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synced 2025-03-23 02:22:49 +01:00
doomer end reformatted
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 1418 additions and 5 deletions
@ -1 +1,241 @@
#TODO: transfer DaScript appropriately to this section
#Anon and the Infinite Sadness
#label clusterfuck - commented out 6/12/21 - you know the drill, redundant, etc.
label chapter_10.0B:
"After Fang broke up with me everything just fell apart."
"I couldn’t be bothered with school anymore, instead shutting myself in my room and replaying old games."
"Naturally, I flunked out."
"With time on the lease running out, I had to make a decision soon.."
"College isn’t an option, so my choices were…"
"Minimum wage job, military, or going homeless."
"I’d rather not have stuck around town, and being homeless wasn’t very appealing either."
"So that November I signed up for the Navy as a PACT Seaman."
"The worst mistake of my life, and that’s really saying something considering how I got here."
"I was sold on the idea of picking a real job and getting training."
"Instead I was at the mercy of brutal Boatswain's Mates."
"I have the pig and chicken shit tattooed on my feet to prove it."
"Or at least I did, until I sold my battlestation to get them removed."
"I never want to touch a paintbrush in my life again."
"Though every day since I’ve been eying rope…"
"For four years my life was suffering."
"And now I’m back here."
"Plane ticket to anywhere."
"And I picked Volcadera Bluff."
"What the fuck was I thinking?"
"There was a simple answer to that."
"I wasn’t."
"Just like I wasn’t thinking on that beach."
"People don’t change, after all."
"I managed to get my old apartment in Skin Row back and it’s somehow even more of a shithole than it was four years ago."
"Only good thing out of the Navy was the monthly check."
"Fucking ladderwells. The steps finally got me in the end."
"Once I got my general discharge papers I vowed to never step foot on a ship again."
"Instead I’ve locked myself away in this room."
scene room anon dark with dissolve
play music 'audio/OST/Skinrow Soul.ogg' fadein 1.0
"Just listlessly drifting through life."
"Just like I always wanted."
"The trash from all the deliveries has turned it into a small landfill."
"I’m out of smokes, I’m out of liquor, my apartment smells like a shallow grave."
"I really need to go out for once."
"I vaguely recall there being a pizza place nearby, some chain on the edge of Skin Row."
"Pizza always helps. And it’s cheap."
"And there’s a smoke shop nearby."
"With that plan settled I grab the jacket that I haven’t worn in weeks."
"I give it a quick smell check before putting it on and heading for the door."
"As I walk through the front of the building I feel the burning bright light of the setting sun searing my eyes."
A "Argh, fuck! It’s like getting skullfucked by one of Stony’s light bars!"
show doomeranon01 with fade
"After stumbling around like Helen Keller for a few moments, my eyes finally adjust to the sunlight and I start to make my way down the street."
"Pizza time here I come."
scene doomeranon02 with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music 'audio/effects/chatter loop.ogg' fadein 1.0
"It’s morose and gray out, clouds hang heavy and blots the sun out."
"The homeless litter the street more than usual in this part of town."
"Even outside the dingy pizza place I found."
"There’s only a few people inside the joint when I enter."
"The entire place could be described as ‘slow’."
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music 'audio/OST/The Top of the Social Ladder.ogg' fadein 1.0
"A cashier leans on one arm over the counter, the customers’ pizza already looks cold on their plates, an ambient track plays at a molasses pace."
"Time itself seems to be dilating in here."
"I order two slices to go and wait by the counter for the cashier to meander to the back for a new stack of boxes."
"Out of the corner of my eye I notice that the place has a small stage tucked into the back."
"Oh, so they have live music?"
"The current song ends and they shift amongst themselves to get the next one ready."
"The drummer taps his drumsticks together and starts a basic percussion line."
stop music fadeout 1.0
"After a few beats the dreary singing begins and I feel my heart drop."
"No matter how much of my memory I repress, I could never forget that voice."
"I throw an inconspicuous glance across the room and confirm my suspicions."
scene doomeranon03
play music 'audio/OST/The.ogg' fadein 1.0
"I can barely recognize Fang."
"A part of me denies that the person up on stage could have been her."
"My more rational side however clarifies that it’s Fang up there, singing a song I know by heart."
"The years have not been kind to her."
"Her long gray hair is now totally shaved off and she has tattoos down both of her arms."
"The thick black eyeliner makes her once bright amber eyes seem dull."
"And the expression on her face is one of absolute misery."
"The other two don’t look any better off either."
"I don’t think Fang’s seen me yet."
"Or doesn’t recognize me."
"We’re a few years older now, a few years wiser."
"Maybe just a bit worse off."
"The cashier returns with some cardboard boxes and packs my order into a neatly-folded package."
"I stay and wait. Watching her."
"Hoping for her to look at me."
"Recognize me."
"That I’m the only one here who cares to watch her play here."
"Finally, her eyes cast over the audience, looking over them."
"Looking over me."
"Her gaze just passes me by, even though I’m the only one looking."
"She doesn’t recognize me."
"It’s sobering."
"I guess that was it, it was fun pretending this might go somewhere."
"She recognizes me, drops her instruments and comes to my arms, and we date again."
"We forgive ourselves, and we start over."
"I let out a small sigh."
"I hesitate with the box in my hand."
"Fang is right there."
"I could take everything back. Everything that went wrong all because of that fight."
"If {i}I{/i} try talking to her, she might forgive me."
"Give us both a fresh start."
"Things could go back to the way they were, back before..."
F "{alpha=0.5}{i}Trish was right about you.{/i}{/alpha}"
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music 'audio/OST/Beach Chill Out.ogg' fadein 1.0
"I really should go get those smokes."
"I take one last look of Fang, to further cement in my mind I’m making the right choice."
"I couldn’t save her. Why would I save her? In her infinite talent can’t she see she’s a dump?"
"I saw it, she’s smart, I’m a dope. Yet why does she do that to herself?"
scene doomeranon04 with fade
"The bell on the door jingles it’s farewell, and I open the box to eat the first slice."
"As the taste of cardboard fills my mouth I try to erase the last few minutes from my memory."
"But I know it won’t ever leave."
"None of my memories will."
"I can just picture Fang, looking like a junkie like she does now in that pizzeria, playing to an audience of nobody: judging me and how I’m living from now on."
"And I’ll say: \"Yes Fang. I live on a pension alone in my apartment, playing games and watching movies and sleeping. it’s all I could ever want because I don’t want much in the first place.\""
"And she’ll probably scream at me, unload her frustrations on me, call me selfish, and I’ll just say \"goodbye, Fang.\""
"It could’ve been a painful way of going our own way…"
"...after some possibly pleasant time playing catch-up…"
"....but the thought of coming back to my apartment alone with my pizza, watching a movie on my tv, undisturbed, with no judgement for my appearance or the place I live, it fills me with relief."
"It’s all I ever wanted."
"It’s all I’ll ever need."
"Goodbye, Fang. It was nice seeing you again, I suppose."
"Because I haven’t changed."
stop music
scene black
"People never change."
$ quick_menu = False
window hide
scene 2of4 with fade
pause 5
scene black with fade
pause 5
jump ending
@ -1 +1,173 @@
#TODO: transfer DaScript appropriately to this section
label chapter_8.50B:
#>>doomer | Announcing Nothing Important
play music "audio/OST/Appreciating her Company.ogg" fadein 1.0
"About fifteen minutes into the assignment, the two of us are just about done."
"We’re making surprisingly good time."
F "Uhm… and you said that the electrons hold the negative charge, right?"
A "Yeah, yeah."
F "Can’t imagine when I’d be using this crap in real life."
A "You never know, you might shrink one day."
F "Yeah, and you might stop pretending you’re livestreaming on Yousnoot."
A "As far as you know I might be giving you incorrect answers, you know."
F "Mhm, sure."
"The teacher is making his rounds checking on the students and gets to our desks."
show farnsworth flip at sleft with moveinleft
Drf "Hello, Anon. Fang."
show anon neutral flip at acenter with dissolve
Drf "Are you two getting along well?"
AnonAndFang "Yes, Mister Fernsworth."
Drf "Great to hear."
Drf "You know, I’m real proud of you two."
Drf "I remember at the start of the year you were at each other's' throats."
Drf "And now look at you!"
"The two of us cringe."
A "Uhh… Yeah, thanks."
Drf "At any rate, you two understand the material, right?"
A "Oh yeah, Fang and I are fine."
A "I was just helping them with a few problems."
hide fang neutral
show fang happy flip at sright
"Phew, remembered it this time."
Drf "Good, good."
Drf "I won’t keep you any longer then."
"Fernsworth meanders to pester the next few students."
hide farnsworthflip
show farnsworth
hide farnsworth with moveoutleft
A "Anyways, where were we?"
show anon neutral at acenter with dissolve
"I turn back to see Fang giving me a raised eyebrow and a smug grin."
F "So…"
A "Hm?"
"Fang's eyebrow rise and fall faster and faster."
"as if she's trying to send a message in morse code."
"Wait wha-"
F "Heh. See, you can learn, Anon."
"Oh god she’s still on about that?!"
"...She does seem pretty serious about it."
"We’ve been friends long enough…"
"I guess it’s the least I can do to start going along with it."
F "I didn’t realize you were Pan, Anon."
A "Pan? Wait, what does a Raptor William’s movie have to do with this?"
F "No, dummy! You’re Pansexual!"
A "I’m sorry, what?"
F "You’re Pan!"
F "That means you’re willing to date people regardless of identity!"
"Do I come off as that desperate…?"
#I knew someone who would say shit like this and it was a great pain ~ Programnon
F "I’m an enbie, you recognize me, we’re dating, therefore you are Pan!"
"Fang deserves a gold medal at the mental gymnastic olympics."
"Even the French would give that routine a ten outta ten."
F "Mumblin’ again."
A "...Prom! You uh.. Wanna actually like… go? Together?"
"Ugh, which is worse, the panny stuff or prom?"
F "mmmm… naaaaah."
F "Prom is like… so lame, ya know?"
A "O-oh. Yeah, I get ya. Not to mention a waste of money."
F "Yeah. Money better spent on actual good stuff."
A "Like carfe?"
"In the distance I can hear Reed rebuffing my attempt to try his product."
F "Yeah. And booze."
A "Yeah totally. Like, prom cash is way better spent on fun stuff like liquor."
F "In fact, we totally should."
A "Should what?"
F "Have our own prom! Just the two of us! With booze!"
"I consider the idea for a moment."
"Just Fang, me and a few dozen cans of beer somewhere."
A "Fuck yeah!"
F "Fuck yeah!"
Drf "Quiet down, you in the back."
A "Oops."
A "Crap, the assignment!"
F "You’re still worried about that?"
"I flip the page over to reveal the second half, which we only have about ten minutes to finish."
F "It’s just the one assignment, and there’s already no way you can finish, right?"
F "Just relax, take a break now and then."
"I worriedly glance at the page again."
"Maybe she’s... they’re right."
A "Alright, sure."
scene black with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
"The two of us continue making plans up to the bell, and I toss the paper out when I leave."
jump chapter_8.75B
@ -1 +1,371 @@
#TODO: transfer DaScript appropriately to this section
label chapter_8.75B:
#Let's all go to a Concert
scene room anon day
play music 'audio/OST/intercept.ogg' fadein 1.0
"The saturday after next I’m laying in bed, scrolling through various feeds of worthless information."
"God this Sandanistan post-modern graffitist RSS feed’s become a dumpster fire. Fucking tourists."
"I got an open can of soda, the lights are out, and I can hear RAYmba bumping around his box."
"This is the life."
"I’m about to reply to some guy claiming that he is most definitely angered in the posterior, but my phone buzzes, throwing off my answer."
"It’s a text from Fang."
"Fang: heyyyyyyy you got any plans later today?"
"Anon: who do you take me for"
"Anon: why do you ask?"
"Fang: ive shown you some songs from my favorite band right?"
"Fang: ‘Bigly Die’?"
"I vaguely recall Fang’s phone bugging out occasionally, was that supposed to be music?"
"Anon: think so yeah"
"Fang: theyre coming into town for tonight only!!!!!!!"
"Anon: cool, you plan on buying a ticket?"
"Fang: no need >:)))))"
"Fang: i won them in a raffle!"
"Anon: now when you say ‘them’..."
"Fang: of course i want you to go dork"
"Anon: oh. cool."
"Anon: wait"
"Fang: ill come pick you up at six tonight, dont forget!"
"Anon: alright, see you then"
"My hand falls to my side, dropping the phone onto the mattress."
"A concert…"
"On the one hand, I get to spend time with Fang doing something they love."
"On the other, concert."
"Who am I kidding, of course I’m going."
"I should go run and buy some earplugs just in case…"
stop music fadeout 1.0
scene skinrow
show anon neutral flip at aright
with fade
play music 'audio/OST/protestra_punk.ogg' fadein 1.0
"As I wait in front of my building for Fang I can’t help but feel a bit nervous."
"I’ve never been to a proper concert before."
"The closest was Fang and the band at Moe’s place."
"That counts, right?"
"Before I can continue that thought, I spot the NasCar speeding towards me."
"I feel myself cringe a bit for even thinking of that name."
"I move to the back before the car comes to a complete stop and open the door, Fang sitting on the other side."
F "Get in, dweeb."
"I can tell Naser is a bit nervous driving in this part of town with how he’s constantly looking around the car."
scene nascar day
"The door barely shuts when he speeds away from my apartment building and back towards civilization."
Nas "So uh, Anon…"
A "Yeah?"
Nas "That’s where you live?"
"Essentially asking ‘are you that poor’."
A "Nah, I just sleep there, keep all my stuff there, and hang out there most of the time."
"That elicited a laugh from Fang and a confused look from Naser."
"Can’t win them all I guess."
A "So this band-"
F "Bigly Die."
A "Bigly Die. Where are they playing at?"
F "Some club on the other side of town called the Lava Lamp."
"Can’t say I’ve really been to a club either."
A "...And what genre is their music exactly?"
F "They’re a Post-Extreme Neo-Indie Experimental Hardcore-Mathcore-Grindcore Industrial Heavy Punk Metal band."
F "With an emphasis on creative expression and a down-to-earth worldview that just really speaks to me."
F "It’s the kind of stuff I wish we could have played in our band but Trish never thought it was ‘marketable’ enough."
A "English?"
Nas "Blender noises."
A "Thanks."
F "Oh, fuck both of you."
"Fang pouts, or as they put it, was in ‘silent protest against the world.’"
"Really, the way Fang crossed their arms and pointedly looked away from the two of us made me chuckle at the cute angry act."
A "So, word salad genre aside, they sound pretty big."
Nas "Not really."
F "They’re pretty underground, honestly."
"Fang passes my ticket over so I can see."
"Oh wow."
"The venue can hold double what Moe’s could."
"...Does that make it a big venue? Trish said Moe’s was small."
F "The place shouldn’t be too packed."
F "I know you don’t exactly like crowds, Anon."
"Awww, she does care."
"When we get there Naser stops me before I get out."
Nas "You need earplugs bro?"
A "Oh, I brought my own actually, but thanks."
F "Bunch of pansies. Both of you."
scene nightclub
show anon neutral at aleft
show fang neutral at scenter
with fade
"Naser smiles again and drives off, leaving Fang and I in front of the building."
"The place is a warehouse shed three stories tall, with graffiti staining nearly every inch of it."
"I’ve always wondered how people get up there."
"Already I can hear the bass rattling my eardrums."
play music 'audio/OST/The Top of the Social Ladder.ogg' fadein 1.0
"A man by the entrance checks our tickets and lets us pass."
A "This place must be pretty nice if they have to use a bouncer."
F "Oh yeah, the band makes plenty. They can afford some neat stuff like that."
"Painted signs in the lobby point to a stairwell leading down into the basement."
"The temperature rises a good twenty degrees on the trip down."
scene concertlobby
show anon neutral at aleft
show fang happy flip at sright
with fade
A "Jeez, do they have a furnace going down here?"
F "Concerts are usually hot, Anon."
F "Didn’t I tell you to bring a water bottle or something?"
A "No?"
F "Oops."
F "Well, there was a water fountain back up in the lobby. Not sure if you want to actually drink from it though unless you have a lead stomach lining."
A "I’ll keep that in mind."
"The music’s starting to sound like a gaggle of pissed-off cats being dropped into lawnmower blades, so I pop in the earplugs I got earlier."
"I was starting to hear animalistic chanting combined with the arrhythmic bashing of drums and what could only be described as the unholy fusion of squealing feedback and an unmaintained generator running on overdrive."
"Fang rolls their eyes and gestures to the open door to the concert hall."
F "The preshow’s almost done, we got here just in time."
"As soon as we open the doors, we’re almost blown back by the wall of sound that blasts past us."
play music 'audio/effects/chatter loop.ogg' fadein 1.0
scene biglydie
show anon neutral at aleft
show fang happy at sright
"The earplugs were not helping. At all."
"I’m pretty sure I just went deaf."
"There are about a hundred to a hundred fifty of the concert-goers, give or take."
"Most of them are thronging the stage while a few hang back and nurse their beers, waiting for the show to start."
"The crowd responds with a collective roar of approval, Fang adding her voice to the cacophonic chorus."
unknown "It was an honor to open for the main show tonight, and they’re in for the gig of their lives judging by how brutal you guys were in the pit!"
"Another roar rips from the audience at the bare-faced flattery, probably the leftover adrenaline in their systems."
unknown "Alright… It’s time. Are you guys ready?"
"The crowd is practically foaming at the mouth as they scream unintelligibly yet again."
unknown "Come on, is that all you fucking got?! ARE YOU FUCKING READY?!"
"I thought that they couldn’t possibly have been more ready, but they somehow manage to scream even louder."
"I think I even saw some guy get punched as the person next to him thrust his fist upward while he yelled."
unknown "Now that’s what I like to hear. Let’s welcome… BIGLY DIE!"
"The crowd goes absolutely nuclear, people jumping up and down screaming their heads off as the band walks up onto the stage."
"Without another word they launch right into their opening song."
play music 'audio/OST/Many Such Cases of Being So True.ogg' fadein 1.0
"A flurry of instruments meet my ears in something vaguely resembling music."
"I still don’t quite understand the appeal, but the energy of the moment is getting to me."
"Before I know it I’m jumping and fist swinging along with everyone else."
scene black with fade
"Fang sees me join in and their beaming smile intensifies."
"Soon enough I’m elbow deep in the pit screaming as wildly as the crowd."
stop music
"...Then a stray elbow clocks me out early."
"Guh… Fuck piss cunt shit…"
unknown "How the fuck are you so heavy?"
"Someone’s dragging me?"
F "Oh, you’re back!"
"Fang lets me down onto my back, and I sit up straight."
scene concertlobby with fade
show fang happy at scenter
play music 'audio/OST/to_swagger.ogg' fadein 1.0
"We’re back in the lobby of the building, only it’s a lot quieter than when we first arrived."
show anon neutral flip at sright
"A dull pain rings through my head."
F "Are you alright?"
A "What happened?"
F "No idea, after the show I just found you laying on the ground."
F "You’re pretty lucky no one jumped on you. Everyone’s got good ole steel toes."
A "I was out the rest of the show?"
F "That’s the concert experience, right?"
F "Isn’t it great?"
A "It… certainly is a different experience, yeah."
A "Argh, my head…"
F "Yeah, you’re gonna want a rag or something."
F "Your lip’s pretty busted."
"I feel around my face, and sure enough a new pulse of pain shakes me."
"My fingers are covered in blood as I register my new cleft lip."
A "Do you got one?"
F "No… Sorry…"
"I bunch up the front of my shirt and hold it to my mouth."
F "Naser always keeps a first-aid kit in his trunk, he’ll be here in ten or so minutes."
F "You’ll look like ass at school for a few days but it can’t be that much of a change."
"Fang laughs at their own joke and I try to join in before my splitting headache kicks in."
F "Can you get up or do I have to drag you all the way out the door?"
"My legs are a bit wobbly but I manage to stand up with some assistance from Fang."
scene nightclub with fade
show anon neutral at acenter
show fang happy flip at sright
"They lead me out the front of the building and we sit on the curb to wait for Naser."
F "You doing okay? The bleeding stopped."
A "I feel like my head’s about to explode but I’ll be fine."
A "Better than last time this happened at least."
"Fang reaches into their pocket and retrieves their lighter and pack of cigarettes."
F "...You want a smoke?"
A "You know me too well."
"I take them from Fang’s hand and light my own cigarette for once."
"Taking my first draw and it’s almost enough to ignore my migraine."
F "You seem to really like those."
A "Yeah…"
F "You should get around to scraping enough pennies to get your own sometime."
A "Yeah, I’ll start buying my own when they cost less than my monthly rent."
F "So until then you’re gonna keep getting your teeth kicked in just to get one of mine?"
A "That’s the plan!"
"We chuckle, and Fang shifts closer to me, hugging my arm."
F "Dweeb."
scene black with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
#Prom is For Suckers
jump chapter_9.0B
@ -1,2 +1,633 @@
#TODO: transfer DaScript appropriately to this section
label chapter_9.0B:
#TODO: (reminder) NOTE SETUP DOES NOT APPLY TO SCENARIO 9B - irrelevant to codemonkies?
"-One Month Later-"
play music 'audio/OST/west_coast_kicking.ogg' fadein 1.0
"It’s prom night."
"The night Fang and I set aside for our own little party."
scene home fang outside night
show anon prom neutral at aleft
show naomi prom neutral flip at sright
with fade
"When I arrive at Fang’s place I see the Pomegranate Parasite waiting outside the front door."
"And dear God, how can she move in that dress."
"It looks like it’s been shrink-wrapped to her body."
N "Oh, I already knocked Anon."
N "Naser will be out in a moment to invite us in, I’m sure Fang will be getting ready too."
N "... You, uh… Don’t seem very dressed for prom?"
A "Not going."
N "But you and Fang just make the cutest couple! You could have signed up for prom King and Queen!"
A "Nah. She said something about the ‘fascist sexist monarchy system’."
N "Well, Naser and I have entered and we are going to be prom royalty. Ooooh, I can not wait to wear that beautiful tiara, I picked it out and everything and the crown for Naser-"
show naomi prom happy
#[Naomi keikaku here]
"I’ve already tuned her out."
"Naser opens the door."
"Well if that isn’t the fanciest jacket I’ve seen in a while."
"It’s certainly better than the background of Avatar he always wears."
Nas "Sorry to keep you waiting, Naomi."
Nas "This thing is a nightmare to get over my wings."
show naser prom neutral flip at ncenter with dissolve
Nas "Oh, Anon! Come on in, didn’t know you were already here."
"He waves for the two of us to enter, pecking Naomi on the cheek when she passes."
scene home fang night
show anon prom neutral at aleft
show naser prom neutral at ncenter
show naomi prom neutral at scenter
with fade
"Fang’s Mother speaks up from the kitchen."
FM "Oh! Oh! Is that Anon?"
show fangmom neutral flip at sright with moveinright
Nas "Here we go."
"The small pterodactyl comes out, a bowl she’s struggling to stir in her arms."
FM "Oh! Anon’s come over too!."
FM "Are you two going to prom as well?"
A "No, I’m just visiting for a bit. Fang doesn’t want to go."
A "Where are they?"
FM "Lucy will be downstairs in a bit, she’s just getting the last of her makeup on!"
FM "In the meantime, take a seat! I’ve got some cookies in the oven that are almost ready!"
hide fangmom with moveoutleft
A "Er, yes, thank you ma’am."
hide anon with moveoutright
scene black with fade
"I take my seat in the usual spot, sinking in and feeling the pillows conform around my spine."
scene home fang night with fade
show anon prom neutral flip at aright
"This thing must cost a fortune."
"Fang’s dad is a police commissioner if I recall."
"That explains the luxurious furnishings."
"Now that I think about it, I’m surprised I haven’t seen him yet."
show fangdad neutral at sleft with dissolve
FD "So…"
"I hope I didn’t just ruin these jeans."
A "Good evening, sir."
A "I didn’t even see you in your chair, sir."
A "My apologies."
FD "Don’t sweat it, son."
FD "Thing about humans, as well as many carnivores, is that their vision is based largely on movement."
FD "You’d be surprised how useful staying quiet and stationary can be."
FD "How close you can get to someone without them knowing-"
show fangmom unimpressed flip at fmcenter with dissolve
FM "Sweetheart."
FD "Oh come on, you can’t expect me to believe he’s only here for a visit on the school’s prom night!"
FM "No. Intimidating. The Suitor."
"The big guy deflates a bit in his chair."
FD "Point is, don’t get any funny ideas."
A "Yessir."
FM "Oh Naser, you just look so cute with Naomi in that dashing little jacket!"
FM "Pictures! I need pictures!"
FM "Oh, we should get a new scrapbook just for this!"
"Naser worriedly looks at me as though I’d let him down somehow."
"My phone buzzes and I check to see who it is."
show anonphone at scenter with moveinbottom
"Fang: got out through the window, meet me at the bus stop"
"Anon: why didnt you have me wait there in the first place???"
"Fang: forgot dad wouldnt let us leave on our own in a million years"
"Fang: just make something up and get out of there"
hide anonphone with moveoutbottom
"I shift a bit in my seat, and Fang’s father notices my face has a gone a bit pale."
FD "Something wrong, son?"
A "Uhh, yeah."
"I get up from the sofa and start inching towards the door."
A "Sorry, I gotta go early."
"He squints distrustfully."
FD "Already? Lucy hasn’t even come downstairs yet."
A "Yeah, sorry. Emergency came up."
A "I uhh, y’know… Gotta go feed my pet roomba."
"I powerwalk to the exit, his chilling voice freezes me when I grab the doorknob."
FD "Hold it."
A "..."
FD "Roomba?"
A "That’s my dog’s name, yes."
"It is an absolute blessing that I’m facing the door."
"Cold sweat is pouring down my face, threatening to drip off my forehead."
"If it wasn’t for my suit jacket he would definitely see the spreading patches around my armpits."
FD "..."
A "..."
FD "..."
A "..."
FD "...Sorry to keep you then. Safe trip home."
A "Thanksyoutoobye."
"The door slams behind me and I make record time out of the block."
scene skinrow with fade
show anon prom neutral at aleft
"My calves are on fire but I only care about getting as far away as possible."
"Fang is sitting on the bench by the bus stop."
"They jump when they see me."
show fang neutral flip at sright
F "Jeez, anon, you look terrible!"
A "*huff* yeah... I *huff*... don’t feel great…"
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music 'audio/OST/bayside_revamp.ogg' fadein 1.0
"I take a moment to catch my breath."
A "...Don’t put me that close to death again, please."
F "Sorry, I forgot…"
F "I hate him so much sometimes…"
F "You gonna be okay?"
A "Yeah, I’m fine."
A "Are we taking the bus to the beach?"
F "I’ve called up a taxi."
F "It’ll be here any minute."
"I notice they’ve got a backpack with them."
A "The beer in there?"
F "Loads. Also some fireworks."
A "Rad."
"I sit next to Fang on the bench to wait."
"-Three Minutes and Twenty-Seven Seconds Later-"
"The Taxi comes barreling down the street, drifting into a turn and coming to a graceful stop in front of Fang and I."
"The window rolls down."
"It’s the same driver from before."
D "Yep. Still got it."
"The driver turns his head and looks over at us."
D "Ay, it’s my favorite couple again! How’s the leg, skinnie?"
"The driver chuckles at his own remark."
"I briefly consider calling a different cab, but decide to give him the benefit of the doubt."
A "It’s fine now, thanks for asking."
"I open the door for Fang and we both climb in the back."
scene taxi night
D "Where am I takin’ you?"
F "Take us to the beach."
D "Sounds romantic, anywhere in particular you got in mind?"
"I throw a look at Fang, not really having anywhere in mind."
A "Just anywhere I guess."
D "I think I know just the spot."
D " And it’s the scenic route too, so it works out for everyone!"
"He peels out from the school to whichever beach he’s taking us."
"Fang locks their hand in my own and rests her head on my shoulder during the silent drive."
"In the rear-view mirror, the driver makes eye contact with me."
"The bottom of his eye curls, and I know exactly what he’s thinking."
"His hand darts to the radio knob."
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music 'audio/OST/its_footloose_now.ogg' fadein 1.0
A "Don-"
"The way I dance with youuuu~"
"Fang throws their head back in disgust."
F "Man, you hate getting tips, don’t you?"
D "I get something much better, take my word for it."
"Two songs and thirty ran red lights later we reach wherever it was he took us."
D "Here we are, best point at the beach."
D "Twenty-seven bucks and eighty cents."
"I pay the toll in crumpled fives, ones, and exact change."
D "Oh yeah. Skin Row, that’s right."
D "Anywho, have fun, you two!"
scene beach with fade
"We climb out the back of the cab and the driver gives me a wink before the taxi screeches away in a cloud of sand and carbon monoxide."
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music 'audio/effects/beach loop 1.ogg' fadein 1.0
"We have to be the only two who ever ride in that thing."
"Now it’s just us. Alone."
"I take Fang by the hand and we make our way down to the beach."
"There isn’t a single other person in sight. Perfect."
"I have no clue what the fuck I’m doing right now."
show anon prom neutral at aleft
show fang neutral flip at sright
F "How about we find a spot to sit then?"
A "Y-yeah. Sounds like a plan."
"The waves have receded far back, letting us walk along the soft sand more easily."
"After some time we find some kind of hidden shoal, only now revealed thanks to low tide."
F "This looks like a good place."
"Fang drops the backpack in the sand and promptly unzips it, retrieving two beer cans from inside."
"I take one from their extended hand and pull the tab open."
F "To all those fucking losers who went to prom."
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music 'audio/OST/protestra_punk.ogg' fadein 1.0
"I take a sip and my face immediately contorts. It’s been a while since I’ve drank this shit."
show fang happy flip with dissolve
"Meanwhile Fang chugs half of their can and laughs at me."
F "Come on, Anon, don’t tell me you’re a lightweight."
"Fang wants to go? Let’s go."
A "No, fuck you!"
"I grab a fresh can and ram my pocket knife in the bottom, raising the hole to my mouth as I pull the tab."
F "Woohoo!"
"I finish the can and look up to see that Fang now has a firework in their hand."
"They plant it a few feet away and light the fuse way too close to the base."
"It zips off seconds later and explodes in a red burst after a few moments."
A "Oh hell yeah! This is way better than prom!"
A "Whaddya think they’re doing there anyways?"
F "Pffft, who cares?"
F "Naomi got her stupid crown and is probably sucking Naser’s dick in the locker room or something."
"That’s… specific."
"Fang sighs as I take another can from their bag and crack it open."
F "Y’know, Trish had this big idea when we started VVURM DRAMA."
"Fang sits down in the sand and I feel obligated to take a seat next to them, suffering the moist sand seeping into my clothes."
F "We were gonna play a show at prom and everyone was gonna love us and it was gonna be our ‘big break’ like she always said."
F "Now… fuuuck. Now Trish went and did all that to you and now none of that’s happening."
A "Eh, fuck her."
F "You know, part of me thought you two would just hatefuck and be done with it."
A "I er… that’s not happening."
"I finish the beer and toss the can into the sand."
"Better keep this party going."
F "I just wish everything could go back to the way it was before all that bullshit."
"Fang takes a sip from her can as I grab another."
A "Ha, you shaid it."
F "Pffft, are you already drunk? Looks like you are a lightweight after all."
A "It’sh all a bunch of bullshit. Shkool is bullshit and promf is bullshit and err’thang is bullshit."
A "Not you though, you- you- you’re not bullshit."
A "Err’thin was great ’til fuckin’ Trish done did me dirty and turned it into Rock Bottom two point oh."
A "I ackshually had frens ’n life ‘n shit."
A "’n not come off as a fuckin’ retard for once."
A "Fuck Trish n’ fuck Naomi too."
F "Yeah, fuck that bitch Naomi."
"Fang downs the rest of her can and reaches for another."
A "Yeah, fuck that bitch."
F "Controlling freak, probably does Naser’s homework."
"I bring my can up for another swig but it’s empty."
"Fuckin’ bitch. Even stealin’ my booze."
"I reach my hand… two hands… four hands?"
"I reach into the bag and find more liquid sustenance and pop the top and chug it all at once."
A "Fuck her stupid fuckin’ plans n’ try’na fix people."
F "Ha! Now you’re wasted!"
"The fuck I am."
"I bring my can up for another swig but it’s empty again."
"How does that pink bitch keep doing it?!"
"Always puttin’ her nose into everythin’. ‘How’s Fang, Anon?’ ‘What have yoush and Fang been up to?’"
"Whatta bitch."
F "That pampered princess. Always acting like she’s right. And how she’s got Naser just… wound up around her stupid finger."
"Yeah. Poor fuckin’ Naser. Even if his head looks like a perfect circle."
F "Hah!"
"Why is she laughing?"
"Meh. Musta thought somethin’ funneh."
A "Yeah, poor Naser."
"How the fuck did he even hook up with her ‘nyways?"
A "He’s soo worried about everyone, I always see him fretting about you."
A "You wouldn’t believe how much that pisses Naomi off."
"I can just imagine her now."
A "‘Nooo stop paying attention to Fang, waaaah’."
"The fuck’s her deal anyway… tryna ‘fix’ Fang…"
"Like… s’not her shit to fix…"
"S’not mine either…"
F "Fix?"
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music 'audio/effects/beach loop 2.ogg' fadein 1.0
A "Y’say somethin’?"
F "You said Naomi was trying to ‘Fix’ me?"
A "Fuuuuuuuuck…"
A "Well, uhhh…"
A "Y’know what, we’ve been together long enough…"
A "You promise not to kill me?"
F "I… what? Sure."
A "So Naomi right, she’s buggin’ me constantly when I first got here about dumb stuff."
F "As she does, yes."
A "Yeah, yeah. You fuckin’ hate her and she fuckin’ hates you and all, and she uhhhhh…"
A "She got me to start dating you, she thought I was some super cool magic guy that would make you normal or whatever."
F "Wait… Naomi put you up to dating me?"
A "She tried, yeah…"
A "Somethin’ about wanting all of Naser’s attention because he thinks you’re a screwup."
A "Shows what she knows, right?"
A "Probably couldn’t fix you if I tried."
"Fang’s eyebrows furrow."
F "You think I need fixing?"
A "I mean, no more than anyone else."
A "Everyone’s got their problems, y’know?"
A "Like me, I’m too nice to people. Too nice."
A "And you do that weird thing with the pronouns for attention."
show fang sad flip with dissolve
F "A-a-attention?!?"
A "We just gotta live with our faults sometimes, yeah?"
A "You can trust me, I know about this sorta thing…"
show fang angry flip with move:
xalign 1.3
"Pain blossoms across my cheek."
"Fang cradles her palm."
"If it feels anything like my face right now she’s gotta be hurting."
F "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
F "How could you say this is for attention!"
F "What attention? You know this is who I am!"
A "What, a girl with daddy issues?"
F "Y-y-you know I’m not a girl!"
A "You sure are fuckin’ acting like one…"
show fang very angry flip with dissolve
"Fang visibly pales."
"Her eyes harden."
F "Did you ever care about me or were you just ‘fixing’ everything Naomi didn’t like?"
F "Like the fucking tool that you are."
A "You serious? The way you’re going it seems anyone cares more about you than you!"
F "I can’t believe I ever thought you were better than any of the other fuckheads at school!"
F "That I ever opened up to you thinking this time would be different!"
F "...That I actually stuck up for you and broke off with my friends!"
F "But you’re still the same bigoted dumbass as the day I met you."
A "You should be glad I’ve put up with your shit as long as I have, I deserve a fuckin’ prize or something."
A "Not like anyone else would put up with a mentally ill schizo like you."
F "Mentally ill?!"
show fang ultra angry flip with dissolve
#TODO make a prom angry sprite and put it here
show anon prom neutral with dissolve
"I try to step closer."
#TODO make a prom socked sprite for here
show anon prom neutral with move:
xalign -2.0
hide anon with dissolve
"Her palms thrust roughly into my chest."
show fang angry with dissolve
"The momentum from her shove and the soft footing beneath me send me sprawling back."
hide fang with moveoutright
"I splash into the shallow water, the stinging salt burning my eyes."
"From my resting spot in the shallows I see Fang’s silhouette shrink into the distance."
"I sit up, rising out of the pool of ocean water to see her halfway up the beach."
"She stops for a moment and turns back."
F "Anon…"
"I can barely make out her voice from so far away."
F "Trish was right about you."
"Her wings shift, hiding her completely as she slips away into the night."
"I lean back, resubmerging into the black sea water."
"The pain, from my cheek, and in my eyes, brings sobriety and clarity to what I’ve just done."
"Her parting words echo in my head and I can’t help but agree after I realize just what exactly happened."
"Surrounded by the salty air and soft waves, the alcohol finally gets to me and I drift out of consciousness."
stop music fadeout 1.0
scene black with fade
jump chapter_10.0B
Reference in a new issue