import express from 'express' import yaml from 'js-yaml' import fs from 'node:fs' import * as dotenv from 'dotenv' console.log('🔧 Configuring socialtree...') dotenv.config() const app = express() const port = process.env.PORT || 3000 const engine = 'ejs' const customMainPartialThemes = [ // Array of themes that require a custom main partial '98' ] app.set('view engine', engine) app.set('views', './src/views') app.use(express.static('src/dist')) app.use(express.static('assets')) app.get('/', (req, res) => { let config = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync('assets/config/config.yml'), 'utf8') res.render('index', { name:, filenameProfilePic: config.profilePic ? config.profilePic : 'profilepic.jpg', summaryText: config.summaryText ? config.summaryText: '', links: config.links, smallLinks: config.smallLinks, theme: config.theme, roundPB: config.roundPB, customMainPartialThemes: customMainPartialThemes }) }) app.listen(port, () => console.log(`🚀 Socialtree started on port ${port}, with view engine ${engine}`))