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synced 2025-03-26 15:34:53 +01:00
Vulkan spec states that input topology should always be PatchList when a tessellation pipeline is present. The AMD GPU on windows crashes so hard it BSODs the machine if this isn't the case, so it's forced here just in case. I'm not sure what providing a different topology here would even do, as you'd think it would always be a patch list input.
700 lines
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700 lines
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using Ryujinx.Common.Memory;
using Silk.NET.Vulkan;
using System;
using System.Numerics;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
struct PipelineState : IDisposable
private const int RequiredSubgroupSize = 32;
public PipelineUid Internal;
public float LineWidth
readonly get => BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle((int)((Internal.Id0 >> 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF));
set => Internal.Id0 = (Internal.Id0 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) | ((ulong)(uint)BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits(value) << 0);
public float DepthBiasClamp
readonly get => BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle((int)((Internal.Id0 >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF));
set => Internal.Id0 = (Internal.Id0 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)(uint)BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits(value) << 32);
public float DepthBiasConstantFactor
readonly get => BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle((int)((Internal.Id1 >> 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF));
set => Internal.Id1 = (Internal.Id1 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) | ((ulong)(uint)BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits(value) << 0);
public float DepthBiasSlopeFactor
readonly get => BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle((int)((Internal.Id1 >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF));
set => Internal.Id1 = (Internal.Id1 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)(uint)BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits(value) << 32);
public uint StencilFrontCompareMask
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id2 >> 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id2 = (Internal.Id2 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) | ((ulong)value << 0);
public uint StencilFrontWriteMask
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id2 >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id2 = (Internal.Id2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 32);
public uint StencilFrontReference
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id3 >> 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id3 = (Internal.Id3 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) | ((ulong)value << 0);
public uint StencilBackCompareMask
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id3 >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id3 = (Internal.Id3 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 32);
public uint StencilBackWriteMask
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id4 >> 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id4 = (Internal.Id4 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) | ((ulong)value << 0);
public uint StencilBackReference
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id4 >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id4 = (Internal.Id4 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 32);
public PolygonMode PolygonMode
readonly get => (PolygonMode)((Internal.Id5 >> 0) & 0x3FFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id5 = (Internal.Id5 & 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000) | ((ulong)value << 0);
public uint StagesCount
readonly get => (byte)((Internal.Id5 >> 30) & 0xFF);
set => Internal.Id5 = (Internal.Id5 & 0xFFFFFFC03FFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 30);
public uint VertexAttributeDescriptionsCount
readonly get => (byte)((Internal.Id5 >> 38) & 0xFF);
set => Internal.Id5 = (Internal.Id5 & 0xFFFFC03FFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 38);
public uint VertexBindingDescriptionsCount
readonly get => (byte)((Internal.Id5 >> 46) & 0xFF);
set => Internal.Id5 = (Internal.Id5 & 0xFFC03FFFFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 46);
public uint ViewportsCount
readonly get => (byte)((Internal.Id5 >> 54) & 0xFF);
set => Internal.Id5 = (Internal.Id5 & 0xC03FFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 54);
public uint ScissorsCount
readonly get => (byte)((Internal.Id6 >> 0) & 0xFF);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00) | ((ulong)value << 0);
public uint ColorBlendAttachmentStateCount
readonly get => (byte)((Internal.Id6 >> 8) & 0xFF);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF00FF) | ((ulong)value << 8);
public PrimitiveTopology Topology
readonly get => (PrimitiveTopology)((Internal.Id6 >> 16) & 0xF);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFF0FFFF) | ((ulong)value << 16);
public LogicOp LogicOp
readonly get => (LogicOp)((Internal.Id6 >> 20) & 0xF);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFFFFFFFFF0FFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 20);
public CompareOp DepthCompareOp
readonly get => (CompareOp)((Internal.Id6 >> 24) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFFFFFFFF8FFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 24);
public StencilOp StencilFrontFailOp
readonly get => (StencilOp)((Internal.Id6 >> 27) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFFFFFFFC7FFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 27);
public StencilOp StencilFrontPassOp
readonly get => (StencilOp)((Internal.Id6 >> 30) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFFFFFFE3FFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 30);
public StencilOp StencilFrontDepthFailOp
readonly get => (StencilOp)((Internal.Id6 >> 33) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFFFFFF1FFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 33);
public CompareOp StencilFrontCompareOp
readonly get => (CompareOp)((Internal.Id6 >> 36) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFFFFF8FFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 36);
public StencilOp StencilBackFailOp
readonly get => (StencilOp)((Internal.Id6 >> 39) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFFFFC7FFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 39);
public StencilOp StencilBackPassOp
readonly get => (StencilOp)((Internal.Id6 >> 42) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFFFE3FFFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 42);
public StencilOp StencilBackDepthFailOp
readonly get => (StencilOp)((Internal.Id6 >> 45) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFFF1FFFFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 45);
public CompareOp StencilBackCompareOp
readonly get => (CompareOp)((Internal.Id6 >> 48) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFF8FFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 48);
public CullModeFlags CullMode
readonly get => (CullModeFlags)((Internal.Id6 >> 51) & 0x3);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFE7FFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 51);
public bool PrimitiveRestartEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id6 >> 53) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFDFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 53);
public bool DepthClampEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id6 >> 54) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFBFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 54);
public bool RasterizerDiscardEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id6 >> 55) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFF7FFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 55);
public FrontFace FrontFace
readonly get => (FrontFace)((Internal.Id6 >> 56) & 0x1);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 56);
public bool DepthBiasEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id6 >> 57) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFDFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 57);
public bool DepthTestEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id6 >> 58) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFBFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 58);
public bool DepthWriteEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id6 >> 59) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xF7FFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 59);
public bool DepthBoundsTestEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id6 >> 60) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 60);
public bool StencilTestEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id6 >> 61) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 61);
public bool LogicOpEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id6 >> 62) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 62);
public bool HasDepthStencil
readonly get => ((Internal.Id6 >> 63) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 63);
public uint PatchControlPoints
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id7 >> 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) | ((ulong)value << 0);
public uint SamplesCount
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id7 >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 32);
public bool AlphaToCoverageEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id8 >> 0) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id8 = (Internal.Id8 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 0);
public bool AlphaToOneEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id8 >> 1) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id8 = (Internal.Id8 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFD) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 1);
public bool AdvancedBlendSrcPreMultiplied
readonly get => ((Internal.Id8 >> 2) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id8 = (Internal.Id8 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFB) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 2);
public bool AdvancedBlendDstPreMultiplied
readonly get => ((Internal.Id8 >> 3) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id8 = (Internal.Id8 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 3);
public BlendOverlapEXT AdvancedBlendOverlap
readonly get => (BlendOverlapEXT)((Internal.Id8 >> 4) & 0x3);
set => Internal.Id8 = (Internal.Id8 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCF) | ((ulong)value << 4);
public bool DepthMode
readonly get => ((Internal.Id8 >> 6) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id8 = (Internal.Id8 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 6);
public bool HasTessellationControlShader;
public NativeArray<PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo> Stages;
public PipelineLayout PipelineLayout;
public SpecData SpecializationData;
private Array32<VertexInputAttributeDescription> _vertexAttributeDescriptions2;
public void Initialize()
HasTessellationControlShader = false;
Stages = new NativeArray<PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo>(Constants.MaxShaderStages);
AdvancedBlendSrcPreMultiplied = true;
AdvancedBlendDstPreMultiplied = true;
AdvancedBlendOverlap = BlendOverlapEXT.UncorrelatedExt;
LineWidth = 1f;
SamplesCount = 1;
DepthMode = true;
public unsafe Auto<DisposablePipeline> CreateComputePipeline(
VulkanRenderer gd,
Device device,
ShaderCollection program,
PipelineCache cache)
if (program.TryGetComputePipeline(ref SpecializationData, out var pipeline))
return pipeline;
var pipelineCreateInfo = new ComputePipelineCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.ComputePipelineCreateInfo,
Stage = Stages[0],
BasePipelineIndex = -1,
Layout = PipelineLayout,
Pipeline pipelineHandle = default;
bool hasSpec = program.SpecDescriptions != null;
var desc = hasSpec ? program.SpecDescriptions[0] : SpecDescription.Empty;
if (hasSpec && SpecializationData.Length < (int)desc.Info.DataSize)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Specialization data size does not match description");
fixed (SpecializationInfo* info = &desc.Info)
fixed (SpecializationMapEntry* map = desc.Map)
fixed (byte* data = SpecializationData.Span)
if (hasSpec)
info->PMapEntries = map;
info->PData = data;
pipelineCreateInfo.Stage.PSpecializationInfo = info;
gd.Api.CreateComputePipelines(device, cache, 1, &pipelineCreateInfo, null, &pipelineHandle).ThrowOnError();
pipeline = new Auto<DisposablePipeline>(new DisposablePipeline(gd.Api, device, pipelineHandle));
program.AddComputePipeline(ref SpecializationData, pipeline);
return pipeline;
public unsafe Auto<DisposablePipeline> CreateGraphicsPipeline(
VulkanRenderer gd,
Device device,
ShaderCollection program,
PipelineCache cache,
RenderPass renderPass,
bool throwOnError = false)
if (program.TryGetGraphicsPipeline(ref Internal, out var pipeline))
return pipeline;
Pipeline pipelineHandle = default;
bool isMoltenVk = gd.IsMoltenVk;
if (isMoltenVk)
fixed (VertexInputAttributeDescription* pVertexAttributeDescriptions = &Internal.VertexAttributeDescriptions[0])
fixed (VertexInputAttributeDescription* pVertexAttributeDescriptions2 = &_vertexAttributeDescriptions2[0])
fixed (VertexInputBindingDescription* pVertexBindingDescriptions = &Internal.VertexBindingDescriptions[0])
fixed (PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState* pColorBlendAttachmentState = &Internal.ColorBlendAttachmentState[0])
var vertexInputState = new PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo,
VertexAttributeDescriptionCount = VertexAttributeDescriptionsCount,
PVertexAttributeDescriptions = isMoltenVk ? pVertexAttributeDescriptions2 : pVertexAttributeDescriptions,
VertexBindingDescriptionCount = VertexBindingDescriptionsCount,
PVertexBindingDescriptions = pVertexBindingDescriptions,
// Using patches topology without a tessellation shader is invalid.
// If we find such a case, return null pipeline to skip the draw.
if (Topology == PrimitiveTopology.PatchList && !HasTessellationControlShader)
program.AddGraphicsPipeline(ref Internal, null);
return null;
bool primitiveRestartEnable = PrimitiveRestartEnable;
bool topologySupportsRestart;
if (gd.Capabilities.SupportsPrimitiveTopologyListRestart)
topologySupportsRestart = gd.Capabilities.SupportsPrimitiveTopologyPatchListRestart || Topology != PrimitiveTopology.PatchList;
topologySupportsRestart = Topology == PrimitiveTopology.LineStrip ||
Topology == PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip ||
Topology == PrimitiveTopology.TriangleFan ||
Topology == PrimitiveTopology.LineStripWithAdjacency ||
Topology == PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStripWithAdjacency;
primitiveRestartEnable &= topologySupportsRestart;
var inputAssemblyState = new PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo,
PrimitiveRestartEnable = primitiveRestartEnable,
Topology = HasTessellationControlShader ? PrimitiveTopology.PatchList : Topology,
var tessellationState = new PipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo,
PatchControlPoints = PatchControlPoints,
var rasterizationState = new PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo,
DepthClampEnable = DepthClampEnable,
RasterizerDiscardEnable = RasterizerDiscardEnable,
PolygonMode = PolygonMode,
LineWidth = LineWidth,
CullMode = CullMode,
FrontFace = FrontFace,
DepthBiasEnable = DepthBiasEnable,
var viewportState = new PipelineViewportStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineViewportStateCreateInfo,
ViewportCount = ViewportsCount,
ScissorCount = ScissorsCount,
if (gd.Capabilities.SupportsDepthClipControl)
var viewportDepthClipControlState = new PipelineViewportDepthClipControlCreateInfoEXT
SType = StructureType.PipelineViewportDepthClipControlCreateInfoExt,
NegativeOneToOne = DepthMode,
viewportState.PNext = &viewportDepthClipControlState;
var multisampleState = new PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo,
SampleShadingEnable = false,
RasterizationSamples = TextureStorage.ConvertToSampleCountFlags(gd.Capabilities.SupportedSampleCounts, SamplesCount),
MinSampleShading = 1,
AlphaToCoverageEnable = AlphaToCoverageEnable,
AlphaToOneEnable = AlphaToOneEnable,
var stencilFront = new StencilOpState(
var stencilBack = new StencilOpState(
var depthStencilState = new PipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo,
DepthTestEnable = DepthTestEnable,
DepthWriteEnable = DepthWriteEnable,
DepthCompareOp = DepthCompareOp,
DepthBoundsTestEnable = false,
StencilTestEnable = StencilTestEnable,
Front = stencilFront,
Back = stencilBack,
uint blendEnables = 0;
if (gd.IsMoltenVk && Internal.AttachmentIntegerFormatMask != 0)
// Blend can't be enabled for integer formats, so let's make sure it is disabled.
uint attachmentIntegerFormatMask = Internal.AttachmentIntegerFormatMask;
while (attachmentIntegerFormatMask != 0)
int i = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(attachmentIntegerFormatMask);
if (Internal.ColorBlendAttachmentState[i].BlendEnable)
blendEnables |= 1u << i;
Internal.ColorBlendAttachmentState[i].BlendEnable = false;
attachmentIntegerFormatMask &= ~(1u << i);
// Vendors other than NVIDIA have a bug where it enables logical operations even for float formats,
// so we need to force disable them here.
bool logicOpEnable = LogicOpEnable && (gd.Vendor == Vendor.Nvidia || Internal.LogicOpsAllowed);
var colorBlendState = new PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo,
LogicOpEnable = logicOpEnable,
LogicOp = LogicOp,
AttachmentCount = ColorBlendAttachmentStateCount,
PAttachments = pColorBlendAttachmentState,
PipelineColorBlendAdvancedStateCreateInfoEXT colorBlendAdvancedState;
if (!AdvancedBlendSrcPreMultiplied ||
!AdvancedBlendDstPreMultiplied ||
AdvancedBlendOverlap != BlendOverlapEXT.UncorrelatedExt)
colorBlendAdvancedState = new PipelineColorBlendAdvancedStateCreateInfoEXT
SType = StructureType.PipelineColorBlendAdvancedStateCreateInfoExt,
SrcPremultiplied = AdvancedBlendSrcPreMultiplied,
DstPremultiplied = AdvancedBlendDstPreMultiplied,
BlendOverlap = AdvancedBlendOverlap,
colorBlendState.PNext = &colorBlendAdvancedState;
bool supportsExtDynamicState = gd.Capabilities.SupportsExtendedDynamicState;
int dynamicStatesCount = supportsExtDynamicState ? 8 : 7;
DynamicState* dynamicStates = stackalloc DynamicState[dynamicStatesCount];
dynamicStates[0] = DynamicState.Viewport;
dynamicStates[1] = DynamicState.Scissor;
dynamicStates[2] = DynamicState.DepthBias;
dynamicStates[3] = DynamicState.StencilCompareMask;
dynamicStates[4] = DynamicState.StencilWriteMask;
dynamicStates[5] = DynamicState.StencilReference;
dynamicStates[6] = DynamicState.BlendConstants;
if (supportsExtDynamicState)
dynamicStates[7] = DynamicState.VertexInputBindingStrideExt;
var pipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo = new PipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo,
DynamicStateCount = (uint)dynamicStatesCount,
PDynamicStates = dynamicStates,
var pipelineCreateInfo = new GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo,
StageCount = StagesCount,
PStages = Stages.Pointer,
PVertexInputState = &vertexInputState,
PInputAssemblyState = &inputAssemblyState,
PTessellationState = &tessellationState,
PViewportState = &viewportState,
PRasterizationState = &rasterizationState,
PMultisampleState = &multisampleState,
PDepthStencilState = &depthStencilState,
PColorBlendState = &colorBlendState,
PDynamicState = &pipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo,
Layout = PipelineLayout,
RenderPass = renderPass,
Result result = gd.Api.CreateGraphicsPipelines(device, cache, 1, &pipelineCreateInfo, null, &pipelineHandle);
if (throwOnError)
else if (result.IsError())
program.AddGraphicsPipeline(ref Internal, null);
return null;
// Restore previous blend enable values if we changed it.
while (blendEnables != 0)
int i = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(blendEnables);
Internal.ColorBlendAttachmentState[i].BlendEnable = true;
blendEnables &= ~(1u << i);
pipeline = new Auto<DisposablePipeline>(new DisposablePipeline(gd.Api, device, pipelineHandle));
program.AddGraphicsPipeline(ref Internal, pipeline);
return pipeline;
private void UpdateVertexAttributeDescriptions(VulkanRenderer gd)
// Vertex attributes exceeding the stride are invalid.
// In metal, they cause glitches with the vertex shader fetching incorrect values.
// To work around this, we reduce the format to something that doesn't exceed the stride if possible.
// The assumption is that the exceeding components are not actually accessed on the shader.
for (int index = 0; index < VertexAttributeDescriptionsCount; index++)
var attribute = Internal.VertexAttributeDescriptions[index];
int vbIndex = GetVertexBufferIndex(attribute.Binding);
if (vbIndex >= 0)
ref var vb = ref Internal.VertexBindingDescriptions[vbIndex];
Format format = attribute.Format;
while (vb.Stride != 0 && attribute.Offset + FormatTable.GetAttributeFormatSize(format) > vb.Stride)
Format newFormat = FormatTable.DropLastComponent(format);
if (newFormat == format)
// That case means we failed to find a format that fits within the stride,
// so just restore the original format and give up.
format = attribute.Format;
format = newFormat;
if (attribute.Format != format && gd.FormatCapabilities.BufferFormatSupports(FormatFeatureFlags.VertexBufferBit, format))
attribute.Format = format;
_vertexAttributeDescriptions2[index] = attribute;
private int GetVertexBufferIndex(uint binding)
for (int index = 0; index < VertexBindingDescriptionsCount; index++)
if (Internal.VertexBindingDescriptions[index].Binding == binding)
return index;
return -1;
public readonly void Dispose()