play music 'audio/OST/Appreciating the Moment.ogg' fadein 1.0
"It’s prom night."
"My old man was kind enough to send over his old tuxedo from his time at high school."
"It took a bit of sewing, but I got it looking pretty good."
"Judging by the wine stains on the sleeves, Dad’s made a lot of important announcements in this tuxedo."
"Gives it a bit of history, I guess."
scene home fang outside night
show anon prom neutral at aleft
show naomi prom neutral flip at sright
with fade
"When I arrive at Fang’s place with a cheap corsage I see the Pomegranate Parasite waiting outside the front door."
"And dear god, how can she move in that dress."
"It looks like it’s been shrink-wrapped to her body."
N "Oh, I already knocked Anon."
N "Naser will be out in a moment to invite us in, I’m sure Fang will be getting ready too."
N "I’ve heard the two of you are going to prom together!"
"Ladies and gentlemen, the next Sherlock Holmes."
A "No, I just happen to be here in a suit to go golfing."
"I ignore her, focusing instead on not stabbing my palm even more on this flower’s thorns."
"Fuck it, free is free."
"And nothing more free than a five finger discount from the neighbor’s yard."
N "You and Fang just make the cutest couple! Did you two sign up for prom king and queen?"
A "Nah. She said something about the ‘fascist sexist monarchy system’."
N "Well, Naser and I have entered and we are going to be prom royalty. Ooooh, I can not wait to wear that beautiful tiara, I picked it out and everything and the crown for Naser-"
show naomi prom happy flip
"I’ve already tuned her out."
show naser prom neutral at ncenter with dissolve
"Naser opens the door."
"Well if that isn’t the fanciest jacket I’ve seen in a while."
"It’s certainly better than the background of Avatar he always wears."
Nas "Sorry to keep you waiting, Naomi."
Nas "This thing is a nightmare to get over my wings."
show naser prom happy flip at ncenter with dissolve
Nas "Oh, Anon! Come on in, didn’t know you were already here."
"He waves for the two of us to enter, pecking Naomi on the cheek when she passes."
play music 'audio/OST/Dragging on and on....ogg' fadein 1.0
scene home fang night
show anon prom neutral at aleft
show naser prom neutral at ncenter
show naomi prom neutral at scenter
with fade
"Fang’s Mother speaks up from the kitchen."
show fangmom neutral flip at sright with moveinright
FM "Oh! Oh! Is that Anon?"
Nas "Here we go."
"The small pterodactyl comes out, a bowl she’s struggling to stir in her arms."
FM "My, aren’t you handsome."
FM "Pictures! I need to get pictures of you and Lucy!"
"She sets the bowl aside on the coffee table to frantically search for a polaroid camera."
FM "To think Lucy would have such a wonderful young man to take her to prom!"
FM "Aha! Found it. Hold still, dear."
scene black with fade
"ARGH! Like getting slapped in the face by the sun’s dick!"
"I blink the blindness away. So that’s why Naser has those fucking aviators."
scene home fang night
show anon prom neutral at aleft
show naser prom neutral at ncenter
show naomi prom neutral at scenter
show fangmom neutral flip at sright
with fade
FM "Lucy will be downstairs in a bit, she’s just getting the last of her makeup on!"
hide fangmom with moveoutleft
FM "In the meantime, take a seat! I’ve got some cookies in the oven that are almost ready!"
A "Er, yes, thank you ma’am."
"I take my seat in the usual spot, sinking in and feeling the pillows conform around my spine."
hide anon with moveoutright
scene black with fade
scene home fang night with fade
show anon prom neutral flip at aright
"This thing must cost a fortune."
"Fang’s dad is a police commissioner if I recall."
"That explains the luxurious furnishings."
"Now that I think about it, I’m surprised I haven’t seen him yet."
show fangdad neutral at sleft with dissolve
FD "So…"
"I hope I didn’t just ruin these slacks."
A "Good evening, sir."
A "I didn’t even see you in your chair, sir."
A "My apologies."
FD "Don’t sweat it, son."
FD "Thing about humans, as well as many charnivores, is that their vision is based largely on movement."
FD "You’d be surprised how useful staying quiet and stationary can be."
FD "How close you can get to someone without them knowing-"
show fangmom unimpressed flip at fmcenter with dissolve
FM "Sweetheart."
FM "No. Intimidating. The Suitor."
"The big guy deflates a bit in his chair."
FD "Point is, don’t get any funny ideas."
A "Yessir."
hide fangdad with dissolve
show naser prom neutral at nleft with moveinleft
N "We’re all taking the NasCar, right?"
Nas "Yeah, yeah."
Nas "Once Fang gets down we’ll skedaddle."
A "So until then we just sit and chill?"
show naomi prom happy at sleft with moveinleft
N "We could take more pictures!"
"Please no."
show fangmom neutral at fmcenter with moveinleft
FM "Oh! I would love to make this a little photo op!"
scene black with fade
"Thirty photos later and I never want to see another camera again."
"Fang’s mom decided to take pictures of every possible combination of us."
"I don’t know which was worse, having to pose with Naomi or Fang’s dad digging his murder claws into my shoulder."
"I’ve lost nearly all feeling in that arm."
"Pretty sure that’ll leave a bruise worse than my accelerated hug with the stair bollard last month."
"At least the pics with Naser were a nice reprieve."
"We ended up looking like the blues brothers, standing side by side in fuck ugly suits."
"Just as I was about to resign myself to premature blindness from the camera flash, my saviour arrives."
FD "...That is no way to talk to your mother, young lady!"
F "I’m not a fuckin’ lady, dad!"
"Naomi’s leaned against a wall next to the entry to that hall."
"She turns to me, with an expression of very intently restrained rage on her face."
"Did I really do this, Naomi?"
N "Maybe you should leave before this turns into a fight."
"Naomi’s words were cold but probably true."
show fang a prom angry with dissolve
"Fang looked ready to set her house on fire until she caught me in the corner of her eye."
hide fang with moveoutright
"Without a word she grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me through the front door, guitar in her other hand."
scene home fang outside night with fade
show fang a prom angry at sleft
show anon prom neutral flip at aright
F "…’mme call a taxi or something."
"We sit on the curb in silence until our ride arrives."
"It’s the same velociraptor driver from before. Of course it is."
"I open the door for Fang as she fits her guitar in the back seat."
scene taxi night with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
D "Ay, it’s my favorite couple again! How’s the leg, skinnie?"
"The driver chuckles at his own remark."
A "We’re doing fine, take us to Volcano high"
D "Prom I’m guessing? Ya’ two high school sweet-hearts should stay safe out there! Crazy worl’ out there innit’?"
A "Yeah I guess..."
D "Not too much party in you. You sure you guys are going to prom?"
A "We’re sure."
D "Well, if you say so."
"The cab starts down the street at what was easily twice the speed limit."
"The engine is surprisingly quiet, and leaves the silence awkward between the three of us."
"In the mirror, the Drivers’ eyes start showing a bit of concern."
"He glances towards the radio."
A "Please don’t."
D "Mmm."
"He gives a disappointed look through the reflection."
D "..."
D "You kids uh…"
D "You feel like stopping by a restaurant or something by any chance?"
D "I know a good Chinese place around here…"
D "I can wait outside if you two want to, y’know… I won't even add onto the bill..."
F "I’m on a schedule."
F "We’ll pass."
A "No Thanks."
D "Sure, sure."
"The Driver sighs a little"
scene outside school night
show fang a prom neutral at sleft
show anon prom neutral flip at aright
with fade
"Eventually the cab pulls up to the school gymnasium, illuminated by the celebratory decorative string lights."
"Fang opens her wallet to pay the toll."
D "Uhh… Y’know what, it’s on the house this time, kids."
A "Wait, really?"
D "Sure, yeah."
D "Just have fun, y’know, and uhh…"
D "If you need a cab again, you know the number."
F "We know, we know."
F "Get lost."
A "See you."
"The taxi pulls away from the curb and rounds the corner back onto the main road."
play music 'audio/OST/ballad_of_the_boot.ogg' fadein 1.0
F "We still got about an hour before Spears told us to be on."
A "Sounds like we got plenty of time."
F "You’d be surprised. Come on."
"I considered carrying the guitar case for her, but Fang is already a couple yards ahead power walking to Prom."
"Fang leads the way to the school’s gymnasium. Her shoulders are tense and her wings are raised higher than usual."
scene hallway
show fang a prom neutral at sright
show anon prom neutral at aleft
with fade
"I pick up the pace to try and catch up, but Fang’s long legs only moved faster."
A "What song are you going to play?"
F "Just something simple me and Trish wrote up, why?"
A "Just curious about what's going to knock the prom out of the park, what about Reed?"
F "He was busy."
scene prom
show fang a prom neutral at sleft
show anon prom neutral at aleft
with fade
"The two of us go up to the entrance, the room filled with seniors, strobe lights and a very suspicious smelling fog."
"Reed and Trish were over in a corner, both with red solo cups."
"I didn’t need to question what was in Reed’s."
"Reed noticed us first and waved us over."
show trish prom neutral flip at tright
show reed sunglasses flip at rright
with dissolve
Re "Yooo buddy, how's it going? Ready to see us kill it up on the stage?"
A "Yeah man! Fang said you guys were going to keep it pretty simple with what's up there?"
Re "Yeah, don’t want to do something super complex, just wanna keep it simple and cool for these guys."
A "When are you guys starting?"
Re "Forty-five minutes."
F "Forty-five? Shit I thought we were later than that, we need to start getting prepped."
scene bandroom
show fang a prom neutral at sright
show anon prom neutral at acenter
show reed sunglasses at sleft
show trish prom neutral at tright
with fade
"We hauled ass to Mr.Jingo’s room, where the band had stored their gear."
"Reed’s drumset was in pieces and I helped him reassemble it while Trish and Fang tuned their guitars."
stop music
show fang a prom angry with dissolve
show trish prom sad flip with dissolve
"I drop the snare drum I was holding."
"Fang’s guitar string had snapped."
play music 'audio/OST/Many Such Cases of Being So True.ogg' fadein 1.0
"Trish and Fang look devastated."
A "Don’t you have a spare?"
show fang a prom sad with dissolve
F "...At home…"
T "There’s got to be some here! Reed! Anon! Look arou-"
F "We don’t have time!"
A "What? But-"
Re "A spare guitar, maybe?"
F "We do not have the time!"
A "Look me and Reed can-"
show fang a prom angry flip with dissolve
F "Look Anon, we just need to focus right now."
F "Just go outside so we can figure something out."
"Her words cut straight through me."
"She’s really kicking me out right now."
show fang a prom neutral flip with dissolve
F "Please, Anon?"
"Reed is silent and I catch a glimpse of a smirking speciesist triceratops."
"I begin to formulate a response, but just manage a small nod."
A "I- Yeah… sure…"
stop music fadeout 3.0
hide anon neutral with moveoutright
scene prom
show anon prom neutral at sleft
with fade
play music "audio/effects/prom chatter loop 2.ogg" fadein 3.0
"Fang hasn’t yelled at me like that since… the beginning of the semester."
"But playing at prom seemed pretty important to Fang and who am I to interfere with that?"
"I didn’t even want to be here in the first place, but…"
"But I’m following Moe’s advice and supporting Fang, right?"
"The music slams into me as I reenter the room, grating on my ears and thrumming roughly in my chest."
"A quick pass of the punch bowl and I find the ideal spot."
"In the darkened corner, where I can support the wall with my back and sip on my cheap punch."
"My feet grow sore as I observe the other seniors having fun."
"Every now and then one of them would point at me and snicker."
"I simply hide my face behind my solo cup and try to drown out their judging eyes behind sugary water."
show spears neutral flip at sright with moveinright
Sp "Enjoying yourself, Anon?"
"I nearly choke on the fruit punch."
A "P-principal Spears! Uh… You’re chaperoning?"
Sp "I wouldn’t ask any of the faculty to look after you lot."
A "Hm…"
Sp "You enjoying your prom?"
"Could be worse":
A "Could be worse."
"Going great, actually":
A "Going great, Actually"
Sp "Where’s your date, I thought I saw the two of you enter."
Sp "Weren’t you all getting ready in the music room?"
A "We were…"
A "Something came up… She asked me to leave."
Sp "Fang did?"
A "Yeah, I was just getting in the way."
Sp "I see."
"The two of us stare into the crowd’s mindless frolicking in silence."
Sp "Seems there’s something else on your mind, Anon."
Sp "I can tell these things."
A "Not really, it’s just that I’m respecting her boundaries."
Sp "..."
Sp "Are you sure that’s what’s really going on here?"
"Ugh, here we go."
Sp "Back when I was in the game, I learned a thing or two about-"
"I sigh and tune out the massive man standing next to me."
"I swirl the punch in my cup around before chugging the last of it."
"...I just want to go home…"
Sp "-ake responsibility and take it seriously."
Sp "Relationships are a give and take sort of deal."
Sp "Got it, Anon?"
A "...Sure, sir. I’ll keep that in mind."
"The principal sighs and leaves me."
hide spears with moveoutleft
"Everyone moves out of his way as he cuts his way across the room to the small stage."
"The music fades until all that’s left is chatter."
stop music fadeout 1.0
"Spears takes to the stage with mic in hand for once."
scene prom with dissolve
show spears neutral at scenter
Sp "Alright everyone. Before we end tonight’s prom we have a couple of items to take care of."
Sp "First thing is-"
"The principal pulls a tiny gold sheaf envelope from his lapel and holds it up for the audience to gawk at."
Sp "to announce Prom King and Queen."
"Well this is a foregone conclusion."
"A few students are already congratulating Naser as he’s led by the arm by his handler."
Sp "A drum roll, please."
"Reed steps onto the stage with a small block in his arms."
"He smiles and nods, pressing one of the myriad of buttons on the block."
"A mediocre recording of the drumline plays over the speakers as Spears clears his throat and tears open the envelope."
Sp "And your winners."
Sp "For the one Mil."
Sp "Twenty-twenty class."
Sp "Aaaaaare…."
Sp "Naaaaaser aaaaand Naaaaoooomiiiiii!"
"He tosses the paper over his shoulder and yanks out the crowns from a pocket inside his jacket."
show spears neutral with moveinleft:
xalign -0.2 yalign 0.0
show naser prom neutral at sleft with moveinleft
show naomi prom neutral flip with moveinright:
xalign 0.9 yalign 0.0
"Spears backs out of the spotlight, giving a polite applause to the pair as they rush onstage to accept."
"The rest of the class is in a celebratory uproar."
"Spears offers the crowns to Naomi, who puts the larger one on Naser’s crest to droop off, and then dons the tiara.."
"The whole moment is picturesque, just like Naomi wanted."
N "Thank you all so much, Volcano High!"
N "This is such an honor to receive."
N "My, I don’t really have a speech prepared. But…"
N "In just one short year, we-"
Sp "Alright, alright, let’s stay on schedule."
show spears neutral at scenter with moveinright
hide naomi
hide naser
with moveoutright
Sp "I promised your parents we’d be out of here by ten."
Sp "To close off this wonderful night, I’ve asked a student band to play a few bops for us."
Sp "They’ve had their trials earlier in the year, but I think everyone deserves a second chance."
Sp "Please welcome, VVURM DRAMA!!!!"
"The audience’s applause decreases noticeably."
hide spears with moveoutright
unknown "Wait, again?"
unknown "He was there last time, wasn’t he?"
unknown "I’ll just start recording…"
"Feh. Screw ‘em."
"Fang’ll show them how much they’ve all improved."
"I should be memorizing their faces now to make their dumbstruck expressions that much sweeter."
"I know Fang can pull this off."
"Reed wheels the drumkit onstage on a dolly, and Trish follows with her bass."
"And then Fang comes on with her bass as well."
play music 'audio/OST/you can_t sage here.ogg' fadein 1.0
scene prom
show anon prom neutral at scenter
"Wait no."
"They couldn’t find a new string?!"
"They’re just going to repeat the first concert?!"
"What were they thinking?!"
"The three finish making last minute preparations and give an anxious look at one another."
"For a brief moment, Fang looks me right in the eyes."
"I think we all know what’s about to happen."
stop music fadeout 1.0
"The band doesn’t bother introducing themselves. Instead Trish begins plucking her bass."
"It all went tumbling down from there."
play music 'audio/OST/its_the_piece_of_shit_you_asked_for.ogg' fadein 1.0
scene prom fang fuck up a ending with fade
"Just like before, Fang’s bass sounds horrifically wrong, far too heavy. She’s a guitarist using a fucking jazz bass, so of course it sounds horrid."
"And then the vocals kicked in. Reed’s lyrical expertise was not on display here, no these sounded like they came from an edgy teen’s twitter page."
"It’s horrific screeching, combined with the amelodious shredding on a bass creating a cacophony equal to hundreds of cats ritualistically sacrificed."
stop music
"The crowd’s cautious cheers were long gone, replaced by a symphony of ridicule."
"The band’s already accepted their fate, both basses hang limply from their shoulder straps."
"Then a few students start chucking balled up tissues at their heads."
"Reed puts his hand on Trish’s shoulder and the two duck out."
scene prom fang freak out a ending with fade
"Fang stays a moment longer, the despair on her face manifesting through hot streams of tears."
scene prom with fade
"She turns to leave as well, trying to maintain a calm composure."
"Then a student throws their red plastic cup of punch upstage."
"It splashes against her head, drenching her suit in red dye and making her smash onto the floor."
"A few more food articles follow while Fang scrambles to get up."
"Shakily, she tries walking offstage again, only to be met with another makeshift water balloon."
"The back of her suit shines a dull red in the stage lights, and she struggles to not slip again."
show spears neutral at scenter with moveinleft
"Spears rushes onstage and throws his coat over Fang."
"Naser was about to jump off the stage and tackle someone."
"Except Naomi had her arms around his waist."
show spears angry at scenter with dissolve
"The room goes completely silent aside from the sounds of Fang’s sprinting footsteps and sobbing."
"Spear’s lazer gaze is directed at me."
scene prom
show anon prom neutral at scenter
with fade
"He jams his thumb in the direction of the exit Fang just took."
scene black with fade
"I slip out the side door towards the music room once again."
"Trish and Reed were sitting in the far corner of the room, and Fang was nowhere to be seen."