export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => { const router = useRouter() const route = useRoute() const track = ref(false) const { y } = useWindowScroll() const storage = useLocalStorage>('elk-track-scroll', {}) const customRoutes = new Set() router.beforeEach(async () => { track.value = false }) router.onError(async () => { track.value = true }) const forceScrollToTop = () => { storage.value[route.fullPath] = 0 window.scrollTo({ top: 0, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth' }) } const restoreScrollCallback = (ignoreCustomRoutes: boolean) => { const path = route.fullPath return nextTick().then(() => { if (route.meta?.noScrollTrack) { forceScrollToTop() return Promise.resolve() } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { if (path !== route.fullPath) { reject(new Error('navigation canceled')) return } const r = ignoreCustomRoutes ? undefined : customRoutes.has(route.fullPath) if (r) { reject(new Error('custom routed detected')) return } const scrollPosition = storage.value[route.fullPath] if (scrollPosition) window.scrollTo(0, scrollPosition) // required for custom routes: first call will be rejected // we need to enable scroll tracking again, it is disabled if (!track.value) { nextTick().then(() => { track.value = true }) } resolve() }, 600) }) }) } const restoreScroll = () => restoreScrollCallback(false) const restoreScrollHook = () => { if (isHydrated.value) { restoreScroll().then(() => { track.value = true }).catch(noop) } } const restoreCustomPageScroll = () => restoreScrollCallback(true) nuxtApp.hooks.hook('app:suspense:resolve', restoreScrollHook) nuxtApp.hooks.hook('page:finish', restoreScrollHook) watch([track, y, () => route], ([trackEnabled, scrollPosition, r]) => { if (trackEnabled && (!r.meta || !r.meta?.noScrollTrack)) storage.value[r.fullPath] = Math.floor(scrollPosition) }, { immediate: true, flush: 'pre' }) const registerCustomRoute = (path: string) => { customRoutes.add(path) } return { provide: { trackScroll: { forceScrollToTop, registerCustomRoute, restoreCustomPageScroll, }, }, } })