import type { Emoji } from 'masto' import { TEXT_NODE } from 'ultrahtml' import type { Node } from 'ultrahtml' import { Fragment, h, isVNode } from 'vue' import type { VNode } from 'vue' import { RouterLink } from 'vue-router' import { decodeHtml, parseMastodonHTML } from './content-parse' import ContentCode from '~/components/content/ContentCode.vue' import AccountHoverWrapper from '~/components/account/AccountHoverWrapper.vue' /** * Raw HTML to VNodes */ export function contentToVNode( content: string, { emojis = {}, markdown = true }: { emojis?: Record<string, Emoji> markdown?: boolean } = {}, ): VNode { const tree = parseMastodonHTML(content, emojis, markdown) return h(Fragment, (tree.children as Node[]).map(n => treeToVNode(n))) } export function nodeToVNode(node: Node): VNode | string | null { if (node.type === TEXT_NODE) return node.value if ('children' in node) { if ( === 'a' && (node.attributes.href?.startsWith('/') || node.attributes.href?.startsWith('.'))) { = node.attributes.href // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const { href, target, ...attrs } = node.attributes return h( RouterLink as any, attrs, () =>, ) } return h(, node.attributes,, ) } return null } function treeToVNode( input: Node, ): VNode | string | null { if (input.type === TEXT_NODE) return decodeHtml(input.value) if ('children' in input) { const node = handleNode(input) if (node == null) return null if (isVNode(node)) return node return nodeToVNode(node) } return null } function handleMention(el: Node) { // Redirect mentions to the user page if ( === 'a' && el.attributes.class?.includes('mention')) { const href = el.attributes.href if (href) { const matchUser = href.match(UserLinkRE) if (matchUser) { const [, server, username] = matchUser const handle = `@${username}@${server.replace(/(.+\.)(.+\..+)/, '$2')}` el.attributes.href = `/${server}/@${username}` return h(AccountHoverWrapper, { handle, class: 'inline-block' }, () => nodeToVNode(el)) } const matchTag = href.match(TagLinkRE) if (matchTag) { const [, , name] = matchTag el.attributes.href = `/${currentServer.value}/tags/${name}` } } } return undefined } function handleCodeBlock(el: Node) { if ( === 'pre' && el.children[0]?.name === 'code') { const codeEl = el.children[0] as Node const classes = codeEl.attributes.class as string const lang = classes?.split(/\s/g).find(i => i.startsWith('language-'))?.replace('language-', '') const code = codeEl.children[0] ? treeToText(codeEl.children[0]) : '' return h(ContentCode, { lang, code: encodeURIComponent(code) }) } } function handleNode(el: Node) { return handleCodeBlock(el) || handleMention(el) || el }