Merge branch 'Monster-Update-6' into chapter-1-choreo
# Conflicts: # game/script.rpy
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ define gui.idle_color = '#FFFE00'
## The small color is used for small text, which needs to be brighter/darker to
## achieve the same effect.
define gui.idle_small_color = '#0001FF'
define gui.idle_small_color = '#00E1FF'
## The color that is used for buttons and bars that are hovered.
define gui.hover_color = '#00FF03'
@ -47,10 +47,19 @@ define gui.insensitive_color = '#8888887f'
define gui.muted_color = '#3d1466'
define gui.hover_muted_color = '#5b1e99'
## The colors used for dialogue and menu choice text.
## The colors used for dialogue and menu choice text
define gui.text_color = '#ffffff'
#define gui.text_color_outline = '#00000000'
define gui.interface_text_color = '#ffffff'
## Default font outline color
define gui.default_outline = '#000'
## Namebox outline color
define gui.name_outline = '#000000dd'
define gui.main_menu_color = '#FFF'
## Fonts and Font Sizes ########################################################
@ -64,23 +73,30 @@ define gui.name_text_font = "gui/FallingSky.otf"
define gui.interface_text_font = "gui/FallingSky.otf"
## The size of normal dialogue text.
define gui.text_size = 40
define gui.text_size = 42
#define gui.text_outlines = [ (absolute(0.5), gui.text_color_outline, 0, 0) ]
## The size of character names.
define gui.name_text_size = 45
define gui.name_text_outlines = [ (absolute(1.5), gui.name_outline, 0, 0) ]
## The size of text in the game's user interface.
define gui.interface_text_size = 33
define gui.interface_text_outlines = [ (1, gui.default_outline, 0, 0) ]
## The size of labels in the game's user interface.
define gui.label_text_size = 36
define gui.label_text_outlines = [ (2, gui.default_outline, 0, 0) ]
## The size of text on the notify screen.
define gui.notify_text_size = 24
#define gui.notify_text_outlines = [ (2, gui.default_outline, 0, 0) ]
## The size of the game's title.
define gui.title_text_size = 75
#define gui.title_text_outlines = [ (2, gui.default_outline, 0, 0) ]
define gui.main_menu_text_size = 60
## Main and Game Menus #########################################################
@ -88,7 +104,6 @@ define gui.title_text_size = 75
define gui.main_menu_background = "gui/main_menu.png"
define gui.game_menu_background = "gui/game_menu.png"
## Dialogue ####################################################################
## These variables control how dialogue is displayed on the screen one line at a
@ -104,12 +119,14 @@ define gui.textbox_yalign = 1.0
## The placement of the speaking character's name, relative to the textbox.
## These can be a whole number of pixels from the left or top, or 0.5 to center.
define gui.name_xpos = 285
define gui.name_ypos = -90
define gui.name_xpos = 350
define gui.name_ypos = -85
define gui.name_large_xpos = 395
## The horizontal alignment of the character's name. This can be 0.0 for left-
## aligned, 0.5 for centered, and 1.0 for right-aligned.
define gui.name_xalign = 0.0
define gui.name_xalign = 0.5
## The width, height, and borders of the box containing the character's name, or
## None to automatically size it.
@ -124,21 +141,21 @@ define gui.namebox_borders = Borders(5, 5, 5, 5)
## background of the namebox will be scaled.
define gui.namebox_tile = False
## The placement of dialogue relative to the textbox. These can be a whole
## number of pixels relative to the left or top side of the textbox, or 0.5 to
## center.
#To make the text with the characters align to the normal text, I set this to match up and make it "just werk". It is a horrible, hacky fix, but werks none the less. I hope this fix is so bad that I never get to write gui code ever again.
define gui.dialogue_xpos = 365
define gui.dialogue_ypos = 47
## The maximum width of dialogue text, in pixels.
define gui.dialogue_width = 1116
#It's still bad but it could be legitmately worse
define gui.dialogue_ypos = 20
define gui.dialogue_xpos = 220
define gui.dialogue_width = 1460
## The horizontal alignment of the dialogue text. This can be 0.0 for left-
## aligned, 0.5 for centered, and 1.0 for right-aligned.
define gui.dialogue_text_xalign = 0.0
define gui.window_yoffset = 0
define gui.input_yoffset = 0
## Buttons #####################################################################
@ -427,16 +444,23 @@ init python:
if renpy.variant("small"):
## Font sizes.
gui.text_size = 45
gui.name_text_size = 54
gui.text_size = 44
gui.name_text_size = 48
gui.notify_text_size = 38
gui.interface_text_size = 45
gui.button_text_size = 45
gui.label_text_size = 51
## Namebox
gui.name_xpos = 345
gui.name_ypos = -85
## Adjust the location of the textbox.
gui.textbox_height = int(gui.textbox_height * 1.263157) # ~360
gui.text_width = 1650 # not needed
gui.dialogue_ypos = 20
gui.dialogue_xpos = 240
gui.dialogue_width = 1460
gui.window_yoffset = -75
## Change the size and spacing of various things.
gui.slider_size = 54
@ -450,10 +474,6 @@ init python:
gui.quick_button_text_size = 30
## File button layout.
gui.file_slot_cols = 2
gui.file_slot_rows = 2
## NVL-mode.
gui.nvl_height = 255
@ -471,4 +491,7 @@ init python:
gui.nvl_button_xpos = 30
## Input, OSK, very specific
if renpy.variant("small") or renpy.variant("touch"):
gui.input_yoffset = -625
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 13 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 13 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 9.9 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 9.9 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 7.5 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 18 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 5.4 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 18 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 5.4 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 18 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 5.4 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 18 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 5.5 KiB |
@ -102,11 +102,13 @@ screen say(who, what):
id "window"
if who is not None:
background Image("gui/textbox.png", xalign=0.5, yalign=1.0)
id "namebox"
style "namebox"
text who id "who"
background Image("gui/textbox_no_hitch.png", xalign=0.5, yalign=1.0)
text what id "what"
@ -135,23 +137,23 @@ style window:
xfill True
yalign gui.textbox_yalign
ysize gui.textbox_height
background Image("gui/textbox_no_hitch.png", xalign=0.5, yalign=1.0)
xoffset 0
yoffset gui.window_yoffset
xcenter 0.5
style namebox:
xalign 0.5
xpos gui.name_xpos
xanchor gui.name_xalign
xsize gui.namebox_width
ypos gui.name_ypos
ysize gui.namebox_height
background Frame("gui/namebox.png", gui.namebox_borders, tile=gui.namebox_tile, xalign=gui.name_xalign)
padding gui.namebox_borders.padding
style namebox_large is namebox:
xpos gui.name_large_xpos
style say_label:
properties gui.text_properties("name", accent=True)
xalign gui.name_xalign
yalign 0.5
xanchor gui.name_xalign
style say_dialogue:
properties gui.text_properties("dialogue")
@ -175,12 +177,13 @@ screen input(prompt):
style_prefix "input"
add Image("gui/textbox_no_hitch.png", xalign=0.5, yalign=1.0, yoffset=gui.input_yoffset) #for mobile OSK
xalign gui.dialogue_text_xalign
xpos gui.dialogue_xpos
xsize gui.dialogue_width
ypos gui.dialogue_ypos
yoffset gui.input_yoffset #for mobile OSK
text prompt style "input_prompt"
input id "input"
@ -240,6 +243,21 @@ style choice_button_text is default:
## The quick menu is displayed in-game to provide easy access to the out-of-game
## menus.
screen quick_button(filename, label, function):
xmaximum 80
ymaximum 72
action function
add filename xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 zoom 1
text label xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 xanchor 0.5 size 22 style "quick_button_text"
# label_functions is [ [ "label", function() ], [ "foobar", foobar() ], .. ]
# Reuse the same image string and keep things 'neat'.
screen quick_buttons(filename, label_functions):
for l_f in label_functions:
use quick_button(filename, l_f[0], l_f[1])
screen quick_menu():
## Ensure this appears on top of other screens.
@ -251,14 +269,16 @@ screen quick_menu():
ypos 0.977
grid 1 4:
style_prefix "quick"
xalign 0.0
yalign 0.0
#imagebutton auto "gui/button/uioptionbuttons/skip_%s.png" action Rollback()
imagebutton auto "gui/button/uioptionbuttons/skip_%s.png" action Skip() alternate Skip(fast=True, confirm=True)
imagebutton auto "gui/button/uioptionbuttons/save_%s.png" action ShowMenu('save')
imagebutton auto "gui/button/uioptionbuttons/auto_%s.png" action Preference("auto-forward", "toggle")
imagebutton auto "gui/button/uioptionbuttons/load_%s.png" action ShowMenu('load')
xalign -0.005
yalign 0.010
use quick_buttons("gui/button/uioptionbuttons/template_idle.png", \
[ \
[ "Skip", Skip() ], \
[ "Save", ShowMenu('save') ], \
[ "Auto", Preference("auto-forward", "toggle") ], \
[ "Load", ShowMenu('load') ] \
] )
screen score_menu():
zorder 100
@ -275,7 +295,6 @@ screen score_menu():
## This code ensures that the quick_menu screen is displayed in-game, whenever
## the player has not explicitly hidden the interface.
init python:
@ -290,14 +309,17 @@ style quick_button:
properties gui.button_properties("quick_button")
style quick_button_text:
properties gui.button_text_properties("quick_button")
#properties gui.button_text_properties("quick_button")
color gui.selected_color
hover_color gui.hover_color
selected_color gui.accent_color
## Main and Game Menu Screens
## Navigation screen ###########################################################
## Navigation screen ##########################################################
## This screen is included in the main and game menus, and provides navigation
## to other menus, and to start the game.
@ -315,8 +337,10 @@ screen navigation():
textbutton _("History") action ShowMenu("history")
textbutton _("Save") action ShowMenu("save")
textbutton _("Load") action ShowMenu("load")
textbutton _("Delete") action ShowMenu("delete")
textbutton _("Options") action ShowMenu("preferences")
textbutton _("Extras") action ShowMenu("extras")
textbutton _("Return") action Return()
if _in_replay:
@ -328,11 +352,11 @@ screen navigation():
textbutton _("Main Menu") action MainMenu()
#textbutton _("Debug Score Card") action ShowMenu("score_menu")
if renpy.variant("pc"):
#if renpy.variant("pc"):
## The quit button is banned on iOS and unnecessary on Android and
## Web.
textbutton _("Quit") action Quit()
#textbutton _("Quit") action Quit()
style navigation_button is gui_button
@ -352,6 +376,22 @@ style navigation_button_text:
#similar to quick_button funcs
screen main_menu_button(filename, label, function):
xmaximum 500
ymaximum 129
action function
add filename xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 zoom 1
text label xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 xanchor 0.5
# label_functions is [ [ "label", function() ], [ "foobar", foobar() ], .. ]
# Reuse the same image string and keep things 'neat'.
screen main_menu_buttons(filename, label_functions):
for l_f in label_functions:
use main_menu_button(filename, l_f[0], l_f[1])
screen main_menu():
## This ensures that any other menu screen is replaced.
@ -369,22 +409,24 @@ screen main_menu():
## The use statement includes another screen inside this one. The actual
## contents of the main menu are in the navigation screen.
xpos 1940
yalign 0.03
if persistent.splashtype == 1:
add "gui/sneedgame.png"
add "gui/snootgame.png"
xpos 1940
yalign 0.03
if persistent.splashtype == 1:
add "gui/sneedgame.png"
add "gui/snootgame.png"
spacing 25
xpos 1885
yalign 0.9
imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/startbutton_%s.png" action Start()
imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/loadbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("load")
imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/optionsbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("preferences")
imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/helpbutton_%s.png" action ShowMenu("extras")
imagebutton auto "gui/button/menubuttons/quitbutton_%s.png" action Quit(confirm=not main_menu)
spacing 25
xpos 1885
yalign 0.9
use main_menu_buttons("gui/button/menubuttons/template_idle.png",
[ \
[ "Start", Start() ], \
[ "Load", ShowMenu("load") ], \
[ "Options", ShowMenu("preferences") ], \
[ "Help & About", ShowMenu("extras") ], \
[ "Quit", Quit(confirm=not main_menu) ] \
] )
# if gui.show_name:
@ -410,10 +452,13 @@ style main_menu_vbox:
xoffset -30
xmaximum 1200
yalign 1.0
yoffset -30
yoffset -60
style main_menu_text:
properties gui.text_properties("main_menu", accent=True)
properties gui.text_properties("main_menu") #, accent=True)
color gui.main_menu_color
hover_color gui.hover_color
size gui.main_menu_text_size
style main_menu_title:
properties gui.text_properties("title")
@ -487,11 +532,6 @@ screen game_menu(title, scroll=None, yinitial=0.0):
use navigation
textbutton _("Return"):
style "return_button"
action Return()
label title
if main_menu:
@ -691,8 +731,13 @@ screen load():
use file_slots(_("Load"))
screen delete():
screen file_slots(title):
tag menu
use file_slots(_("Delete"), True)
screen file_slots(title, flag=False):
default page_name_value = FilePageNameInputValue(pattern=_("Page {}"), auto=_("Automatic saves"), quick=_("Quick saves"))
@ -704,13 +749,13 @@ screen file_slots(title):
## buttons do.
order_reverse True
## The page name, which can be edited by clicking on a button.
## The page name
style "page_label"
key_events True
xalign 0.5
action page_name_value.Toggle()
#action page_name_value.Toggle()
style "page_label_text"
@ -730,13 +775,16 @@ screen file_slots(title):
$ slot = i + 1
action FileAction(slot)
if flag:
action FileDelete(slot)
action FileAction(slot)
has vbox
add FileScreenshot(slot) xalign 0.5
text FileTime(slot, format=_("{#file_time}%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M"), empty=_("empty slot")):
text FileTime(slot, format=_("{#file_time}%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M"), empty=_("Empty Slot")):
style "slot_time_text"
text FileSaveName(slot):
@ -823,7 +871,7 @@ screen preferences():
style_prefix "radio"
label _("Display")
textbutton _("Window") action Preference("display", "window")
textbutton _("Window") action Preference("display", "any window")
textbutton _("Fullscreen") action Preference("display", "fullscreen")
@ -836,7 +884,7 @@ screen preferences():
style_prefix "check"
label _("Naughty Stuff")
textbutton _("Enable Lewd Images") action ToggleVariable("persistent.lewd", True, False)
style_prefix "check"
label _("Requires Restart")
@ -1531,15 +1579,17 @@ style pref_vbox:
## Since a mouse may not be present, we replace the quick menu with a version
## that uses fewer and bigger buttons that are easier to touch.
#redefine function
screen quick_button(filename, label, function):
variant "small"
xmaximum 160
xmaximum 180
ymaximum 100
action function
add filename xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 zoom 1.75
text label xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 size 42 color "#000000EE"
text label xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 size 42 style "quick_button_text"
screen quick_menu():
variant "small"
@ -1549,14 +1599,13 @@ screen quick_menu():
style_prefix "quick"
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.975
use quick_button("gui/button/uioptionbuttons/template_idle.png", "Back", Rollback())
use quick_button("gui/button/uioptionbuttons/template_idle.png", "Skip", Skip()) #alternate Skip(fast=True, confirm=True))
use quick_button("gui/button/uioptionbuttons/template_idle.png", "Auto", Preference("auto-forward", "toggle"))
use quick_button("gui/button/uioptionbuttons/template_idle.png", "Menu", ShowMenu())
style window:
variant "small"
background "gui/phone/textbox.png"
use quick_buttons("gui/button/uioptionbuttons/template_idle.png", \
[ \
[ "Back", Rollback() ], \
[ "Skip", Skip() ], \
[ "Auto", Preference("auto-forward", "toggle") ], \
[ "Menu", ShowMenu() ] \
] )
style radio_button:
variant "small"
@ -1570,10 +1619,6 @@ style nvl_window:
variant "small"
background "gui/phone/nvl.png"
style main_menu_frame:
variant "small"
background "gui/phone/overlay/main_menu.png"
style game_menu_outer_frame:
variant "small"
background "gui/phone/overlay/game_menu.png"
@ -103,35 +103,42 @@ image ctc_mid_marker:
# linear 0.5 alpha 0
# repeat
#Raw Image & kwargs for long textboxes
define long_textbox_img = Image("gui/textbox_long.png", xalign=0.5, yalign=1.0)
define long_textbox = { "window_background": long_textbox_img, 'namebox_style': "namebox_large" }
define base = Character (ctc="ctc_end_marker", ctc_pause="ctc_mid_marker", ctc_timedpause=Null(), ctc_position="fixed") # try to remember some of the basics of CTC
define I = Character(kind=base) # for internal dialogue i.e narration. Required for CTC indicators working with Anon's thoughts
define A = Character ('Anon', base, color="#36E12D",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-120,who_ypos=110) #Light Green
define F = Character ('Fang', base, color="#7E2DE1",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-125,who_ypos=111) #Purple
define Lucy = Character ('Lucy', base, color="#7E2DE1",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-125,who_ypos=111) #Purple
define Ro = Character ('Rosa', base, color="#E12D36",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-125,who_ypos=111) #Red
define St = Character ('Stella', base, color="#E17E2D",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-125,who_ypos=111) #orang
define N = Character ('Naomi', base, color="#2D36E1",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-125,who_ypos=111) #Blue
define Nas = Character ('Naser', base, color="#501D5E",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-125,who_ypos=111) #Dark Purple
define T = Character ('Trish', base, color="#8A0036",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-125,who_ypos=111) #Maroon
define Attendant = Character ('Attendant', base, color="#8A0036",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-155,who_ypos=111) #Maroon
define Sp = Character ('Spears', base, color="#7B8A00",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-125,who_ypos=111) #Dark Yellow
define Re = Character ('Reed', base, color="#368A00",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-125,who_ypos=111) #Dark Green
define D = Character ('Driver', base, color="#098A00",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-125,who_ypos=111)
define FM = Character ('Fangs Mom', base, color="#EA1A84",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-170,who_ypos=108)
define FD = Character ('Fangs Dad', base, color="#1A1CEA",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-170,who_ypos=108)
define Tsuki = Character ('Mr. Tsuki', base, color="#CEAF23",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-150,who_ypos=111)
define unknown = Character (' (???)', base, color="#000000",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-170,who_ypos=110)
define jingo = Character ('Mr. Jingo', base, color="#42C053",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-170,who_ypos=110)
define MaitD = Character ('Maitre D', base, color="#42C053",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-170,who_ypos=110)
define Moe = Character(' Moe', base, color="#42C053",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-170,who_ypos=110)
define Vince = Character ('Vince', base, color="#3C770D",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-125,who_ypos=111) #Dark Green
define Waitress = Character ('Waitress', base, color="#C89B19",window_background="gui/textbox.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-140,who_ypos=111) #Gold
define A = Character ('Anon', base, color="#36E12D") #Light Green
define F = Character ('Fang', base, color="#7E2DE1") #Purple
define Lucy = Character ('Lucy', base, color="#7E2DE1") #Purple
define Ro = Character ('Rosa', base, color="#E12D36") #Red
define St = Character ('Stella', base, color="#E17E2D") #orang
define N = Character ('Naomi', base, color="#2D36E1") #Blue
define Nas = Character ('Naser', base, color="#501D5E") #Dark Purple
define T = Character ('Trish', base, color="#8A0036") #Maroon
define Attendant = Character ('Attendant', base, color="#8A0036") #Maroon
define Sp = Character ('Spears', base, color="#7B8A00") #Dark Yellow
define Re = Character ('Reed', base, color="#368A00") #Dark Green
define D = Character ('Driver', base, color="#098A00")
define FM = Character ('Fangs Mom', base, color="#EA1A84")
define FD = Character ('Fangs Dad', base, color="#1A1CEA")
define Tsuki = Character ('Mr. Tsuki', base, color="#CEAF23")
define unknown = Character ('(???)', base, color="#000000")
define jingo = Character ('Mr. Jingo', base, color="#42C053")
define MaitD = Character ('Maitre D', base, color="#42C053")
define Moe = Character('Moe', base, color="#42C053")
define Vince = Character ('Vince', base, color="#3C770D") #Dark Green
define Waitress = Character ('Waitress', base, color="#C89B19") #Gold
#long TB chars
define AnonAndFang = Character(' Anon and Fang', base, color="34F313",window_background="gui/textbox_long.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-170,who_ypos=110)
define SV = Character ('Street Vendor', base, color="#420046",window_background="gui/textbox_long.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-145,who_ypos=110)
define carl = Character ('Mr. Carldewskii', base, color="#4963A5",window_background="gui/textbox_long.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-170,who_ypos=110)
define Drf = Character (' Dr. Fernsworth', base, color="#4963A5",window_background="gui/textbox_long.png",window_xoffset=120,window_yoffset=-79,what_xpos=245,what_ypos=125,who_xpos=-170,who_ypos=110)
define AnonAndFang = Character('Anon and Fang', base, color="34F313", **long_textbox)
define SV = Character ('Street Vendor', base, color="#420046", **long_textbox)
define carl = Character ('Mr. Carldewskii', base, color="#4963A5", **long_textbox)
define Drf = Character ('Dr. Fernsworth', base, color="#4963A5", **long_textbox)
define FRT = Character ('Fang Reed & Trish', base, color="#4963A5", **long_textbox)
#Extra image translations
@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ label chapter_2:
A "Well…"
"Fang Reed and Trish" "Ohfuck. Sorry Anon, we gotta bail."
FRT "Ohfuck. Sorry Anon, we gotta bail."
show fang neutral flip
show trish neutral flip
hide trish with moveoutright
@ -1497,4 +1497,4 @@ label chapter_2:
scene black with fade