mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 20:04:52 +01:00
de-faded, 7 r4r
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 238 additions and 135 deletions
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ label chapter_7:
scene moes pizza
show anon neutral at aright
with fade
with dissolve
play music 'audio/OST/Fuck You I Like To Shitpost.ogg' fadein 1.0
@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ label chapter_7:
hide trish with easeoutleft
stop music fadeout 3
scene moebackrooms with fade
scene black with dissolve
scene moebackrooms with dissolve
"I pick up the last table on the floor and hurriedly move it to the suspiciously large storage room in the back of Dino-Moe’s."
@ -85,7 +86,10 @@ label chapter_7:
"The area is a good one-hundred and fifty by two-hundred feet, so without the tables there’s enough space for at least a few hundred people."
show anon neutral flip at aright with easeinright
show anon neutral flip:
xalign 1.9 yalign 0.1
ease_cubic 1.6 xalign 1.0
with Dissolve(0.9)
window hide
window auto
@ -93,10 +97,13 @@ label chapter_7:
play music 'audio/OST/Dino Destiny Reader.ogg' fadein 1.0
# show anon neutral at aleft
St "I’m on time, right?"
show anon neutral flip at aright with dissolve
show anon neutral flip at aright with Dissolve(.25)
# show stella neutral alt flip at stright with easeinright
show stella neutral alt at stleft with easeinleft
show stella neutral alt:
xalign -0.5 yalign 0.1
ease_cubic 1.2 xalign 0.0 yalign 0.1
with Dissolve(0.9)
window hide
window auto
@ -134,7 +141,7 @@ label chapter_7:
A "Y-you {i}do{/i} know what your shirt says, right?"
show stella shock alt with dissolve:
show stella shock alt with Dissolve(.25):
yalign 0.5
"Stella gives me a quizzical look and glances down at her shirt, her face turning bright red."
@ -145,7 +152,7 @@ label chapter_7:
"Suddenly her face lights up and her eyes return to me."
show stella happy alt at sleft with dissolve
show stella happy alt at sleft with Dissolve(.25)
St "Wait…{w=.4} You like anime too, don’t you?"
@ -176,25 +183,25 @@ label chapter_7:
A "Uh…{w=0.3} maybe some other time..."
"I’ll just block my calendar for this… maybe for after the heat death of the universe."
"I’ll just block my calendar for this... Maybe for after the heat death of the universe."
A "Anyway, the show isn’t for another half-hour."
show stella neutral alt with dissolve
show stella neutral alt with Dissolve(.25)
St "I wanted to ask you before... what did you think of your fortune?"
St "I wanted to ask you before... What did you think of your fortune?"
A "Uh… I kinda forgot…"
A "Uh... I kinda forgot..."
St "You got the Judgement?"
A "Doesn’t ring a bell."
St "O-oh…{w=0.3} well… {w=0.3}Uh… {w=0.3}How would you like another?"
St "O-oh...{w=0.3} well... {w=0.3}Uh... {w=0.3}How would you like another?"
A "Eh… {w=0.3}I got time to kill, sure."
"She pulls her deck of tarot cards from… {w=.3}somewhere…"
"She pulls her deck of tarot cards from... {w=.3}Somewhere…"
"Where the fuck does she hide these things?"
@ -233,16 +240,21 @@ label chapter_7:
A "The fuck does that mean?"
St "Uh… {w=0.4} er… {w=0.2} {cps=*1.4}Gottago,naturecalls,seeyouattheshow{/cps}!"
St "Uh... {w=0.4} er... {w=0.2} {cps=*1.4}Gottago,naturecalls,seeyouattheshow{/cps}!"
window hide
window auto
play sound 'audio/effects/whoosh.ogg'
hide stella with easeoutleft
# show stella neutral alt flip with Dissolve(.25)
show stella:
ease_cubic 0.6 xalign -0.5
show stella neutral alt flip
hide stella with dissolve
"She flees in denim pissing fear."
stop music fadeout 1.0
"...Well then…"
"...Well then..."
"What was I doing?"
play music 'audio/OST/Those Other Two Weirdos.ogg' fadein 1.0
@ -326,14 +338,21 @@ label chapter_7:
window hide
window auto
show anon neutral at aleft with easeinright
show trish neutral flip at tright with easeinright
show anon: #neutral
ease_quart 0.6 xalign 0.0
show trish natural flip: # neutral flip
xalign 1.6
ease_quart 1 xalign 1.0 yalign 0.1
pause 0.0001
show anon neutral
show trish neutral flip
with Dissolve(0.8)
T "Whaddayawant, skinnie?"
A "I just tripped on one of the wires up here."
show trish unimpressed flip with dissolve
show trish unimpressed flip with Dissolve(0.25)
T "Sucks to be you."
@ -341,7 +360,7 @@ label chapter_7:
A "Should I plug them all into a surge protector so you guys don’t fall during the concert?"
show trish annoyed flip with dissolve
show trish annoyed flip with Dissolve(0.25)
T "What?"
@ -351,7 +370,7 @@ label chapter_7:
A "Whose?"
show trish unimpressed flip with dissolve
show trish unimpressed flip with Dissolve(0.25)
T "...Reed’s."
@ -361,7 +380,7 @@ label chapter_7:
A "And you trust his word on something like this?"
show trish neutral flip with dissolve
show trish neutral flip with Dissolve(0.25)
T "Sure."
@ -425,9 +444,10 @@ label chapter_7:
"Trish has a wicked grin on her face and I can practically see the dollar signs in her eyes."
stop music fadeout 3
scene black with dissolve
scene moes pizza
show fang hiding at sright
with fade
with dissolve
"And Fang…"
"Fang looks anxious, hands wringing the strap of her hollowbody electric guitar."
@ -437,9 +457,17 @@ label chapter_7:
play music 'audio/ost/Beach Chill Out.ogg' fadein 1
A "Hey."
show anon neutral at aleft with easeinleft
show anon neutral:
xalign -0.2
easein_cubic 1 xalign 0.0 yalign 0.1
with dissolve
pause 0.8
show fang surprised flip at scenter with dissolve
show fang surprised at sright:
ease 0.25 yalign 0.2
ease 0.25 yalign 0.1
pause 0.001
show fang surprised flip at scenter with Dissolve(0.25)
"She jumps a little as I step back on stage. Her knuckles are bright white as they strangle the leather strap."
@ -469,9 +497,15 @@ label chapter_7:
"Trish rolls her eyes, Reed’s vacant stare has a bit of approval."
show fang neutral flip at sright
show trish neutral flip at tcenter
show trish neutral flip behind fang:
xalign 0.8 yalign 0.1
ease_cubic 1 xalign 0.5
with dissolve
show fang neutral flip:
ease_quart 0.7 xalign 1.0 yalign 0.0 #at sright
pause 0.9
show trish neutral flip at tcenter
with Dissolve(0.25)
T "At least it wasn't a dinosaur pun this time."
A "I'm not that unfunny!"
@ -497,15 +531,20 @@ label chapter_7:
A "Just did, wanna see me do it again?"
show fang neutral flip:
ease_quart 0.5 xalign 0.9
show trish angry flip behind fang:
ease_quart 0.5 xalign 0.6
F "Ladies, Ladies, please."
F "Shut the fuck up."
stop music fadeout 1.0
F "We’ve got sweet music to play."
scene black with dissolve
scene moes pizza
show dimmer_darker
with fade
with dissolve
if LeftStage:
play ambient 'audio/effects/dinomoesLoop.ogg' fadein 1.0
@ -608,7 +647,7 @@ label chapter_7:
"The sweat is trickling down Fang’s forehead, Trish has gone from an afro to dreadlocks, and Reed is providing the restaurant with a nice ocean scent."
"Fang finishes with a furious flurry of strumming on her fretboard."
show fang very happy with dissolve
show fang very happy with Dissolve(0.25)
"The crowd’s approval is obvious, even in the makeshift mosh pit where I see Stella getting fake curb-stomped."
@ -625,17 +664,20 @@ label chapter_7:
stop ambient1 fadeout 1
stop music fadeout 1
scene black with dissolve
scene moebackrooms
play music 'audio/ost/Bayside Bumming it.ogg' fadein 1
show anon neutral flip at acenter
with fade
show fang very happy at rleft with easeinleft:
yalign 0.2
with dissolve
# show fang very happy at sleft behind anon with easeinleft
"Before I could react I was swept up in a blur of feathers."
show fang very happy behind anon:
xalign -0.5
ease_cubic 1.0 xalign 0.25 yalign 0.2
with dissolve
hide anon
hide fang
show fang hug at acenter:
@ -678,11 +720,17 @@ label chapter_7:
"Fang suddenly flinches, and I get a split second view of a purple hand on her shoulder."
"Her face is beet red and the warmth in my own cheeks tells me I don’t look far behind."
show trish unimpressed flip:
zoom 0.8
xalign 1.0 yalign 0.0
with dissolve
"Trish looks like she’s sucked on a lemon with how twisted her face is."
"The tiny triceratops pulls Fang out of my hands, and I can picture my fist twisting that horn right off her face."
hide fanganonhug with dissolve
hide fanganonhug
hide trish
with dissolve
show fang neutral flip at scenter
show anon neutral flip at sright
@ -742,9 +790,11 @@ label chapter_7:
show fang happy flip with dissolve
show fang happy
show anon neutral
with Dissolve(0.25)
F "It uh… looks nice, Uncle Moe."
F "It uh... looks nice, Uncle Moe."
Moe "Anyways, youse all gonna be helpin’ wit da clean up, right?"
@ -816,9 +866,10 @@ label chapter_7:
stop ambient fadeout 1
play music 'audio/OST/Summertime Synth.ogg' fadein 1.0
scene black with dissolve
scene moebackrooms
show anon neutral flip at aright
with fade
with dissolve
"My eyes scan the room before noticing Trish, the sheer vehement rage radiating from her visibly distorting the air around her."
@ -830,9 +881,10 @@ label chapter_7:
window hide
window auto
show fang very happy with easeinleft:
xalign 0.6 yalign 0.1
show fang very happy:
xalign -0.5 yalign 0.0
ease_quart 1.0 xalign 0.6
with Dissolve(0.5)
"Fang reaches me before Trish leaves the stage, extending her hand for a high-five."
@ -842,16 +894,19 @@ label chapter_7:
window hide
window auto
show trish unimpressed at tleft with easeinleft
show trish:
xalign -0.5 yalign 0.1
ease_cubic 1.0 xalign 0.0
show trish unimpressed with dissolve
T "No thanks to that asshole!"
"Oh no."
show fang neutral flip behind anon with dissolve
show fang neutral flip behind anon with Dissolve(0.25)
F "What’s wrong?"
show trish angry with dissolve
show trish angry with Dissolve(0.25)
T "Skinnie sabotaged the show!"
@ -859,11 +914,11 @@ label chapter_7:
A "I was only trying to help."
show trish annoyed with dissolve
show trish annoyed with Dissolve(0.25)
"Trish holds up her hand to my face, waving the other around in grand gestures."
show trish indignant with dissolve
show trish indignant with Dissolve(0.25)
T "You ruined the big finale! We missed our chance to make it big!"
@ -878,7 +933,7 @@ label chapter_7:
show fang sad flip
show trish fury point:
yalign 10.0
with dissolve
with Dissolve(0.25)
"Tears trickle down her sweat-glazed face."
@ -895,7 +950,7 @@ label chapter_7:
F "Jeez, Trish. The show went great! Our first good concert!"
show fang neutral flip
with dissolve
with Dissolve(0.25)
F "The crowd actually clapped this time!"
T "No thanks to him."
@ -906,38 +961,45 @@ label chapter_7:
"Before she could interrogate me further, Fang grabbed Trish on the arm."
show fang happy flip with dissolve
show fang happy flip with Dissolve(0.25)
F "Trish! Didn’t you say you wanted to set up our merch!"
show trish unimpressed with dissolve
show anon neutral flip with dissolve
show trish unimpressed with Dissolve(0.25)
show anon neutral flip with Dissolve(0.25)
"Trish winces, then gives a begrudging sigh, lowering her accusatory finger."
show trish unimpressed with dissolve
show trish unimpressed with Dissolve(0.25)
T "Ugh, you aren’t worth it."
window hide
window auto
show trish:
ease_cubic 1.0 xalign -0.5
show trish unimpressed flip with Dissolve(0.25)
hide trish with dissolve
stop music fadeout 1.0
show fang neutral flip with dissolve
show fang neutral flip with Dissolve(0.25)
"Trish storms off leaving Fang and I alone."
"And Reed who was listening the entire time."
window hide
window auto
show reed neutral at rleft with easeinleft
show reed:
xalign -0.6 yalign 0.1
ease_cubic 1.0 xalign -0.2
show neutral with dissolve
pause 1
show reed considering with dissolve
show reed considering with Dissolve(0.25)
pause 1
show reed neutral with dissolve
show reed neutral with Dissolve(0.25)
pause 1
show reed explanatory with dissolve
show reed explanatory with Dissolve(0.25)
Re "Anon, dude… you really should trust others, y’know?"
Re "It’s like they say… trust is the building block of our economy, or something."
Re "It’s like they say... trust is the building block of our economy, or something."
@ -947,7 +1009,7 @@ label chapter_7:
show reed shocked
show fang surprised
show anon neutral
with dissolve
with Dissolve(0.25)
"Before I can begin to comprehend Reed’s capitalist sermon, my ears are assaulted by very Italian yelling."
Moe "AY, KIDS!"
@ -982,22 +1044,22 @@ label chapter_7:
stop music fadeout 1.0
scene black with fade
scene black with dissolve
scene moebackrooms
show anon neutral at acenter
with fade
with dissolve
play music 'audio/OST/west_coast_kicking.ogg' fadein 1.0
"An hour later and I’m stuck mopping up where the mosh pit once stood."
"As my mop head gains a tinge of red I pray to god this isn’t from Stella."
"Rosa wanted to stay and help clean buuut…"
"Rosa wanted to stay and help clean buuut..."
Ro "{i}I am so sorry Stella! Come, I shall nurse you back at my home!{/i}"
"I’d feel more sorry for Stella but Rosa looked capable of helping her."
"My god that’s a lot of… Marinara… Yeah…"
"My god that’s a lot of... Marinara... Yeah..."
"Fang and Trish are trying to divide and carry out the stage."
@ -1007,9 +1069,10 @@ label chapter_7:
window hide
window auto
show reed neutral flip at rright with easeinright:
xalign 1.3
show reed neutral flip: #rright
xalign 2.1
ease_cubic 1.4 xalign 1.3
with dissolve
Re "Yooo, {w=.3} Anon!"
"Reed crosses right through the puddles, tracking grimy footprints without a care."
@ -1019,7 +1082,7 @@ label chapter_7:
A "What were you on when you wrote that?"
"Reed rubs his forehead, struggling to remember more than ten minutes ago."
show reed explanatory flip with Dissolve(0.25)
Re "I dunno man… the floor maybe? But I also distinctly remember floating…"
Re "Y’know, dude, we’ve been doing this since junior year, right?"
@ -1027,7 +1090,7 @@ label chapter_7:
Re "And this is the first show that anyone’s actually liked."
Re "Wild."
show reed neutral flip with Dissolve(0.25)
A "You’ve only been playing together for a year?"
Re "You know it man, crazy how time flies."
@ -1041,19 +1104,19 @@ label chapter_7:
Re "Fang wasn’t Fang."
A "She- what?"
show reed shocked flip with Dissolve(0.25)
Re "Er… {w=0.3}Probably shouldn’t have mentioned that…"
A "Fang wasn’t herself?"
show reed explanatory flip with Dissolve(0.25)
Re "Honestly... That’s probably something to be left for Fang and Fang alone to talk about… Sorry."
Re "Honestly… That’s probably something to be left for Fang and Fang alone to talk about… Sorry."
A "Er… ri{cps=*0.65}iiiii{/cps}ght."
A "Er... ri{cps=*0.65}iiiii{/cps}ght."
Re "Only thing that stayed the same was like... me and my carfe, bro."
"How long has he been on that stuff?"
show reed neutral flip with Dissolve(0.25)
Re "It was almost like a totally different time, man."
window hide
window auto
@ -1061,7 +1124,11 @@ label chapter_7:
show anon neutral at aleft with easeinright
show reed neutral flip with easeinright:
xalign 1.1
show trish neutral flip at tright with easeinright
show trish unimpressed flip:
xalign 1.6 yalign 0.1
ease_cubic 1.3 xalign 1.0
with dissolve
"Before I even got a moment to picture what it might have been like not even a year ago, Trish appears behind Reed."
@ -1085,11 +1152,11 @@ label chapter_7:
T "So Anon, we showed you ours, now it’s your turn to show us yours."
A "What, out here in public? Didn’t peg you for the kinky type." #lol sex
show trish annoyed flip with Dissolve(0.25)
"Trish inhales sharply, visibly trying to master herself."
T "I meant with your old school."
show trish unimpressed flip with Dissolve(0.25)
A "That’s on a need to know basis, and you don’t need to know."
window hide
window auto
@ -1104,6 +1171,7 @@ label chapter_7:
pause .5
show fang neutral with easeinleft:
xalign -0.4
with Dissolve(0.5)
F "Come on Anon, don’t you have any good memories from your old school?"
"Oh god no."
@ -1125,11 +1193,14 @@ label chapter_7:
A "I didn’t say I was good at it. I was just clicking buttons and seeing what stuck."
A "And spoiler alert, {w=0.3} nothing did."
show trish considering flip
show fang happy
with Dissolve(0.25)
"That got a giggle out of Fang and a look from Trish."
show trish smug flip with Dissolve(0.25)
T "By the way Anon, I saw you talking to that Stella girl before the concert. You have something going on there?"
show fang sad with Dissolve(0.25)
"I feel a pit in my stomach as a look of betrayal crosses Fang’s face."
"Right into Trish’s trap, {w=0.2} hook, {w=0.2}line, {w=0.2}sinker and rod."
@ -1154,13 +1225,13 @@ label chapter_7:
A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha."
A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha."
show reed explanatory flip with Dissolve(0.25)
Re "Who?... Thought like, we were talkin’ bout whatsherface."
T "The one with the Dino Duel cards."
show reed neutral flip with Dissolve(0.25)
Re "...I thought those were Pocket Raptor cards."
show fang unimpressed with Dissolve(0.25)
F "Weren’t they handegg cards?"
A "Uh… moving on..."
@ -1192,15 +1263,26 @@ label chapter_7:
A "Not exactly, it was certainly lower class though."
A "I used to buy bulk soda and sell them to the stupid kids for lunch money."
show reed happy flip with Dissolve(0.25)
Re "Yooo, my man!"
show reed neutral flip with Dissolve(0.25)
show reed:
ease_quart 0.4 xalign 1.05
show anon:
ease_quart 0.4 xalign 0.35
pause 0.1
show reed:
ease_quart 0.4 xalign 1.2
show anon:
ease_quart 0.4 xalign 0.2
"Reed gives me a fist bump."
A "I’d usually just go places on a crappy dirt bike, leaving donuts in parking lots when I was sure nobody was looking."
show fang happy with Dissolve(0.25)
F "Sounds like you were pretty cool at your last school."
show trish unimpressed flip with Dissolve(0.25)
A "I dunno about that…"
@ -1210,8 +1292,8 @@ label chapter_7:
"Oh no."
A "Oh, uh, actually…"
show anon concerned with Dissolve(0.25)
"{cps=*3.0}THINK OF SOMETHING{/cps}{w=0.1} {cps=*3.0}THINK OF SOMETHING{/cps}{w=0.1} {cps=*3.0}THINK OF SOMETHING!{/cps}"
A "I had to leave because of, uh…"
@ -1219,6 +1301,8 @@ label chapter_7:
A "Family issues."
stop sound fadeout 0.5
show trish neutral flip
show anon neutral with Dissolve(0.25)
"Nailed it."
Re "Bummer man… glad you’re here instead."
@ -1239,7 +1323,10 @@ label chapter_7:
window hide
window auto
play music 'audio/OST/Venetian Values.ogg' fadein 1.0
show moealt at sright with easeinright
show moealt:
xalign 1.6 yalign 0.1
ease_cubic 1.4 xalign 1.0
with Dissolve(1.2) #at sright with easeinright
@ -1248,20 +1335,33 @@ label chapter_7:
Moe "Great job again on da show, punks."
Moe "I knew my lil Lucy could pull dis shindig off."
show moealt:
ease_cubic 1.0 xalign 0.4
show fang embarrass flip:
xzoom -1.0
with Dissolve(.25)
"He clamps one of his tiny hands down on Fang’s shoulder as she reflexively tries to hide her face with a wing."
pause 0.5
show moealt:
ease_cubic 1.0 xalign -0.15
show moealt:
xzoom -1.0
show fang happy
with Dissolve(0.25)
Moe "Alas, I’m expecting a late night visita’, so I needs you punks to piss off."
Moe "Come on by for a slice sometime, yeah?"
A "Thanks, Moe."
Re "Yeah man… thanks a bunch…"
Re "Yeah man... thanks a bunch…"
Moe "Now scram youse kids. I’ve got a different kinds a clean-up ta deal wit’."
stop music fadeout 1.0
scene black with fade
scene black with dissolve
"Aaaaaaand repressing that."
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
label chapter_8:
scene black with fade
scene black with dissolve
#Study Session
"{cps=*0.2}-- A Few Weeks Later --{/cps}"
play music 'audio/OST/Bayside Bumming it.ogg' fadein 1.0
scene bandroom with fade
scene bandroom with dissolve
"Things have cooled off since the concert back in February."
pause .5
@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ label chapter_8:
stop music fadeout 2
play ambient 'audio/effects/teenageCrowdFarLoop.ogg' fadein 2
scene auditorium with Fade(1, .5, 1)
# scene auditorium with Fade(1, .5, 1)
scene black with dissolve
scene auditorum with dissolve
"We didn’t have assigned seating, so I immediately thought of sitting with Fang."
"Knowing better than to look through the ocean of students, I follow my nose to Reed."
@ -143,8 +144,9 @@ label chapter_8:
play music 'audio/OST/The Hunt for more (You)s.ogg' fadein 2.0
stop ambient fadeout 1
scene outside school
scene black with dissolve
scene outside school
show anon neutral at acenter:
xalign 0.5
xpos 0.4
@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ label chapter_8:
show reed neutral flip:
xalign 0.5
xpos 0.75
with fade
with dissolve
"Our motley crew make it to the front lawn of the school and Reed falls flat on his back in the freshly mowed grass."
@ -285,7 +287,7 @@ label chapter_8:
hide anon neutral with easeoutleft
stop music fadeout 2
scene black with fade
scene black with dissolve
"We make a mad dash to the last bus."
@ -327,7 +329,7 @@ label chapter_8:
"Fang climbs the steps while I trail behind, weary of any hidden fathers laying in wait to ambush me."
scene black with fade
scene black with dissolve
"She holds a door open to a pitch-black room, and I tentatively step in."
@ -963,7 +965,7 @@ label chapter_8:
hide anon
with easeoutleft
pause 0.1
show black with fade
show black with dissolve
"It takes all my strength to prevent my bladder from doing its best Stella impression right about now."
"I silently head to the door with Judge Dredd to my back, catching a sympathetic glance from Fang on the way out."
@ -974,7 +976,7 @@ label chapter_8:
scene home fang outside with fade
scene home fang outside with dissolve
FD "The next time I catch you alone with my daughter, I will use your head as a rubix cube."
window hide
@ -1004,8 +1006,8 @@ label chapter_8:
window auto
show anon neutral flip with dissolve
hide anon neutral flip with easeoutleft
scene skinrow with fade
scene black with dissolve
scene skinrow with dissolve
show anon neutral at acenter with dissolve
play music 'audio/OST/Skinrow Soul.ogg' fadein 1.0
"Shit. And things were getting…"
@ -1082,7 +1084,7 @@ label chapter_8:
stop music fadeout 2
scene black with fade
scene black with dissolve
"{cps=*0.2}-- Two weeks later --{/cps}"
@ -1390,7 +1392,7 @@ label chapter_8:
pause .5
show fangmom flip with Dissolve(.25)
scene black with fade
scene black with dissolve
FM "Well I hope you enjoyed spending time with my little tooth fairy, Anon!"
@ -1400,7 +1402,7 @@ label chapter_8:
stop music fadeout 3
play ambient 'audio/effects/outdoorLoop.ogg' fadein 2
scene home fang outside with fade
scene home fang outside with dissolve
"We reach the front door and she quickly turns back inside."
@ -1539,7 +1541,7 @@ label chapter_8:
stop music fadeout 1.0
scene black with fade
scene black with dissolve
"{cps=*0.2}-- Two weeks later --{/cps}"
play music 'audio/OST/Skinrow Soul.ogg' fadein 1.0
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
label chapter_9:
scene hallway with fade
scene black with dissolve
scene hallway with dissolve
play music 'audio/OST/Fuck You I Like This Chick.ogg' fadein 1.0
"End of midterms means the start of the new quarter."
@ -73,7 +74,8 @@ label chapter_9:
stop music fadeout 2
play ambient 'audio/effects/teenageCrowdFarLoop.ogg' fadein 2
scene auditorium with fade
scene black with dissolve
scene auditorium with dissolve
"We get to the auditorium once again and I look to the back row to find our spot."
@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ label chapter_9:
"As soon as I closed my eyes I felt a malevolent force looming before me."
scene black with fade
scene black with dissolve
"Somehow, I felt like opening my eyes was a bad idea."
@ -328,7 +330,7 @@ label chapter_9:
"There’s dark spots forming in my sight."
scene black with fade
scene black with dissolve
"When I finally breathe again the world restarts."
"The laughter hits first."
@ -373,7 +375,8 @@ label chapter_9:
"Still awake.{w=0.2} Fuck."
play ambient 'audio/effects/teenageCrowdFarLoop.ogg' fadein 2
scene auditorium with fade
scene black with dissolve
scene auditorium with dissolve
show anon sad at acenter with dissolve
@ -437,11 +440,11 @@ label chapter_9:
"What the fuck just happened?"
scene hallway
scene black with dissolve
scene hallway with dissolve
play music 'audio/OST/Beach Chill Out.ogg' fadein 1
show anon neutral flip at aright
show fang sad at sleft behind anon
with fade
with dissolve
F "Hey…"
@ -689,10 +692,11 @@ label chapter_9:
"Reed gives a silent nod. No thumbs up this time."
scene black with dissolve
scene office spears
show trish sad at tleft
show spears neutral flip at scenter behind anon, trish
with fade
with dissolve
"I enter Spears’ office and my eyes are immediately drawn to Trish sitting in front of his desk surrounded by crumpled up tissues."
window hide
@ -865,11 +869,12 @@ label chapter_9:
"I open the door to see Fang again, expression complex, leaning against the door’s frame."
play music1 'audio/OST/she_fucks_human_men.ogg' fadein 1.0
stop music fadeout 1
scene black with dissolve
scene hallway
show fang sad at sleft
show reed considering flip:
xalign 1.4
with fade
with dissolve
"Reed has taken my place beside her with a comforting arm around her shoulder."
@ -1094,7 +1099,8 @@ label chapter_9:
hide anon neutral with easeoutright
"Part of me wonders if she’ll use that against me, but right now it just feels good to get it out of my system."
scene hallway with fade
scene black with dissolve
scene hallway with dissolve
show anon neutral at acenter with easeinleft
"As I begin looking for Fang, Reed stops me in the hallway."
show reed explanatory flip at rright with easeinright:
@ -1134,7 +1140,7 @@ label chapter_9:
stop music fadeout 2
scene black with fade
scene black with dissolve
"I catch up to Fang near the front of the school as I mentally prepare myself for what’s coming."
jump WalkOfShame
@ -1191,9 +1197,10 @@ label chapter_9:
play music 'audio/OST/you can_t sage here.ogg' fadein 1.0
"Time for the Walk of Shame."
scene black with dissolve
scene hallway
show anon neutral at acenter
with fade
with dissolve
"As I make my way through the hall I do my best to ignore the passing jeers from teens I don’t even know."
"I guess it’s already spread to the lower years too."
@ -1216,7 +1223,8 @@ label chapter_9:
"Shouldering open the door I’m blinded by the morning sun’s glare."
scene outside school with fade
scene black with dissolve
scene outside school with dissolve
show anon neutral at aleft
show fang sad flip at scenter behind anon:
@ -1309,15 +1317,6 @@ label chapter_9:
pause 0.1
scene black
#show anon with easeinleft:
# parallel:
# ease_cubic 1.0 rotate 90
# parallel:
# ease_cubic 0.1 yalign 0.0
# ease_cubic 0.3 yalign -0.1
# ease_cubic 0.3 yalign -0.2
# ease_cubic 0.3 yalign -0.2
pause 5.5
@ -1347,12 +1346,13 @@ label chapter_9:
"I peel myself from around the bollard, feeling every bone in my body creak painfully."
play ambient 'audio/effects/outdoorLoop.ogg' fadein 2
scene black with dissolve
scene schooloutside_blur #at wiggle
#scene outside school
show anon neutral at aleft:
xalign 0.5 yalign -0.4 rotate -90
ease_cubic 2.0 rotate 0
with fade
with dissolve
A "Argh…{w=0.3} Fuck."
@ -1504,7 +1504,8 @@ label chapter_9:
"I manage to limp out of the car and Fang drops a few crumpled bills in her seat and slams the door behind her."
"The car peels out and disappears around the corner."
scene skinrow with fade
scene black with dissolve
scene skinrow with dissolve
A "Well, {w=0.2}no place to go but home."
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