import type { MaybeComputedRef, MaybeRef, UseTimeAgoOptions } from '@vueuse/core' const formatter = Intl.NumberFormat() export const formattedNumber = (num: number, useFormatter: Intl.NumberFormat = formatter) => { return useFormatter.format(num) } export const useHumanReadableNumber = () => { const { n, locale } = useI18n() const fn = (num: number) => { return n( num, num < 10000 ? 'smallCounting' : num < 1000000 ? 'kiloCounting' : 'millionCounting', locale.value, ) } return { formatHumanReadableNumber: (num: MaybeRef<number>) => fn(unref(num)), formatNumber: (num: MaybeRef<number>) => n(unref(num), 'smallCounting', locale.value), formatPercentage: (num: MaybeRef<number>) => n(unref(num), 'percentage', locale.value), forSR: (num: MaybeRef<number>) => unref(num) > 10000, } } export const useFormattedDateTime = ( value: MaybeComputedRef<string | number | Date | undefined | null>, options: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = { dateStyle: 'long', timeStyle: 'medium' }, ) => { const { locale } = useI18n() const formatter = $computed(() => Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale.value, options)) return computed(() => { const v = resolveUnref(value) return v ? formatter.format(new Date(v)) : '' }) } export const useTimeAgoOptions = (short = false): UseTimeAgoOptions<false> => { const { d, t, n: fnf, locale } = useI18n() const prefix = short ? 'short_' : '' const fn = (n: number, past: boolean, key: string) => { return t(`time_ago_options.${prefix}${key}_${past ? 'past' : 'future'}`, n, { named: { v: fnf(n, 'smallCounting', locale.value), }, }) } return { rounding: 'floor', showSecond: !short, updateInterval: short ? 60_000 : 1_000, messages: { justNow: t('time_ago_options.just_now'), // just return the value past: n => n, // just return the value future: n => n, second: (n, p) => fn(n, p, 'second'), minute: (n, p) => fn(n, p, 'minute'), hour: (n, p) => fn(n, p, 'hour'), day: (n, p) => fn(n, p, 'day'), week: (n, p) => fn(n, p, 'week'), month: (n, p) => fn(n, p, 'month'), year: (n, p) => fn(n, p, 'year'), invalid: '', }, fullDateFormatter(date) { return d(date, short ? 'short' : 'long') }, } }