import { login as loginMasto } from 'masto' import type { AccountCredentials, Instance } from 'masto' import type { UserLogin } from '~/types' import { DEFAULT_POST_CHARS_LIMIT, DEFAULT_SERVER, STORAGE_KEY_CURRENT_USER, STORAGE_KEY_SERVERS, STORAGE_KEY_USERS } from '~/constants' const users = useLocalStorage<UserLogin[]>(STORAGE_KEY_USERS, [], { deep: true }) const servers = useLocalStorage<Record<string, Instance>>(STORAGE_KEY_SERVERS, {}, { deep: true }) const currentUserId = useLocalStorage<string>(STORAGE_KEY_CURRENT_USER, '') export const currentUser = computed<UserLogin | undefined>(() => { let user: UserLogin | undefined if (currentUserId.value) { user = users.value.find(user => user.account?.id === currentUserId.value) if (user) return user } // Fallback to the first account return users.value[0] }) export const currentServer = computed<string>(() => currentUser.value?.server || DEFAULT_SERVER) export const useUsers = () => users export const currentInstance = computed<null | Instance>(() => currentUserId.value ? servers.value[currentUserId.value] ?? null : null) export const characterLimit = computed(() => currentInstance.value?.configuration.statuses.maxCharacters ?? DEFAULT_POST_CHARS_LIMIT) export async function loginTo(user: UserLogin & { account?: AccountCredentials }) { const existing = users.value.find(u => u.server === user.server && u.token === user.token) if (existing) { if (currentUserId.value === existing.account?.id) return null currentUserId.value = user.account?.id await reloadPage() return true } const masto = await loginMasto({ url: `https://${user.server}`, accessToken: user.token, }) const me = await masto.accounts.verifyCredentials() user.account = me users.value.push(user) currentUserId.value = servers.value[] = await masto.instances.fetch() await reloadPage() return true } export async function signout() { // TODO: confirm if (!currentUser.value) return const index = users.value.findIndex(u => u.account?.id === currentUser.value? if (index === -1) return users.value.splice(index, 1) currentUserId.value = users.value[0]?.account?.id await reloadPage() } export async function reloadPage(path = '/') { await nextTick() location.pathname = path }