play music "audio/OST/its_footloose_now.ogg" fadein 1.0
"Later at my hovel of a home…"
show anon neutral at aleft
A "Almost finished."
show fang neutral flip at sright with dissolve
F "I wish I could get some help for the other periods, this took way too long."
F "Fuck, man. Trish keeps staring at me during class expecting me to talk to her, I gotta avoid Reed and Stella now because they're always around her too, it's agonizing!"
F "I keep having these dreams where she mans up and I'm forced to talk to her again! They feel more like nightmares now!"
F "Rosa is too busy to help - with the exercises, I mean - but I hope the camping trip will be fun."
A "Well it's done. All of it."
F "Thanks, Anon. You're a pretty cool guy."
A "No problem, I just like helping you, I guess."
F "...and without asking for anything in return."
F "..."
hide fang
hide anon
show kissu1
with fade
F "You're so good to me."
A "Thanks. F- Lucy."
F "Is there nothing you really want from me?"
A "You mean repay? I don't know, things are too good now, though."
F "More naps?"
F "or perhaps hugs?"
F "Hand holding?"
"I'm sweating profusely."
F "Or maybe...a kiss?"
A "Kiss? With that huge snoot?"
F "Why? Are you afraid? Have you never kissed a dinosaur before?"
A "No?"
F "Not even a human girl?"
A "Uhhh..."
F "So I'm your first? That's exciting."
A "This is so weird, I don't know how I'm feeling right now. Don't you feel weird too?"
F "I've kissed shorter snouts, yours can't be that different."
F "Uh...look Anon, if it doesn't work out..."
F "...It won't change anything. Right?"
A "Promise?"
F "Of course I promise! Get over here you fucking pussy!"
A "O-okay."
F "I won't bite, though I've never had human before..."
A "Okay, here it goes..."
scene black with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
A "Well?"
F "T-that’s just the lips!"
F "T-the tongue, come on."
F "What are you doing?!"
A "Your mouth hinges way back, I have to hang my jaw."
F "Don’t do that, it’s stupid!"
A "Wait, {i}you{/i} open wide now."
F "That’s even sillier."
F "*glug* *hack* *urk*"
A "Oh god how long is your tongue?! I think I reached your tonsils!"
F "*cough* Oh god *cough* I think I almost threw up."
A "Shit sorry sorry sorr-"
F "No no. It’s fine. Let me think."
F "Let’s try the other one again."
A "O-okay…"
F "Don’t open as *mnph*... wide."
F "Wait…"
F "Tilt to the side… like this."
A "I don’t know… I’ll probably never get the hang of this."
F "Really? I uh… think it was… nice."
A "Wait seriously?"
F "Y-yeah. You’re not a *bad* kisser."
A "Bullshit."
F "Seriously, here."
F "Don’t be shy now…"
A "Lucy."
scene room anon day
show kissu2
with fade
F "See? Getting better."
A "Mmm…"
F "I can feel your heart beating. It’s so loud."
stop music fadeout 1.0
scene black with fade
A "Y-yeah, same."
#Let's all go Campin
#stop music fadeout 1.0
play music "audio/OST/Dino Destiny Reader.ogg" fadein 1.0
"It’s been a few weeks since I asked Lucy out to prom."
"Gotta say, things are looking up for me right now."
"Lucy has really taken to helping Rosa with the school gardens."
"Rosa doesn’t force me to help anymore, but I still frequently lend a hand."
"Just earlier today Lucy and I were planting some hydrangeas that were set to bloom in just a few weeks."
scene campsite
show anon neutral at acenter
with fade
"And now I’m setting up a pair of tents."
"Despite being in a group of four."
scene garden with fade
"{i}Stella’s chattering with me about the esoteric while the school delinquents get the Orwellian treatment from Rosa, who swaps between helping Fang plant some kind of exotic flower I don’t know and barking orders."
"{i}I understand maybe a third of what Stella’s saying and mostly just nod along."
St "{i}-nights really important because the moon will be in perfect alignment for my divinations."
A "{i}Right, right. Lunar eclipse. Is that the one where you can’t see the Moon or the one where you can’t see the sun?"
St "{i}*sigh*{/i}"
St "{i}It’s also called a Blood Moon for its color?{/i}"
St "{i}It’s a very important night for me, Anon.{/i}"
St "{i}I feel as though my divinations will be at their best under it’s crimson glow."
A "{i}But camping?{/i}"
Ro "{i}Oh, yes!{/i}"
Ro "{i}My backyard is very big. Long bus ride to school.{/i}"
Ro "{i}But I see the stars at night so well, so Stella has slumber parties often!{/i}"
F "{i}Anon! We should go to!{/i}"
A "{i}Wait what why?{/i}"
F "{i}We can go stargazing Anon. Just imagine it.{/i}"
A "{i}But camping? Can’t we just-{/i}"
F "{i}C’mon Anon. Don’t you want to watch the stars together with me?{/i}"
"{i}Lucy’s pleading eyes lock onto mine.{/i}"
A "{i}Alriiiiiight. As long as we have tents. I don’t wanna deal with insects.{/i}"
A "{i}As long as we have tents.{/i} Me and my stupid fucking mouth."
scene campsite
show anon neutral at acenter
with fade
"Finally I manage to get a post to stick into the soft soil."
"One down. Nineteen to go."
"Ugh, and now Lucy’s gonna use those cute sad eyes whenever she wants something."
"And no alone time with her, since all the girls are working at the grill."
A "Hey, you guys aren’t just making dinner with that gross herbivore meat, right?"
Ro "Of course! I’m always prepared to serve guests."
St "Wait, which ones were which again?"
A "Wha- If I bite into even a single bug your cards are going into the campfire."
Ro "Hey! Camping is supposed to be relaxing! Relax!"
Ro "Also, when you’re done with the tents you need to start the campfire."
A "Wait, why me?"
"Rosa and Stella flinch and exchange glances."
St "Just… figured you’d know, is all."
A "Why would I… Hey!"
St "The principal fits the bill so well."
Ro "Guess that’s just him."
F "Come on, quit teasing him."
F "Who cares if he hasn’t evolved to fire yet?"
"I trip into the tent and tear the whole thing down."
stop music fadeout 1.0
play music "audio/OST/Fuck You I Like This Chick.oggs" fadein 1.0
"By the time I get both of the tents standing, the sun is nearing the horizon."
"My back already hurts from setting everything up."
"Luckily Lucy carries around a lighter for her cigarettes so I was able to start a small fire."
"I slump on one of the logs around the firepit and try to massage my shoulders."
show rosa neutral flip at sright with dissolve
Ro "Hello, An-on."
A "Oh, is the food ready?"
Ro "Stella and Lucy are getting some plates to use."
Ro "Just taking a seat for a minute."
A "Thanks for inviting Lucy and I to camp back here."
Ro "Oh, don’t thank me, I am very happy to have friends over!"
Ro "Although normally I struggle with making the tents stand."
Ro "So really I must thank you for setting it up for me!"
A "Oh, uh, it was nothing."
"Stella calls out from the back door to Rosa’s house."
"She’s returning with Lucy, both holding extra utensils and snack foods."