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synced 2025-03-22 18:12:28 +01:00
bloomer end reformatted
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5 changed files with 3786 additions and 5 deletions
@ -1 +1,612 @@
#TODO: transfer DaScript appropriately to this section
label chapter_10.0D:
"-Five Years Later-"
"July seventeenth."
"Year 201M2025 BC."
"Volcaldera Bluffs."
"Weather conditions; hot as tits."
"The evening sun is boiling hot and I’m reminded of one of the myriad of reasons why I first loathed living here."
"The sweat dripping in my eyes makes it difficult to see anything five feet in front of me."
"Like a runt of a tree planted in the sidewalk that I swerve to avoid."
"The air is hot and humid, and I can feel my body grow heavier as I get closer."
"I can’t determine if it’s from the sweat soaking my clothes or the welling trepidation inside me."
"It’s been five years since I’ve seen anyone here."
"I’ve kept in touch with all of them."
"But to see them again in person?"
"It’s the sounds that reach me first. The chatter of people milling about."
unknown "Bro"
unknown "It’s been too long!"
unknown "It was only five years *Giggle*"
"I can make out the building now. I use the sleeve of my shirt to wipe the sweat from my eyes and brow."
"I look at the name written on the arch over the entrance."
scene outside school fog with fade
"Volcano High."
A "Still the perfect setting for a horror game. Or maybe a shitty WAD."
"The attempt at humouring myself just made me feel more anxious."
"A check of my phone says I’m thirty minutes early. Wonderful."
"I move to the entrance, only to see all of the steps occupied by twenty-somethings waiting."
show anond neutral at aleft with dissolve
A "Yo, this the line?"
show reed future explanatory flip at rright
Re "Anon?"
play music "audio/OST/Those Other Two Weirdos.ogg" fadein 1.0
"A hobo raptor at the top of the steps pulls his oversized shades down to peer at me."
Re "Ayyy Anon, what’s up dude?"
"I immediately recognize his voice."
A "Hey Reed, what’s happening?"
A "You seem to certainly have uh… changed."
A "Why do you look like uh… I don’t want to sound rude or anything, but…"
A "You look homeless, Reed."
Re "Whaaaat?"
Re "Duuude, I’m not a hobo! I’m the richest raptor in the world, guy!"
"I think Reed’s lost it."
Re "What’d you say, man?"
A "What? Nothing. No idea what you’re talking about."
A "So, how did you get to become the 'richest raptor in the world'?"
Re "You wouldn’t believe it, man!"
Re "See, it all started with…"
"Reed proceeds to run his mouth off about a bunch of gibberish."
"I cannot understand anything he's saying."
"I think I heard ‘pharmaceutical business’ at one point?"
Re "...and then I was brought here by the birds, dude."
Re "So what’ve you been up to, man?"
Re "You look like you haven’t changed a day."
A "It’s not as exciting as your story, honestly."
A "I just went off to college, got my bachelor’s, and now I’m just a sound engineer."
Re "Sounds pretty sweet, dude."
show reed future neutral flip with dissolve
"We stand there for a moment in the blazing heat."
show reed future explanatory flip with dissolve
Re "Dude, it’s fuckin’ hot out here, you wanna get inside?"
Re "They got drinks n’ shit!"
A "Definitely, I need some air conditioning."
"We quickly moved along to the gymnasium."
scene reunion with fade
A "Man, it really hasn’t changed. Takes me back."
show anond neutral at aleft
show reed future explanatory flip at rright
with dissolve
Re "Yeah, takes me back too, man."
Re "Hold on, have you signed in yet?"
A "No, didn’t know I had to."
"Reed gestures to the sign-in table."
scene reunion with fade
show anond neutral at aleft
"The clerk is crouched behind the table sorting through a box."
"I go over to write in my John Hancock and the person behind the counter stands up."
"Seeing her in person now is like witnessing a possessed barbie doll."
show naomi future at sright
N "Oh!"
N "Anon, you made it!"
A "Yeah, I did."
A "Life been treating you well?"
N "Oh yes, just last year I moved in with my dear Kanyesaurus."
"What the fuck is this world anymore?"
A "Real shame about his last presidential run."
N "Oh, he got over it."
N "There’s always 2028!"
N "Presidential yeezys shall rise again, he says."
A "That reminds me, have you seen Naser’s college posts?"
A "He got top marks on his last exam."
N "No, I lost touch with him about three years ago."
A "Oh, sorry. How about work, then?"
N "I haven’t been working, mostly staying back at home and looking after the kids."
A "Sounds like you got a pretty good deal going on."
"I turn around to see a short line forming behind me."
A "Sorry to keep you so long, I’ll get out of here."
N "Thanks for catching up, Anon. When I’m done here we can chat more."
scene reunion
show anond neutral at aleft
show reed future neutral flip at rcenter
with fade
"I go rejoin Reed and we enter the gymnasium together."
"The setup is rather similar to that prom night all those years ago, albeit without the foreign decor."
"Young men and women mingle with small drinks and party foods across the floor."
Re "Man, those look good. Come over here, I’ll get you a drink, on me."
"I follow him over to the minibar. Trish is sitting in one of the seats, huddled over an empty glass."
show rosa future at scenter with dissolve
play music "audio/OST/Ramo de Rosas.ogg" fadein 1.0
"Rosa is pouring drinks for the few other drunkards when she spots us approach."
Ro "Oh! An-on, it is great to see you after all this time!"
Ro "Please, sit and talk awhile!"
A "Trish, glad we found you here!"
show reed at rright with move
show rosa future flip at sright with move
show trish future neutral flip at tcenter with dissolve
"She looks up from her sulking and her face lights up at the sight of us."
T "Anon! It’s been years!"
A "Trish, Rosa, glad we found you here!"
Re "Come on man, we’ve been texting this whole time."
"Reed flashes two fingers at the barkeeper, who sets out a few glasses."
A "Yeah, good to see you too."
A "Why’re you looking so gloomy over here?"
Ro "She has been telling me about how it is the end of her world."
T "It’s nothing that serious, just workplace drama."
Re "What, your employees raise another beef with the concept of horn piercings again?"
Ro "No, this time it’s with the engraving tools."
T "They’re telling me people would rather go to the dentist with all the drills we use."
T "And mostly with my designs for hollowed-out horns."
"Rosa instinctively rubs her own horn."
A "H-hollow?"
T "Of course, I even got in contact with a sculptor and figured out how to make them whistle in the wind!"
"Reed leans in to whisper in my ear."
Re "One of the designs sounds like Road Warrior."
"I shudder at the image."
show trish future smug flip
T "Don’t knock it, my satisfaction rate is a clean one-hundred percent!"
Ro "The only problem is getting people to be willing to try it."
A "Sounds like there’s a lot of risk there, yeah."
T "It’s not even that bloody, I only hire the best."
A "B-bloody?"
T "What, never had a piercing before? Same thing."
"Reed shakes his head."
Ro "Anything more than a regular piercing is an abomination before our Lord."
show trish future unimpressed flip
"I finish my drink and Reed downs his in one shot, tossing a few dollars on the counter."
"I look up to see the one person I’m most anxious and excited to talk with again approaching."
play music "audio/OST/That Monochromatic Weirdo.ogg" fadein 1.0
A "Fang! You’re here!"
show fang d shock with dissolve:
xalign -0.6
F "Wha- I- dammit Anon, I told you to stop calling me that!"
Re "Isn’t that the name Lucy used back in senior year?"
T "Yeah, I think it was."
A "Come on, you’ll always be Fang to me."
"Lucy covers her eyes with her hands."
show fang d happy with dissolve
F "You haven’t changed a bit, I swear."
play music "audio/OST/she_fucks_human_men.ogg" fadein 1.0
scene d03 with fade
Re "C’mon, get over here. I’ll order us all another watchamacallit of drinks. It’s on me, the richest raptor in the woooorld!"
"Reed cheerfully throws his arms up as he shouts out a prolonged ‘world’"
F "Sure, thanks. I can’t have too much though, I’m the event organizer and all."
A "Sounds like a tough break."
A "Wait, I thought you were the music teacher here."
#show fang d neutral with dissolve
F "I’m getting there. Still working with Mister Jingo until he retires next year."
F "Until then I’m a teachers’ assistant."
A "Oh, alright, I see."
"I take a quick glimpse around the room and fail to see any large ape-man."
A "I feel like we’re missing someone."
A "Where’s Spears? I could have sworn he would be here."
Re "Nah man, he’s gone. I saw him on TV the other day, though."
A "Was he giving a speech or something?"
Re "Sort of, he does commercials for car dealerships now."
Re "He’s built a reputation for his gimmick of wrecking a car every ad he does."
A "I… I see."
"Oh god I thought that was a joke about slamming people into cars."
"The hours reconnecting with my old friends pass surprisingly quickly, and the time eventually comes for everyone to go home."
"Lucy excuses herself from the group to go give the closing speech."
scene reunion with fade
show anond neutral at aleft
show reed future at rright
show rosa future flip at sright
show trish future neutral flip at tcenter
with dissolve
"She goes up onstage and tests the microphone, getting everyone’s attention."
F "Alright everyone, it’s been a wonderful night."
F "You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here."
F "Please start finding your designated drivers or calling up the taxi driver left."
F "We will be locking the doors at three."
"She puts the mic back on its stand and jumps offstage."
show fang d happy with moveinleft:
xalign -0.6
"Reed pats my shoulder."
Re "You got a ride home man?"
A "I can walk, but thanks."
"Lucy returns to the minibar and starts raiding the fridge for the last of the alcohol."
T "There it is."
Re "Alright, great seeing you guys. I’ll bounce."
T "We should all meet again for lunch sometime!"
A "Yeah, absolutely. It’s been forever since I’ve been in town, would love to get a tour of what’s new."
Re "You got it, man. See ya."
hide reed future explanatory with fade
A "Bye, Reed."
hide reed future explanatory with moveoutleft
T "Actually, I should get going, too."
T "I don’t want to get stuck in traffic."
hide trish with dissolve
A "You’ve had the most to drink out of all of us, you gonna be alright?"
"She raises a smug eyebrow and starts walking to the exit."
T "See you guys."
Ro "Come visit me too, An-on. Stella and I would love to have you."
hide rosa with dissolve
"More people trickle out of the room until it’s just Lucy and I."
"Naomi gives a thumbs-up to Lucy through the door to signal that everyone else has left."
F "Thanks, Naomi, couldn’t have organized this without you."
N "Oh, don’t worry about it! It was nice getting to act like a class representative again."
"The Plastic Persimmon waves and lets the door swing closed with an echoing *clang*."
A "Sooo… Just the two of us…"
F "Damn you Anon and damn you Bill Withers."
A "Ha! Still got it."
F "Yeah yeah."
"Lucy holds up a plastic bag that *clink*s with each shake."
F "I was gonna offer you the last of these… Buuuut…"
A "Hey now, let’s not let those go to waste."
"Her smug grin and laugh says enough."
A "Rooftop?"
F "Rooftop. Now."
"She leads the way through the darkened school hallways and stairwell."
scene black with fade
"I can picture all the old posters from my time here along the walls."
"Oh hey, they finally replaced the door."
label kino:
scene roof night
show fang d neutral at sleft
show anond neutral flip at sright
"The door is booted open and the night air has finally cooled down to something breathable now."
"I turn to the ladder on the side of the stair enclosure and climb up."
"Lucy hands me the bag and makes her own ascent."
"From our new vantage point we can see all of the town lit up."
play music "audio/OST/Skinrow Soul.ogg" fadein 1.0
"And with the stars above and no moon I would say the view is picturesque."
F "Oi, you gonna hog the drinks?"
"I take out a pair of bottles, using one to pop the cap off the other."
F "Show-off. They’re twist-offs, ya know."
"To prove her point she takes the capped one and simply twists it’s top off."
A "Ow. My ego."
show fang d happy with dissolve
F "Pfffft. Anyways."
A "A toast!"
F "To adulthood!"
A "To stable employment!"
"We tap our bottles together and chug the sweet ambrosia down."
F "Aaaaah. I needed this."
A "Oh?"
"I’m already handing her a second bottle, knowing that she’ll finish her first with her next chug."
A "I guess you’ve been busy."
show fang d unimpressed with dissolve
F "Dealing with teens is a fuckin’ nightmare."
F "There’s this one brat, Kenny. The little shit has broken two trumpets already."
A "Can’t be that bad."
F "Well you see, it happened during band camp-"
"Lucy’s rant went on for what felt like an hour."
"Though judging by the pile of beer bottles, it couldn’t have been more than twenty minutes."
F "-at the fucking dance of all places."
A "Snrk."
show fang d neutral with dissolve
F "What!"
A "Sounds like us, honestly."
F "Bullshit."
A "For real! You were just as bad!"
"Lucy’s elbow finds it’s familiar spot in my side."
F "Nuh uh."
A "Yeah huh. Faaaaang."
"She groans and hides her face in her knees."
F "Why the fuck was I so edgy?"
A "Trish."
F "Mrrrr… Okay, so maybe we were that bad."
A "That’s life for ya."
"She sighs and relaxes. Her legs stretch forward and she leans back on her arms."
F "Yeah…"
F "That’s life…"
"I mimic her pose and find myself staring at the small dots spreading across the night sky."
stop music fadeout 5.0
A "Teacher at your alma mater. Wasn’t really expecting that, ya know."
F "And you as a sound engineer? Pffft, I figured you’d be making a sexbot or something."
A "The self-cleaning subroutine never worked right."
show fang d happy with dissolve
"We chuckle together."
play music "audio/OST/Amberlight Brilliance.wav" fadein 1.0
A "Hey, Lucy…"
"I keep my eyes on the stars, even when Lucy turns to look at me."
"I can feel heat creep across my face."
A "I got a contract with a studio here. I’m thinking…"
A "Since I’ll be here for a good while, how about we get some dinner sometime."
A "Y’know… together…"
"I look at Lucy at last."
"Her face is turned back to the sky, but there’s a dusting of pink across her cheeks."
F "I would… I totally would, Anon…"
F "But I’ve got work like you wouldn’t believe."
show fang d neutral with dissolve
A "O-oh. Well, if it’s too mu-"
F "However!"
show fang d happy with dissolve
"Something covers my hand."
"I quick glimpse down and I see it’s Lucy’s atop mine."
F "I’ve got time in the morning."
F "So how bout breakfasts?"
"I smile."
A "Is that a date then?"
F "I don’t know, is it?"
"Lucy turns back to me and smiles."
A "It is, then."
F "You’re such a dweeb."
A "I know."
scene d04b with fade
"That didn’t stop Lucy from shuffling closer until our legs were pressed together."
"That didn’t stop Lucy from leaning her head on my shoulder."
"I grin and wrap my arm around her shoulder."
"Feels just like old times, honestly."
"Like no time has passed since I left Volcadera Bluff."
"I guess I never did say goodbye to Volcano High."
F "Thanks, now my face is forever stuck in a cringe, Anon."
A "...Way to ruin the moment Fang."
F "You ruined it first with your mumbling."
A "Fix it then."
F "You ruined it, you fix it."
A "Fine I will."
scene black with fade
"My hand cups her cheek gently."
"Lucy smiles and leans in."
"Ah, I missed this feeling."
"Our lips meld together as we embrace just like we were teens again."
$ quick_menu = False
window hide
scene 4of4 with fade
stop music fadeout 15.0
pause 16
scene black with fade
pause 1
jump ending
@ -1 +1,300 @@
#TODO: transfer DaScript appropriately to this section
label chapter_8.50C:
#label golden: - commented out 6/12/21 - redundant with new chapter labels
#Announcing a Show | Golden
#le inconsistant indention has arrived
#le wrong move indent slut
play music "audio/OST/Appreciating her Company.ogg" fadein 1.0
"About fifteen minutes into the assignment, the two of us are just about done."
"We’re making surprisingly good time."
F "Uhm… and you said that the electrons hold the negative charge, right?"
A "Yeah, yeah."
F "Can’t imagine when I’d be using this crap in real life."
A "You never know, you might shrink one day."
show fang happy behind anon with dissolve
F "Yeah, and you might stop pretending you’re livestreaming on Yousnoot."
A "As far as you know I might be giving you incorrect answers, you know."
F "Mhm, sure."
"The teacher is making his rounds checking on the students and gets to our desks."
show farnsworth at sright with moveinleft
Drf "Hello, Anon. Fang."
Drf "Are you two getting along well?"
AnonAndFang "Yes, Mister Fernsworth."
Drf "Great to hear."
Drf "You know, I’m real proud of you two."
Drf "I remember at the start of the year you were at each other's' throats."
Drf "And now look at you!"
"The two of us cringe."
A "Uhh… Yeah, thanks."
Drf "At any rate, you two understand the material, right?"
A "Oh yeah, Fang and I are fine."
A "I was just helping them with a few problems."
"Phew, remembered it this time."
Drf "Good, good."
Drf "I won’t keep you any longer then."
hide farnsworth with moveoutleft
"Fernsworth meanders to pester the next few students."
A "Anyways, where were we?"
show fang happy flip with dissolve
"I turn back to Fang and her mischievous grin."
A "What?"
"Her grin only grows."
A "What?! What’s with the look?"
"She shakes her head and holds up her wrist."
A "Uh… it’s ten thirty-seven? Why is that funny?"
F "Anon you ignorant slut."
F "Notice something missing?"
A "...Why do you have feathers on your elbows anyway?"
F "Gawd! No! I’m not enbie, Anon."
A "Oh… Still, why do you have feathers on your elbows?"
"Fang rolls her eyes and digs her feathered elbow into my side."
A "Alright alright, I get it."
A "Just joking around."
F "Shame your jokes suck."
"We chuckle together."
A "So, like, I can say you’re my girlfriend now?"
"Fang blushes a little."
F "You always could. Dummy."
"The blush becomes contagious and I find myself looking back at the worksheet."
"... Girlfriend…"
"Suddenly I’m feeling squeamish all over again."
"I mean, we went on dates before, but she’s never straight up said she’s my girlfriend…"
"Now I’m on the spot."
"It only makes sense that I ask her to prom, right?"
"Why am I getting so worked up again all of a sudden?"
"This is ridiculous, I’m just going to ask."
A "Hey, Fang, you-"
F "We’re going to prom together, right?"
A "O-oh, yeah. Totally."
A "I was gonna ask if you wanted to go at all."
F "Of course I do, but do you want to go?"
A "I mean, only with you?"
F "Yes or no, dork."
A "Yes."
F "That wasn’t so hard, was it?"
A "Like plucking feathers."
"She playfully elbows me again."
"I think I get the feathers on the elbow thing now, because those things fucking dig in. Ow."
F "Do you even have something to wear?"
A "I was going to ask my dad for his old clothes."
F "You sure? I could ask Naser for his old stuff."
A "Tail and wings."
F "Right, right."
A "What about you?"
A "You actually gonna wear a dress?"
F "I’ve got this sick looking dress shirt…"
F "Naaaah, shirts suck."
A "Wings again?"
F "Wings again. At least I can wear a backless dress."
"I cup my chin and try to picture the dress."
"The heat"
"I grin and nod approvingly."
"And earn a third elbow to my side."
A "Wait, hold on."
A "Do you still go by Fang, at least?"
F "Why wouldn’t I?"
A "Cool, just checking."
F "Taking it one step at a time, you know?"
F "There’s only about ten minutes left of class, are we gonna have enough time to finish the assignment?"
A "Shit, yeah. Forgot."
"I flip over the page to reveal the entire second half of the assignment."
A "It’s gonna be close though."
"Fang scoots her chair closer to me."
F "No time to waste then, yeah?"
"Splitting the questions between us, Fang and I are able to finish the assignment seconds before the bell."
play music "audio/OST/to_swagger.ogg" fadein 1.0
"We walk through the hall together, at least until we have to split to our separate classes."
scene hallway with dissolve
show anon neutral at aleft
show fang happy at scenter
A "Hey wait, you did the word search bit this time, right?"
A "I thought you said you were terrible at those?"
F "And you’ve believed me up to this point."
A "I feel used."
F "That’s because I used you."
A "I’ll get you fo-"
Sp "Ah, Fang! There you are, a moment please."
"We turn to see Principal Spears trailing behind us."
F "Yes?"
show spears neutral flip at sright with dissolve
Sp "Fang, I was planning on asking you during your next class, but since I found you here…"
Sp "I’m embarrassed to say we’re missing one event slot during prom. Scheduling error."
Sp "And your teacher, Mr Jingo, recommended you for your musical talents."
Sp "I’m not asking you to make your decision right now, but if you’d consider helping out by performing a musical number or two that would help monumentally."
F "Oh!"
A "Fang’s going to play for the school?"
Sp "If Fang agrees to."
F "Well, uh… Sure!"
F "Yeah, I’d love to do some songs for prom."
Sp "Fantastic news, Fang. When you can, please swing by the office."
F "Thank you, Principal Spears. I’ll come after school today."
"Spears nods and heads off."
hide spears with moveoutright
F "Shit, now I really need to get a good dress."
A "I thought you had one?"
F "A party dress isn’t a performance dress!"
F "It’s like- you know what I mean."
A "I guess?"
A "You don’t seem as excited as last time you got somewhere to play."
F "I know, I mean... last time I had a whole band to play with."
A "You sure you’ll be alright playing solo?"
F "Probably."
F "I’ll also need to practice a lot more…"
F "You’ll help me, right?"
A "Of course."
A "As long as you don’t need me up on stage with you."
F "I’m trying to keep the crowd from throwing things this time around, actually."
A "Bite me."
F "Speaking of. I’ll see you at lunch, right?"
A "Yeah, of course."
"Fang pecks me on the cheek and starts down the hall to her next class."
hide fang neutral with moveoutright
"I feel my lips spread into a grin. It’s kind of weird to think of it, but I’m actually excited for prom."
stop music fadeout 1.0
"Man, I hope dad’s suit has actually been to the cleaner, I don’t wanna disappoint."
jump chapter_8.75D
@ -1 +1,428 @@
#TODO: transfer DaScript appropriately to this section
label chapter_8.75D:
scene black with fade
pause 3
#Let's all go to the Aquarium
#label LetsAllGoToTheAquarium: - commented out on 6/12/21 - redundo with new systeo
play music "audio/OST/west_coast_kicking.ogg" fadein 1.0
"Every day after school for the next few weeks I would join Fang to help her practice."
"Some days we would go to her place, and other days her father was home early."
"Those days Fang would ‘politely ask’ Naser to drop her off at my place."
"The bribes to keep it from her dad stopped being necessary after the third time."
"The practice sessions themselves were long and arduous."
"Sessions would go on until either her dad kicked me out or sundown."
"Fang would play for hours on end, occasionally stopping to let me try and to take a break."
"Despite my warnings, she’d play until her fingertips were red and raw."
"I decided it was time for a real break once I ran out of band aids."
"My great idea was to take out the map of the city I’d had since I moved in and throw a dart at it to decide where we’d go for the day."
"There’s lots of neat places in the city for dates, the mall, the arcade, a local amusement park."
"...And the dart landed in the ocean over the dock."
"The look from Fang told me she wasn’t stepping anywhere near a tuna boat."
"The Aquarium it is."
scene aquarium with fade
"So here we are inside after paying admission."
"I’d suggested she wear some gloves, just to protect her hands."
"I don’t think she understood the second part, because they were fingerless."
"The Aquarium is a large marble building on a marina."
"The various exhibits sprawl out to make the place turtle-shaped from a birds-eye view."
"It’s a nice place, but I still need to make this entertaining to Fang."
"She already looks bored."
"Looking through one of the map kiosks, I try to make a mental plan for the trip."
show anon neutral at aleft
show fang neutral at sright
A "Uhh… They got exhibits for the deep sea, the gulf of Mexico, the dopefish, tropical reefs…"
A "... Eenie meanie mini-"
F "Really?"
A "Sea turtles it is."
"I take Fang’s hand and lead her through the lobby into the cmber labeled ‘Sea Turtle Conservatory’."
scene aquariumexhibit
F "Anon, are you sure you want to spend the day here? If you wanted to go to the mall or somethin- omigawd."
"A little sea turtle swims out of hiding in the tank right in front of us."
"Immediately Fang breaks free of my arm and presses against the glass."
F "Look at these cute little shits, I love them!"
show fang adorable at sleft
show anon neutral at aright
A "Yeah, I see them."
"I peer into the tank and see a few more hatchlings bob out of the decorative grass."
"The hype becomes contagious and I find myself pressed against the glass as well."
Attendant "Please avoid touching the glass, it stresses the little guys out."
A "Oh, sorry."
A "Come on Fang, there’s more stuff to see."
F "Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno."
A "There’s more here than just those baby turtles, you know."
F "Doesn’t matter."
A "You’re just going to stay here all day then?"
F "Yyyeeeep."
A "What’ll you do for lunch?"
F "Bring me something from the cafe."
A "Allright, here I am going off without you."
A "Oh look, a Dumbo Octopus."
F "Whereisit?"
"In a snap Fang’s moved from pressing her face against the turtle tank to pressing it against the octopus tank."
scene aquariumexhibit
show fang happy at sleft
#confirmed that fang has autism
Attendant "Ma’am, please refrain from-"
show fang adorable at sleft
F "OmigoshAnonlookatit."
F "It’s like a living egg yolk with button eyes."
A "Is that the first analogy you can think of…?"
F "And what’s over there? Are those seahorses holy crap I have to take a video of this."
"I shrug apologetically at the attendant who has given up entirely."
"But watching Fang zoom between the exhibits to gush over each oddly cute sea animal was just too much."
"Subtly my phone finds its way into my jacket pocket, already set to record."
show anonphone at scenter with moveinbottom
"She’ll probably kill me if she found out."
"But it’d be a good death."
"Wait, where’d she go?"
hide anonphone with moveoutbottom
scene aquarium with fade
show fang happy at sleft
"I round the corner to see the next room has a large group of school children hovering over a stingray touch tank."
"That is, a large group of school children and Fang, towering above the rest."
"She does have the act down though."
scene stingray pool with dissolve
A "Oh, cool, a stingray pool."
A "You plan on touching one?"
F "Touch?"
A "Yeah, you can put your hand in and they’ll slide against it, watch."
"I roll up my jacket sleeve and push my hand into the water, splaying it out."
"Fang and the children lean in intently."
"The water’s cold, but sure enough, a few of the playful things make their round and slide up right against it like a cat begging for scratches."
A "See?"
"Several in the crowd start jumping with excitement and put their own hands in the water to try for themselves."
"Fang doesn’t seem completely convinced, though."
F "You sure they’re alright to just touch like that? Aren't those dangerous?"
A "I mean, it’s a bit slimy, but there’s a hand sanitizer thing on the wall right there."
F "That isn’t what I meant."
A "Come on, I’ll make sure they don’t bite."
"Fang reluctantly grabs my dry arm and I lead her to a spot not occupied by ankle biters."
"I put my hand back in and motion for Fang to do the same."
"She hesitates with her hand raised just above the waters’ surface, then plunges her hand down next to mine."
"It doesn’t take long for a few rays to make the corner and brush up against our hands."
F "Eep!"
A "You alright?"
F "Yeah, no, it’s just… You were right about them being slimy."
A "Well, I have yet to hear of a dry fish."
F "Shut up."
"After a few more rounds of rays, Fang decides she’s had enough."
scene aquarium
show anon neutral at aleft
show fang happy flip at sright
with fade
A "See, that wasn’t terrible, right?"
A "Actually, you got all your fingers right?"
F "I dunno, wanna check?"
show fang flip off happy flip
"Her cheeky grin and raised middle finger confirm her hand’s integrity."
show fang neutral flip
F "So uh…"
F "Which exhibit are we checking next?"
"I check the aquarium pamphlet to see where we haven’t been yet."
A "Well… if we go outside we can see the dolphin pools. That way it loops back through the deep sea exhibits."
"With Fang in agreement I lead her towards the exit marked with a large dolphin sign."
scene aquariumoutside with dissolve
"Upon exiting the building my nose is assaulted by a mix of salty air and the smell of raw fish."
"Somehow it’s even fishier than inside the aquarium."
play music "audio/OST/Bayside Bumming it.ogg" fadein 1.0
show fang happy at sleft
show anon neutral flip at aright
with dissolve
F "Ooh, smells like lunch."
A "It says they should be feeding the dolphins pretty soon."
"The walkway circles around a large pool with several dolphins swimming around, and I can make out the trainer holding a hoop with a bucket of fish by their feet."
"One of the dolphins jumps straight through the hoop and is rewarded with a fish caught out of the air."
F "Would you jump through a hoola hoop for me if I had treats?"
A "..."
"I notice the trainer has traded the hoop for a large brush and is getting one of the dolphins to open its mouth."
"The trainer starts brushing the Dolphin’s teeth and showing off the rows of neatly spaced cones."
"I make a show of craning my neck down to get a view of Fang’s teeth from below."
"She raises an eyebrow for a second and then realizes."
"An elbow jams into my shoulder and her other hand covers her snout."
A "So that’s how you brush your teeth!"
show fang considering with dissolve
F "...I don’t need someone to bribe me at least."
A "Well if you ever need help I’m sure I can get them to lend me one of those brushes."
show fang neutral with dissolve
"And that gets me a jab to the ribs this time."
A "Oh come on, you have to admit they look a bit like you..."
F "Ehh, I don’t see it."
"The dolphin beside her nods in agreement."
"...Right then…"
show fang happy at sleft
A "So, how bout we hit the last spot and then go grab our own lunch?"
A "Unless you want to have some tuna with your clone there."
"Fang rolls her eyes at that."
"Her dolphin duplicate did too."
A "You’re fucking with me, aren’t you."
F "What’re you talking about?"
"Fang’s aquatic doppelganger makes a laugh-like chirping and finally swims away."
A "So Deep Sea then!"
scene black with fade
"We leave the dolphin pen, following signs back towards the building."
"The floor slopes slowly until we reach a door labelled as the sub-level to our destination."
"Pushing through, we find ourselves in an oversized hamster tube beneath the water."
"Oh, I didn’t realize they had one of these."
scene aquariumtube with fade
"From within the glass walkway we’re surrounded by a myriad of colorful marine life swimming around us."
show fang surprised at sright
show anon neutral at aleft
"Fang’s eyes are wide as she tries to follow the different schools of fish that dart to and fro about."
"I’m more mesmerized by the water filtered light cascading off Fang, casting her in a gentle glow that illuminates her white feathers."
"God. So glad I’m recording this."
F "Recording what?"
show fang neutral flip with dissolve
A "The uh… The shark! Yeah, that cool looking shark over there!"
"I point to the shark that’s currently lazing about, casually drifting by the walkway."
show fang adorable with dissolve
"Fang turns to gush at the shark, giving me the opportunity to quickly stop my phone and see that my battery is near dead and storage near full."
A "Ah, there’s the last exhibit."
show fang happy with dissolve
"I hold open another set of doors, the room within near pitch black."
F "Is it closed?"
A "Hm?"
F "The lights…"
A "Oh! Nah, the room is dark because the things inside aren’t used to light."
F "O-oh."
A "Wait… are you sca-"
F "No! I just… Wasn’t expecting it, is all."
"I offer her my hand."
"Despite her claim otherwise I can feel how tense she is by how her fingernails dig into my hand."
scene black with fade
"I lead her into the darkened room, what little light there is coming from the various animals within."
play music "audio/OST/Beach Chill Out.ogg" fadein 1.0
"The aquariums within are packed with bioluminescent jellyfish, illuminating the darkened room with an ethereal glow."
scene jellyfishroom with fade
F "Whoa. This is…"
A "Beautiful."
F "Yeah… that…"
"I wasn’t referring to the exhibit."
"Fang’s grip on my hand eases, and her fingers work to intertwine with mine."
"With what little light there is I can make out Fang’s smile."
"My eyes have adjusted enough that I can see Fang’s eyes locked onto mine, the gossamer light making them glow."
"My lips press softly onto Fang’s beak-end in a chaste peck."
F "eep!"
F "Oi! G-give me a warning next time!"
A "Mmmm… Naaaah."
"I laugh even as her hip bumps me roughly."
"Our interlocked fingers prevent her from using her preferred elbow tactic."
A "So… had fun?"
F "Mmmm… Maaaaybe…"
F "I’ll say yes if you delete that recording."
A "Awwww, but you were so cute!"
F "Sh-shut up! I’m sexy damn it! Not cute!"
A "Why not both?"
"She glowers."
A "Feel rested?"
F "A bit. I’ll feel even more rested after some lunch though."
A "Sounds like a plan."
scene aquariumoutside with dissolve
"The rest of our rest day was spent just relaxing on the pier."
"Snacks on the boardwalk."
"A bad sunburn on my neck."
"And a very relaxed girlfriend."
"Overall, mission successful."
"Except the sunburn."
stop music fadeout 1.0
jump chapter_9.0D
@ -1 +1 @@
#TODO: transfer DaScript appropriately to this section
#TODO: i am error delete it
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Reference in a new issue