<script setup lang="ts"> import { clamp } from '@vueuse/core' import type { Attachment } from 'masto' const { attachment, fullSize = false, } = defineProps<{ attachment: Attachment attachments?: Attachment[] fullSize?: boolean }>() const src = $computed(() => attachment.previewUrl || attachment.url || attachment.remoteUrl!) const srcset = $computed(() => [ [attachment.url, attachment.meta?.original?.width], [attachment.remoteUrl, attachment.meta?.original?.width], [attachment.previewUrl, attachment.meta?.small?.width], ].filter(([url]) => url).map(([url, size]) => `${url} ${size}w`).join(', ')) const rawAspectRatio = computed(() => { if (attachment.meta?.original?.aspect) return attachment.meta.original.aspect if (attachment.meta?.small?.aspect) return attachment.meta.small.aspect return undefined }) const aspectRatio = computed(() => { if (fullSize) return rawAspectRatio.value if (rawAspectRatio.value) return clamp(rawAspectRatio.value, 0.8, 2.5) return undefined }) const objectPosition = computed(() => { return [attachment.meta?.focus?.x, attachment.meta?.focus?.y] .map(v => v ? `${v * 100}%` : '50%') .join(' ') }) const typeExtsMap = { video: ['mp4', 'webm', 'mov', 'avi', 'mkv', 'flv', 'wmv', 'mpg', 'mpeg'], audio: ['mp3', 'wav', 'ogg', 'flac', 'aac', 'm4a', 'wma'], image: ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'svg', 'webp', 'bmp'], gifv: ['gifv', 'gif'], } const type = $computed(() => { if (attachment.type && attachment.type !== 'unknown') return attachment.type // some server returns unknown type, we need to guess it based on file extension for (const [type, exts] of Object.entries(typeExtsMap)) { if (exts.some(ext => src?.toLowerCase().endsWith(`.${ext}`))) return type } return 'unknown' }) </script> <template> <div relative ma flex> <template v-if="type === 'video'"> <video :poster="attachment.previewUrl" controls border="~ base" object-cover :width="attachment.meta?.original?.width" :height="attachment.meta?.original?.height" :style="{ aspectRatio, objectPosition, }" > <source :src="attachment.url || attachment.previewUrl" type="video/mp4"> </video> </template> <template v-else-if="type === 'gifv'"> <video :poster="attachment.previewUrl" preload="none" loop playsinline autoplay muted border="~ base" object-cover :width="attachment.meta?.original?.width" :height="attachment.meta?.original?.height" :style="{ aspectRatio, objectPosition, }" > <source :src="attachment.url || attachment.previewUrl" type="video/mp4"> </video> </template> <template v-else-if="type === 'audio'"> <audio controls border="~ base"> <source :src="attachment.url || attachment.previewUrl" type="audio/mp3"> </audio> </template> <template v-else> <button focus:outline-none focus:ring="2 primary inset" rounded-lg h-full w-full aria-label="Open image preview dialog" @click="openMediaPreview(attachments ? attachments : [attachment], attachments?.indexOf(attachment) || 0)" > <CommonBlurhash :blurhash="attachment.blurhash" class="status-attachment-image" :src="src" :srcset="srcset" :width="attachment.meta?.original?.width" :height="attachment.meta?.original?.height" :alt="attachment.description!" :style="{ aspectRatio, objectPosition, }" border="~ base" rounded-lg h-full w-full object-cover /> </button> </template> <div v-if="attachment.description" absolute left-2 class="bottom-2"> <VDropdown :distance="6" placement="bottom-start"> <button font-bold text-sm hover:bg-black class="bg-black/65 px1.2 py0.2" rounded-1 text-white> <div hidden> read image description </div> ALT </button> <template #popper> <div p4 flex flex-col gap-2 max-w-130> <div flex justify-between> <h2 font-bold text-xl text-secondary> {{ $t('status.img_alt.desc') }} </h2> <button v-close-popper text-sm btn-outline py0 px2 text-secondary border-base> {{ $t('status.img_alt.dismiss') }} </button> </div> <p> {{ attachment.description }} </p> </div> </template> </VDropdown> </div> </div> </template>