Morph 99ceb03a1c general: Convert source file copyright comments over to SPDX
This formats all copyright comments according to SPDX formatting guidelines.
Additionally, this resolves the remaining GPLv2 only licensed files by relicensing them to GPLv2.0-or-later.
2022-04-23 05:55:32 -04:00

409 lines
11 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2018 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/bit_field.h"
#include "common/common_types.h"
namespace Tegra::Texture {
enum class TextureFormat : u32 {
R32G32B32A32 = 0x01,
R32G32B32 = 0x02,
R16G16B16A16 = 0x03,
R32G32 = 0x04,
R32_B24G8 = 0x05,
ETC2_RGB = 0x06,
X8B8G8R8 = 0x07,
A8R8G8B8 = 0x08,
A2B10G10R10 = 0x09,
ETC2_RGB_PTA = 0x0a,
ETC2_RGBA = 0x0b,
R16G16 = 0x0c,
R24G8 = 0x0d,
R8G24 = 0x0e,
R32 = 0x0f,
BC6H_SFLOAT = 0x10,
BC6H_UFLOAT = 0x11,
A4B4G4R4 = 0x12,
A5B5G5R1 = 0x13,
A1B5G5R5 = 0x14,
B5G6R5 = 0x15,
B6G5R5 = 0x16,
BC7 = 0x17,
R8G8 = 0x18,
EAC = 0x19,
EACX2 = 0x1a,
R16 = 0x1b,
Y8_VIDEO = 0x1c,
R8 = 0x1d,
G4R4 = 0x1e,
R1 = 0x1f,
E5B9G9R9 = 0x20,
B10G11R11 = 0x21,
G8B8G8R8 = 0x22,
B8G8R8G8 = 0x23,
BC1_RGBA = 0x24,
BC2 = 0x25,
BC3 = 0x26,
BC4 = 0x27,
BC5 = 0x28,
S8D24 = 0x29,
X8D24 = 0x2a,
D24S8 = 0x2b,
X4V4D24__COV4R4V = 0x2c,
X4V4D24__COV8R8V = 0x2d,
V8D24__COV4R12V = 0x2e,
D32 = 0x2f,
D32S8 = 0x30,
X8D24_X20V4S8__COV4R4V = 0x31,
X8D24_X20V4S8__COV8R8V = 0x32,
D32_X20V4X8__COV4R4V = 0x33,
D32_X20V4X8__COV8R8V = 0x34,
D32_X20V4S8__COV4R4V = 0x35,
D32_X20V4S8__COV8R8V = 0x36,
X8D24_X16V8S8__COV4R12V = 0x37,
D32_X16V8X8__COV4R12V = 0x38,
D32_X16V8S8__COV4R12V = 0x39,
D16 = 0x3a,
V8D24__COV8R24V = 0x3b,
X8D24_X16V8S8__COV8R24V = 0x3c,
D32_X16V8X8__COV8R24V = 0x3d,
D32_X16V8S8__COV8R24V = 0x3e,
ASTC_2D_4X4 = 0x40,
ASTC_2D_5X5 = 0x41,
ASTC_2D_6X6 = 0x42,
ASTC_2D_8X8 = 0x44,
ASTC_2D_10X10 = 0x45,
ASTC_2D_12X12 = 0x46,
ASTC_2D_5X4 = 0x50,
ASTC_2D_6X5 = 0x51,
ASTC_2D_8X6 = 0x52,
ASTC_2D_10X8 = 0x53,
ASTC_2D_12X10 = 0x54,
ASTC_2D_8X5 = 0x55,
ASTC_2D_10X5 = 0x56,
ASTC_2D_10X6 = 0x57,
enum class TextureType : u32 {
Texture1D = 0,
Texture2D = 1,
Texture3D = 2,
TextureCubemap = 3,
Texture1DArray = 4,
Texture2DArray = 5,
Texture1DBuffer = 6,
Texture2DNoMipmap = 7,
TextureCubeArray = 8,
enum class TICHeaderVersion : u32 {
OneDBuffer = 0,
PitchColorKey = 1,
Pitch = 2,
BlockLinear = 3,
BlockLinearColorKey = 4,
enum class ComponentType : u32 {
SNORM = 1,
UNORM = 2,
SINT = 3,
UINT = 4,
enum class SwizzleSource : u32 {
Zero = 0,
R = 2,
G = 3,
B = 4,
A = 5,
OneInt = 6,
OneFloat = 7,
enum class MsaaMode : u32 {
Msaa1x1 = 0,
Msaa2x1 = 1,
Msaa2x2 = 2,
Msaa4x2 = 3,
Msaa4x2_D3D = 4,
Msaa2x1_D3D = 5,
Msaa4x4 = 6,
Msaa2x2_VC4 = 8,
Msaa2x2_VC12 = 9,
Msaa4x2_VC8 = 10,
Msaa4x2_VC24 = 11,
union TextureHandle {
/* implicit */ constexpr TextureHandle(u32 raw_) : raw{raw_} {}
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 20, u32> tic_id;
BitField<20, 12, u32> tsc_id;
static_assert(sizeof(TextureHandle) == 4, "TextureHandle has wrong size");
[[nodiscard]] inline std::pair<u32, u32> TexturePair(u32 raw, bool via_header_index) {
if (via_header_index) {
return {raw, raw};
} else {
const Tegra::Texture::TextureHandle handle{raw};
return {handle.tic_id, handle.tsc_id};
struct TICEntry {
union {
struct {
union {
BitField<0, 7, TextureFormat> format;
BitField<7, 3, ComponentType> r_type;
BitField<10, 3, ComponentType> g_type;
BitField<13, 3, ComponentType> b_type;
BitField<16, 3, ComponentType> a_type;
BitField<19, 3, SwizzleSource> x_source;
BitField<22, 3, SwizzleSource> y_source;
BitField<25, 3, SwizzleSource> z_source;
BitField<28, 3, SwizzleSource> w_source;
u32 address_low;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> address_high;
BitField<16, 5, u32> layer_base_3_7;
BitField<21, 3, TICHeaderVersion> header_version;
BitField<24, 1, u32> load_store_hint;
BitField<25, 4, u32> view_coherency_hash;
BitField<29, 3, u32> layer_base_8_10;
union {
BitField<0, 3, u32> block_width;
BitField<3, 3, u32> block_height;
BitField<6, 3, u32> block_depth;
BitField<10, 3, u32> tile_width_spacing;
// High 16 bits of the pitch value
BitField<0, 16, u32> pitch_high;
BitField<26, 1, u32> use_header_opt_control;
BitField<27, 1, u32> depth_texture;
BitField<28, 4, u32> max_mip_level;
BitField<0, 16, u32> buffer_high_width_minus_one;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> width_minus_one;
BitField<16, 3, u32> layer_base_0_2;
BitField<22, 1, u32> srgb_conversion;
BitField<23, 4, TextureType> texture_type;
BitField<29, 3, u32> border_size;
BitField<0, 16, u32> buffer_low_width_minus_one;
union {
BitField<0, 16, u32> height_minus_1;
BitField<16, 14, u32> depth_minus_1;
BitField<30, 1, u32> is_sparse;
BitField<31, 1, u32> normalized_coords;
union {
BitField<6, 13, u32> mip_lod_bias;
BitField<27, 3, u32> max_anisotropy;
union {
BitField<0, 4, u32> res_min_mip_level;
BitField<4, 4, u32> res_max_mip_level;
BitField<8, 4, MsaaMode> msaa_mode;
BitField<12, 12, u32> min_lod_clamp;
std::array<u64, 4> raw;
constexpr bool operator==(const TICEntry& rhs) const noexcept {
return raw == rhs.raw;
constexpr bool operator!=(const TICEntry& rhs) const noexcept {
return raw != rhs.raw;
constexpr GPUVAddr Address() const {
return static_cast<GPUVAddr>((static_cast<GPUVAddr>(address_high) << 32) | address_low);
constexpr u32 Pitch() const {
ASSERT(header_version == TICHeaderVersion::Pitch ||
header_version == TICHeaderVersion::PitchColorKey);
// The pitch value is 21 bits, and is 32B aligned.
return pitch_high << 5;
constexpr u32 Width() const {
if (header_version != TICHeaderVersion::OneDBuffer) {
return width_minus_one + 1;
return (buffer_high_width_minus_one << 16 | buffer_low_width_minus_one) + 1;
constexpr u32 Height() const {
return height_minus_1 + 1;
constexpr u32 Depth() const {
return depth_minus_1 + 1;
constexpr u32 BaseLayer() const {
return layer_base_0_2 | layer_base_3_7 << 3 | layer_base_8_10 << 8;
constexpr bool IsBlockLinear() const {
return header_version == TICHeaderVersion::BlockLinear ||
header_version == TICHeaderVersion::BlockLinearColorKey;
constexpr bool IsPitchLinear() const {
return header_version == TICHeaderVersion::Pitch ||
header_version == TICHeaderVersion::PitchColorKey;
constexpr bool IsBuffer() const {
return header_version == TICHeaderVersion::OneDBuffer;
static_assert(sizeof(TICEntry) == 0x20, "TICEntry has wrong size");
enum class WrapMode : u32 {
Wrap = 0,
Mirror = 1,
ClampToEdge = 2,
Border = 3,
Clamp = 4,
MirrorOnceClampToEdge = 5,
MirrorOnceBorder = 6,
MirrorOnceClampOGL = 7,
enum class DepthCompareFunc : u32 {
Never = 0,
Less = 1,
Equal = 2,
LessEqual = 3,
Greater = 4,
NotEqual = 5,
GreaterEqual = 6,
Always = 7,
enum class TextureFilter : u32 {
Nearest = 1,
Linear = 2,
enum class TextureMipmapFilter : u32 {
None = 1,
Nearest = 2,
Linear = 3,
enum class SamplerReduction : u32 {
WeightedAverage = 0,
Min = 1,
Max = 2,
enum class Anisotropy {
struct TSCEntry {
union {
struct {
union {
BitField<0, 3, WrapMode> wrap_u;
BitField<3, 3, WrapMode> wrap_v;
BitField<6, 3, WrapMode> wrap_p;
BitField<9, 1, u32> depth_compare_enabled;
BitField<10, 3, DepthCompareFunc> depth_compare_func;
BitField<13, 1, u32> srgb_conversion;
BitField<20, 3, u32> max_anisotropy;
union {
BitField<0, 2, TextureFilter> mag_filter;
BitField<4, 2, TextureFilter> min_filter;
BitField<6, 2, TextureMipmapFilter> mipmap_filter;
BitField<8, 1, u32> cubemap_anisotropy;
BitField<9, 1, u32> cubemap_interface_filtering;
BitField<10, 2, SamplerReduction> reduction_filter;
BitField<12, 13, u32> mip_lod_bias;
BitField<25, 1, u32> float_coord_normalization;
BitField<26, 5, u32> trilin_opt;
union {
BitField<0, 12, u32> min_lod_clamp;
BitField<12, 12, u32> max_lod_clamp;
BitField<24, 8, u32> srgb_border_color_r;
union {
BitField<12, 8, u32> srgb_border_color_g;
BitField<20, 8, u32> srgb_border_color_b;
std::array<f32, 4> border_color;
std::array<u64, 4> raw;
constexpr bool operator==(const TSCEntry& rhs) const noexcept {
return raw == rhs.raw;
constexpr bool operator!=(const TSCEntry& rhs) const noexcept {
return raw != rhs.raw;
std::array<float, 4> BorderColor() const noexcept;
float MaxAnisotropy() const noexcept;
float MinLod() const {
return static_cast<float>(min_lod_clamp) / 256.0f;
float MaxLod() const {
return static_cast<float>(max_lod_clamp) / 256.0f;
float LodBias() const {
// Sign extend the 13-bit value.
static constexpr u32 mask = 1U << (13 - 1);
return static_cast<float>(static_cast<s32>((mip_lod_bias ^ mask) - mask)) / 256.0f;
static_assert(sizeof(TSCEntry) == 0x20, "TSCEntry has wrong size");
} // namespace Tegra::Texture
template <>
struct std::hash<Tegra::Texture::TICEntry> {
size_t operator()(const Tegra::Texture::TICEntry& tic) const noexcept;
template <>
struct std::hash<Tegra::Texture::TSCEntry> {
size_t operator()(const Tegra::Texture::TSCEntry& tsc) const noexcept;