But I see the stars at night so well, so Stella has slumber parties often!{/i}"
F "{i}Anon! We should go to!{/i}"
A "{i}Wait what why?{/i}"
F "{i}We can go stargazing Anon. Just imagine it.{/i}"
A "{i}But camping? Can’t we just-{/i}"
F "{i}C’mon Anon. Don’t you want to watch the stars together with me?{/i}"
"{i}Lucy’s pleading eyes lock onto mine.{/i}"
A "{i}Alriiiiiight. As long as we have tents. I don’t wanna deal with insects.{/i}"
A "{i}As long as we have tents.{/i} Me and my stupid fucking mouth."
scene campsite
show anon neutral at acenter
with fade
"Finally I manage to get a post to stick into the soft soil."
"One down. Nineteen to go."
"Ugh, and now Lucy’s gonna use those cute sad eyes whenever she wants something."
"And no alone time with her, since all the girls are working at the grill."
A "Hey, you guys aren’t just making dinner with that gross herbivore meat, right?"
Ro "Of course! I’m always prepared to serve guests."
St "Wait, which ones were which again?"
A "Wha- If I bite into even a single bug your cards are going into the campfire."
Ro "Hey! Camping is supposed to be relaxing! Relax!"
Ro "Also, when you’re done with the tents you need to start the campfire."
A "Wait, why me?"
"Rosa and Stella flinch and exchange glances."
St "Just… figured you’d know, is all."
A "Why would I… Hey!"
St "The principal fits the bill so well."
Ro "Guess that’s just him."
F "Come on, quit teasing him."
F "Who cares if he hasn’t evolved to fire yet?"
"I trip into the tent and tear the whole thing down."
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music "audio/OST/Fuck You I Like This Chick.oggs" fadein 1.0
"By the time I get both of the tents standing, the sun is nearing the horizon."
"My back already hurts from setting everything up."
"Luckily Lucy carries around a lighter for her cigarettes so I was able to start a small fire."
"I slump on one of the logs around the firepit and try to massage my shoulders."
show rosa neutral flip at sright with dissolve
Ro "Hello, An-on."
A "Oh, is the food ready?"
Ro "Stella and Lucy are getting some plates to use."
Ro "Just taking a seat for a minute."
A "Thanks for inviting Lucy and I to camp back here."
Ro "Oh, don’t thank me, I am very happy to have friends over!"
Ro "Although normally I struggle with making the tents stand."
Ro "So really I must thank you for setting it up for me!"
A "Oh, uh, it was nothing."
"Stella calls out from the back door to Rosa’s house."
"She’s returning with Lucy, both holding extra utensils and snack foods."
"Rosa waves them over."
show stella neutral:
xalign -0.1
show fang neutral at sleft
with moveinleft
show anon neutral flip at acenter with dissolve
Ro "I never pictured Fang coming over."
Ro "Lucy really is lucky to have you."
"Stella struggles to separate the false shish kebabs from the real meat before handing me a plate."
"Lucy gets that look in her eye and snatches the bigger one right off."
St "Eventide draws near. I believe it best we sojourn from the fated ones, Rosa. My scrying glass awaits."
show fang neutral flip
F "Er, what? I don’t speak… whatever the fuck that was."
Ro "*giggle* I believe Stella means that the sun is setting and we need to go set up her telescope."
A "Then why didn’t she just say that?"
"Rosa and Stella take their plates of imposter kebabs and start walking to the other end of Rosa’s yard."
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music "audio/OST/middle_of_nowhere.ogg" fadein 1.0
hide rosa
hide stella
with dissolve
"Fang shrugs at me and starts devouring her food."
"With nothing to do but wait for night time I also begin to remove kebab."
F "Bleh. I think Stella undercooked this. Gimme some of yours."
A "No way, you have your own."
F "Well I want yours too. You’re supposed to share with your girlfriend."
"Damn her and her filthy ptero-logic."
A "Fiiiiiiiiine. You can have a bite."
"I hold out the meat on a stick for her."
"She grins wickedly."
"I realize my mistake as I watch her maw widen and engulf the entirety of my kebab."
"Once she pulls away I’m left holding a crispy yet clean wooden stick."
F "Mmmm… Stolen food is the best food."
show fang happy with dissolve
A "Well that was uncalled for."
F "Here, take the gross one."
"Lucy hands over her undercooked kebab."
A "Whatever, I like it rare anyways."
F "You should be thanking me, then."
"She leans her head into my shoulder."
"Yuck, this really was undercooked."
"I hold the stick over the fire to char a bit more."
F "That’s just going to burn the outside."
A "Can’t be harder than roasting a marshmallow, right?"
F "Did Rosa bring any?"
A "Think so. Save your kebab stick for them."
F "Think I’d rather use a regular stick off the ground than get a greasy marshmallow."
A "Heh."
"Lucy and I listen to the crackling of the fire for a few minutes."
"Somewhere in the distance I hear Stella yelling at Rosa about leaving the telescope cap on."
F "..."
F "Rosa said earlier that I’m lucky to have you."
A "You feel lucky? I’m thinking it’s the other way around."
F "I do."
F "Rosa was right, I wouldn’t have thought about going camping back in first semester."
F "Guess I really have been changing a lot."
F "... Your kebab’s on fire."
A "Huh- Shit!"
"I blow out the now burnt chunks of meat."
A "Uhhh… Flambe?"
"Lucy snorts."
"Chewing down on this, it’s not the worst thing I’ve eaten."
A "Still want a piece?"
"She just holds her mouth open."
"I put the stick in biting range and she gnaws the chunk off."
F "Yeah, It’s not undercooked anymore. That’s for certain."
A "Looks like I poured jet fuel on it."
"Lucy leans back into her arms staring up at the night sky."
"I finish off the stick and join her."
"Stella was right, the stars look great out here."
"Reminds me of home."
F "The stars do?"
A "Hm? Oh. Yeah, there wasn’t a lot of light pollution around Rock Bottom."
A "In the brief time I was in scouts, I got to look at the constellations a bit."
F "Name a few."
A "I don’t remember now, this was like a decade ago."
A "... Orion’s belt?"
F "Anyone can name Orion’s belt."
A "Uh… big spoon and lil spoon?"
F "You mean the dippers?"
A "Also yes."
"Lucy hums and scoots close enough so I can wrap an arm around her shoulder."
"Her head leans on my shoulder and I can’t help but smile."
F "Something like this, then?"
A "Eh, close enough."
A "I think you can see Mars too, it’s supposed to be the red one."
F "Uh… I think that’s the moon, Anon."
A "..."
A "It’s been a while, okay? Cut your boyfriend some slack."
"I feel her head shake as she withholds a snicker for my sake."
A "Still managed to get my badge though."
F "Aren’t you the big strong man."
A "... Fuck it. A compliment’s a compliment."
"We gaze up at the night sky in companionable silence."
F "Oh! Look!"
"Lucy points to the sky at a shooting star."
A "Well hey, you got a wish?"
F "That’s not a shooting star, dork."
A "It isn’t?"
"I look again."
"The star is joined by several smaller dots trailing behind, in the sky for only an instant before disappearing over the other horizon."
A "Whoa, a meteor shower."
"Stella’s incomprehensible excited gibberish breaches our ears."
"Lucy lays down on her back to get a better view."
"A little dirt on my clothes is worth the moment."
"Man, being here with Lucy, after such a wonderful night…"
"I feel like no matter what, everything’s going to be just fine."
F "...I feel the same."
"I’m just going to start biting my tongue."
F "Thank you for being here with me, Anon."
A "I mean… This was all you. And Rosa and Stella too."
F "No, you big dweeb… I mean…"
F "You’ve always been there for me even when I was so mean to you."
F "I don’t know what kind of road I was going down when you met me, but…"
F "But I know it wasn’t a good place to be. I don’t know where I was going to end up if I never found you."
F "You saved me, Anon. And I’ll always be grateful for that."
"She sits up and looks down to me with that warm smile of hers."
"Hearing her put it that way…"
"Maybe I did ‘fix’ Lucy after all."
"She seems so happy with how things are, it doesn’t matter if it was all part of someone’s stupid plan."
"Lucy’s fingers dance across my cheek."
"Slowly, slowly, ever so slowly."
"Her eyes lid as she leans forward, her head tilting and her mouth opening slowly."
"It’s taken a month for us to figure this out, but now that we’ve had practice…"
"I raise myself up, my own mouth meeting her’s in a slow and soft connection."
"Her tongue slides along mine and this time she manages not to gag me with it."
"Our first through fourteen kisses never went this smoothly."
"And it’s utter bliss as we savor each other’s lips."
"And while I would stay like this forever if I could."
"Air is very much a necessity for life."
"We separate just as slowly as when we connected."
"Lucy’s eyes open as she smiles impishly at me."
F "I love you."
"Yeah. Me too."
"She giggles and lays down. Her head resting on my shoulder and her wing becoming a blanket as we look back to the stars."
"We stay laying a while longer, keeping the red moon company."
scene black with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
jump chapter_9.0C
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