priorities={pre_build=0}# the priority that determines the orders tasks will run in, defaults to 0
on_builds=["android_apk","android_aab"]# builds this task should run for, defaults to all android builds
keystore_apk="<base64-encoded keystore file>"# the base-64 encoded binary keystore file for the APK bundles
keystore_aab="<base64-encoded keystore file>"# the base-64 encoded binary keystore file for the AAB bundles
format="webp"# webp or avif
priorities={pre_build=10}# the priority that determines the orders tasks will run in, defaults to 10
on_builds=["pc","win","linux","mac","web","steam","market","android_apk","android_aab"]# builds this task should run for, defaults to all available builds
# extensions: a list of file extensions to convert
# recursive: scans directories recursively if enabled, otherwise only scans the immediate directory
# lossless: converts to lossless WebP if enabled, otherwise converts to lossy WebP