<script setup lang="ts"> const { env } = useBuildInfo() const router = useRouter() const back = ref<any>('') onMounted(() => { back.value = router.options.history.state.back }) router.afterEach(() => { back.value = router.options.history.state.back }) </script> <template> <!-- Use external to force refresh page and jump to top of timeline --> <div flex justify-between> <NuxtLink flex items-end gap-4 py2 px-5 text-2xl select-none focus-visible:ring="2 current" to="/" external > <NavLogo shrink-0 aspect="1/1" sm:h-8 xl:h-10 class="rtl-flip" /> <div hidden xl:block> {{ $t('app_name') }} <sup text-sm italic text-secondary mt-1>{{ env === 'release' ? 'alpha' : env }}</sup> </div> </NuxtLink> <div hidden xl:flex items-center me-8 mt-2 :class="{ 'pointer-events-none op0': !back || back === '/', 'xl:flex': $route.name !== 'tag' }" > <NuxtLink :aria-label="$t('nav.back')" @click="$router.go(-1)" > <div i-ri:arrow-left-line class="rtl-flip" btn-text /> </NuxtLink> </div> </div> </template>