This commit is contained in:
Nio 2021-11-05 18:47:03 +11:00
parent ffb432eb38
commit 5e86f88558
16 changed files with 237 additions and 127 deletions

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@ -436,6 +436,8 @@ image chillicheesefries = 'images/other/chilli cheese fries.png'
image ccf_rstain = 'images/other/rstain base set for composites.png'
image ccf_lstain = 'images/other/lstain base set for composites.png'
image vvurm_drama_poster = im.FactorScale('images/other/vvurm_drama_poster.jpg', 0.6)
#additional character images
#naser gets a stain
image naser rstained unimpressed = Composite(
@ -663,6 +665,8 @@ image fangphonegallery1:
pause 2.0
"museumbones" with dissolve
pause 2.0
"fanghugsanonbylake" with dissolve
pause 2.0
image fangphonegallery2:
@ -774,6 +778,15 @@ image anon_vc_unimpressed = im.Flip(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/anon/base set
image no_caller = im.Alpha('images/other/black.png', 0)
image anonfangfor_phonebg = im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/other/anon_fang_xmas.png", 1.0),(650,140,653,800))
#stuff for Anon's phone
image elliot_raptor_buttonpress = im.FactorScale(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/other/phoneshitpost/elliot_raptor_shitpost.png", 1.0),(737,200,440,655)), 0.692)
image elliot_raptor_success = im.FactorScale(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/other/phoneshitpost/elliot_raptor_shitpost_suc.png", 1.0),(737,200,440,655)), 0.692)
image elliot_raptor_wait = im.FactorScale(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/other/phoneshitpost/elliot_raptor_shitpost_wait.png", 1.0),(737,200,440,655)), 0.692)
image elliot_raptor = im.FactorScale(im.Crop(im.FactorScale("images/other/phoneshitpost/elliot_raptor_shitpost1.png", 1.0),(737,200,440,655)), 0.692)
image anonphonetoplayer = "images/other/phoneshitpost/anonphonetoplayer.png"
image baseanonphone = "images/anon/Other/anonphone.png"
image anonblack_mid = im.Crop("images/other/black.png",740,200,300,450)
#fangphone effect - video call with Anon mainly
layeredimage fangphonevideocall:
group midlayer:
@ -846,6 +859,47 @@ layeredimage fangphonevideocall:
attribute basic default:
#Anon's phone
layeredimage layeredanonphone:
group botlayer:
# pos (314, 159)
# pos (197, 112)
pos (194, 115)
rotate -1.0
attribute blackmid default:
group screenlayer:
# pos (314, 159)
# pos (197, 112)
pos (194, 115)
rotate -1.0
attribute noscreen default:
attribute shitpost_elliot:
attribute shitpost_elliotbp:
attribute shitpost_elliotsuccess:
attribute shitpost_elliotwait:
group coverlayer:
attribute coverbasic default:
#Dual actor images
image fangcarriesanon = "images/anon/Other/fanganoncarry.png"
image fanganon_promdance = "images/anon/Other/dpromdance.png"

View file

@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ label chapter_12D:
#confirmed that fang has autism
Attendant "Maam, please refrain from-"
show fang adorable at sleft with dissolve
show fang adorable at sleft with dissolve #at sleft
F "{cps=*1.5}OmigoshAnonlookatit.{/cps}"
@ -133,28 +133,11 @@ label chapter_12D:
window hide
window auto
#old method
# show fang adorable at sleft with dissolve: #maybe try this with a block: statement? removed: at sleft - no change
# ease_cubic 0.5 zoom 0.75 ypos 0.1 xpos 0.6 #OK
# pause 1.0
# linear 0.1 xzoom -1.0 #maybe the xzoom is causing the issue? tried removing it, didn't help
# ease_cubic 0.3 zoom 0.8 ypos 0.1 xpos -0.2 #ok
# pause 1.0
# linear 0.1 xzoom -1.0
# ease_cubic 0.5 zoom 0.4 xpos 0.15 ypos 0.3
# pause 1.0
# linear 0.1 xzoom 1.0
# ease_cubic 0.3 zoom 1.0 xpos 0.35 ypos 0.1 #ok
# pause 1.0
# linear 0.1 xzoom 1.0
# ease_cubic 0.5 zoom 0.3 xpos 0.6 ypos 0.33
# pause 1.0
# linear 0.1 xzoom -1.0
# pause 0.1
# repeat
#new method
show fang:
# yalign 0.0 xcenter 0.4
ease_cubic 0.25 xzoom 1.0

View file

@ -2249,27 +2249,19 @@ label chapter_13C:
A "So am I, Lucy."
A "You're a goddamn Intellectual!"
A "Youre capable of so much!"
show fang considering with dissolve
show fang embarrass flip with dissolve
"Lucy bashfully turns her head away, appreciating the compliment."
Lucy "You know, the guys in the army aren't the smartest lot."
A "I'll manage."
Lucy "I don't know if I'm supposed to be jealous or fearful."
pause 0.5
show fang happy with dissolve
"Lucy begins snickering."
Lucy "Thanks. But what about you?"
Lucy "They're gonna send you back in a shoebox!"
Lucy "Hahahahahahaha!"
Lucy "You barely survived the stairs."
"I cant help but roll my eyes at Lucys words."
A "Thanks for having *so much* faith in me..."
A "Thanks for having {i}so much{/i} faith in me..."
"Subconsciously, I let out a sigh."
@ -2286,15 +2278,25 @@ label chapter_13C:
A "Back to the mosh pits, meeting strange people, having fun, maybe going for that solo career I know you can achieve."
A "You should leave your options open while I'm gone."
A "..."
A "I don't want to hold you back or make you waste time waiting for me."
"A sobering thought races to the forefront of my mind."
show anon sad flip with dissolve
A "...We might not even see each other again..."
"The possibility that--"
A "You should leave your options open while I'm gone."
A "I don't want to hold you back or make you waste time waiting for me..."
"Lucy got better, so I should too..."
A "But...{w=0.5} I'll never forget you, Lucy..."
A "Never."
show fang surprised with dissolve
Lucy "..."
@ -2304,69 +2306,125 @@ label chapter_13C:
#I hate google docs, this is “” a mistake
Lucy "Fuck... that hurts like hell..."
Lucy "It's... I...."
Lucy "It's not like that at all."
Lucy "Damn it, Anon..."
Lucy "You..."
Lucy "I...."
Lucy "..."
show fang angry with dissolve
"Lucy grits her teeth in anger."
"She struggles to find the words, her beautiful face marred by her warring emotions."
Lucy "I'm sorry, about all my bullshit!"
show anon neutral flip with dissolve
A "Lucy... It's okay."
"I take her hand gently in mine, which seems to settle her thoughts at last."
show fang very sad with dissolve
"Lucy lets out a soft sigh."
Lucy "Please! T-thats… thats not me anymore…"
Lucy "When I laid on you all that bunch of bullshit, when I opened up to you on the roof, my baggage..."
Lucy "I can't go back to being that thing!"
Lucy "...You thought the worst of me, didn't you?"
show fang surprised with dissolve
"My voice causes my girlfriend to flinch."
Lucy "All the questionable and weird shit I must've done back then that resulted in {i}me{/i}?"
show anon behind fang:
A "I thought I could be the better man and not judge you."
A "That was still {i}you{/i} though."
A "And you're the one I came to care for."
Lucy "..."
Lucy "It's all in the past then."
"The painful tone in her voice makes my heart ache."
A "Lucy, you're still you."
"She looks really conflicted on the inside, like she's been holding back something."
Lucy "Anon... I..."
Lucy "Please, just know it doesn't matter now, alright?"
show fang anguish with dissolve
Lucy "I hate what I did SO MUCH!"
Lucy "I'm willing to pretend absolutely NONE OF THAT happened, I--"
"Her voice cuts out as she chews on her bottom lip."
"She's afraid her memories will be painful...{w=0.5} but for me?"
show fang angry with dissolve
Lucy "That whole 'discovering myself' quest that led me into talking and hanging around people like Trish..."
"Her voice is a hiss, as if she's spitting venom with these words."
Lucy "The gender pronoun shit... {w=0.5}no wonder high school sucked."
Lucy "No one would ever come near me and stick around to see where it went."
Lucy "I was so shitty to everyone that 'didn't get it'..."
Lucy "...And the people that begged me to be like them... {w=0.5}they didn't care about me either."
"She growls. Tears threaten to fall from her eyes."
Lucy "It was always a competition to see who had the worst baggage, and I always lost, because I never had it that bad!"
Lucy "And I insisted SO MUCH on this... this {i}thing{/i}!"
show fang very sad with dissolve
"Lucy finally lets out a sob."
Lucy "Anon… I never wanted to dump all my baggage on you..."
Lucy "It's wasnt right!"
Lucy "It… It wasnt…"
Lucy "..."
show anon neutral flip behind fang:
ease_cubic 0.5 xalign 0.4
"I move to place a hand on her shoulder."
"I draw her closer, my hand rubbing the space between her wings soothingly."
A "Lucy… It's okay..."
A "You can let it all out."
"Lucy buries her face in my shirt and takes a deep breath."
Lucy "That thing I used to be... I never realized..."
Lucy "It was so humiliating!"
Lucy "Naser might have known... and he suffered so much because of it..."
Lucy "I think my parents also knew too... and I made them suffer so much for no real reason..."
Lucy "..."
Lucy "Fuck."
Lucy "I was so blind to what I was doing to everyone around me for so long."
Lucy "And to think I was so convinced that being that... thing... would make me happy!"
Lucy "But it was never meant to be..."
Lucy "...I really was just an ungrateful bitch..."
"Lucys hand squeezes mine as tight as she can muster, causing some discomfort."
"I accept it though, she needs this."
show fang sad with dissolve
A "Lucy…"
"At last she leans her head back, offering me a watery smile." #felt like
"Lucy lets out a sigh."
Lucy "Anon… {w=0.5}I wouldn't feel right going back to how I used to be."
show fang anguish
show anon concerned flip
with dissolve
Lucy "It's not right."
Lucy "It was just a phase! I swear!"
Lucy "I thought what I was donig was completely normal."
Lucy "It was so humiliating..."
Lucy "Naser might have known... {w=0.5}and he suffered so much because of it..."
Lucy "I can't imagine just how much more my parents would've hated if I stuck to being... being..."
Lucy "I don't even know who I used to be now."
Lucy "I… {w=0.5}I was just an ungrateful bitch..."
show fang hiding with dissolve
"Lucy lets out a groan and facepalms."
Lucy "I don't know if I'll ever live this shit down!"
Lucy "Anon, please say you don't think less of me now I've told you all this..."
Lucy "I'm more than all that!"
Lucy "I wanna show it to everyone that matters to me!"
"I reach out and grab Lucys hand, squeezing it as tight as I can without causing her discomfort."
"I consider saying something, but I ultimately decide against it."
show fang sad with dissolve
"Instead, I only stare deeply and softly into Lucys citrine eyes."
"I look deeply into Lucys citrine eyes, returning my most comforting smile back."
play sound "audio/effects/tireSqueal.ogg" fadein 3.0
show anon neutral with dissolve

View file

@ -924,17 +924,26 @@ label chapter_3:
window hide
window auto
show anonphone with easeinbottom
# show layeredanonphone anonneutral at scenter with easeinbottom
show layeredanonphone with easeinbottom
pause .5
# TODO: phone overlay with Elliot Raptor, and the text he made some valid points :^)
"Ah yes, perfect. Click post {cps=*.3}aaaand{/cps} now to wait."
show layeredanonphone shitpost_elliot with dissolve
"Ah yes, perfect."
show layeredanonphone shitpost_elliotbp with dissolve
"Click post."
pause .5
show layeredanonphone shitpost_elliotsuccess with dissolve
pause .5
show layeredanonphone shitpost_elliotwait with dissolve
"{cps=*.3}Aaaand{/cps} now to wait."
pause .5
window hide
window auto
hide anonphone with easeoutbottom
hide layeredanonphone with easeoutbottom
"Nefarious deed for the day done, I look around the room out of boredom."
pause .5

View file

@ -355,8 +355,14 @@ label chapter_4:
"She pops the top of the tube open and pulls a rolled up poster out and unfurls it."
show trish happy flip
pause 0.5
show vvurm_drama_poster at acenter:
yalign 0.2
with wipeup
pause 1.0
T "This! Tada!{w=.4} Our first poster!"
hide vvurm_drama_poster with wipedown
show fang surprised with Dissolve(.25)
pause .5

View file

@ -2541,7 +2541,7 @@ label chapter_6:
scene troodonconvergence1 with Dissolve(1)
pause .5
"Fang reaches into her pocket and withdraws a crumpled back of cigarettes."
"Fang reaches into her pocket and withdraws a crumpled pack of cigarettes."
pause .5
A "Got a spare?"

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ label chapter_x4:
"I deserve it after all the shit I deal with at school. Not to mention the tiny terrors at home{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
pause .5
"A part of me wants to feel bad that I left Fang on her own the other day."
"A part of me wants to feel bad that I left Fang on their own the other day."
"Especially with that useless skinnie."
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ label chapter_x4:
show fang:
easein_back 1.5 xalign -0.05
show fang unimpressed with dissolve
"I hear Fang sigh and lean back in her chair."
"I hear Fang sigh and lean back in their chair."
F "Maybe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"

View file

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
yalign 0.1 xalign 0.75
show rosa neutral:
yalign 0.2 xalign 0.4
show fang nonxmas pendant neutral:
show fang neutral:
yalign 0.0 xalign -0.05
show anon neutral:
yalign 0.1 xalign -0.25
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
"A feathered elbow pierces my side."
show fang nonxmas pendant considering with Dissolve(.25)
show fang considering with Dissolve(.25)
F "Her mother works two jobs overtime just so Trish can go to school with us instead of Reef City Continuation."
show anon shrug with dissolve
@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ label chapter_x6:
show anon concerned with Dissolve(.25)
A "Oh no."
show fang nonxmas pendant unimpressed with Dissolve(.25)
show fang unimpressed with Dissolve(.25)
F "I went there for a week last September because Spears caught me slashing tires."
show fang nonxmas pendant sad with dissolve
show fang sad with dissolve
F "Its hell."
show reed considering flip with Dissolve(.25)
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
Ro "Were getting close to Trishs place, no?"
show anon neutral
show fang nonxmas pendant neutral
show fang neutral
show reed neutral flip
show stella considering flip
show rosa considering flip
@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ label chapter_x6:
A "Whys that?"
show fang nonxmas pendant considering with Dissolve(.25)
show fang considering with Dissolve(.25)
F "Its summer vacation."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}And?"
show fang nonxmas pendant happy with dissolve
show fang happy with dissolve
F "Youll see."
pause .5
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
yalign 0.1 xalign 0.2
show stella neutral:
yalign 0.1 xalign 0.2
show fang nonxmas pendant neutral:
show fang neutral:
yalign 0.0 xalign -0.525
show rosa considering:
yalign 0.2 xalign -0.55
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
show rosa neutral with Dissolve(.25)
Ro "Hes so cute! Trish why did you not tell us you had a kid brother?"
show fang nonxmas pendant considering with Dissolve(.25)
show fang considering with Dissolve(.25)
F "Because-"
show trish unimpressed flip with Dissolve(.25)
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
show trish annoyed flip with dissolve
T "Riley, I swear to fuck-"
show fang nonxmas pendant happy with Dissolve(.25)
show fang happy with Dissolve(.25)
F "Hooookay, how about we get this party started!"
show stella neutral
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
stop music fadeout 4
play ambient 'audio/effects/outdoorloop.ogg' fadein 5
scene courtyard
show fang nonxmas pendant neutral:
show fang neutral:
yalign 0.0 xalign -0.3
show anon neutral:
yalign 0.1 xalign -0.3
@ -315,13 +315,13 @@ label chapter_x6:
"He flips the latches open to reveal a charcoal tray."
show fang nonxmas pendant surprised
show fang surprised
with Dissolve(.25)
A "What the?"
Re "Made this last week, just for the occasion."
show fang nonxmas pendant neutral with Dissolve(.25)
show fang neutral with Dissolve(.25)
F "An entire grill in a briefcase? Why?"
pause .5
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
show trish considering with Dissolve(.25)
T "Theres always at least one running around screeching."
show fang nonxmas pendant happy with Dissolve(.25)
show fang happy with Dissolve(.25)
F "Trish, why dont you invite us over more often?"
F "Id be glad to help when I dont have classes{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
Re "Fang, you wanna help a bit?"
show reed neutral flip
show fang nonxmas pendant neutral
show fang neutral
with Dissolve(.25)
F "Me? Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Sure?"
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
F "I only wish I came up with the idea for a party sooner, I didnt have much time to get everything together."
show fang nonxmas pendant happy with Dissolve(.25)
show fang happy with Dissolve(.25)
F "Like, imagine if we rented a bouncy house?"
pause .5
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
show fang:
easein_quart 1 xalign -0.25
show fang nonxmas pendant surprised with Dissolve(.25)
show fang surprised with Dissolve(.25)
F "Crap!"
"Fang returns her attention to the grill."
@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
show anon:
easein_cubic 1.5 xalign 0.6
show fang nonxmas pendant:
show fang:
easein_cubic 1.5 xalign 1.4
show trish:
easein_cubic 1.5 xalign 1.15
@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
easein_cubic 1.5 xalign 0.2
show tana:
easein_cubic 1.5 xalign 0.0
show fang nonxmas pendant neutral
show fang neutral
hide reed
hide rosa
hide stella
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
Tana "Is it true you can light things on fire with your hands?"
show fang pneutral flip behind trish
show fang neutral flip behind trish
show trish neutral flip
with dissolve
pause .5
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
with None
show tana cheer
show trevor awe
show fang phappy flip
show fang happy flip
with dissolve
pause 1
@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
show reed:
easein_cubic 1.5 xalign 0.95
with None
show fang nonxmas pendant happy behind anon
show fang happy behind anon
show trish neutral behind fang
show anon neutral
with Dissolve(1)
@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
yalign 0.1 xalign 0.1
show reed neutral:
yalign 0.1 xalign -0.6
show fang pneutral flip:
show fang neutral flip:
yalign 0.0 xalign 0.45
show anon neutral flip:
yalign 0.1 xalign 0.8
@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
"Shes entirely focused on her greasy prey."
show fang phappy flip with dissolve
show fang happy flip with dissolve
"After a few test bites she throws the whole thing in the air{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
with dissolve
pause .5
show fang pshocked flip with dissolve
show fang shocked flip with dissolve
"Only then does she remember others are watching."
show anon grin flip with dissolve
@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
show fang behind stella:
ease_cubic 1 xalign 0.3
show fang nonxmas pendant surprised with dissolve
show fang surprised with dissolve
pause .5
A "If youd all follow me back out front of the building{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
yalign 0.1 xalign 0.9
show rosa considering flip:
yalign 0.2 xalign 1.5
show fang pneutral flip:
show fang neutral flip:
yalign 0.0 xalign -0.1
show reed neutral flip:
yalign 0.1 xalign 0.55
@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
easein_quart 1.5 xalign 0.65 #0.65
with None
show trish surprised flip
show fang psurprised flip
show fang surprised flip
show reed shocked flip
with dissolve
show rosa neutral flip
@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
show fang:
easein_quart 1 xalign -0.15
show fang pshocked flip with Dissolve(.25)
show fang shocked flip with Dissolve(.25)
F "How did you-?"
show reed:
@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
pause 0.5
easeout_cubic 1 xalign -1.5
show fang pvhappy flip with dissolve
show fang very happy flip with dissolve
pause .5
hide fang with dissolve
@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
pause .5
scene trishhome
show fang phappy flip:
show fang happy flip:
yalign 0.0 xalign 0.8
show anon neutral flip:
yalign 0.1 xalign 1.0
@ -1297,7 +1297,7 @@ label chapter_x6:
easein_back 2 xalign 0.6 yalign 0.05
with None
show anon fear
show fang nonxmas pendant shocked
show fang shocked
show trish surprised
show tali happy flip
show chondra happy flip