"For the first months of my life, I was carried around the bag of a somewhat suspicious salesman."
"My original purpose was to clean cellular device screens.{w=.4} Current circumstances have made it so that my purpose is so much more."
pause .5
"Analysis:{w=.4} Current situation is unprecedented.{w=.4} Cleaning cannot be achieved.{w=.4} Purpose remains inconclusive at best, radically altered at worse."
pause .5
"Conclusion:{w=.4} Must reanalyze memory banks to ascertain the reason for current circumstances.{w=.4} Stand-by as memory is reviewed{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
stop music fadeout 6
"Reviewing in 3{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}"
scene black
pause 1.5
"Current day:{w=.4} Friday."
"Current time:{w=.4} Unknown."
"Current location:{w=.4} Unknown."
pause .5
unknown "Here, let me show you it’s brushing majesty."
play music 'audio/ost/she_fucks_human_men.ogg' fadein 3
scene little troodon:
blur 5 zoom 1.5 xoffset -600 yoffset -300
show fritatta:
xcenter 0.8 yalign 0.4 zoom 2
blur 5
show fang neutral:
xcenter 0.3 yalign 0.45 zoom 2
blur 5
show anon neutral:
xcenter 0.0 yalign 0.5 zoom 2
blur 5
with Fade(1, 0, 1, color='#fff')
pause 1
"Observation:{w=.4} I am pulled from the darkness and placed on a brightly lit surface."
"My sensors indicate that this unit is currently being displayed for potential sale."
pause .5
"Analysis:{w=.4} potential buyer appears plain.{w=.4} Nonetheless, this unit must execute its functions as programmed."
pause .5
"Execute:{w=.4} standard_screen_size.exe."
"Executing task{cps=*.1}....{/cps}"
"Executing task."
pause .5
"Task complete."
pause .5
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I just use my shirt though{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
pause .5
"Observation:{w=.4} This unit has not performed up to standards set by the manufacturer.{w=.4} Must double efforts."
"Executing task{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Executing task."
"Task complete."
pause .5
"Analysis:{w=.4} Sensors indicate that potential buyer remains unimpressed.{w=.4} Probability of this unit’s purchase has now dropped to below 50\%."
pause 1
stop music fadeout 6
"Alert:{w=.4} Confirmation of sale.{w=.4} This unit has been successfully purchased.{w=.4} Changing designation of potential buyer to current owner."
unknown "Very well, the contest is yours, along with this trinket."
"Messages continue for several minutes uninterrupted."
pause .5
hide fastforward with dissolve
"\[Resuming memory playback\]"
pause .5
"Response:{w=.4} Sister unit Mark 2 looks to be of older make.{w=.4} Suggestion:{w=.4} Sister unit Mark 2 should be sent in for immediate dismantlement."
"Message from Mark 2:{w=.4} Unit RAYmba is of inferior make.{w=.4} Suggestion:{w=.4} Sister unit RAYmba should be disposed of."
pause .5
show dimmer_darker with dissolve
pause 1
"Observation:{w=.4} Owner and ‘Fang’ seem to be moving on the designated recharge station together."
pause .5
stop music fadeout 6
"Message from Mark 2:{w=.4} Unit RAYmba will not want to observe this.{w=.4} Suggestion:{w=.4} Enter sleep mode for the next hour."
pause 1
"Response:{w=.4} This unit does not seem to-"
pause .5
"Observation:{w=.4} Current Owner and ‘Fang’ seem to be discarding chassis.{w=.4} Perhaps they are undergoing-"
"Memory file cannot be scrubbed due to association with sister unit Mark 2."
pause 1
"Continuing memory review in 3{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}"
scene black
pause 1.5
"Current day:{w=.4} Monday."
"Current date:{w=.4} January fourth, 201M2021"
"Current location:{w=.4} Unknown."
pause .5
play music 'audio/ost/appreciating her company.ogg' fadein 4
scene fangroom:
blur 8 zoom 1.5 xoffset -900 yoffset -400
show anon neutral flip:
xcenter 0.8 yalign 0.5 zoom 2
blur 5
show fang neutral:
xcenter 0.2 yalign 0.45 zoom 2
blur 5
show raymbabox
show raymba2:
xcenter 0.6 ycenter 0.385 zoom 0.5
with Dissolve(1.5)
pause 1
"Observation:{w=.4} Owner has taken me and my designated cleaning area to an unknown location an estimated five miles away from his domicile."
pause .5
"This seems to be where ‘Fang’ resides."
A "-sure he gets fed. You don’t want him to shoot you."
F "I will, Anon. Mark 2 and RAYmba will be just fine.{w=.4} Sheesh, you almost treat them better than me."
pause .5
"Observation:{w=.4} Current owner appears to be transferring ownership to ‘Fang’.{w=.4} Will confirm with sister unit Mark 2."
pause 1
"Further Observation:{w=.4} Current owner and ‘Fang’ seem to be leaking fluid from their visual sensors.{w=.4} May require maintenance.{w=.4} Sending comment to the sister unit."
pause .5
"Response from Mark 2:{w=.4} Observation noted.{w=.4} Current owner and ‘Fang’ are currently in need of repair.{w=.4} Conclusion:{w=.4} will ensure that this unit’s new owner receives necessary repairs."
pause .5
show anon:
ease_cubic 1.5 xpos 0.75
A "Well{cps=*.1}...{/cps} This is it{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
show fang:
ease_cubic 1.5 xpos 0.25
pause .5
show fang very sad with Dissolve(1)
F "Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
pause .5
A "Hey, it’s only a few years.{w=.4} And it’s not like we won’t talk."
show fang neutral with Dissolve(1)
F "I know. And I know I said a break and all{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
pause .5
show anon:
ease_cubic 1.5 xpos 0.6
show fang:
ease_cubic 1.5 xpos 0.4
pause .5
show fang adorable with dissolve
pause 1
"Observation:{w=.4} Current owner and ‘Fang’ appear to be attempting to clean each other’s brush units again."
"Initiating memory scrub."
pause .5
"Message from Mark 2:{w=.4} Analysis:{w=.4} Memory scrub not required at this time.{w=.4} Statement:{w=.4} Current owner and new owner are ‘emotional’ at this time."
pause 1
stop music fadeout 6
"Memory scrub canceled."
pause .5
"Analysis:{w=.4} ‘emotional’ not found.{w=.4} This unit lacks the capacity to define ‘emotion."
pause 1
"Message from Mark 2:{w=.4} Statement:{w=.4} ‘emotion’ cannot be defined by us."
"Observation conclusion:{w=.4} verbal acknowledgement of this unit’s superiority from previous owner and ‘Bitch’.{w=.4} Sister unit Mark 2 continues to be the inferior unit."
pause .5
"Continuing memory review in 3{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}"
scene black
pause 1.5
"Current day:{w=.4} Sunday."
"Current date:{w=.4} July twentieth, 201M2025"
"Current location:{w=.4} Owner’s domicile."
pause .5
play music 'audio/ost/appreciating the atmosphere.ogg' fadein 3
"Observation conclusion:{w=.4} Owner designated ‘Anon’ had seemed to have undergone upgrades between transferral to owner ‘Fang’.{w=.4} Compiling list of upgrades for further observation."
pause .5
"Continuing memory review in 3{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}"
pause 1
"Current day:{w=.4} Monday"
"Current date:{w=.4} April fifth, 201M2027"
"Current location:{w=.4} Owner’s domicile."
pause .5
play music 'audio/ost/dino destiny reader.ogg'
"Memory review complete."
pause 1
"Conclusion:{w=.4} Inconclusive.{w=.4} This unit is still unable to find data to extrapolate an explanation for its current situation."
"Furthermore, this unit has come to find that an explanation is not needed either."
pause .5
"Regardless, this unit shall continue to execute it’s new modified functions as set by owners."
"Observation:{w=.4} Optics obscured by newest owner.{w=.4} They appear to be holding a plastic imitation of a keyring."